Team Sonic Racing

i have an assignment due in an hour but fuck it, TSR thread. When I come back it better be good with lots of SFW Rouge serious discussion.


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Blaze is best girl, prove me wrong.

What system will have more players.

Good question. My bets are on PC or Switch, maybe PS4 or Xbox One but it's hard to tell right now. Seems a bunch of people are going for the Switch version though
Can't argue with facts

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>That render

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It's in line with how bad Danica Patrick's actual character model in Transformed was, at least

crossplay when?

>Game is on PS4
Never ever

Where's Cream?

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Probably never, unfortunately.

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Depends on whether or not they do DLC. If so I can see them rectifying the sins of the base roster but if not then maybe they'll fix the teams in the next game provided it's a full on sequel

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Sealed character

>Eggman Nega
>not Black Doom

I didn't make it, and honestly wouldn't even expect most of those characters. The DLC will likely just fill in the base roster's gaps and maybe have a few filler characters if they stick with the team format

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>yfw they pull another yogcast and Egoraptor is a goddamn racer

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>Zavok got in before Cream, Charmy and Espio.
What a shitty world.

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zavok is better than all of those characters

Especially since Espio was scrapped from the first All Stars Racing and everyone else who was scrapped got into TSR except him

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>Seems a bunch of people are going for the Switch version though
I was until it was confirmed 30fps. I'll be getting it on PS4.

WHY will GAMA never return. I hate the new redesign it sucks, give me my boy back

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>chao instead of cream&cheese teamed with big and amy
>silver and blaze instead of espio and charmy teamed with vector
>no babylon rogues
>silver and blaze together makes me fucking angry. stop shipping silver and blaze you fucks she deserves a good character

Getting it on Xbone.

Will at least play with my friends and a part of me is hoping for the fun that was decimating people online for a week when All Stars Racing Transformed became backwards compatible, then again when it was free.

>Seems a bunch of people are going for the Switch version though
Literally why
Portability is nice but I'd prefer a nicer running/looking experience

Knowing me I'm gonna get it on everything, just the order of consoles depends on my budget.
Such is the life of an idort I guess.

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Meh, I can live with that. Most of my friends and one of my coworkers are getting the Switch version as well, it's basically going to be a stand in/replacement for MK8 I feel
Not a fan of Omega? I doubt they'll bring back Gamma honestly, but I can't be 100% sure
SEGA is the reasoning behind Chao being in the game. Sumo were going to have them be apart of the item transfer process but SEGA wanted them to be a racer
Actually the Switch version looks pretty decent from what leaked footage has been released since Tuesday. Even in handheld mode

I'll probably double dip depending on how much I like it for the Switch version. But it's definitely not gonna be my go to console
I mean yeah it looks nice, really impressed at Sumo's work for making it look as decent as it does with a stable 30fps, but it's nowhere near as nice as PC/PS4/Xbone

The biggest problem I've noticed with the switch version is the tires on the cars. Their LOD goes lower way too early, it doesn't take much for their tires to suddenly look mangled to hell.

Does anyone that isn't a retarded barafaggot care about Zavok? Why is he in every fucking game now? He doesn't even have the benefit of being from a good game like Chaos and Shadow do.

I'm up for giving him a 2nd chance on being a decent character with TSR's story mode
I mainly want to know what shenanigans brought Team Vector to be and what Vector did

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>TSR's story mode
>Implying Pontaffshit is ever good

Is the movie gonna be good?

Oh yeah definitely not as good, I agree. But I'm going out on launch day to get my oil changed and want to give it a go while I wait, planning on dragging my friend with me if I can get ahold of him
I haven't really noticed that myself, even with all the gameplay I've seen
I can count the number of people I've met that do on one hand. I'm guessing he's there to not only fill a slot but be representative of Lost World, so basically every game gets a reference of some kind

From what I've heard, they're the only ones left without a team, so they're just stuck together, and Vector takes charge. Which is a funny idea
Probably not

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>zavok is better than all of those characters
Have sex.

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If we're lucky it'll be a so bad it's good movie.

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see if you can see what I mean at 6:19

(its classic robotnik in disguise)

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I still can't catch it. Do you mean the tires clipping through the ground?

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Decided to make a webm out of it, you gotta look real closely to notice. Those tires are not supposed to look that... floppy. It's almost like he's running on flats.

