What are you hopes and dreams for this, Yea Forums?

What are you hopes and dreams for this, Yea Forums?

Attached: VtMb2.jpg (1024x576, 114K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Best case: Its a mediocre money grab

Game full of soul

Good stealth gameplay inspired by good immersive sim games and non-lethal takedowns to uphold the masquerade.

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Decent writing.

You fucking wot m8?

Attached: lmao what the.jpg (1920x1080, 472K)

there are none.

VTMB had bad writing but an immersive world.

World building is a part of writing

proper brujah and not just communist ones

Attached: 1557507990431.jpg (877x1163, 665K)

More cuties like this one.
Some mention of Kindred: The Embraced
Good mini-quests for the cleanup crew thing they talked about in that one article.
A sick fucking soundtrack.

Attached: bGaPsfafAFAHUA5Chz-img-half-1-gls2ga.jpg (1436x1280, 126K)

>tfw no cute nazi kindred girl to get into a life or death battle with Damsal just for them to end up fucking

But user both those brujah are the proper ones.
All brujah are raging political fanatics with no grasp of subtlety, pragmatism or good reason.

I know but I want variety in the brujah.

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Noscucks getting btfo

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I have no hopes.
The first game worked because it was down to earth and properly made fun of and satirized the power structures and society of the time.

This game will be written by a bunch of upper-middle class out of touch faggots and their pathetic attempts at doing the same will be nothing but raw distilled cringe.

All the female NPCs better come with HUGE perky tits like in Bloodlines and if I see even one twinky flatchested boygirl like this I aint even gonna pirate
Already heard rumors about them bringing nigger problems into this, so they're on thin ice by me

>Already heard rumors about them bringing nigger problems into this
That would be so fucking shitty


"That's the reality, yeah? Vampires are meant to blend in and that means adopting the mannerisms of Seattle, 2019. And that means tackling the sorts of social issues faced by modern-day Seattle as well..."

Well it's written by the same person

>masquerade violation for confusing a tranny's gender
>masquerade redemption for biting a white male's dick off

Brujah are just the Ventrue that lost.

>upper class white girl writing a plot about racism and the struggle for minorities
This game is gonna be shit isn't it

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Yeah and have you seen him? He's got his head so far up his ass.
You may say what you want but gender pronouns have no role in the game, just as you can't be a cook for the whole game. Somehow they think it's important

Bloodline's writing was borderline hot garbage. It had a neat world and hot vampire babes with huge tits, thats why everyone loved it

>nos as last clan available day 1
>malkfags btfod

Even then, look at his team.

Probably, and i can't stop myself from caring.

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>haha t-the m-malkfags btfo
>I love incomplete cash grabs!
Im so fuckin tired of bandwagon underageb& turd worlder reddits like you guys wouldnt believe
odds are you didnt even play vm on release, ya streetshit fuck

That journalist woman is writing all the side quests.

>Bloodline's writing was borderline hot garbage.

And he's old and out of touch now. Writers are not like wine, they get worse the older they get especially if they haven't gotten a lot of practice.
He will still write it as if its still the 90's not 2019 even though we need modern satire. With extra progressive shit forced in from modern White Wolf.
Yes, the original bloodlines was lefty but it was when lefties weren't the ones that are censor happy and were still counter cultural and cool, they're not anymore but they act like they are which is cringe as fuck.

>out of touch

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>lefties weren't the ones that are censor happy and were still counter cultural and cool, they're not anymore but they act like they are which is cringe as fuck.
Not to mention the hypocrisy of it.
The very shit the right wingers did in the 1900s they're doing today, it wasn't even an entire generation ago.

Not out of touch of twitter though.

I don't even mind this if they give him a good foil

It's not gonna be the people who came up with this shit at least.

Worse, it's going to be someone who has shown active disdain for the first game

yeah i like his chemistry with the group

the game was developed alongside this system :^)

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>new pro-women, muslim gay nigger who instills fear in european princes

Good atmosphere
No SJW shit everywhere
No shitty FPS gameplay garbage
Real roleplaying experience with character creation and skills

It will be complete and utter shit that completely misses the tone of the last game
It will be precisely like Vampyr

>gay black muslim that stands up for women
I can buy blood magic and vampires, but this is straining my suspension of disbelief a bit too much.

Cringy characters are fine as long as we can kill everyone we want

>you get to 1v1 him and fuck up his crew
Would be fun.

At least they actually admit being gay conflicted with him being muslim, I'm surprised.

>all these retards acting like social commentary, especially leftist social commentary, has ever been absent from Vampire
Literally laughing out loud. It's like when people say race politics is out of place in The Witcher, video game only faggots are the worst.

This can't be real, the game is going to be top tier cringe.

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Oh right.
Something something mental problems is serious so we won't get any cuhrazy Malkavian antics? Pretty lame.

shit on you, mong
you could go commie, go cammy, or not give a fuck in the previous game
when "addressing the iiiissues" is equated to being a vampire, thats the cue for you to suck a dick


Hol up, since when malks are crazy? They are the only ones without any mental health issues

I see nothing wrong with this. He's a Brujah, they're contrarian assholes that just want to get into fights and make shit up if you actually prove them wrong. Non conforming to your clan of non conformists is meta and a very Brujah thing to do.

>all these retards acting like social commentary, especially leftist social commentary, has ever been absent from Vampire
No one is acting like that. We're worried its going to be hamfisted and poorly done because their personal politics will take priority over actually writing something good.
Because you know, these types tend to do that in the modern day, a lot.

Exactly, so why is the leader of the Brujah acting like rebeling is a non-brujah thing to do?

Fuck off poltards to your containment board

At least he doesn't have true faith.

I never said it was never not in there.
The problem is
A. Its not counter cultural anymore so it isn't cool like it was back when Vampire was made when Bush was in office.
B. The crazy extreme shit is nothing but absolute cringe which is what is getting pushed to be in the game not basic shit that the left used to stand for before they won.
C. The old game made fun of some of the left too ontop of the right but there is no way they'll have enough self awareness to make fun of themselves now.

