Hero's sidekick defeats the main villain

>hero's sidekick defeats the main villain

Attached: Joey.jpg (480x360, 20K)

Other urls found in this thread:


>when the hero's sidekick isn't destroyed by battle but still takes damage

Joey should have won

>Villain goes nuclear after losing to the one guy he treated like a dipshit at every oportunity

>main hero gets destroyed by villain's sidekick

>Minor character ends up being best girl.

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I cummed all over my Dark magician girl card

She's killed millions of my offspring

Joey straight up won that duel. Kaiba was just salty and didn't want Joey to get the best god card

Marik won or else he wouldn't have been in the finals.

Marik won because plot demands the arc villain be defeated by the main protag

Joey declared the winning move but "lost" because "lol he passed out as he declared the winning attack" and Kaiba literally rolled with that excuse to declare Marik the winner.

The real reason was because Kaiba couldn't handle Joey having somehow gotten the best egyptian god card

is this from the original series? I keep seeing this pic

What was Marik going to do, if he won the tournament? He still would have been one God short.

It was even worse with Marik because she just straight-up outplayed him at every moment and only lost because she summoned Ra instead of using her Harpies.

>Protagonist works his way to optimal fighting level

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Fuck I meant Mai.

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White Knight Chronicles

He didn't say the full "attack". He said "att--" before passing out. So yeah he couldn't continue on so Marik won.

Kaiba made the fair call.

People keep being salty over this as if Joey had any place in the finals to begin with. He straight up lost to Odion in the same manner if Marik hadn't been stupid and told him to pointlessly use a fake Ra card just because he wanted them to think Odion was him, for whatever fucking reason.

I'm pretty sure he wasn't after the god cards and was instead after the puzzle and revenge against Atem by killing him. And you have to win a duel to get the puzzle.

He's after the Pharaoh's power though. I think that has more priority for him over the god cards. If he wanted all the god cards, then he would have just dueled Kaiba prior to the Battle City Finals.

This pissed me off. She legit had him beat the entire time. What's worse is they wrote her out of the show pretty much right afterwards... I was hoping she'd stick around.

Yeah. People forget how Odion was whooping on Joey and only really lost due to Marik giving him a retarded command and fucking up everything.

Sonic Adventure

>sidekick wins
>but it doesn't count

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She didn't outplay him all the time but she did get the upper hand in the end and had a damn good chance at winning. She only lost because she couldn't summon Ra and Marik used that against her.

Yeah how Mai got phased out was pretty disappointing. Season 4 was pretty much the highlight of how low Mai's fallen. She's not even treated with respect as a duelist despite being in the prelim finals in both Duelist Kingdom and Battle City.


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Kurama was second best boy after Hiei.

Rival's autism transcendes human understanding

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Is there any cute and funny cards?

Everyone gives Marik a lot of shit, but what did Bakura ever do?

Yeah it was great when Ishizu became best girl

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>Season 4 was pretty much the highlight of how low Mai's fallen.
This was the one with the dragons and bikers right? It technically didn't happen in the manga so this is a filler season but I still don't like how she just disappears completely after this when she was clearly becoming closer to the main cast throughout battle city. She was a perfect character to add to their gang.

DESU she never really acted that much older than them besides from having a drivers license so I always thought they could have made it so she was lying about her age a bit. She did run away from home too.

>die from playing a children’s card game

Didn't his autism literally break time and space to get to Atem?

She didn't need to even use Ra. If she just attacked him with the 3 harpies she used to sacrifice for Ra she would have won I'm pretty sure.

Marik was pretty shit. He literally would have been kicked out many times over if not for plot and bullshit made up magic rules out of nowhere

That's because Odion was actually good at dueling and most likely would have stomped anyone who wasn't Kaiba, Yugi, or the chick who could see the future unless he could cancel her future sight with the rod


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>enter thread
>someone insults someone else in the thread
>pretend to be that person and defend the points they made

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Yeah it doesn't make sense how they phased her out like that. Especially since before that, she seemed like a main cast member to me. Manga is probably different in this regards.

But as for age, I always saw Mai like a couple years older than them. Like she graduated from high school like a year or two ago.


Are kawai and okashii characters fine as well?

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God Tori was such a shit character, she did even less than Tea.

Exactly. She let her lust for greater power fuck her over because she fell into Marik's trap. Had she just used her harpies, she'd have won.

So yeah it's kinda sad that Marik only won his Battle City finals duels before Yugi only out of luck because one couldn't summon Ra while he could and the other was too weakened to command his monster to attack Marik directly due to the shadow magic.

>one God short


>tfw Odion was a better duelist than Marik himself
What a joke. Maybe Odion should have been the real Marik after all.

That episode that showed her feet.

You just said Marik was saved by plot when Joey was also saved by plot from Odion. He's just as bad. He had no place in the finals. If it wasn't for plot the finals would have been Yugi, Ishizu, Mai, and Odion.

It's poetic justice that he got fucked over in the end by his own bullshit magic rules.

Ishizu uses her magic item to cheat. She had no place in the finals. Kaiba does.

So it should be Yugi, Kaiba, Mai and Odion.

Actually not true Kaiba actually says that he acknowledges Jonouchi as a true duelist in the end of that duel in the JP version

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Zexals's writer doesn't like writing women so he only throws them in to be eyecandy.

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Yugi cheats too. He literally has the power to pull whatever card he needs at the last second. Kaiba deserved to lose anyway. He was a douche and should have been humbled.

Yeah he does say that. But then says how he's dead not caring how much this hurts the others hearing that especially Serenity.


How old?


Kaiba atleast plays more fairly than either of those two and doesn't rely on magical bullshit to win.

Even Yugi's destiny draw isn't really cheating. It's just the plot not his magical item he has on him. Ishizu uses her magic item as much as Pegasus did in duels.

Marik's exceptionally bad so in the bit between them I'd take Joey over Marik (Marik had to be bailed out multiple times and with more nonsensical bullshit). Though if we remove plot bullshit ENTIRELY its really hard to say who would be the best as a shit ton of them rely on plot cheating bullshit to win. Of the ones listed Mai and Odion are the only ones who didn't "cheat" if I recall right.

