Character is good through the entire story and even the 'evil' options are just edgy anti-hero shit

>Character is good through the entire story and even the 'evil' options are just edgy anti-hero shit
>Reach the end of the game and defeat the last boss
>Get the option to just go full crazy for no reason
>Will never be addressed in sequels and there is payoff at all

Why is this shit so common? Does any game actually do this well?

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Other urls found in this thread:

>randomly goes crazy that moment for plot purposes

It was always implied she was a crazy bitch. It was cleverly hidden in the books, but it was there.

D&D are just idiots who can't make good subtle writing and rushed out a "finale" for immediate cash infusion. Guarantee if they had another season to work with, this "mad queen" plot story would have been a lot more fleshed out.

bookfag what happened?
Developing hormones doesn't mean madness, only a bit of it.

>Get the option to just go full crazy for no reason
She lost her closest friends, lost two dragons, was rejected by the man she loved, had people conspiring to undermine her claim and kill her, and was widely hated even after showing mercy to Cersei and sacrificing half her army against the White Walkers.

And that's only in this season. You would have snapped after going through 1/10th of what she did. Of course she would go crazy after looking at the Red Keep and realizing that her victory was hollow.

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Keep staying oblivious. Not worth it.
Daenerys gets Cersei to surrender, along all King's Landing. Since Missandei and Rhaegal died during this conflict, she decides to raze the city.

bloodthirsty bitch the entire time. you just didn't like her previous targets.

hello toastie roastie

Sounds like Infamous Second Son.


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>lol she went crazy for no reason
>lol roastie
Get me the fuck out of here

>when GoT characters go over someone's head

stay seething, landwhale

is that way

I don't even watch game of thrones, but even i undestand why danny did what she did.

the coin landed on tails after all

Welcome to the world rostie, turns out that no matterh ow much shit a character eats while being heroic, they are not allowed to snap and become mega bitch it's stupid and pisses off everyone who rooted for them in the first place. To see that and be okay with it let alone defend it is like defending any of the characters actions in Marvel Civil War, both the comics and the shithole movie

She's been a nut job from the start how is this surprising to anyone?

>just go full crazy for no reason
>predisposition to mental illness
>loses her sole logical claim to her main goal
>friend dies protecting her
>second dragon dies
>other friend gets executed
>lover won't fuck her

>Crazy for no reason
>Family known for going crazy
>Executes those that don't completely worship her
>Is a woman
Really surprising.

>Sacrifice half your army, your child and your most devout follower/confidante
>Gets sass from edgy bitch and her pet gremlin
>Useless manlet adviser has literally never given you a single good advice and repeatedly undermines you in public
>You can't fire* him for his incompetence because he got everyone else who can do the job killed or turned against you
>Finally have the chance to avenge all the people who died and punish the people responsible for making your life a living hell since the literal day you were born
>They suddenly want to surrender now that they are losing and act like everything is cool between you now
She did literally nothing wrong and she should fly to Winterfell and burn Sansa as well.

Lot of people weren't paying much attention and missed how every single time she's made a decision on her own it's been impulsive and dumb and made everything worse.

>"Cleverly hidden"

Yea, because all the times she said she was afraid that she's actually turning into her father were really hidden.

And for showfags, watch her speach in what, season 3? Talking about burning cities to the ground and taking what is hers with fire and blood. You thought she just mean "bad people's blood?" Nah man.

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It was pretty obvious with the way she kills people. Burning them alive, locking them in vaults, crucifying them... she seems obsessed with making her enemies suffer for as long as possible.

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>sacrificing half her army against the White Walkers.
The North suffered just as many losses. Wanna go down that path? Any living Stark has:
>Been betrayed, and seen their father get an unjust public execution
>Humiliated in varying degrees
>Exiled and had to reclaim Winterfell
>"Had people conspiring against them [...] and kill them"
>Have no political leverage since Ned's death
>Separated from their brethren at all twists and turns, until they all separately achieve to make their own fronts, which ends up in reunion
Sounds familiar? Maybe the reunion and the "unjust execution" part is not; the rest fits Danny.
The difference? Starks are not Targaryens. They don't succumb to rage genes as easily.
I agree it's a shit ending and I hate how this ended, but your reasons are weak, considering lots of the cast went through similarly heart-rending ordeals.

This. I really don't get how people are mad about this. Remember when she had her brother killed bc he was mean to her? That was season 1

>hugely cruel bitch that has been ruthless when anyone raises even a hint of opposition
>Had people crucified
>Burned alive
>Constantly threatens her closest allies
>And that all while things are going her way

Gee it's almost as if this character was terrible all along even when her goals SEEMED noble.