An open world where victims moan erotically when I feed on them after dragging them into the shadows.
Full mod support

>muh boogeyman

Attached: good luck.jpg (892x895, 129K)

>could get interesting vampire politics
>will get american race bait shit and lgbt

>We're worried it's going to be hamfisted and poorly done because their personal politics will take priority over actually writing something good
Translation: If I get a sniff of anything I disagree with politically, it's hamfisted and cringe and bad. Gay character? Bad writing. Black vampire? Bad writing. Some random, freshly embraced retard focusing on mundane human things including social media, politics or race relations? Super bad writing. Woman vampire? What the fuck, where are her tits? Bad writing.


this is something SJW writers don't seem to get
they could put all the trannies they want in the game without anyone complaining so long as the game let you ridicule them

If we were poltards we wouldn't have liked the first game.

he's not in lol

Because he isn't conforming to what society tells him a non conformist should be. I say that half as a joke but also genuinely that's a totally valid and not uncommon brujah template.

>Its not counter cultural anymore so it isn't cool like it was back when Vampire was made when Bush was in office
Case in point, Vampire has existed long before the shit video game was ever released.



>straw man the post

I want it to be as WOKE as possible so Yea Forums will never stop seething about it.

I didn't mind the politics in the first game but I feel like this is gonna go too hard on cringe topics.

Less faggy cover character. Seriously that guy looks like a drooling retard.

Why are /pol/tards in here again? You guys are getting boring.

>Yea Forums
you mean shills right?

>Leftist social commentary in 2004: Free speech, end the drug war, no war, gay marriage, treat people fairly based on who they are and not their race

>Leftist social commentary in 2019: open boarders, fuck white people, fuck capitalism, no saying things I disagree with or deception of things I don't like in media

They're not the same thing anymore, the left has become not only more extreme but more powerful considering their grasp over Hollywood/Silicon Valley.

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To be fair these threads are mostly filled with shills


It's really not a strawman when every single time an upcoming video game reveals a black character in a trailer, there are 200 threads per hour on Yea Forums shrieking "REEE NIGGER WHY DIDN'T THEY MAKE THIS CHARACTER WHITE REEEEEEE"

>chad rudi slays another thread
the crusade continues

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OP don't make generic question threads like this if you actually give a shit about not inviting pol tards in.

All that falls apart once you remember Damsal is a tough gurl communist and no one has an issue with her.

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Yeah people were so up in arms about those things in the previous game and the WoD tabletop.
Except for the last one, that truly is retarded. Stop lobbing it in with the rest, it's not helping your case. Rudy is a fucking retarded concept. Period.

Good post

and yet you havent responded to the black muslim gay vampire that is leading the rebellion against the elders


Just do a dialogue and story comparable to VtM:B and make the game playable on Linux.
That's all I want
Seriously, that's ALL I WANT, don't fuck it up

But she has tits user. It's not truly progressive until it's a titless tranny with a beard! Women can't have tits, didn't you know?



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>Toreador trying to pass himself off as Brujah

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Good writing.

Because VTMB was from before Yea Forums turned high-speed, balls-to-the-wall, full-on retarded and has been grandfathered in on acceptability. If Damsel, exactly as she was in VTMB, was introduced in a new game made today, you can bet your ass that Yea Forums would completely lose their minds over her and call her the devs' liberal mouthpiece.

>What are you hopes and dreams for this, Yea Forums?
I hope that there is less of this and more of this the big tiddy vampire from the trailer.

Anybody wanna discuss VTM

Nope, it's you

How do you want me to "respond"? What the fuck do I care?

Another strawman. Good job user!

Vlad forced a kindred to embrace him...but how?
Doesn't vlad have to have all his blood sucked out first? Why didn't the kindred just not re-fill him back up?

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This actually makes sense, since most Yea Forums core games are pre-mainstream-Yea Forums

>actual shills

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I disagree and I think your poor critically thinking skills leads you to not understand why people take issue with what they have issues with.
That isn't to say genuine /pol/tards don't exist, but they're an extreme minority.

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What would not be a strawman to you, then? Just agreeing with you?

>spamming about a character who isn't even in-game
only Yea Forums could be this brainlet

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Maybe one of his cronies had a big gun pointed at him

Nice assumptions. Also Yea Forums is not a hivemind. You're also here, aren't you?
Fuck off newfag.

Vlad's master is a malk
They aren't exactly sane

then why the fuck do you care about people not liking said character if you dont care about a game having shit characters like that.
honestly just leave the thread.


>Vlad's master is a malk
No it's not, it's a tzimisce

Even when I was an edgy 14 year old it felt good giving the anarchs the finger

Not speaking in hypotheticals and over the top exaggerations would be a good start.

This is so bad that it's good.

Lefty modern talking points back then were even more "take that dad" than in the Bush era, even actual democrats then didn't support most of it.

Also, in the original Tzimisce clan book there was literally an evil nazi tranny.
Look me in the fucking eyes and tell me unironically that they would be willing to make a tranny evil let alone a nazi in modern white wolf.

Attached: Doktor_Totentanz.jpg (268x768, 99K)

These shill threads remind me of what happened when Anthem was being hyped.

It's pretty obvious that Damsel is an actual retard though.

Did you think it was hamfirsted in the original game? Did you play the original game? I'm genuinely curious how new to the setting you are. The main writers we know about right now are the original lead writer, and chris avellone. Did you think the social commentary in planescape torment was hamfisted? Every time I see people bitching about this it's literally just this weird sjw fear mongering with no actual direction.

he's a brujah larping as a gangrel

Is this really a woman? Cus this has to be the most unattractive art piece of a woman i've ever see. Hell it's not attractive for a man either, look at the male toreador from the original VTMB as an example for an attractive male toreador.
I just have to say that a toreador that doesn't make me feel anything is a complete fail. Pic related is how a female toreador should look.

Attached: VV1.jpg (768x960, 44K)

Isn't that basically all new gen brujah?
They stopped being smart after the 1800s

>If it doesn't conform to my viewpoint, it's a hypothetical
Obviously you weren't here the day that Respawn Star Wars game got announced and the trailer showed a black lady and there were literally hundreds of threads and posts that day bitching and moaning about how there was a black lady in it. Nothing hypothetical, nothing exaggeratory. Yea Forums is full to bursting with stupid reactionary faggots who can't fathom the idea that anyone and anything aside from what they like being allowed to exist.

I would guess so. I think the last thing they did that didn't immediately blow up in their face was the American Revolution.

I've played the original several times, sure we got the main writer but games aren't written by a single person, people do not remain the same people in almost 20 years.
It's a different era, people jump at the chance to make their media political so they can get brownie points from their side. I'm not saying this game will do it for sure, but you'd have to be born yesterday to not be concerned.