Didn't he go on to shit talk him again when they dueled on the finals island though?

>Exactly. She let her lust for greater power fuck her over because she fell into Marik's trap. Had she just used her harpies, she'd have won.
She could have also just called a time out and called a ref over too and demanded someone read the egyptian on the card.

Every female lead tends to get the short end of the stick, Alexis, Akiza and Zuzu started out strong but immediately nosedived as soon as their plot ended/show reached the second half.

>Kaiba acting friendly

I never said he was there friends he just didn't unfairly take the win from Jonouchi because of some autistic dislike of him, he may not like him but acknowledges his talents as a duelist but he couldn't continue and so lost to the duel

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>Kaiba atleast plays more fairly than either of those two and doesn't rely on magical bullshit to win.
>Suicide attempt againts Yugi
>Magical plot device ancient flashback againts Ishizu

What's wrong with his hand?

At least Marik has the excuse that he's trying to torture his opponents so he makes stupid moves for the sake of that, whereas Joey gets straight up outplayed and gets lucky. Neither are good duelists but if I had to duel either of them with my life on the line I'd easily pick Joey.


No only the mc gets to win,

I feel like you are fibbing but will probably fap anyway

entire cast is 14

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card games are literally just luck, my dude.
Joey is just smart in including a card in his deck that has a 50% chance of destroying every card on the board.

That was because he was being compared directly to him.

Make no mistake Kaiba does not like Jonouchi nor does he think he is remotely close to his own level DSD shows us the only one Kaiba considers on his own level is Atem and that anyone else even top duelist like Yugi and Jonouchi simply do not compare to him in any way and he outwardly shows it.

Its literally just that internally he thinks Jonouchi is one of the few people he considers good at the game, not as good as him or Atem not even comparable but good enough.

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Hmm maybe not then

Sidekicks cant win any relevant fights, only job and have the mc rescue them

In a card game luck is pretty much the big thing. Yugi does the same thing to win only its him literally FORCING the winning draws for himself whereas Joey plays legit

I feel that's more of an attempt to style on your opponent gone wrong than LEL DARK MAGIC.

>Best girl is from the spin off series

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I think he only did it because having both Yugi and Joey being the finalists in his tournament would literally make him kill himself.

Didn't Yugi beat Atem and was about to beat Kaiba before that oc from the movie showed up? Why would he think Atem is better than Yugi let alone lesser than him?

Good only degenerates would fap to underaged children

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Asuka makes my PP hard

Alexis and DMG were some of my first faps. god why are they so hot bros.

If he won, the arc would end.

Kaiba's autism is the best autism.

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Yugi beat Atem but Kaiba had a winning answer to stop Yugi in the movie. He just chose not to because he realized Yugi was right and trying to duel Atem this way wasn't going to cut it

So instead he literally autism'd himself to Egyptian Heaven to do it instead

>Have Joey win
>Marik is so butthurt he possesses Joey backstage before the finals start
>Now you can give Joey a legit win over the villain and complete his underdog arc and have Marik be the final boss
It was not that fucking hard

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Is Vrains good? Arc-V left such a sour taste.

I feel like they might have already done that once...

The first part isn't cheating.
The second part wasn't even his fault. Besides Ishizu was using her magical bullshit to cheat for most of the duel.

I watched the duel and there wasn't a clear indication whether the card Kaiba had face down was something that could win him the duel.

>missed the last thread
>new one
Why thank you.

In the manga Kaiba wasn't present for the duel between Yugi and Atem DSD goes with the manga canon and assumes he basically is just told later that Atem is gone.

>The DVD bonus features included these songs
It wasn't a good movie but goddamn they knew how to make it comfy

I highly doubt Kaiba would allow that.

Joey just wasn't strong enough to finish the job. Don't blame Kaiba for that.

And there was nothing saying he didn't.

It's not offensively bad like arc-V, but it is just boring outside a meme or two.

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Pic not related, Tania is objectively the best girl and can snu snu me to dust any day.

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He did kinda give off a smirk so who knows what coulda happened

Not that user byt that face down was polymerization actually, Kaiba lost

Wait did he travel through time or did he make a portal to the after life?
I always assumed the latter, with the particle effects around him and everything. Wouldn't need that just for going back in time.

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I think that smirk might've just been Kaiba realizing there are worthy opponents out there that aren't Atem, and supposedly some people were counting cards and that facedown wasn't relevant.

He didn't lose. You have no way to say that nor know what he had face down. Duel is interrupted before it can end.

The fucking speedlines at the end really sell the scene

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So there's no definitive proof that the facedown card was useless or polymerization. Again, I know you want Yugi to have a win over Kaiba without Atem holding his hand, but it's never going to happen.

He might not have been present for the duel itself but I seriously cannot imagine no one telling him that Yugi beat Atem. It's too big a detail to leave out.

Just the opposite, it seems you're rather desperate to make it so Kaiba was going to win. All evidence points to his card being polymerization, which wouldn't have helped.

Did kaiba just fucking kill that pilot?

Its not that people didnt tell him but that he didn't believe it/didn't want to believe it and chose not to.

If you pay attentin to his hand, the last card he had and ends up setting was polymerization. Kaiba lost agains Yugi fair and square

>Final Boss forshadows central plot points of future games

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But there is none

Card games are serious fucking business user.

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shut up Mokuba

>Multiple people that completely earn their victory are forced to lose so the protagonist can be the one that takes down the big bad
Worst part of YGO by far

I wish Joey got to do something in the movie other than remember how cool Atem is so he can bail his ass out of the Shadow Realm.


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>not the Egyptian version

I really didn't want to pull this from my autism folder but here we are

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Kaiba's autism is dangerous

instead Marik had to possess the Winged Dragon of Ra so Marik could possess Marik while possessing Ra then Marik could separate Marik from Ra so Atem could finally do away with Marik and oh dear I've gone crosseyed...

There Kaiba lost

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God every duel Marik was involved in was shit.
>Plot armors Mai with a retarded restriction on Ra
>Would have lost to Joey but lol he passed out
>Was in a bad spot against Bakura but Bakura ,the guy who was shown in the previous duel to be extremely patient, goes full adhd retard mode and tributes Ra even though good Marik could have told Bakura about monster reborn or any other trick yami Marik could have had.
Shit drives me up the wall.


