Snoy, no... Snoy... wait

Snoy, no... Snoy... wait...

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Other urls found in this thread:

"In Japan"

>he’s too poor to afford all three consoles and a pc

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theres really no point in owning an xbox if you have a PC though.

>winning by banking on diminishing returns in hardware performance
nintendo confirmed for merchant status

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This. Japan buys up portable shit. Its why the vita did well in japan and no where else.

I meant ps4, ps vita, switch and pc

There's no point in owning more than one a generation aside from collecting for the sake of taking up space and blowing money. There aren't enough hours in the day.



Even so, it's gonna sting for MS when the Switch passes the Bone within the next year or so

Japan makes all the good games so Japanese console sales are relevant


True. I haven't touched my Xbox in about a year. How sad. The money doesn't even matter but it's sitting there.

>he buys literally every single game that comes out

I heard the PS TV could play most Vita games, is this true?
I want to play a lot of the PS Classics that arent on PS4

>the country where both these consoles are from

anywhere else is irrelevant. it's like saying hurr iphone sells better than android in china durr when no one gives a shit about china when the companies apple and google are from usa so whoever wins in sales in usa will be rightfully crowned champ because it's their home nation and where they are on the stock market.


Wrong, it's because Sony didn't give the Vita the same amount of support in the US, where they wouldn't let PSP owners upgrade their physical collection to digital.


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The same idiots who are boasting about this milestone don't know shit about the Japanese market and are prolly the same faggots who said the PS4 wouldn't even get to 10 million in the country.

At this point Sony will confortably reach 120-130 MILLION PS4s by the end of the PS4's lifetime and Japan won't matter that much.

Have the small island the PS4 already won this gen lmao and stole Monster Hunter while doing so kek.

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i have both and xbox gets played literally 10x more than my pc because of gamepass now. pc is for the few torrented games i might want to play but not buy e.g. sekiro or metro. the xbox satisfies me with everything else.

>PSN alone makes more money than the whole of Nintendo

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Based and redpilled

We've already talked about this before, Xbox One isn't worth buying even if you have all the money in the world.

Wrong. That literally has nothing to do with it.

>tfw more Japanese games are gonna come on the Switch now

what if you don't want to deal with gaming on a pc?

not much point owning a ps4 either, If i hadnt bought one at the start of the generation before building my pc then I would have never have had a reason to play it

Switch + Pc is all you really need, and if you dont like nintendo then pc is all you need


Try telling your investors that sales don't matter outside of your home country and not to account for international markets especially if those markets provide much more revenue such as with Nintendo/Sony.

But it did.

Monster hunter world is on PC and xbox tho

>deal with gaming on a pc

define "dealing"
>dealing with higher framerates
>dealing with better graphics
>dealing with not having to pay a tax to use your internet
>dealing with cheaper games
>dealing with the ability to mod your games
sounds superior to me

>In Japan

Nobody cares, there is a reason because Sony ditched Japan recently

That's even better

MonHun will NEVER EVER be exclusive to Nintendo piece of shit handhelds again.

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no wonder why they keep releasing vita shit on 2019

That said. The PS4 is 6 years old. The Switch is just 2 years old. When the Switch is also 6 years old chances are it will have surpassed where the PS4, especially since the PS4's sales will drop off a cliff with the advent of the PS5. And then it'll be the PS5 that will be playing catchup to the Switch.

You buy a Switch and don't get to play Devil May Cry V, Ace Combat 7, or Kingdom Hearts III? What's the point of boasting about sales when they're aren't any games?

>tencent almost double sony

i'm not talking about investors i'm talking about national pride. japan is a big deal for these companies and playing it off as "hurr who cares le small island lolol" is retarded. sony will be hurting because of this because no one likes to lose on home turf.

Clearly there is potential to sell ~25 million consoles in Japan. Why is anyone pretending that that's a meaningless amount?

