Redpill me on this game

Redpill me on this game

Attached: 7025498-beyond-two-souls.jpg (1920x1080, 273K)

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David Cage's obsession with Ellen Page in game form

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It doesn't even hold a candle to Heavy Rain

Objectively the worst Cage game, choices don't matter, you can fail every QTE for 99.999% of the entire game and you still can't lose

Worse than Heavy Rain and Detroit but still enjoyable

>Still hasn't been outed
how does he do it?

It's a steaming pile of dogshit, even for a movie game. No really, it's real fuckin awful.
Just watch a let's play and buy Detroit instead.

Attached: 1531615148389.gif (320x180, 741K)

He's french, of course he charmed that little girl off her socks.

What is it with Cage and short haired girl ryona anyway? It's in every game he makes.

As someone who unironically likes Heavy Rain and Detroit, this game is complete dreck