Nothing new for Kaiba. Haha, remember that one time he teamed up with an actual serial killer to get back at Yugi and Co.? Oh man, they had some wholesome, wacky adventures together.

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So you have no evidence.

He should have been bailed out by a vision of his sister which would be more appropriate to his character arc

The only thing you've proven that you're incredibly autistic. You haven't proven that Kaiba's facedown card was polymerization nor did you prove he had nothing else up his sleeve.

What's this kindergarten?

HOW is Kaiba NOT a villain again? His autism literally kills people.

You know Kaiba is an example where autism is literally the best thing.

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>Not a drooling idiot w/out Astral

Pick one.

He should have been the main character in DSoD. After all the insane shit he does in that movie, Yugi and the bitch crew feel tacked on.

Sorry just posting peak Yugioh protag

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He pretty much was as far as I could tell story was about him and his goals, manga author even put him on the cover.

GXfags never cease to amuse me.

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>Series has a continuous timeline of events for the first three shows
>reboot it for Zexal
>series 4, 5, 6 all rated far below the first trilogy
What went wrong?

>I highly doubt Kaiba would allow that.
Then complain there is no text on the card instead and thus an illegal card meaning Marik should be disqualified - see here:

>game is unfaithful to source material

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Sorry Yugi and Judai are the only Yugioh protags worth shit

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Yusei has some cool moments in the first 60-something episodes. I loved his duel against the Spider-God guy

>Was originally a one-off villain of the week in the manga
>Gets promoted to being the villain of an entire arc
>Is a central figure in the Duelist Kingdom and Battle City, which are arguably the most iconic arcs in the series
>Season Zero changes the outcome of his and Yugi's first duel into a draw
>Is the main antagonist of the majority of Season Zero
>Plays a key role in pretty much every filler arc in DM added
>DM also has him appear in the Millennium World arc and the Ceremonial Duel, both of which he's absent for in the original manga
>Is more or less the protagonist of DSoD
>Is the only rival in the series to get top billing alongside the series protagonist
How does he do it?

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Yusei had some cool moments but Judai and Yugi are the ones who had the best most realistic character development

>Is the main antagonist of the majority of Season Zero
He was only around himself a couple times before Death-T.

The power of sheer autism

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He went to the afterlife. Some brainlets assume it was back in time, but Atem wouldn't have recognised him if Kaiba travelled to the past. No, Kaiba literally broke down spirituality itself just to play a card game with his rival.

That's Yusei's real issue, he starts the anime already fully developed. Being cool, calm, strong of heart, nice, smart, a great duelist, etc etc. He's more of a catalyst for other characters' development. I still like him more than Judai, but I can admit he really doesn't development much.

It was a fucking hologram, why do people keep saying he killed a dude

Because they haven't seen the movie.

Dark Side of Dimensions is so bittersweet for me because it's the Yu-Gi-Oh movie I always wanted and I want more of it but I also know that part of what made it so great is that it's a beautiful epilogue to the original story. To follow it would detract from what made it so good. But I still want more.

Life is suffering.

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So is Kaiba basically a god?
A god that sacrifice another god

>Realistic character development
how's that tranny space demon fusion thing any realistic?

I just think the idea of the main character becoming assblasted and pissy because the game he loves has been used as a tool to hurt those he cares about and that he regularly has to play that game with the fate of reality on the line as an interesting way to do your protagonist for a card game anime

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>teased a perfect follow up with VR MMO duel monsters
>only to do absolutely nothing with it
I still feel cheated.

Absolute kino

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Yeah I felt that feeling of wanting more but being fairly satisfied. I think not having Yugi just straight up beat Kaiba was the first major fault. And maybe instead of having that long fake duel against Atem, we get to see at least part of the salty runback at the end. Joey also was carrying around his duel disk the whole movie and it never got used.

Yeah. Marik would have pretty much lost in every duel if not for shadow games nonsense.


Yeah I really don't like GX till the Supreme King arc, once you get there yeah Judai is pretty cool till the end.

Kaiba basically is the main character of the movie. Things revolve around him and his determination. Even his thoughts.

It felt like Yugi and his crew were the side characters in this movie.

Atem > Yuma > Jaden > Yusei > Yusaku > Yugi >>> shit >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Yuya

More and more retarded concepts kept getting introduced.

Right here

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Kaiba is one would call a legend.

My mate insists that GX is the worst of the series.
How do I convince him that he's wrong?

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I hate how there isnt enough "fan art" of her on model

Is there ANY girl even remotely worthy of Kaiba's seed?

Show him the Japanese version, maybe skip the first two seasons as well. I also hated GX till I watched it all the way through subbed.

Point at Arc V, both the anime and manga.

Handing the show over to a new director with subsequent series combined with some of the worst power creep out there.

Make him watch season 4

What's scary is Kaiba's autism has no limits.

>Yeah. From now on we'll be together forever.

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I thought Japs liked Zexal more than 5Ds?

knock him out, tie him to a chair, bolt the chair to the ground so he can't escape and force him to watch arc-v

Wew at that shit taste

Lock him in a room, playing the English theme song on repeat.

Best Protagonist Aces coming through

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you think?

Misunderstanding of gimmicks and not creating an interesting expansive world of a single universe

Also the designs get progressively worse after 5D's

I;m still mad
It was so good.
It could've been so good.

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>Big tits
>Thick legs
>Dragon girl
>Probably relative to Fug

Why cant modern Yugioh be as hype as CLEAR MIND?

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>implying he's straight
user pls

Nibba just killed someone on a children's cartoon

In the original version he just wanted to straight up gut the motherfucker but the gods/puzzle wouldn't let him unless he beat him in a contest
The dub added in that bullshit about taking his power and conquering the world

I thought the premise of alternate universes and old characters would be great

But it wasnt

I wanna die

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At this point, his hologram is hard solid, so he could just have an orgy with his dragons.

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The Blue Eyes White Dragon

Fucking Konamiggers not letting based Joey win.

Miss me?

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>5Ds characters get the most love because they're the creators' pets
>Zexal gets a rushed arc with Kite going good offscreen
>GX characters get the short end of the stick, not even winning any relevant duels

Is Kisara that unknown or disliked?

