Teach Your Kids How to Respond to Hate Speech Online

Show this to your parents (and kids)!

>"The main thing that’s keeping me from allowing my eight-year-old son to join all his friends on popular online multiplayer games isn’t a fear that he’s going to give personal information away to creeps. It’s that I don’t want him exposed to the hate speech that is so prevalent online."

>"My kid and I talk regularly about race and racism and how to be an ally to people of color. We talk about different religions and what it means to be transgender and which words are respectful to say to women and which words are not. I try to keep no topic off-limits, especially when it comes to how we treat people and how we communicate with others. "

>"If someone is trying to hurt someone, or knows that they’re hurting someone, and does it repeatedly online, that’s cyberbullying. When someone expresses vicious views about a group or toward an attribute of a group, that’s hate speech."

>"Emphasize the importance of never sharing hate speech themselves. First and foremost, it’s hurtful and wrong. But it can also potentially be traced back to them and get them in trouble. Kids are impulsive, emotional decision-makers and they crave acceptance, which can lead to some pretty bad choices. "

How do you react to hate speech in video games, Yea Forums? What do you think we as gamers should do about it?


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Other urls found in this thread:



who the fuck let a 8 year old waste time online?





If I were a bougie, middle class parent I wouldn't want my precious, cherished child who I'd raised so carefully up to this point exposed to disgusting white trash retards online either

Shouting nigger until extenuation


>ally to people of color
I'm sure his mother's boyfriend appreciates that

>hello fellow goyim

Reddit spacing

Reddit spacing

Copy/paste content

Copy/paste content

Yadda yadda yadda

Teach your kids that cyber bullying isn't real. If a visual demonstration is required, show them how you would walk away from the computer.

anyone can write nigger especially on Yea Forums and you aren't accomplishing anything other than making yourself look like a sperglord with no social skills

nearly 10 years on and the subversion of OWS is STILL doing numbers on the so-called left

Go dilate.

>isn’t a fear that he’s going to give personal information away to creeps. It’s that I don’t want him exposed to the hate speech that is so prevalent online.
Literally more concerned about seeing bad words than being doxed/visited by predators
holy fuck

senile response but thanks for confirming you're like that

You call them a nigger back.
Xbox live taught you 2 things
Say nigger or get called a nigger


This is exactly what parents should do though. If you don't want them turning into degenerates than fucking parent them instead of leaving them to their own devices and then blaming everyone but yourself when they end up shitty

>ally to people of color


I’m so glad my dad never sat me down and had a talk about being an “ally to people of color”

Imagine the unbridled arrogance of that statement coming out of a sheltered white upper middle class person’s mouth.

There is no such thing as hate speech. Being offended is subjective and shouldn't be taken seriously by adults with half a brain

>how to be an ally to people of color
but what if they're are on the enemy team mom? can I call them niggers then?


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There’s a serious nigger in this thread


>dad someone called me mean words
>"call him a nigger"
>wtf dad I'm now banned

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this probably seems like a strong response to you instead of a generic response that immediately selects yourself into the oppositional defiant retard group no one wants to be around


>But it can also potentially be traced back to them and get them in trouble.
Imagine doxxing a kid over saying a naughty word.

How about you don't let your eight year old go on the internet period you dumb soccer mom?

>anyone can write n****r
Wow how about you cool it with the hate speech you sperglord

Based and redpilled
Cringe and seethingpilled

the defining thing about niggers is that they never learn and if you don't think you're acting like a white nigger right now i've got news for you


God I love this place

As long as it gets you triggered enough to response, my work is done.

Yeah good parneting, like telling your kids that having your feeling hurt ain't the end of the world and nothing is perfect in real life nor ever will be, not filling their head with retarted sjw brainwashing and falsehoods.

just wait a few years when censorship really starts to kick in, user. This will be commonplace, except the game will already have doxxed you via requiring a real id publicly shown to everyone to play

i would tell my child how to use a vpn


you made yourself even gayer with this
your playbook consists of about two replies and neither is good


Good, more people radicalized against corporate faggotry the better


This, hate speech is made up foolishness.


For you, yes.

>everyone griefs him for being a squeaker
>wtf why are online games so toxic?

Letting normalfags who get think naughty words said over the internet should be punishable by law or the court of public opinion was a mistake.

This thread was created by a nigger

I always found the term "people of color" mildfully offensive
Just call them people


>isn’t a fear that he’s going to give personal information away to creeps
I miss early 2000s

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I just remembered. Lifehacker is a subsidiary of Kotaku. This means this is another fucking shill attempt to get people to click on their site.

Fuck off, Kotaku.


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Shit like this happens now though, Followed by slander by the so called media.


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Double nigger

Squeakers need to be bullied on principle, not because they said the n-word.

>The main thing that’s keeping me from allowing my eight-year-old son to join all his friends on popular online multiplayer games isn’t a fear that he’s going to give personal information away to creeps. It’s that I don’t want him exposed to the hate speech that is so prevalent online.

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Its a rite of passage son

retard but also nigger

Teach them to say “shut the fuck up you faggot nigger”

>how to be an ally to people of color.

why does skin color matter to any white person? you are litterally giving all white people an artificial disadvantage when you say shit like this. what ever happened to thinking that skin color doesn't matter? you idiots are begging for the people to be divided and don't even realize it.

>Fuck u mother noob gg ez u suck nigger kys
OK or silence

i fucking hate americans and their american bullshit the have for the last 10 years. all about your shit country sucks dick and you infect the world via internet


>you're a nigger
>just tell them "no u" works every time


>responding to bait
high quality article


It's retarded, but they want to feel part of a victimhood so they can keep being offended and claim to be struggling against non-existant oppression.

>you made yourself even gayer
Amazing, you're free to use such hateful language with no consequences but when others use it they're a problem....

>how to create a cuck in 10 easy steps by Meghan M. Walbert

>I try to keep no topic off-limits
>except for topics that have opinions contrary to my own

High quality post my nigga

>My kid and I talk regularly about race and racism and how to be an ally to people of color.
okay this is epic

>somebody says something mean to me in a video game
>pretend to be a 12 year old, oblivious mexican kid until they are fuming
>mute them if i'm too tired to pull the retarded spic child shtick out

teach your kids to have a sense of humor and not be a big whiny retarded faggot like my dad did

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>Kids are impulsive, emotional decision-makers and they crave acceptance, which can lead to some pretty bad choices.
The lack of self-awareness is incredible.


>How do you react to hate speech in video games
I don't look at the chat window

This. Or at the very least pay attention to the age ratings of the games you let your kids play if you're really that concerned about their fragile little minds being warped by hearing bad words online. Take something like Fortnite, which this cunt's ugly child probably loves, it's got a PEGI rating of 12 and and ESRB rating of 13. So uh, maybe don't let your 8 year old play a game that's deemed too mature for them. Maybe don't let them play with teenage boys online if you don't want them to get called a faggot by some pimple faced prick with a whiny voice.

get triggered faggot




the point that this gives you no power and makes you look autistic seems to be lost on the average retard here

When will idiots that take the internet too seriously learn that responses like this only encourage them? Stop feeding the trolls you triplenigger

Person first language is always clunky as hell, and I hate how I have to pay lip service to it as a teacher.

If i were to let my son play vidya online, I would tell him to not be crude.
Instead, he needs to git gud and be obnoxious such as saying "?" after an enemy fucks up, calling gg early on, and other shit thats more effective than a kid screaming "fuck your mom" on xbox live

>farming Yea Forums for hateclicks out of desperation because your media company is dying

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>makes (you) look autistic

Yep. Imagine believing what color vagina you fell out of is more important than how you act or what you accomplish in life.

>How do you react to hate speech in video games?
I hate toxic players. I usually tell them they're worthless subhumans that should have been aborted before their whore of a mother shat them out.

>teach your kids how to get bullied

I thought someone was calling blacks "colored" when I first heard this term. It sounds horribly racist and I'm not a fan.

I miss the days when online games had
>Online interaction is not rated by the ESRB
Also, any parent (especially these days) should realize that the moment you put kids together without adult supervision, they will be acting offensive and swearing like sailors.

