So where the fuck are my daily event quests for the mahjong soul thread

so where the fuck are my daily event quests for the mahjong soul thread

Attached: reee.png (1373x721, 970K)

Other urls found in this thread:

right? i was almost done with the glasses quest since i was working, and now i'm just going to miss out on an epic gift?

Attached: glasses.png (854x834, 732K)

>Now the real match is about to begin !
>Just kidding, this is the end of the last episode.
Fuckers. I was gonna read the manga anyway but this isn't a right way to end the anime.
I've been out the whole day, what happened ?

Attached: my face my soul.png (660x400, 318K)

How can a single button in a Taiwanese tile flipping game be so empowering?

Attached: riichi.jpg (256x133, 8K)

Clearly all games need a riichi mode

Attached: riichi music kicks in.gif (320x180, 863K)

Did an autism thing


Except the spring festival things don't seem to exist on the english server yet, so fuck that shit.

Attached: yagiyui-1b.png (240x240, 87K)

I've never wanted to fucking quit this garbage ass luck-based game more than now

Attached: fuck mahjong.png (346x264, 108K)

The only time I thought of not pressing it instantly, I forgot I didn't had any yaku. So I pressed it during the next turn.

I dealt into a yakuman once, while having that many points.

>missed the first day
Just end me now

Attached: 1373831054181.png (394x300, 252K)


what the hell is this gif

>Some guy declares riichi early in the game
>Keep dodging for the entirety of the round
>Somehow managed to get into tenpai
>Dual pon wait, have 2x 3Sou, 2x Chun
>Draw 8 Sou a live tile, the riichi fag hasn't discarded ANY Sou tiles.
>Fold the hand and break my tenpai by dealing the Chun
>Picture related

Attached: I GOT FUCKED BY A NYAGGER.png (1896x1003, 1.52M)

Now this my kind if music.

Attached: 1338925813787.gif (480x400, 675K)

>A Cambodian Mega Bloks game is my GOTY so far

2019 confirmed SHIT


Attached: double yakuman'd.png (1917x937, 1.55M)

Where's the primer on how to play this shit?
I lost it?

Need one more

Update on the cracked tiles situation. I got in contact with YMI and they seem willing to replace them for me, responded within hours. They've got good support at least.

Attached: crackedtiles.jpg (3380x1466, 1.17M)

How hard where you smashing them on the table? Be honest.

Nobody cares, this isn't your blog.

When do the event quests reset?

one more nyagger needed

Better hope she used protection or else you're going to be carrying her litter of kittens

That's not bad, you can still afford a riichi stick

>that one time i think i should play silently
>this button shows up
>hit it out of impulse
fuck, time to pray

Five of them are the flower tiles that I've literally never used

Just wanted to let anyone who might be interesting in buying from YMI that they're decent enough to replace tiles if they're cracked.

But you didn't?

Well that's good, I'm happy for you
I've really only heard good things about the brand so I wouldn't have expected cracked tiles and shitty customer service to be the norm

Are you getting the same set?

There are situations where you're not supposed to riichi?

Attached: mikamichiori-7.png (240x240, 86K)

It just ended. The dailies were there a couple of hours ago, now there's none.

The dailies end before everything else resets?

The fuck?

If you chose to fold why would you deal an honor tile of which you know there are at least two more around?

If there are barely any tiles left in the wall, don't riichi
If your hand is already worth a lot of points and has at least one other yaku, don't riichi
If multiple other players have already declared riichi or are pretty obviously in tenpai, don't riichi

10PM PDT probably, that's when the event started.

No longer a yakuman virgin

Attached: yakuman.png (2560x1302, 1.89M)

nonsense, always riichi

They told me to take a picture of the faces of all the cracked tiles, so they might be giving me individual tile replacements instead. I'd be happy with either, but it would be cool to get a whole new set so I can mix and match if any more get damaged.

Attached: crackedtiles2.jpg (4032x538, 530K)

those are some ugly ass tiles lmao

>not calling riichi after two other people also have to show you're not a pussy


Congratulations superfraudlike!

No. You gotta complete your event daily.

That's what you get for declaring all those chis and pons.
Stop that shit if you wanna play defensivly

literally every time I do this it's gets ronned

Their gacha model is missing out on a really cool addition.

Twitch/Discord style emotes 'earning'. I think it would be amazing if you could use any emotes of characters you have bonded to lvl5. That would definitely encourage more playing and spending from completely autistic OCD degenerates like myself.

Would you be able to deduce who I am with only the info from the screenshot, Detective-san?

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It's still a 1/3 chance that he's the one holding them.

How was 3 Sou or 8 Sou safer considering his discards? Pic. related.

Attached: chunn.png (1888x1003, 1.83M)

>like myself

Attached: nikaidoumiki-11b.png (240x240, 81K)

You don't have OCD.

#7 in the ranking

If he's spending money on JPGs I'm pretty sure he's got something.

You can guess he's going for half-flush. It's still more safe to deal his suit than a dragon this late.

It can't be helped.

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I was ONE WIN away from ranked up for the 9th times already and OF COURSE this happens. a full game where everyone won a super fast tsumo that I couldn't even get into tenpai once. Final score, 400, -100 exp, purely from tsumo penalties.
all those efforts surviving to get 2nd and 3rd places just vanished just like this simply because the goddess of luck didn't will it.
I fucking hate this game.

Attached: fuckthisgame.jpg (178x137, 4K)

What's your style Yea Forums?

Attached: Medarot 09 (2).png (640x480, 311K)

FUCKING THANK YOU. I've wanted this one since day one.

Attached: nadeshiko-5b.png (240x240, 82K)

get a good hand, never win that hand.

Try to play with max efficiency without caring about points and then eventually going for chiitoitsu every time.

Kan every time.

It's still there for me, maybe because I completed them?

Attached: dailies.png (862x677, 517K)

I completed them as well but there are no new quests for me after the reset, it's all just blank

based chiitoitsu bro

I never fold

Attached: kujouriu-8.png (240x240, 91K)

I go for a mangan and then play as fast as possible to build on my lead



I don't think it has reset. It hasn't for me anyway, my daily quests are still the original ones, and they're still there.

always a fast open tanyao for those sweet 1000 points

>make a yakuhai hand
>turns out nicer than I expected because of what I assume is fu

is fu something I should bother ever caring about?

Attached: dora.png (1399x789, 888K)

get to tenpai, hit riichi and never get the tile.