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What was Sega thinking?

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How will Tails fuck up in this game's story?

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Now that you've pointed it out I do see what you mean, and honestly I don't think that's the Switch version, that's just because the tires on the Speed Star are thin

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thats light bouncing off the rims dummy

That Japan is not afraid of cleavage unlike present day America (like those shitty Overdrive shorts for example).

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>Zavok better than Espio.

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i dont know, but what i DO know if that there will be unique tails / rouge dialogue that we have yet to see. i already saw sonic / eggman dialogue when theyre on the same team.

It'd be nice if a future mainline game had the Speed Star just show up in the background of a cutscene in Tails's workshop or something. Make the racing games feel more connected to the series.

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youre assuming he gets to keep the car
for all we know its a plot by classic eggman (aka dodonpa)

I agree, it's basically Sonic's car in the same sense that the Tornado is his plane.
He may not get to keep the TSR version but he still has the designs from the All Stars Racing games if not this one

does this car have enough room for paizuri?

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What if
>A DLC pack with Cream, Vanilla, and Gemerl

My nigga. That's exactly what I had in mind.

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I hate how he and Marine are in the official Sonic Channel character list (unlike Zavok) but never get used at all outside of Mii costumes in the Olympic games.

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How the fuck can anyone like Metal Sonic when Shadow and Eggman exist

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Will anyone else here be playing an on xbox one x? Xbox is nice because you can have tons of sonic games on it. I hope they make heroes, shadow, riders, 06, and the first all stars BC one day to complete the collection.

Why isn't Cunny Rules Everything Around Me playable?

Google "Sonic the Sissyhog"

>still no gallery


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Do the nips even give a shit about Sonic anymore?
It feels like the fandom in the east disappeared a long time ago.

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>racing with an Eggman player
>suddenly this plays over voicechat

They don't. They didn't give a fucking shit about Sonic Mania anyway.

we get 60 fps

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Here's an updated one with Black Doom

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Most nips stopped giving a shit about Sonic when Sega stopped making new consoles.
The few that are still on the fandom only care about SA2, Sonic 06 and Forces because they ship Infinite with the red wolf OC.

>buddy as a character
>his class changes depending on the custom parts used
i'd dig it

>Metal Sonic
>Silver has a bitchin' theme
How am I supposed to pick a main?

will there be voice chat?

I can't be the only one upset they didn't make the Switch version run 60 right?
Like come on fuck the resolution, you're competing in the Kart racing genre, you need all the help you can get since its a tight genre to get into.

don't give me false hope, user.

I've been looking at tons of footage to try and figure this out, no other vehicle I've seen on Switch does this but its clearly something that shouldn't happen since I can see the textures on the side of the wheel corrupting.

He's dead, Jim.

i know, but noncanon race spinoffs? and it's the 20th anniversary of adventure in the states? my brain is connecting all the dots in the wrong ways and finding connections that don't exist.
i just want an official piece of merchandise that doesn't cost an arm and a leg, and also isn't trash. he's my favorite sonic character.


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>tfw Japs' taste in games have changed so much they didn't even enjoy something as nice as Mania


I'll go Sonic/Shadow/Metal.
I call it: Team HA!

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/CHADOW/Bros where we at?

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Shadow/Metal Sonic/Eggman


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Still has Sonic on it so its a hard sell.
I remember people in Japan being confused why Sega would be so stupid and release Forces so close to Mario.

>mfw Egoraptor gets in before Cream

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God DAMN am I glad I'm not a sonic retard and will be buying CTR

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Based Crashchad

Literally why?

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The Japs are too busy playing gachashit to care about actual video games.

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People still bitch about denuvo?

>I can't be the only one upset they didn't make the Switch version run 60 right?
How could you not see that coming? Literally all third-party games that aren't indie titles always get lowered to 30fps when ported to the Switch. In the end, the Switch is still just a mobile device with a Dock.

Its still a kart racing game, like at the end of the day who's gonna buy a 30fps kart racer when there is a 60fps one thats topping the charts as often as GTA?

If I play it, then: Metal/Omega/Eggman, team name Hard Boiled.

It's such an odd choice to opt in to have Vector only and not the rest of the Chaotix team

do we know if it will have a robust single player like transformed did?