Yeah, hah, imagine being a (((Nigger)))


Just tell them some people can't think of anything clever to say, so they rely on tired slurs because they know it will get a reaction. It's simpleton stuff and he just has to ignore it and mute em

thank you for emailing me



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>teach your kids to press the report for toxic behavior button, this will help them in future real life interpersonal conflicts

>When someone expresses vicious views about a group or toward an attribute of a group, that’s hate speech.
That's not even what hate speech is, that's the thought policing bullshit some (((people))) want to push.
You would have to incentivize violence or some other crime in order to break a law by merely speaking.


they aren't trolls they are retards who think that being able to say nigger is the solution to all of life's problems and i'm here to educate them

>tfw Yea Forums is a right wing board

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Bullying squeakers is good for them. It toughens em up.

Ok. Nigger


Thank god an article like this exists, children online really need to be more respectful to our transgender citizens. I hate those rude ones who use slurs, shame on them. Pathetic.

So instead of her son wasting his life away playing video games he will instead by virtue of her bad parenting be wasting his life away being a race-obsessive and studying tribes instead of studying subjects that actually improve Humanity as a whole without wasting brain cells on social farting.
Only the most infantile and uneducated of people believe regulating hate speech makes the hate go away, and only the socially and mentally inept think hate is a manufactured phenomena that it can be eliminated as opposed to being a genetic predisposition and a pretty complex phenomena in its conception. Therefore the infantile and uneducated people waste their lives trying to eliminate it while the people with a brain tackle economic and technological fields that have a widespread influence on the root causes of hate with actual tangible effect on reducing its effects.
It's the difference between a preacher and a farmer for instance, you can't preach away hate but you sure as fuck can suppress it by providing food to people, therefore preachers like this woman belong into the group of mentally inept.

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It's actually true. I know socially awkward kids raised on vidya who think it's okay to use racial slurs in public. They don't get that part of being respectful means understanding that your feelings about a word aren't the feelings shared by others. I don't think they're racist monsters, just disrespectful assholes.

Call of Duty MW2 voice chat was cancer so.

It’s pretty fucking retarded. Colored is offensive, colored person is offensive, person of color is ok. It’s like choosing the word negger.

>keeping me from allowing my eight-year-old son to join all his friends on popular online multiplayer games
Good way for raising cuck.

shut the fuck up gay bitch
pick one side or the other


>My kid and I talk regularly about race and racism and how to be an ally to people of color.

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>tfw Yea Forums is a shitposting board

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This board is about video games, not politics.

In other words,

>I told my kids trannies are normal and Islam is good


a shame that defending free speech and telling kids to grow thicker skin is now considered "right wing". if only you pussies knew what real problems were.

So basically another ivory tower navel gazer who doesn't actually have to live with the people they claim to love so much?


Squeakers bully themselves. Get over it. Imagine being the only kid in your class not allowed to play Fortnite. If he wasn't getting bullied before, he will now. He'll grow up to resent his parents if they keep isolating him like this. Instead of religious nuts freaking out over how satanic vidya is now its neopuritans freaking out over how toxic vidya is.


Just fucking put them on games with no means of communication, or mute them & everyone
It's that simple
Games are at their purest where everyone shuts the fuck up.

the sjws made us do this

>teach them to be an ally
Just teach them to be a person. Why do people still insist on othering any skin color that isn't your own. It's pretty easy to not be racist.

>How do you react to hate speech in video games, Yea Forums?

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My version will be "what other people do with their bodies is their choice and none of your business". The islam thing is fine, just explain that bad people often use a religion to justify their hate. Happens with christianity and islam all the time

I love midday rascist threads in bed. So comfy


Kids shouldn't be playing online games. When I have kids I'm going to do what my parents did with me and forbid them from playing games online until they turn 15 or 16. If they're going to play vidya with some friends they'll do it with friends they made in real life and where they can actually interact with one another in person

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>Picture is a Nintendo switch, which doesn’t even have proper voice chat

How out of touch are journalists?

This is God's honest truth right here

>How do you react to hate speech in video games?

I call whoever says it based.


>Europe time
>everyone shits on Trannies
>USA time
>everyone turns into trannies

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I bet there's no black people within a 5 mile radius of their house

Like what?

It doesn't matter what you call them. Any term for them will eventually become a slur, because the thing being described is so bad. Same reason Jews throw a fit at being called Jews.

His wife's boyfriend bought that for their son


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Based dragon priest poster.

God this is the truth. White people are so retarded if they’re not in the immediate vicinity of black people. It’s like unless they can see the danger exists, they just relax into idiocy and transgenderism. Fucking retards.

Would >journalists get PTSD for spending some time in xbox live chat during its peak?


tl;dr: Poverty and ignorance are bad, mkay?

>M-m-muh video games! Muh board quality!
Yeah shut the fuck up you hopeless nerd. Here's a news flash for you, Yea Forums isn't and hasn't been about video games for a long time. What people like me want on this board is what goes on this board and the mods have long since given up, they'll delete threads only when convenient for them which could sometimes be hours. They consider Yea Forums a dumping ground and you should too, get the fuck over it. Talk about what you want and shitpost and get it out of your system

And if wittle baby manchild still wants to discuss his electronic toys, you can go ahead and take that to /vg/, reddit, or the other video game boards where your precious "discussion" goes to die, you little cuck. Eat my shit, drown in it. This isn't your board or your safe space and never fucking will be

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Triple nig.


US is the last country remaining that has not outlawed hate speech by the way

Not for long tho :^)
The process has already started and most social media platforms already ban you for hate speech.

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Jews hate being called Jews because they are trying to blend in as white

>I don't want to protect my child from online predators
>I want to protect them from the N word

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No, it isn't. I guarantee Somalia has nothing like what you just mentioned.

Anyone who posts in this thread is a nigger

no u nigger

Millennial parents who unironically believe in "toxicity" in vidya will be the new christian soccer moms of the 2020s

This is a smart poster.

This is a dumb nigger.

I know this is meant to be a retarded bait thread where incels and /pol/niggers get all mad at ze SJWs, but I will be teaching my son in a few years to NOT be a fairy about this shit. "Do the crime do the time", if you're a raging fuckwad and get banned then take it on the chin like a man, you had it coming. It's not wrong to bring out major bantz sometimes, but you're just as pathetic or more as the whiners if you then turn into a little bitch yourself over facing social consequences.

Also, if it's MP it's not just your game, nor your servers. There are rules. Breaking them doesn't mean the end of your life but it can mean a permaban. Don't come whining to me about it (which is also why I will never allow him to use my account or my cards).

Finally keep a bright line between it and IRL. Free Speech/Association is infinitely recursive after all. So long as you never use your real name or post it on social media shit or whatever worst that can happen is a server ban and some lessons learned.

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>My kid and I talk regularly about race and racism and how to be an ally to people of color. We talk about different religions and what it means to be transgender and which words are respectful to say to women and which words are not
Holy shit, what a fucking cuck

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>try to blend in with a host race
>also try to genocide host race
This is going to end hilarious

you thought by using nig instead of the full word but cubing it you could slip it past but you were wrong

every tranny I know has been from europe though

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What if your kid never gets any friend?

>How do you react to hate speech in video games, Yea Forums?
I don't. I'm immunized. I'm used to it as a Slav. However if some SJW tries projecting their western white guilt onto me because i look similar to them, i deal with it by punching them in the kidney because such faggotry is the only thing i'm not immunized against due to knowing my history.
>What do you think we as gamers should do about it?
Nothing. Continue playing games and continue studying in real life and improving yourself. Every second you don't spend improving yourself or balancing out your mental health with entertainment/family, is a second wasted on worthless shit.

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i see what you did there

There is no hate speech in video games. These chucklefucks are a bunch of millennials that have no idea what real hate speech is. Hate speech has pretty much been non-existent since the mid-90s. There's a reason the liberals stole the term "hate speech" the same way the stole "rape" - they WERE ONCE powerful words with very real meanings. And just hearing them made a shadow go over your face because the connotation was sad and depressing.

