EA, Bethesda & Activision's Lobbyist Group Fighting USA Bill To BAN Loot Boxes & P2W Features!


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You could at least crop it you lazy fuck

Fine you BASTARD, I'll make another one

>banning lootboxes
The 'lootboxes are gambling' argument was already retarded, but this is retarded^2.

I hope they lose, we need to stop it

They fucking should ban them

The problem with lootboxes is the fact that you get duplicates that doesnt benefit you

>spend money in anticipation of a certain turnout

It's the textbook example of gambling, retard


This could save videogames if it passes

EA, Bethesda and Activision are all based.

I don't want the goverment involved. If you don't want lootboxes don't buy them.

Why are trading cards okay but not lootboxes?
Not defending these shit companies, just genuinely confused since the two are essentially the same thing but one is okay while the other is now possibly illegal.

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>corporate lobbying

Oh no. These billionaire corporations will actually have to hire developers and make games.

Ah, that's why they all fired a bunch of people, so they could give that money to legislators instead.

charge your phone!

trading cards are a physical item.


Good vs Service

Videogame drama is the gayest thing ever

>giving money for a chance result
>not gambling

Good. Fuck all lootbox trash and sent the gachashit back to gookland.

I keep hearing the "loot boxes are gambling" argument, but no one answers why that's necessarily a bad thing.
Why is it a bad thing to have gambling in video games?

People can't stop whales

If you don't understand why gambling is bad, and has to be regulated to be mitigated of its consequences you live under a rock.

The "whales" should be allowed to spend their money however they like.

if they're classified as gambling then the issue is that you're allowing minors to gamble. minors literally can't enter casinos, get lottery tickets or any of that stuff so they shouldn't be allowed lootboxes either. you can't just say "Make it so they can only be allowed in M rated games" either because ratings obviously don't do shit and not selling M games to minors is literally not a real law, just store policy.

You could answer the question.

Gambling can fuck your economy. Kids in general lack self control.

Hope they start hitting gachas too in a few years

I support the bill. Fuck loot boxes and more importantly, fuck Gacha

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That's the fault of the parents.

I hope that don't make them illegal, but are forced to verify their players are not underage.

It's predatory and anti-consumer, and the government should do its job and do something in the interest of its citizens for once. Whether it's doing something like this or busting trusts, one of the government's jobs is protecting people from corporate exploitation.

Honestly Yea Forums, what's it like to be a lobbyist?

I picture standing in front of the whitehouse all day while wearing a nice business suit and holding a nice attache briefcase full of money, and you just go around going "hey mister, you want this cash? plz don't pass lootbox bill plz plz plz"


government fuck off if they ban lootboxes these companies will find something worse to replace it with, at least you can ignore lootboxes

>there are people on Yea Forums defending lootboxes

If you ever need proof there are paid corporate shills among us, this is it

Why is government involvement so frowned upon?

It's so easy to weigh pros/cons to decide when something is benefisial or not.

Having surveillance cameras everywhere to spy on you for your "protection"? Bad

Getting rid of lootboxes and forms of microtransactions that have ruined the gaming industry? Fucking good.

I think this will fail because your president a literal owner of casinos.

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I'm not defending loot boxes.
I believe the publishers should have the freedom to do so, since it's their product.

Amerimutts are corporate cocksuckers by default

To add to it, not everything HAS to lead to the government being some totalitarian dictatorship just because it has more control over shit.
We wouldn't need it if giant-ass corporations would stop doing shady shit.

We're literally living in feudal era times where dynasties make their own rules, only instead of literal kings and shit, it's CEOs of large companies. I guess I can see why history is so important, and I can also see why history class is also the least remembered.

I don't get how lobbying is even legal
>advocacy with the intention of influencing decisions made by the government by individuals or more usually by lobby groups
I mean, how are you going to "influence" politicians if not by handing a fat check, ie corruption? or are they going "hey sir, do you have an hour to listen to my apology of lootboxes?"

I imagine it like some gay gangbabg porn where the guy sucks everyone off to achieve his goal

Cause (((they))) allow it

It's their product, but they've discovered a niche that is exploitable. Good for them, but when every other fucking publisher/developer jumps on the bandwagon because it works, it no longer becomes a niche that you can simply avoid.

plus his brother, Robert Trump, is on zenimax board
and bethesda CEO (((Altmann))) is a literal jew if you're into /pol/ things

they'll just bribe the politicians

I can buy singles and not suffer the randomness of a bunch of booster packs. I also don't need an up-front payment to begin buying trading cards.

I unironically don't support banning loot boxes in games.

Well they are not HIS casinos so it might work out

But video games create monsters etc.

>buy game
>game has rng drops

and he disappeared like a fart in the wind.

You could lay blame on parents for just about anything their child does wrong. Should we decriminalize car theft just because the thief's parents fucked up with him?

I unironically think you should be chucked into a lake while chained to cinderblocks.

Yeah. Banning loot boxes might lead to casinos getting more visitors 6-9 years from now.

What would happen if, and hear me out on this, what would happen *rubs head* lemyaskyuh summin, what would happen if people in congress would instead of taking bribe money from lobbyists actually hold press conferences/go on the news saying that "the other day a representative from Company X came up to me with the intention to not vote on this thing"

Actually expose this fucking corruption.

Or are they afraid that Company X will then hire hitmen to kill off them and their entire family or someshit? It honestly just cannot

I know a briefcase with $100,000 is enticing as fuck, but if these people are supposed to be running for offices because they care about their communities/states/countries or whatever, then why the fuck is there no decency?


Come on Yankees, we believe in you. Do something good for once. Save the vidyas

>you can always get something out of lootboxes

It isn't gambling. Legally. Even if you want to look at it as the "flashing lights hope you get something" the fact is you're pissing money away for nothing. It's the exact reason why you never buy digital.

The government is kinda like the mafia once it gets a taste of something it's gonna want more

They'll add regulations that companies will find loop holes in but force vidya prices to go up to fund themselves

Also the threat of vidya falling in control to the fcc for regulations

all banning lootboxes will do is cause them to sell the items directly for absurd prices

Then why don't casinos hand out pens or other small trinkets to the losers?

That's a gambling mechanic, not actual gambling you idiot.

It’s the parents responsibility to take care of children’s education, yet here you are.

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And the Chinese will take advantage of that and replace them. I noticed that Epic wasn't listed in the OP.
Rockstar might be aiming to level the competition too since they're not listed there. Oh man they must be planning to blitz these chuckle fucks if things go their way.

>The government is kinda like the mafia once it gets a taste of something it's gonna want more
And so are video game companies from their behavior, they've been trying to push for years the whole "Games should be worth more today than $60" meme through articles. They try to sell the idea that if they were more expensive then there would be less microtransactions when in reality we'd get fucked by the higher price and the same amount of microtransactions as before. I have no sympathy for them.

But it's not like the government is one entity that never changes. People are cycled through with fresh ideas and morals. And the fact that there are what, three different bodies of government to keep each other in check somewhat.

Granted, I don't know much about how the goverment works because I never really paid attention in civics classes and whatnot. Pretty much my idea of the government has been what The X-Files taught me back in the 90's.

Seems like absolutely nothing has changed. People hate on Trump, but it's literally the same song-and-dance every 4 years, just a different face.

same thing
and if it's not the same thing they'll use it to circumvent it

This nigga's absolutely right. They can fuck themselves.

>Armies of lobbyists with suicases of money being given to politicians

Oh user, I bet you think America is a Democracy too don't you and it's leaders have their country's best interest in mind that's so cute.

The ESA includes Take-Two, who's 2K/Rockstar/Private Division. Epic is there too IIRC, but can't confirm.

You need money to run for office (advertising, etc.)
Companies/wealthy donors have money
Therefore a congressman is their slave because if they don't play ball the lobbyists will try to prop some other candidate up specifically to get you out of office.

If you REALLY get a lot of power and start making serious trouble for them in spite of that though, they will JFK you.

Banning something isn't the same as establishing regulations for it that they have to oversee. They're outright saying they can't do it at all in any way, shape, or form. That's not regulation, that's prohibition.

Nigga I cant google all this shit. I can barely read updates here. TLDR?

and now this happend lol

hahaha, get fucked jews

>they will JFK you
I thought it was because he was a papist?

That's actually too bad then. I guess most western games will continue to be shit if they win.