>national pride
>japan is a big deal for these companies
Nintendo is the only japanese company that creates video game consoles
Sony isnt a japanese company anymore, their main base of opperations is in california

because the left still hates japan for siding with the nazis in ww2

its why sjws are still allowed to shit on japan

hey retard, that's from wii u era

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Are Nintendofags the most obsessed fag base on Yea Forums? Can they go one day without mentioning PlayStation?

Most of Sony's divisions aren't even based in Japan and I guarantee those employee's are more concerned with total profit than anything else.

This anons right
switch didnt release till early 2018

Nice. I don't have either but I enjoy watching you guys slap fight.

Monster Hunter, Dragon Quest, Soul Calibur, Sekiro, Devil May Cry. I love how despite Yea Forums crying, the biggest Japanese games still find their way on PlayStation, and thrive the most there.

Realistically do you think Pokemon Sword/Shield will surpass Gen 1 as the best selling Pokemon game?

every single game you listed is on xbox and pc aswell

>dealing with broken/bad ports
>dealing with dead online
>dealing with rampant hacking/cheating
>dealing with intrusive DRM
>dealing with often lazy control layouts
>dealing with being ignored by many publishers
There are great things about gaming on PC, but it's not all sunshine and rainbows.

maybe the market for pokemon is much larger than it used to be
back when pokemon was first released adults wouldnt play it just kids, but the kids who grew up on pokemon may play the new ones

so now the market isnt just kids but kids + adults who played pokemon as a kid

isn't sony also being outsold in the US? this doesn't get any better for them. if microsoft suddenly has a home revival next gen it could be way worse for sony. they should never have moved from japan or at least moved to europe which is the one place they consistently dominate (aside from pc gaming there)

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No. Just by virtue of their not even being 45 million Switches on the market.

>bad ports
what we complain about as a bad port is usually still much superior to the console version, we just have higher standards
>dead online
happens to consoles but consoles cant use programs to do lan over the internet so again pc is superior
ill surrender that point but it does still happen on consoles
piracy always gets around it
>lazy control layouts
just remap your keys or use a controller
sadly yes, but that seems to be changing

The Switch released in 2017

>Tencent still on top
Is it time to switch to team ching chong?


Not that user, but:
>fixed by mods
>happens on consoles too but even moreso with a paywall behind netplay
>happens on consoles too, just to a smaller extent due to the need of a modded console
>legitimate complaint with no solution
>every game worth playing lets you rebind keys
>legitimate complaint with no solution

It's really not as bad as you make it out to be, though I agree there are issues. Even the shittiest of cases can be alleviated a lot of times. Dark Souls was ignored, then came to PC and sold well enough to warrant it being the main development platform later. Even with the shitty port, mods managed to make it the best version.

even the vita is at 16 mil in Japan

all they play is handhelds cause they work 20 hour days and ride trains a lot.

>We should mentally add millions of consoles to the Switch sales because it's newer than the PS4
>And when the PS5 comes out, we'll do the same
So because Nintendo has now staggered the generations to avoid competing with SonyCrosoft, we can just obfuscate which is winning forever? Fine by me

It's not really clear whether the Switch is a 8th or 9th gen console. It was rushed out the door as a direct response to the WiiU failure, and it's most technically impressive game (BOTW) could probably be recreated on 360PS3 with effort. To claim that the Switch is competing against the Ps5 is something of a joke, they will be completely different experiences.

But furthermore, nobody is worried that a console where everything looks and plays like it's 10 years ago is going to come up and clean house against the two modern console-makers. That's just not going to happen. There will always be demand for exciting new technology that looks beautiful on a big ass TV. Citing Japan sales, where people are held hostage by their jobs and can only vidya on the bus is disingenuous.

Actually embarrassing

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Not only the switch released in 2017, it also had its bigger year in term of sales, selling almost 500k units more in 2017 than 2018.

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I'm not trying to make it seem like a hellscape. stop being so defensive. All I said was Xbox is attractive to people who don't want to deal with gaming on a pc. Stop white knighting a gaming platform, it's not going to fuck you...

Yeah, we're losing alright.