Today? Whatever. Fucking idiots. There's some """hate speech""" for you.

How about you start being a decent human being?

>literally a failed ex-socialist nation

>be me
>turn into nig from this thread
>still have my white pee pre
Just kill me

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It's used because it's a less offensive way of saying "non-white". Person of color is less offensive because you are recognizing their personhood first and you aren't naming the majority they are other to.

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shes actually 100% right. not because people say nigger and cunt online, but because the majority of online players are an endless source of whining and negativity, and her kids better off not interacting with whiny losers

No, i'm just lazy, you quad nigger.

Then I'll just let you guys be his friends

Amerilard here, sorry our shit keeps trying to get slapped on to you, slavbro.

Tranny Nigger.


Who cares, it's not like the west has much left anyway.
The moment dumbass millennials get into positions of power, it's all over.

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>Today? Whatever. Fucking idiots. There's some """hate speech""" for you.
Confirmed for not knowing what hate speech is.

It's the same fucking thing you dumbass. It's still making them an "other".

Define decent human being.

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She isn't right. She's teaching him to be a social justice warriors selling himself for free to various tribes, instead of focusing on developing productive skills and being a winner who doesn't sell himself for free like a social activism prostitute.

The liberals and their propoganda are infinitely more dangerous than the kids online. Know why? Because the kids online aren't serious. They will call you niggers and faggots and tell you go to dilate on your DilationStation all day long, but it's meaningless. Then the liberal rolls in and starts talking about teaching children that chopping their dick off is okay. And THEY'RE DEAD SERIOUS. That degenerate brainwashing is a lot more dangerous to my kids.

Teach your kid about the mute button, and that words only have power if you give them power.


Oh no, negativity, we need to avoid being negative all the time, the world is full of rainbows please avoid anything negative even criticism please, give me a safe space.

This is you.

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This is a great example of what the person you replied to is talking about, millennial. Go watch some documentaries of the LA riots or the AIDS scare, then get back to us on your "hate speech"

Hate speech is millennial gibberish.
Everything millennials fight for will be used to mock them in the future.

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>>"My kid and I talk regularly about race and racism and how to be an ally to people of color. We talk about different religions and what it means to be transgender and which words are respectful to say to women and which words are not. I try to keep no topic off-limits, especially when it comes to how we treat people and how we communicate with others. "

I wonder what the kid's biological dad thinks

>tfw we live in an age where teabagging someone you killed in a game is considered a hate crime


Fuck. Let’s mock them now

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Why the ableism?



>that person smearing my name, spreading rumors and lies about me on the internet magically disappears when I turn off my computer

This. Fucking faggots need to become a hardass like me, for saying nigger in a video game.

Advertisers wish they could say nigger

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You might, considering you unironically get PTSD from the so called "hate speech".
I mean, if you can't handle internet shitposting, you actually expect me to suggest you to spend some years in the military or something?
Although it would be hilarious to see millennials in a warzone.


You’re better off letting your kid interact with a few big losers so they recognize what being a fucking faggot loser is like and can identity how not to be one

>People need to just learn to get thick skin
This is the crux of the argument.
Why do people need to get thick skin? Because you did?

Here's the thing about video games; they're supposed to be fun.
Hearing some 14 year old talk about banging my mom over and over isn't fun. It has never been fun. You don't find it fun either, hence the "Thick skin" comment.

People who do that kind of stuff during games are assholes, and assholes that you've grown accustomed to over time are still assholes.

I don't play games to deal with assholes, I play them to have fun.

People who think cyberbullying is bullshit is basically saying harassment is bullshit. All cyberbullying laws are is anti-harassment laws to cover the internet interactions.


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its one thing dealing with negative people irl and another being flooded by them online

Or at least not cry about it like a bitch

>Facebook bans Louis Farrakhan, Alex Jones for hate speech
>The social media company also bans Paul Nehlen, Milo Yiannopoulos, Paul Joseph Watson and Laura Loomer.

It's just a matter of time until they're banned on youtube and twitter.


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you;re gonna be seething when Trump extends the first to the net and online gaming

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I don't give a shit about people saying nigger online but it's absolutely unbelievable to me that people literally post on Yea Forums while pretending to be above cartoons and cereal.

>being flooded by them
So what?
Who gives a fuck?

Seriously, I wonder what would happen to all of you if you were sent back to 2005 and forced to spend an hour on the internet.
Would you geta a heart attack?
Would you kill yourselves?
What a bunch of fucking pussies.

God never said you aren't allowed to say nigger to people online. Also God said he made women to be servants to men so go back to the kitchen and stop bitching.

They don’t gotta worry about that when playing on a Switch.

> Implying I ever plan on having kids
Changing diapers and dealing with them crying all the time when they're babies and dealing with their shitty rebellious phases in middle school just seem like too much of a pain in the ass to deal with. Plus having kids around seems like it'd be hell on one's sex life

>word used to offend black people by whites
>black people now use it to address other black people
still doesn't make fucking sense to me, why would they of all people want to keep the word around

>linking the clickbait article
kys nigger


They don’t follow me from fucking Halo you retard

We're taking back the world.

It's hard not to feel superior to the average western millennial.
I mean, you have to be something like a drug addict or something to fall lower than them.

Absolutely fucking based.


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You don't get respect by default. Why should the kid respect people being offended by his words? Why shouldn't you respect his opinion and expression of it even if you don't like it? Why is all of this such a concern?

Hate speech is just free speech that insane leftists disagree with.

You're playing online games to compete against and defeat your opponents, that's not a safe space for anyone involved by definition.

It's not though, non-white separates people from what they are not, holding what they aren't as the standard and person of color brings them together based on what they are and, as a bonus, respectfully recognizes personhood first. I'm not saying there's a huge difference and if you say "non-whites" you're racist, just letting you know why one is seen as more respectful than the other.

Because nigger wasn't an "offensive" word for hundreds of years

>have a word that we can say to each other but we get to punch white people who say it
It’s a power move nigga!

>it doesn't happen to me therefore it doesn't exist

this is why cyber bullying is illegal, because normal harassment and libel laws don't stop people from anonymously starting fake accounts in your name and spreading bullshit about you

If I could learn to ignore mean words online, why can't you?
If my best friend, who grew up poor, in a ghetto, and was actually bullied at a school in a county that still had an active Klan chapter, could learn to ignore mean words online, why can't you?

>flinging faeces

i take you seriously

>Although it would be hilarious to see millennials in a warzone.

Marine recruiter here. You don't have to worry about that. 95% of the people that are looking to join up, are doing so specifically because they weren't coddled and raised in the best circumstances. These are the faggots in dresses or basedboys you see all over the internet. These are the kids that have no better choice. Often times, it's even court-ordered. "Join the service, or go to jail". Yes, they can do that. If any real millennial slips through the cracks, they have to man up within 2 weeks of getting on that bus or it will be absolute hell on them, from a social standpoint. Kids raised in poor families hate nothing more than entitled faggots that only join the military because of 'legacy' or some shit.

>Why do people need to get thick skin?
Because no one likes pussies?
I do wonder what will happen to the likes of you when the welfare state collapses.

>>that person smearing my name, spreading rumors and lies about me on the internet magically disappears when I turn off my computer
I have no idea how you got that out of my post at least. I was talking only about video games and behavior in video games. In that setting it's possible to stay 100% pseudonymous, unless you specifically want to play with IRL friends, but even there you can make a separate specific account for that and be more careful with it and also know who might be shittalking.

Hate speech is when you call for hate. When you argue some ethnicity should be genocided in a political setting for instance. Not when you curse online. Americans are fucking retarded.

This is why I don't play online with white guys anymore.
They fall into one of two camps; annoying faggot who gets upset by all forms of banter and acts like a little bitch, or annoying faggot who spams chat being edgy like a 12 year old and never shuts the fuck up.
Can't be dealing with that anymore, so I just said fuck it and gave up.
Don't even get me started on white women.