I have not played Planescape.

Post YFW they put *the* VtM YouTuber in their game as the Toreador character model

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/pol/ is for anyone who isn't gay. Are you gay, user?

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It's not their fault a culture war was forced on them.
Maybe if games weren't constantly attacked for being sexist/racist with political actors trying to artificially influence the industry, people wouldn't react so defensibly over every little thing. But yeah lets pretend like the average faggot on Yea Forums started it

Did you forget how much Jaxposts there were when MK11 came out? That was weeks ago. And suddenly no one's posting about him because they're jumping onto the next SJW thing to whine about LOL

I just wanna say I think you're all beautiful people

There you go again. I'm not even going to attempt to discuss with you if you keep being disengenous. I've been here for 10+ years user, I was there when whatever you think happened. You are obviously very new here and can't distinguish the trolls and assume Yea Forums is a hivemind when it very clearly is not. People like you respond in such threads, so they keep getting bumped, so obviously they are going to keep doing that. It's also true that companies have openly admitted pushing for diversity, just because. Many people disagree with that viewpoint. Stop pretending they're all some screeching mass of autists when there's plenty of good arguments presented, that are constantly wilfully ignored.

>tl;dr stop responding to the trolls you absolute brainlet


To be fair, it's a pretty interesting aspect to consider.
New vampires who are still rooted in human culture will continue giving a shit about human affairs, vampires who have lived for centuries and who have seen all these trends come and go on and on and on simply don't give a shit. The contrast would be interesting to explore, if the writers are competent enough to be able to represent both POVs instead of very obviously claiming the 30 year old vampires are correct and the 300 year old ones are idiots.

>People don't literally talk about the same thing forever and move on to new things as new things unfold

Wow lad, crazy.

>*the* VtM youtuber
i don't want the answer but i'll ask you anyway what exactly that is supposed to mean

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>I have no legitimate reason to be afraid but you're stupid if you aren't afraid too
fuck off, the only person hamfisting their political agenda is you

>Your experience doesn't count
>My experience does count

Then sage report and hide the threads user. Jesus fuck it ain't hard, how new are you?

LMAO! Unattractive model = unattractive art piece. Who knew?

Yeah, it seems it happened right around the time they announced MK11 had the best sales in the franchise ever... huh.

Youtube is an amazing platform where even someone with a super niche interest can reach thousands

This. She is portrayed as a retard in the game, not lifted up as an example of a great person.
That will the problem. Everyone was a shit in the original game, except Becket.
The problem is that there will be characters in the new game that will be exempt from that because they are special snowflakes who are right and pure and good not like those people over there.

Oh god.
Please don't let there be a Trump stand in, that would just make me cringe to death.

You literally didn't read. Jesus christ. How do people like you manage to breathe?

Will it be full of race bait politics like modern america?

>taste this shit

Outstar is unironically an 9.5/10 aryan dude
At least on camera, never seen her without the filters and makeup

>Princes are afraid of a neonate

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you tell me

He's just stating that your anecdotal evidence is wrong, besides the point that anecdotal evidence means jack shit.

>leftypol is at it again

uh huh

If you're white you gotta do a quest in order to gain the right to say Brujah

AHAHAHAHA!!! This flat board is not a woman/10. If you find this flat chested dyke attractive you are clearly a faggot.

tell that to the raging /pol/tards in here, retard

Literally the only politics I cant stand, feels bad man

>no ur samefaging!
Right you lost it schizo


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Well the new girls are pretty attractive so far, so that's a good sign right?

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yeah, especially Tremeregirl


>animu reaction image
Yep, weeb faggots unite! Your chestlet youtube celeb made it into the game. A fucking flatboard as a toreador. FLATBOARD!!! FLAAAAT!!!

Attached: VV3.jpg (480x480, 26K)

they sure are

Attached: brujah.png (920x1140, 876K)

fucking hell I just blacklisted this channel

>so far
What are you talking about? Look at this thing! This is supposed to be a toreador, A TOREADOR!?

Do you need a time-out?

Why isn't this as wholesome as Bethesdia putting grandma in?
Just annoying.

looks like the concept to me ?

Attached: toreador.png (886x1110, 731K)

Everyone: this is the kind of poster you share Yea Forums with. Next time you get into an argument here, remember that you are arguing with this kind of dipshit and know that arguing with someone too dumb to recognize how dumb they are is a futile effort.

>t-toreadors have to be sexy!!!
BASED neverplayedVTMBfag

Attached: ventrue.png (872x1083, 590K)

I need to find the idiot who OK'd this bullshit and beat the shit out of him. A FUCKING FLAT BOARD! REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!

Attached: reeeeeeeeee.jpg (480x360, 13K)


How come dressing like some high fashion runway autist doesn't break masquerade? You'd think if they want to blend in they'd dress like Joe Shmuck the office worker.

Seems like vampire hunters have it easy in knowing whose a kindred and who isn't. Just look for the ridiculous outfits.

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Attached: tremere.png (903x1091, 827K)

Behold, a vampire.

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Nope. You can see breasts in each of the concept arts. You can't see breasts in the 3D render, i mean there's nothing there, they made her so flat that you could probably play curling on her chest.

>Literally not a single male in all the clans isn't dressed as a hipster
God help us all

They are just copying deus ex fashion

lol what do u mean

Attached: malk.png (900x1117, 752K)

user... it's just one render. Breathe.

These can't actually be for Bloodlines 2, right? Please god.

>Having hopes for this coming Trainwreck

i see people complaining about brujahs being depicted as too SJW, but that's just brujah, they're supposed to be obnoxious like that. to me, the real question of intrigue is how the depiction of the tremere and ventrue will play out in the game. both have been used as the material for depictions of authoritarianism within the camarilla clans. wondering if they will be flanderized to the point of being blatantly evil, have their ideologies changed so as to not ruffle feathers, or by some miracle be properly portrayed as grey as all clans should be.
the tremere were a stand-in for total fascistic ideology because of the pyramid, blood bonds to elders, dominate as a discipline, among some other things. but with vienna getting BTFO by hunters, it's all fucked, so i'm wondering how they'll display that. the ventrue are similar, albeit with a little more wiggle room for the individual, but in bloodlines 2 specifically what separates them from the tremere is that they'll ostensibly be receiving dominate, which the tremere didn't.