Build a shitty ass hand and try to luckshit the dora points

Why are you so certain about that? I mean, I do understand where you're coming from, and I also don't understand that a random guy on the internet probably won't give you some evidence that you would consider substantial, but if that's anything, take my word for granted that it's painful as fuck restarting every game I'm playing literally hundreds of times over because some dialogue got cut, or I didn't get this optional dialogue that is now not possible, or if I got hit in a tutorial section where I usually don't get hit, or fucking Dutch Van Der Linde fell from his fucking horse during a mission. And not being able to fight that inner fucker who refuses to give me any rest, making me try and make deals that would be 'acceptable'.

Last character I made in Dark Souls III, I had to get 2 Chimes to drop in the first zone in the first go (while killing all enemies, including Gundyr, katana boy and the huge lizard all in one go, without resting at the bonfire), AND get the Symbol of Avarice from the High Wall Mimic. It took me about 20 hours of straight playing to get past that point.

So yeah. As I said, I understand your stance, since every single cunt claims to have OCD because it's the cool thing to have.

open tanyaos exlusively

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If I'm in tenpai for a yakuman I always riichi.

Attached: nadeshiko-0.png (240x240, 78K)

Okay, that was a lot faster than I expected.

Attached: fujitakana-5.png (240x240, 82K)

>start defensive play
>throw out one of my three green dragons
>throw out the second one

>play more aggressively, just want a hand
>throw out one of my two 6 pins
>riichi called right after, pon on the dora he threw out
>throw out second 6 pin

Both in the same first game I goddamn played today.

Get one dangerous tile off tenpai, then either get ronned on that tile or find out it would've been fine to just throw it out and not destroy my hand.

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You shouldn't kill your hand for it but if you have the choice, sure. Just remember terminals and honors give extra fu

So if you have the choice between discarding a pair of 1s and a pair of 5s go for the 5s.

>As I said, I understand your stance, since every single cunt claims to have OCD because it's the cool thing to have.
Yeah that's pretty much it
I have crippling somatic OCD and every time some cunt goes "omg that one pencil is slightly out of line with the others and it's vaguely annoying like it would be to anyone, I have such bad OCD omg xDD" I want to murder someone

It's not OCD if these things just bother you, it's OCD if they cripple the rest of your life nonstop and you can't stop thinking about it and you have to go back and fix it before you can function even when you're not playing

Getting a tsumo as the dealer gives you a lot of extra points.


Attached: ichihime-0.png (240x240, 97K)

How do I deal with this playstyle? People who win the first mangan naturally have the first flow of luck, so of course they're going to be able to make a shitty hand faster than anyone else.


>bought all my monthly gifts
what the hell am i supposed to to do with copper now

I'd like to hoard it but I'll just end up losing it all.

Don't get ron'd

It costs copper to play ranked beyond Bronze room.

>People who win the first mangan naturally have the first flow of luck, so of course they're going to be able to make a shitty hand faster than anyone else.
Let me guess, you're a Christian?


I hit a hundred east games, how am i doing

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>all last, in 4th place
>decide to just go for riichi and tanyao to at least get 3rd
>make mixed triple sequence without realizing
>end up in first place

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I've tried learning to cope with that, and Mahjong is actually one of the few things that works. Otherwise I usually fall into a stasis trying to plan something that I want to do (even though I don't really _want_ to plan it, I just want to finally enjoy it), walking around the house, waking up my wife trying to discuss whether I should restart here, trying to discuss the 'optimal route' I need to take in order to not forget anything (and then I find out 50 hours in that I did, in fact, forget something, and have to restart - I've already poured in several hundreds of hours into RDR2, and I never went past chapter 2 - an open world game with a lot of random events is an absolute incompatible nightmare for me).

Mahjong has always (well, during the ~11 years or so that I've known this game and started playing on Tenhou) been my main retreat when I start procrastinating as a result of this thing.

I don't know where it started, but it's always felt not like constructive completionism, but rather a fucking obligation that I impose on myself despite me not really wanting it. Maybe it has something to do with Might and Magic VII and that goddamn tutorial dragon that I looted for hours with save/load and the occasional case where his corpse doesn't despawn on looting, coupled with another occasional case of dropping extremely rare shit. I spent hours when I was a kid getting all the 'occasionally rare' shit to proc together with the 'occasionally rare' situation where the corpse doesn't despawn.

Most importantly, I have no fucking idea how to fix it. DS3 wasn't that bad, I just had to touch all tutorial messages and do everything 'tidy and nice', but RDR2 broke me. Like, the thought of coming back to that game is filling me with dread, I have 46 A4 sheets of paper filled with various checklists and tables I've prepared after all the failed runs, and I want to finish that game, but I am just afraid of coming back to it, so Mahjong it is. ;_;

Do the points reset to the half point every rank up?

never gonna make it

>deal a safe tile
>tile is not safe

Attached: 1557273108089.jpg (771x776, 316K)

>auto deal in

>deal a tile
>it passes
>draw same tile next turn
>it doesn't pass

Attached: 1489775710473.jpg (680x535, 80K)

>1 victory away from expert
You'll get 4th place streaks back to 500/1000

>discard a tile
>guy riichis
>discard same tile

Attached: 1502555805984.jpg (740x864, 132K)

>riichi with good wait
>other guy also riichi
>i auto discard
every time

Attached: 1557355308326.jpg (1440x810, 137K)

>Discard the last of X wind
>RON, Kokushi desu.

Attached: 56828004.jpg (960x538, 43K)

You'll LOVE the yakus list in this game then :^)

>discard tile
>draw the same tile 3 more times in a row

My dude, you missed the part about 11 years playing this. ;_;

I think the only yakus I never got are Chuurenpoto, Suukantsu and Renho (that's counting 3p on Tenhou and JanRyuMon too). Somehow Mahjong calms those demons, almost as if all of them end up being too busy and preoccupied with the complexity.

so we can agree that except if you got an obvious Yaku hand you should aim for the one with no 1/9/dragons/wind, right ?

Riichi everything.

Attached: RetardMaster.jpg (808x446, 217K)

Now, I never thought there'd be a day I'd actually say this to someone, but maybe watching lets plays are more in your style than actually playing them yourself?

Praying to the mahjong gods.

Attached: 7838cb8faa96d34d71c514bcd3e59d45.gif (540x306, 550K)

Do they answer?

Yes but I fail to follow their words.

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Not too much. Instead of collecting twice as many fu, you can also just add a han. And considering that you'll have 30 fu on all hands that aren't pinfu or chiitoi, it takes a lot to pay off. Like in your case with a kan on an honor and a closed pon on a terminal.

Attached: MahjongHands.jpg (3000x2400, 1.39M)

post the lesbian version instead

I'm genuinely curious, did all of you actually know how to play Mahjong before this came out, or is this 100% anime tiddy power?