Couldn't this be a "free market" thing? I know it doesn't exist anymore, but people are not going to put up with a $100 base cost video game. Granted, I don't follow the whole $60 base game - $79 Special Edition game - $99 Ultimate Edition game. I like to believe that the vast majority buys just the base game. If the base game price goes to $100, I'd like the believe that people will just not buy it. Companies can argue "well it costs more to make!", I would hope people would argue back "well I remember when games were only $49.99!"

Wasn't CoD the first to start the trend of the $59.99 price point?

It's not the same thing. Or is driving a car in a game the same as driving a car in real life now too?

>I know a briefcase with $100,000 is enticing as fuck, but if these people are supposed to be running for offices because they care about their communities/states/countries or whatever, then why the fuck is there no decency?
user, that hasn't been a thing since governments were formed, it's always about getting into power, abusing that power for your needs and blasting all those who stand in your way, be it a 3rd or 1st world that's all it is and ever is, which is why it makes me laugh pretty hard when people are so passionite about voting, as if that shit changes anything, protesting doesn't work either, even violent uprisings don't work, you flat out cannot stop government corruption it's impossible, the only way to stop it is to remove human greed and good fucking luck with that

Just make it AO. Done.

No, the mob killed him because he was getting in the way of their business

One thing Trump actually did differently was be unbelievably incompetent. He has zero grasp of political jargon and often says things very bluntly, which actually ended up fucking relations with several countries as a direct result. More importantly though, he hired Bolton and Pompeo. These people were hated even by other neocons because they were so aggressive. Bolton actually wanted to bomb and directly attack Russian military in Syria a year or so ago, and the Pentagon was only just barely able to restrain them. Now Mattis is gone and Bolton/Pompeo have gained a lot of power within the Pentagon over the past year. It's gonna make things very interesting.

If you had concrete evidence if and when shit went down and you had systems in place to upload it to the cloud or whatever.

I'd happily be a martyr if it meant breaking apart a corrupt system. I'd upload to Yea Forums and reddit and whatever else just for shits n giggles

The best thing about the American government is that in its establishment it clearly set forth limits to its power, and that is the best chance Americans have to surviving it.

>He hasn't seen Christmas ad SNES game prices
oh my sweet summer child

Some corporate bootlickers might warn you of the consequences of government regulations but I'll be honest, I don't care. I've reached the point where I'll gladly to cut off my nose to spite my face. I despise this industry in its current state and want the companies that willingly take part in it to die.

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>I believe the publishers should have the freedom to do so, since it's their product.

Yes you're right but it's a fucking shitty product.. I don't want any shitty products especially the type that rewards your brain full of shit after opening loot boxes.

What would a lobbying group for the game industry even threaten? Not to make more games? Oh the horror.

>ignore lootboxes
>Every fucking western game has them shoved into them and constantly advertised
>regular expansion packs are a niche forgotten thing because why not nickle and dime our customers?
>ignore lootboxes guys lol

I hope this bill passes because developers nowadays are relying on this shit to prop up their game. Instead of making these shit obtainable via in-game quests or achievements, they offer the "chance" to get them. I can understand f2p somewhat, since how else are they lgoing to make money, but it's fucking inconceivable that a full price game has this shit

Remember when Bolton flat out said he hoped talks with North Korea failed, why the fuck did Trump hire this warmonger when he's suppose to be all about getting the US out of world police status?

I believe what you're saying, but when it comes to politics, all the names of these people and what they're doing eludes me, like my brain just shuts down at the mention of it all. This shit happens on a daily basis, and probably much worse has happened in the past 20 or so years, but at the end of the day, I still wake up to my shitty job, come home, browse Yea Forums, wonder why I reply to shit because it's never meaningful and it's not like it'll make any lasting impact because the thread will 404 in an hour at best, and I go to bed only to wake up all over again the next day.

Literally, nothing changes even if things are constantly happening at the white house.

If shit went down I think the public would rebel regardless of leaks. What actually holds America together other than perceived wealth and perceived military power?

>You could lay blame on parents for just about anything their child does wrong
You could, but you'd be wrong. It depends on context. And in the context you provided, the child should be supervised by their parent/guardian with the media they consume.

>Should we decriminalize car theft just because the thief's parents fucked up with him
When as a adult you're completely responsible for your own actions (debatable if retarded, but that's slightly off topic).

Begun the shill wars has....


TCG companies claim that all cards are of equal value, so they're no more gambling than your burger having a particularly nice slice of lettuce. It's not a very compelling case, given the secondary market exists, but no one has ever actually brought them to task over it.

I'm not sure what you're getting at here.

enjoy your 90 dollar base game prices and buying a hat for 10 bucks from the microtransaction store I guess, at least you won't have to see a lootbox though

Oh, I fondly remember Mario RPG being $79. But couldn't that be argued that there was a lot of hardware involved with cartridge memory and special chips and shit? I honestly don't know; I could be wrong. But I do remember cartridge prices. Hell, weren't Neo Geo cartridges bigger than the system itself and were like $129+?

For the longest time since though, it was nice having $49 PS1 and PS2 games. Then CoD figured "what's 10 dollars more, huh?"

Is there a reason why Valve isn't in on this too? I thought they made quite a bit of coin on lootboxes.

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If you care about it either way you are a massive faggot.

Because you have such shit tastes that you played a game with loot boxes in the first place. It's either western shit or Gatcha cancer.

Couldn't we just have an Arab Spring?

Why did brown people do it right?

So if a 12-year-old steals a car, it's okay?

American politicians are some of the most corrupt people on the planet, they probably just need to cut a few senators checks for $100k and they'll kill this bill.

Good luck with that threat when wages haven't adjusted since forever.

Give them time, they want to see if this works before jumping in with their own money trucks

Because the average person has no investment in small trinkets. But every normal person has an investment in their wallet.
Conversely, lootboxes take advantage of the fact that if you're spending money on them, you probably have an investment in the contents since they relate to the game you're already playing

Western games are too bloated for their own good, the bubble needs to pop. Games have no business costing that much and only a spineless coward would pay 90$ for a fucking video game.

I don't know but back when Bolton was first hired I heard that it might have been because Trump saw an interview some news station did with him where Bolton was praising him. Not sure how accurate that is but I don't think it's out of the realm of possibility.
>Literally, nothing changes even if things are constantly happening at the white house.
Domestically, yes. But internationally America is collapsing in on itself. It hasn't gotten to the point where you'll start to see effects at home yet, but it will, and a lot sooner than you might think.

Thanks I actually will kike. Games costing almost 100 dollars will deter poorfags,children and most third worlders from infesting the hobby for the most part. Pirating numbers wont change at all as most normalfags and children are retarded.

Devs will have to take their time to make sure the cost to create is worth the risk of sales, triple A devs wont release yearly sports and fps games.

Just because you personally don't like something means it should be removed?

AO doesn't requires legal age verification in the United States. It's quite self-imposed. Gambling (and porn) does.

fuck off kike. he was killed because he didn't want to start wars

Not sure how those are related.
I don't buy western shit, only superior Nippon games and I go out of my way to pay the max I can, such as the most expensive version of EDF5 or MHW:Iceborne.

Why wouldn't I support devs and games I like? If I don't then they might indeed add lootboxes.

So make games with lootboxes have to follow gambling laws

>implying Republicans would allow Corporate America to lose a single penny

The idea is that anybody affected by legislature should be allowed to air their grievances. This gives our lawmakers context so they can know what sort of impact their actions can have.
The reality is that it's basically just bribery.

>by the way government please protect my copyright

Now that there is a mighty big think.

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Video games cost a shit ton in brazil but those fucking monkeyfaggots are still everywhere. It's not going to improve much.

well that's just what loot boxes are. remove the box graphics and you have yourself a good old fashioned rng drop system

But if these people are smart enough to be running for office, how can you fall for bribery so easily?

You know these companies will pay huge amounts of money to not let it pass.

You're not in it for the small trinkets, you're in it for the cash. Anything else is a consolation prize to say "TECHNICALLY you did win something :^)".

>Gamers when Overwatch had Lootboxes :
>"It's fine as long as it's cosmetics only"

>Gamers now


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Well without it things go Fascistic.
You don't need Gov control if you are morally superior like the God-tier Jap devs are. But if you are a Western AAA whittu piggu go homu and keep pushing everyone's buttons for nearly a decade now with no signs of stopping and you sponsor the agencies that should be regulating you then yes, the Gov should open your ass wide.

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No, it's not. I don't know how you came to that.

Most things require context.
Parents/guardians have a degree of control.

