Will anything ever come close to this, or is it just destined to stay at the top forever?

Will anything ever come close to this, or is it just destined to stay at the top forever?

Attached: 25658910-E9D5-41B1-B767-ECD4A4E98D4F.jpg (1280x720, 341K)

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I fucking love Mirror's Edge but come on user. There's a lot of problems with it

Oh, so it's not at the top of first person parkour games?

I got the sequel for free and got bored of the objectives. Is the first any better?

Dying Light comes close. Not that their sole focus was parkour elements, so it doesn't live up to ME in that regard, but it was one of the best parts of the game

why didn't you define that in your first post? why are you moving the goalpost?

Like what

If you're talking about the extremely niche genre of first person parkour games then yeah I guess so. But it wouldn't be that hard for a developer to top it if given the money and resources.

What are some improvements that could be made?

I think ME1 was already really solid and Catalyst basically perfected the controls and movement mechanics. The real problem with both games are mediocre level design and awful combat.

>Inconsistent level quality
>Combat/gunplay is atrocious
>Mediocre story at best
The highs are definitely very high but it's pretty rough around the edges

Literally what?
>inb4 it’s short

The first is amazing! The second was shit. Never finished it either despite the first being my favorite game of all time.

ass ass in creed games are better because they do other things as well.

Thanks, might have to check the first one out.


>using guns in ME...


Here's your upgrade bro

Attached: 1448937590531.jpg (640x360, 117K)

>weeb trash
No thanks

I mean, that's why Catalyst had the right idea to take them out entirely. The fact that it's in the first one and is horrible is a worthy criticism

If that game wasn't a copy/paste open world it would be WAY more enjoyable

EA would like to apologize.
Here is the protagonist for Mirror's Edge 2

Attached: galwithmattress.jpg (800x534, 60K)

Here's your mirrors edge KILLER

Attached: parkour-go_1.jpg (1366x768, 45K)

That’s all open world games though, you played one and you played them all.

I hated Catalyst's combat system more than guns in 1. I would've preferred they kept them in if they're going to force combat sections anyway.

I think both have their place (though not sure why the right version doesn't have the tattoo around the eye)


Jesus christ this looks awful. Goes to show how much camera movement and animation really adds to the ME feel.

These indie games are looking more and more like bootlegs every day.

this piece of shit was two and a half hours long

The first is focused. I guess that's a buzzword-y way of saying "linear", but I think it fits. It's short and simple, and as others in the thread have pointed out has plenty of rough edges... but the few things it does well, it does very well.

It will never cease to amaze me how they fucked up so bad with Catalyst. It's not just gameplay itself, like putting in skill points into being able to roll when you fall down, but the city itself - it just doesn't look like a place anyone ever would live in. It looks plastic, like a billboard, a big fucking advertising with no fucking content.

Attached: 1364167390445.jpg (7680x4320, 2.48M)

Still, I give Techland a pass. There were still some cool landmarks and hidden secrets. Most of the map was recognizable honestly.

Without sounding overly IGN-ish

The first had amazing level design that tailored to the specific gameplay of 1st person parkour. The sequel level design was kind of lacking compared to it.

why is EA so dumb?

>capture lighting in a bottle with a unique game
>people love it for its clean simplicity and innovate parkour gameplay
>make a sequel that rips all that out
>makes the world dirty
>filled with melodrama and poorly written characters

Attached: 4836fa5.jpg (727x727, 39K)

nigger thats literally the point is that its a soulless corporate dystopia

I'm on the fence about it. It looks pretty cool during the nighttime but I also agree that the skyline looks like nu-Star Trek. There are also a lot of areas in the new city that look unfinished because the textures are flat colors with no detail at all. Everything is impossibly clean instead of just very clean like in ME1.

Attached: Catalyst.jpg (1920x1080, 369K)

Mirrors Edge is a piece of shit dude. Yeah it started "modern parkour games" in a way, but Dying Light is 10x better.

Mirrors Edge
>shitty garbage cutscenes that look like shit
>garbage level design for most part past the first few levels (DUDE LETS HAVE LOTS OF INDOOR TUNNELS AND AIRDUCKS IN OUR FUCKING PARKOUR GAME)
>terrible combat that thankfully is mostly avoidable on normal and easy difficulty
>cliffhanger story that was never interesting in the first place

The one cool thing about the game is the unique aesthetic. That's it. I literally just beat it for the first time and it feels like an alpha / tech demo

>liking Dragon's Lair: Parkour Edition
Fuck's sake, kids.

stop being mean to my favorite game or I’m going to kill myself

in terms of movement?
theres a couple games that do better
warframe has always been amazing for its movement system.

Attached: wolf nosoun.webm (1080x608, 2.52M)

EVERYONE hated the second one. SJWs always ruin games, but the first game has 0 SJW nonsense whatsoever and was made with passion. It's really fun and feels much more open.