What games where the protag is short?

What games where the protag is short?

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you made us this way

Based and truthpilled
Manlets are such fucking drama queens

>short girls
>cute, petite, normal
>short boys
>manlet, midget, faggot


Chibi robo

Any Mario game.

The equivalent of being a short man for a woman is being disfigured by an acid attack.

Dragon's Dogma.
Yea Forumstards making "what games where..." with an off-topic bait picture need to kill themselves

Being a short girl is a similar experience growing up as being a tall guy. Laughably false equivalency

short girls: everyone is so much taller than me! thankfully lboys still love me teehe~
short males: JUST

females live on easy mode, like literally


Nah tall girls get bullied

>make fun of short girl
>get ostracize and called sexist

>make fun of short guy
>everyone laughs with you

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not really... only if they are abnormally tall, but those are very rare

i am a pretty tall guy (1,94), and i also got bullied for it countless of times


If you think you're angry and lonely because you're shorter than others, then there's deeper problems to you.
Maybe because you're a woman hating sociopath for one.

>Strong Inverse Association Between Height and Suicide

>Height is extremely important

Attached: short men.png (1140x1380, 347K)

So manlets get results?

Monster Hunter World

I don't understand the point of this post. It's scientifically known that women prefer taller men almost universally and shorter men score higher in just about every kind of negative mood measure, and also in depression. You're about 14% less likely to commit suicide for every inch of height above 5'0.

And yet everyone of every race, creed, gender and social upbringing nowadays is more likely to kill themselves today than 25 years ago.

... Yes, that's right. Could you explain why it's relevant to what we're talking about, though?

it's not like tall girls can't get laid

>Short guys should be executed along with pedofiles and rapists
Is she implying that short guys are as evil as rapists and pedofiles?
Is she implying that being a pedofile or rapist is something you're born with?
Yikes bros... trying to understand the female mentality is both hilarious and confusing

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call a girl fat and a man fat and then post the results

>T. not a female


Believe it or not, I don't like being stalked by creepy guys just because I like Zelda. I don't like not being as /fit/ as a man would be. I DON'T like being babied by everyone around me just because I have a vagina.

Short guys can get laid to, you're just not going to nail the easy vapid tinder sluts. In the same way a lot of dumbass guys aren't into tall lanky girls. You can't get laid because you don't work on yourself.

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>Based and truthpilled
>Manlets are such fucking drama queens

Gee, I wonder why

Tinder is a fucking waste of time and money full of ghosting and people looking to boost their egos. You can have a great day chatting with someone and then never hear from them again for no reason.

>these people aren't useful to me so they're worthless
like clockwork

>just want to have bro time
>use my mic for the first time
>have a higher pitch voice
>guys don’t joke around with me anymore because i’m apparently “innocent”

Well that is what worthless means

>man liking zelda
lol nerd, get away from me

>woman liking zelda
wow cute be my gf

literally easy mode

short girls: face absolutely no hardships as a result of being small, barely impacts their life in any way

short guys: can literally miss out on entire life experiences due to being short, openly mocked and arguably discriminated against for something completely outside of their control in one of the most politically correct eras in human history, regularly experience bullying and social slights that others don't experience but are still judged by the same social standards as other people who did not recieve this treatment (e.g. )

i guess you could say the same is true for "tall girls" but those are extremely rare whereas "short guys" (5'7 and lower) are extremely common and it doesn't apply 1:1 because they generally don't get bullied as much/at all and since women select (rather than being selected) any failure to experience that aspect of life is entirely their own fault

Okay. I was not saying to use tinder.

>going after stacys that think that videogames are nerdy
that’s your own fault

If they were useless in general, that'd be worthless. If they're useless to me, that means nothing. It's an insane level of being self centered.

Most jrpgs have manlet protags

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My neighbor I grew up with has the triforce tattooed on her arm, and I've never seen/heard of her playing vidya.

>tfw no manlet bf

legend of zelda

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sounds like you're not taking good enough advantage out of any of those things


something I have noticed is an especially deep double standard is mental illness

men literally seek out depressed women. "oh, my cute vulnerable waifu!"

if a man has depression he is literally untouchable, a non-person, a problem person

Manlets are actually kind of hot but im also a faggot

damn what a huge egocentric oversight

tall girls are fetishized and desired by a considerable minority of men. net positive.