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Tell me of a flat Toreador in the lore that is not a man. I'll wait.

got some bad news for you bro :(

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That was actually a point in one of the core books I've read.
But mostly that was about the really old vampires that didn't get out much dressing like he just walked out of a movie set for a medieval show not Neonates that dress like faggots.

Even if the game sucks, someone will recreate Bloodlines 1 with the new engine right?

Are you going to pretend the leftmost dude in is dressed as a hipster?

What the fuck is this, www.hel-looks.com/?

Attached: hel looks Kosmos.jpg (717x1024, 294K)

There's no way
No one in the trailers has looked this bad

the only problem here is that none of them are deformed

You're right
once exception
and the nos too
but still too many


No tits? No buy!

>no tits

Attached: 1553226153408.png (1486x1270, 1.21M)

Compared to the fashion in VTMB 1 this is abysmal. I really hope they don't use those concepts and the game looks more like the trailer.

*swirls fur poncho at u*

Attached: gangrel.png (1041x1249, 1.19M)

>landwhale tits

>rudi is there
Oh thank god so this isn't bloodlines 2

Why would you want your character to look like a retard that can't dress themselves.
Are all of these Malkavian concepts?

I am concerned that she might not be a real character and was just made for the trailer. Also why didn't they make her the Toreador? Why they made this flatchested dyke a toreador?

Read the filename?

did you know? bloodlines 2 and vampire 5 were developed alongside each other

Attached: corevalues.png (867x1168, 146K)

t.a homosexual

check out this fat homo everyone

Its the same universe and lore as bl2

To be honest emo/goth shit is just cringe.

>some people find this attractive
give me a woman not caked in make-up and with real eyebrows

The vamp had his heart pierced with wood and was given the choice to embrace or die

The file names have shit all to do with anything, answer the fucking question.

Inshala xir

It's 2019, it's going to be woke as fuck so I don't give a shit.

>liking big juicy tits is homo now
Such levels of shitposting.

You know who has big juicy tits? Fat dudes like you

Daym, bitch must suck like a vacuum...

With that flat chest she must have a singularity in her throat or she'd never get laid.
Are you a chestlet yourself? Sucks to be you.

>Old, poor and black people are hideous creatures

Damsel was portrayed as naive and kind of useless. Like what the fuck did she do other then grumble about muh cammies in the bar?

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She had great tits

I just want the same spin on the writing - where it shits on existing struggles in society, fully aware that Kindred society is doing the same thing.

Oh and Fat Larry, with a capital FAT. God, I miss that motherfucker.

these are from V5 i thought

Here's your Toreador, senpai.

Attached: hel looks Jonni.jpg (717x1024, 186K)

funny thing about the anarch brujah in vtmb 1 is that they aren't a hivemind. skelter even calls her a retard and i think jack makes fun of her at some point too.

Medieval philosopher Brujah > modern edgy Brujah


Oh shit, Hel Looks is still a thing? Kino.


Anyone thinking VtMB2 is going to go full retard and parrot everything straight from V5 is a fucking imbecile.

It would mean Malkavians would have Dominate and not Dementation, for one. Malkfags btfo.

The only good thing Bethesda has done in the past 9 years.


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I'm already pissed that this game will be first person only, like a shitty shooter

>I play games to stare at my character's ass

>real eyebrows
this plz, the eyebrows look awful on so many attractive women because they way overdo it

yeah, i liked playing my character in 3rd-person whenever i was in a hub. too bad about that.

>was just posting about becoming a big titty goth GF the other day
>now this
Dumb roastie.

thats a trap innit

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These aren't related to VTMB2 in any way. I thought Yea Forums loved the first one, why are you guys actively looking for things to get outraged at?


People shut the fuck up about politics on the video game board

Where do you think we are?

Because we're worried people are going to use this as a medium to proselytize first and foremost and make a good narrative second.

If there's a goddamn Trump analogue I'm fuckin out brah like shoot me please.

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Is there a recording/vod/whatever the fuck of yesterdays stream?
Not sure how to feel about this. Seems pretty derivative of the original.

Attached: Bloodlines info.jpg (1200x2268, 535K)

nevermind i found it i'm stupid

Vlad got the bitchiest bitch to ever bitch to embrace him.
Basically Vlads sire is a Tzimisce who knows the truth. The Tzimisce antediluvian was never killed but faked its death and is hiding under New York jerking off to its vicissitude creations. Consequently he is scared shitless of everything and he's known for being a complete and utter coward among the sabbat, even though he is still an elder who can tear shit up.
pic related is him

Attached: ruthshit.png (537x609, 213K)

Early Brujah were more warrior/philosopher than the modern meatheads Brujah.

If he's one of the only ants walking around in modern day maybe his cowardice served him well

anyone watched this yet

At what point does The Final Night hit new content?

>People shut the fuck up about politics on the video game board
i've been saying, this thread should just move

For it to not suck absolute assdick
And I will live under the assumption that it does until I see lots of gameplay.

SJW shit.

>All these anons being pissed
>Meanwhile I just find it funny that some youtuber have the gals to claim she's the inspiration for a promotional design
I dunno, you people should see the brighter side of things.

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I don't know if you're aware, but she was one of the social media influencer-types invited to the games reveal. It's not really that much of a stretch.

Her coverage of the event was actually pretty good.
Sounded a lot better than it appeared on stream

Ruthven isnt the Ant. He just is the only one who knows the ant. Ruthven is a methuselah/elder.
But yeah. He's a complete coward but he's still alive because he is a coward. When the Camarilla took over New York in 1999 Ruthven fought for the Sabbat for only 1 night and then just got the fuck out.

It is funny to me though. The Antediluvians are always played up as these massive threats which will end the world if they wake up. But like half of them are awake and just not doing shit. Augustus Giovanni just wants to make money and maybe eventually merge the ghost world with the real world but that's centuries away. Nosferatu is focused entirely on hunting his clan down. Toreador is chilling on some Greek island. Tzimisce is like a kid with play dough but the play dough is the raw flesh of the New York homeless. Tremere is Saulot and turned into a fucking worm.

They really aren't as threatening as the lore says they should be. Hell during the middle ages there were even more and they still didn't do shit. Why couldn't they end the world then?

Nah I wasn't.
I stand corrected, but even then, big fucking deal man.

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I can't hate Outstar, her VtM videos are pretty good.
Actually, I want to have SEX with her.