>seto dies
>gets to go to Atem's afterline since he's a reincarnation
>bone his dragon's spirit in the afterlife forever and ever
luckiest man on earth

tell to watch the sub also to watch arc-v


He's just a shitty god.

>No DM
should have added DM to bring it back
No way they will fuck DM character up

His ancestor's dead waifu?

Anna is still best YGO girl. How did they get away with it?

Priest Seto is not Kaiba and Kaiba is not Priest Seto. Kaiba give zero shit in the anime when he met up with Kisara.

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Former incarnation.

a god with autism and fetish for dragons


Definitely Serenity.

if she's a dragon his okey with kaiba

Of the original YGO girls, who's the closest in being Kisara's reincarnation?

>DM reboot happen
>they made Serenity the spirit holder of Blue Eyes instead of trading cards
What happen now

based kaiba

who else is in atem's afterlife?

Easily Serenity for both irony points and being the opposite of Blue Eyes, like Kisara.

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GX kinda sucked but Judai was best protag.

What game has this ever happened in?

>who else is in atem's afterlife?
his friends which "reincarnated" as DMG and Dark Magician

>Sideplot is more interesting than the main plot

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You know, Ive always wondered why Silent Magician is my favorite card. I think now I know.

You show him the girls

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Is the original YGO mango worth reading?

I like Crow

>GX is the worst of the series.
Is that the one with the kids that have nothing to do with the story so far? I kinda hated the whole thing and didn't even watch more than 3 episodes.

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>it a speical OP power only the enemy can use episode

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Hope we never see that again.

Why do you have to hurt me like this?

Arc-V is the worst kind of garbage, it baits you into getting invested, becayse it starts out so fucking strong only to fucking burn you with the heat of a blazing sun with it's nosedive.
You keep watching, because you hope that it will be good again later on while dangling cool plot points in your face to keep you watching(looking at you episode 92)
If it was garbage from the start I could just drop and forget about it, but Arc-V still pisses me off to this fucking day 2 years after it ended.
Fuck Arc-V and fuck anyone who defends that hot piece of garbage.
What an absolute fucking disgrace that show was.
I hate that show so goddamn much and I am disgusted that there are people who defend that piece of garbage.

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Why did Egyptian people reincarnate as Japanese people?

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Because japs love to stroke their own ego.

When are they going to release her dragon in real life?

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Maybe sooner than you think

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Wait I forgot doesn't Serenity kinda look and act similar to Kisara?

Then Kaiba bones Serenity. Jonouchi will surely lose it.

Season Zero and the beginning of the YGO manga are the best parts of the original series

Priest Seto wouldn't be there right?

Just like he loses everything else

Talking about Zack and Cloud arent you

When it comes to oldish shows like ygo, what was the last good era here?

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Priest Seto is there.

But isn't the synchro dimension the one Yugi came from?

That's a guy
Now check my trap card

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No. The point of duel disks is to carry out the attack fully using it. It's why there are cards with calculation phase effects. The effect must be carried out first. You don't win just because you had the winning card.

If you pass out before the effect is resolved, then you lost by default. It's pretty much the same as any other sport.

>actual card game is constantly nostalgia baiting
>they still haven't made a new series with the OG characters in the future using the new mechanics
I want to see Joey pull out all the stupid Red Eyes shit they have now

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Kaz doesn't want to do that.

Aren't all of the cards on the show stylized so they have no text? Though I do think they specifically mentioned that either Ra had no text or it was in Egyptian

Yes, but she literally became the dragon though.it was always my headcanon that her sacrifice scarred his soul in some way. This, combined with his promise to his brother, is what led to his obsession with the Blue-eyes.

Thanks to hard light techology nad blue eyed maiden cards he has her already.

Attached: LCKC-EN012.jpg (350x511, 64K)

Fuck Anzu, let her have Atem and Yugi can get her.

Attached: Yamismile.png (612x548, 322K)

what the fuck does he even want to do. What's his contribution beyond creating and selling out for a card game.

That's a dub change to get around US advertising laws
Canonically the cards look exactly how the do in real life

Delete this

The thing about Red Eyes is that despite their potential, their potential is held back by that dumbfuck Joey. This is the same Joey that would rather play an RNG to win instead of building around Red Eyes, This is the reason why many of the new Red Eye's card are just Joey's card, but with Joey coloring in their eyes Red. Red Eyes need a new master, another main character, that would actually use Red Eye's full potential.

Attached: Red-Eyes.Black.Dragon.full.965410.jpg (681x893, 161K)

Did they make any new cards based on Rex or Atticus?

Kinda? Mostly because they have long hair and give off the same soft and pure vibe.

Attached: SerenityKisara.jpg (774x710, 322K)

Saying no to set rotation.

That's when you're wrong cockfag.

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they look sort of similar

not him but do we see him there?

Attached: KaibaandThots.jpg (480x480, 54K)

>the Main Character hit his limit break, and summon that power with the power of Friendship

Attached: Firewall Dragon Darkfluid.webm (666x372, 2.96M)

But set rotation is at 1

Attached: 1539750338913.png (471x694, 704K)

They did. Atleast for Atticus. He used Red Eyes way better than Joey ever did.

>the best most realistic character development
That is Yuma.

Attached: yuma_tsukumo.png (827x967, 652K)

>autism transcends humanity

I dunno, draw Yugioh stuff on Instagram?

Attached: 50223151_29307.jpg (1080x1080, 437K)

man i hope you had it in a display case thing

GX is my favourite and I could never explain why
It's just weird but good

Anyone have a good ojama decklist? Can be pure ojama, ojama-raccoon, ojama-ABC, you name it. I want to run these bastards since I have a pre-links ojama raccoon deck I want to revitalize.
The most recent decklist I could find is this, but Ancient Fairy Dragon got banned so I don't know what to do.

Attached: 1520905021709.png (1366x728, 1.39M)

most based archetype coming through

Attached: MaskedHERODivineWind-SDHS-EN-SR-1E.png (309x450, 371K)

Yeah Serenity definitely looks like Kisara.