Good ol George was a modern prophet

So you're saying you should be able to say whatever you want to whoever you want without fear of repercussions? Sounds like a safe space to me.


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>Lefties are impulsive, emotional decision-makers and they crave acceptance, which can lead to some pretty bad choices


I want to kill myself everyday and the replies on here taking me seriously are one of the few things keeping me going

Post more projared

>smear campaigns totally have no affect on you
>hey user I saw some shit online they're publishing all sorts of crap about you.
>nah it doesn't matter its ok
>user we can't offer you the job, after doing some back ground history we see you have a large online presence as an exotic fetishist we can't have that at our company

Fuck white people. Would genocide them if I could.

You retarded niggers don’t understand that all of the tech companies are left leaning, and not adhering to this new standard is eventually going to have repercussions for you.

There’s logged text of you calling someone a cumfarting butt faggot somewhere, and someone with enough incentive could link you to it

Stop being a tranny and you might no longer be suicidal.

Looks like a prime target for a Muslim suicide bomber.

the last few years of his routines were literally just "listen to me bitch about everything i don't understand because i'm older than you"

By the time he died Carlin was the exact same fucking thing he used to rail against early in his career, a fucking hack, skirting around on name and legacy alone.

and all these boomer comedians ate that shit up. Bill Maher, Dennis Leary, Bill Hicks, Dennis Leary, Marc Maron, Louis CK, and others all fucking propped him up because "he was so controversial when we were kids and now he's preaching about how except him and us are stupid!"

>person of color brings them together based on what they are
>~80% of the planet's population
wow what a grouping

> Teaching kids how to respond to hate speech
> When kids probably scream nigger, faggot, jew, etc. more than anyone else when it comes to online games

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no problems with your kid playing a game where the goal is to kill everything that moves

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This stupid bitch. First of all actually raise your 8 year old yourself, don't let the games raise him.
You can perfectly play couch coop games together instead of letting him online.
Secondly, as a kid you learn the best through adversity. You NEED to let your kid get hurt, he needs to cry, to feel anger, to blow steam and to laugh afterwards.
This way your kid builds character and learns to have empathy. Just drawing imaginary lines with what your kid is and isn't allowed to say doesn't teach him shit.
If you want an emotionally-distant son with bouts of pent-up frustation and no life experience, by all means continue

t.emotionally-distant guy with bouts of pent-up frustation and no life experience trying to recover

>Often times, it's even court-ordered. "Join the service, or go to jail"
Wait what?

Why is she so attractive?
Im seriously mesmerized by this picture.

>Implying it isn't the little underage brats that go NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER JEW HATE FAGS SMASH TRANNIES the most
Never let your kid go online, we don't want them to ruin our games.

Trump is literally a boomer who thinks video games make you violent and turn you into a monster.

Dude, it's offensive, as someone who's actually non-white I outrank you in this regard.
It's a moronic term, it'd be like calling women "person of vagina" (fuck off trannies, no one cares).
I'm black, just call me black, fuck off with all this other stupid bullshit made to help upper class sheltered white kids feel less guilty.,

Attached: httpswww.youtube.comwatchv=00dMxi71fTM.png (1500x2000, 1.64M)

Ted Kaczynski said it best, lefties are over-socialized.

>those words in a squeaky voice

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Fuck this dumb trans nigger

What repercussions? Being called a cunt in response? Nobody is stopping you, you know.

Yeah, they do as long as you're not a fucking idiot who makes your personal life public all over the internet like most retards who end up as lolcows do.

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>t.emotionally-distant guy with bouts of pent-up frustation and no life experience trying to recover
Been there for 27 years, and the last 6 years of my life have been the best.
Its doable, the hardest part is actually opening up to your SO if you ever get one.

>as someone who’s actually non-white I outrank you in this

Because otherwise other people won't find you dependable as an individual because you are easily tirggered and shit your pants when seconds count in real life situations and you therefore fuck up a situation for everyone or even endanger other people's lives with your lack of emotional resilience.

However if you sign a pledge that you will not go among general society and will instead vow to be a basement recluse, then you don't have to develop thick skin, just so long as you keep yourself in your hugbox and don't stain the outside world with your presence.

People like you are why mental institutions exist, so the unworthy humans can be stuffed into a controlled environment since they can't operate in the real world. The sad thing is that mental health and mental institutions are broken in a lot of the West.

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That is legitimate for social media but your real name and life shouldn’t even be connected to a game profile.



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Yeah in the states they usually give youth ultimatums that are "prison or service". Which is fucked up for one, two I really don't know why they want to fill the military with criminals, people don't go in and come out better people, they come out the same but better at following orders.

>it'd be like calling women "person of vagina"

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Why aren't they the same

Harassment in a game vs Harassment on social media

how ARENT those the same? They're the same with different media of the same subject

Millions of parents over the last 3 decades.

Because the entire point of social media is putting your real name out on the internet so you can interact with people you actually know in real life you fucking mong.
In a game you're essentially anonymous unless you're a moron.
Fucking white people, I swear to god.

>Someone who just wants to be called black using commas correctly

Something doesnt add up here.

>I don't like him calling me a nigger
>wow wtf this isn't right why are you seeking legal help

because harassment in online games doesn't necessarily mean legalese you fucking retard

You're drawing a comparison without a similarity

Yup. My dad was ordered into the Marines. That would have been around 1967-68. He was a misfit, but not a violent criminal. Just screwed around too much. From what I heard, the one that landed him in the service was breaking into some hotel and going swimming. He was a repeat offender at that point, but harmless. So the judge gave him the choice of going to jail or joining the armed forces.

*punches your ass and dick in* HIYAH! *roundhouses your head repeatedly*
*snips dick*

This thread sucks ass.

I’m really proud of all the goys in this thread

>Why aren't they the same
Are you actually retarded?

Light is the Sun, light, warm, healthy, good.
Black is the Night, cold, dangerous, unknown.
Brown is the Shit, dirty, smelly, diseased.

>You don't get respect by default.
You do, it's one of the basic things that makes civilization. I know what you mean, the extent of respect is always called into question, but respecting each other, to a degree, is the default.

>Why should the kid respect people being offended by his words?
Because respect is due to him too and there's no telling how those words make people feel.

>Why shouldn't you respect his opinion and expression of it even if you don't like it?
Because he's being the most disrespectful in this situation. "Respect his disrespect for you and everyone around" doesn't make sense.

>Why is all of this such a concern?
Because people have ears. If my friend was blasting music from his phone in public I'd also tell him to stop.

I'm pretty sure the military doesn't have to accept people who are ordered to join via court order. For the reasons you stated, does the military really want to train a proven criminal in military skills?

user you just made my day.

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Thanks for the encouragement, now that I'm able to do whatever I want I've been making small gains towards fulfillment

>fell for the hemp wick meme
>fell for the shitty fudge-packer lighter meme
>fell for the $1800 bong that will shatter in your hands meme
>bragging about smoking pot on Reddit
>shitty poor person trailer-trash bowl and cheap-looking "silverware"
>smokes nicotine on top of weed
At least they'll die of cancer.

That's why it's used when discussing western politics.

I'm non-white too. It isn't about people not wanting to call you black, it's about people wanting to address the non-white demographic respectfully. People who self identify as "person of color" usually do so to speak generally of the non-white experience.

>Why do people need to get thick skin? Because you did?
where do you draw the line? We're at the point where being white is a microaggression requiring special safe spaces for minorities. Why does someone being offended matters? The world doesn't revolves around you. "I'm offended by that" so fucking what?

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As a Jew, I just want to say I’m superior to all of you. You are all niggers to me.

You're bringing it back around to assuming verbal abuse is the only form of toxic behavior it is, which is intellectually dishonest and vastly over-simplifying.
The fact is, it's the only form of toxic behavior you CAN argue, because it's the only form with any kind of moral gray area.
It also happens to completely ignore all other forms of toxic behavior in games, which happens to be the other 95% of everything that counts as toxic behavior, which is reprehensible and completely indefensible under any circumstances.