Because men aren't "supposed" to show weakness.

If you were cute and depressed girls would do the same

Anime, vidya, movies, and tv have distorted how people think things should work.

>manlets are openly treated like shit and discriminated against for something that they have no control over

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You know, if we just did eugenics all of this would sort itself out in a couple generations.

the brooding, tortured artist aesthetic is as old as time. you just gotta be handsome while you do it.

>girl with depression in media
>girl with depression irl
hey boyfriend looks even more suicidal than her. Before involing himself with her he was a confident young man now he is a corpse.
>man with depression in media
>man with depression irl

Kek, imagine being pocket size like this faggot.

This. I had a depressive bipolar girlfriend.
It wasn't worth it. Let professional people take care of depressive individuals.

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Hahaha fuck no


Anyone who says "confidence is all that matters" has never spent a day in a manlet's shoes.

Tall guy is confident:
>He is such a leader, omfg. Bold

Short guy is confident:
>Why is this guy such an asshole? Napoleon complex... bitter little fuck

You really dont think allt he goalposts would just move closer together? theres always a looked down upon and a looked up to. The scale is irrelevant. Humans in the future will probably be able to tell a half an inch height difference by eye across the street. The world keeps on turning, but it never changes user

>You can't get laid because you don't work on yourself.

i support anyone saying
>"you can improve yourself by doing x"

but if you say
>"you can solve x artificially induced social problem (which is not experienced by others) by doing y"

you can fuck off

the overwhelming majority of males get laid on dating apps through attractiveness, dating/romantic propsects is strongly tied to social circle, most people meet their partner through friends or at social gatherings/events (which ties into friend group), see video below for thorough explanation:


there are obvious things you can do to make yourself unnatractive to others (e.g. poor hygene, acting out etc) but the idea that people who don't get laid/have romatic prospects are responsible for their predicament is absurd and delusional. people tell themselves this so that they can reassure themselves that they've "earned" their own success when almost none of it is in your control, if you were born as the person you're lecturing you would be in their exact predicament and that upsets you to realise this because you realise you're not special and you haven't truly earned a thing in life

by "confidence" they mean "money"

>babby dick anyway
I do enjoy the practical benefits of height but I feel like a walking false advertisement. Pic very related.

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short guys are also fetishised and desired by a "considerable minority" of women, so what? every rule will have an exception.

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lmao sounds like someone is ugly and gets 2 matches a month on tinder LOOOOOOL

i thought this for a long time but then i dated a girl for more than 12 months

holy shit their lives are fucking pathetic, all of their friends suck. imagine how shitty it feels to have no friends. now imagine that but worse, because you feel obligated to hang out with people you barely like because they'll talk shit about you if you don't. and no you can't cut them off, because if you try to make friends with men, you're either gonna get some creepy unwanted advances from them OR prospective men you actually wanna date will identify you as a drama queen because "one of the boys ;)' girls are always pathetic/annoying/socially retarded

life as a woman seems fucking miserable. unless you're absolutely smoking hot, i don't think having an easier time getting a boyfriend is worth the other horseshit they put up with. i'll take my vidya and three weeb friends who share persona hentai with me, thanks.

This 100%

>he thinks "money" is enough
lmaoing at you and your life. If all you have is money than you will be taken advantage of by someone who overall is better than you besides income.

no they're not


Does this confirm or deconfirm the stereotype?

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>good looking
>large penis

I knew I shouldn't have dumped the most important stat in chargen

At least I have anime.

no they're not

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huge redpill

I'm not even a manlet but this shit makes me furious, who raised these girls

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sounds like your gf is just a supeficial bitch

also i don't have any friends too
to me it's normal to be lonely, for females it's unimagineable

short girls are literally more attractive than tall girls. as a 6'5 guy, the hottest girl that i ever dated was 4'10. the next one was 5'00

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sounds like the main thing making women's lives suck is other women

>you can be ANYTHING
>chooses to be a filthy manlet
The right option is to be either a tall dude or an amazon type of girl, and then have either a shota or a loli as your companion.

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every nintendo game

Are you joking?