>summon dark law set three end
A while back I went 10-0 against a masked hero player with Geargiakuri, too bad links had to happen and ruin that and my Fire Fist deck.

For whatever reason burgers and Serenity is the more popular choice when it comes to Kaiba hetships for burgers and nips.

Any archetypes that use all summoning methods?

My Ojama deck was God tier back in the day.

Attached: MikazukinoKAIBA.jpg (400x580, 177K)

why is kaiba so great?

Zefra, they even have a Link monster too just because it's their thing.

Attached: OracleofZefra-PEVO-EN-SR-1E.png (481x700, 835K)

wtf? when did kaiba become so jacked?

How long ago are we talking?

10 years ago.

Kaiba is so fucking hot.

>be a young duelist prodigy
>be scheduled a duel against a kid who is seemed as unbeatable
>study each and every duel he had trying to find a weakness
>manage to find said weakness and come up with a plan to exploit it
>still lose because of plot armor
>from then on everyone thinks of you as less of a person and more of a prop
>suddenly gain an attraction towards cute duel monsters card girls
>suddenly this weird guy appears and in a matter of hours he starts a cult
>thinking this will make people take you seriously you become a spokesman for said cult
>people still think of you as a joke
>still find card with cute girls on them fuckable
>fall in love with a buff but cute amazonian girl who has the hots for you
>after the cult is destroyed you're once again right were you started with respect from no one
>in a moment of desperation you remember your mentor's words and decide to strip yourself naked and search all over the campus for that cute amazon girl
>she's nowhere to be seen
>get fed up with so much shit you decide to become a drop out
Being Mizawa is suffering

Attached: 1544492180522.jpg (640x480, 58K)

>yugioh's that old
>ojamas are still barely playable
Where's my ojama synchro, xyz, etc? How about retrains for yellow, black, and green?

why is that bottle floating? who is carrying it?

Attached: yugimotouh3.jpg (500x500, 111K)

He's the best character in GX though.

>mean while, as a cyber dragon fag....

Attached: CyberDragonNachster-DUPO-EN-UR-1E.png (676x986, 1.64M)

LittleKuriboh is a better Ishizu than Karen Neil. Sorry, but not sorry.

Attached: [022795].png (1600x900, 1.41M)

>cyber dragons get one of the best xyzs in the game, to the point that any deck that could possibly summon it had some shenanigans to shit it out
>ojamas get weird synergy with ABC and fucking ARMED DRAGON of all things, another trap card that still gives your opponent a free link monster, and a link monster that is decent, but still leaves ojamas needing some more oomph to them
I mean, at least Ojamas aren't Alien-tier.
why must all the archetypes I like suffer

You mean the one that's just LittleKuriboh putting on a female streetshitter voice?

>apologizing for making jokes

Best Yu-Gi-Oh character coming trough

Attached: dbrjokx-896731fe-7aee-4c05-9899-4d73eeca36b7.png (550x500, 108K)

No, I legitimately believe Martin Billany, a man, did a better voice than the 4Kids actress, a female.


at least your archtype isnt Dusto

Duston or Gusto? Worse than Aliens?
Post one "decent" Alien decklist, it'll look like shit compared to either.
please prove me wrong, I want to run Aliens so bad but they seem so eh

Reminder that Shizuka blushed towards certain boys on the show.

He was much better in the manga where he was actually a rival and not comic relief.

He did both in the anime and was still great.

the duel terminal storyline was a masterpiece

at least Alien have fucking amazing Link monster
Duston is just fucked by MR4

what is the best yugioh vidya Yea Forums

Why did they treat Mizawa so badly? His treatment was probably worse than Mai's.

He's a complete joke in the anime. Always jobbing. In the manga he's actually a serious rival and actually beat Jaden.

just play YGOPro since that shit is updated constantly

When are Bujins going to be good again?

He won most of his duels unless it was against jaden.

Can it just be agreed that Links have ruined everything? People shit on stuff past fusions, but links are a filter on any deck involving XYZs, requiring any deck involving said summon types to also use links, and suddenly make fucking columns of all mechanics a required part of the game outside of some shitty GX cards like Alien Infiltrator.

Overall? Late millenial

*any deck involving Fusions, Synchros, and XYZs

He lost to Bastion in season 1. He lost to Adrian in season 3. Then he ends up getting brainwashed in season 2 after losing to Satorious. Then he gets kidnapped in season 3 with the other jobbers.

Manga Chazz hasn't had any of that happened to him because they treat him with respect and not as a butt monkey like they do with anime Chazz.

The way they changed pendulums ruined my crystal beast deck too.

All the bullshit luck and asspulss he got finally caught up to him.

Just remember, you made me post this user.

Attached: 1557030170354.png (479x463, 315K)

Joey got fucked over there, but Rashid got fucked over earlier when dueling him.

Hey it's not like he has magical powers or god cards like his other final 4 competitors.

Best girl

Attached: 1555116178718.jpg (400x580, 74K)

>This year we go alone gave us the rest of the Vision HEROes, Neos/Neo-Spacian support, New Destiny HERO support and now we are getting Evil HERO.
Based. can't wait to see what they have in store for Masked HEROes (and probably E-HEROes) next.

Attached: HEROes3.png (1024x576, 1.22M)

Odion's was ultimately self inflicted though.


>hero's sidekick/close friend protects hero from the villain's fatal attack and get killed or crippled for life

Attached: 1423028025040.png (570x540, 284K)

>series 4, 5, 6 all rated far below the first trilogy
Man, Zexal is rated higher than 5Ds and GX in Japan.

Odion would have won if not for Marik being a retard.

The potential of Red Eyes is to broaden your horizons to various cards and combinations instead of being a "spam same thing" autist like early Kaiba. It just so happened that Kaiba's autism got really marketable, along with Joey's underdog status, resulting in a fuckton of support cards.

I'm sad now.

They still make new E Hero cards?

yes, one of the newest ones being Pic related.

Attached: ElementalHEROGrandmerge-DUPO-EN-UR-1E.png (678x1000, 1.86M)

Should have been monster type instead of archtype

What the actual fuck is going on here?