Also, your entire argument hinges on the premise that shittalking is okay simply because it happens and there's no way to stop it.
It's a self-defeating argument, because saying something is okay simply because there's nothing you can do about it is basically the same as saying it's NOT okay if you CAN stop it.

Which means it's not okay.

Because you leave your fucking personal life out of video games as long as you're not a retard. You strike me as the kind of fucking moron who'd use a picture of himself in real life and put your personal info like your real name and shit in your profile information.

its the "educated" that are falling for it
I put educated in quotations as these people went to university but for a meme degree like gender studies


I’m “white” (European). Let’s be real, our skin is actually a pinkish beige.

where do you draw the line? Is "gg ez" problematic?

>I am not afraid that my child might get abducted by someone who will throw them in a rape dungeon and butcher their body to feed to his pit bulls all because he told some weirdo on minecraft where we live and when he/she might be home alone.
>Now, my child hearing the word nigger. That's truly horrifying.

I'm black and when I get called a nigger I laugh

All of that can be done without uttering a single word, whether you like it or not


What is the meaningful difference in regards to this issue? Both are owned by people who have the power to kick you out on your ass, and who don't have to deal with rebellious children chimping out at everyone else if they don't want to. If you don't want to get kicked out of a real-life venue, you don't act like you do on Yea Forums. The exact same is true of most online games. There are different language contexts in real life, and there are also different language contexts on the internet

Prove it, post your nose.

>pinkish beige.
European here, what the fuck is wrong with you.

Post your cut dick and curly sideburns

Refusing to communicate with your teammates is a bannable offense.

I’m black and I love punching white kids who call me nigger in public. Usually I act like a nigger to provoke them, and then beat their bitch ass

Nose or GTFO.

>White women are incredibly sensitive to "Hate speech"
>So now we all have to pretend we're sensitive to hate speech.

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Not all online games are team based, and we would better off if the main ones weren't.


>You do, it's one of the basic things that makes civilization.
You don't.
- Psychologically Respect is not defined as an inherent concept, it is defined as admiration fueled by a subjective principle or set of principles which vary from person to person and can easily contradict between any two people.
- Mathematically you can't get respect by default if our lifespans don't allow it to be processed for every human on the planet, you can't get everyone's admiration.
- Logically, respect isn't a default if you have not shown anything worth admiring, admiration needs a spark to develop into respect.
- Respect Paradox is another problem - Those who actively beg for respect most often get least of it and deserve it the least, because most people dislike beggars from the social standpoint, financial is a different topic.

Conclusion, all people start from 0 respect. Whether that will go into negative or positive depends on how dumbshit you are, how dumbshit another person finds you AFTER contact is established, and this varies.
Being Human in itself isn't cause for respect, because being human comes with a sum of both inherent negative and positive traits, being human is not inherently positive, and therefore yet again whether someone should respect you or not is not dependent on your whims but on whether another person finds you worthy of their standard/quality demands to waste their limited lifespan on you, because lifespan is more precious than your existence to others and vice versa.

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Post your skin next to a piece of printer paper, snownigger

You evidently don't know what I mean. There is a difference between neutral tolerance and positive respect. Tolerating others to varying degrees is necessary for society, but affording everybody some measure of respect is absurd. Why is it the kid's concern how his words make people feel? It may be unpleasant, but he has no obligation to respect a stranger, much less one made of glass. Why is his disrespect for, say, a passing gay or woman or black man or whatever more disrespectful or heinous than your disrespect for his feelings?
As for the last point, blasting shit music is hardly viewed as a huge concern by anyone outside cramped apartment buildings, whereas this stuff is treated as a hill not only worthy of dying on, but DEMANDING it.

Trying to classify naughty words or ideas you don't like and attach the descriptor hate speech does not work for people with above ambient temp intelligence. Language is a tool and in games it's always been used to tilt games. Show me a true believer and i'll show you 1000 people who are just trying to screw with you. I have been gaming online since the early 90's and saw the rise of the professional victim class in real time. You keep freaking out about what people are saying online but the only lesson your kid should have gotten or even been able to figure out on his own is that games are games and that the things you encounter online are meaningless and should not carry into the real world. I never thought the helicopter generation could get worse but it has. Now those children with a participation trophy in hand are raising their own to blame everything from the state of society to their own children's disposition and mental state on banter and bullshit. What should gamers do about it? Nothing, give it another 5 to 10 years and they will move on to blaming something else for there problems.

What's with white americans pretending to be blacks?

define it, what is acceptable and what is not?

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that's it. we're pulling our funding from here now!

I-I’m a girl user

It's defined by the TOS of whatever service you're using.

i taught my nephew to just call everyone a nigger if they insult him he seems to have a fine time with it

Hate speech is free speech. Call your state representative and tell him you want something like Texas's stop social media censorship act.

getting that youtube link was a bitch and a half

Oy vey, this is pretty antisemitic goyim

Not that guy, but recognizing "gg ez" as toxic isn't the end of free speech, it's just calling it what it is. It's meant to offend, it's meant to get the salt flowing. If it's just bad sportsmanship as a joke there's no way of telling who is in on the joke and who appreciates it so it still swings back around as a "fuck you".

b&r fpbp
t. nigger

>where do you draw the line
Calling someone non human because they have different race, nationality, gender or sexuality.
Creating a community that revolves around the idea of white/black/whatever superiority or superiority of whatever nation, gender or sexuality.
Calls for violence against any of those groups.

There is your line.

Did he stutter?

>>"My kid and I talk regularly about race and racism and how to be an ally to people of color.
Stopped reading there.

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>what other people do with their bodies is their choice
>you shouldnt harm somebody elses body
>A fetus is another body growing inside a woman, so if she kills herself thats her choice and okay, however if she instead directly targets the baby and has that killed then she is a murderer and should be publically shamed for having haunted ghost pussy

t. sperglord with no social skills

Found the NIGGER

>It's meant to offend
You are offended.
So fucking what?

Defend free speech, unless it's something you don't like, then you got to go out of your way to censor it.

Attached: file.png (3200x1680, 2.21M)

user that's terrible

I'm about to type nigger. nigger.

Based Quakedad


Who entertains the idea of their child being transgender? The same people who give their kids tablets and then wonder why in the world they're so fucked up.

Monitor what your kids are doing on the Internet. No social media before 18.

Just tell them to call the other person a Faggot. Reserve the word Nigger for only extreme conditions or Bridges.

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Do these people even go outside?

Also, nice videogames

this is just fucking mumbo jumbo. Tell me exactly what is acceptable or what is not

So did the kid

We shouldn't be censoring hate speech, or SJWs.
We should be censoring millennials from having any form of opinions.
They should be forced to be work drones until they die.
They have proved for 10 years that they have nothing of value to contribute to this world in terms of inventions and ideas, so it's time to shut them up.

Attached: millennials millennialing.jpg (2970x1980, 1.91M)

If "toxic behavior" happens in literally every game no matter what and every single time must companies dedicate their precious time to ban everyone all the time, why don't they just accept that HUMANS ARE LIKE THAT.
Just remove text/voice chat, just go with pre-made sentences that are relevant to the game and use shit like Dark Souls message system for anything else so you both allow any nationality to communicate as well as removing any possibility people would have to say the terrible, disgusting, terrifying N word.

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You gonna cry, bitch boy

>it's about people wanting to address the non-white demographic respectfully.
Dumbfuck, "non-white" is not a demographic.
It's not some monolith, as a black person my desires, goals, wishes, wants, etc. etc. are VASTLY different from yours as someone who's not black.
This is like equating "female" with "has tits" instead of "has an XX chromosomeset."
You and I are NOT interchangeable just because we both have brown skin, fuck off with that shit.

Somalia doesnt have a government

Fucking spearchuckin niggers

I can't wait for the next decade or so of transgender kids blaming their parents for letting them ruin their bodies and futures so said parents could show off how progressive they are.