I have some homework for you. The next time a Metroid thread pops up on Yea Forums, click on it. Just sit back and observe.

Lads lad lads its not that you are short, tall, have money or any of that nonsense.

Its that people dont find you hot, attractive, likeable, or fun to be around.

you suck

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>big dick
But it doesnt even matter

Are you joking?

I have some homework for you. The next time a /ss/ thread pops up on Yea Forums, click on it. Just sit back and observe.


what's it gonna take for SJWs to go after tall people?

>dating/romantic propsects is strongly tied to social circle, most people meet their partner through friends or at social gatherings/events (which ties into friend group)

If you have no friends that is your fault and you can change

There are millions of unattractive people out there right now who get laid or have girlfriends and wives. No excuses. If you can't do it, it is your fault

>who raised these girls

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They have to take our collective dicks out of their mouth to do that

I kind of saw this with one guy who worked with us for like two days. He was quiet, balding, and looked a little unkept. I don't know why he ended up leaving, but he wouldn't really talk to us much and wanted to take breaks alone.

After he left a couple of the girls talked about how weird he was, and I tried to explain that some people are just shy like that, and they wouldn't have it. They just wanted to talk shit about him, despite barely knowing the guy. Rubbed me the wrong way, even if the dude was a weirdo, you didn't know him well enough to make that claim.

tall guys date short girls cause it makes them feel better about their disproportional dick size

considering Jimmy was constantly aggressive I'd say it rings true
>crazy veteran hobo threatens to kill him
>openly challenges him with "ALRIGHT THEN KILL ME"

So explain dating sites to me, big brain boi. I'm decent looking and can't hold attention for more than a day

i don't know why i'd want to read five hundred posts about manchildren who want a mommygf

you really think a bunch of overweight feminists are going to go to bat for short dudes? you don't know how politics works. and yes, feminism is female politics, not some moral/ethical movement.

First world problems. I have two uncles who ended up lonely alcoholics with liver disease. Maybe if you girls didn't keep interpreting everyone's mild social awkwardness as "creepy" or "stalking", my uncles would still be alive, and I'd have cousins.

i don't know why i'd want to read five hundred posts of manchildren who want a mommygf


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those are gay men user

That's the exact excuse pedophiles use

Tell that to the folks in Alabama

>That's not true, here is a group of men that want you

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I don't know about you, but I don't want to be anywhere near a girl with a mental illness.

>"short guys" (5'7 and lower)
nice try manlet

i dont have to explain nothing to a loser like you who will just cry and cry like a fat bitch. You want to die so go die already nobody would care not even your mom. She probably looks at that failed sack of after birth that is you and regrets not having that abortion afterall

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>sounds like your gf is just a supeficial bitch
my gf is great, i unironically like her more than my actual friends.

HER friends are all fucking miserable humans. i've had to hang around them one on one enough that i know how awful they are because i hate them too. she shows me texts of their group convos and they're so fucking catty. every single interaction, she says or does the same thing i'd do with my buds, but HER friends are so fucking humorless and narcissistic that they can't handle any bantz and they don't talk about anything other than basic bitch garbage like game of thrones

she has a couple of friends she actually likes talking to but they're all in other countries and shit, which is the same as me actually. my closest friends are neets i met online in college

literally, yes. women have the worst social circles you can possibly imagine, it's embarrassing

It would have made more sense to compare the manlet to a whale. Shortness is an attractive trait for women. Wideness is not except for mentally ill chubby chasers.

Seems like the solution is simple: Don't fuck with manlets. What's the problem? You wouldn't go around wearing the wrong colors in the streets of Detroit or talk shit about local's adored baseball team at some sports bar.

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this is the dumbest post that i have ever read.
vagina sizes don't vary proportionally to height you retard

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>and can't hold attention for more than a day
dating sites are not your friend, for every one girl you match with on a website, 5-10 other men have matched with that girl and are all actively jockeying for her attention. Even if she's a decent and nice girl she's still going to be presented with a platter of potential males and choose the best one. In a weird way online dating has ramped up survival of the fittest to a oddball extreme where only the top percentile of males are going to succeed, but the median of females get to as well

2D loves you no matter what.