>who's gonna buy a 30fps kart racer
Alot people considering the hype for CTR next month.

Some Spanish guy has uploaded all the grand prix and all their races. He plays it on normal difficulty.

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Thanks, classic sonic

Aaron you're a nice guy, but good god your PR is fucking terrible sometimes.

His latest upload has expert mode gameplay but he's fucking abysmal. You see how fast the game actually is at points but every time he starts to gain proper speed, he panics and drives straight into a wall. In the later races he gives up on drifting and just drives normally for entire laps.

A guy is uploading videos of the story mode. Silver has a terrible new voice actor.

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It has story mode which seems to have a bunch of missions, and the Grand Prix. I'm not 100% sure but I think there's possibly also unlockable Mirror tracks which helps give the game an extra 21 if true
It is. I blame SEGA for making the call for 15 characters, but at least they're all given things to help them stand out

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>Silver's VA
oof, but Vector's got improved

How dead will the PC online be?

Sonic autists will keep it alive

>a billion bikini skins for all the girls
>robotnik skin for Eggman
>scratch and grounder playable

I'll chose to believe you since I don't want to get it on console.

Jesus, Silver sounds like a random guy from Newgrounds or something. I know they said voice work was heavily rushed but I didn't realise it was this fucking bad.

And this is why I'm not buying this game.

Every time I think Sega is so close they have to ruin my expectations with garbage like this.

I mean, the song probably isn't in the game user, and Arin for sure isn't a playable character

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I'm not buying any of these. Fuck these mascot racers, give me a new Outrun Sega, you fucking kikes.

After Yogocast being in the previous game I'm sure they will manage to make that retard into the game.

What the hell is with Sonic side character's voices always being so inconsistent? Like Omega can't even hold a single voice actor for more than a single game

Sonic Transformed lasted the longest on PC. TSR should hopefully be able to stand the tests of time for a while.

I'll believe it when I see it since they seem to be sticking to Sonic characters only, and even then, if he does get in, I'll just not download him.
I think most of the cast is the same, the voice actors just didn't do multiple takes for their lines in this game

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It definitely will if they remove Denuvo down the line and add in more stages and characters

That's the main thing holding me back from buying it.

Slut, automatically worst girl.

Crossplay would be such a nice feature that basically guarantees this game a long life. It's just a shame it'll probably never happen

Silver is certainly different in this game from Forces.
Omega's a different case though because he hardly talks whenever he does show up.
Until Forces wasn't the last time we heard him literally in 06?

You could argue it was in Colors DS actually

>tails' voice crack around the 6:50 mark

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that animated short they did for this is way better

She only looks like a slut, in terms of being a supportive friend she's objectively best girl, but nobody cares about how good Shadow's story in 06 was

>ywn milk Rouge's big fat bat tats

>Supportive friend
>Immediately abandons Knuckles for the edgehog
>Never even visits, despite him being completely alone 99% of the time
Nah, she's a cunt.

>meanwhile we've been stuck with Roger for a decade now as Sonic
>Dan Green is still gone
>now this

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Shadow's story is literally the only thing in 06 anyone should care about. That and the true hero, Sonic Man

It's less that the voice work is rushed and more Sega doesn't want to spend money on good script writers/ADR directors

Knuckles sorta gave up on guarding the Master Emerald and started chilling with Sonic and Tails though. Shadow was the one who really needed that kind of companionship, Knuckles just needed some good bros, which he got.


Sure it's not still just Quinton Flynn with a different voice direction?

I'm sorta worried. If this is how much Sega is slashing the budget for a SPINOFF, I dread how the next mainline game could turn out. Mania 2 will probably be ok cause that kind of game doesn't need much funding to be done, but could we possibly sink any lower than Forces...?

Thats not the problem. Its the voice actors. The current voice actors are awful and have only ever been good in boom. Where its ok for everyone to sound bored and cynical, because thats what boom was. boring and cynical. Adventure - Heroes has the best voice acting period but unleashed, zero gravity, black knight, and 06 also have some great performances. The point is though, any bit of story and dialogue sucks in modern sonic games. Because the stories suck, the characters suck, and the voice actors suck. Its all trash and they need to go back to old games or forever continue shitty voice acting with boring stories

Sluttiness is the mark of a good girl, virgin.

