DMC this time
Lets have one of those threads
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Perfect taste OP.
3 > 5 > 4 > 1 > 2 > DmC
I can agree with that.
Also where's the template you faggot ass OP?
I want pizza man to shove his sparda inside my gaping crusty buns
>it's ruined
>thank you god it's fucking perfect
fag version.
In terms of gameplay design, how is 2 better than DmC?
The only right answer
4 was pretty good. 1 was fine.
4 was unfinished. It was just a poolished dmc3 Dante, but with worse weapons. 4Nero is ass.
Sure, but it’s still pretty good. More fun bosses and good story, and Nero is pretty fun to play.
I don't think I've played ever single game in a single series to be able to do one of these.
Also was DMC4:SE that bad? I can't find it online for the life of me except on playasia jews where they charge 100 shekels for shipping, otherwise I might have to just dload it off PSN and deal with not having a physical copy, which usually triggers the old 'tism.
Of course it can't be a bad game when it has an upgraded gameplay version of 3. But it was bad in everything else. Stage design, enemy design...
Vergil, Trish and Lady are still so fun to play
Special edition of 4 wasn't bad. The base game was not that good. The new character are great
What was so bad about the sequel?
And wasn't there a third game?
Actual combat system is good, being able to play as all the different characters in 4SE (even if they aren't all created equal) is great, but the main campaign is still a mess
Does anyone have a pic of the mod where they put lady's head on trish's body?
Flopped in 4
Based taste
MGS2 is the best
MGS3 is too western
MGS4 is a return to form
The Phantom Pain is excellent
Ground Zeroes is the best version of MGSV
MGS is pretty good, though the Twin Snakes sucks (at least that's what I hear)
stop spreading this reddit shit
1 >>> DmC: DE > 3 > 5 > 4
>DUDE muh brea and dongburi handcramp autism
yeah go fuck you're selves.
Did I do it right?
>The Phantom Pain is excellent
>Ground Zeroes is the best version of MGSV
Not a very high bar to clear
Why is TPP bad?
You can do at least nine kinds of stealth.
Bad AI
Worthless open world
Repetitive missions
Grindy base management
Dumbed-down and over-powered CQC
Unnecessary wastes of time (Mother Base mobage timers, waiting for helicopters, etc.)
Most important plot events and entire characters sidelined to tapes for some fucking reason
TPP is just PW but worse and with a higher budget
And PW was trash
You posted this same exact bait with the same reaction image yesterday. If you want (you)'s, you just need to ask.
Everything you just mentioned save for the open world can be attributed to the rest of the series.
MGS2 had bad AI. It has repetitive missions,, it has bad CQC, it has filler content, and the most important parts of MGS2 were not even in the cutscenes.
Literally everything you just said could be said of any other MGS game.
Is it bait if it's a legitimate ranking? Sorry we're not all here to wallow in your tribalistic bullshit.
1 seems like a finished game, 4 doesn't.
4 wasn't actually finished. Devs had planned for an entire arc featuring Dante going into hell or something like that. The Devil Trigger you see in DMCV was meant for DMC4.
Do you mind elaborating on why you Think DmC:DE is better than 3,5 and 4? I want to know more about your logic.
>MGS2 had bad AI
Holy shit
>It has repetitive missions
MGS2 isn't a mission-based game.
Regardless, Raiden's objectives throughout the game are constantly changing.
In TPP it's just kill/destroy X or procure/Fulton X. And then the second half of the game literally copy-pastes missions from the first half.
>it has bad CQC
It doesn't have CQC at all. That was introduced in MGS3. MGS1 and MGS2 just had basic melee attacks.
>the most important parts of MGS2 were not even in the cutscenes
Are you kidding me
This is a bad post and you should feel bad
I wonder if you even thought about what you were typing or if you went into some kind of fugue state
No More Heroes 1 was style over substance in a very appealing way. It was heavily flawed, but things like the Garden of Madness phone calls, the boss name announcements and learning to drive the motor cycle better, among a lot of other things, made the game downright unforgettable.
No More Heroes 2 was substance over style. It's pretty much objectively a better game, but all the big and little things that made NMH so goddamn memorable and amazing were removed or altered entirely. All that's left is a fairly forgettable shallow action game.
>MGS2 isn't a mission-based game.
