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Try taking care of your belongings ?
stupid funposter
Maybe if you don't put cheese, sweat, and grease on your switch it wouldn't break down
I have taken care of my Switch quite well and with some extra effort compared to my normal handheld/controller protection/upkeep (I keep my DS4s in their original packaging when not in use to keep them in good shape ffs).
My left Joycon has drifting issues off of regular amounts of use which I have managed to only mildly resolve. It's just not good QC on the product in question.
>left joycon is loose and wiggles in handheld
Kill me
A shit ton of people have this issue despite taking care. Joy Cons are just trash.
Owned mine for a year and haven't even been trying to treat it extremely delicately, no stick drift at all.
>defending Nintendo even when they use a cheap fucking shitty materials that affects everyone after certain amount of use
classic Yea Forums
The quality of the Joycon is shit.
I'm gonna redpill anyone here who's gonna buy a switch.
Buy a Pro Controller.
I have two pairs of Joycons and have used them both heavily. One pair I have even clumsily dropped hard a few times to the point where I literally chipped plastic off of the corners so that they're no longer round. And yet they work flawlessly.
I am not saying there aren't Joycons that drift, but what exactly is making them drift? Because mine don't. What should I be avoiding to keep them so?
I don't eat shit and i'm a Skeleton, this joycon are freaking shit.
That's why i have 2 pro controller.
Just replace the analog stick? You can buy a kit for less than $10
Turning and spinning and spinning and turning, oh!
I dont even use my switch more than a couple times a month and I've got drift. I don't know how they shipped these controllers.
Do you people manhandle your controllers, I hear people talk about how their controllers for every console are always breaking but the only ones I've ever had break down on me were PS4 ones because I'm rough with them, though they're a bit flimsy.
(Also on a side note the joycons fucking suck for NES games)
It happens to the Pro Controller too
Less than the joycons mind you, but still.
actually the pro controller has a shitty dpad, it constantly registers vertical inputs if you keep pressing left and right
it's fixable with hardmodding but it's still gay as fuck
Is there no respite?
play through it it goes away
*unblocks your path*
Great idea
guys, i have a pro controller but literally the only reason i bought a switch was for handheld. what the fuck am i supposed to do about this drifting. new joycons are 80 fucking dollars. fuck nintendo i feel like if i cave and buy itll just happen again.
Zelda, Sonic Forces, Sonic Mania, and Mario Odyssey all for several hundred hours of playtime has caused the drifting issue on two of my left joycons. It has to do with the genre of game you're playing.
The $20 left joycons with a Dpad from Hori are the best option.
thanks user im looking into it now, this will have to do until that switch remodel is announced. i hope the handheld version of the remodel had undetachable joycons.
>Buff needs to be reapplied every 30 seconds in order to not die
Shit game design
Is this safe to use?
I'm a brainlet help me
i laughed
Yes. This is the current still temporary but pretty effective method of making drift not happen.
Not excusing it, because it's bullshit and has happened to every Switch owner I know, but it's pretty easy to fix with either a cotton swab or a paper clip + dryer sheets. I used the second method and it's pretty easy, just youtube it. But still, given the prior quality of Nintendo hardware, the Switch is easily the most disappointing.
>stick drifts
>Side LEDs don't work
>SR doesn't work so can't be synced as a single sideways controllers
>Bluetooth button won't turn on Bluetooth sync anymore so can't use on pc
Kinda feel like a cuck caving in and buying a new pair. Fucking nitnendo
what the fuck are you guys doing with your joycons that are causing this, I've had my Switch since launch and I've never had this issue.
There's a certain piece of metal that scraps some inner plastic of the stick
Flawed designed both of Joy-cons and Pro controller.
Will happen to almost every controller
Innovative, tiny dildos that can only make women and trannies happy through the power of linear resonant actuators... Snoy-Con, from Shitendo. I'm seriously, these just have shit build quality that even the GamePad from the maligned fucking Wii U is built off like a tank.
Anyways, if I keep cleaning around the sticks with alcohol or WD-40 like an autist frequently, they should be fine. My Pro Controller however is being retarded for some reason as whenever I press SYNC, the ring on the HOME button lights up. I didn't even tinker with the thing and always unpair it from the computer after playing. In fact, I always use it wired. Well, shit. At least I've got a one-of-a-kind Pro Controller, I guess.
I hate that too. You've got to wander around and either use metal locks or put tape on the bottom of the Switch to make them sit tight. One can say for sure, it's definitely a Switch. A Switch to shit build quality one can shove up their ass, that's what it is. Fuck these pieces of shit.
Can confirm. My left stick would fluctuate a little bit when moved all the way up, and a fix I found was to unpair it from the Switch.
>I'm seriously
Forgive me anons, I'm fucking drunk over here
It's dust that gets under the little rubber flap at the base of the stick. I keep my house fairly well dusted, vacuum often, and rarely take it out of the dock. Shit happens.
The left joycon is a such an engineering blunder. POS drifting causes Smash losses.
Unclip this green part and peel it back. A metal disk covered in dust will pop out. Clean that and it's slot with alcohol and put it back together. That's the permanent fix, unlike compressed air or lube or whatever else people tell you to spray in there.
Not defending Nintendo's shit build quality, but this'll fix any drifting controller
>disconnects in handheld mode
>that affects everyone after certain amount of use
I've played my Switch thousands of hours and I don't have these issues. How is it affecting everyone?
Interesting, user. Can I do this right away or do I need to solder the whole thing out first?
You can buy the whole component for like $7. If you're already that deep in just replace it.