Is it me or are we still missing tracks?
Haven't seen death egg anywhere yet despite both final fortress and final egg being in the ost

is that bryce pappenbrooke?

There's no gameplay available yet of the Final Fortress stages, from what I've seen

I kinda thought the same. Sounded like Makoto from Danganronpa.

No, that's clearly Bryce Papenbrook.

>but could we possibly sink any lower than Forces...?
In my experience, even if you don't realize it, there's always a way you can be further disappointed.

Here's hoping the thread stays alive long enough to see if a new TSR video gets posted in a few hours

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>60 fps

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it's impressive how much he grew sonic's social media with just dank memes though

Most people do enjoy memes and such, so I'm not too surprised his methods worked out well

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>abandons knuckles
It's not like she got together with him or anything. Her relationahip with Edgehog is special, given that she found him alone, amnesiac and with nowhere to go.

Marine is becoming my new underdog for the Sonic series, she seems like a fun character if she was treated as a reverse Tails for Blaze.

I feel like she got completely abandoned for Sticks. They look so damn similar.

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So that's why Cream isn't in the game...the voices suck.

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It's too bad Sticks much like Marine debuted in a game most people will ignore. Not that Rush Adventure was as bad as Boom but it was not as good as the first Rush.

Despite that however your right that Sticks at least gets to participate in the side games but I only feel that's due to her 3D model already being made thanks to boom.

I can't, sonic rush and sonic rush adventure made me love her too much

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I think she's not in because SEGA wanted the Chao to be a racer, there's a possibility she was going to be in, but Sumo Digital did what they wanted

That's only the english dub, In Japan they all have the same voices since Adventure 2 (minus Eggman since his VA died of old age a few years ago).

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I wish to have pleasant conversations and hold hand with this strange cartoon rabbit woman. What is this feeling?

Didn't Vector wanna get in on that bun too? Can you even blame him?

You are a furry.

She already fucks Vector

Why does Vanilla always have her eyes half-closed like that? It's really fucking distracting for reasons

Big is unironically fine as a character when he doesn't open his mouth.

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Maybe she puts weed on her tea.


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My wife.

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>hangs out with blaze
that checks out

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I like Aaron, I really do. Most of the time he's a cool guy, but why must he pander to this fuckhead so damn much? All he does is shit on the series, and whether he means it or not it's all he does. There are people within the fanbase who levy legitimate criticism of the series while also not being known for just shitting on it. Why not give someone like Johnny this kind of treatment.

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SEGA of America tries to use self deprecating humor, cynicism, and sarcasm to shield the franchise from the fact that most of the late entries on the series are crap. I don't like it but guys on twitter always go "Ha so funny and clever Sonic is shit and has always been".

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Because GG is popular with the demographic they’re trying to get, Plus they’re located near each other. It’s marketing at the end of the day and Johnny doesn’t have that level of pull.

>It’s marketing at the end of the day
Marketing for what? for a series that gets promoted as being nothing but shit?

They should pull a Sonic Riders and have 3 secret, unlockable Sega characters for an extra team.

Just remind sega he needs to say nigger 30 ttimes after being in a vehicle with one.

And Cream.

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Expert mode gameplay from someone who crashes every single time he gains speed and doesn't get more than a level 1 drift in the entire video.
Can an user please get the game early and post good gameplay? Everyone who's been posting gameplay on YT has played like a retard. You see glimpses of how fast the game is in the video but the guy playing screws it up every single time.

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I imagine, if the Hard Boiled Heavies got in, we'd get Heavy King as Power, Heavy Rider as Speed, and Heavy Magician as Technical, or just Heavy King with some other characters since he's the leader.

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based tatsposter

chestlests btfo

I haven't been keeping up with this game. How does team formation work? Does there have to be one speed, one power, one technical? Can you mix and match from different teams? Is there a chemistry system like in mario sluggers?

The thing is, only third world countries release games early, and third-worlders are retarded.

can you configure the game to have Japanese voices?

>hey user, this paper you turned in is substandard work. Let me guess, you were hanging out with a girl, right?
>heh heh, yeah, I uh guess you could say that.

In Generations, Heroes (ps2), Riders Zero Gravity and the Adventure series you can...But I'm not sure if you can do that on this game.

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When is my wife Cream coming back as a playable character on this series? even the Spin-off games are excluding her lately for some reason.