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funny thinking about the fact that short guys are insane because short girls fuck only tall guys.
>woman are to blae for the end of society

rural alabama fag here, what are you on about? women have it disproportionately easy as fuck here. i can't think of another place where dropping out of high school because you got pregnant is more respected

90% dudes wanting to be the shota, 10% dudes wanting to be the lady.

What are you getting at? I live in the rural south (not Alabama though) and women actually seem happier here than they do in big cities with all the corporate pressure.

Most of the great artists are short.

Just look at Thom Yorke, the greatest modern songwriter. He's only like, what, 5'1? 5'2 in the morning if he's lucky? Most 15 year old girls average at 5'10 nowadays. So just think how Thom (pronounced Fom) feels propped up on his special "booster-boy" box up on stage.

It's the only place on earth where he's looking down on everyone else. The only place in the world where he can escape his harrowing, ignominious, interminable plight as a stunted half-man.


Wasn't even looking for long term love, just looking for quick fucks and even then nothing.

any decent girl would not dare step foot on a dating site/app. you have no idea the mentally fucked up people that are on there, but as a girl you find out REAL quick just how fucked in the head some guys are.

you're better off just cold approaching guys on the street, your chances of them being a decent human being will be much much higher

If he's the Ultimate Lucky Student, why is he short???

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Manlet here, I get turned on by people making fun of my height. Please give me your best short people jokes and roasts

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Almost all of the great figures in humanity were short. Manlets are tryhards. They do their best to knock the world down a few inches.

almost there!

yikes pretending retard, I'm actually pretty good looking, but it doesn't matter
You can match 200 girls, but if all they do is ghost its worthless

I had one that gave me a snapchat, for the sole purpose of making a collage of dudes hitting her up to post on her social medias
Its literally just for egos
Now hitting up trashy girls on facebook, that's how you get laid easy


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This, you'll always have 2D, manlets. Why cant you just be happy with that?

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every fat girl i've ever known has never had a problem getting guys, there are many men that are just that desperate, and some reason there seems to be a strong correlation with low IQ there

you're significantly misreading the conversation, and you'd get more out of life if you listened to what other people say instead of what you think they say

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he's taking about how you retard hicks don't let women get abortions even if the baby is the product of rape/incest

imagine getting raped at 15 and being told that you have to keep the kid or you go to jail

Because they're already working on banning 2DVR and sex dolls. They won't let me have my 2D.

there's a difference between getting laid and getting a good boyfriend for girls.. you know that, right?

social media and mass communication has allowed the collective conscious to raise the standards of what they perceive as idea alpha male. now most of those qualities have to be ~2 standard deviations above average

Was actually thinking about doing that. Don't wanna spend money and I don't wanna have friends and family knowing about the trashy ones

>he doesnt like fat girls
Listen here retard you dont know jack shit about getting your dick wet it aint a thing about desperation its all about those BIG FAT TITS

5'10" mind of women could also not be there at all and it would work

you retards actually don't understand that these are all no-name cunts with like three followers

you could make a collage exactly like this of men saying fat women should die

just because something is useless to you, doesnt mean it's worthless
if we got rid of everything that is useless to dumb roasties, we would be living in caves eating berries and shitting in bushes

my life

What is the specific mistake I made? Why did you not just immediately quote it instead of this vagueness?

this is correct

t. thankfully good looking

Fat girls squirt and fuck just as good as skinny girls

>he thinks girls browse Yea Forums



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>you could make a collage exactly like this of men saying fat women should die
yeah why dont you do that
oh wait you cant, because any guy saying that on facebook/twitter/reddit will get banned instantly

>you retards actually don't understand that these are all no-name cunts with like three followers

LITERALLY who gives a fuck how many followers they have? Why would that even remotely matter? Holy shit, women are so retarded it hurts. I can't even process this puzzlingly retarded thought you just forced me to read

thats not what I meant idiot. a big dick looks bigger against the backdrop of a small girl. its what they do in porn. and your wrong about vagina size it does depend on race and size

>fat women should die
You say that as a joke but...

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there is no good reason to have an abortion, ever


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>you could make a collage exactly like this of men saying fat women should die
Where are they?

By the way, you can absolutely change your weight. Yes, it's possible to be addicted to food, but people can and do lose weight. Men can never change their height.