The pic isn't the Antedeluvian, and the Ante isn't the coward, it's Lambach Ruthven

Who are you most and least likely to play as first?
>Most likely
Tremere because I like wizards
>Least likely
Brujah. fuck Brujah

Attached: hey_there_by_sia_chan_dbhvcry-pre.jpg (1042x767, 135K)

I can't hate her either
She's really pretty, but at the same time she is by no means a casual
She used to work for CD Project Red on Witcher 3 and Cyberpunk 2077

I'm bland, I know.

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Because Agg damage and fortitude is broken.

>tfw it will feature modern day goths
>Nu-Goths have been taken over by SJWs

That depend son how neato the reveals for Ventrue and Malk are. Malk's probably going to be first, anyways, otherwise Toreador, I imagine.
And yeah, fuck Brujah.
>he's not going to play Bloodlines 2 until it gets its first expansion pack

>>Nu-Goths have been taken over by SJWs
Goths still exist?

The most redpilled clan that exist

>Nu-Goths have been taken over by SJWs
i haven't noticed many goth SJWs. but there are a lot who treat it like a shallow fashion accessory which is also pretty disappointing.

>shallow goths
That's called "emo"

Behold two vampires

Attached: BykkMQbCMAAy4Bl.png (503x581, 525K)

2005 was 14 years ago, grandpa.

Holy shit
It's the toreador with malk bf poster irl

>2005 was 14 years ago

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I'll never go back to gaia

neopets too


That's true, they have been invaded by them. OG goths kinda went underground and are hard to spot

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i never played the pen and paper, can i get a quick rundown on the assamites? these middle eastern only clans like them and the setites always seemed like just shitty memes to me, also i can not tell them apart

>aren't related to VTMB2 in any way

Attached: gangrel2.png (991x1301, 1.99M)

i'm operating on the basis that the last two clans are ventrue and malkavian.
if i'm right, i'm most likely to play tremere first unless one of the last two really wows me. least likely is brujah/toreador/ventrue equally probably. they are the trio of generic clans so this shit has mostly been uninteresting so far.

They're self-righteous vampire ninjas with an innate addiction to vampire blood thanks to a Baali curse.

Attached: 1557782608437.jpg (2560x1440, 677K)

>not wanting to play a hot skimpy vampire who feeds on humans in order to move like Neo and headshot enemies in slow-motion

Attached: toreador_by_miragemari_d6hm4hppre.jpg (752x1063, 46K)

probably toreador, maybe malk, depends on how good the malk changes are


If either Malks or Nos get in, which discipline would they get besides the obvious Obfuscate for stealth? Dementation for Malks/Animalism for Nos?

>hopes and dreams
None. But it'll probably be like Vampyr.

Was Dementation a social or combat discipline?

Attached: malkavian__vampire_the_masquerade__bloodlines__by_podushkinz_dcubq2y-pre.png (1041x768, 474K)


err, utility* or combat i mean

Plot twist: that's the Toreador male and the female is a titty monster

inb4 it's both androgys

A mod where sucking women's blood is replaced with rape.

banned from the workshop, don't use a game about monsters as an excuse to be a monster yourself sweatums

Why would a vampire rape? They won't even feel it.

working how? as an ideas girl or doing actual coding?

I don't think she worked on Cyberpunk. She's like a designer/visual/art shit I can't think of the word.

>They won't even feel it.
they will, but feeding is more pleasurable for a vampire and less likely to get them caught

No, I think you're the retarded one.
Your game on Steam has to compete with other games on their store what with reviews and the way they suggest it to people. Free market.


lol here are a few games this week that we manually put on our platform that we hand picked, nothing new that can rise or set itself apart in the sea just shit we want to have on here.

I think YOU'RE the retarded one.

I don't think so, Tim.

The only thing close to rape is Giovanni bites.

Vampires do have a soul.
They are black stubborn clingy things that really don't want to let go of their bodies.
Is why they are so hard to suck out.

Read up on true Brujah

I'll be able to marry a ghoul girl and feed her my vampire juices every now and again.
I'll be able to succ on a vampire girl neck.
I'll be able to rack up my "HAVE SEX" reply score.
They'll add Malkavian to the game.
There will be non lethal option.
I'll be able to defeat a furry.
The mascarade and humanity mechanics will be still in the game.
Cain will drive me to the last mission.
People will complain about Cain driving taxies.
Vampire momy will give milkies.
This is to name a few.

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Go fuck yourself. How the fuck is he "far up his ass"?

I like it

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>And he's old and out of touch now.
And how do you know that?

>paradox published game made by a shovelware studio

Not that user, but the fingerless gloves.
Sycophants will swear up and down he's cool for wearing them, but they look fucking ridiculous.

This is simply untrue. It had a very particular style it aimed for and achieved spectacularly. Kind of like... (((GTA))) pastiche/parody but actually funny and with personality

>the game was developed alongside this system
Yeah, THE SYSTEM. That doesn't imply any character's inclusion. Stop being such an alarmist. We barley have any information. Wait and see, then react.

A good plot and writing that takes extra care to be true to the universe.

just posting the best vtm song.

You don't care about Bloodlines

>tfw new one wont make fun of americans because its too sensitive

Drawings. I can't tell how much involved she was though.
She said that as a joke though.

So who does the money go now for the original?


Do vampires even have a sex? I mean, their internal organs are all defunct or even gone, aren't they?

What the fuck does Rudi have to do with Bloodlines 2?

we have this discussion multiple times per thread
without propagating the meme: perform coitus

Attached: bobby kotick.jpg (500x500, 60K)

Waste of a blood point

Are you kidding me? He looks like a character from the game. He also clearly cares about the game, and isn't all that arrogant, because he was noticeably "nervous" during the announcement. His fingerless gloves mean nothing. Who the fuck cares, really

Toreadors like to go through the motions and act every now and then.
But they like the kinks and debauchery involved more. Vampire love happens only in Twilight and horny teenage fanfiction.

Based, time to buy it on Steam.

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I think people are more worried about the journalist writing all the side quests.

did you sleep in the first 2 minutes of the first game?

Aren't the Vampires in WoD all bottom tier trash compared to all the other supernatural stuff, though? As I recall only Caine himself is anything resembling a real power and he hates his offspring, and if they tried to end the world he would be one of the multitude of way more powerful things that would slap their shit.

Fuck Brujah and I'll decide on what clan I play after all the reveals.