Attached: you know what happens next.jpg (549x633, 35K)

You know, even though i'm only in bronze 3 still
I think i'm enjoying the game a lot more ever since I started watching videos/reading up on how to improve
the game feels pretty fun to play
thanks you guys for keeping the game alive, hopefully these threads dont die in like a week or two

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i played tenhou on-off years ago and picked the game up again with this


Attached: Mahjong2.png (1000x2460, 1.37M)

Yeah, I played dragon kong

Kind of knew the rules and had played against some shitty AIs in other games, but this is the first time I'm actually playing for real against humans

>get first, win 100 points
>get 4th, lose 200 points
>get first, win 100 points
>get 4th,lose 200 points
>repeat ad infinitum

Attached: nadeshiko-12.png (240x240, 86K)

I have some experience with the one on Nico Douga(now dead) and some tenhou

started learning rules somewhere at the beggining of the year but until now only played with bots.
tenhou seemed too intimidating.

There used to be a time when the world was filled with anime girl mahjong games
Those days are gone


Be honest: Do you read others' discard pile?
I feel like I'm putting too much effort into baiting.

>20 more points to rank up
>get 4th place, lose over 100 points
>20 more points to rank up
>get 4th place, lose over 100 points
>20 more points to rank up
>get 4th place, lose over 100 points
>20 more points to rank up
>get 4th place, lose over 100 points
>20 more points to rank up
>get 4th place, lose over 100 points
>20 more points to rank up
>get 4th place, lose over 100 points

Attached: 1556515868373.jpg (1280x720, 489K)

rip games

Always had some interest in the game, the cute girls is what finally made me get in to learning it

Attached: aiharamai-12.png (240x240, 89K)

This is my first time, but i give no fucks at all at the anime tiddies
Just a simplified client with a mostly inexperienced playerbase

So they decided to start an event on the one day I decide to skip playing

Never call! Always Riichi!

Attached: 1553654981765.png (912x817, 752K)

>wonder how many games i have because of your post
>same number

its a sign, you're a pretty cool guy user.

727 adept 3 btw

Attached: 1527656349949.png (1058x371, 172K)

I read it I care enough to bother. If I'm behind or need to win a hand I'll only do the basic cursory statistics glance.

Baiting starts paying off in some Gold games. Not always, but the majority of Expert players have at least some basic understanding of Suji, making for an easy trap.

I can only tell if someone is going for tanyao but honestly its harder to tell if someone isn't

are these threads single handedly going to bring anime back to Yea Forums?

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what are you gonna do when the game is a barren wasteland in a month? same with the thread

>If he's spending money on JPGs
Are you retarded?

I didn't know how to play before but keep seeing the tread made daily, i check it out and have not fucking idea what everyone is saying but it looks like you are all having a blast, i'm in a games dryspell atm so i decided to learn and see if i enjoy it. Anime tiddies are nice but they werent really part of the equation

>2 is on discard pile
>8 is also on discard pile
>single wait on 5 because perfect suji wait
>nobody fucking discard the 5
such is silver room

>Not purposely staying novice so you can crush Yea Forums every time because they think you're a newfag

Attached: 1421689959680.jpg (247x247, 10K)

Same "bug" as with Tiddy sprite. They just copied CN shit and called it EN server. It says it refreshes like the original CN does but actually refreshes a few hours later (I sleep through this so I dunno the actual time, I wake up and see all the dailies). You'll get it but don't pay attention to ETA number in the corner.

>What's your style Yea Forums?

Attached: 1469584478085.jpg (350x455, 26K)

I've been playing tenhou off and on for about 10 years now. Every so often something will revitalize my interest in the game, just like this.

Usually not during the first 6 turns. I just concentrate on my own hand and how it could develop. Probably not good, but if anyone reaches tenpai that early, he's probably gonna riichi anyway.

Why do so many people seem to think defense works this way?


Bronze room: Nobody knows what they're doing. Either complete luckshitter newfags or Akagi tryhards.
Silver room: Everyone playing by the book. Hell waits are the only solution here.
Gold room: Mind games at every turns. Suji wait, merciless betaori , +3-way wait, riichi fakeouts, etc.

i am literally a cat

I think you're giving silver and gold too much credit.

and that's a good thing

silver also full of coward experts who are too scared to play in Gold.

>draw dead wall
>tile doesn't fit in at all with my hand
>drop it
>get ron'd
Of course it's their winning tile.

>Too scared
You mean too poor

Silver is where all the try hards are at who think they're good, but are really just pure shitters.

You'll have to explain to me how throwing away a tile that's only good for a hell wait for the second time in succession isn't a relatively safe tile to throw away and therefor a defensive measure for me to not think this way anymore.

You should probably move the list one tier. The only difference between Silver and Bronze is that absolute newbies who don't grasp the concepts of yaku and furiten won't remain such if they reach Silver, other than that it's really the same shit. And your description of Silver fits Gold perfectly, while the real mindgames start in Jade.

>silver room, south
>east 1
>riichi turn 2
>get hit with this shit ON TURN 14


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I haven't won in 12 games. Almost every match I would have gotten 1st or 2nd the guy in last rons into someone and they pass me on the very last round.

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Imagine how fucking mad this guy must have been.

Attached: Soclose.png (1779x860, 1.51M)

I haven't won like 5 now, and its not even fun losses.
Its just a bunch of silver faggots playing shit ass cheap hands and holding tiles they have no reason to hold.

Doesn't even feel fun to lose, it just feels boring.

>get sent to the shadows realm in east 1
Is there a worse feel?

Attached: FUCK.png (1103x611, 713K)

I play IRL with my friends sometimes.
I played on tenhou for a little before coming to terms with how fucking ugly that game looked and how non-userfriendly the UI was.
Mahjsoul is nice because it's clean, it's polished, many QoL stuff, and most importantly, the UI is gorgeous.

I want Tournament Match button to become working ASAP

I did, but I only got back into it because XIV added it
I used to play chinese rules as a kid and I had a few irl friends into riichi so I figured it was time once XIV mahjong happened

Silver still has plenty of people who might as well be clicking at random

Attached: WHY.jpg (1668x942, 445K)

Just enough to enter riichi and hope for the best in Yakuza, but I kept going in yakuza way past what's needed for the CP.

Getting double yakuman'd in South 4 when you're already far ahead.

It's not that unreasonable to understand why nobody would drop a live tile of the DORA that late into the game.

A tile passing on one turn does not at all mean that it will pass on the next turn except against an opponent already in riichi.

I don't care about him dealing into me, I care about him dealing into the yakuman at the very end of the game instead of dealing a completely safe tile like the 2s or 3s

nothing gets me more than getting fucked in early east and then getting blueballed throughout entire hanchan to the point i just wish someone tsumos to push me just barely over the edge and ends the suffering earlier.

Yea Forums tournament when?

The single most important thing in this game is to not get dabbed on.

Attached: c.png (754x202, 64K)

What would you have done here?