>Overwatch has cosmetic lootboxes
>spends all of its time making retarded cosmetics and discussing gender politics
>no actual game content in years

Come to think of it, TF2 suffered a similar issue. For every jungle inferno, we got 500+ hates.

That's what the legislation is, it's not "lootboxes banned because gambling," it's "lootboxes economically unfeasible because gambling regulation." The contests candy and soda companies run all the time say "no purchase necessary" and let you enter for free online/by mail specifically so it doesn't count as gambling because adhering to all 50 states differing gambling regulations is a fucking nightmare.

western countries have alot more options for entertainment than south american poverty countries, our money is worth alot more than theirs even with stagnant wages as well.

Id say at least 70% of the people who play videogames play them as a time waster and not as a hobby in the first place and at least half of those people would move away from video games if initial costs were that high.

>giving a shit about people who had such shit tastes that they gave a fuck about Overwatch
Loot boxes are cancer even if it's only cosmetics, as cosmetics are a core component of a game's longevity and should be integrated behind fun unlocks or long-term goals.

>I mean, how are you going to "influence" politicians if not by handing a fat check, ie corruption? or are they going "hey sir, do you have an hour to listen to my apology of lootboxes?"
You would be surprised by how little representatives know about digital affairs and such, as long as you can create a narrative that banning lootboxes is bad or something like that you can get a bunch of representatives on board without giving a single penny to them

Like others have said with trading cards you get a physical item that has actual value. You can also freely sell or trade cards with other people and bypass the gaming aspect entirely by buying the exact card you want from a third party.

With lootboxes there is no physical good exchanged. Whatever you get from a digital lootbox is worthless because theres no way to exchange it with anyone else. Some games offer a “buy a thing you want directly” option but those usually require a currency that you can only obtain by opening the lootboxes/burning items you get from lootboxes

Its almost like that but instead you get to eat at fancy restauraunts and schmooz with politicans all on your corporate overlords dime

Forgot to add. The money is usually used to "reward" representatives that voted in your interests

>You would be surprised by how little representatives know about anything at all


>Loot boxes are cancer even if it's only cosmetics,
Yep. That's how they normalized it in the first fucking place. People are so stupid.

>he thinks people in office are smart
It's all people skills and networking

That would be better though. At least you're getting something out of the money spent.

Let me ask you this, how far will it go? Will the government regulate what you can eat and drink? Regulate the air you breathe? How far will you let the government go?

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Link lootboxes with school shooters and they'll pass it.

But he literally started the Vietnam War.

Ehm, it's not the same? Once you buy the game you can retry endlessly to get that drop, the only thing it consumes is your time. With actual gambling you have to spend more and more of your actual currency until you get what you want.

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>see effects at home
I think the vast majority of everyone in digitally connected societies, including Americans, have socially cloistered themselves from each other to the degree that they have no fucking idea what is happening to each other. Basically the only vector of outside information for most people is their workplace, which will be the only place they encounter situations that will give people the impression that things are in a perilous state, where people will see that shit is going bad for others. For the most part conversations are not happening because nobody anymore goes to church, play less group sports, develop personal relationships with people at businesses, making friends with their children's parents, join community groups, - basically meeting people they may not like or have differing opinions.

And even if that is the state, Americans have for decades been under the impression that things are going for the worse (they are not), so telling them that shit is getting worse is hardly shocking to them even if things are about to cross a line from perceptibly worse to ACTUALLY worse is not something they are able to identify.

When AI replaces all the truck drivers in the world the population for the most part won't give a shit about those people so long as their products still appear on the shelves because nobody knows a truck driver at church or at work or because they stayed connected from school. They didn't care when NAFTA nuked all the manufacturing either or that those people most affected handed Trump those swing states instead wasting time pointing out Trump is a douchebag.

You don't deserve an answer. You should already know. It'd be like humoring an absolute moron.

Or you could not go to the casinos and gamble your savings away.

School shooters play games like Overwatch to train their shooting skills and the lootboxes motivate them to continue training

What's sad is that there are people that actually believe that

They already do all these things with varying competence.

Doubt it.

Well tell me why it's bad.


So this is where these phoneposting niggers get their latest outrage news fixes? From fucking youtubers called "LegacyKillaHD"?
No wonder this board is trash

The FDA and EPA have done lots of good work in the past, and the fact that their budgets are getting cut is a travesty.

I never liked the "whales will always prop up this business model" argument. Yes, maybe whales can make the model economically feasible, but all of the players who aren't these types blowing a shitton of money on microtransactions would still have a major effect if they stopped supporting games with these practices. You'd be gutting game sales and each game's community and fan base, both of which the publishers and game developers want.
For example, a multiplayer FPS game with lootboxes containing cosmetic items comes out. If the majority of players avoided it, the game could still attract enough whales to keep it profitable. But it wouldn't be a popular game. That means less discussion on forums and less streams on Twitch, both of which translate to less advertising and fewer game sales. It also means that it's got a smaller player base, which in turn means that there'd be less players who might throw some money at the game, as well as fewer potential whales. And on top of that, the game would likely die sooner.
If these practices stopped appealing to a wide audience, then you begin to break up the financial incentives to include them. These companies want large, active player bases. If any of you faggots with some conviction actually want these microtransactions out of your games like I do, then stop buying or supporting games that have them. Full stop. And don't just "vote with your wallet," feel free to bitch about these practices, make it clear to game companies and other gamers just why this shit is making the industry actively worse.

I mean, i understand why Yea Forums wants to ban this, since they have no self controll or sense of personal responsibility, as children rarely have, but in the adult world, we don't want government to decide what entertainment we consume. Next we'll have anti casino, anti drinking etc all because of "THINK OF DA CHILDRUN"

Almost every single thing you've said is wrong.
>you get a physical item that has actual value.
And you play blackjack for a plastic chip which has actual value. Trading card companies claim that their packs don't count as gambling because every card has the same value, so there's no prize to win.
>You can also freely sell or trade cards with other people
Under normal circumstances this is completely irrelevant, but in this particular case it's exactly the opposite, the secondary market proves that cards are not, in fact, equal in value. This is why most trading card companies pretend the secondary market doesn't exist.
>no physical good exchanged
Irrelevant, software has value.
>Whatever you get from a digital lootbox is worthless because theres no way to exchange it with anyone else.
Just because your little bag of candy says "not for individual resale" on it does not mean it is without value.

Car theft is different from gambling since you're taking someone else's property.


cards have physical value and i can buy them individually and not worry about the booster meme

>This passes
>One day, me and a bored mate decide to do a wager with 3-cup game
>Select a cup
>SWAT moves in and shoot us
>Children all over the world saved forever

Trump has basically just been another term of Obama, who was just another two terms of Bush. People are outraged at Trump's rhetoric, and because they're being fed bullshit, but the truth is that he's just another made man.

>MGM Grand, Bellagio, & Caesar's Palace lobbyist group fighting USA bill to require odds prominently displayed on slot machines!

Well, imagine that.

>not having the SWAT team emerge from your selected cup

Now I only wonder what lobbies they'll get to support the bill.

>inb4 planted ESRB parasites

Good thing the US political system is impervious to lobbying and greasing of the wheels.

>This is your brain on centrism.

You could still have gambling in video games, but it would have to comply with gambling regulations.
That would mean a 18+ rating in games with them.

there's no way they will win.
1.) It's obviously gambling.
2.) "Won't someone think of the children!" is a powerful phrase in DC
3.) No one gives a fuck about video games or video game companies.

The ONLY way this would pass is if they attached another bill to it involving some completely irrelevant no-brainer shit that would be career-suicide for a politician to vote against, like added funding for breast cancer research. Then everyone would be like "Why do you hate women?" if they didn't vote for it. This shit happens everyday. I can almost guarantee it'll happen here.

Question. Lets roleplay and pretend this bill passes and that shit is fully banned. what the fuck is EA and co gonna do? That would be a GIGANTIC loss.

Trading cards are a physical thing you own. You can trade them, collect them, use them or sell them. Loot boxes aren't, you don't own them and when the game shuts down you loose them.
Ignoring that you can just selectively buy the cards you want in a TCG which makes this whole shit invalid, with trading cards you know what can be in the pack. Like, if you're playing yugioh and trying to build specific decks, each pack series has specific archetypes in them and support for them, not the entire card games library. That means you can buy packs selectively to have better chances of getting what you want.
Loot boxes don't do that. They just shove it all into one box where its entirely rng based.

