Are there even many games with the character wearing a functioning watch? name them.
Functioning watches on characters
It functions as a taser
I dunno if the one on the regular model works but when you check it at least, dead rising.
That watch does everything,except tell time
the watches have to function as watches and not as other shit.
RE7 kinda
I remember reading Black Ops 1 had one of the characters you play as had a watch synced with your system time. I think it was Woods or Hudson.
Also Mason's wasn't because foreshadowing.
Just look at those disgusting fucking daigo wop gorilla legs. Why the fuck did all wogs cross crossbreed with monkeys?
Dead Rising
>daigo wop
hey mentally ill user, can you talk in human now?
The watch in Exodus does function as an actual watch though, it tells the time.
Arma 3
it did in 2033 too
the one he wears doesn't function as far as I know
if someone wears their watch like this it's a tip off that they're an operator and are probably carrying
Are you a fucking esl? You don't know derogatory terms for Italians and Greeks? You dumb fucking shitlicking cunt-eyed fuckstick.
Yakuza Kiwami 2
>if someone wears their watch like this it's a tip off that they're
larping faggots.
Shifting goalposts.
The watch on Metro is set to your system time.
James Bond in goldeneye on n64
hi mongrel.
a functioning WATCH tells time.
>The watch on Metro is set to your system time.
yes that one counts.
does not function as a watch as it does not tell time.
Like on the player model? Maybe not but it shows up when you're smoking the phantom cigar
that toenail on the left probably has fungus growing in it. it's way too dark
In ArmA you can use your watch to work out what way is north
t. never served
>Like on the player model?
yeah, that's the entire point
>when you're smoking the phantom cigar
yeah showing a watch on a menu or HUD is easy and nothing special. having it on the character is where it's at.
Surgeon simulator
Red Dead Redemption 2 has kino pocket watches you can get
You get a watch instead of a PipBoy during the simulation in Fallout 3. I don't remember if it was functional or not though.
I have no idea what the fuck does this mean
Poketch in Pokemon DPPt
Dude, I know you think you're smart.. but you should stop now, it's pretty embarrassing.
>larping faggot posts effeminate homosexuals larping
how is the middle one military inspired?
or they're just old timers, my old man wears his watch like that and he doesn't own a gun
I don't think any military men wear pants 10 sizes too small, and were made for the opposite gender
Dying Light
you have to use the throw weapon perk to see it though
venom snek
because he's dressing like a faggot
You've missed the mark. And you're low effort post removes doubt of your idiocy.
military types tend to wear their watch on their left wrist facing inwards so you can see it without lowering your rifle
Nice legs, too bad about the feet.
no on him. only in a HUD/menu
go on redditard. be more reddit.
i think it was explained to have been functional however the time of day in the simulation never changes iirc
In America If someone is wearing a wach like that then they Have a gun on them
what's with the feet?
>if you've ever served, you have a gun with you wherever you go
this sounds stupid.
do school shooters also wear their watches that way?
meant for:
that's what proper fitting pants look like, amerifat
People dont wear watches anymore.
It's a boomer and older thing
I'm gonna agree with with the other guy, only because your posts are more annoying and read like a whiny child. Pls kys, faggot.
is this what gays convince themselves of?
>redditard agrees with redditard
I'm shocked.
You wanna say anything original, or just affirm why nobody likes you, cunt?
>implying I care about a seething redditard
Dude, stop chimping out and suck my dick already. Your schoolyard advances haven't gone unnoticed. I'll even only charge you 120 to suck my cock seeming as your trying oh so hard to keep my attention.
>goes on being an obvious newfag who is triggered and can't stop whining and crying
this one is pretty easy to miss, but when you die in enter the gungeon the watch/crosshair that snipes character is set to the system time and as the animation plays out it rewinds to the time you started the run. probably watched this animation 100 times before i realized what was happening
You're both fucking children
thats pretty cool
watch on HUD or menu overlay is not the point. watch on the actual character is.
H-he started it!
You're pathetic fatty. If I EVER see you in the streets, your ass is GRASS! You hear me?!
>If I EVER see you in the streets
kek, mentally ill 12yo
Women also do that, just so you know.
>ctrl F
>No My Summer Car
Why does Yea Forums always have the worst taste in games.
>muh meme of the month redditgame
Uncharted 4
Uncharted 4. You'll basically never see it so I'm wondering what other games did this. FPSes make sense for this at least.
It's legitimately one of the best indie games ever made.
>says the faggot parroting "muh reddit" and having no argument, or even opinion of his own.
Top fucking kek
>an english word is now owned by reddit because this redditard has only heard of it because of his time on reddit
Reading comprehension really isn't your forte.
Check out this retarded ESL third world shitter LMFAO.
I have to wear my watch like that in the navy
does war thunder count? If you play planes on cockpit mode the clock thing on the plane is synced to your system time of day
The trick to stop being a NEET is to figure out the reason everyone puts up with being around you.
Go spend time with your family before they are gone.
Why can't you guys post nice looking male feet for once? They exist you know.
>redditspacing in a two sentence post.
Sea of Thieves
I wish the camera was higher
I only see woman wearing watches like this
Hey, that's my watch!
I want to see his bulge
27 and have worn watches for 15 years.
>what is "exception proves the rule"
He's obviously trolling/shitposting at this point
either that or they're gay since women wear watches like that
Arma 3
Still a cool feature. Don't be so anal
Well at this point it is 1-0 to watchbros
>Still a cool feature. Don't be so anal
off-topic to the thread.
Why do people wear watches? They're uncomfortable and everyone carries around a phone nowadays anyway.
>They're uncomfortable
weak-wristed cuck who has never worn one for more than a week. you literally forget it's there.
who cares about watches? Show me clocks in games that don't have static jpegged-on hands
it's harder for a functioning watch to be on a character than a functioning clock on a wall.
>on Metro
in* Metro. It's a video game, not a TV show, Pablo.
is that because it's fused with your skin?
>It's a video game, not a TV show
metro last light sure was so fucking easy it might as well have been a tv show
>just stick this buttplug in your ass. you'll get used to it after a week.
not a reason to wear one
>his weak wrist when wearing a watch feels as hurt as when his anus is forced open
this says more about you and your cracker tier wrist
not a reason to wear a watch
but it's your reason not to wear one. no one said you should, but you came crying saying you weren't going to because it hurts your thin cracker tier wrists.
>take phone out of pocket/pick up phone
>press lock button
>look at time
>press lock button
>put down/place back in pocket
>slightly twist wrist
>check time
>go back to what you're doing
It's a tip off that they're wearing a cheap watch and afraid of breaking the crystal.
I don't really need a watch. I have my phone so to wear one would be purely for vanity. And what kind of fruit cares about people seeing him wearing a watch?
Off the top of my head Dead RIsing, Dying Light, and RDR2
what kind of fruit is too insecure to wear a watch he likes?
how often are you checking the time for it to make a significant time difference?
watch can get hooked on shit and possible cause you to have your wrist ripped off
cellphones cause cancer and retarded sperm/ children
t. no job no life
I bet you think jeromes cock is properly fitting inside your asshole too faggot
if you had a job you wouldn't be looking at the time