She did s-stutter.
I bet she loves being abused and forced to admit how much she loves it.
Im the same but a guy

They should just limit communication in all online games.
Just get the best figureheads of a given game and get them to come up with command prompts that can be seen by your team mates to indicate what you wish them to do: You can map it to an unused button or keyboard shortcut.
There's no need for communication or emoting in games beyond that. If you wanna be emotional, do so with your friends.


>my 8 year old
>My kid and I talk regularly about race and racism and how to be an ally to people of color. We talk about different religions and what it means to be transgender and which words are respectful to say to women and which words
Yeah I’m sure your kid has nothing else to do loves having discussions about that
Sjws shouldn’t be allowed to have children

I can not comprehend how a group that styles itself as "anti-racists" proceed to then divide the world again into "white" and "not white". It's crazy to me.

>Who entertains the idea of their child being transgender? The same people who give their kids tablets
Lmfao. What the FUCK, dude.

>Hearing some 14 year old talk about banging my mom over and over isn't fun.
underage faggots getting mad and sperging out while you dominate them is the most fun part of any multiplayer game
do you even play games?

I'm not even white and I'm starting to realize that white leftists and their coon minions are a cancer.
If you don't support freedom of speech, in all of its forms, then you should be forced to spend 10 years in North Korea or some similar despot-controlled shithole.
In fact, I think all first world activists should put their money where their mouths are.
Ship all communists to China, ship all socialists to Venezuela, ship all afrocentrists to Africa, ship all white supremacists to eastern Europe, ship all feminists to the Middle East.
The world would genuinely be a better place if this happened.


You wont understand how big of a faggot I am until you see me ruin my own orgasm as I make the peace sign with my hands as my belly is covered with your cum. All while branding a stupid smile and at the verge of tears.

It’s almost beautiful how stupid they are. Like a mathematical proof or a piece of music

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Someone going around making nigger jokes in public is clearly treating others with negative respect. It gets worse if you make them aware of their disrespect and ask them to please be respectful to you and others. They don't have to respect you, but that's a moot point.

I'm not saying he has any obligation, just that suddenly valuing his feelings more than mine and others because asking him not to use dehumanizing language (he joked about soulless bugmen in public) is somehow a bigger offense on my part is absurd.

They're fucking insane, that's the only way I can explain it.
It's a bunch of insane as fuck white retards and their insane as fuck pet minorities trying to make the rest of the world as fucking crazy as they are.

>I'll just let little Timmy watch youtube while I pour myself another glass of wine. I earned it. Being a single mother is hard work.

Attached: youtube_children_video.jpg (1023x889, 293K)

Give birth.

>"My kid and I talk regularly about race and racism and how to be an ally to people of color..."

That poor kid.

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Have you considered not posting your real name and face online?
Have you considered not having your psn name as your full name and your picture being your face so that nobody you're playing video games knows who you really are?
Have you considered not being a teenage girl?


>out of the tens of millions of households that own tablets and have young children, the majority of them entertain the thought of their children becoming trans
You've got a loose screw.

I'm really glad that I only started browsing websites other than sleepy gaming forums and wikis when I was 15.

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Top kek.

wow it's fucking nothing

How will they ever recover?

Lmao I'm gonna use "person of vagina" from now on

You dumb bitch i’m going hold you and gently cry and then ask you to cuddle with me in my bed and then fall asleep with you after gentle kissing. don’t leave me user

>Encourage them to call it out
Yes parents, you should tell your kids to respond to trolls and call them mean, that will surely force internet trolls to stop harassing them.

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I told you already, it's not my problem you can't read.

Holy shit I'm starting to wonder if I'm really talking to a colossal retard or just a really shitty bot. What the fuck does any of that have to do with vidya """harassment""" being a serous issue? Unless you're a fucking NEET who's sole existence is vidya or an idiot who gives out your personal information in vidya it literally has zero effect on your everyday life. You can turn off your computer, walk away, and nothing in your fucking life will change.

>Someone going around making nigger jokes in public is clearly treating others with negative respect.
While garnering positive respect from others who share in on the jokes.
Therefore they have their own clique, while you have your own, and since lifespan is too short to encompass even 1% of Humanity into it then they aren't making a net-loss and you aren't making any net-loss or profit either.
So continue along your road instead of wasting time on a nigger-signaler.

So you want whoever took the flag down to spend 10 years in NK?

It is a demographic, just like how white is a demographic despite being made of vastly different and conflicting cultures (and jews whenever they feel like it). Gamer is a demographic.

So you want them to be color blind "skin color is just a social construct" types?

Checked and BASED

I've been browsing the whole internet since I was 8 and I'm p

If I could instantly press a button that made it so I cannot see or hear people trying to harass me irl and the same button made me invisible to them [hint im talking about the block button on every single website]

Then there would be no such thing as real life harassment

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I think some people can genuinely never learn. I used to work in food service and retail, and I used to say that everyone should be forced to work either for at least a few months of their life. But then I'd see my own co-workers act like assholes to other food service/retail workers at other stores, or people I know worked those jobs act like an asshole to me.

Will you remind me how I dont deserve to have a proper orgasm? How my clitty deserves to be ruined over and over until my mind breaks?

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>No social media before 18.

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>If you hear something rude, do not take it personally. It's some nobody who can't hurt you, and they resort to that kind of tactic to make themselves feel better when they're unable to prove themselves right. Be the better person and just ignore them. Words are just that; words and nothing more.
>Go out of your way to explain why they're wrong. By having the last word, that clearly means you're right and the other person will change their ways simply because you say more than them. Take it beyond the scope that it was, and make a big fuss when it is inconsequential. They started something, and you intend to finish it by dragging it on when it's said and done.

Hate speech online has no fucking value. Sure, you can call a person out for being a cunt offline if they're a real fuckin tool to your face, but it LITERALLY does not matter online unless you are a company's PR disaster waiting to happen. Just ignore anyone whose opinion you don't like, simple as that. Fuck the modern ideology. My parents let me play violent video games with gore, decapitation, maiming, and other excessively violent content, but that didn't affect my grades or personality. At an early age, I was taught what was right and what was wrong. Over time, I expanded on that and can now tell the difference very clearly.

If you are worried that your kid is going to pick up on something you think is detrimental to them, then you're a fucking bad parent with no confidence. Tell your spawn what's right and wrong; as an adult and parent, you are their fucking god and have more authority than some random fucknugget online. It is literally bad parenting, and nothing more. It has always been whenever online, video games, and media in general are blamed.

Seconding this. Social media is a fucking mistake.

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I want everyone to be stupid so I can manipulate them easier. Being evil is hard.

If it gets people to stop talking about race all the damn time, then yes.

This sounds like we're using two different definitions of respect. How does "that gentleman just said 'nigger' so now I'll say 'excuse me' if I bump into him" make sense?

People who haven't figured out why the JQ is a thing.

>I can't wait for the next decade or so of transgender kids blaming their parents for letting them ruin their bodies
there wont be any blaming user, they just kill themselves a bit later
and regular parents usually just renounce the kid the moment they hear about "i want to be a girl im gonna chop my dick off and start taking harmones"

kill yourself
and I mean it
unironically and literally

give me a concrete example of what is acceptable and what is not.

...Everything alright there, user?

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single mothers

>ignores the video that got 3.5 million views in 4 days

Attached: honknig.jpg (1607x968, 83K)

im mixed race and I think person of colour is offensive tho so fuck off

>article uses a Switch controller for the photo
>the one console where you most likely will NEVER encounter hate speech online because you can't fucking chat with people
Why do journalists on video game articles never do their fucking research?

What the fuck? I thought this shit was over and done with?

You're pro hate speech! Hate! Hate! Get it? I'm pro love and diversity and inclusion and progress. I know this because I am a progressive. Be like me or die a bigot!

yes I'm from Yea Forums

People always talk about race. Some would argue that America was supposed to be a white ethnostate. Jim Crow laws were about race. Why is that when the conversation becomes about respectful ways to say "non-white" do people suddenly get frustrated with talking about race?