The key difference between government and corporations is that the government has a monopoly on violence. Every law on the books is written with the implication that men with guns can come and throw you in a cage or shoot you if you don't follow it.
So everyone might agree this is just fine for murders or rapists, but the question is if it's acceptable to tell people or companies exactly how they can live or operate under this threat, and to what degree.

He's unironically right, though. Especially from a foreign policy perspective. It's all pax Americana since WWII.

fuck bethesda for turning into top tier scum

We already have gambling and alcohol regulation.

I think that's a fair compromise.

I'm a bit curious too. All these profits are made from loot boxes and shit. With that gone that's gonna go way down.

>Why is government involvement so frowned upon?
If you give them an inch, they take a mile. Any freedom you sacrifice "for the greater good" is gone forever. The government NEVER gives back the power that it takes. As soon as government peaks into gaming, they will extend their reach. They could make the ESRB a government agency, add "luxury" taxes to any game over a certain rating, censorship (of course), start meddling in how games are sold and how they can further tax microtransactions and DLC.

Don't. Give. Them. An. Inch. It is not in your best interest. Just don't buy the fucking things.

So you're saying that grinding is the path of the school shooter then why wouldn't the senate NOT want to pass a lootbox? Provide the potential shooter an instant gratification and they won't grind.

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Tough to say, but one outcome I could see is either a cost increase or a shift to subscription services. """Journalists""" have already been pushing the narrative that games are getting increasingly expensive to develop for a while now. All EA or any major publisher has to do is say, "lootboxes were keeping your games cheap, but now that the government has stepped in, our hands are tied." And gamers will likely just accept it.

>Be politician in America
>Want more money
>Propose bill that's bad for some big companies
>Get tons of bribe money to not pass the bill

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This is my biggest problem with lootboxes, Especially if there's no form of trading implemented in the game what-so-ever.

kys mobilefag

That's the secret. Now delete.

This is why Democracy is a joke. It turns "who is the best leader for the country?" into "who is the best at lying to their voting base and taking bribes from influential people/corporations?"
It creates politicians, not leaders.

>It's so easy to weigh pros/cons to decide when something is benefisial or not.

You do realize that every "law" comes with about 50 smaller laws stapled to it, right? Usually completely unrelated shit about bridges and playgrounds and AIDS. You may vote against loot boxes, there's going to be 600 pages of addendum to that. It is never simply "1 law" and you won't know what's in the fucking thing until it's too late. The politicians don't read them (and everyone has known that forever - That's how Net Neutrality got repealed. They gave out the 3000 page bill the day before the vote and no one could read it even if they wanted to). Even if they did, they know NOTHING of gaming.

Do you want people that don't know shit about games trying to legislate them?

You know that arguement was a troll right? It was to get the moms in on it and have them scream shit like "think of the children"
Seemed to have worked


Preorder culture will make a big comeback with "you have 12 hours to decide to preorder or you'll miss out on a bonus exclusive to only the people that preorder within the time frame."

Which is also varying degrees of retarded. Our children can be shipped off to kill brown skins at 18, but God forbid they have a beer. And states all crack down on gambling, but just establish their own lotteries in order to pad their own coffers.

>shilling a youtube channel
Why am I not surprised?

I can see them charging an extra $5 for super bonus ultra suplex preorder content.

>Female characters not looking sexy enough, rage at devs for not making it how we want.

>Politicians trying to get rid of an awful business practice that is not only greedy but is actually harming a game in its quality and longevity. Insult them thinking they will take games away somehow.

V Logic

Why are you argueing the first point saying that they do infact have value? Literally what the first point says
Second point still stands and shows why it is better than your third point. To sell the digital item, I would have to sell the whole account. I don't want to do that, I want to sell the one item
By itself, the digital item has no value because noone can buy it individually. It has to be bought in a package (whole account), unlike physical items like cards

>ratings obviously don't do shit and not selling M games to minors is literally not a real law, just store policy.

The ESRB was founded by a bunch of fucking busy-body soccer moms after they saw Little Johnny perform a fatality in Mortal Kombat on the SNES in the early 90s. It's a private organization. They have no authority at all. All they do is give ratings to games, but the ratings themselves don't mean anything. They're for parental guidance only. There is no law saying Gamestop can't sell an AO+ game to a 12 year old. The ESRB is basically a complete joke. Like TSA. It's comfort-theater made to make you feel cozy but it's just an illusion.

Incidentally, CERO (Japan) is NOT a complete joke. They actually do have big dicks that they swing around liberally.

Videogames are a form of entertainment for children though so I don't really see your point.

Poker between friends with money is also illegal bub.

Sounds good to me. Only brainlet like one side

I am guessing you have never read the back of a booster pack?
1 rare.
3 uncommon.
7 common.
Back of the pack literally tells you want you are guaranteed to get. This comparison is no longer valid, lootboxes don't do this. And no, showing the probability isn't comparable either.

Just implement a new shitty scheme. These fuckers know how to adapt. I imagine they would push for subscription based services

If they ban lootboxes, what would be the next strategy to milk money from the gaymers consumers?

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Democracy also just turns into "I'll take shit from the other guy and give it to you." The majority will always vote to take away from the minority.

They would immediately cause massive layoffs and buckle down on trying to make actual legitimate games for a change. Once they fail at that, they then go bankrupt.


>Our children can be shipped off to kill brown skins at 18, but God forbid they have a beer
18 was legal up through the 70s. After it changed to 21, teenage car accidents dropped to the extreme. It'll never drop back because of that.

Make games about what men generally like to see.

I think that's a really good comparison, regardless of if cards say the quantity of rarities on them. That aside, I think the main difference is simply one of money. It's pretty easy to blow through hundreds of dollars a month on gems/diamonds/gold/wtfever. And you don't really notice because the money is never in your hand, and neither is the gems. So the brain doesn't quickly make the connection.

But if you rolled into a game store and bought $100 in cards, you would be extremely aware of the big back of card packs, the cash/credit card, and the receipt. It's hard to explain this "feeling" with words, but you know it's true. Making an exchange with tangible items hits home a lot faster than just clicking and tapping on a screen.


Nobody ever answers this question, but, what specifically is lost if lootboxes are banned?
>the chance to pay real world money for a chance to win nothing
There is no benefit from keeping this option around, so it being banned is good.
>the influence it has on the gaming industry
This isn't bad either, its a bad practice, and losing it would do no harm to the future of video games
>taking money away from the poor publishers, investors, and developers
So its bad to expect those people to give actual effort towards video games?
>all of these digital items would not be possible without lootboxes
Except video games DID exist before lootboxes ever existed? Why couldn't they just return the format back to where you earn the items in game?
>lootbox money was used to make these items, so these items wouldn't exist without lootbox money to fund them
So we would lose items, that we aren't even sure if they would have existed or not in the first place? And we don't even know if we would have wanted them or not? That's a pretty big stretch of a hypothetical, I do not think its worth defending lootboxes for such a strange small possibility.

I just cannot think of what is lost if lootboxes are banned. Can some user here tell me what is of value that would be lost?

Streaming/subscription services

Appease China. Why do they need worthless western consumers when chink paypigs gladly hand over their hard earned yuans?

I mean it's maga senators that are pushing this bill through, so maybe

My biggest concern is what the next money scheme will be to replace it. Instead of banning, if we could get some decent regulations implemened like options to sell said items on a market like CS:go, then I think a lot of people would be more ok with it.

It's republicans pushing this bill through.

Well, some free games would basically cease to function. Personally I wouldn't care, but it would suck if you were into gacha. Personally I think it is better that they die too, but I am pointing out that this would be a bad thing to some.

They're a tool of the ESA.


Thanks for the great response. Never thought about the existence of games that only exist to sell lootboxes. Pretty horrifying to me.

it's not gambling. You don't win money.

For something to constitute gambling, it requires three elements:
1) You have to pay to play; McDonalds Monopoly isn't gambling because they give you the means of getting the stickers for free. If I was to make a case that lootboxes aren't gambling, this is where I'd make it.
2) It has to be chance-based. Winning tickets at your local arcade and exchanging it for a prize isn't gambling because skee ball is technically a game of skill.
3) There has to be a prize. Trading card companies insist that all their cards have the same value, so there's no prize element, because regardless of what you get the value of the pack is the same. The secondary market contradicts this, so the reality of "why aren't booster packs gambling" is "because no one's bothered to pass legislature or sue them" but that's the case those companies rest on.