>cant play 3 multiplats on the switch

Sell it then? You're a moron for not even using the game pass for 1 buck. What, don't tell me you're playing the Xbox games through emulators and Windows 10? Yikes

>So because Nintendo has now staggered the generations to avoid competing with SonyCrosoft
You've got that in reverse. Sony are the ones who rode the PS3 for a damn decade just to recoup its costs, and still haven't announced the PS5 after 6 years. Nintendo have been consistent the common 5~ years that used to be standard.

I have the same opinion towards Sony. The difference is that Halo is actually fun to play, Uncharted and TloU are games you play once and never again.

>forgetting that 360 beat ps3
things reset every generation, microsoft screwed things up this gen by announcing an always online drm box
looks like sonys gonna screw up next gen with social justice, censorship and refusal to allow cross play

>Japan makes all the good games
worst board

>Pony up for game pass
>Get to play a Tecmo and Sega game from 20 years ago
>Or games that are on PC
At what point is it literally not worth a dollar user

>the west makes all the good games
the west makes interactive movies

If you're referring to eroges, yeah. If not, lol no.

The most fun games released in the last years are probably all indie games, and the west nails indies way better than Japan does. I don't think I ever played a Japanese indie game that I can actually call decent after Cave Story

less than 1% of people who bought a vita in the US even knew that was a thing over in japan.

Of Forza, or all the Halos, which everyone is dying to play on PC. Or Xbox OG games you can't emulate that well on your PC.

You sure you're not just a PS nigger?

>It's not really that bad
>wtf stop being so defensive quit whiteknighting the platform it won't fuck you

Only one getting defensive is you, retard.

>theres really no point in owning an xbox if you have a PC though.
It’s an affordable UHD Blu Ray player

>can play 3 generations of Xbox titles flawlessly
>no reason
Unless they release their OG and 360 emu for PC then there is most definitely a reason.

did it though?

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>weeb shit

Post discarded.

>Only one getting defensive is you, retard.

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you can emulate the Switch flawlessly on the PC. What's the point in owning one?

This supposed to be an insult? Boy I love cinematic third-person action survival games with RPG elements and a primary focus on story and characters.

Microsoft's bestselling console is in a statistical tie with Sony's worstselling console.
Even if the Ps5 sells one quarter of Ps3 lifetime sales, Microsoft was able to eat the fact the original Xbox only sold around 20 million, and in your future they just eat the fact the Bone only sold 50 million, so what's the worry?

For how much longer i wonder, Sony completely shit on Japanese developers so its all going to be mobile/portable shit in the near future.

>weeb shit

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PS4 outsold the Switch in both 2017 and 2018 as well as having outsold it when adjusted for the same time period.

PS4 = 37.7 million in 24 months
Switch = 34.7 million in 24 months


It also cost $100 more and had direct compeittion with the Xbox One from launch

>Xbone and Ps4 came out at the same time
>Xbone2 and Ps5 are almost certainly going to come out at the same time
>But only Nintendo is doing it right by taking a wire hanger to the WiiU after it was out for 3 years

>All these little bitches bitching about how Company X is better than Company Y
>I'm just sitting here laughing at you lots while enjoying any game I want since I'm not a braindead consumer loyalist

Feels good to enjoy games because they're games instead of because they're on the gamebox I own, where my Idort chads at?

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Don't forget the PS4 outsold 3DS despite the latter having a two year head start and a substantial discount.

the ps3 got decimated by the 360 in the usa don't delude yourself

Why isn't Zelda labelled as "released on other consoles"? Your baitfu is weak, no (You) for you until you put a little more effort

>Only Americans pay money for consoles
Xboxes are for sale all over the world. Nobody else wants them. I don't know what you're trying to argue

>every single console manufacturer moves onto the next generation of their consoles at an interval of about 5 years each, every time
>all of a sudden the xboxes and ps3s enter the picture, and they bleed money like crazy
>the usual 5 year interval arrives but neither microsoft or sony moves onto a new generation of consoles
>xbox eventually announce that they'll be launching a new xbox anyway
>sony not wanting the microsoft to get ahead of them rushes the ps4 onto the market
>they end up releasing close to each other
>people now think a typical generation is a fucking decade long

>Buy a new console to play old console's games
>For consoles that didn't have any games
Reminder that Spencer's big gamble to save the Bone was paying a PC Dev an assload of cash to not put PUBG on Ps4 for a year
Reminder Fortnite blew up almost exactly when they did this
MS will never learn and the Nextbox will be just as troubled as the Bone

I started out this gen really mad at Nintendo, but it's actually impressive how much Sony has shat on their fans to make me hate them more than Nintendo at this point.

