Rage 2 is offensive to people that had cleft palate when they were born

>Rage 2’s publisher Bethesda had just revealed a $119.99 collector’s edition that would come with a talking, robotic bust of Ruckus the Crusher, one of the game’s many goliath mutants. Like all the other Crushers in the game, Ruckus has a gash running from the top of its upper lip through his nose, as if its face didn’t fully form at birth.
>The mutation, I explained to Willits, looks like an exaggerated cleft lip and cleft palate. The original Rage used similar imagery for its mutants, and I told Willits how disappointed I felt to see the sequel following that same path. Fiction has long associated clefts with both villainy and mental health disorders, and it appeared the Rage franchise would perpetuate this cruel, damaging misrepresentation to a broad audience.
>Early in the game, I meet a scientist riding a humanoid beast. The creature also has a cleft lip, this one less exaggerated, more like my own at birth.
>my own at birth.
>at birth

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so hes saying he looks like that freak on the bottom? holy KEK!

>if I’m uncomfortable it shouldn’t exist
I don’t give a fuck about this mutants opinion

cant you get a surgery for it?

the scar never goes away

yeah who gives a shit

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So? I'm one of those people and I dont give a fuck. Harden the fuck up.
Red Dragon did the same thing, he justifies his killing due to having the condition.

what is this dude's head offends me?

In the USA it would probably cost you over $9000

what if* maybe I'm retarded too

its the kind of scar that says "i was born looking like a mutant and i still do because i have a cleft palate scar"
seeting cleft palate shitter lmao

From the look of that picture, that thing has a bit more to worry about than a cleft palate.

with this logic Tyrion in game of thrones shouldn't be a little person because that would make viewers who are short have to spend 8 seasons reflecting on their disability. defeated by facts and logic

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fucking lmao

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>Ubisoft trailer vs release

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>One is a hero
>One is a monster
I don't give a shit about this cleft lip shit, but you've missed the point by a mile. Maybe people like you should be mad that Rage makes fun of retards

i doubt people even know about it, i honestly never heard of the condition until now
jesus christ id be scared

it honestly looks pretty minor and nothing like the monster in the game
nigga is looking for reasons to be offended

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sure you havent, mutant
thats exactly the kind of quirk in someones appearance that will draw people to unconsciously and consciously notice

Absolutely S E E T H I N G, how not mad is this dude gonna get?


Attached: rage 2015-02-10 09-02-40-27.jpg (1920x1200, 1.09M)

now think about how much of the time he spends with his mouth hanging open instead of closed/talking and you'll see how much of a nonissue this is

>this person has a job writing articles

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keep coping, mutant

You clicked the link and gave them ad money so who’s the real idiot

i have ads blocked at the router level, so not really, user. they didn't even get a Google Tag Manager impression from me, either.

care you explain why you believe I have that specific birth defect?

rage is a shit franchise that deserves to be put down. absolutely pathetic aesthetic, a copy of a copy of a copy.

american friend (bad education and reading comprehension), i'm agreeing with you.

>white players self-insert as white characters
>black players self-insert as black characters
>gay players self-insert as gay characters
>game journalists self-insert as the deformed mutant monstrosity

She us clesrly fat in the instagram picture

Oh my fucking god, GET OVER YOURSELVES

>cleft palate

Oh shit! Did he died?

Why are people this thin skinned that they think that a random ass video game NPC is a personal attack on their disabilities?
Game devs don't create character models thinking "This character is to make fun of all the disabled people in the world, especially that one game journalist writing shit arctiles, this'll teach him"

Jesus fucking christ this indrustry is a joke

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this game is boring as shit. the dialog is so cringy that i stopped after an hour. Rage 2 feels like nu-doom but with bad writing, voiced character and sad quality story.

Stop pushing this fake outrage just because no one gives a shit about your game

Just played this "game" and it is as boring as the first game.
Tim Willits is a shit Midas, everything he touches or creates is shit. He is responsible for Doom 3, he is responsible for converting Quake from Singleplayer/Multiplayer into a Multiplayer franchise and Rage is his own creation. Fuck his bitch nigga ass.