Manlets are in the same boat than feminists and niggers tho

counterpoint: your mom

counterpoint: you

Manlets literally make the world go round. Just open the history book for your country and you'll find it out.

What race is it?

>If you have no friends that is your fault


>There are millions of unattractive people out there right now who get laid or have girlfriends and wives. No excuses. If you can't do it, it is your fault

okay, there are millions of people (more and more each year) who can't. when someone, in a vacuum, fails to attract a partner then we can examine why that might be. but when an entire society's sexual activity is in decline () the idea that we should improve ourselves as individuals rather than change the environment is riddiculous

your point doesn't even work, there are :
>unnatractive people
>socially awkward people
>low social status people
>low economic status people
who have sex/relationships, therefore *I* should physically and mentally exhaust myself, following workout routines, hobbies and lifestyles that i have no interest in, to *SLIGHTLY* offset the negative social and economic effects of the environment/time period i was born into and *SLIGHTLY* increase my chances of having a life that other people basically luck into? fuck off

of course, but i was just replying on the sole basis of attractiveness

sounds pretty low IQ to me








>its the jews!
>no its women its their fault
>its not because im a loser its my HEIGHT
>videogames? What are those! i made an /r9k/ thread again


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Why are kids so tall nowadays?

I walk down the street and there are always like at least 5-6 girls nearing 6'2. I mean, when I was 15, the average height for boys was 6'1, but now it's got to be at least 6'3, or even 6'4.

It's ridiculous.

Maybe you shouldn't have gotten raped then. Dumb bitch millions of other women don't get rape why was it so hard for her then?

This, a handsome guy is a eccentric and an ugly one a crazed weirdo


Look at this hall monitor redditor having a meltdown because people won't agree with his reddit views. Lmao.

>tfw I have a fetish for short, muscular guys

They have leg lengthening surgery

> hot, attractive, likeable, or fun to be around.
Mostly these are ephemeral qualities, especially when it comes to female tastes. "Hotness" can be somewhat quantified if you're asking guys about girls, but with girls about guys, it's a lot less solid.

What you're describing is just the social perception of the group. Girls are social, and they come to consensus standards of attractiveness. They all decide together if a guy's hot or not. So that comes with two problems. One, if you come on too strong and actually break through a girl's social barrier and she herself legitimately starts to find you unattractive for her own reasons, she'll spread that distaste to the rest of the group, and you're fucked. Two, as human lifestyles become more and more independent and lonesome, girls have less and less of a social group to fall back on for their standards, which leads to the current trend of girls who are actually, legitimately, 100% unironically "not looking to date". They have no idea who is and isn't attractive, so they just don't participate. Alternatively, a girl replaces her group with the internet as a whole, and that leads to all sorts of unrealistic criteria.

Not saying that there aren't mature girls, obviously. It's just that they're usually already taken.

"tall" ya that's one word for it

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video games?

>leftist arguments in 2019


Same reason women are become fertile sooner: government doping through various channels

To answer your question, most of the reason people grow so tall in childhood today is because of water fluoride doping. Fluoride destroys an endocrine inhibitor in the brain called the pineal gland, resulting in vastly accelerated skeletal & sexual growth.

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Better nutrition and genetics overall. Tall parents tend to have taller kids, so the environment that created the tall parents in the first place will continue to contribute towards taller kids.
So a 6 ft father will have a 6 ft 2 son who will then have a 6 ft 4 son so on and so forth.

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eccentric/crazy is based on wealth, not aesthetics. handsome men brood, uggos wallow.

I feel ya, Theirs way less ghosting On plenty of fish and i hit it a few times but its far far more effort than facebook.

