They done fucked it up

they done fucked it up.
it's all gonna be about muh good looking jpop characters and everything else is gonna be secondary

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>they done fucked it up.
Fucking kys Gonzalez

It was going to be garbage after they decided to use the gay combat from 15.

nice contribution to the discussion, kike

Don't talk like a faggot if you don't wanna be treated like one, faggot

It isn't 15 combat, it's closer to Kingdom Hearts


This was my impression, too. Looks beautiful, but XV was not fun.

god you faggots are retarded

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Hey, could be wrong, but don't know yet. So far it looks similar. I'm not deciding yea or nay until more comes out, just an initial impression.

That's even worse.

I liked 君の名は.

dude lmao if you want turn based just play the original

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the original doesn't have modern graphics

this but unironically

there's nothing stopping you from playing the original, it even aged surprisingly well. the remake will probably be nice but it's not ever going to replace the original.

15 combat was fun

Five incredible movies what's the problem?
Shoot, Fate might be as well, I've never seen it.

blade runner sequel is better
nothing about these game comes close to gits

Say what you want about Kingdom Hearts but combatwise they are one of the best, if not THE best ARPGs

more like jflop

But you haven’t even played it yet, it’s a game remake not a sequel it’s going to have the same story-line

I feel like this team has no idea what makes Final Fantasy 7 so special in the first place. And no, I'm not talking about the combat.

I hope they prove me wrong and make something good, but when they announced that it would be episodic, I gave up all hope of this remake being any good. I mean, it's Square Enix we're talking about. They have a terrible track record with this franchise.

Didn't mean to reply to

What’s the Bergman of vidya?

Looks cool as fuck, the original turn-based shit belongs to the 90's.

>it even aged surprisingly well

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I don't understand why people want the same exact combat. To play the same exact game with no changes to the gameplay, but for it only to look better. It's just, I dunno, such a boring desire to have. If they can rebuild this world into something modern while still retaining the scope of the original, that'd be a huge achievement. If they can also take iconic fights and make them newly iconic in a whole new gameplay format, then you have a remake I want to play for reasons outside of, "oh I wonder how this scene or character is gonna look."
Basically, if they kept the same battle system and combat, there'd be ZERO reason to play the remake if you already played the original. You might as well watch a stream of it, you fucking zoomer, and call it a day.

then kys

>kingdom fags final fantasy edition
Yeah the zoomers will love this shit

cloud looks kpop to me compared to the 1st trailer

did you expect anything else from nusquare


for me its more about them fucking it up like 15 when they already have a winning formula. I can't really comment on it until we have more info.

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what does GitS have to do with Your Name?

>ff15 esque action
Can square go fucking bankrupt already.

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Every ARPG with shit combat was directed by Tabata. Type-0, FFXV, Crisis Core. The dude isn't on this or even at the company anymore. To assume VIIRemake is gonna have combat remotely similar to XV, it just comes across as alarmist. If you hate KH, then I guess you have cause for concern. But right now, VII looks like a KH game with less jumping. Which might lend to better enemy design, as you can focus more on creating encounters that revolve more around the enemy's movements, and less around you jumping around the battlefield never getting hit.

>episodic release
This was their first mistake
>FF15 combat
This was the nail in the coffin.


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They should just change the hair to something more practical, really sick of this anime style hair everyone has

But both blade runners are good.

Isn’t the original director of FF7 part of it?

I'm not willing to call foul on episodic or partitioned or multipart until we see the pricing structure, release schedule, and how precisely they're gonna split the game up. If it's split into a trilogy and EVERYTHING is kept intact, I'm all for an episodic structure.
If we get 10 hours an 'episode,' and the thing is split in 6+ parts, I'm hard fucking out.

How? His hair has always looked anime

ever since they announced it was episodic, they killed it
the only enjoyment ill get is from seeing the gang in hd cinematics and graphics
thats enough for me at this point

If they get the OST in tact, Midgar is cool and retains being a fantastic city, major scenes like sephiroth taking out president shinra, the 10/10 intro, yuffie, and Vincent STAY HIDDEN OPTIONAL PARTY MEMBERS. I will be fine. But I just feel like I'm going to be disappointed. I swear to God ultima weapon better be the same, choccobo breeding better be in, IF THEY DON'T FUCKING DO THE GOLDEN SAUCER IN IT'S ENTIRETY WITH THE GRINDING BATTLE ARENA TO GET OMNISLASH INTO THE TRASH IT GOES.

Also, not out. That's bullshit. Just really depressed.
A ton of the key original staff is. 2019 is just full of nofun fags who want to be the first to shit on everything to win credibility with their peers. SoulvSoulless and all that shit.

Oh yeah, he is the producer

I don't have a source but iirc they said it would be more than 3 episodes. The first episode is supposed to be dedicated purely to the midgar intro so if they plan on doing 3 episodes in total they'll need to REALLY pack one of those 3 episodes with A LOT of content.

Can you even imagine the fucking outrage if they changed his hair? People are already going to tear apart and nitpick every single detail about the game comparing it to the original.

That's the dealbreaker here. Square's release schedule is so retarded it will probably be finished in 2023.

not completely changing the combat style=/= no changes to the gameplay
Bravely Default did a five job of polishing the turned based combat of old Final Fantasy games
have sex

You're way too optimistic.


