>Company can't make profit
>XV DLC Cancelled
>Left Alive flopped
>KH3 is mediocre
>Just Cause 4 flopped
>Dissidia NT flopped
>Cancelled Project Prelude Rune
>Closed studio Istolia
>Tomb Raider underperformed
>Deus Ex is dead
>Sold IO interactive and Hitman franchise
>Automata only sold because the ass
>Tokyo RPG Factory games are mediocre
>Star Ocean is dead
>VII Remake is episodic
>XIV and DQ are the only games keeping it afloat
How do we save Square Enix?
Skin too white
Sell them to Nintendo
split the company into squaresoft and enix
I'll buy DQB2 but don't care about SE
>Left Alive flopped
god don't remind me. I really tried to give that game a chance. But they did actually release an update that fixed crashes, bugs, updated enemy AI, and added a new difficulty and reworked the overall difficulty in the game. I have no clue if it actually 'saved' the game though considering it still has really negative reviews on steam.
Star Ocean is trash.
stop letting their devs be writers,
Most stuff they make looks great but their games pacing and stories have gone to shit.
show me more of these huge fucking udders.
Nice nose. Was the mother drinking while she in the womb?
Oink oink
>Automata only sold because the ass
if that's the only thing you need to make a profit it should be really easy for them.
rude :(
coca cola milk when?
By tittyfucking this whore
Post more titcow stretched clothes
More of this whore
Gotta say I like her hairstyle too. Reminds me of Fall Out
KH3 was good though
Another one re-brand and just one game with actual effort put in it.
The history will repeat itself.
Also, what do you think they will call themselves this time anons?
pignose whore
oink oink tubby
Stop taking 10 years to release a game and just fucking make a game.
Save? They deserve to burn. Too many disappointments.
[spoilers]it was fine but it didn't live up to the 13 year hype[/spoiler]
>Automata only sold because the ass
Apply yourself.
I dont give a shit about your gay japanese games
se have ruined, cancelled, mismanaged and buried every fucking western ip and franchise theyve ever greenlit or put into limbo
thats what happens when decisions are made by "market experts" instead of passionate producers
trash profit-only company
>she has an Insta
>first thing I see is a pony pfp
Oh no
As for saving Squeenix, nothing can save it
presumably because the nigger who took the picture didn't want himself in it
it probably had the reflection of whoever took the photo in it
very sadly, their best days are behind them
women are whores
I'm not sure Square Enix can be saved.
They could try one thing, though: going back to their roots, making games that are like, you know, Final Fantasy 1 to 9
In other words, they could try to make games that DON'T SUCK.
Final Fantasy XV was fucking trash, shit, garbage.
and you're an incel
have sex
White woman are beautiful but i prefer Japanese ones
Also, fuck SE for cancelling this
Gex 4.
First step is shutting down their overseas branch.
Why are white women so cute bros?
Derailing this thread with no survivors
Tell them to shit out a turn-based 16-bit FF for their fans with taste. None of those remake/mobile graphics, have them pretend they're making another SNES game. Don't give it some dipshit title like Final Fantasy Stories or Final Fantasy Blowjobs, make it a numbered entry. Release it on every platform.
Let them die and some other company be born from their ashes.
Ugly white bitch in 10 years
stop making FF into some kind of wannabe arpg
Just make it turnbased again with a not shit story
There i saved FF
turn based games are fucking dogshit, just hand off final fantasy to platinum and wait for the money to roll in
>>XI and DQ are the only games keeping it afloat
That's why tans are a big thing, most people don't actually having overly white skin
HUGE tits!
*most people don't actually like having
Typos are a curse when you try to type fast enough to get your post in before a thread 404s
Good god, look how heavy and juicy those milkers are. I want to suck on them so bad, big tits are a miracle. Imagine being a flatchested woman, lmao.
>How do we save Square Enix?
make them create Super Mario RPG 2 and put Geno in smash.
Port DQ11 and the KH colelction to the Xbone. It won't save the company, but it would make me happy.
>being so optimistic that he thinks modern SE wouldn't drastically fuck it up
>owning an Xbone
>not being an idort
If you were an idort, you wouldn't ask for those games on the fucking xbone.
Xbone is my primary console, and if given the choice, I'd rather wait for an xbone port before buying it elsewhere.
I want to suck the milk out of her nipples until she gets extremely uncomfortable with my behavior and can’t do it anymore but is too afraid to say anything.
>Xbone is my primary console
Yea Forums is always full of weird people
Why do you think they're actually making the VII remake? They saw the writing on the wall years ago and knew what the only thing was that could save them.