>Game reuses forbiden or discarded assests

Attached: 1557919928676.png (400x393, 149K)

Attached: 1430010496284.jpg (695x553, 60K)

but that's not Blair

I havent watched Yu Gi Oh since the very first season. Which one of the other series has the best waifus?

>Janitor deletes the thread 400 post in

After seeing Toons are a Monster Type and not an Archetype, I agree.
The ultimate acid trip the episode.

Attached: Destiny HERO Dominance.png (300x442, 309K)


>Which one of the other series has the best waifus?
GX but the actual content is shit.

Stating that Blue-eyes or any blue-eyes support will be hit bit banlist

>New e heros
>no new gem knights
fucking love gem knights

Links are cool. Not Link summoning, but links itself.

>tfw the card you want to be your ace is shit.

iirc isn't serenity's main trait lusting after her brother's cock? Some guy even saved her and she ignored that for "omygosh onii-sama".

Attached: 1255669125833.jpg (281x230, 30K)

>tfw no qt Dark Magician Girlfriend you can summon any time

Attached: 410192d7f74ac8a4bc8dfbe90aae0d4a.jpg (840x1146, 753K)

Who is the best main series girl and why is it Aki?

I am fucking dying over here

Attached: 1489114588022.jpg (250x235, 41K)

it would be nice to go back to old school beatdowns and have a separate format for the new stuff.

Eh, her or Asuka.

Based on looks, anyway.

>I want to hop on judai's cock: the character
Ruined her for me desu. Does she have any development at all?

Attached: terry.png (760x806, 820K)



But no, aside from getting bigger tits she was still the same.

Childhood is fapping to DMG
Maturity is realizing Aki is forever the best girl.

Attached: 1552864824763.jpg (779x1025, 100K)

Attached: 1468472501287.gif (400x458, 309K)

Yes...no...she's just cute and not a THOT like alexis. Does play a minor role in season 3 though when she befriended Marcel.

Also who is that in your pic? I know my answer is wrong

I've always had a soft spot for Kaiba x Ishizu.

Attached: 3b5d56059d2c2eb1731e8112c77066a9.png (1063x1500, 929K)

>best girl keep getting support
I know, right?

Attached: yugiblueeyeswhitedragonsdk.jpg (1243x1800, 186K)

>tfw you made me remember THAT KID who told me there was a YGO card of Tea and DMG doing it that was never printed
fuck you chris harville

I prefer her dragon, user.

Attached: Black.Rose.Dragon.full.1957793.jpg (1300x1158, 2.54M)

>and not a THOT like alexis
>openly asking to get dicked is not thottery
Riiiight... also I haven't played the PSP games but I heard they're basically date sims and there's a blair route somewhere , and I'm wondering how big is the level of getting NTR'd by judai there.
i hope you're joking, that's terry davis

>I heard they're basically date sims and there's a blair route somewhere
There is, both reverse trap and qt Blair
You can also play as a girl in the 3rd one

doesnt she wanna fuck chazz in later seasons post torney p sure alexis just wanted to fuck judai strictly before he turned out to be gay

I used to be able to justify it with being young myself but not anymore
I'm a zoomer, why am I feeling this way

Is that third impact?

I'm sure she gets it big time since that's pretty much her entire character arc besides
>episode 1: I've finally arrived at duel academy! I'm going to be the best duelist there ever was!
>episode 2: oh no I've been scratched by an alien hand I hope this doesn't mean I'm going to be out the rest of the season only mentioned in passing and shown for 5 seconds breathing heavily in a hospital bed!
I had never heard of Terry Davis before, sorry

Is there any difference for playing as a girl? Like cucking blair out of getting with Juden?

Is there somewhere I can download all of the Arc-V dub? I kind of want to check this out

Some changes in the ending CGs but honestly I havent played much as a girl to tell how different it is from playing as a guy

Asuka seemed so promising from the start of Arc V. Then they dropped the ball on her hard.

Manga Chazz
>Generic rival
>Generic Dragon deck
>No character development
>No Chazz it up/Manjoume sanda

That's gonna be a nope from me

Attached: IMG_1224.jpg (520x520, 247K)

>literally every side character outplays the fuck out of Marik but loses because of Shadow realm bullshit
>Oh no guys how's Yugi gonna beat him?

Is Marik the worst villain of the franchise?

Why would you willingly pollute your ears with that disgusting trash?

I know Yugi is king of bricks since his deck was made before the rise of archetypes and proper deck building but who had the second worst deck out of the anime protags?

Grug Tsukumo

I think Jaden's deck was even worse than Yugi's

Judai. Polymerization is just such a shit card

Sartorius gives him a run for his money along with Bakura

Zarc and Leo Akaba are easily the worst villains

Someone please show the clip of Jaden going -4 just to summon Neos

Yuma > Yusei > Yugi > Atem >>>> Judai

At least Sartorius won his duels.

Local chad saves the world and fucks his reincarnated waifu
How could one man be any more based?

Attached: DANE-EN047.png (555x800, 964K)

I miss the Crow threads when Arc V was airing.

Probably Jaden. Not only did he running 5 different Normal Monsters, He also run Neo-Spacian which ain't that great of an Archetype to begin with, and also ran a bunch of spells/traps that needs a specific Monster on Field to work.
I can kinda forgive him having Poly in his deck since back then there wasn't really an alternative to it and with the way his deck is made Poly is the least of his problems.

Season 4 Judai was pure cringe. At least the early seasons had their charm but late GX was nothing but trash.

Attached: Season 4.webm (640x480, 2.77M)

Jaden runs 2 polymerizations, in a fusion deck, he's not the brightest bulb. Least Neos can kinda bypass that but that means having to run shitty Neo-Spacians in the first place.

Elemental HERO Necroshade's reaction to this whole wemb.

Attached: Am I a Joke to you.jpg (800x569, 39K)

Surprisingly enough he can stomp you with that deck in Tag Force 3. Or maybe I got rammed because I almost never put any monster removal traps in my lightsworn deck and even less so in my dark armed dragon deck or maybe he just topdecks like a motherfucker.

Terry's a programmer who believes his self-made operating system can communicate with God
He also believes that CIA niggers glow in the dark
The 'Down the Rabbit Hole' does a through summary on him

Season 4 Judai was full on Tag Force Judai because he wasn't having fun and trying to get out of the fights as fast as possible. His Archetype was great but the show did a shit job of demonstrating that.