>Vampire love happens only in Twilight and horny teenage fanfiction.
Wrong. There are cases of Kindred who love each other, and that isn't exclusive to Toredor. It can be the reason for an embrace, for example, and some love lasts through centuries. What was the names of that Sabbat enforcer and Camarilla vamp that basically said "fuck it" and dropped the sects for each other?

I can understand that. The story she wrote for Dishonored 2 was boring as fuck

This doesn't have anything to do with fucking.

You said vampire love, not sex

>why yes i love playing as a Tremere, how could you tell?

Attached: 1557797542414.jpg (1068x601, 65K)

They can in the same way a sociopath can pretend to care.
In that they just go through the motions and get nothing out of until they bite the human fucking them.
And some malkavians have nymphomania as their crazy, as an obsessive compulsion without any real pleasure.

>Do vampires even have a sex?
Are you sure you didn't reply to the wrong post ?

only because you start playing 13th gen trash
and if Cain really hated the kindred he would end it instead of being a uber driver making small talk

Yes, I know this. But the way you finished off your post said explicitly that vampire loves doesn't happen. It does. If you were still talking about sex, then that was a poor choice of words

You need to have a humanity score of 8 or higher. For 8;
> Blush of Life allows you to have sexual intercourse and perhaps even enjoy it.
Humanity 10 vampires can appear human in other regards:
■ Blush of Life is not necessary, because you appear as a pale mortal in good health.
■ You heal Superficial damage as a mortal, in addition to vampiric mending.
■ You can taste, eat, and digest food as if human.
■ You can stay awake during the day as if human, though you do not lose your normal need for sleep.
■ The rate of sunlight damage you take is halved.

>non-lethal takedowns to uphold the masquerade.
Who the fuck sired this wet blanket?

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>enjoying easy mode

>to uphold the masquerade.
You mean to keep their humanity high

The antediluvian and other super old vampires are big deals.
They just don't do anything until end of the world scenarios.
Except Ravnos.
It took two magick nukes, three chink vamp antediluvian equivalents, and magick solar panels to kill him when he rose up in a non-end of the world event.


>VTMB1 opens with you fucking a vamp and being converted
>if you picked Malk then you literally put your dick in crazy and paid for it
I noticed when playing Nossy the sire actually changes appearance in a puff of smoke before dying though, which was a neat detail.

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oh fuck
there's going to be a Caine cameo combined with a sooooo topical Uber product placement isn't there

So what would each clan give you when you create your character for a second time?

I mean they each have to change your thinblood somehow or its dumb.

Attached: 1551165250789.png (1204x1280, 1.2M)

Ventrue = LaCucks
Tremere = "Tzimisce"
Gangrel = Furries
Malk = onions
Nosferatu = Nosexferatu, Noscels

To read or = Chad

who should i play if i'm into playing volcel paladins

everyone is btfo if either are cut because it means that couldn't be bothered to account for the most unique clans and removed a significant amount of replay value
this stupid clanfag infighting is dumb, every is losing.

Leftist brujah

>I mean they each have to change your thinblood somehow or its dumb.
The most popular theory is that you use diablerie to gain the clan, in which case the clan doesn't "give" you anything

Honestly I know it's a point of contention but by the lore of the tabletop it makes zero sense for Cain to be the cab driver. He really doesn't want anything to do with any of his descendants since they killed his kids to become what they are.

Some other game?

10 humanity OP, why even lose humanity

do you think female gangrels got the knot haha?
asking for a friend

>sire has Mask of a Thousand Faces power
>you don't
This one better have it. The ability to look a generic face without any striking features will work even in infiltration scenarios without going "invisible"
Because it's very difficult to maintain it.

Attached: manity.png (484x515, 82K)

The fuck is this?
Are these v5 rules?
Cause this isn't how it worked in the versions I've played.
Those are some extreme benefits for high humanity.
Only ones I know of is just no need for blush of life.
And you have a real easier time waking up from torpor.
Food is still ash and you can't keep it down without a merit.
You are still a narcoleptic and require extreme willpower to stay up past the moment the sun starts to rise.
It had no effect on sun on you.

Caine does it to basically throw a wrench into the elder's scheming by making the manipulated PC into a power house. Caine does care about his spawn, in that they continually disappoint him by basically being beasts, following in the vein of the Antediluvians. Caine wants them to change on their own

that it's fun

Really? Because it seems like he just straight up hates them from what I've read of the lore and at best simply doesn't give a fuck what they do as he wanders the Earth waiting for the apocalypse.

>Tremere = "Tzimisce"

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It's ass to attain, maintain, and the lower your humanity the longer you have to remain in torpor if you get too fucked up.

He does hate them, precisely because they act like the Antediluvians instead of his own Childer. So he does care. But really, the motivations of Caine are not all that explicit and he's barely a character - far as I understand

Wait, who's in the Camarilla and who's in the Anarchs in V5? Is Sabbat still around?

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how much humanity is standard for an incel Tremere that only wants to research shit and gain power in his basement?

Yeah but based on the lore that we do have it seems pretty dumb for him to be the cab driver.

What did the totem mean by this?
Because she's a nice old lady who just enjoys playing a shitty bethesda game.

I don't agree

Stop believing in false gods.

Attached: little boy.jpg (508x650, 51K)

what's he up to now?

Most of the Gangrel & Brujah left Camarilla, Setites & Assamites wanted to join with the rise of the Second Inquisition but Assamites kind of hijacked Setites so only them joined. By them I don't mean the entire clan, their clan goes through a civil war and those who don't side with Ur-Shulgi joined Camarilla for protection. Setites no longer feeling safe sought allies in the Anarch Movement, so most are part of their movement now. As for Sabbat, there's an event called The Beckoning where the elder & ancillie kindred feel drawn to Middle East to fight in Gehenna Wars but this part isn't explained fully yet. Maybe in a future Sabbat V5 expansion.

It's so easy to get 10 humanity in VTMB1.

Werewolf/garou(when the DLC drops)

>tfw I could barely mantain 5 points

I always wondered something in the lore
Were Lilith and Adam originally Awakened? Like
as part of the whole "Made in god's image" thing were just like god they could exert their will on the world?
And Lilith teaching Caine magick is why he is so "You lose." (ontop of the x7 curse) in that he is the only sleepwalker that has some understanding the quintessence in his vitae and can manipulate it to a greater degree than his spawn? Thus the whole creating new disciplines on the fly thing.

