>you now remember The Sims
You now remember The Sims
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Ah yes, one of those titles that I start 100 games, play for a while, and decide I wanted to do things differently, so I quit and restart. Then I get bored of the early game before ever experiencing the late game and abandon the title. Latest entry in this list is Rimworld.
i still listen to the music from time to time. can't stand nu-sims.
someone post sims music
peak soul
>implying I forgot
>goth family
>the mexican man slut
>the lesbian roomies
>Pleasant family as kids, before their kids grew up and had slut children of their own
these feels....
Who /bob/ here?
Man, I loved the piano tracks
Back to /vg/, this is the real OG Sims 1/2 appreciation thread
Get the fuck out
rimworld only gets old when your install takes 40 minutes to start up because of mods.
until that point, just play, get bored, add mods, repeat
Please don't post THAT gif, i passed out last time.
what's the comfiest sims game for farming and stuff? i remember one of them had some really comfy farming shit, but i don't remember which it was anymore.
I'm not a fan of Sims going full pastel dollhouse past 1
That's 3 and 4.
1 had the 50s Americana style and 2 had the 90s/2000s teen aesthetic.
3 and 4 were the soulless commercial pastel dollhouses where everyone has the same smug expressions and listens to kidzbop
go on
very true on all accounts.
sims 3 had the best engine updates, cars available in vanilla and open world with rabbitholes where my simcity autismo could come in play with create-a-world, creating cities with working hubs etc. big downside, apart from the mentioned dollhouse aesthetic expressions, is the lagfest with pathing issues.
fuck, I didn't want to start the best-of-four discussion.
here's peak soul instead.
That song is legit a fucking masterpiece. Unfathomably gorgeous.
Why did they do this, Yea Forums?
to piss you off
The Jazz soundtracks in Maxis games from this time period were top tier. (see SimCity 3000 for more)
good guide
not a true sims game
There is a cheatcode that allows you to build outside limit zones so you could delete that crap or finishing those paths.
blessed thread, except the Sims 4 faggots
Did anyone ever play Sims 2 on PS2?
It had a story mode and co-op/multiplayer.
The Sims will probably always be somewhere in my top 5 games of all time. I thank God for The Sims. I've never played the sequels.
Sims 1 is the only good Sims game, fight me.
Anyone an idea why the game ALWAYS closes without an error after the EA logo video?
Been trying to run it on win7 for a while now but with no avail for some reason.
Was able to run it just fine many many years ago on win7 but not anymore for some reason.
I respect 2, but yeah, the original gets major love from me
follow the guide
I did that obviously, but I'm gonna assume I did something wrong? Can only imagine the dgVoodoo bit, but what could be wrong there?
Fuck... I remember the Simes.
Sims 3 has actual gardening, horses, and neighborhoods meant for country farming life. Sims 2 might also do it for you, I remember the Free Time Neighborhood being comfy as fuck
I've played all 3 sims game of ps2, and they were all fun as fuck, specially the taking the street one.
what resolution are you using?
1080p if you mean windows, 800x600 if you mean the game.
Remember when the original pirated Sims 3 only came with one town and EA's PR claimed that was only in the leaked version and final version would have more and then it turned out it WAS the final version?
Good times.
The only console Sims I've played was Busting Out
have you tried running the game windowed with dgvoodooCpl?
Sims 1 with all the expansions was legit GOAT material.
P-please delete this
Tried to, but the video opener is always fullscreen. I'm gonna assume Vodoo isn't set up right at all then for starters?
I still have Sims 2 installed but have nothing to do.
do addons like this still exist? i'd download the sims 2 right now if i could still find hundreds of addons like this
When I first started I legit watched that tutorial couple watch tv for an hour straight in real time.
Try modthesims2 and The sims resource. There might still be some old CC blogs out there.
I wish the PC games had co-op and some story mode. The console games were surprisingly fun with a bro
Holy shit I finally got it to work and it was Vodoo being set up wrong as expected.
Me being a retard as usual, thanks trying to help me user!
I can confirm, I used played that shit with my brother, it was one of the most stressful game experienced I've had in a good way.
aye, sounds like dgvoodoo isn't kicking in. if it's working you should be able to alt+enter to toggle fullscreen. you should have dg's D3DImm and DDraw in the same directory as your sims exe along with the dgvoodoo conf file. i don't see how it wouldn't be working if you have all that
Being able to create and share custom stories would be great.