Chinese replacements fucking suck and it's way harder to desolder the whole thing instead of just cleaning the one you have
You don't have to desolder if you're careful not to snap the pins when you bend them back
But at least I have a pink and neon green ones now
Of all the systems I've owned, the Joycons are the only controllers I've ever had this consistent of an issue with. Every once in a blue moon N64 and GC would go off calibration, but those were such minor inconveniences. Even with minimal play this shit happens, I flat out avoid games that require the sticks now.
Anyone claiming they don't have the problem is a lying asshole. This issue needs to get through nintendo.
I am not fucking lying. Was I granted some fucking super joycons or something then? Did me dropping it on the floor unfuck them? You tell me but I am not lying.
Not him, and I'm happy for you, but this a very common issue even if you haven't experienced it.
It will happen sooner or later.
It's a flaw of the joy-con design (same as the d-pad of the Pro Controller).
Watch this:
*outputs up when pressing left and right*
You don't need to do any sodering, unless you break the soder points connected to the green clip while bending it out of the way. I did this for my ds4 controller because L2 would trigger Up on the left stick. The controller is working fine now.
I love the concept of the JoyCons, but the execution is really bad.
I'm having the same drift issues on 3 of my PS4 controllers. I really wanna find a solution to this shit
Yes I tried airspray and it only fixes it temporarily. It's fucking me over
Not airspray, contact cleaner.
I spray it once every 6 months, no drift since starting.
so WD-40? is it safe? if yes, how much?
Don't listen to this man he is retarded. The Pro Controllers drift too. Nintendo just has shit controllers this generation. Be prepared to send your shit in for repairs.
>procontroller is drifting and recalibrating is literally impossible and the air shit doesn’t work
I just bought a 3rd party wireless and it’s working fine for monster hunter but fuck me if I ever want to play splatoon again.
>R button stops working entirely.
It's like they made these shit on purpose to force you to buy a pro controller.
>b-but what about sharing the joy with another person??? what about handheld mode???
Meh, these controllers are total shit.
>Playing a character with a fast falling down air in smash.
>Stick drifts down while I'm off stage.
>works on my machine :)
My Joycon stick sensitivity has been assfucked since it came out of the box. And that was the second switch I opened because the first Switch I bought was literally coming apart at the seams when I opened the box and I needed to use my warranty to exchange it.
I had this problem recently but it turns out it was just dirty. Cleaning it solved the issue and the stick was back to normal.
Fuck this tree
My left joycon seems to have trouble sending signals sometimes, it'll either do nothing when I hit something or continue with an input after I stop pressing anything. Occasionally it'll disconnect entirely. Should I just buy another pair or what
h-he's fast
>mine started drifting around a year after getting a switch
>managed to temporarily fix the scratches on the contacts with a pencil but it seems it's wearing off too and it's starting to drift every now and then again
It doesn't help the joycons are fucking expensive too. I don't want to keep opening up the thing because I fear I might break the little plastic parts that secure the ribbon cables, or the cables themselves. How the fuck did Nintendo not figure out the stick would malfunction after a while?
Does anyone know if the 8bitdo controllers have the same issue? I'm thinking of getting one since people say they're good and they're cheaper than the Pro controller, but I don't know if the sticks on those have the same design flaw.
Do a better job
The Joycon stick has a different design, user. It's just a compact box with 4 little metal tabs that press against carbon contacts on a plastic sheet. See
>using the joycons
>taking your switch out of docked mode at any moment in time
Have sex.
What is this stick drift? Is that where the controller someones locks in one direction for a few seconds during a screen transition? I've had that in several games.
Seethe harder
The stick acts as if you're pressing it in a direction when in reality you're not even touching it. It will start as a few seconds thing, but over time it gets worse until even navigating the system menus is difficult because of it.
>Stick Drifts down while playing Belmont offstage
Right, that sounds like what I've had. Like a cutscene will end and my character will start running in one direction.
Also, I will note that I have never, EVER had a buggier time with a video game console in my life than the Switch. Outside of a handful of tiny indie ports which have been safe, every game I've played has had several ridiculous bugs and crashes.
Holy fuck, I'm glad it wasn't just me.
I ended up sending it to get repaired thanks to my warranty and got them back a couple of weeks ago. They've been fine ever since but I was questioning my ability to take care of my shit.
*buys new joycon*
>80 dollar controllers break after only a few months
Fuck Nintendo
>Using joy cons for smash
Are you retarded? that shit will kill your sticks
check youtube vids, I think there's a fix for that.
Also, update your controllers
Lmao no I keep my joycons cased up when I’m not using them. The drift has made smash unplayable and desu I don’t wanna play anything until I get new ones. I’m waiting for a potential upgrade at e3 because Joycons are comfy. I can just play games with my arms at my sides.
>recalibrate no longer responds properly
>reset to default
>doesn't respond at all
>brap it with a can of air
>no response
>no + when left at neutral
>hovers in one specific spot instead
>but this time fuck about with it
>been working for months
You'll have to try harder than that if you want me to bust that pro controller out ninty.
I wasn't talking about the joycon
Use a pro-controller/normal controller for games that use a lot of stick tapping and flicking, dumbtard.
Fighting games literally destroy your joy-cons
>waggle has completely fucking shit itself in the left joycon
>analog stick also tweaks the fuck out, not registering inputs left and then inputting left on up
>this is on top of the stick drifting
>spraying air under the flap hasn't done shit to help
I really like them design wise as far as bundled co-op controllers go, but this one is giving out in a little over a year.
Daily reminder that you can send your controller to nintendo to fix it.
Just have your ticket