Like girls on facebook will fuck anyone. there was this one underage chick absolute perfect 10/10 that went to my highschool as a freshman when i was a senior and she try hitting me up out of nowhere when i was 19 and she was like 15. I turned that shit down cause jail time/being put on a list for life wasn't worth pussy, but looking at her comments on her photos at facebook shes fucking with a lot of old ass dudes, mostly black too cause they don't give a shit. They would hit on a 12 year old if they thought she was thicc and these woman are so fucking desperate for attention they lap that shit up



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>Dating sites

still not videogames, faggot

>Calcification of the pineal gland is typical in young adults, and has been observed in children as young as two years of age.[30] The calcified gland is often seen in skull X-Rays.[30] Calcification rates vary widely by country and correlate with an increase in age, with calcification occurring in an estimated 40% of Americans by their 17th year.[30] Calcification of the pineal gland is largely associated with corpora arenacea, also known as "brain sand".
>It seems that the internal secretions of the pineal gland inhibit the development of the reproductive glands, because, in cases where it is severely damaged in children, the result is accelerated development of the sexual organs and the skeleton.[34]

See also:

ethos.bl.uk/OrderDetails.do?uin=uk.bl.ethos.361991 "The effect of fluoride on the physiology of the pineal gland"

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>because any guy saying that on facebook/twitter/reddit will get banned instantly
t. has never browsed any of these websites

you spergs are freaking out like what they're saying is reaching a large audience or is received well. you reading these tweets is literally the inverse version of a normie roastie reading some faggot on Yea Forums say "omg i hate wamen!" and just being like "Wow all men truly are scum."

>Where are they?
browse /pol/, Yea Forums, and /r9k/ for like ten minutes, there's your collage

t. inbred redneck who should have been aborted

you are literally worse than niggers.

The scare quotes in that pic are dripping with disdain.

Fucking manlets, when will they learn?

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Who should I play as next in smash 4?
I just played as doctor mario.

Give me a matchup as well if you want

wtf is menarche? i thought you were talking about women..

tfw born too late to find a gf untainted by social media and too early to get an android gf

Only good post ITT and it's still a terrible post

you'll never make them feel safe and protected
let alone dominated

Im a 5'4 26yo manlet and I have still had sex at least once a year since the age of 13 and have been in a relationship with a 21yo for the past 8 months. Women do not know what they want in any aspect of their lives and you should never care in the first place.

I talk to my girlfriend the same way I talk to my dogs or a small child and she listens to every word I say. Stop giving a fuck about how women feel or think because that is your job, you should still love and care for them though.

But weight is essentially a choice. Height isn't.

>guys please talk about vid-



>being under 6'4

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I'm 5'7 but I don't care. I have a big dick and it looks even bigger because I'm short.
I can't really change my height so why should I care? Genetics? Breeding? Who cares about that shit if you're gonna wear a condom.

5'4 cuz i guess that matters, i love getting margs and i always pay extra for guac, must love dogs, if you cant hold a conversation just swipe left, looking for the jim to my pam, love the office, i wanna talk about something deep like galaxies and planets and stars and our souls not just smalltalk, here for a good time not a long time, fluent in sarcasm

Menarche is the first period for women.

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Depressed men exist in fiction all of the time. They're just called "brooding".


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you should get that trump derangement syndrome checked out, libby

>Women do not know what they want in any aspect of their lives and you should never care in the first place.
this, holy shit. women are literally socially engineered to just follow the pack. what they want changes depending on their age, their peers, their education, their parents, what they read on the internet, everything.

>Virginity ratio of unmarried Japanese women

age 18-19 74.5%
age 20-24 64.5%
age 25-29 32.6%
age 30-34 31.3%
age 35-39 33.4%

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>so i left my house to take a walk
>What? Did you even get to the mailbox with those short legs



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you should hurry the hell up and get Ultimate

All of you short guys should get a tall friend to be your wingman. I used to do this for an Italian friend who got ignored by chicks about 90% of the time. A good wingman can easily get you a decently attractive woman, just don't expect him to successfully con anyone around a foot taller than you. Other than that you just need to be ready to follow through with whatever play your wingman sets up.

The average height is 5'9" though

Btw, here's a pic of me and my gf

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>All of you short guys should get a tall friend to be your wingman.
This sounds like a dirty trick to make manlets look even shorter than they already are.

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>This bullshit chart marks Walt Disney as gay
>Walt Disney was married with children and no reports of homosexual bevaiour have been proven

this has the opposite effect from experience

>All of you short guys should get a tall friend to be your wingman
you're fucking retarded. that simply makes you the male equivalent of a female groups "ugly girl" they use to make themselves look better

It says Goy, you fucking retard.