Attached: mahjong1.jpg (1919x968, 301K)

Oh fuck wait, I didn't even notice the guy in riichii had 13 orphans.

I absolutely love this double dragon waits. Catches some novice player by surprise and maybe some vets too. I wouldn't have dealt it in though since there's no other dragons in the pool, which is quite a tell, though it is risky to toss the bamboos too, which is understandable give what you're seeing. Would've tossed 8 instead since you were able to chii it during the riichi, making it a safe tile.


>call Riichi
>emit an aura killing intent to the other players
>make them second guess every tile they discard

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i started figuring it out through FFXIV to be able to read the Minefield Mahjong arc of Kaiji after a few abortive attempts over the years, and this came out a couple of months after that

open tanyao

Man that felt good

Attached: grudgematch.png (1485x305, 280K)

If all of your opponents discard what they draw after your first tile sure, but if they arent then the chance they do something in they hand to catch you are quite high.

I'm holding three of them in my hand, I can at most see two of any other tile in my hand or in any discard. Isn't it more likely to pass than a completely different tile on a hell wait after proving the first one did?

wise thing would be probably to drop the dragon, but i'm not a wise man so one suit it is.

green dragon ez tenpai

Don't be satisfied with second place.
To survive you have to die.

Attached: mahjong2.jpg (1917x964, 327K)

I am surprised to learn that there is another English translated browser game out there. I thought Granblue was the only real one. Too bad I have no idea how to play mahjong. I'm actually surprised there are so many people that do in this thread. How do you learn? Also are there any other good browser games I should know about? I prefer browser games so I don't have to use space on my mobile device.

I tilt like a motherfucker.

What hell wait are you talking about?The guy did a completely reasonable wait on a somewhat live honor tile.

I've been playing for 4 years. The waifus is a bonus since it's not the main reason why I enjoy Mahjong soul.

Attached: Kirigiri Mahjong.png (990x426, 554K)

So you got 1000 points, chill out.

If someone makes a room I'll join.

Damaten tenpai as much as possible. Riichi if I get 3 sided waits or more or if I have lots of dora in my hand. Call if I can get tanyao quickly enough. Go for 7 pairs if I have 4 or more pairs in the first few turns. Honestly, I don't think there's really a fixed syle since you're only making the best possible hand with what's given to you, or at least avoid getting hit when you aren't lucky with your draws.

Nice 1000 points yeah

Attached: mahjong3.jpg (1919x968, 251K)

I played on tenhou whenever there were threads up.

Learned IRL to gamble.
Played janryumon until it got shut down.
Played tenhou but didn't get into it.

Is there a decent tutorial in this game? I've tried to learn to play riichi a few times but could never get the rules to stick.

>Learned IRL to gamble.
I can't imagine playing this for money against people you don't know.
Sounds like an easy way to get killed.

JRM here too.
>Learned IRL to gamble.
Which fukumoto are you?

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Okay maybe this is what inside your opponent head: "i have a live honor, i cant discard it this late in the game.Oh that guy just discard it and its seem he's defensing,How can he be so sure that tile will pass?Conclusion:he have more than 1 of that tile and he he will discard more of it." So your opponent just play accordingly and catch you.

>Played janryumon until it got shut down.
What was this?

There is a tutorial, it tells you the very basics.
You kinda learn to play as you play and frequenting these threads.

played for months on tenhou because akagi was kino

I did it, boys. I finally won while in furiten...

I started learning it to 100% the yakuza games but only had really basic knowledge of it, then this game came out when I wanted to learn more about mahjong.

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Sorry, I'm retarded, just a single wait.

Ok, makes sense. Probably not what happened seeing as it's silver but I get it now.

I started playing games in silver, immediately lost 100 points.

How the hell do you fight against lucky tsumos and people riichi-ing when you're 2-tiles away from tenpai? Somebody help me

Let's try this again.

Attached: 55555555559.jpg (480x360, 20K)

Play mahjong IRL with my friends while betting money and have done so for 10+ years.
I only started playing this because of the anime girls and I play it super casually since there's nothing at the stake here. My friends refuse to even try majsoul since "it's not fun if money is not involved"
So yeah, I'm probably one of the few people in this thread playing for the anime tiddies.

this game is rigged as a fuck, im not even dealing risky tiles, and I deal into SINGLE WAITS LITERALLY EVERY TIME

It was an online riichi Mahjong client by NCsoft, great production values (hands above mangans had unique animations), great OST, no anime girls though.

It got shutdown and relaunched as Shin Janryumon which improved over the old client but notably cost real money to play (even friendlies) so most people just jumped ship. It also wasn't in english.

Any tile that isn't gembutsu is a risky tile.


>guy going for an open toitoi
>there's three 4-man on the table
>discard my 4-man
>too bad he was going for chanta RON'D

What's the origin of "free sex?" I get it, but I'm curious if it was like, a bad machine translation, or a quote from someone's rant or something

As far as I know, it comes from that MS paint comic.

you don't. betaori and pray you get dealt a better hand next round

based and mahjong pilled

Attached: 1481307929448.jpg (383x375, 36K)

Besides if he was going for a chanta that looked like toitoi then surely you'd also be wary of chanta.

I'm a cautious motherfucker.
I let others battle it out while I build what I can and when I can.
If I get a comfortable lead, then I go full nyagger to preserve the lead as long as possible.


Attached: file.png (450x373, 114K)

Go through the tutorial and then just play, maybe ask some questions here when you're wondering how you horribly fucked up (it's no yaku every time). Half the people in Bronze East barely know how to play either, and it doesn't matter if you lose there.

not chanta, the opposite of chanta that i forgot the name

What should I claim?

Watched Saki and Akagi years ago. Yea Forums made a huge deal about back then it and decided that Japanese poker can't be that hard learn, right? Years after Tenhou this game came out and here I am climbing this harsher ladder (3rd place in Tenhou just retains your ranking while you lose points for both 3rd and 4th). It's tough and I can't really afford to fool around unless it's a friendly room. As for the girls, don't really care much for them since cat is objectively the best out of the lot.

Attached: ryanpeikou dora stack.jpg (1039x806, 221K)

Majsoul Friends Room 12188(4-Player South):

Attached: 1557347422154.jpg (366x700, 28K)

All of them.

Played a bit of Tenhou and then this game came out.

Attached: Screenshot (5).png (863x781, 557K)

>get shit opening tiles literally all game
>never deal in
>last place
Why is this allowed?

Attached: 1528100157398.jpg (872x612, 217K)

Post stats.

It happens. As long as you're making the best discard choices, then you can't really blame yourself in this situation.