MGS2 is objective based, you have to defuse bombs, search for the B.D.U AK-74su, look for the president, find key cards, and stay alive the whole time.
The whole game is designed around completing objectives, entire parts of the game are blocked off until you complete objectives. That is literally game theory 101.
>It doesn't have CQC at all. That was introduced in MGS3. MGS1 and MGS2 just had basic melee attacks.
MGS has always had melee combat, CQC was a name given to the combat mechanics introduced in MGS3. You could always chokehold, punch or kick your enemies in the series. MGS3 made it so the mechanics had dimensions, rather than glossing over it with simple features.
In MGS2 you don't find out about anything involving GW or Arsenal Gear unless you talk and listen to Emma Emmerich. Then, if that wasn't good enough, you still have to piece together the story of the Big Shell using clues from the narrative. None of the game actually explains the way MGS2 fits into the timeline, which is why it is widely considered to be a cult-classic.
>MGS2 is objective based
Why in God's name are you trying to equate progressive, seamless objectives in a linear game to selecting a mission from an abstract menu, transporting to the mission site, completing it and returning to base
These are two fundamentally different approaches to the flow of gameplay and progression, don't even pretend they aren't.
>CQC was a name given to the combat mechanics introduced in MGS3
>introduced in MGS3
Yes, that's what I said. Thank you for agreeing.
>you don't find out about anything involving GW or Arsenal Gear unless you talk and listen to Emma Emmerich
You mean that thing that happens during the main story of the game and is impossible to miss
>None of the game actually explains the way MGS2 fits into the timeline, which is why it is widely considered to be a cult-classic.
You have the most baffling misunderstanding of MGS2's popularity I have ever seen
4&5 having forced character swapping midway docks them entirely for me. They are entirely different characters with likely entirely different control schemes. What I value higher is more direct killing and the pacing / level design. We can wank about these high skill caps all day, but only a fraction are going to reach that potential and through sheer repetition and muscle memory. I like the act of playing 4 & 5 most over 3 but the latter is just a more cohesive campaign even if I don't really like most of the bosses. Donte being a mishmash of both Nero and Dante moveset is a plus to me. Style switching in and out in and out is and always will be fucking stupid.
How can you sit there and make up game theory on the spot? MGS2 is objective based, it's not open world! MGSV is open world, Nothing is withheld from the player should he decide to forgo an objective in MGSV. You cannot progress in MGS2 without completing basic objectives, entire parts of the Big Shell are locked off until you do select boss fights. That means the game is objective based.
You either have a fundamentally hard time being shrewd or your ability to grade and rank games is based on this arbitrary substance that no one can infer. Any youtube video can explain game theory to you in less than thirty minutes, and you're going to provoke me into a lecture because you just have so much time on your hands.
>you're selves
Kek. But to the point you're trying to make, DMC1 may be the best in many places but it has flaws that brings down a notch, it has horrible soft lock on which fucks me over in the Nightmare boss fights, and an atrocious camera. While I never really had these problems in any of the later DMC's not even DMC2, and putting DmC on top of Itsuno's DMC seems strange since there is barely anything better in it, I guess maybe a dodge button was nice, and most enemies weren't as cancerous as DMC3's enemies
Using big words doesn't make your opinion less retarded.
>Nothing is withheld from the player should he decide to forgo an objective in MGSV.
Except that there are mandatory missions required to progress in the game, you fucking dingus
You can say the words "game theory" until you're blue in the face but that doesn't make you right.
And this entire argument is tangential to the main point, which is that MGSV's missions are tedious and repetitive.
Even IF
Even IF MGS2 were remotely the same kind of game
Its "missions" are all different. And this is true of every MG prior to Peace Walker. You always go somewhere new and do something different.
In PW and MGSV, you tread the same ground, and do the same thing (literally, in TPP Chapter 2's case). It's worthless padding in lieu of actually designing content.
what dicktionary you reading pal
MGSV is open world you retard. The entire game allows you to roam and do whatever the heck you want. Nothing it held from the player at all, if you want to go into town, if you want to find a secret weapon, if you want to capture a bear, if you want to learn more about the kinds of camos you can buy, you can do everything you want from your iDroid and interfacing with the environment.