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Transformed is still alive.
I bought the game three years after release and managed to get around 500 online races.

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it's a trademark with all ara-ara characters

kabalmystic makes the worst fucking models

Why do you keep posting these? She's not in the game at all. Not even referenced. By the time you get DLC, *IF* you get DLC, it'll be in +3 months and online mode will practically be dead. You have no hope.

>Vanilla is in her underwear under those sheets

I don't care if the game is dead as long as I get Cream.

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Or naked.

They'll most likely be in 2020 Olympics. Look forward to that instead. This game ain't it.

GOD, I wish I was Cheese

>They'll most likely be in 2020 Olympics
So forgotten forever aside on being playable in maybe one single minigame like Wave was in the Rio one?

Shit player aside, that mechanic where the teammate doing the best leaves the gold trail is actually really overlooked.
What a perfect way to sort out the issue in racing games where 1 or 2 people are miles ahead of the pack and everyone else is spread out to the point that nobody interacts with each other.
Hit by an item? No problem, hop on the gold trail and get a little speed up.
Lets the best player in a team constantly help their teammates without it being an annoyance since every team will always have someone creating a trail.

Getting free food and getting to sleep on the same bed as two buns.

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Yes, and she'll be on the mobile version only. Not the console. Sorry.

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Team Sonic Racing looks fun but not the best. At least the music is great.

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she's not even worth being on mobile.
enjoy your shitty mii costume of her lmao

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What the fuck were they thinking.

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>Zavok and anything out of lost world being good
>at all

Get some taste you fucking pleb

>Getting to grope Vanilla and place your head in her tits while she just thinks that you're being cute
>Eventually she starts to catch on
>She wants to do something but knows that Cream loves you too much so she just lets you do it becuase she thinks you will stop after a while
>Eventually you go a bit further, and still does nothing
>You stop, but she finds she's gotten addicted to being sexually assaulted by her daughters pet Chao
>She masturbates to the idea of it
>Eventually she starts "borrowing" you from Cream so that you help her get off
>She eventually starts having sex with you regularly

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>Bryce Papenbrook

Based post.

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>Vector will never sound like a tough New York Detective again.

the virgin blaze vs the chad big

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Cream? Cream! Cream NOOOO!

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None of them have tits, Haha.

The green chick makes my dick hard


She looks great wearing other clothes.

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Looks like you're free to build your team however you like, although I'm not sure if duplicate characters are allowed on the same team.

she reminds me of Midna, kind of. The black parts of her body kinda acting like clothing

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I bet Big have bigger tits

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Is that song in the game? And more importantly is Aaron in the game? This is really off-putting.

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>Comics use characters that would have made a better team than a bunch of Chao

Omochao himself has never appeared in the comics, think about that

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>Metal virsus
Robo-Vanilla where

>Morgana goes ult
>Life Will Change kicks in
I'm sold

fuck no

They do reference a Sonic hating e-celeb in Sonic Mania tho. I think Dunkey Which is fucking retarded beyond all hell

Agreed, Cream needs to make a comeback.

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You don't have to have one of each type in your team and can have duplicates as well

We are most likely going to get a metal Chao instead.

Attached: Klljh.png (739x530, 257K)

I would much rather have Vanilla, Cream, Cheese and Chocola be a team and Gemerl be playable over Zavok or a bunch of Chao.


>No Emerl

thats for sure, but if they DO add e-celeb guests, they should put Jirard the completionist instead, he at least knows how to play games.

ok. i want to know.

i like Cream, she's cute and all, but since when she became so popular?

It's not that she's popular it's that she's always been there so it's jarring to see her excluded, it's like suddenly not having waluigi in a mario party or kart game.

shes not popular.
that's why she hasn't been in any game recently

>"Catch me if you can feds, I'll fuck this rabbit to no end Hooba dooba!"
How did they get away with this?

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Here bro.

Attached: 1547062378217.gif (534x298, 2.59M)

Yeah she was in almost every game even spin.offs and then all of sudden Sega seems to hate her for some reason and gets excluded on everything even spin-offs.
Good taste user.

