Are you going to buy it?

are you going to buy it?

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Other urls found in this thread:

Whenever it comes to PC, yeah. My PS4 character is only at like 70 hours, low tier and I don't want to play on PS4




>console version
Haha, no.

I'll wait for it to come to PC.

Probably not. Played about 75 hours of World and I'm done with it now. The grind of MH isn't for me.

not until they show the entire roster of monsters

and world is the less grindy

I really love Monster Hunter but...
>Capcom releases it close to Borderlands 3.
Yeah, going to have to pass on that. I know which game my friends are going to choose. I'll also be able to pick up Iceborne later on sale.

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>Not getting it on PS4:P
PCbeggars not allowed. Isn't there an Epic thread you should be shitting up?

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It's literally coming to PC though, and I'm not in a rush to play it despite already owning a PS4.

>double dipped and bought the base game for both PS4 pro and PC

I'll wait for the PC version. PS4 performance is pathetic by comparison.


I'm not going to waste my time with the shittier version when a better option is coming out a few months later.

>Borderlands 3

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How many monsters are being added to the game with this? The same amount as the launch game? Only 5 have been announced so far last I saw

I really can't see it being worth the price.

Already did.

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It's gonna run like shit on my normal PS4 just like base world but i'll probably get it anyways

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Already did, the most expensive version too, just to support the franchise on my platform of choice.

I'm unironically beyond hyped for the new slinger combo chains. Something that adds moves to the entire vanilla weaponset, rather than the TRASH that were X's Arts/Styles which overfocused on the one gimmick you'd spam while ruinning the rest of the weapon's moveset - akin to clones like GodEater's Rage arts. Ohh how MonsterHunter fell for a moment there, good thing that shit will forever be exiled within X/XX and never ever be used again, not even in the upcoming Switch MonHun (hopefully)

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Yup, preordering to get that exclusive set too

I was about to say you have really bad friends, but then I realised they are good friends and it's you who's the shit person.
God damn how can one have such shit tastes as to care about Borderlands3, much less skip MonHun for it?

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It's the cheapest a G-rank version has ever been relative to the base game. What drugs are you consuming?



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>playing the worst version when you can play the best

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>PC players are so c.ucked that they STILL have to beg for content AFTER the delayed game comes out
Yikes. Same shit will happen in Iceborne, can't wait to enjoy the shit out of the game with friends a full quarter of a year in advance, and then watch everyone bitch about post-release content being behind AGAIN.

Such joy.

There is no upcoming Switch MH. Your best bet is a Switch port of a hopefully less open world future MH game on consoles.


i love this new wave of console cope. it makes my heart feel warm

I really don't want to but I probably will because it's monster hunter and I'm a consumer sheep.

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Didn't bother finishing World, so probably not.

I wasn't too impressed with the base game on PS4, so I can wait for the objectively superior PC version.

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The PC version didn't really impress me much either. Sure it's prettier and runs better but it's still the same disappointing game from beginning to end it was on console.

I know, all you can do for 4+ months after Iceborne's release is yawn.

I highly doubt they merged all their teams into 1. They can still easily shit out yet another PS2-asset game.

Sure, but you can mod out the worse parts of it. Or at least skip the grind to get bored of it and move on faster.

Probably. Hoping for a decent pre-release discount on GMG -- Capcom games tend to be 25% or more off prior to release there.

That said, my current grind for an Ironwall jewel is sort of killing my buzz on the game. I'm at 275 hours and I'm starting to get frustrated with feeling like I'm not making progress no matter how many hunts I do because it's so RNG based.

I'm fucking tired of running the Uragaan arms because CB without at least Guard 1 is just not pleasant.

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After the immense disappointment that was World, I highly doubt it. When is Capcom going to release a classic MonHun game?

I'd bother with it on PS4 if it didn't have regular 30+ second wait times, and ran a steady 30fps on base hardware without the sheer amount of blatant pop-in it has.

The MH team can't program to save their life unfortunately, since even the PC release is an unoptimized mess.

They always rotate their employees yes, but why would you assume due to that fact there has to be a Switch exclusive game?

MHGU just came out last year.

Competent platforms have the mainline for the next decade.
3DS and Vita are at different stages of dead.
That leaves the Switch for the "Portable" series of PS2-asset games. I don't see much of a point in releasing those for the other platforms, not that I would mind. Maybe they'd port it to phones too?

The last classic MH to have a nice graphical bump was Tri on the Wii. 4 and Gen look like regular portable garbage. I definitely would like to see what Capcom is able to do with the Swtich hardware.

Probably a Monster Hunter that looks like Toukiden on the Vita. Basically simple environments, but detailed player/monster models.

>adds an extra 'e' at the end of the word just to make it more edgy
why do the japanese do this?

>4 looked like garbag-

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Yes because I'm a good little mhfag that eats up any shit they put out even when I hate some of the new stuff

Borne is the past participle of bear, dum dum.