Remember how against doing a remake they were some years back? Now they're suddenly gungho about it? yeah.
>Been with Xbox since the beginning
>muh achievements
>XBL is still a much better service than PSN
>Best console for Multiplats
The last game I played on the PS4 was GoW4 with nothing coming out in the horizon that and the Switch is really just collecting dust until Pokemon comes out while SMT5 and Metroid Prime not coming out for another 2-3 years.
So, why don't get a PC instead?
I really only use my PC for RTSs, pirating games, and Runescape. Not to mention my X is much powerful than my PC.
And yet, we don't know if VII will be good, it will be an episodic release, so...
She's ugly but nice tits
>Automata only sold because the ass
The answer is right there
>Automata only sold because the ass
The solution is then very obvious.
Make more ass games?
>ywn use woman's breasts as a pillow
why even live?
Don't casualize, don't have shitty monetization models that fail to give customers a good bang for their buck, don't pander to identity Marxists. It's not rocket science.
>Automata only sold because the ass
Sounds like we have our answer.
It's episodic so they can milk more money out of the fanbase, even if it's dogshit bad, it's going to sell like mad. Nostalgia fags (i'll fully admit i'm in that crowd for full disclosure) Will eat this shit up. Will it be good? If it's action combat is as shallow as XV's was No, if they don't fuck with the story, it'll be okay.
it's going to sell like mad whether it's shit or not
Honestly, Square Enix just has bad tastes in most things. They need to bring in some fresh creators, with different perspectives.
FF7 looks awful. You can already tell from the small amount of gameplay that animations are stilted and stiff.
who is this dairy fairy?
Listen here, motherfucker!
Automata is a fucking masterpiece and you have shit taste in games and that is why you said the ass thing but I'll have you know that it is one of the best games of the past decade and if you wanna dispute that then we are gonna have to go outback so I can show you how good the game was.
My gf.
But I have.
How come Capcom is doing better than fucking SE these days?
2B booty
Suppose I should add some "do"s beyond ass. Do-
focus on good level design
have consequences for player choices
include player agency as a part of your design philosophy
ensure that the combat requires at least mild reflexes/strategic thinking
The first two especially are a lost art. If you want to understand the success of the Souls series, you can't just stop at "it's not casualized". It's not casualized, it has 10/10 level design, and the player's build matters.
What're you talking about?
woah wtf drumpf don't build the wall?!?!
How to make games that customers will enjoy and subsequently turn into a source of income for the company.
Bring back Deus Ex. Pls
>be squaresoft
>make awesome games
>be enix
>make awesome games
>combine forces
>can only make the gayest, least satisfying pieces of shit the world has ever seen
I can't talk too much about Enix specifically, but Square scapegoated Sakaguchi and subsequently fired him following the financial disaster that was The Spirits Within. Their positions of influence were filled with retards until Yoshi took over FFXIV, which subsequently saved the company.
There are also the general problems that plagued Japanese development during the Xbox360/PS3 era, where nobody wanted to invest in games that weren't trying to copy Cowadoodie's design philosophy.
let it go
Nvm, found it and it's mediocre.
>nu-squeenix's ridiculous development cycles
>miyamoto's meddling
what could go wrong?
There's actually no reason why it couldn't come back. They'd just need to purge it of wokeness and episodic content BS. It'd probably help to move on from Jensen.
>Automata only sold because the ass
Ass memers didn't play the game. If they did, they would know A2 has a superior ass.
>Yoshida save the company
That is just depressing.
He's not wrong
From what I've read it was because the original staff is getting super old. So they're like, "It's now or never."
Honestly I think a lot of SE's problems might start getting resolved once the older staff starts retiring.
SE sucks
A2 doesn't even have an ass, but she's still superior.
They're LITERALLY about to release some Avengers game. They'll be fine.
I don't care about western capeshit, I really wanted this game to come out
>flirt with girl 2 years ago
>drop her because lol
>recently look her up to see how she looks now
>her boobs are so fucking huge a bra can't even contain it
I never understand regrets like these. You made what you felt was a reasonable decision for your own interests based on the information you had available to you at the time. Learning there was a better choice months later is irrelevant. Might as well get mad that you didnt pick the winning lottery numbers a year ago too.
Fucking this or do what Subverse is doing. Because I've always wanted a secret in Final Fantasy X like fucking Lulu, Yuna or Rikku
have sex, incels
>he buys modern Pokemon games
I just started playing ff6, I really enjoy it. Square is doing fine by me.