>say you wont blow up the city and be feared and agonize over what to do
>cersei blows up the church
>nobody cares
>d&d: lol woops we forgot about that
>nephew wont fuck me anymore
>better burn down my ancestral home
just when you think the show couldn't get any worse after they assassinated stannis' character

>Bitch had a hissy fit because things weren't going her way
Ftfy, everyone else had lost nearly everything (some starting off with way less than that bitch) and haven't gone crazy from it. She's a little brat and always has been

>all those baby girl named khaleesi
>all those retards with a dani tattoo
>all those feminist BTFO
This is the best shit ever

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She was only really only freeing cities from slavery and shit before, people praising her as benevolent force of good everywhere else until she came to westeros.
And now after she saw that no-one wanted her here in westeros unlike the stories she was told by her bro about how targerians where secretly loved by the people.
lost all her friends and such just to take this shit place where they surrender in fear, these people aren't slaves and probably dont give too much of a shit about the politics much.
Her previous success across the seas got to her head and she thinks people should automatically praise her for taking over their city. She could sense the fear (not relief that shes here to save them) in the peoples voices, and finally snapped

So she basically said fuck it I've had enough.

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John kills Danny
Bran becomes king
Enjoy your shit ending

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Thot's and brainlets saw her as the hero cause she had dragons

oh my fuck

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>Gets sass from edgy bitch and her pet gremlin

>crazy for no reason
all those faggot peasants deserved it, remember these are the same cucks that cheered when Ned Stark got beheaded. They all deserved nothing but the most painful and gruesome deaths possible

>Season 1 episode 10
>I promise that anyone who would harm you will die screaming!
>she's the good guy :^)

everyone already knows

She is an incest brat with a predisposition for homicidal insanity

>The difference? Starks are not Targaryens. They don't succumb to rage genes as easily.
No, the difference is that the Starks have each other and their friends in the North. Daenerys has no one except Grey Worm.

>Destined to be a hero
Fucking kek, these retards get what they deserve

How does everyone forget that peasants are a disposable and self-sustaining resource?
A couple thousand die and there's millions more to take their place, what a tragedy.

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Most of them didn't even know who the fuck ned stark was

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GoT characters have the depth of a puddle of piss

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Why would bran take the throne?


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Seething danifag

>those compilations of all the actors being incredibly unhappy about the final season make sense now

LOts and lots of early BioWare games
KOTOR comes to mind, I think Jade Empire did this shit too

>earlier season one of her dragons ate a child which made her sad as fuck and locked the dragon up
>this season she is the biggest child murderer and villain ever
Bravo great writing

>was rejected by the man she loved
If I was excused to burn alive thousands of people every time a girl I liked rejected him. Fuck off cunt, it's so obvious you're a fucking woman. You're not welcome here.

They're not even subtle about it.

"Rocks fall, everyone dies"
Literally a D&D ending lmao

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It’s not like Dany had any build up to that moment
If they’re implying she went crazy like her father, they have to show that progression.
It’s rare for someone completely sane in real life to suddenly just lose it, particularly without a major trigger like drugs or seeing something traumatic from their past

she always listened to everyone who told her not to go nuts
t. one of those losers

In Danny's defense, the worst she threatened Viserys with is chopping his hands. That was Drogo all the way.
That's quite some seasons later. Just as Daenerys having allies after her conquests. The surviving Starks were all left to their own devices - Arya with a deranged murderer, Sansa hostage with Queen Bitch of the Martinverse, Jon Snow outright exiled to the Wall, where he had to win the members of the Night's Watch, as well as the Free Folk.
They were as safe as Daenerys, every time.

Because it was a sandnigger kid. She's racist, always has been

>Guarantee if they had another season to work with, this "mad queen" plot story would have been a lot more fleshed out.
hbo offered them unlimited money and more seasons. they decided on 6 eps. they are hacks who just wanted to get it over with and move on to wrecking starwars.

So whens Game of Thrones: Brotherhood?


>oh no! more space for the nobles who actually spend money instead of peasants who eat up grain supply and bitch about the king every day
>randomly cheering for the death of someone you know nothing about just because
that makes it even worse, it makes them downright evil and malicious

>executes people that fought in a battle against you and wouldn't kneel
Literally any other character would do the exact same shit.

She wasn't sane though. She was a spoilt brat that had dragons to back up her bullshit. If she didn't have those, she would have ended up a cocksleeve for that barbarian tribe
drakengard did dragon genocide first and way better

She actually does have Jon (Or did, until last episode's climax), but she couldn't accept the fact that his upbringing taught him that incest wasn't right. He would have still fought and died for her and been loyal as anything, and actively refused his true claim to the throne repeatedly.

But no. She needed that good dick, didn't she?

They did show that progression but the execution was horrendous because D&D are hack writers or did you forget her adventures in Astapor, Yunkai, and Mereen where the only thing between Mad Queen and Breaker of Chains was Jorah and Berristen?

Fuck D&D

>cherrypicking one sentence and thinking that only one event can contribute to a person's mental state
never @ me again

giving the people of King's Landing that sweet sweet FREEDOM

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>was rejected by the man she loved

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>More room
There is no fucking room left idiot. Cities fucked and those nobles won't fix it. That's a peasant job.

>tfw this pissed off roasties so hard they now view 10 years of their life as wasted
>it wasnt even out of character but they're still just pissed and view it as anti-woman propaganda
Based GOT

Nah she unleashed drogo. She knew what was up

Good thing Disney put them in full control of their own Star Wars trilogy!