Portable series was exclusive to Playstation "Portable" only. And they are mainline as they count in the yearly releases that they do. This is why MHX wasn't called MHP4th, because it was not on Playstation Portable. See all your arguments doesn't hold up when MH4 wasn't on a console and MHX was released on the same hardware as MH4 by a different team.

Not if they don't fix the cutscene bullshit. The also need to balance the bow better.

It's -borne as in to journey to or proceed towards. To be Iceborne means to bear (or travel) towards ice.

And I also learned that fancy words like Hoarfrost are actual words.

Does it have more content than World?

X came out back in 2015, so I wouldn't consider an enchanced version of an already 4 year old game a new game.

>literally a kush reskin on the cover

god fucking dammit

Based on what they've said, World+Iceborne should be about as big as any G game they've done.

You say that like it's a bad thing.

probably when it gets a discount on pc, didn't like World compared to previous games and G versions tend to exaggerate problems present in the base game

When Kush himself is already partially an Ice monster? Yeah, it actually is.

we haven't even seen gameplay of it yet, sharing a skeleton doesn't mean something is going to be a clone, look at Steve compared to Rathalos or Gore and Valfalk

probably not
I burned myself out playing the original content and I honestly don't see how you can justify playing full price for a ONE area 'expansion'

They've said that it's going to rival the base game, in terms of size and content.

>it's going to rival the base game, in terms of size and content.

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no, they said that expansion is not going to be as big as base game, but it will get a lot of content

>Has the same skeleton
>Kushala Daora used ice (in the past)
Nigger it literally uses the tall variation of the skeleton like Alatreon. Kushala Daora has always been themed more about rain and wind than it has been themed about ice. Its home area in both World and its game of origin are both jungle maps.
Velkhana, on the other hand, is going to be the first pure ice, ice-themed elder dragon outside of Frontier besides Oroshi Kirin

he said classic

Why are Monster Hunter threads so fucking dead now, Yea Forumsros?

>add couple of new momsters
>one new area
>charge almost 60 dollars for it
I don't support Jews

I'm kind of glad that the PC version is a little late. I'm sure the content is going to be good, but I want to see just how badly they fuck up the new weapon moves and their balancing, since it's the GU team doing the expansion and they gave us atrocities like Valor HBG.

This is why MHGU bombed.

MHGU bombed because it's on a dead console.

threads only get replies if you're console warring, people don't actually talk about videogames here

And it only added a couple of new monsters, one new area and charged 60 dollars for it.

>Something that adds moves to the entire vanilla weaponset, rather than the TRASH that were X's Arts/Styles which overfocused on the one gimmick you'd spam while ruinning the rest of the weapon's moveset - akin to clones like GodEater's Rage arts.

>spams TCS
>spams SAED
>spams demon dance
>spams foresight slash into helm breaker

btw literally XX's director leading Iceborne

>sharing a skeleton doesn't mean something is going to be a clone
This is the case for 99% of World though, and now we're reusing moves between skeletons too with Narga ripping several animations from Odogaron.

On discount maybe, unless they announce something more impressive than what was shown already

>btw literally XX's director leading Iceborne
no wonder Iceborne looks so shit
>dude you can grapple onto monsters for free mounts lmao
>dude you can unload your slinger ammo for free stuns lmao
>dude you can cancel literally all of your attacks into slinger shots now lmao
>dude you can fire slinger shots even with your weapon out lmao

no, too much grind. I like it and I hate it

Grapple state is different from mount state with different move options. Also it's pretty cool that for all of the new moves, the slinger will change form.

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>Grapple state is different from mount state with different move options
still better have some kind of cooldown.

I have a feeling monsters will quickly become resistant to it and kick you off faster, similar to mounting, and eventually it just won't work anymore.

I love this screenshot

of course user, the "cooldown" will be that you have to use the grapple ammo to do the move

This wins the thread bye

Do you think they'll bother making a World 2 for next gen or do you think they will just make another lazy expansion?

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They'll re-use World's assets for the next decade while building off of it and then start over again

He's in!

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O-of course user! Just like Zamtrios and Duramboros!
>Adds a sabertooth fanged wyvern instead

i hope they don't fuck Tiggy up but that might be too much to ask from the World team

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they already fucked him up in P3rd and those changes carried over to the future games, I can't imagine how much worse he can get but I bet they'll find a way

i don't give a shit, maybe on sale

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wow World really killed Monster Hunter threads huh

Why not?

you just have to open with consolewar bait, then you're guaranteed a 500 reply thread

Based as fuck, user.
I'm buying Monster Hunter: World and a new PS4 Pro.

personally i'd prefer a MH thread on life support that actually talks about the series rather than a MH thread that is straight up Console war shit and falseflagging but manages to reach bump limit
they devolve into the second one anyways

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His skeleton is in along with both of his cousins and it’s an ice themed expansion. He has a decent enough chance.

Not only I'm going to preorder, I'm going to rebuy the base game in my actual region then buy Iceborne for it.

When it comes out on PC absolutely.

>dev team focused entirely on one map

I just realized that the new map is going to be absolute fucking shit just like the forest.

The forest was the best map.

Yeah. I'll sell my old copy and by the complete edition