This idea that "it's digital and you can't trade it so it has no value" is a nonsense fabrication. If it has no value, then why did you buy it? You can't sell me your Photoshop subscription, but it has value. You can't buy a box of candy bars from the store then re-sell them in the street, but they still have value. You can't sell me the hour a carpenter spent building you a birdhouse, but that time still has value.

Someone please explain to me how lobbying is different from bribing

Gambling is simply spending money for a chance to win something of greater value then what you spent.
If you think replacing slot machines where they always give out a penny when you lose makes them no longer gambling, I have bad news for you.

>sell tickets to win a random prize
>no money prizes, only trips around the world and cars and stuff
>not gambling
You don't have to win money for it to be gambling

If you can't sell it, then it has lost it's monetary value. All other value is subjective

Compromise: Microtransactions shouldn't be banned, but games that have them should automatically be rated M

It isn't.

"Lobbying" is protected by the first amendment so that Repubs could own the libs because the libs would rather die with honor than sell out their principles.

>3) There has to be a prize. Trading card companies insist that all their cards have the same value, so there's no prize element, because regardless of what you get the value of the pack is the same. The secondary market contradicts this, so the reality of "why aren't booster packs gambling" is "because no one's bothered to pass legislature or sue them" but that's the case those companies rest on.

For the last, fucking, time. Go look on the back of a booster pack. It spells out exactly what rarity of cards you are getting. One rare. Two or three uncommons. The rest is commons. THIS is the real reason its not gambling. That rare card is guaranteed, as well as the uncommons and commons. You know what you are getting. You know the value of the cards you are getting before you open it.

You can sell your account

Based west saving the shit the Chinese eat up with no problem

>automatically be rated M
Not M, should be AO

Wasn't the Arab Spring a failure though? I think only one country succeeded out of all of them. Fuck, Obama actually supported the governments over the revolution if I recall correctly.

anyone who doesn't want to ban loot boxes is a jew

Poor people lobby

Now kiss

That individual item has no money value on it's own. That is the reason people hate lootboxes. People don't want to sell the account, they want to sell the single item

>radio silence from Jim Sterling because it's a Republican lead measure

anyone who wants to ban loot boxes is a communist jew

Fuck that fat hypocrite

>That is the reason people hate lootboxes
I'm pretty sure people hate lootboxes because they are a bullshit money sucking scheme that takes out any rewards from playing the game

If I wanted a specific item in a game and I pay money only to be met with a random prize, is that gambling?

I thought I saw a "i told you so" video in my suggested feed some time ago. I didn't watch it though

Well that too. People hate them for many reasons

That and if there is a "oh you get credits if you duplicate a legendary" system but you get about a quarter of the amount needed to buy a legendary outright.

Only Tunisia came out for democracy. The others (Syria, Egypt, Iraq, Lybia, and Yemen) remain embroiled in civil war.

The republican leading it isnt your usual republican boomer too.

Why do people think a new law will outlaw or regulate lootboxes when the Consumer Protection Agency was gutted and defanged by Mulvaney?


Take them out and make games $100+.

The minimum wage in the 80’s was $4 and games have been the same cheap price for too long.

Also Devs should unionize, it only makes sense and only greedy children disagree.

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You can trade trading cards and there is a finite amount of them. Lootboxes cannot be traded and there is an infinite amount of them.

>buy car
>doesn't start
>want my money back
>Of course sir, we'll reimburse you the value of your car, but since no one will buy a car that doesn't start it's value is 0, have a nice day :)
You're an idiot.
We're saying the same thing. The company claims that every pack is worth the same, so there's nothing to win. The secondary market insists otherwise, but no one has pressed charges and no legislation has been passed, so they skate by.

>AO rated games start to be normalized
>full on porn games make a comeback
I like the way you think user.

Does this affect gacha games?

If they are serious about it, it should

It's American, thus it's freedom and justice for the poor hard working man

>Returning a faulty product due to contractual obligations is the same as selling
Fucking Mongol. Besides, it still has value as scrap, so you are double wrong

Why do corporate bootlickers always go to this retarded ass question to defend loot boxes despite this being answer hundreds of times already?

That'd be fun to watch play out.

>Arcade sports games can be as ultra-violent and hyper-sexualized as they want

Second for this.

>You can unlock shit by playing the game.
>You can unlock shit by paying the dlc.
>You can unlock shit by paying FOR A CHANCE of getting shit.

GAMES already 80 to 100 dollars and no we don't need to make games cost the customer anymore than it already does


Why do you anti-corporate hippies lack in people skills?

I can trade or sell my cards, the whole experience is opening a pack to get cards and play with what you get.

The cheap answer is that it's bad for the kids. The better answer it that it makes those games shitty by making them grindy as fuck.

After lootboxes are dealt with, can we do something about the atrocious battle pass gimmick so prevalent in battle royales?

I’m talking American dollars. And don’t meme at me with that gay Jim Sterling shit about DLC when less then 30% of major releases actually have them.

You want it cheap but you don’t want shitty performance and crunched production? To bad, bitch. It ain’t 20-30 years ago.

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I'm seeing potentially more benefits than cons to this ban. I eagerly await its passing.

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You fags could just y'know not buy them.

Why hasn't /ourguy/ made a video about it yet?

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you can trade the cards. lootboxes generally drop shit tied to your account and the ingame economy is closed.

You're not alone, user. They took what was a fantastic hobby full of adventure and hope and turned it into this cesspool, it all needs to burn so it can regrow anew.


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>Shut up, I can stop buying them whenever I want.

>steal box of chocolate bars from store
>wtf it says "not for individual sale" that means they're not worth anything! You can't arrest me for stealing worthless stuff!
Point is that you're conflating your individual ability to liquidize an asset with it's possession, or lack thereof, of value. They're not going to drop the grand larceny charges because you can prove they unsuccessfully tried to sell it on Craigslist.

he's taking his time to create a clickbaity title.

Probably trying to work out how to make kids buy his shit instead of lootboxes

I don't think there's ever been a conflict in which I so thoroughly despise both sides. This is why we should bring gun duels back. Just pick 100 suits from the publishers to face off against all 100 senators, which ever side has the most survivors wins.

Fuck off.

He is overwhelmed by the amount of articles and tweets he could read out and can't decide which ones to read

here, you earned this (you)

What'sa matter, Jeremy? Tired of shilling your videos here when they only get deleted in 5 minutes?

Why is this board so full of corporate bootlickers?

First DRM, now this

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Lets put 100 suits from different publishers into one of those battle royales they so love. Winner is the only one allowed to do lootboxes

I shouldn't be surprised. It's just my disappoint in them never ceases.

Also, if the items in a lootbox are actually without value, then lootboxes wouldn't be gambling because there's nothing to win. It's not gambling to pay money to watch meaningless lights flash.

>reeeee these feminists and niggers are in this game they made, and it makes me mad that they are in this game so I'm gunna shoot up a synagogue because of this and make a bunch of shitty threads on Yea Forums and be an annoying red dit tourist reeee make it sto-
*a bunch of jews force lootboxes down our throats*
>umm, nah man that isn't a big deal haha just d-don't buy the game haha fucking commie stooge haha

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Fuck off and buy my merch.

I should be able to get what I want out of a loot box for the price of a loot box.


This 1000x

>Just ignore them haha
Never ever worked in histroy

This isn't an answer you God damn liberal

Communist thinking

Christ what are these retarded analogies? You can buy a single chocolate bar. You cannot buy a single skin from a game with lootboxes. How are is that to comprehend? You are fucking braindead

Only issue I have with lootboxes is when a game is literally built around them. Outside of that, just dont buy them.

>Pretending to be retarded to create a point

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Stop making assumptions. This is one of the most annoying things on Yea Forums now. Retards assuming what an anonymous poster thinks just to fit their narrative

Name one game with lootboxes where the game isn't built around making you want to buy them

It’s why tcg companies refuse to acknowledge the secondary markets; WotC has spoken on how it would get them in trouble with gambling laws.

A single chocolate bar which you cannot (legally) resell. That was the point, "if I can't resell it it has no value" is retarded because there's tons of stuff you can't resell that has value regardless. If it didn't have value, why the fuck did you buy it?

Cool adhom, brother.

Nigger you can't steal anything, even if it has no money value

You can still resell it though, even if it's legally grey. Trading card companies don't like to know about reselling of the cards, but it can and does happen. Even if I wanted to illegally resell a lootboxes item, I literally cannot. That's the bottom line

This, government regulation is usually bad, but fuck this industry, let it burn.