The fact that you think MGSV is this game which keeps stuff from you is telling me you either didn't play it or you have this idea that the opposite of open world is somehow linear gameplay. Knowing that an open world can still have linear mechanics in it like Grand Theft Auto or Assassin's Creed.
This is terminally shit taste
>What I value higher is more direct killing
I'd say NG is probably more your speed, but I don't want you there either
No sweaty, DMC was more my speed but then capcom cucked the original creation force short and not i'm stuck with style meter fighting down uninspired levels. You're not cool for having played NG either guy
God, this took me forever.
Is dmcv good or is it a meme?
Yes user I am very well aware that MGSV has very large, empty expanses the player can putz around in if they so choose.
That doesn't mean the game isn't mission-based.
You know, that thing that the entire game is built around? The way you actually make meaningful progress and experience the story?
Christ almighty.
I don't even know what you're trying to argue or why anymore. Just the rantings of an autistic fanboy.
1 is a good game but you don't need to be donguri to appreciate the combat in the later games. 1 may have good pacing and level design but the combat and encounters in the later games feel light years better to the point that its totally fine having that be the thing that shines (as well as having a tone that feels intentionally campy rather than unintentional) . I fucking suck and its still a blast trying to get better at being stylish in combat in comparison to just using the same combo in 1 over and over again. A high skill ceiling doesn't mean its bad for the masses, otherwise what, no one should play a fighting game if they aren't trying to be Daigo or something?
Either way have another (you).
how can one man have such shit tastes?
style switching is god tier
color coded enemies are absolutely retarded game mechanic
only brainlets would say otherwise
Depends entirely on you honestly, the game in my opinion is pretty good albeit with glaring flaws.
It's the best DMC
How is it mission based if you can roam Afghanistan as early as mission 2? And if you don't want to do mission two, you can just insert cold into the field and dick around doing absolutely anything you want. I'm digging my ear here, did you type something I needed to read? What about MGSV is mission oriented? You can do Side-Ops, mission content, or just roam the field, the game isn't hardlocked into anything at all. If you decide to do a mission, you don't even have to select it from the chopper, you can do everything from your iDroid.
>color coded enemies are absolutely retarded game mechanic
Which translates from CUHRAYZEEfag as: Duuur an obstacle, you mean I can't just freestyle?
Is this some sort of advance autism where you sperg out about an edit?
>capcom cucked the original creation
and that's a good thing
removing Kamiya was the best decision Capcom did
i'd say 3,4,5 isn't the game for you
5 > 3 = 4 > 1 = DmC > 2
OP is a faggot.
>How is it mission based if you can roam Afghanistan as early as mission 2?
I fucking wonder
So DMC1 was more your "speed" yet you'd still rank DmC over the rest of the series despite it aping 3's combat with some of Nero's moves? Your "ranking" is so transparent it's ridiculous.
4 feels like a better and more coherent game than 1.
The reason you don't "feel" DMC4 is finished is because you know there was cut content.
but DMC is all about freestyling you mong
The fact that you can choose missions doesn't prioritize gameplay you retard.
I can choose to date a Mexican girl with a fat ass, doesn't mean the fucking game is about that or hardlocked into that experience.
>posts shadow
Are you pretending to be retarded? Literally blitz from DMC4 works the same and those bomb demons in DMC3 where you have to shoot them from a far, all these things obstacles in these games
>that one guy who cannot into basic cuhrazy combo
handlets baka
Absolutely based. There's no other choice. Anyone who disagrees is a casual pleb of the worst kind.
>game is designed around a list of missions
>this is the main content of the game
>but it's not mission-based
Actually retarded.
>This is the legendary Sparda in the Donteverse
thanks for outing yourself, dumbass
I love Dante
stfu and stop talking like you're on twitter tranny.
>that one guy who cannot properly execute Exceed
>that one guy who mashes the melee attack button and calls it """gameplay"""
3SE = 5 > 3 >= 1 = 4SE > 4 > DmC:DE > 4 Refrain > DmC >= 2
That's wrong, the game is designed around open world. The missions are layered on TOP of the open world. They're not the central focus of the gameplay at all. You're literally lying at this point.
1 = 3:SE = 5 > 4:SE > DmC >> 2
>imagine defending DmC in the year of our Sparda 2019
>the central focus of MGSV is empty deserts with no intrinsic goal or value
>not the missions which provide the core gameplay routine and method of progression
Every post you make just proves you to be dumber than previously thought
>links a video of someone doing a MISSION
Is this bait?