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This meme has been placed in the most retarded places where it doesn’t belong. Wasted potential. It honestly would have worked better in film, literature, anime, music and architecture than vidya. This is mostly because Yea Forums has no actual sense of aesthetic sensibility, and just flings random buzzwords out of their arse.

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For me, I'm trying to remain hopeful all that shit stays in BECAUSE it's episodic. That giving themselves multiple games to develop all this shit means we get to see everything from the original transferred to HD, AAA modern grafics glory.
That said, I'd be willing to bet Vincent and Yuffie will almost certainly be mandated party members now.

JRPG combat systems are all shit, make it an action game with RPG stats

So, now that the characters are voice acted and addressed by name, does that mean that custom naming won't be a thing anymore? I want to give my party members funny names like Cock and Ballz.

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You mean Type-0.

That's because there was nothing special about it. It was the transition to 3d, and that's it. Stupid edgelord villian, whiny cunt protag. That's it.

Looks pretty much identical to XV combat and nothing like kh combat in motion

The fact that Aeris will be Aerith now means the game is ruined.

What's an example of a good action game?

Ideally I want to see old scenes made better, more classy, sephiroth being even more horrifying. They need to make the shinra infiltration part into horror, seeing jehova for the first time, being in hojos lab, seeing the blood trails, while that eerie menacing music plays. There's just so much potential but I don't want to see this turn into cloud and friends quipping like fags like it is some marvel movie.

Cool story bro. It looks amazing and my boy Nomura is going to rape the original with this beautiful remake with glorious Action RPG combat. I can't imagine how good this shit is going to be since it's taking after KH.

You should get a source. A lotta shit going around about the development of this game has been rumors and hearsay.

That said. If Midgar was heavily expanded and spaced out to fill one game in a trilogy, one would have to look at what other areas in the original are so massive to warrant the same amount of development time when it comes to building HD assets and art. And really, nothing would probably hit the scope and density of this new Midgar. The only other BIG areas would be Junon and Gold Saucer. So if we're splitting a trilogy based on huge workload areas, maybe those three areas are your split? Rampant speculation obviously, but it would fall in line with SE saying they're going episodic to ensure they can fit everything from the original into this game. Thoughts?

please explain how it looks similar. how you never played an ARPG? jesus this board is full of retards

So 50 dollars for episode 1, another 50 dollars for episode 2, then 25 bucks for em dlcs?
COOL!!! Thank you square enix, thank you Nomura!

Left looks like he's been through and seen some shit, right is just emotionless like he's waiting for something that will never happen.

>action game
>with party members
doesn't work

Right looks like he went through a typical Korean plastic surgery. Left looks like a soldier.


I bet they'll turn it into Final Fantasy 76, open world MMORPG.

>a JRPG without turn based.
>a FF without turn based.
>a turn based FF remade to not be turn based.
Based and purchasepilled.

>They need to make the shinra infiltration part into horror,
If that shit plays like something outta RE2Remake, I'd be a happy fucking camper. As for quips or whatever, FFVII had a lotta moments. You have Tifa calling Barret a retard, followed by this really horrifying body horror stuff with Jenova breaking out, and then a action-packed motorcycle chase scene all within the same sequence in the original. FFVII is eclectic. It'll be hard to retain that, but with so much of the original staff there, I think they can pull it off. What I'm more worried about is Materia integration and how exactly they're gonna split this game. I freaking hope it's not more than 3 games.

Normies will just swallow whatever shit Nomura throw to them.

I agree, I take what I've heard with a grain of salt but it stands to reason that since all we've seen thus far is exclusively midgar scenes I would imagine that will most likely be the main focus of the first episode. That said it's possible that they could water down the majority of the game outside of midgar to fit a 3 episode trilogy which suffice to say would be a lot of side content. I could be wrong though and they may only be showcasing only midgar scenes for their own reasons.

What's wrong with it? Do people honestly want the original combat or something? If they update the visuals then wouldn't it make sense to update the gameplay as well to make it more modern? Sure it's going to be button mashy but don't pretend like the original game had some deep and challenging combat system, you just tapped the same button to beat every fight just like you will in the remake. Are we hating here just for the sake of hating?


Are you sure it's not just the fact that FF7 is once again going to become the hip normie thing introducing new people to the game and Yea Forums wants to act like a bunch of unique snowflakes by pretending to prefer the original over the remake? It's pretty transparent what's happening here, it's not the first time this dance is happening.

Thread is dead, nobody cares, ff7 is shit.

>ever since they announced it was episodic, they killed it

Who knows? For the four-ish years that we've known about this game, we've honestly seen and have been officially told so little. This being a remake they might be conscious of the fact that a big sell of this game are the re-reveals of characters, areas, etc, and are holding off on showing things to make each new trailer more hype? I think the fact that they very intentionally hid Tifa in this latest trailer shows some evidence of that.
I dunno, I really hope they blow things out at E3 information-wise, and give us a clearer idea of what we're actually getting. I've just been in a state of cautious optimism ever since they said the game would be multipart three years ago.

it looks amazing m8 just wait til june to see what they've really done with it

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