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All that proves is that if you're short you're better off being gay

This is quite literally a "grass is always greener" situation. If we boil it down to the simplest Yea Forums level and obviously not nuanced dichotomy, we have THEY ONLY HAVE VALUE BECAUSE OF LOOKS vs THEY ONLY HAVE VALUE IN THEIR ACTIONS. Both are fucking awful. One group feels invisible the other feels TOO visible.

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you forgot
>let's go on an adventure!
>love to read, snape is my spirit animal
>the guy in my picture is my brother not my boyfriend

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>the christmas cake meme is real
wtf bros i'm learning nihongo now

what are some singleplayer games that have a playable midget race? pretty much every mmo has one but rarely do singleplayer games.

too bad your mom didnt abort you

>guys im tall! im five fo-



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I'm 6'3 and the best sex I ever had was a tall girl holding me down and taking the lead.

Short stuff can't compare once you've had the fruits of someone your equal.

>having no friends isn't my fault

That's wrong, though. Social skills are just that; a skill, to be learned. Evidently your parents let you down and raised a friendless retard but at the end of the day the buck stops with you because it is within your power to change.

>blah blah why should I put in exhausting effort just to have a chance at getting laid

Honestly, wow, you are such a fucking victim-complex pussy. You unironically have an SJW mindset.

For one thing you don't have to physically and mentally exhaust yourself you pathetic worm. Just make some fucking friends as step 1. There are plenty of losers who will be friends with you. Some of them are chicks. If being a normal functioning human being sounds physically and mentally exhausting to you then you are a spoilt little child.

>we need to change the environment not individuals

Change in individuals IS what changes environments you brainlet. E.g. The rise in resentful incel faggots like you is due to male individuals utterly failing to be decent fathers.

I'm only bothering to respond to your poisonous little pity party at all because I can see you're desperately in need of help

I wonder what this would look like for America, Britain, Australia and Europe

I guess that 30-34 age range was the real slut generation huh?

That's true. It's not a perfect analogy. You just have to learn to deal with it if you're a manlet. It makes it harder to pick up chicks but not impossible.

your IQ is too high for this board, it's time for you to move on

What are some choices that are very easy to make?

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>holding me down and taking the lead.
Nah you're just a faggot

please do.

just transition then retard

Short girls create manlets any woman under 6ft is a risk

>one guy has a singular positive sex experience with a tall female

Holy fuck it's a non-retard on Yea Forums

Men and women are both fucked. I've been around enough women to know how shitty they have it. I've been around enough men to know how shitty they have it too. Everything fucking sucks. The way we treat the opposite gender, and ourselves, and each other is complete dogshit.

Stop fucking beating yourselves up for being poor, or short, or having a small cock. Stop beating up women for not being gorgeous, or not having a nice body, or not being submissive. People that perpetuate the miserable shit that makes both genders feel like dogshit should be evicted from the fucking gene pool.

I really hope you're not implying that life is equally difficult for men as it is for women (who just get too much positive attention for their tastes)

The suicide statistics globally should show you that's not true

Anime isn't real

you play a manlet in sekiro

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>Stop beating up women
No, you can't stop me.

what if i literally can't get hard for women?

Did you come here straight from Reddit? I can literally almost see an upvote meter next to your post.

I swear I only see height-ism more prevalent online than in real life. I see plenty of manlet's with women.

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no one is forcing them to keep the child, all they are asking is you don't fucking murder it. go leave it at an orphanage or something you dumb cunt

when nobody replies to you so you samefag yourself with praise extremely blatantly

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>looking for the jim to my pam



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You want to get a woman in 2019:
Be where the pussy is

Men have higher suicide rates because they have no fucking support systems (men don't know how to talk about their retard feelings) and they are socially ingrained to bottle shit up until they fucking blow their brains out.


then you're gay nigga

Nice reddit boogeyman, newfag. I can tell you're a zoomer because posting a coherent message on Yea Forums didn't used to be associated with reddit.


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were you trying to click it for him bro

FYI this thread was linked in /r/TwoXChromosomes discord (a reddit feminist board)

I'm 5'5, king of manlets. Ask me anything.

Imagine being a white guy born and raised in Japan. Probably the most ideal life a guy can get.

every random board is just porn, pony porn, and avatarfagging, though