This is what you were given with a PSP. This. You can't even store more than 10 songs on it

This is what you were given with a PSP. This. You can't even store more than 10 songs on it.

Attached: s-l640[2].jpg (640x640, 54K)

It was for saves

Digital market wasn't big back then

More than what you got with a Vita.

You can if you compress the mp3 enough.
Was the PSP able to play MIDI?


Two of these can fit in the physical space of one of those.

Attached: SQ7hhxy[1].jpg (755x472, 84K)

1 year later the 2GB SD was born.


Good job comparing it with something that came out more ten years later

It was back in a time all video game storage was just meant to store save data, that was more than enough. Despite the PSP being released with music and video playback capablities, Sony expected people to buy their UMDs for such content.

You mean 14 fucking years later.

>using a vidya console to store songs
Are you some kind of normie faggot?

psp go came with 16gb built in
vita? *crickets*

UMDs should have caught on. Consumers are entitled pieces of shit

>puts porn clips on there instead

Sony bunch of jews with their memory storage

Pieces of shit were slow, loud and got damaged all the time.
Everyone used a SD to MSD adapters and stopped using UMDs as fast they could.

How many people tried to open the UMD's when they first got their PSP?

Attached: tx4l8k5jkmw21.jpg (1024x725, 79K)

Sony Ericsson was a pretty big name for cellphones back then so memory sticks weren't hard to come by.
The Vita is where they went full retard with proprietary external storage in a time where fucking everything used SD cards

>Consumers are entitled pieces of shit
Stupid or just revising history? Sony advertised the UMD as being a huge all-compass format that they would support in several products back then, as in DVD players and the then new Blu-Ray players would have second ports for UMDs, Sony screamed their lungs saying UMD would be stronghold of its own, not just a thing for the PSP.

Turns out Sony never made it easy on movie studios to the UMDs cheap to produce, never made the UMD player a reality in any of their products beyond the PSP, the result was an overpriced format, more expensive than a DVD yet with video quality far inferior to it, and it only could be played on a PSP, it was Sony's portable betamax.

Attached: 1554301775456.jpg (352x550, 13K)

>Sony Ericsson was a pretty big name for cellphones back then so memory sticks weren't hard to come by.
Sony Ericsson didn't even start using Memory Sticks before Sony started trying push their Walkman brand onto it. It was 1 or 2 years after the PSP launched.

Just mp3 and m4a.

have we reached a storage plateau?
I don't see 16, 32, 64 TB HDD out there.

We've been stuck at 2, 4, even 8 TB drives for a long time.

>I don't see 16, 32, 64 TB HDD out there.
They exist but only in SAS, not SATA.

The reason we are stuck at 2, 4 and 8 is because making bigger ones its either expensive or unreliable as fuck because the number of platters would be insane.

The PSP had the bad luck to come out when flash prices were still too high to for game cards / carts to economically come close to the ~1.8GB capacity offered by UMDs, and right before online digital game distribution was proven to be a reliable business method. Sony also bet wrong on consumers not soon moving to digital (including streaming) distribution of movies and music. The PSP Go tried to correct this, just that it had the baggage of rendering your UMDs useless.

HDDs aren't progressing because they are physically limited, being mechanical. SSDs are still progressing rather quickly to the point we now have consumer 1TB SSDs

PSP and PS Vita were both awful

>Consumers are entitled pieces of shit
Imagine typing this unironically

They are also easy to expand.
Want bigger sizes? Just add more NAND chips.

He's literally not wrong, though. The customer is always retarded and most of the time don't even know what they want

Are you seriously trying to defend UMDs?

UMD's are pretty much just crappy minidiscs with all of the flaws and none of the benefits. Never got why they tried to force them if minidiscs, a Sony product, existed in the first place.

A 1TB sony memory stick would cost roughly seventy thousand dollars according to my calculations I just made up.