>"The main thing that’s keeping me from allowing my eight-year-old son to join all his friends on popular online multiplayer games isn’t a fear that he’s going to give personal information away to creeps. It’s that I don’t want him exposed to the hate speech that is so prevalent online."
literally more concerned about the feelings of other people than the safety of her child
honk fucking honk

In that case, I wonder how many of those kids will look at those suicide statistics, broken lives, and look at their parents and go "Thanks mom and dad, you really saved me from fucking up my life."

Also, if gender is supposed to be either fluid, or a social construct, why would you actively want to encourage your child down a lifestyle that you know will make their lives needlessly difficult?

I will when you break me user.

It makes sense in that you continued your way while he continued his way and no time was wasted on verbal or physical masturbation between oil and water, two sides that will never agree and therefore should continue each their own way. I'm sensing a bit of Capeshit Syndrome behind your words. Don't fall for the Capeshit Syndrome user, Capeshit is Capeshit while you are you in the real world. Be an hero only when it matters.

>It is a demographic
It's a meaningless "demographic."
"Person" is a demographic.
Fuck, "human" is a demographic.
Trying to lump all people into a group based on what they AREN'T is fucking stupid, I am not your fucking ally just because we both have brown skin.
"Person of color" is idiotic because it lumps all people who aren't white into one group.
Gazelles and lions are both mammals, but we don't lump them together for obvious reasons.

From the bottom of my heart, with zero sarcasm, not a hint of irony, not joking or memeing, or any deeper meaning beyond what I'm saying on the surface: Kill yourself.

what's a gressive

thats right goyim its fine to give away your personal information to your buddy google and its fine to let chingchongs spy on you BUT MAKE SURE YOUR CHILD DOESNT HEAR THE N-WORD.

Fuck all people
White people suck
Niggers suck
Kikes suck
All the asorted brown people suck
Asians suck

Zamasu was right

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How about you faggots go take a shower and play some video games, and get a job while you're at it and a girlfriend, loser.

>just like how white is a demographic

Attached: (((white)))_criminals.jpg (1574x3408, 2.11M)

I never said anything about valuing his feelings MORE than yours, or your offense being BIGGER. What happened to equality? Why is there no neutral position here? Why is it that he's not allowed to dislike or disrespect? Your feelings having EQUAL value suggests they may BOTH coexist. Why does the distasteful opinion need to be stamped out?


You've finally learned the essence of true Centrism.
Fuck all other Humans except yourself.
Only yourself matters.
Extreme Selfishness is the path to wisdom.

Am I really that miserable????

>People always talk about race.
I sure as hell didn't until politicalfags kept trying to shove it into everything.
>Some would argue that America was supposed to be a white ethnostate.
And some would argue that they are wrong.
>Jim Crow laws were about race
And we overturned those laws, with good reason too.
>Why is that when the conversation becomes about respectful ways to say "non-white" do people suddenly get frustrated with talking about race?
Because it's still disrespectful, as you are still defining someone as "they aren't white"

If your boyclit is smaller than mine I might tease you for it, but i’m more like likely to cry about the end of western civilization and tell you you’re a divine being whose soul is worth the world to me ... i’ll hold your key though if you want, but i think what you really want is to be comfortable and loved


Hate speech online doesnt matter because youll most likely forget about it the next day. What matters is if the multiplayer game itself is fun. If the game is so bad all that's memorable from it is the hate speech, then stop playing it.

no such thing
remember that if you think there are 327 genders everyone has to accept that but if you think there are only 2 then you will get doxed and your life ruined
care to explain why one's opinion is valued more?

Man the fuck up and ignore.
When i was playing online games as a kid people would make fun of my high pitched voice.
I didn't really care about that.

"Minority" is a demographic. Minorities in America are non-white. Addressing minority concerns, as vague as that is, is standard because there's no way to list every minority specifically and say "I'm not concerned with only white people".

Post discord

>What happened to equality?
It was a lie. No one preaching it ever believed in it.

Yes goyim. Don't oppose the march of social justice madness. Stay on your chans and talk as if nothing is happening whilst we bolster our stranglehold on all you love and turn it into hollow, regulated garbage for our own political ends.

A rational person would sacrifice their life and end it only to save someone else's life.
An SJW would sacrifice their life just to stop someone from saying the word nigger.
There is an important lesson to be learned from this.

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>"I d-didn't even care!"
>still remembers it after decades
suure bud


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Non-white more directly defines people by what they aren't while person of color defines people by what they are. You can see if as disrespectful, but one is clearly more disrespectful.

unironically based

>LARPing as a well-adjusted normalfag on Yea Forums
Suck my dick, bitch.

Attached: 003.png (560x560, 334K)

So why drop the charade now?

That we can end SJW lives by saying nigger?

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You chopped it off though and turned it into a neo-vagina...

>jim crow laws were about race

No, they were not. The overt racism against blacks didn't start until after the civil war. And it started not because southerners suddenly hated the darkness of the black man's skin, but because the federal government continuously used the newly created black 'citizens' as political shock troopers to undermine and usurp southern state's political power. When the kkk went around lynching people, they didn't just grab a random nigger and kill them, they targeted federalist sympathizers and organizers. This is why catholic, as in IRISH CATHOLIC, whites were targeted as a well. One of the dirty little secrets of the civil war was that the north literally imported white irishmen to the united states, gave them citizenship the day they landed ashore, and then forcibly drafted them the same day and sent them south to fight the war. After the war, the federal government started imposing unconstitutional regulations onto the south and they did so via bribing local black leaders, catholics priests, and the local leaders of other 'minority' groups. It's hard to comprehend in our modern, basically atheist society, but in the 1800s politics were driven mainly by the churches or organizations tied to local churches.

SJWs are a response to healthy people who openly share their enjoyable lives on social media. The only way to oppose it is to enjoy your life genuinely, not merely pretend to, and openly share it.

He niggardly bound the faggot

Besides the obvious response to this of "nigger", the rule goes both ways. If I'm respectful of your boundaries, don't shove shit down my throat. I've always had a philosophy of "stop me if I go too far" and it's seemed to work. Except for Americans. They seem to throw tantrums and fuck off for 12 hours before coming back like nothing happened.

do "minorities" address the concerns of white people?

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If I punch your balls will more cum come out?

WW3 starting is going to cause the gaming crash of 2021. Iran's going hot

>daddy this person told me I'm a turbo nigger dick licker and I don't know what that means
>it means you should git gud and stop sucking so much dick down at the truck stop young man
Things that will never ever happen because no one here is ever having children.

Attached: people-2942837_1920-e1526379562417.jpg (410x230, 13K)

Nothing to do with the post you are replying to, but only faggots use that gif

I think "people of color" is more disrespectful. Like people shouldn't be colorful by default, or that "white" skin tones aren't colorful.

Thank you user.

this started under obama. basically the left got so butt hurt over white nationalist fags pulling up fbi crime statistics that a decision was handed down to fudge the numbers at the official level. Now 'white crime' is on the rise and blacks din do nuffin! yay equality.

Because saying "nigger" in public isn't s neutral position. It's also not an opinion, it's an action.

Because it is no longer useful, or at least its utility is declining.

Based and red pilled.

I miss 2010
>modern warfare 2 lobby
>squeaker fucking with some black kid
>black kid tells him he should go help his mom suck more kike cocks to help get their fence fixed
>some guy the black kid was partied up with finally starts speaking and spills the squeakers home address and all you hear is a controller dropping and a loud ass "MOOOM"

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Unironically yes, did that several times.

Thank you for being you.

Attached: I-have-no-sides-and-I-must-kek.jpg (250x323, 63K)


Why what's it from?
It's just some dude laughing as far as I know.

They're both equally disrespectful though. I don't want to be lumped in with blacks as my culture is essentially the opposite of theirs.

Huh? Well may be i didn't really liked it but i sure did never cried about "toxic gamers" on the internet.
Talking shit and banter is a normal part of online gaming and being a man.
Besides it only makes it more satisfying to kill someone in game who were trash talking you.

Coloured person
Person of Colour.

They human, nigger.




It's a statement. Not an action.