Rewatching GX made me realize the writers didn't know how that play the fucking game. The duels were so bad. Only reason GX isn't the worst is because Arc-V

Are Heroes still viable?

Joey won.

What's so bad about this but requiring almost impossible luck?

Neos is a big stupid beat stick. and nothing more

>wasting 5 cards to summon a shitty normal monster with 2500atk

Jaden had the most interesting deck in the series. It was fun to see what wacky HERO fusion he would pull out of his ass. Of course NEOs and neo-spacian autism ruined that.

It was a massive loss in card advantage for a 2500 beatstick that provides nothing else nor has any form of protection

If neos was in his hand, he could've just fused for a neos fusion monster. Also 4 cards for 2500 beat stick.

Went -4 to summon a 2500 vanilla beatstick.

Is Yu-Gi-Oh worth watching today or is it one of those things you just had to grow up with? Because it always sounds absolutely nuts from the way people talk about it.

Attached: yugioh gx aliens.jpg (640x480, 219K)

This is the state of Yugioh anime right now.

Best boi

Attached: 1481438434095.jpg (422x422, 95K)

The first few parts good enough to hold up well as long as you avoid the dub.

It's enough in my book.

nope, don't get me wrong there a fun deck to play but there lacking in too many areas to be viable.

>Dub references dabbing
That least the duel they have after that was kind of funny

I think GX is the only one that is really hard to watch.

He wasted his whole hand just to summon a normal monster with 2500 atk.

So this is where that smug loli came from.

>one of those things you had to grow up with
Yea, just a little bit. If you're going to watch DM and GX I would recommend the dub. That way you get the full childhood experience with all the cheesy music

>Breaker is held back by his spell counter limit
>Dark Breaker is held back by a once per turn limit
>Day Breaker is held back by needing to remove 2 spell counters
>Arcanite Magician gets rekt by effect negation
It hurts

>Yugi has a bunch of strong cards like dark hole, swords of revealing light, summoned skull, mystical elf, MST, mirror force, and breaker just to name a few.
>Never uses them and instead summons a 2000 atk monster that gains 300 atk if the single copy of his shit 2500 vanilla monster is in the grave every other duel.

The heart of the cards be wild like that sometimes.

The "ace" monster mindset was a mistake in DM and GX.

>it's another "I REMEMBER THE OLD DAYS" thread
>it's another "unga bunga me summon summoned skull unga bunga me equip axe of despair" thread
>it's another "well when /I/ play I [long list of backwards house rules that ruin the game]" thread
>it's another "I Solemn Exodia!" thread
>it's another "my 60 card deck of one-ofs beat peep!" thread
>it's another "why do I need a magnifying glass for a card, and I'm not talking about Reinquished, TER, or Last Turn!" thread
>it's another "archetypes (anything non-generic) killed the game but Pot of Greed, Graceful Charity, HFD, Heavy Storm, and the rest of Chaos/Goat staples are totally ok" thread
>it's another "is mirror force banned????" thread
>it's another "monster reborn needs to stay banned" thread
>it's another "Synchros/Xyzs/Pendulums killed the game (forgets Airblade Turbo and DAD Return)" thread
>it's another "holds up summoned skull let me have fun the wrong way" thread
>it's another "any card thats black or white is sin!" thread
>it's another "pls mak dark majishiun gud" thread
>it's another "unga bunga me hate speed and combos" thread
>it's another "unga bunga we need no white" thread
>it's another "I hate extra links" thread
>it's another "I hate settingu scales" thread
>it's another "solemn is negated by jinzo" thread
>it's another "lol remember when he attacked le mooooon" thread
>it's another thread full of anime-only secondaries who miss le "golden" days
>it's another "why do you keep slaughtering my gate guardian deck with these 'ritual beasts', they arent even blue!" thread
>its another "muh kozaky lock" thread
>unga bunga another beatdown only unga thread
>its another "g-guys why can't I use my Stardust Dragon from Starlight Road again???" thread
>its another "Ring of Destruction on Peten!" "w-what do you mean it missed timing???" thread
>its another "flips Despell you activated my trap card!" thread

Attached: candy shota.png (453x413, 268K)

Its criminal no one ever talks about it.

Attached: ZefraProvidence-MACR-EN-R-1E.png (688x1010, 1.41M)

The should be absolutely insufferable to anyone old enough to be here.

Why haven't they made a series about going to the world of duel monsters? I like the other series but they have very little to do with the actual card game.

Have sex

Based candy shota poster

women aren't sex objects

Which Fairy Tail is best Fairy Tail?

Attached: Fairy Tails.jpg (2215x2399, 836K)

They probably don't think it's as marketable that way, but really it doesn't even have to be a full show unless you're actually going to cover the Duel Terminal storyline. There's more than enough material just told through card art to last for a decent amount of time, and you can always make up new lore if you really need to shill something that just came out.
Or it could be that they want the focus to be on the duels, despite the ridiculous situations that tend to surround said duels.

Attached: WitchsStrike-SAST-EN-ScR-1E.png (478x695, 722K)

Junk warrior literally stopped exisisting like halfway through the series in lieu of Stardust.

also where the fuck is Utopia?
I honestly loved Utopia's design and his evolution's.

quick rundown?

He exist where he matters.

Attached: Junk Warrior being ace.jpg (1020x492, 41K)

>Spell counter monsters who only get ONE counter at a time
Konami took until Mythical Beasts to realize Magical Exemplar getting 2 counters a spell instantly made her the best spell counter deck card. I wish spell counter was good but it's only really good as an engine for pendulum negate boards. I wanna style on people with a million counters all over the table.

Did they kill off the worms yet?

What the fuck is that card?

Attached: 1549750672438.jpg (503x570, 28K)

The world almost ends. Three times. And one mom really did not help the situation during that second time.

Attached: AquamirrorIllusion-HA06-EN-SR-1E.png (400x579, 436K)

The spiciest card that no one uses.

