Custom character thread? post your toons bros!

custom character thread? post your toons bros!

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her skull is about 3 sizes too small

shits scary

And that is a good thing

its cus her tits are huge, also perspective.

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post em dude

>no armpit hair poking out
are you gay, son?

its there you just cant see it

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Post a gallery or your mods or something and stop teasing me.

all you really need to make something like this is IBL, LRE, wideslider and bone modifier. could be leaving out some stuff but its not that hard to figure out if you have some time.



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>no images of her getting dicked dowm by massive redguard cock

i only do pinups because im not a homo, seek help.

Dude where is her dick?

>spends hours creating and dressing up virtual females and doesn’t want to see them take a cock
>not gay
You may be based for making her hairy but you are one gay ass nigga.

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>dude i like seeing dick
>you're gay
lol, also it doesn't take hours to make this stuff

>Hairy groin but shaved at the labia.
I have a new fetish now.

At least put a horse dildo in her ass or something man, pinups got boring after I turned 14.
Can’t I like a little cock now and then?

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>only one guy posting characters

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Where's the armpits and ass bro?

stop jerking off so much then bro.


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But I like jerking off
This, I want to see how much hair is on her butthole and armpits.

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>spend 5 hours recreating my waifu in honey select
>the sex options are severly limited
>the camera is awful
>and there's no option to clone my waifu into the man's position so I can watch double waifu instead of some smelly old fat guy plowing her

Attached: Are you squidding me you privileged white whale.png (612x496, 132K)

>playing jap porn game
>expecting anything but ugly bastard

download Skyrim

Attached: eSkyrim (1).webm (1920x1080, 2.89M)

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yer dumb

>download skyrim
>waste hours upon hours to get 100+gb worth of mods to make it less retarded yet still unplayable garbage
>fap once

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show feet

Honey Select or Skyrim?

Are you dumb or just trying to meme?

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POST MOMMIES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Rad Dudes >Thots

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Patricians taste

Attached: eSkyrimPhysics test (1).webm (1920x1080, 1.36M)

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>Gay AND scaly

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Who would have thought a city of clowns fag would also be a homosexual?

>are there any good futa mods for HS yet? last i checked a while back they were all shit

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yes user

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HS changed my life.

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I love lizard tits


more please

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There's no reason to keep shit games on my HDD

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post dem fuggin dickgirls already, faggots

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no dicks here, homo

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Post card

far as ill go

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cute and funny!

>crossed legs
then you ruin it with a loli body
fuckin come on

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>loli body

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i should take some proper ones without the UI sometime, i quite like this motherly amazon

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dead thread, I'm off to the next one.

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Here is my Equinox Prime

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very powerful hairy armpit peek from a closed armpit, its photoshoped isn't it? regardless, very hot

making intentionally ugly characters is more fun than spending 8 hours on some 3d thot for some quick faps.

Attached: Dragon's Dogma Dark Arisen Screenshot 2018.12.25 - (1920x1080, 2.78M)

Haha i put da slidurs all duh way to max!!!

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Whats the hair mod?

you got a problem with that?

Attached: Elder Scrolls IV Oblivion Screenshot 2018.05.15 - (1920x1080, 3.55M)