I'm 2shy but I get between 97 and 100 on the efficiency trainer and this is not something that happens often
It just feels bad to get dicked by RNG and lose even without dealing in

Attached: 1554086038858.png (1367x768, 1.53M)

Efficiency doesn’t mean shit unless you are making tanyao every game

>Daffy Duck
whats the punch line to this episode

Played a lot on switch before. Against CPU ladder that is.

He joins a country club by stealing someone's ID number and gets sucked into the lifestyle
There's a scene where he's playing mahjong with a bunch of old ladies

Sorry about the DC lads my internet is shitting itself.


you mean you aren't?

Attached: 1371403075101.gif (250x333, 1016K)

I get why I was in furiten because of the 4-man, I knew that. But why couldn't I win with the 9-sou ron then ? What the fuck was I supposed to do here ?

Attached: muh furiten bullshit.jpg (1918x969, 354K)

Who wants to see a triple homicide with a twist ending?

Attached: rember happy day.png (500x281, 230K)

Its never shown but theres a dead wall thats never drawn from so your tiles may have been in there

If you're in furiten you can only win by self draw. That's how it works, you have to be careful.
Being in furiten from the 4-man means you can't Ron at all, even for something else.
Nothing to do with anything.

I dont care about your efficiency. The point of me asking for your stats is because you claim to never deal in.

So was my entire hand curse the moment I drew the 4-man ?

But you can still save your hand by draw 123m or 789s tho.

Your best course of action would be to discard the 1, 2m since you'd still have a chance for ToiToi with 2 more 7p. Not a big one, though.

You could have hoped for a tsumo or dismantled the 23 I guess and tried for something else.
23 and 78 can be dangerous like that when going for chanta or tanyao.

Jesus, this game is brutal.
I'll try to not make the same mistake in the future, if I can manage to deal with any cursed draws in time.

So I did my daily event quests. Spent 2 points on a blue sphere. What in the world do they do?I have no clue and I don't think I can use them in any way.

>Accidentally click Chii


Some cats are just too dumb to live
Notice who dealt all 3 dragons.

Attached: Cat too dumb to live.png (1170x654, 881K)

Each character has a list of some random shit you need to spend to unlock their final outfit when you've reached max bond. They require specific spheres. You can check it in the dorm menu.

I said I didn't deal in in that match.

So once I get out of bronze I can start playing south right

at least you finished that game early

If the sphere you're talking about is "Innocence", it's used in the cats final bond. You need 10 of them along with a bunch of other stuff (and a maxxed out bond to begin with).
Otherwise they're useless, should have just bought the copper.

Should I be proud that I reached top 50 in NA Server Rankings currently?

worst humble brag attempt I've ever seen

Try reaching the top five of NA Tenhou players.

lol no, top ten or nothing.


Fasted silver south game I've ever played. Please pray for my mans soul.

Attached: FAST.png (511x527, 147K)

Top 50 is easy since everybody is so close in points. Climbing the top 20 is pain, top 5 is where you should aim for.

Majsoul Friends Room 12188(4-Player South):

Attached: 1516421973308.gif (300x300, 109K)

If you're here Aki, we're waiting for our fourth player, he should be here soon

Attached: 1557354111058.jpg (212x193, 23K)


any life streams or something playing riichi mahjong?

I never know when to toss terminal pairs in an otherwise average hand.

The fun part, i was supposed to get a fourth dora on my next turn.

Attached: mahjong skill.jpg (1378x778, 175K)

You are my hero.

Attached: kujouriu-2.png (240x240, 86K)

Attached: Poor little north wind.png (346x264, 104K)

Thanks user

Attached: fujitakana-1.png (240x240, 89K)

>What the fuck was I supposed to do here ?
You were supposed to make chitoitsu, dumb cat.

Attached: nikaidoumiki-12.png (240x240, 91K)

>teaming up with my yuibro to kill the cats
is there a better feeling?

The magic sand finally failed me, I had a suuankou/sanankout+toitoi wait on all last.

Attached: broken.png (802x211, 106K)

Nice name
Yes, I play with my IRL friends
Thank you my dude

Majsoul Friends Room 29912(4-Player South):



>third 45%

Attached: 3DD6EB35-E5F9-4C0B-B492-0FD2B234472F.png (216x369, 82K)

I had literally no idea about chinese poker before these Yea Forums threads.

I don't regret it. You guys are alright, even the nyaggers

half flush for life, waiting 1 to 3 turns before deciding on riichi or not and dealing-in on unfair shit

>lose 200 points in adept on monday
>gain 200 points yesterday
>lose 200 points today
don't do this to me.

Looks like you are where you belong

It's rough user, I worked so hard to make sure a lot of those weren't 4ths

same thing happened to me today. Took me all night to get it back. Will probably lose it again tomorrow

Let's go boys
Majsoul Friends Room 86617(4-Player South):

Attached: leading the game.png (1103x1338, 1.12M)

Not to mention a lot of them were 1st or 2nd lost to an all last haneman+ tsumo with me as dealer

Did this game ever get any reports on walls being hacked? Like are there people who's able to see the tiles on the wall by decrypting the codes?

>guy with both sides of your wait in his pond declares riichi

Attached: 1551494213511.jpg (398x500, 23K)

There isn't a need to share the other players hands or the wall with the clients.


Attached: stats.png (1156x932, 907K)

I finally did it, lost my yakuman virginity.
From last to first on a fucking West 1 hand

Attached: Yakuman.png (1171x656, 909K)

>16% deal in rate
stop doing open tanyao

>deal-in rate 16%

Attached: yagiyui-7.png (240x240, 83K)

>feel like i've been playing horrible recently
>check stats
huh, not as bad as i thought. not really happy, but staying positive.

Attached: 1557961058656.png (577x344, 100K)

Majsoul Friends Room 70072(4-Player South):

I REALLY wish there was a way to make the riichi prompt go away permenently instead of having to skip it each time.

I was one tile away from 13 orphans and the 9P was alone in hag's hand but I'm sure my riichi and pool tipped them off. I've never had a yakuman so I didn't remember not to riichi because its already the limit.

Attached: I am an idiot.jpg (1631x957, 819K)

Forgot to mention: 5+10 seconds, no red dora.

Why can the JP server and the EN server not play together? seems a bit dumb

Majsoul Friends Room 16040(4-Player South):
Standard rules

>start of the game
>make a pon, chiori dcs
It's a shame but i have to get some points
>comes back after a game or two
Finally we can play a normal mahjong
>dealer throws out hatsu on his first discard and calls 1 pin, and then 2 pin after some time
Well fuck, i knew it right after the hatsu discard, the guy had at least 2 east tiles. Let's spam this "worried" emote for a few times, i hope other players aren't complete idiots.
>the cat throws east anyway
Never trust in cats.