Attached: jhgfd.gif (294x225, 131K)


>Sonic hating e-celeb
Too bad he praises the classic titles

Was quinton flynn just busy with KH3? I actually like Bryce Papenbrook as Silver but it seems weird that they'd replace him for no real reason


Why is this so good? Jun Senoue you beautiful bastard

Attached: 5ca.png (200x176, 66K)

I want to put my penis inside Cream and Vanilla.!

God I want her to be in more games

Attached: Sonic-Chronicles-The-Dark-Brotherhood.jpg (600x900, 179K)

Dunkey thinks Modern Sonic is shit but he loved Classic Sonic and Mania.

silver shouldnt even be in the game.

Stop shilling you shitty boring comic, Ian.

Only Sonic Mania he hates Sonic 1.
Too bad!
You get Zavok instead, until you like it!

Nobody posted this banger yet unless I missed in the thread.

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Rouge fucks human men

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this sounds so familiar


It's easy to make a character seem more popular than it is.

Attached: sailorcream.jpg (609x799, 63K)

She is very popular with furries.

Attached: cream1557342049081.png (600x330, 9K)

>but since when she became so popular?
She's not, It's just now that she's gone the fans of her are becoming a vocal minority.

>Blaze and Cream never interact again after Rush
>Gemerl never appears again after Advance 3

Why are they so adverse to letting Cream be with her friends?

Removing her from the main series like they did with Big is one thing, But removing her from the spin-off games too? that's nasty shit.

Attached: Secret rings Cream wins.jpg (1280x720, 105K)

I'm not denying it's shitty user, I'm just stating that's why.

I get adventure 2 vibes from it. And a bit of Sea Gate from Heroes.

At least Cream and Blaze share a muffin in Sonic Generations, Poor Marine on the other hand is still waiting for Sonic and Tails to meet her again after they promissed to come back to visit her at the end of Rush Adventure.

Okay then.

Attached: cream1555898804977.jpg (806x1080, 313K)

I absolutely hate most of the current voice cast for Sonic and friends. Why have we been stuck with Roger Craig Smith for more than a decade? Why can't we get the Sonic 06 voice cast back? The only ones I think are an improvement are Blaze and maybe Amy.

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Isn't it funny how Shadow and Sonic retrospectively shifted places in character assassination going from Shadow the Hedgehog to Sonic 06?

team rouge!

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I rather take Blaze,Cream or Marine.
at least they have fur on the entire body unlike bald the bat.

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That's mean. She shave for YOU, user

is the samba de amigo monkey in this

>Infinite, Eggman NIGGA and Mephilis

I want this more than I realise

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please don't say "have sex" while also posting a picture of cream the rabbit

Nothing wrong with wanting "to do a bun", if you know what I'm saying.

i just realized that 80% of the roster will be played in any full occupancy online match
who are your dump characters?
>Metal Sonic
Only because i know that they're popular (except chao, i guess) and are bound to get picked every time
also, i don't think Metal Sonic has any voice lines

>Someone gets game early
>They're always retarded
Fuck I'm angry.

>Memphis Tennessee returns
Would be an instant buy for me

i want omega to shoot me so he has more holes to fuck.

Attached: 1557955784517.png (1094x720, 758K)

He has to send all the other racers to the hell dimension for disrespecting gamers

My team's gonna be Blaze, Shadow, and Omega, what about you?

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Song rankings:
Sand Road>Lost Palace>Frozen Junkyard>Clockwork Pyramid>Boo's House>Ice Mountain>Doctor's Mine>everything else>>>Casino Park

>i have an assignment due in an hour but fuck it, TSR thread. When I come back it better be good with lots of SFW Rouge serious discussion.
Holy fucking cringe at that blogpost

knuckles, big the cat, and omega

Attached: 1546473619578.gif (146x126, 59K)

Wisp circuit, market street and haunted castle are some of the best though.

>All the Colors dick sucking in TSR
>Reach for the Stars is Sonic's theme
>Three fucking Colors roads
>Ice map has a bit of Reach for the Stars in it
Hate this. I fucking hate Colors.

Attached: 1545607719689.gif (400x480, 563K)

I'm not the biggest fan of Hyper Potions

I liked Silver and always felt his play style was wasted but god give the guy a break Sega that voice is awful.

Weak song not gonna lie. They shouldn't have let that chiptune artist on the project.

You gotta admit that the planet wisp theme and the whole aesthetic of the planet being turned into a factory is pretty good though.

