Its the same shit over and over again

its the same shit over and over again
every thread is just the same 4 things over and over again
can i leave please

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You can never leave this place on your own

You'll need the power of friendship

there is no friendship here
only wojacks and monotony


The power of friendship is found in the real, non-digital, world

No wonder so many anons, myself included, can't leave.

Just leave. I used to spend 12 hours a day here until a year ago and leaving's the best thing I've ever done. I only come back once a month or so on a whim, only to rediscover how much better life is away from this place.
Try it.

>tfw i can actually enjoy anime and vidya and only come here for a couple minutes a day here and there.

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Just change boards, don't tell me Yea Forums is actually your main board.

I want to go back

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my life is the same shit over and over again
wake up at a time I don't want, go to a job I don't like, come home, browse Yea Forums and hate myself more, sleep, repeat.

Start a small project that replaces some of your Yea Forums browsing

Been here since 2004. I fucking hate it and my life is terrible.

This. Don't spend your precious free time on Yea Forums, find something fulfilling to do after work.

Almost 8 years of abstinence from this cesspool and this is the first thing I read.

Feels just like home.

Try reddit. It will give you the courage to an hero.

Post an ultra oldfag pic not seen for years I kinda want to see something like that right now.

Why? There never was a "good old days". You should be wanting to forget this place, not remember the time you first got here.

You're right
Including this one


Truer words have never been spoken.

Welcome back, faggot. Enjoy your complementary soda and 11-year-old.

Where can we go? The red place? Game specific forums? Steam community?

I'm having trouble even coming up with options.

you can't never leave user, only when this place shut down or you die

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It's not about finding a replacement, it's about finding something to replace the time you normally waste here. Don't go looking for a different forum, go looking for a different pastime.

Yeah, you really gotta treat it like drug addiction.

Can't believe how long it took me to realize this.