post em boys
also this is a reminder that you will never be as immersed as him

Attached: chadhotd.webm (480x854, 2.93M)

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i really miss the arcade days Yea Forumsros
i always hated how those light hun shooters were never calibrated at most arcades

I wanna be like him when I grow up

Attached: SSS RANK.webm (720x480, 1.83M)

Attached: basedcat.webm (720x1280, 1.74M)

Man, we need more rail shooters and shmups.

school shooter training simulator

The cat saw how weak the owner truly was.

See this man? This is what the average hobbyist is in other hobbies. The reason video games are regarded as toys for children, is because the vast majority of people who play them don't have an iota of the passion, love, and dedication this man has for the hobby. Most of you faggots do this just to waste time, and nothing else.

Jesus, you're so painfully uncreative.