Shame that Microsoft will never replicate this success ever again.

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Shame that Sony will never recover those departments they were forced to sell when they were hemorrhaging money during the PS3 era.

360 (most of those games are on pc)
Bone (most of those games are on pc)

Og xbox titles is a pretty good sell though desu
interested in replaying ninja gaiden black

>Mario Odyssey
>good game
I found it way too boring, worse than Galaxy.

Why did the ChaDS do so well?

Dont forget the open world and barebones crafting system

By being the worst selling Nintendo handheld since the Game Boy Advance.

>Xboxes are for sale all over the world. Nobody else wants them. I don't know what you're trying to argue
are you retarded? the original post you replied to was specifically talking about the usa, nintendos performance in the usa, sonys decision to move to the usa and microsofts potential in the usa. learn to read before you reply.

Now, you're trying too hard...

Reminder if you dont jerk off to 2d porn then you are a normalfag and will forever be a normalfag

Mass appeal, low cost, cheap development meant lots of neat games, portable. I miss when do was in it's prime. So many good games.

I don't think sony particularly cares about sales in japan, seeing how they have no problem whatsoever to basically kill their brand there by pissing everyone off. I just hope microsoft manages to fuck them over in the west, because they'll have literally nothing to fall back on this time around.

I'm not the guy you were replying to but Odyssey is a boring game. There's absolutely nothing to do In New Donk City and moving Mario in the huge maps is a fucking slog.

What if you jerk to both? Like, 80/20 non 2d?

>Two companies selling a combined 160million Ps360s have less right to determine what a gen is than Nintendo
But they have all the right in the world. The shadow committee didn't convene in 1985 and decide a gen is 5 years. It's been 10 years since the director of Resident Evil 5 remarked the Wii couldn't handle the title screen of his new game. A company so far outside the mainstream has no right to tell anyone anything

See you at E3. Don't forget to bring your best falseflagging material.

Good, PShit4 is overrated trash and I haven't touched or turned mine in almost two years.

Considering it was competing with cellphones I’d say it did pretty damn well

Best retort he can think of E3. You vastly underestimate how little people care about Xbox.

>Japan makes all the weeb jerkoff games


>Wasting ALL that money on video games

You are a fucking child.

>Have the small island
That small island is the world's third largest gaming market.

Yeah, this is why DMCV, Persona, Monster Hunter, RE2Remake are on PS4 not on Shitch.

People care so little yet you still have to engage in pointless console wars with people like me. Imagine the burden you carry.

It used to be the biggest, though, and will only decline further.

Console war fags deserve to have their throats slit.

Monster Hunter Frontier was on the Xbox, PC and PS3 last gen

Irrelevant. Japaese games sells better on PS4 and PS4 has better worldwide sales.

then you're not a normalfag


Not that guy, bit there was plenty to do in New Donk, it actually had the most moons that required thought in the game in my experience, and moving MArio in big spaces is fine due to roll and Cappy's extensions. The only place where it could be a slog was Tostarena, but the provide you with a sanic speed transport anyways. Other areas either have several gimmicks to facilitate your movement like Lost and Bubblaine, or are largely vertically inclined like Steam Gardens or New Donk


The original post posits that a future strong performance from MS would send Sony into disaster mode.
I then retort that even MS's strongest historical performance, when it literally won the US, could only tie things up, and furthermore if other companies can sell < 50 million consoles and keep on chugging, why can't Sony (hypothetically)?
The topic began by discussing US sales but I counter that US sales alone just aren't very important

They play better on PC/Xbone Basednigger