SInce the government is stepping in to ban loot boxes and P2W features, they should also stop Sony's racist policy.

>government regulates toxins in the water
>hurr regulation is bad

In other words, you have no answer.

>starts the DLC trend with horse armor
>tries to start paid mods
>lobbies against this bill

What fucking scum. I hope they go under someday. Their laziness has caught up to them with 76.

You paid money for the item, which intrinsically implies you believe that item is worth that amount of money. Your ability to redistribute the item can affect the value of the item, but does not alone determine it. If lootbox items were actually valueless then a) no one would buy them, and b) they wouldn't be gambling because gambling requires the promise of winning a prize.

I think he's called the Quarterpounder. I prefer the mcchicken personally.

You think you want this but you don't. If they ban buyable lootboxes guess what will happen. They will have earnable lootboxes through a passive exp system. This exp will accumulate at a god awful slow pace BUT you will have the option to purchase exp potions to speed this up. Those potions will only last 30-60 minutes and may only give you not even 1/10th of a bar. Whales will still be whales, only the little guys will suffer even more.

Atleast it isn't random, that exp rate can be modded.

That won't be even close as good for profit though. Whales aren't going to buy hundreds of exp potions

People hated that shit in Overwatch there was controversy over getting duplicates after duplicates and the it'd cosmetic excuse was hated then cuz those fucks started it and it's hated now

Just to be the devil's advocate, they do. But the margin is really so shitty that it won't be worth it. It's the randomisation that I think should be regulated.

>Sony's racist policy

I hope this affects MTG Arena and other online card games.

Censoring only Japanese games

That would be fucking amazing.

>Epic is there too IIRC, but can't confirm.
They are, including their Chinese slavemaster.

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I'm torn.
Part of me wants to say the greedy and insultingly aggressive monetization needs to be punished. But I've not played any of these games, and if you're the shit sucker bargain barrel bottom human that pays $15 for a 10% damage increase in Star Wars BattleFront II (not the original), then you deserve to be fleeced, even if it means the death of the videogames industry, Jesus, and all things holy.

Yeah so where back to how MTs where before lootboxes and we will fight that shit to the we will fight shitty dlc practices them we will have good gamed again this bill won't be the end of the battle just the start

The problem is that even when a game only has cosmetics in lootboxes, that means that basically the only content that will ever be added is more cosmetics since that is what turns the biggest profit for the least work.

>steam/valve not a member
Based Gaben

>Every time someone gambles give them a penny
>This officially makes it not gambling
>Can now invite minors into your casino
I'm going to be rich.

>companies that abuse lootbox and microtransactions to the point that they have had their customers boycott are against the ban
Seems like the last people that should have an opinion on this.

its kinda shitty. If you don't take a bribe you get ostracized

>then you deserve to be fleeced
The problem with this logic is that if you just ignore the virus and let it spread you'll eventually get it too.

I just wanted to play my vidya in peace. Why has it come to this?

there not even hiding it anymore lmao they see there meal ticket drying up from exploiting weak minded people

>valve starts starts lootboxes
>others continues its footsteps
>others get flak for something valve created

Based Gaben always getting away with shit because he and only he gives games steep discounts during sales like a store normally does.

Isn't that essentially just gambling with an ante set 1 cent lower?

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>Next we'll have anti casino, anti drinking etc all because of "THINK OF DA CHILDRUN"

The monetary value is replaced with personal. Hence why people buy them. The original question was why do people give cards the ok but not lootboxes. The loss of monetary value is one of the reasons.
There are some games that allow resale such as tf27 and csgo and this could be applied as gambling. Because suits have no clue about technology (, many of them will believe all lootboxes are like these examples and not question it

If it makes that much money I doubt the government would ban it since it's in their best interests that businesses and job creators prosper.

Then the developers and publishers themselves need to figure that shit out no one is asking them to make crazy big budget shit every year the don't need all that monetization at the cost of making a good game.

The make shit tons of guaranteed money on brand recognitiontion and marketing alone

Cigarettes are damn near close to being banned.

Government's best interest is always in getting re-elected.

And cigarettes are a fucking public health risk, there's a difference between exploiting stupidity and outright allowing them to poison your nation's workforce through addictive substances.

Yeah I don't buy them but that doesn't stop the legion of dumbass or causal gamers that do which infest game demos now

I'd rather see lootboxes banned before cigarettes. You're a fucking adult, if you want to kill yourself faster then you have the right to. Lootboxes are literally worse than cancer.

>Gambling isn't a public health risk when people get so addicted they literally give away all their money

The monetary value is replaced with personal. Hence why people buy them. The original question was why do people give cards the ok but not lootboxes. The loss of monetary value is one of the reasons.
There are some games that allow resale such as tf27 and csgo and this could be applied as gambling. Because suits have no clue about technology, many of them will believe all lootboxes are like these examples and not question it

its not, just the american word for it

Plus valve gives you ways to resell the loot

Please tell me this is a joke. This is the biggest form of "cope" i've ever seen from an industry.

im okay with this as long as the keep making games wtih LGBTQRSTUV characters

you clearly arent familiar with korean mmos

So who are the Resetera cucks backing, the corporations or Drumpf?

Cards probably get the okay because kids have been blowing their allowance on packs of baseball cards for over a hundred years. Also going into a brick-and-mortar means it's harder for Timmy to charge a thousand dollars to mom's credit card without her knowing.

Casinos exist to this day despite doing the same thing. The worst that'll happen is that devs will have to give the government some money regularly for permits and fall under jurisdiction of the same agency that deals with casinos. But lootboxes won't go away.


So why is that government agency good but others are bad? Why couldn't a simple no-to -lootboxes agency be bad?

Pfft, they would.

Hope they lose and it gets rubbed in their fucking faces.

Shut the fuck up Boco.

Casinos are regulated, you need to be 18 or older in the US to go to a casino legally, some states the minimum age is 21. Gambling is literally designed to entice you to keep throwing away your money, from the mental effects (flashing lights, bright sounds, images) to the atmosphere, to the drinks they serve. Video games have tried to replicate all of those mental effects, which is why people consider loot boxes gambling, of course on top of the fact that you're literally spending money and watching a roulette spin.


Fine, but this still really pisses me off.

Good. Now these companies can finally learn how to DEVELOP and SELL quality games instead of selling shit games with predatory practices.

Exactly as I said, they'll be regulated but not banned like they're trying to. Sure it'll hurt a bit that little kids won't be able to pay for lootboxes but they'll still be a thing due to all the 18+ fuckheads that will be willing to piss away their hard earned money on the chance to get digital items. Lootboxes are here to stay unfortunately.

How? This is to completely ban them.

all these companies have to do is change loot boxes from the gambling mechanic into carnival games mechanic and they'll be fine.

crane games, shoot the targets, been bag toss, whatever those aren't gambling but this spin to win bullshit is gambling.

Casinos aren't really international entities like this. Every state has slightly different legislation regarding gambling, and the cost of keeping up with all of them is why your pack of M&Ms says "YOU COULD WIN A CAR" and also "no purchase necessary."

Exactly, the bill banning it won't go through because it's too much money going away. After this fails to get passed eventually other bills will show up years later that'll attempt to label the thing as gambling and eventually one of those will pass.

Well fuck. Why can't they let the public vote on this stuff?

But what would actually happen? We realize that China suddenly has a majority stake in most US-based companies and somehow most of the land properties across America and they just overthrow us?
It scares me how much China has over us. Not talking Epic but like AMC theaters and probably a bunch of housing all over. It's like they are playing chess and making all these strategic moves under our noses, or everyone sees it but does nothing.

Whats being a shill pay like user? Is it worth foregoing neetbucks?

>Bill that wants to get rid of lootboxes/gambling mechanics in games that are targeted at below 18
>Bill also wants to get rid of pay to win mechanics
I don't see the problem, destroy it all.

because as you and your fellow peers always say, people are idiots
blame yourselves

Why the fuck is shit like this legal?
Every politician who has received "gifts" (bribes) should be jailed

Welcome to the real world kid.

True, sadly.

Well, I can still hope. And pray.

you literally vote for the people you want representing you...they vote for you

have sex

Why would the goverment ban them? Is good for the economy, which gives good taxes. I mean, how about better parenting being the focus?

