Minecraft 10th Anniversary

What's gonna be revealed this Friday?
Any predictions?

Attached: minecraft.png (1171x738, 227K)

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don't know but it will probably be dissapointing

i hope they add even more different types of stone so the moment i go mining my inventory is filled up with a bunch of SHIT

steve in smash

if minecraft is so great why dont they make minecraft 2?

2 things:
>An upcoming feature that will change the game Minecraft forever
>They're in

Some kind of Hot Topic merch for the kiddies to spend their parents' money on

Nothing smash related, only retarded discordfags think that.

Probably another useless animal and some blocks and items nobody is gonna use.
Vanilla Minecraft is a joke.

Attached: 725956-nhk20ni20youkoso2020012cc6.jpg (638x360, 25K)

Definitely Minecraft GO as the first one, and maybe some info on the Minecraft movie?

or maybe it'll be another boss mob that you'll have no reason to bother killnig


Steve :^)

>Minecraft 2 or some sort of spinoff that will take 5 years to come out and wind up shit anyways because lmao microsoft
>a dozen random animals/enemies added

At most, a mii costume but don't kid yourself into thinking they will announce this on friday.

On the upside, the debate finally ends.
On the downside, fucking Steveposters will torture this board for weeks until Steve gets released

Based MS saving Minecraft from the clutches of the evil racist

Attached: fuck off notch.png (1060x537, 77K)

>there are people who actually think one of these is a Steve in Smash anouncement

It'll be disappointing nothings

Attached: 1548162244561.jpg (360x255, 18K)

i know where you're coming from, but recently they stopped doing that shit and actually started updating meaningful things
>1.13 and 1.14

i already sat through all of that minecon stream last year for a possible steve announcement, this is fucking nothing compared to that

1.- yeah, i want the debacle to be over, but...

2.- Theres not gonna be a smash announcement.

the source code of the page already showed what the announcements are:

>Minecraft EARTH: the pokemon go-like project

>Minecon earth 19: featuring the next big update.

1.15, which completely changes world generation, including a complete overhaul to cave generation.

LGTBBQ character to replace Steve
