Is this game only for people that growed up playing different Smash games?
Because as a person who always avoided this series I really dont get it. People say that its a fighting game, but I never played a fighting game that felt that bad.
There is no combos, everyone is being launched by every strike, you are jumping like you are on the moon, everything is extremaly floaty and dont have any weight.
How do you get into the smash if you never played it before? I dont see what is so good about the gameplay
Is this game only for people that growed up playing different Smash games?
Take the time to assimilate things & generally just get good at the game before making assumptions
I'm sorry you're too brainlet for Smash.
Stick with your Street Fighter or similar slow-ass low skill trash instead.
Melee fixes everything you complained about. It even has better online
>clunky glitchfest
no thanks, smellee
Play Melee (or even 64). Every game after Melee became overly simplified and should not be played competitively.
Being stuck in a combo for a good 5 seconds isn't good gameplay mechanics. I refuse to see combos as a good thing ever
Rewarding someone for remembering a set of buttons to push in a row is stupid.. I want to interact with the opponent not watch his autism
Go on Youtube and actually watch people play the game at top level, you won't really get the same experience just playing against your friends or the computers.
Wait until you play the rest of smash games
Should I get a switch for this game anons? I have never played fighting games... Also i live in pajeetland so will i be able to get matches?