Attached: cats.jpg (1432x778, 170K)

>play a game with friends
>one player wins four games in a row going for tanyao
>I'm pissed off
>get into argument with other friend who says going for anything other than tanyao is asking to lose
>everyone leaves fuming

Attached: 1523153566960.jpg (1624x926, 357K)

They can, they just don't matchmake together at low ranks. Friendlies work, and gold and above is combined.

Because nip lower ranks are better than int low ranks

i tried adding a friend on the JP server and it said the account didnt exist

is there a better feeling than repeatedly winning the dora lottery to victory

Attached: dogmote.jpg (650x800, 291K)

What are some good beginner tips?
What should I generally avoid doing?
What are the easiest/best yaku to aim for?

I've been mostly going for closed tanyao and closed pairs.

check this room




Attached: BIG_DICK_LOBBY_x2.png (717x585, 285K)

>quest and glasses are still missing
Nice game.

riichi, pinfu, tanyao. Preferably all three in the same hand.

is closed.
Join this one.


You still had 1/3 chances of reaching the Yaku.

It depends on your hand. If you've got a shit hand, tanyao is literally the best thing you can do.
You make do with whatever you're dealt.

I just had a game where I did 4 deal repeats on tanyaos and single dragon pons before I finally got a decent hand

Attached: unknown.png (950x711, 651K)

Should have used the "Superb!" emoticon.


Attached: 1554118831671.gif (750x563, 960K)

Repeatedly winning the uradora lottery to victory.

Attached: ichihime-chunjie.png (340x340, 145K)

literally me

Attached: shrug.jpg (836x179, 22K)

I've never played without tips, but I've played tenhou.

Will the buttons still appear for chi pon kan riichi tsumo ron?

I assume I won't see furiten nor my waits, and no highlighting, like tenhou.

Calls are still intact.
Doras are not highlighted, no furiten info, no remaining tiles info, no "no yaku" prompt.

no shiny doras either

I just lost my 0% negative rate
I'm angry

>no Dora highlights
Shit game mode. My blinged out opens need to by shiny for all to fear

Come play BLITZ with us so you won't have spare time nor brain power to worry about such distractions as anger.

Attached: 1551324632791.gif (252x158, 1.54M)

>979/1000 to expert 1
>leading 52000 to 28000
>south 4
>get ronned for all my points on a SINGLE HELL WAIT ON A WEST TILE ON A FULLY CLOSED HAND


Attached: 1535575856050.jpg (300x300, 31K)

>Be in fourth place all game
>Absolutely nothing going my way, including losing a really fast seven dora hand to a haku tsumo
>Everyone is relatively within reach of each other.
>South 3
>Pull this shit out of my ass, bringing everybody down and me all the way to first.
Remember, never give up and always play South.

Attached: Tsumo.png (1831x854, 1.17M)

GG boys I will be back later.

>4pin away from a full flush

>game of skill

>3rd place with shit-all for points
>Tsumos on a piss-squat hand and ends the match immediately
W H Y ?

Attached: why.png (673x385, 156K)

If you're a completely new player, focus on fast/easy Yaku like dragons/winds, Tan Yao, Toi Toi.
Don't be afraid to open your hand. People in these threads act like opening your hand is a fucking sin against humanity or something. Generally, yes, keeping your hand closed is the better option, but for a new player, you should just be familiarizing yourself with the game first and foremost.

that maid got memed hard with the damaten 1000 hand

Attached: 1548979670707.png (272x423, 49K)


Attached: kujouriu-0.png (240x240, 86K)

would anyone play a washizu style match in this game?

Yes, easily. My friend play Washizu irl sometimes.

another hag bullied by cats, GG.

so when the fuck can I start getting new characters without paying money for a 5% chance at someone i might not even want

Is there a good strategy for escaping bronze? I play casually irl but this is so different, when I play with friends hands are rarely opened but in bronze rooms chiis and kans are flying left and right. And people get rewarded for it by drawing 3+ dora into their opening hands.
I have no idea how to play in this envornment. 3 go-arounds into a round and I'm the only person with a closed hand, any any one of the three other chucklefucks could be in tenpai with a single wait half the time.

When in Rome, do as the Romans.
Or play South.

Washizu mahjong is kinda shit to play and only makes sense in a premade story

>start with 7 honors/terminals, time for orphans
>tfw you finally get to tenpai only for the game to tell you there's zero 9-pin left because the last one is in the dead wall

Attached: orphans.png (1636x444, 793K)

Play defensively most of the time; get one big hand a round and don't play into rons and you're guaranteed to win.

Why the fuck does this shit tell you about dead wall tiles ?

While getting 4th is the worst, at least it wasn't a bust. That's the only condolence I can give, and on average you'd be placed 1st and 2nd at best had your luck been better. Not everyone can be a winner in a game where winner takes all and losers get nothing but despair, which is why mahjong is so fun.

Attached: tanoshii ne.jpg (300x168, 11K)

open tanyao every time

How am I going to get a big hand if I have to play defensively two or three turns in? Half the time if I opt not to dismantle my waits to deal a safe tile I deal into a ron that sucks me dry off dora alone.

It's just meant for a 2v2 setting, isn't it? It doesn't make sense if every man is for himself.

I get to experience what it's like to play with big dawgs.



Attached: 1551325434200.gif (500x500, 2.68M)

Don't be fooled. Nothing about those room setting is "Big dogs":

t. slow minded ever-bronze kitty

Attached: 1539975625593.jpg (672x672, 43K)

The room was 2 expert ranks and 1 master.
I just got into adept.

Open Tanyo or bust.

Yokozou, Yea Forums-sama.

Some music, for your enjoyment of tonight's match.

Attached: Quillsh-Wammy-Death-Note-1[1].jpg (225x350, 16K)

Don't play defensively against Bronze East cats, there's no point when they're all going for piddly open tanyaos every round anyway. You can afford to be Roned several times at that rate if you do it in pursuit of a semi decent hand, you only need to win once and then coast to the end of the game.

Unironically play south.
Open tanyaos can't win in a south game against a skilled player.

Theres only 6 masters players on the leaderboard, am I supposed to believe one of them is a Yea Forumsirgin?

Subaraa and Meido is, I think, not sure about the rest sine I rarely play with /jp/.

Why is this game so fucking intense?

Attached: I fucking love mahjong.jpg (418x314, 34K)

Attached: yagiyui-11.png (240x240, 86K)

Majsoul Friends Room 30502(4-Player South):

Attached: 1522882213208.png (2263x1749, 1.1M)

Need one more mahjong friend

Attached: 1547357941559.png (360x178, 34K)

the FREE SEX was tempting
but I'm glad I didn't go for it

Attached: nyo way fag.png (353x310, 83K)



Attached: 1552656167174.gif (450x357, 2M)

What's a Tanyao?