Why? It's ridiculous on so many levels and breaks the established lore to have him give a shit about them at all, aside from hating their existence.

I you dance for like 30 minutes or something like that in a club you gain 1 humanity. You can do this once in every club. Also don't kill when you feed and you should be good.

>tfw Malks never because it will "" insult"" the people who suffer from autism
its not fucking fair

are all slavs tzimisce?

Attached: slavs.jpg (1280x533, 169K)

You fags need to learn to put "VTM" on the name of the thread so Anons don't have to browse the whole fucking catalog.

I've already told you my reasons

they are also nosferatu

>I you dance for like 30 minutes or something like that in a club you gain 1 humanity.
5 minutes. And some quests will give you a humanity loss unless you have high persuasion or Dominate or something.

It helps keep away shitposters though

5minutes it is

Attached: dance.webm (1280x720, 2.26M)

And they're insufficient and don't add up with the lore. Objectively, you are wrong. We're done here.

looking at this thread I dont think so

But its not unheard of for Caine to take a passive but present role.
Like that book where he hangs out with Becket.

Caine is a plot device

Just in Santa Monica:.
>Give the alley dude some bucks
>Get Mercurio some painkillers

You forgot giving chick in hospital blood.

>get woke go broke
>they don't go broke
>pretend you never said that

The /pol/ cycle

oh, you're right!

>Give the alley dude some bucks
It might've been intended but that only gives you humanity in the plus patch.

And I'm pretty sure this is only in the plus patch too. Plus patch gives a lot more chances to gain humanity.

How did you get that low?
You have to try to get that low.

Don't need Plus for Heather's Humanity bonus.

I've played vanilla a bunch of times and have never had the option to give her blood

He probably killed people while feeding.

I hope that the retards trying to be 'respectful' with Malkavian madness will get blown the fuck out when they end up accidentally making malks ten times more offensive to the mentally ill than any previous depiction of malks ever did.

Attached: fucking malks.jpg (500x551, 265K)

You need to learn about how ghouls are made, ya dingus.

Attached: dragons have alien biology.jpg (600x627, 42K)

O wait I thought we were talking about Lily for some reason, nevermind

it's a good game
that /pol/ continues to be mad about it

What? But that's how you condemn the poor gir lto be your ghoul...

How would that ever happen?

Everyone in the world of darkness is a slave to someone else. Making someone your ghoul hardly matters.
Normies and half-normies are slaves to the technocrats
Vamps are slaves to their elders through generational dominate.
etc etc


Bigotry of low expectations, mainly. Ever notice how they push for tons of black characters, but only ever seem to include a lot of girls with afros and hoop earrings? Same premise here.

The only thing the PC does 'wrong' with the girl is giving her samples of blood far too quickly.

IIRC, after three samples she's bound forever and should start exhibiting some serious clan-benefits.
forever mad she only changed for Malkavians. Where's my art-obsessed Toreawhore?

This bitch’s pregnancy was the best thing to happen to her and her titties. Rubbed one out to her the other day.

Are you 12 years old?

Attached: 8D34F8AF-BE41-45E2-82AC-447781FEA9CF.jpg (295x362, 27K)

she already is art-obsessed, user
but you're the art

>Ever notice how they push for tons of black characters
We've seen like one black character so far.

We were robbed

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Has she posted anything with an angle that shows her tits yet?

I'm talking about the industry as a whole. SJWs are grossly ignorant in their ideas of what minorities are like, to the point where they often inadvertently depict them as bigger stereotypes than the supposed 'far right' does.

I hope it massively flops.

>you're the art


Attached: heardthevoiceofasmallergod.jpg (1100x1405, 567K)

I hope it and Werewolf does good enough to justify in investing more games in the WoD.
I want a Mage game so bad.
I just keep imagining it being a more paranoid crazier Deus Ex.

>have the gals to claim she's the inspiration for a promotional design
its a joke you autist

>Aren't the Vampires in WoD all bottom tier trash compared to all the other supernatural stuff

No, meme pushed by magefags. The only splat that is outright weaker than the other splats as a whole are the hunters

I hope it succeeds but I hope the council devs even more luck with the setting.

Why wouldn't you hope that it turns out great? Because you don't care about Bloodlines, and you're only here for the "controversy"

It would be cool if it was good, but I'm betting it's going to be political garbage.

Post yfw Nosferatu faggots are eternally btfo

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Its a true meme.
Mages were able to kill an antediluvian where three chink vamps and a whole country of Caine vamps could not.
A mage with Forces insta wins against most vamps, cause fire.
Even with paradox all they need is a lighter and a bottle of hair spray then boom its coincidental even if the bottle is empty.

Mage vs werewolf is harder for the mage but if he can accept some paradox points he can just use Matter to create silver.

They should've made the game that centers around Hunters. Righteous Crusade against the undead abominations, torching them and piercing them with crosses / or setting up the kill, hunting and gathering information around town about possible vampires.

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Nossies are bros Fish Malks are the ones that need to/will get eternally and irrecoverably btfo

Attached: Behind you boss.jpg (251x260, 11K)

Odds of there not being multiple post-launch clans are low. Game would need to be a Fallout 76-tier flop for that.
Therefore, no face when.

I mean..

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hahahaha, rat nigger prepare to be btfo when Malks get in

Yeah and how long do the fuckheads live?
Checkmate, kine.

I'd rather not have a game for neo-crusader faggots, thanks.

He's trying to break their second curse - the curse of hunger.

Yeah I really wonder what this reveal could be. Being in an Asylum and all.

Attached: not malkavian.jpg (1662x732, 276K)

Who cares what you want? You're just a fucking faggot.

This, tbqh. LARP gets really annoying with those dudes and the constant Sabaton spam.

Don't suck

>A sleepwalker calling an Awakened cattle
That is beyond hilarious.
Mages live longer than normal humans.
Also they can fly around outerspace naked by farting fireballs and visit worlds beyond a simple nightfolk's feeble imagination.

>vampire game
>no sucking
user, I...

ok bros, let's be honest, it's not looking that great for Lasombra gang
The corporate tower could potentially be Lasombra since they also occupy an "elite" position, I guess, but we'll find out next week if it's ventrue or not.
If it is Ventrue, which it most likely is, this leaves the question. Is the final clan Malkavian or Lasombra? Nosfags need not apply

he has a reflection you fucking idiot
lasombra is out

That's right, think what you're told to think, shill. Never question your masters. The Left is the reason you're still a virgin and can't find a good paying job. Totally nothing to do with your slavish inability to think critically.