>hero's rival defies fate itself and somehow wins in the end even when destined to lose

Attached: kaiba changes the future.png (999x750, 1.13M)

A dumb bitch trying to pick a fight with God himself

Attached: r0qvniobtpm21.png (1872x814, 2.94M)

>sacrificing his new lover for his old one
the absolute madman

I hate that the game is so powercrept that a card like that is considered bad.


It hurts, I had such praise for the first season and then it all went downhill the minute Crow showed up and did exactly what everyone was afraid he was going to do.

Condemned Witch is cute CUTE

This is the episode that sold me on the Subbed version, that OST and delivery was too great.

Attached: Joe.jpg (1920x1080, 188K)

What did he do?

The forbidden one

>Swamp Zombie wrestled into submission by his older brother while being bullied the entire time.

Joe is based.

yeah what the fuck was up with that DLC
some gater punching swamp hillbilly takes on the Swamp Thing with his bear hands to save his niece?

the absolute fuck was Capcom thinking

I wish we could have played as Joe the whole time instead of a shitfaggot like Ethan looking for his ugly, annoying wife.


Hogged the legacy spotlight after his introduction and makes several of the main cast job-out of the Plot-Mandated Tournament so they can shill blackwings again. He's carded to everyone's enjoyment only to return for the final battle literally being the first person in the story arc to do so.

Attached: crow keeps getting in every show.jpg (1280x720, 228K)

>that card is bad
oh wow i'd hate to see what new cards look like
>if you fart in five seconds after playing this spell you win

They wanted to make RE7 actually fun.

>Antagonist actually has the strongest character development

Attached: Chazz-3-yu-gi-oh-gx-31191346-640-480.jpg (640x480, 47K)

God Marik was so lame. Yugi essentially beat him to get his own god card already, he just fought him remotely. Then Mai almost beats him except his card has made up rules. Then Joey DOES beat him but interference ends the duel.

Normal Marik was pretty cool.
Yami Marik is a fucking hack.

Attached: Kaiba ,Birthday,Yugioh , waifus.jpg (800x800, 90K)

He lost the same way he won against Odion.
Dude shouldn't even have made it this far.

I still got my HERO deck, but haven't played since they unbanned stratos. Shit I'll probably need to replace half my extra deck with linkshit now just to be able to kinda compete, but ima do it anyway.

And Yugi had technically beat him already when he was controlling that puppet guy.

>Non plot important character gets the god card and summons it
>"Yes but can you even READ it?"

I just don't understand the fucktarded logic behind the RA card, being "Incomplete" yet both other gods are clearly equaled with it and don't have nearly as retarded a flaw, and then GX had that episode where a fucking random scientist makes a counterfeit and is able to use it to it's full ability.

Attached: 1524545386507.jpg (644x470, 90K)

Stop this fucking shitposting. The two are not even remotely comparable. One is Odion trying to style on Joey and it backfiring on him, the other is Marik torturing Joey.

Okay but is there a character that could even possibly EVEN TOUCH Divine GO-Different/Dimension/Daemon Zero King Zero Genesis Omega Dragon Reiji? Let alone defeat him.
Remember not even Genesis Omega Dragon Eyes Phantom Dragon stood a chance

Attached: Divine GO-DDD Zero King Zero GOD Reiji.png (299x378, 123K)

Of course he would. So he help ruin two series, good to know that the person responsible for his existence is still working there and ready to fuck up another series with him.

>antagonist is an alien that brainwashed a tarot card reader who brainwashes some students
>makes the students become the yugioh equivalent of the KKK
>alien gets control of deadly satellite which originally was controlled by a dean of a card game school
>with the power of dinosaur DNA, other aliens, and the spirit of the tarot card reader's sister they win
Duel Monsters and Evil Yami were great but GX will always be the pinnacle of yugioh entertainment.

Attached: hvyl9bq6dmd21.jpg (833x640, 48K)

Can you tribute it?


Attached: 51XsEkOXuyL.jpg (339x500, 60K)

Ra was literally shit being written as it went. They don't even know how to adapt it properly to the TCG because it's horseshit. And if they really do try their best to adapt all the rulings from the show, it ends up being a shitty card.

I have ZERO ways to tribute it

>And if they really do try their best to adapt all the rulings from the show, it ends up being a shitty card.
yeah that ancient egyptian text makes it unusable.

Attached: SPHERE.webm (224x400, 1.78M)

Wait, they can tribute it? What's the point of using it then?

I was about to post this.

"Nice boss monster bro, here's a turtle instead"

>opponent summons 3 big bad omni-negating bros
>Probably used a lot of resources to get them there
>Waste all of that by handing them a basketball
The guy in the webm had regular Ra ready for it

Attached: 1516350161961.png (412x1431, 985K)

Just to remove 3 monsters. Like Lava Golem popular now not because of 1000 damage burn, but because Shi En or Neos cant do shit about it,

>swamp monster presented as ultimate final challenge
>joe just beats the utter and complete shit out of him every time he shows up

>style on Joey
Odion was whipping the floor with Joey fair and square. Even Joey had to admit that.
If it wasn't for Marik being a moron again, he would haven won.

Oh im sorry, did Marik mind control Odion to play Ra?
No, he didn't.

this one

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And he meets his western counterpart

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They had no clue what they were doing after the first third of Arc-V and even less in the last third.

I'm impressed that they managed to make an even more mediocre ending than the anime.
The only bit of the last chapter I actually liked was the dash for the last action card.

He did it to please Marik. Else he would have won.
It's not even up to debate. Odion literally was about to give the finishing blow without Joey being able to stop him.

He gave him the card to complete the false identity and had no qualms with that knowing what he did about how the other fake's turned out. He didn't need to brainwash him to fuck him over.

Zexal II was at least far more tolerable, also it's got the best Soundtrack of the three new series.

What's the best blue eyes?

Not the same "Dimension". Arc-Yea Forums's plot originally takes place in a far future and after Zarc happens the entire universe is split into 4 dimensions which are divided by 1 of the 4 dragons it contained which governed what summoning techniques were used for some reason.

She gets maybe one actual duel where she jobs to Manjoume and then she's reduced to being just another Female Crusher on Judai. Somehow that didn't stop them from putting her on the new openings and one of the endings.


Didn't this happen in death note? matsuda shot light who was the villain. And matusda is near/L's bitch boy.