We meet again

Attached: ichihime-2.png (240x240, 93K)

>join room
>don't ready
truly these people are worse than hitler

Oops never mind

Attached: ichihime-1.png (240x240, 98K)

so are wind dora clockwise or counterclockwise

I learned that the hard way. Even if I'm 3 tiles away from a yakuman, if none has discarded a tile then no way in hell I'm being the first one.

Hand containing no terminals or honors. Also called all simples.

All simples

Attached: 1555651072046.png (2600x1750, 578K)

They didn't really have a choice. The anime was made in 2005 but the manga didn't finish until 2018.

Still one more

Simples that are melded with 2-8 numbered tile only. 1000 points, more with dora/ura dora.


clockwise if you don't get it.

>this yaku is this many points
That's not how it works. Enough triplets will bump it up to 1500 and it's more if you're dealer too of course

Never Eat Soggy Waffles.
Get Rid of Whities.

>ron'd for 12k right off
>chink 1 ragequits when I get 7k back off him
>chink 2 ragequits when I win as dealer on the last east
>thus begins the unending east 4
Do you still lose rank for games you DC on? That guy was negative 6000.

Iron defense 99% of the game, mostly closed, but go ham when I get a huge hand.

Clockwise if you look at a compass, counter-clockwise if you look at the table seats. It follows turn order

Was talking about pinfu in general but yes, you can make triplets or even quads dora stack.

>14 games played total, novice 1
>Enough of a paypig to unlock 5 bond + alternate costume

Which one of you is this? Speak up

Attached: speak up.png (1311x915, 910K)

>Was talking about pinfu
You said tanyao.
An open ponyagger tanyao is barely ever going to be all runs.

Is it feasible to get a character to max bond F2P or should I just throw all my garbage somewhere else to at least get something out of it
actually how the fuck does this game's model even work there's like nine currencies

Played on Tenhou for some years. Haven't played since last year, though.


jesus christ isnt that like $50 min

Not in particular, but a closed kan of an honor will double your score for a normal hand, and an open honor kan / closed non-honor kan will be ~+50%. So if you're playing a yakuhai hand and you have the opportunity to kan, you should consider it for the extra points.

Fu also means that hands like sanankou are a little bigger than they'd at first appear, although those usually go into mangan territory anyways.

lmao, waaaay more

Attached: 1544447712305.webm (640x480, 2.8M)

No, but it's not feasible to do anything else either.
Decide whether you want to grind forever for a tiny chance at another character, or grind forever to max out the bond with one you have.
If you want the character chance, turn everything to dust and when (if) you get to 50 you get a summon ticket.
If you want the bond give all your gifts to the character instead of dusting them.
Don't expect to ever actually reach the end either way, though.


Attached: twohundreddollars.png (2299x1161, 2.07M)

Getting 5 hearts shouldn't be hard, it's a grinding thing.
And you can only give 2 gifts a day.

Attached: 1506730299113.png (369x334, 157K)

Searno, why you trying to hide your name?


Attached: EDsWW6J.jpg (1203x677, 182K)

>tsumo the win anyways

Why was I furiten anyways when I don't think I ever dropped a 4s?

Attached: dora.png (1767x956, 1.88M)


>the more reckless and insane things make it all the more interesting
>plays mahjong relatively safely and efficiently
wow nice writing fukumoto you hack

>shadow realming someone when it doesn't change your placing
nailed it

Furiten only cares about possible sets not if that set gives you a valid yaku or not
in this case 1-2-3 and 2-3-4 are possible so you're in furiten for dropping 1

>beige table
I hate it.

are dora a yaku

you dropped a 1 sou nigga

The gacha in this game is way too stingy for me to even consider it. I might have bought a character if you could just buy them outright for a reasonable price, but instead it's 3 bucks to roll for a

You dropped 1 Sou.
I used to be like you where I thought it was specific tiles only, but it's ANY tile that would complete your hand.


based searno
based ayako

>because it's real boring seeing the same 2 characters in every match.

I'm just glad poncat is one of them. I would probably had quit by now if Autismo was a free character.


>doesn't even know the game
>already paypigging

88000 to max bond.
You get 40 per East, 60 per south in silver rooms and above.
That's about one and a half thousand south games.
If you can somehow constantly give them 2 preferred blue gifts every day it still takes like a month, and I don't know if that's remotely possible when F2P. It doesn't seem it to me, but I'm only silver rooms at the moment.



sorry for that double riichi, that was just unfair lol

Attached: Girugamesh01.png (452x391, 122K)

I'm not Ayako but I'm happy there is another user who is a man of culture.

Shrine maiden is easily the most attractive girl in this game.

Not me, but have also spent too much on gacha to support the chinks maintaining this server

Easily $400-500+ honestly, even $100+ would still take some time for the gift timer to cooldown just to get to 5.

The more I think about it the worse it gets. The alternate costumes require you to have 5 of the girl's favorite rarest gift AFTER getting the bond to max. I wouldn't be surprised if he dropped over 1K unless he had the account for many days and just didn't play any games

Glad I could make it this time, was fun.

You get some sanic fuckin tenpais though holy shit, I really thought I could steal the win.

Attached: ichihime-8.png (240x240, 109K)

The only bling you need is shiny radiance emanating from your perfect pinfu tanyao iipeikou sanshoku haneman, friendo.

Attached: 1551328224236.jpg (768x960, 124K)

Get to gold, everyone is a whale there and you can dab on them with your free cat.

Attached: 1557351593698.png (1690x1847, 3.13M)

should I even bother grinding for expert?

Attached: file.png (898x764, 279K)

wrong, thats koromo

anyone have the link to the desktop client
can't find it anymore

Attached: yagiyui-1b.png (240x240, 79K)

>ever attractive


I love this mode

Majsoul Friends Room 93366(4-Player South): Need one more person

Attached: 1489360140369.png (884x903, 1.04M)

>relatively safely
>goes into suicidal 2-suits discard games with Akagi

Sasuga speedreader

red dora were a mistake

I haven't played today. Did I miss out on some event?

It's still going on. You're just in time.

new missions for the event when

Mother fuck, I just want to augment this cat skank's limited emote pool

Attached: nadeshiko-8.png (240x240, 78K)

I finally got good at this game

Attached: Screenshot_20190516-064231_2.png (778x442, 386K)

If you miss a day is it over? How much time do I have left for this day?

If you want to play with people that know the game instead of dora-hungry open tanyao kitties, then yeah. On expert level, when everyone knows the advanced defense techniques and perfect tile efficiency, the mind games and suji trapping comes into play.

Attached: 1555855658644.jpg (900x1200, 258K)

>An Immediate half flush, Hatsu, 2/3 dora hand
What the fuck man, I want luck like this.