Am I being baited?
Honestly I can agree with this.
DMC1 nowadays tends to be underrated in various ways, it has a different sort of appeal than the rest of the series as it is fundamentally structured as an arcade game but it also has by far the most consistent enemy design and pacing.
3SE = 4SE = 5 >= 3 > 4 > 1 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> a huge pile of shit >>>>>>>>>>>> the sonic fanbase >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> DmC: DE >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 2 >>>>>>>> DmC
>= = =
>I can agree with this
fuckin pansies man
>pretend to be an expert on video games
>get blown out of the water on basic reasoning
Yeah okay, MGSV is open world, not to mention your entire critique of the game is so whitewashed and faulty, you'd have a hard time getting any of that shit to fly at a convention.
imagine getting btfo so hard you have to default to the insult of the week
Yep. For all of TSA's flaws it's so nice to have Suda back directing NMH himself.
The gameplay is too meh to warrant replays and I'd still replay NMH1 or even 2 over TSA for their combat, but damn if I didn't enjoy the writing and music in TSA a ton.
>literally cannot understand the idea of a mission-based game
>at a convention
What the fuck?
What do conventions have to do with this? What are you even talking about you absolute lunatic?
They're all good game which I love equally all of which have strengths and weaknesses that makes it hard for me to love more than the other
It's because you're making up bullshit terms to fit your agenda. No one knows the designs or the phrasings of mission-based gameplay that you're crying about, when I'm literally positing links and examples of my game logic.
how does transformers rank with DMC?
who are you quoting?
must be nice I only know favoritism and apathy
It's MGR but with Transformers... the real Transformers; those from the 80's
You have no logic
You just shout 'open world' as if having a big map makes MGSV fundamentally different from PW on which its entire premise and game flow is based
Anyone with half a brain knows what a "mission-based" game is.
Why do you care?
half of these faces are meaningless
hehe dmc4 is bad upvote me bros
ESL faggot detected
You are so retard that you pretend to know the game better that the people that developed it and called it an open world game. lol
>Open world gameplay
>Non-linear gameplay
>Objective based gameplay
>Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain
Literally in the first line of the wikipedia article it states, "Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain[b] is an action-adventure stealth game developed by Kojima Productions and published by Konami." and under that, in the gameplay tab, it reads, "Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain is an action-adventure, stealth game in which players take the role of Punished "Venom" Snake from a third-person perspective in an open world environment." Two minutes of reading and you would have avoided a pursuit in trolling. MGSV is a localized experience which rewards player ingenuity through virtual habitus and productivity. The whole game is centered around the logic that the player should discover more of the environment, so as to manipulate it to his benefit. I'm wasting time with you because I don't have friends, if you somehow think this is a satisfactory way to argue I'd try to advise against it; but you're intimate with your fragile sense of sociability, so there's not much I can do to alter your shitty attitude.
That's correct there are missions in the open world experience Metal Gear Solid V. I'm glad you have a fourth grade reading level. Very good, well done.
It's actually unbelievable to me that you think the core element, the driving force, the main focus and draw of MGSV is that shitty, empty, worthless open world.
Do you think people play The Elder Scrolls to steal forks from people's houses, and not to play the quests?
Did you think your shitty time with a game would repurpose the creator's vision?
I don't like USFIV. Doesn't mean I think it's an adventure game. Don't be an idiot any longer please.
Complains about colored enemies. Points out examples of the same thing from the other games. This is why that complaint is retarded. diff user btw
It was a really fun and campy game that people pretend lost its soul even when it didn't.
Do you think the bulk of Kojima's effort went into those two open maps, rather than all the missions that take place within them?
I still, seriously, do not understand what your point is, or how we even got here from the initial argument.
You just keep ranting and raving about muh open world as if every single mechanic and feature of the game isn't in service of the MISSIONS that serve as the bulk of the game's content.
Like what the fuck is wrong with you?