Because equality is impossible; the president signs a paper saying "we're all equal now :D" and disparity still exists, racism still exists, crime stats making people think that hiring a black guy is a bad idea still exist. Acting blind to disparity only protects the status quo created by past injustice and inequity.

i like to call them cotton pickers

>Now 'white crime' is on the rise and blacks din do nuffin!
Black crimes are going down because blacks are going Conservative as a response to both Mexicans taking their jobs and being treated as more important by Democrats due to numeric voting advantage, and as a response to the realization that Democrats treat blacks like babies and create conditions to infantilize blacks so they can continue playing out White Savior Syndrome on blacks as a new form of slavery.

White crimes on the other hand are up because 99% of SJW cucks are whites and white ANTIFA is going full retard beating up Jews, planting bombs at police stations and statues, and waving guns at the police.

Funny how this works, no?

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We can acknowledge we're different races without having to define each other in societal groups. Hell, defining people as 'of colour' is fucking stupid because it ignores the massive ethnic differences even within, say, Africans.

What's that hate speech even about? It's been a good amount of time since i've not been called an inbred aids ridden dick sucking nigger outside of this shithole. I kind of miss this almost absurdist level of insults in games.
Why do people get offended so easily?

White kids of the future are all gonna be either trannies or Nazis there's no in-between.

Attached: rip_0.jpg (600x448, 41K)

>I think "people of color" is more disrespectful.
It's literal insanity. The anti racist leftoids don't see non whites as people. They see themselves as white saviors. These poor little helpless minorities can't possible succeed unless on an even playing field. We need to open our borders so they can come to America and be systematically oppressed.

Attached: come_on_just_call_him_a_nazi_and_win_the_debate.jpg (658x860, 37K)

it will never happen because kids don't talk about this shit to their parents
my older brother and I grew up during ut to 1.6 times where everyone freely said nigger faggot, my younger brother who's only 15 "grew up" during the minecraft period
none of us talked to our parents about any online gaming related shit, it just doesn't happen

Yeah, considering whites will be in a minority.

I would rather be around him than you any day of the week.

So the solution to racism is to continue to act racist? Lovely.

Westworld, but all the worst posters use that gif so I automatically think of cancer when I see it. It’s nothing to do with the gif itself, it’s just popular with retards.

I'm with the Nazis desu.

shut the fuck up tommy you sound like my little sister on helium

>whites will be in a minority.
they're less than 10% idiot

Attached: rust_ching_chong_cucks.jpg (876x241, 56K)

Globably speaking, whites already are a minority.

This, Yea Forums was ever the bastion of high class and intellectual men who desired the best of their fellow man. Oh wait no the internet has been a shit heap of retards and cat videos since it’s inception and mewling thin skins won’t ever change that

Saying "nigger" is an action. Making a statement is an action.

At least most of them won't end up being like ProJared.

Oh so your just being a fag ok got it!

Attached: Good Job!.gif (640x480, 2.26M)

lol, based kids
I hope that troop is getting cucked silly every night

"globally speaking" whites have always been a minority

Are only White people forbidden to say nigger to blackies or I as a subhuman mexican can call them niggers without repercussion and being called a racist?

Moar jared

is ANTIFA a terrorist organization yet, being able to put them down on sight would be nice.

We already are. Thankfully machine guns exist and blacks and arabs are incapable of winning even with similar technology so when the war comes, we'll be fine.


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Try it


if I call you a poo head should I be jailed for hatespeech? I meant it to offend after all


Nazis at least knew how to dress themselves. It's crazy how many trannies look like the basement dweller stereotype's interpretation of femininity.

New generations are constantly beating records of non voters in my country. They don't give a shit
Get out of your bubble

An action? How? It's at most a declaration of dislike. It may not be a neutral opinion, but stating it isn't infringing on anything. I can go about saying "I hate niggers" all day, it does nothing to anybody. It is effectively neutral. Calling you a faggot is not preventing you from doing anything, nor expressing any opinion. So why does it merit putting a stop to it by force? Distasteful, but why UNACCEPTABLE?

Yes. Mexico used to genocide Chinese migrants (see Torreón massacre) and still shits on Asians, while Mexicans also have a habit of wanting to ethnically cleanse black people (pic related).

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I like Konata. You're forgiven for the shit laughing gif.

I dunno man, remember that zoomer rainbow colored rapper? He's spic, but he uses nigga in his songs all the times


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FBI labeled them as such i think. Official status, i don't know.

speech isnt a physical obiect like a flag
he can make another flag very easily, if you're banned from saying nigger in a game you cant just say nigger in that game again so easily

There's such a massive difference in behavior between African American students, and the students who are the children of African immigrants. Especially since the Africans do everything they can to make sure their kids don't socialize with the African American kids.

That's not what's happening, I'm talking about asking my friend to be more respectful towards me and others around us by not saying "nigger" in public. You're assuming we'll never agree for some reason.
>Capeshit Syndrome
What is this proper noun? I never heard of it.

Based spics, honorary whites



Attached: 2018-12-23_040850.png (823x974, 780K)

seems like everybody wants to be white

modern parents

if a white person says nigger there will be a horde of white people offended on the behalf on non whites. If a non white says nigger no one gives a fuck. That's the difference.

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A statement is a statement, not an action. Speaking against the government isn't treason, but acting against it is.


Fair enough I Recind my previous statement your good user.


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GWB got 9% of the black vote in 2000, Trump got 8% in 2016. You: Blacks more conservative, that's why less crime! You're full of shit. Your other stats are similar bullshit, with zero evidence. If you were actually right in your beliefs, you'd not need to make up lies to attack your enemies.

The blood of conquerors lives in in them, be it Aztec or conquistador. Truly a based race.

A lot has changed since 2016, such as Democrats attacking a black woman in congress for daring to have individual opinions.

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As a white person, this is actually pretty comfy. I can publically chastise burritos for being racist while secretly appreciating the work they’re doing and calling people niggers on 4channel

Again, I'm not saying there's any obligation. It's telling that you have to make this about something it's not. I'm glad that you're at seeing it as not neutral.

>An action? How?
Words are said. Saying something is an action.

>I can go about saying "I hate niggers" all day, it does nothing to anybody.
Yeah and music does nothing to anybody. You're being obtuse.

kill yourself tranny nigger

This is so based because it's the perfect answer. There's no way to make a space in online gaming with adults for an 8 year old. The Internet is just the word nigger repeated ad infinitum. If you don't like that then don't go online.

The black people are starting to smell how full of shit you are white SJWs. They are starting to sense the stench of your hypocrisy, and they also don't like you pushing your trannyfaggotry and homoshit on blacks as you well know that blacks are more homophobic than rednecks. You made the bed, now lie in it, or shit in it by the looks of San Francisco.

Attached: 2018-01-30_174629.png (1097x830, 72K)

should have shown pregnant elsa and spiderman the videos you picked have like 20 views instead of the millions that pregnant elsa videos have

how will niggers ever recover?

The internet is black. Don’t believe me? Look at your screen when the computer’s off

Making a statement is an action. It's something you make, something you impart.

>are impulsive, emotional decision-makers and they crave acceptance, which can lead to some pretty bad choices.
So, just like women?

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>by the looks of San Francisco.

Attached: Screenshot-2019-5-15 People are pooping more than ever on the streets of San Francisco.png (1230x997, 2.11M)

the one at the bottom has 3.5 millions in 4 days how fucking blind are you dipshit

Attached: Shut up BITCH!.jpg (1308x1028, 42K)

Hello, video games?


Attached: you-are-the-blackest.jpg (1294x478, 115K)

Every mexican/puerto rican/cuban I know uses the word nigger. You should be fine.

>turn a city into a Democrat Mecca ruled by Democrat policy
>Democrats start street shitting and flooding everything with feces

Attached: 1541225513354.jpg (400x400, 28K)

irl shitposting

>they leave for a more conservative riding and start voting for the same shit

Attached: how_can_one_man_be_so_comfy.jpg (544x579, 22K)

>progress is always good
How about you progress and walk the plank landlubber

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"Blah blah blah censorship, please, (((they))) have to censor more!"

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