Hilarious. I expect all Video Game companies are going to be forced to lobby now and forever. Not particularly about this, but because of the size / popularity of the industry. The politicians need their share of it.

It's not just that, it's that you get shitty credits, they fill the lootboxes with a million garbage items just to pad out the list so you have less of a chance to get something decent at all, and they make lootboxes an absolute nightmare to get as a free player. You have to play for hours just to see one in Overwatch once you level up a bit as a very simple example.

That option went out the window decades ago.

Honestly we will have to see if they're banned or regulated. It's much easier to keep track of casinos than it is to keep track of software. Plus software is readily and easily accessible by children, one of the number one reasons they're going after loot boxes. Gonna be hard as fuck to regulate.

They used to, until they came up with a plan to own the libs and make it entirely illegal.


What the US calls lobbying other countries call bribes, but it doesn't change the fact that companies put money in and take legislative favor out regardless of what country you're in. Laws no one that no one is ever tried for may as well not exist.

Shut the fuck up no one cares about your wrong opinion retard.

>which gives good taxes
What taxes? All the money they make is funneled into tax havens.
These publishers pay absolutely no taxes to the US,

>Campaign for parenting programs
>Go and drop the kid with an ipad for 12 hours
Yeah, is impossible really.

First amendment, fucking read it you tranny.

>gamers siding with the government over game devs
So it's treason then...

Attached: treason.gif (556x250, 671K)

Three of the scummiest, greediest, and/or most hated devs of all time. Who'd a thunk it?

Why the fuck would I ever side with someone that wants to shove dildos down my throat?

You can't, selling accounts is against the EULA of virtually every company. Hell, signing into it on another person's computer and letting them play is enough for them to drop a banhammer.

There is nothing wrong with lootboxes and microtransactions because the people who buy them always get something.
Final Fantasy XV perfected this

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Yeah, the arguments retarded, but it pulls at heartstrings and gets the retards and ubermoms with enough free time to bitch at their local legislator to care. The true goal is to eliminate this stupid predatory practice from games improving their overall quality.

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Because all this fuss is fueled by reddit moaning and valve is their golden boy.

It's okay largely because the card companies never talk about the value of the cards beyond "all cards are valued equal". We all know that isn't true, but the fact these companies has never acknowledged this are what lets them skate by without a gambling charge.

>buying games with loot boxes
Why. Name one good game that implements loot boxes ?
This is your own fault

Liberals get almost as much corporate dick for cash as Republicans go on any opensecrets site and look for PACs and donations. They just don't make a big deal about it and hide behind positive morality politics.

governments shouldn't do anything otherwise you're a socialist commie, just let corporations do whatever they want because thats freedom

I think it's a perfect time for the government to intervene. fuck shady devs and publishers for squeezing every penny from their consumers

Technically speaking, the EV of a trading card pack is identical to face value. You always get X of one type, Y of another.

This is why even if this passes, the Western companies will simply move to a gatcha mechanic: Instead of loot boxes, they'll dole out mid-priced "Skin boxes" that have a 100% chance at delivering a skin.

They'll then pad out the game with shitty skins, so you buy 12 10 dollar skin boxes instead of 120 1 dollar loot boxes.

Especially EA.

Digital "goods" shouldn't cost anything as they have no real value.

EULAs aren't legally binding, they're legally compelling. As in, you're not signing a contract, but in the hypothetical lawsuit the company says "we told you we'd do this in the EULA and you didn't object then, why do you object now?"

About that, see

Fuck EA seriously...

See this is a little different, Adobe is using an old legal loophole here known as "Johnny Law doesn't know what a computer is fucking try and stop me"

That and boomers are nostalgic for them, so of course they won't ban them

Because the public either don't care or are ill informed

Since when do Devs want what's best for us?


is it the devs fault or the publishers fault

Fuck you nigger it's the appropriate way for a government to act. Their only purpose is to protect the rights and liberties of their citizenry from threats both foreign and domestic, and being preyed upon and being taken advantage of by corporate interests falls within that realm. The market can be as free as it wants as long as it's guided by morality and reason. The second it starts taking advantage of people is the second the government needs to intervene on their behalf to set things straight. Look at Theodore Roosevelt for breaking up monopolies, look at all the labor laws instituted to protect worker's rights so you won't be a slave to the business you work for. Go suck corporate cock all you want but I want nothing of it.

Is palpatine good in your mind?

legacykilla sucks so fucking bad

not him but I've always seen the Empire as the good guys

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Valve is too lazy for anything.
- create new games like Half-Life 3, Portal 3, Left4dead 3- nope, we are too lazy
- remove shit from Steam store - nope, we are too lazy
- sue anyone b/c of scam boxes - nope, we are too lazy

And they get showered with money anyway.

Someone post that one screenshot of a dev defending lootboxes because it's a form of ''''''artistic expression''''''. like how stupid do they think their cattle is to excuse their practices in the name of art. fucking disgusting

Wasn't Palpatine forming the Empire as a means to protect against an extragalactic threat. Seemed like a necessary evil. Also the Jedi were total pieces of shit. fuck them

Corporations are people too, my friend.

Not exactly as you remembered but close enough.

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I can trade my yugioh cards anytime I want and for real money. And there is not a fucking thing Konami can or will do about it.
And if Konami goes under or just stops supporting the card game, The cards will still exist and I can either still play with them, or trade them.

God, so much bullshit from this devs....

If corporations were really people they would have been assassinated by now. They are practically mini-governments or interest groups in the U.S. we should have outlawed bribes decades ago.

As if jews aren't responsible for both

it can be both or either. it depends from company to company.

Reminder that everyone involved with a corporation is a person with a home address that can be looked up.
Just food for thought.

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I've never played a game and went "Wow, I'm really glad there's loot boxes, it really adds enjoyment to my playing experience" so I don't give a shit about this. Hopefully gachashit gets fucked as well.


Yeah, but it's not like taking down a populist demagogue ala Huey Long, you run into the same problem as regimes. Killing one cockroach when there's thousands of others waiting to take its' scraps.

I don't think it helps to point at the hill of government and yell about how slippery of a slope it is. All you're doing is ignoring the gradually declining hill of corporate exploitation you've been steadily walking down for years. This shit used to not be normal in videogames. But companies kept taking little steps to implement these predatory practices and now they've become normalized. Now it's big news when a company announces their game doesn't have microtransactions. If we don't seriously push back now, what practices will be considered "normal" 10, 15 years down the road?

Then guess what? If government starts to overstep their bounds, we push back against them too. But we aren't at that fight right now.

>wanting The government Ruling something
user it worked so well with other stuff in the past...

Democrats and lib learning republicans are too stupid remember that ot the point of revision history, also if this shit gets approved, you can bet the next poster's ass that that the next democrat learning congress or democrat president in the future will use this as a excuse to censor gaming and media, or force more orwellian shit like Microsoft is doing lately along with Sony.

never let the government think for you like some Gramci shit filled fanfiction, it ends badly, the best thing by now is ESRB or the companies grow some spine and remove it, or Add a fucking Mature label saying that the game has gambling for fucks sake.

The Corporate heads brought this on themselves so if anything it's their fault for the bullshit.

Who said anything about stopping at one?

You'd be lucky to get away with one let alone enough to make a difference. The only thing that works is a total uprising and to be frank shits just not bad enough for that, the populace is relatively tame because there's little primary need depravation.

>Government deal with X
>Ok, X will now be taxed to fund programs to combat X
>X is still there but more expensive now

God I hope they get banned so we can see Kotick explain to his shareholders why revenue isn't going up.

Lootboxes would be fine if shitty devs didn't build and balance their games around pressuring people into buying them

Forcing things to become more expensive hurt profit margins, it's why everyone whines about tariffs. Taxes are historically an effective way to control consumption of a product. Less profit means less use, still ultimately beneficial to the consumer even if they don't realize it.

God the entire industry must be pissed at EA.

Instead of banning loot boxes, the government should just force broke ass neets to get jobs.

>all relevant decisions and laws are made by corporate lobbies
Biggest meme in history.

It's an easy process really. Get the public focused on small potato bullshit like abortion, guns, fags, and dick mutilation laws so you can rob them blind of resources while still being their champion of gun rights or dick sucking rights.

>was already retarded

> spending money on a chance to win access to content that's already contained within or available to the software you've purchased and own

> the code and randomization is completely obscure and undocumented, for all anyone knows there could be a glitch or bug that causes "rare" occurances to never happen or happen too often

> no oversight that people are actually getting a fair deal for spending their real money on real virtual items

get scammed.

