Why is the Smash Community so infuriated with Incineroar? I thought people want more cartoony characters and more heavy weights
Why is the Smash Community so infuriated with Incineroar...
A. He deposed a leak people believed
B. He's from the 7th generation of pokemon and people really only like the even numbered ones and 1.
Because barely anybody liked Incineroar to begin with.
Holy shit stop making these threads you retard
They all want to fuck him, but he's not real so that makes them really mad.
not even once
I'm under the impression that people liked 3 (as much as 4 at least) and hated 6.
>Another fire/fighting type (pretends to be dark)
>Ugly as sin design
>Everyone who likes him is extremely horny for him
He's fun to play but a different Pokemon would have been nice.
>Furfag Pokémon fans like rubbing a bara furry
Imagine my surprise
The number one pokemon amie pokemon in XY was Gardevoir, too
That's a shitpost you're replying to, bud
wrestlers don't fight. his typing is perfectly fine
Just fucking look at him
He's repellent to the senses
I'm looking at him and he looks pretty cool
he just looks really dumb with no redeeming qualities and the only people who like him are the worst kind of subhumans
Jokes on you I just like him in off model art made by fans the official design does nothing for me.
I don't see why you think Yea Forums is the whole smash community. People genuinely like the character because he's fucking fun to play as.
>incineroarfags are the only people that complain about people not liking their character
That's weird because the people I have seen that like him is Smash are cool while people that complain about it are insufferable butthurt people.
>K. Rool
>every1 dat disagree with me is a furry
seete some more, grinch nigger
No one complains about people not liking the character, OP is just asking why it happens we don't even know if he mains him.
autists don't notice their own autism, user
>Ffw Banjo get's to be in the greatest crossover game of all time (Diddy Kong Racing)
>Tfw he might be in smash too
>Tfw nu Yea Forums zoomers hate Banjo and will scream and cry if he actually makes it
>He thinks I give a shit about the Smash roster
I genuinely don't understand people one this fucking board
>if a character makes people seethe, it's based
>if a character makes people seethe, it's cringe
Pick only one or else it's plain bias.
Not as much as Banjo/Isaacfags cried when the cereal mascot cat got in.
The only cartoon character that people care about is Banjo.
>people shitpost more about character rosters and spamming porn instead of actually discussing the game itself
>discard the entire game as shit
Give me one reason why I shouldn't do this with every game in existence. If the fanbase can't contain its autism and be respectful in terms of gameplay discussion, it only sheds a bad light on the game itself.
if you got who you wanted in a previous game, rosterfagging really isn't there
I don't mind Incineroar, I don't like him but I know his fans actually like him unlike plant cucks. Plant cucks are sakurai dick suckers who fake liking a shit pic because they're reddit tier trolls. Incineroar is also fun to play. Nice try NIGGER
>Yea Forums is one person
There's your mistake lad
then why isn't machoke number one? they even specifically made it so that rubbing his crotch gets a positive response.
Because he's fucking Incineroar. I wouldn't have had another Pokemon rep to begin with since there's a fuckton already (Pikachu, Pichu, Mewtwo, Lucario, Jigglypuff, Greninja, Pokemon Trainer consisting of Squirtle, Ivysaur, and Charizard), but all the pokemon they had to work with and they chose fucking Incineroar? Gengar and Mew would have been much more acceptable.
That's because the actual gameplay discussion dies after 2 days because there's nothing else to talk about, it happens with every game with a fanbase that seems much more autistic than it really is.
Incineroar is only cared about by barashitters.
>Gengar and Mew would have been much more acceptable.
Because we like a Nintendo franchise.
The only characters I've ever really wanted for Smash were the inklings and for squirtle and ivysaur to come back. I'm rather satisfied.
Because once we talk about the gameplay it boils down to tierwhoring or complaining about how cheap some characters are to fight online.
Shouldve been Buzzwole instead
That kinda speaks poorly about the gameplay if gameplay discussion leads to shitposting.
Why hasn’t /vp/ been upgraded to contain Smash too?
The countless 250 reply threads about Incineroar are the same autism as rosterfags.
it's always either that or whining that melee was better, because a solved meta with only two viable characters is just so amazing. it couldn't possibly be that the smeleefags are afraid of getting exposed without their broken controllers, glitches and insta-win characters.
>Dustox 6
Yes, I know this is a porn list
People just don't like seeing or fighting a couple of characters in the roster. Everyone has matchups they like or dislike. It's just that faggots on this board crank it up to eleven and opposing just goes "git gud" or "mad cause bad".
I don't get it is this a list with which characters have more porn? that doesn't really has anything to do with how the character was picked for the game.
/vp/ can't even even keep their shit contained to their board Smash has no chance of staying there.
Clear body shields me from mods.
>jap poll on a niche 18+ website beats global sample size of people that play the game because it suits my argument!
It’s not polite to poke fun at the disabled user.
How did /vp/ even get made?
I know they’re the same anons who got Goodra banned but they can’t be that much of a swarm compared to post ballot Smashfags.
I can't speak for the rest, but I never liked his design when I saw him in that Sun and Moon leak.
I think it was because of a flood of posts around when BW came out
>Actually wanted he to be in
>In /vp/ autistic starterwars and in Yea Forums virginben shitposting
>Now that he is in I am lumped together with shitposters that screech GRINCH whenever someone criticizes the kind of dumb design
I hope that if one of the characters in the fighter pass is on my wishlist that no shitposters cling on to them
If you think about it, Incineroar is the ultimate Heel.
I didn't want him since gen 7 was genuine dogshit. His moveset is the only good thing about his inclusion.
>Looks like Dr Wily in a fursuit
>Hasn't done anything noteworthy that would deserve a spot in Smash
>Forced as hell by Pokemon Company
>>Forced as hell by Pokemon Company
This meme again. How is he even remotely """""forced""""""?