Attached: kjhgvfcd.jpg (610x708, 162K)

Anyone except Zavok is bound to be played

You forgot to mention how wisps are the only items

This soundtrack so far has been really weak compared to Transformed.

Shadow, Metal Sonic, Omega. Maybe I'll throw Zavok in for the trolling value.

What happened to Silver "Commit it to memory" Hedgehog!?

Big ears.

Attached: Cream.the.Rabbit.jpg (875x1000, 169K)

There's also the Invincibility item that can appear at times
Personally I think it's pretty good, one of my favorites in the series since Colors at least. The only track I don't like is the Casino Park remix

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Does it have Cream the rabbit on it?


>tfw you’re only known for your huge tits

There's some great songs but it's kind of hard to compete with a selection of some of SEGA's best tunes.

Cream even got her own Happy Meal game.

Attached: hgfd.jpg (1280x1645, 358K)

Are we gonna get the movie designs of Sonic and Eggman as DLC?

other parts?

Attached: Screenshot_26.png (272x332, 185K)

He cute.

Attached: creamAmy.jpg (500x383, 67K)

lost worlds characters are worse than almost every other sonic character. You could pick almost anything and it would be better than the deadly shits.

more people would want crabmeat or motobug than zavok


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>Amy's legs are almost as long as Cream's entire body
I have a sudden urge to watch Sailor Moon.

Attached: BeachFun.png (1196x1902, 3.65M)

I doubt it since SEGA wants little to nothing to do with the movie, we'll sooner get Classic Sonic

>E is Energy
>Energy is Marine, Charmy, and Cream


Attached: E=MC2.jpg (5800x2592, 1.64M)

can confirm

What about Espio's team? And who would be each type?


Mighty and Ray?

Team Tangle

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Attached: cursed.jpg (500x280, 34K)

yes, sign me for team mommy (sad we don't have a female in the heavy slot)

Oh right. The possibilities are never ending with the combinations they can make if they did DLC since they decided to mix up some of the teams for the base game
Could happen but I wouldn't count on it, personally

Yeah it is a shame, seems we have to wait until we have the game in our hands or something to get some good gameplay

I was kinda hoping for more cute bats

You can't choose teammates. Only way to choose is by having another real person on your team. AI is random.

I'm hoping there's some way you can save your favorite team combinations, but I won't be shocked if you can't
Sonic, Blaze, and Shadow for me

They'll add projared before cream

Wouldn't be shocked

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Cute fox

Why doesn't Ian Flynn write the Sonic games?

SEGA is too incompetent to get him to write for them

His special ability is to change teams while racing but it only works when you are winning the race that way you can fuck up as much as he did in real life.

>he doesn't know

Not that user, but refresh my memory. Isn't It because of that old writer Ken Penders?

rent free

Or Tenchi Muyo since Ryoko's legs are almost as tall as Sasami's entire body.

Attached: da85nip-ddb42c82-e2de-4f30-8de6-2efd1f6c662b.png (590x732, 266K)

please tell me you're joking...

Attached: cream1557365047494.jpg (885x905, 80K)

It sure seems to be leaning in the favor of not getting to choose, unless that's a setting you can affect in Exhibition Mode

Wait a sec I've been seeing screencaps and info that you CAN choose your own team, just not in story mode. Where are you getting your source user? I'm curious

honestly the best character in the franchise, has no drawbacks and has the absolute best range of porn.

Correct, teams are locked in story mode. The Sonic Official stream a few weeks ago had Aaron playing the game and he and the people he was playing it with were put on teams with random AI teammates, they weren't allowed to choose who the teammates were. However it was likely the default settings of Exhibition Mode or single races, which you can change

Attached: cream1557346026706.jpg (900x1000, 76K) she waving at me...?

Attached: file.png (355x77, 48K)

Based Blaze knows what's up

Attached: 1557501439774.jpg (210x301, 13K)

>Find a nice picture
>It only exists as a small image.

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It sounds a bit like Pyramid Cave from SA2.

Could rouge take 7 inches?

I'm hearing some Eternal Engine in there
this shit is gonna kill me

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even the average guy is too big for her

What would the consequences be of her trying?

angry bat

Can't find the artist yet. They might even be someone on Pixiv, or at least I haven't found a Twitter account attached to them yet.

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