Not really, Blitz and Shadow have a shield that you break and afterwards you can attack them with whatever you like, while the color coded enemies are not a challenge but a restriction
That's not my problem you retard. The logistics of the argument persuaded you into abandon, I didn't tell you to veer off course and start a tirade about fucking game mechanics. You did that. You started with the criticism of MGSV being bad, you drove off course, you dived deeper into the nonsense, you persisted even though you didn't understand, you did this to yourself. Don't blame me for showing you facts and detailed criteria, you're a faggot. Pure and simple.
>You started with the criticism of MGSV being bad
And then you attempted to claim that MGS2 had repetitive missions, but it doesn't.
And then you flew into an autistic fit about MGSV being an "open world game" rather than a "mission-based game"
Doesn't FUCKING matter anyway, because the missions in MGSV are dogshit, tedious, and repetitive, and there is no other fucking reason to waste your time in that godforsaken insult to the franchise
blitz, the bombs and shadow all restrict the weapons you can use. You must use guns. When blitz goes berserk you are restricted even further. You can't claim these aren't challenges but rather restrictions. Same with colored enemies.
Are you serious? How does that not matter despite the critique you gave on Metal Gear Solid 2 being objective based? How does the genre of Metal Gear Solid V not reflect intimately on the critique of Metal Gear Solid V, and comparatively, through that refraction of Metal Gear Solid 2?
thank you god it's fucking perfect is still reddit
>shield that you break and afterwards you can attack them with whatever you like
DmC's witches functioned the same way. They were able to spread those shield among the crowds if left alone, of course you had to beat down with an angel weapon. Looks like we're talking about the colored phases though.
>if I just spout a bunch of word salad, that means I'm smart and right
I have wasted more than enough time arguing abstract genre titles with you.
The core of the argument was the various grievances I had with MGSV in terms of design, an argument you've summarily ignored by obfuscating the point in a quagmire of irrelevant tangents.
Guys guys, Metal Gear is shit in general, it is just a shitty japanese version of Splinter Cell with "muh epik deep lore".
Kojima is a hack, deal with it.
This face is my favorite of the faces. I like the emotion it conveys. A feeling of mild enjoyment but also "what the fuck is this shit".
Yeah but none of your grievances were sustained, that was my problem. When two people argue they have differing opinions on something, they try to understand one another. You hinted at your time with MGSV being bad, you didn't actually explore the content or explain why the game was bad, you just gave me some Da Vincian virtuoso on how the game sucks because it checked off a bunch of things you disliked. Maybe you just don't like Metal Gear Solid at all. That would be a better ratification than seeking substance with a fortified enthusiast of the game.
I think witches were a cool concept actually. You could deal with them by reflecting their projectiles or baiting them to throw their shield so you could combo them down. They were like a high priority target that you had to pretend to ignore.
Blitz has a shield that you break with guns afterwards you aren't restricted and in that sense the game did not restrict you from all you're moves the whole fight, the bombs are nothing more than that a walking bomb I wouldn't really consider them an enemy but an obstacle that you have to avoid, Shadow is the same as I explained with Blitz, and Blitz going berserk is a punishment for the player for being too slow to kill him same with how enemies DT in DMD.
Color coded enmies restrict of your movepool the whole fight and force you to use a certain type of weapon, and it doesn't even feel like a challenge.
>he doesnt royal guard the blitz into oblivion
Talk about making a mountain out of an anthill. Are you telling me all this time dmcfags have been complaining about color coded enemies and there's only a single rat motherfucker variation in the game outside the shield bitch.
I've just downloaded Cheat Engine to try and achieve this:
Any tips on how to make this work?
Don't click on that picture
I mean fair enough. I feel that colored enemies are less restrictive because you can always use 2 weapons and any gun rather than 1. needing the gun then 2. having a time window. I recognize that this is just my onion though.
I get the joke but want to respond anyway.
>he can't combo with 2 weapons
>he enjoys being limited by only 2 weapons ignoring DT where you can use everything
do you even combo autism bro.
It's actually two (2) color coded variations of the shield dude, and two (2) for those big rat enemies (you can also count the witch I guess), you also have color coded platforming, and using specific weapons for doors or cracks
And it wasn't the only complaint DMCfags have on DmC, No styles and no taunts are some I can think of at the moment
GZ and TPP should be separated. GZ was fucking perfect and felt like (what could have resulted in) the perfect MG game
There's something about that image that makes me kind of wish the skull on his back would be a wisecracking annoyance like Griffin