Does it counts for losing yakuman virginity?

Attached: suuankoed.jpg (1435x775, 151K)

>bond costume cat
Based chink.

Attached: ponkihiko.png (766x492, 247K)

Is this a yaku?

Attached: 1555329986542.png (509x168, 55K)

Attached: 1557672863471.png (235x228, 29K)

If you count being fucked in the ass (gently, since it was tsumo win) as losing your virginity, then be my guest friendo.

Attached: 1551697687045.jpg (1200x1200, 186K)

What is?

I've actually been snorting the pinfu riichi hands so much. It's so empowering for how simple it is to form msot of the time.

I've been on a 12 game win streak since. It's been amazing.

Fast game with dragon, seating winds or all simple

I don't really see suji trapping, but tile efficiency is a big thing. People when they call tend to already be close or very close to tenpai. And at least everyone varies their hands. It's a lot harder to win I find, since even in south, the flow tends to go towards one person who kind of just steamrolls everyone.

she only cost $45

>pinfu tanyao riichi dora

Attached: 1540299412906.jpg (691x522, 54K)

I knew the basic rules because of Yakuza 0 minigame and watched Saki, but thanks to this game now I'm getting into the strategies

You could've bought a Yakuza game with that.

Yakuza is shit.

>Yakuza is *the shit.
Fixed that for you.

How do I upgrade from being a terminal throwing shitlord?

whats with the red highlighted tiles when u watch a replay?

Tiles I placed viruses on. Now that you viewed them you know you have them.

Attached: 1556445480080.jpg (1020x1588, 395K)

Those tiles are someone's winning tile.

Winning tiles. ones that are in the discards will correspond to the highlighted one in someone's hand.

Learn tile efficiency

Winning tiles

2 aka dora
4 dora
4 aka dora

Attached: ichihime-1b.png (240x240, 98K)

woops, meant
>4 ura dora

Just don't throw winning tiles lol.

Also tunnel-vision suuankou whenever I have a decent lead, or I'm behind, but especially when I literally only need to win a hand to win the match.

Dora 8!

Attached: Mahjong Cat Skirt Lift Chun.jpg (868x1227, 224K)

Haha. Paypig wants the emotes too. That unlocks after the *special enlightenment* gained with the alternate costume, which costs more to unlock than all of the bond levels combined by far

always go for chanta

ok well what was the play here?

im really never one to turn down a riichi mainly because it's just so convenient how it shows me which tiles i can discard without me having to think about it, im sure i could just click riichi to see and then not actually riichi though... hopefully i remember that

but regardless i did end up riichi-ing here because im a riichi man and i cant help but think it was suboptimal...(the riichi was a discard on the 2man) i ended up throwing away my ippekou and leaving myself iwth a single wait on a 7pin... granted there were 4 left and MIND YOU i did tsumo it but does anyone here think it was the optimal thing to do or was there an alternative? or would anything else take too long to setup

Attached: alwaysriichi.png (1691x927, 1.6M)


Attached: AAAAAAAHHHHHH.jpg (1771x949, 246K)

play as fast as possible, and pray for dora
i honestly have no idea how to read opponent's discards beyond the most obvious "he hasn't thrown a ___ tile in 10 turns" so discarding safely is beyond me

I need you fags I'm sure you gotten this before
what exactly did that japs try to pull that got them busted? I don't know the game well enough to make the obvious connection and I've heard either the jap tried a really sneaky bluff or straight up cheated

Learn mahjong skills

Look at my beginning hand and build around its potential. Never go for any weaksauce shit, if it's not at least a Mangan I might as well be wasting everyone's time.

You've got a 25k lead in S4. You don't need to take any risks, you don't need to call riichi, you don't need to even win the hand at all. Even were that not the case you should not call riichi as non-dealer with a bad wait and no other han.

Toss 3 pin without riichi. You can still damaten and get players to let down their guard but somewhat unlikely. Reasoning cause South player tossed it earlier and you can avoid his opened hand. Tossing 8 pin without any knowledge of your opponent's hand is too risky.

>playing in bronze because I haven't ranked up yet
>damaten makes opponents' heads explode

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Defense has nothing to do with reading discards.

3pin. You'd get iipeiko, then you work on your final man block.

>Ippatsu and rinshan.

also you need to shape 233 man into a meld.

Majsoul Friends Room 39776(4-Player South):

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redundant, nobody in bronze has no idea how furiten works, not mentioning betaori. throw riichi instantly when in tenpai and leave this newbie purgatory ASAP

>start watching Akagi
>guy knocks the wall over while playing with yakuza
>just goes "oops" and puts it back to cheat
>doesn't get his fingers cut off or even pay a chombo or anything

You'd have to actually play the game for a bit to even really get into what he was doing. It's not that advanced, honestly. You'd know after roughly 4-5 hours of play.

If you haven't discarded a tile after Riichi, it counts as an ippatsu.

>Silver room
>End as second
>Still lose 300 copperss

Calls, including kan, break ippatsu.

I've heard Chombo is specifically defined as knocking over 8 or more tiles at once. Anything less, and just put that shit back nigga.

Wouldn't kan-ing your hand still counts as ipatsu after the initial toss? Rarely happens but I vaguely remember myself or someone else doing it.


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Calls erase ippatsu chance. I think closed kan does too, but I actually can't be 100% sure.


For the same reason, you can't kan and then call double riichi, and you can't stack suukantsu with tenhou/chihou.

Ippatsu isn't compatible with Rinshan Kaihou. Just looked it up myself.

>black guy discards a 1man and declares riichi
>white guy RONs it with a 5man hadaka tanki
>"hey yo thats a FURITEN"
>he didn't even discard a 5man

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Where are the rooms


>ok well what was the play here?
9 sou

The tiles in that scene are fucked up. Basically anything that isn't zoomed in on is essentially greeked.

my brother I was eating shit all game too

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I feel you my man.

in next game poor cat got zeored in east 3 and I got 2nd place at 25000 pts lol

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he's in furiten, meaning that he discarded a tile he could potentally win on previously, and therefore has to draw the winning tile himself instead of taking another player's discard (as he did in the video). it's not really a clever cheat if done intentionally because you can just look at someone's discard pile to check
he may have somehow switched out a tile in his discard to his hand, but i can't really tell with ps2 grafics since it looked like he ronned a 1 when he was waiting on a 5, so who knows

Thanks, lad.

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A room that's slow to fill on a Wednesday in the middle of the night? What are you, doing something else? Get in here, idiots.

Why does it say this? The person is in the same house as me.

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You need to be the same skill level to watch it.


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So I can't watch because they are novice? What is the purpose of that?

If the game has more people not in your region than in your region you can't watch it. Its dumb