>Love Sims concept
>Have to suffer through EA
>The series has no competition
Being a Sims fan is fucking suffering, they wont do it but I truly hope Sims 5 will be built around a new autonomy and story progression system because that's the single biggest issue now, Sims having no real life to them, not even fun AI RNG really comes about.
They even stopped caring about genealogy and backgrounds for existing families in 4, that stuff doesn't matter to me so much but it all adds to the feeling of it feels bad.
I've installed 3 recently but I just can't deal with that character creator, I like the way 4 looks too much.
All of my money for a Sims-like series that does everything right.
Aren't there still people trying to do the Sims Online clone or whatever?
I have Bustin' Out.
you try living right next to the highway you fuck
it's a monkey paw my man
I had wished for simcity4 competition and got C:S. good against SC(5), but shit otherwise. Playing SC4 to this day.
>Ever forgetting The Sims
oh wow
Wasn't there some big conflict back in the day involving modthesims and some paid mod website?
based hugehouse poster
Haven't seen this in years.
Thanks user
Literally the Chad House.
>Take 100% of the area of your lot regardless of how much it'll cost
>Absolutely no windows to leave more wall room for pictures of self
The virgin carefully planned condo
The chad unpainted square palace
No problem
The only way it could be better would be if the walls were the default material
Is there a guide for the Sims 3 collection?
>the stack of toilet paper next to his computer
>Sims 2 Castaway on PC
>neutered Sims 2
>Sims 2 Castaway on consoles
>fun lite-survival game with Sim elements
Not sure, but it wouldn't surprise me. Sims CC creators tend to be huge drama queens.
no, that's what the zoomer faggot containment general is for
Console castaway was so good
link is daed
comfy as fuck
worked fine for me nerd
i'll just watch some comfy LGR for the nostalgia trip
>you now realize The Sims is dead
weird as fuck. It was such a popular franchise, and it's so normie-friendly too. I'm amazed EA hasn't invested into it.
>deep space nine.jpg
let's be real, everyone did rosebud; and went straight to the mansion
>not doing both
Nothing like watching Joel's Sims
Console Sims is always a fine line between bad and 'neat', Sims 2 Castaway was pretty much proto-survival games, The Urbz for the GBA/DS was a fun little urban exploration RPG.
No i didnt, i worked hard to earn skills and made friends to reach the top position of my Sims career
Only to find out the game can force your sim to quit his job and move to another one at a lower level
>got sims 2 for free at origin
>does not work at w10
>tried the compatibility thingy
>still doesnt work
listening to this still shakes me to this day
But it's working for me?
is that merula?
Stop putting question marks at the end of statements you fucking woman.
I might be an idiot but not sure if a very long loading time (wait for 1 minute) or it freeze
>works on my machine
Sims 2 has extremely long loading times.
i had all the sims 1 expansions except hot date. i wasn't allowed to have that one
>missed the best one
You fucked up.
I have a ryzen 5 2600, should it take more than a minute? I didnt mention that it is the complete edition
The more expansions you add the longer it takes. You could have twenty minute load times. Go eat lunch, take a shit/shower and it might be done by the time you get back.
I feel like an idiot
>blocking the sun for all the neighbours in the 2 mile radius with the sheer size of your house
why can't i enter buy mode oh god oh fuck
Someone in my town a few years ago tried suing the town/builder because his neighbor's new house was too big.
never seen Merula as lesbo but i like it
I remember when everyone cried about the sims opening the gaming floodgates for casuals.
>tfw mom orders you to delete the vibrating bed from your sims bedroom
Hot Date convinced me that every single person with a hot tub was a swinger. I still believe that 20 years later and judge the fuck out of everyone I know with a hot tub.
>his house doesn't have a fully populated graveyard
The woman that lives in the brown house? I fucked her and killed her family. Then killed her and took the money to fuck the one in the tan house.
your first bootup will take a few minutes more than usual, but the user who said TS2 takes 20 minutes to boot is talking shit.
it probably takes 1-2 minutes at the absolute most to boot normally.
Man these newer sims are way too sexy.
Even sims1 I made a harem house with 1 guy and 7 hot girls.
Todays 13 year olds will jack themselves to death.
Objectively the best house on the block.
Just look at the sheer size of that thing.
I have this but by accident. Tried to burn a guy to death but apparently everyone in the house jumps in on the fire.