Why are chinks such snowflakes and butthurt all the time...

Why are chinks such snowflakes and butthurt all the time? Why make threads on a majority-English forum only to expect the obvious responses?

Attached: slanted snowflakes.jpg (986x870, 97K)

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You'd be mad too if you were born as an arthropod

>posting that shit instead of the obligatory pasta
Fucking scrub.

If I was born in a shit country I would be mad all the time aswell

>mfw i thankfully wasn't born in a 3rd world country like USA

Attached: MOTHERFUCKING DEAN.jpg (119x126, 3K)

That'd explain Trump

Are you actually retarded?


here is OP

ofc hes underaged newfag

Attached: zxd.jpg (792x494, 81K)

lets me guess, french Canadian
lmao literally worse than most the sub human from south america

Every fucking time.

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Why are canadians always garbage? Not that chinks are any better, but still
what a shithole

its the weed

not sure what was more cringe, autistic_frog begging for help or all the actual white knights pretending to fit in with anons just making fun of him

Attached: nuke them from orbit.gif (400x218, 991K)

>provoke people
>get told to fuck off
you aren't wrong but you shouldn't sink to their level, user

Cause Canada is full of em Chinese


>New account means they only started playing video games then
You're brain dead if you actually believe this.

slow down there pal

Hi OP.

people or insects, my point still stand

it means NOTHING to insult an insect

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yeah but if you fuck with a bee it's gonna sting you

Nope. There's other reasons someone would create a new account. If you weren't a retard you'd have come to these conclusions yourself.

Name changes to break away from an identity possibly due to harrassment or whatever. VAC bans whether they were 'false positive' or not like in the case of MW2. Smurf accounts for games with ranked game modes. Alt accounts for playing games they don't wanna be seen playing on their main for whatever reason. List goes on. Use your brain next time knuckle dragger.

>its completely normal for people to abandon their entire library and rebuy all their games, trust me
You're fooling nobody faggot. Get shat on.

>*sound of utensils dropping unto a flight of stairs*

>machiavelli quote

anyone who had different accounts for any of these reasons needs to be gassed

>using steam as your designated s***ing street

>im not underage, I'm just vac banned

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this amount of cope cant be healthy

that's a huge yikes from me dawg, stop taking r/the_donald memes seriously, kid

>Seed & Egg
>Seed Goes into Egg

If you really want to do some damage, post this WoahVicky video. That will cause emotional trauma and physical brain trauma especially the latter.