I have started having this odd suspicion that Ventrue may not end up as a playable clan and will operate as de facto gatekeepers and elitist foils to your own character.

Just give up already.
Where did this Lasombra meme even come from? Why are there so many of you dellusional morons?

Ventrue are 100% in

I think you just got triggered from seeing the word "Crusade". Think of the Hitman-like game with detective elements, you against the overwhelming demonic enemy.

what did you expect?

blame outstar, she popularised this Lasombra theory in one of her videos, and not only that, her predictions tweet got retweeted by the vtmb2 twitter, as an "example of the predictions coming in hot"

How many sequels that came out 10+ years after have been any good? Can we get some statistics on this phenomenon.

>the prince might be a Ventrue stand-in for Trump.
Please tell me it won't happen bros. I want this game to be good and not cringe.

just beg for a DLC paradox will gladly milk you out of your money, even 10 years after release

>actually making the Ventrue the baddies again
Oh no no no no

nice try fag
yeah they will milk it with DLC
but not with clans, they literally said in the Toreador stream post-release clans will be free

eet bad gaim

Don't trust Paradox, man. Seriously, you'll only have it worse for you.

It's not that I doubt the post-release free Clans will be boneless somewhat and will lack in original questlines and exclusive areas, but at least the clan themselves will be free.
It's not like I won't buy the expansions anyhow, it's an RPG, like I don't care about their faggot cash cow grand strat dlcs, but there's only so much shit they can push out for an RPG, and most of it has to be actual content

nuDoom was brety gud

if 9 Malkavian are in

Attached: goodgoy.png (1006x117, 39K)

I'd get speculation like this if we didn't have previews of the clan havens. But we do, and pic related is obviously a Ventrue haven.

Attached: obviouslyventrue.jpg (3840x2100, 1009K)

I don't mind this all that much, but the only thing that bugs me is that I don't see his monstrous side. I've only been in santa monica so far, but in V:tmB they make a point to show all the vampires as blood-addicted monsters trying to keep up a "masquerade" of humanity. This guy just seems like a human hero without real flaws.

>release day
>the clan reveals are a huge misdirection
>there is no character creation
>you play a pregenerated, named, Ventrue character
>he is young, smug, ruthless and beautiful
> you spend the whole game crushing an uprising from the pleb clans

Attached: 1554170690329.gif (480x480, 414K)

pretty based
tell us if it's good or bad, yeah

this is obviously a ravnos that bluffed his way in past security

0 and Malkavians are not in

why would you preorder
why would you preorder on Steam

The uggos vs welcome to my twisted minds.

5 and I am no longer here

Hey, anyone remember that 6th clan slot that was "Bonus" and featured a background image of what looked like some sort of detective office or something along those lines.
What did they mean by this?

Attached: 1555118655707.jpg (453x512, 114K)

Because it was $21 for Blood Moon Edition on Steam, €90 on Paradox Store and $90 on gog.com. As for why, I can't control my hype anymore.

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It doesn't matter what my hopes and dreams are for this game. It's going to be hot garbage.

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Just started my Malk playthrough, why did I call that guy "golden" all the time?

>overwhelming demonic enemy
White wolf likes to pretend that game never happened.
20Ed never
I don't know why, I liked it.

sad but true.

Attached: goOVtKT.jpg (2170x3002, 889K)

Could be any number of things really. Seems like a character setting than a clan sterotype. The only thing that comes immediately to mind there is Beckett, though gangrel would obviously have a fairly different location if it was for their clan.

Not even American but anyone who's into Western Comics knows Fort Knox serves as the US's gold-reserve.

You should check out his wifes twitter.

Attached: 1547351631216.jpg (657x527, 50K)

Knox, as in Fort Knox. It's where the US keeps all the gold.

and its confirmed this character will be in the game.

Attached: 1537972040508.png (967x954, 554K)

meh....another static dead world where the only "alive" entity is the player and only by his command does anything ever happen.

Literally the same crap that was made 20 years ago only with better gfx...
only nostalgia faggots praise this shit.

no it isn't

No it's not? Rudi's in Copenhagen

>mfw Toreador chad being able to fix a situation by showing other kindred my hard throbbing vampire cock
thanks SJWs

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My head canon is that the guy who made this character is actually a racist taking the piss


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Now I feel stupid.

try harder retard.

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The girls in the first game were attractive despite having huge fake tits not because of them
Also damsel doesn't even have tits and she is fan favorite fap material

It's fine - if you haven't consumed some American media or know a little history then some references are either not picked up or seem weird.
Kilpatrick mentioning that the diner-lady has been working there since the Bush administration is my favorite early-game joke

>Hurr only huge titties are attractive

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Chest sliders when?

Attached: Lou.webm (1920x1080, 2.78M)

>ftw no outstar gf

Attached: 25006489_1505948169458658_4607211903750504448_n(1).jpg (1080x1080, 92K)

>goth gf

is it me or is she actually based

>tfw she is a mother


I'm waiting for more information before I order.
I've not been impressed from what I've seen so far. The spells look like they take too long to cast, the cast animations are too long (not the spell animations).
The game looks and feels like it's consolized, same feel as Bioshock Infinite

>epic games store selling Bloodlines 2 for $5.32, $8.30 and $11.62 for regular, unsanctioned and blood moon editions.
>already had blood moon for $21 on steam

Attached: wew.png (1166x457, 309K)

She also plays the tabletop.

He will be in the game.

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nigger vampires lol

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lasombros...this isn't happening...in 2 weeks, we'll be set, right?

yep it will be shit.

Fuck off Brian.

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no fuck of hairsoot shill.

Attached: ghnhgnnhg.png (1329x288, 28K)

mfw they say dancing confirmed

imagine being this mad at videogames

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omg your dumb.

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>"haha because roodypoo amirite? who remembers old Yea Forums"
Here's your (You), go play some videogames.

no tits lisp mommy

fuck of shill; pirate it and 2.

Attached: 1554066892179.png (1764x2236, 1.4M)

Just imagine "The Ghost Haunts at Midnight quest" equivalent in VMB2

look at this nigga
look at him he got no ears cuh lmaoo

>$21 for Blood Moon Edition on Steam
did i miss a sale or something, what the fuck