Wasn't Palpatine forming the Empire as a means to protect against an extragalactic threat?
Kind of, sort of. He knew they were coming, but his plan was to create an empire strong enough to break through the black void between galaxies and conquer the universe.
Unless you mean Disney canon, then I dunno, he wanted to get to Earth to vote for Trump or some shit.

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>God the entire industry must be pissed at EA.
Almost every game developers probably want to skinned them alive for their bullshit. They best be on a witness protection if they're smart (which I doubt).


USA is NOT a democracy. It's a democratic republic. Know the difference.

fuck off retard

Very American comment, I may say.

I can just smell the shilling from you...

He started making a shit ton of super weappns to impose fear on systems and centralize power by cutting out the senate so he could both have a force strong enough to fight off the Vong, but also a force strong enough to fuck over any dissidents. He didn't make the Empire to protect the galaxy because he cared, he formed it to keep him in power and repel any threats to his own power.

The biggest problem with lootboxes is that game companies are encouraged to base their games around them. Meaning they will deliberately put all the good game content behind lootboxes with long chances so that the player gets frustrated enough that they put real money in these lootboxes so that they can actually get what they want.

Remember when Monolith pinky swore Shadow of War wasn't balanced around them only to remove them, rebalance the game, then say most people won't touch a game mode where loot boxes help you proceed no matter how much they swear it wasn't balanced around it. I mean I was all over Deus Ex Human Revolution but won't be touching the ultra hard mode as I have to assume it was balanced around the ability to buy levels.

*ultra hard mode in Mankind Divided

wait, does this mean gamers unironically rose up?


No, it just means a Republican senator from a lame-duck congress is trying to push for something other than groveling for a tyrant destroying norms and processes while actually accomplishing nothing.

t Corporate Head.

Your days are numbered cretin

Uh oh, guess I made the senator mad.

The congress Will finish you.

What? Why didn’t a Democrat push this first? I thought republicans were corporate right hand men?

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like tears in the rain

Cards could also be freely traded, hence the name Trading cards.

>I like my video games ruined with greedy corporate tactics
what the fuck is wrong with you?

the bigger problem is the teams of psychologists hired by large game companies to make that shit a compulsion.

dems are busy handing REAL issues like trans rights

That's why America is called a "Federal presidential constitutional republic".


Say they do ban Lootboxes, What would happend games with them, Game like Overwatch, CSGO, R6S those are all cosmetic so they can just make them MTX or DLC. But games like TF2 where the look boxes are both cosmetic and gameplay effected, Would they need to add a progression system for the Game play items

Good now maybe developers can focus on making good games, instead of figuring out new ways to rip people off. Worst culprits are gacha garbage. Although, I wonder where they will draw the line aren't Kinder Eggs the same thing? I don't know anyone who spent thousands on that though.

Cosmetics are buyable but full of limited purchase periods to create urgency.

>I wonder where they will draw the line aren't Kinder Eggs the same thing?

Those are already banned in the US. FCC doesn't allow toys to be inside food.

Here Here!
*raise fist in the air*

The gravy train is over you shitbag devs

>this fucking meme argument again

Read this article and then kill yourself you massive fucking faggot.

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Because dems and reps are politicians first and foremost. They will go for things that can get them votes. Both parties advocated against violent videogames in the old days. there's no "good" or "evil" side.

Physical product that can be traded for actual money and can increase in value vs
Pay once Fuck you forever when our severs shut down or we made a new game we want you stupid faggots to waste your money on
Not comparable

*Not FCC, whatever the food and drug agency is.



Why do liberals refuse to acknowledge the "just don't buy it" argument? There are 100:1 new games released without loot boxes. No one forced anyone to buy the game

>Muh whales
You have no right to tell another adult how he should spend his money
>But little Timmy will use his mom's credit card
The government will never be able to out regulate bad parenting

Fucking commies

Why is this legal?

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It makes games worse even for sensible people. Ubisoft makes all their shit grindy to make you pay up. The last Ass Creed was made grindy to make you cough up $10 for the faster exp.

this big companies will win, government will still act they won though.

okay uncle sam, while companies sodomize you i'm gonna go off and try to get some actual regulations in place.

fuck off

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>this big companies will win, government will still act they won though.
Nope, the government is getting of them.

These fuckers are literally using scientifically proved shit to make lootboxes more addictive than fucking Crack

Lol even if the law didn't go through via normal means this proves how shitty these devs are.

Overreach is bad. This, to me, is considered censorship of media. The specifics towards video games paces the way for more government intervention.

You're not the audience for their games if you're not willing to pay

>Waash big daddy government needs to feed me how cum or else I'll do something retarded.

why do communists rely on faggot ass buzzwords?

Except the law will go through user.

First Amendments. Corporations are people, my friend.

>while companies sodomize you

Lmao imagine blaming a company because you are a giant fucking faggot who consumes fucking everything

Except you know, buying singles/packs online with one click.

It's literally a loyal trump senator pushing this bill so that means republicans will probably back it in mass. It's also a rather bipartisan issue, so dems certainly wouldnt have much issues joining in. We'll see.

>muh kids
how about parents act like parents for once and not just let little timmy do whatever he wants with their credit card?

I unironically hope it gets banned. The idea of ripping off kids via loot boxes after already paying 60 bucks for the game is pretty gay if ya ask me.

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I just want the companies relying on this shit to burn.

It'll pass.

Why are you blaming the parent is when you know the corporate heads are the real problems Here?


Which is bullshit. In the case of MTG do you know how healthy the game would be if they just sold singles individually.
>4 pack commons $1
>2 pack uncommons $2
>2 pack rares $3
>1 mythic $5

Do you know how many people could easily get into older formats that way. It would make buying booster packs more ethical too.
Personally im not a fan of boosters as I think it takes advantage of gambling addictions and such.


Honestly lootboxes shouldnt be banned

Eurotards and spics should be euthanized because FIFA tards are what made popular.

Despite obvious signs of corruption and rigging, those people still eat that shit sport up. Honestly the world.would be bettered off because such stupidity at such a numerical number is horrifying.

>Why are you blaming the parent
the money that keeps EA fat comes from somewhere, you don't put some fat fuck inside a room with a kid and the fat fuck comes out with money, kids don't produce money

>Honestly lootboxes shouldnt be banned

How is their shitty parenting anyone's problem but their own?

>Why are you blaming the parent
are you unironically retarded?

not that user, but what is your expectation? A parent monitoring 100% of their child's life? There used to be a time when kids could fuck off and play games by themselves

Where is the kid getting your CC info from if not you?

lmao they are just going to tax it like wit real gambling, you can't be this retarded and think they actually care, politicians just sniff the green

>Why do liberals refuse to acknowledge the "just don't buy it" argument? There are 100:1 new games released without loot boxes. No one forced anyone to buy the game
Sure you're right in that nobody is forcing to buy into a game with lootboxes right now but eventually if a message is not sent out that this shit is an unacceptable industry practice(and frankly it matters not which side of the political spectrum you're on since paid lootbox mechanics is garbage anyway) we're going to come to a time and place where literally every single game in the future will not just end up adding but structuring itself around it if it is not stopped right now because it will be perceived to be an acceptable practice. Observe that in various points of history that we had to deal with the same things in principle for environmental protection laws where companies would dump toxic waste or not think about chemical runoffs leading to contaminated groundwater and companies wouldn't bother about fixing it because X other companies were also doing this so it seemed like an acceptable practice.

Would doing a 10 draw in a gacha game count as a ''lootbox'' ? I read into it abit and it says it doesnt count microtransactions, just lootbox stuff.

>A parent monitoring 100% of their child's life
just say no when he ask's for your card you idiot
>dad can I buy this game
>ok put it in the cart and call me when it ask's you for the card info
>uncheck the save billing info box yourself

good point, I could only imagine a nigger ass retarded kid reaching in his parent's purse or wallet when they fell asleep

Kids can apply for junior credit cards/debit cards from a bank or other financial institution as young as 14 now in some countries for online purchases with parental/guardian consent. I mean the issue of responsibility of education for fiscal education in kids is another matter entirely but they can very easily just blow their money on all these things considering that not just digital but card based purchases tends to fit the same psychology of how people can spend ludicrous amounts of money at a casino since the casino "chips" are not actually perceived psychologically as currency but rather as a sort of playing toy of sorts. The same principle applies here with card based purchases for both kids and adults.