What are some more games like this?

What are some more games like this?

Attached: Fftpsp3.jpg (240x414, 26K)

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Tactics Ogre: Let Us Cling Together. It's not as good, though - especially if you really commit to the post-game.

Yu Yu Hakasho Tournament Tactics (GBA)
Jeane d'Arc on the same system
Disgaea series
FF Tactics Advance series
>Tactics Ogre: Let Us Cling Together

Tactics Ogre: The Knight Of Lodis
Amazing story.

>Yu Yu Hakasho Tournament Tactics (GBA)
Holy shit, I didn't know this was a thing. I would've expected a fighting game.from the series or something

This. Great story and great music as well.

Its pretty basic as far as mechanics but make sure you grab the Tournament Tactics ROM and not Spirit Detective by accident.

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1) Tfw no other fully medieval-inspired ivalice game like FF tactics
And no, by medieval inspired I certainly do not mean vagrant story


Onimusha Tactics is also worth checking out.

I believe that R-Type had a tactics game that's unfortunately stuck on PSP.

Are we counting Fire Emblem and Super Robot Wars?

Onimusha Tactics was surprisingly fun

Attached: onimusha.gif (400x267, 458K)

Vandal Hearts 1&2

>its not as good
its much better tbqh

Kichikuou Rance

as in *that* Rance????

PS1 opening or PSP opening?

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Front Mission

Attached: 1446817163348.webm (800x450, 2.82M)

Stella Glow
God Wars
Utawarerumono (VN hybrid but still has TRPG combat)
Tactics Ogre Knight of Lodis
Shining Force series
Jeanne d'Arc
Yggdra Union (kinda)
Pokemon Conquest


But extremely easy.
Ragnarok Tactics, Saiyuki Journey West, Kartia, God Wars and Wild Arms XF.

I forgot Tears to Tiara II and Stella Deus.

>tfw the guy who did the music for ivalice has done barely any other video games

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...? Hitoshi Sakimoto has a pretty large catalog.
