Are you guys playing

Are you guys playing

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Other urls found in this thread:

Nah, I wanna wait for most issues to be ironed out, might rent it for my console considering how much I love ID and liked the first one.

thank you for asking, OP, have a good day

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literally nobody is going to play this lmao

I just beat it. Ending is pretty mundane. Fun game but glad I didn't buy it. I was gonna. rented it instead

Yep, single player games are for incels

Has a big game ever been DOA like this before?

Define big

>westacuck vidya
no thanks

It looks fucking horrible on xbox on x. FUCK

Anthem, Mass Effect: Andromeda

Does the crack work?

are you?

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>liked the first one

>Are you guys playing

No. Borderlands 2.5 looks unappealing.


There's something called opinions, user. Not everyone likes shitty anime copy and paste shit honk honk

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I want to pick it up by this weekend, but also kind of looking at Days Gone.

Yeh. The gameplay itself is actually pretty fun. Its much faster paced, but there are a few gripes I have about the skills I've unlocked and upgraded so far. Overall tho, movement, gunplay, and the addition of projects, nanotrite abilities, and the overhaul to how upgrades work was much needed. Its actually a true open world experience this time around and a massive upgrade over the first in that aspect. It feels a bit too hand holdy in a few ways if I'm being honest. i've only got about 4.5 hours in but I've already encountered a few bugs with npcs that were mildly annoying, and the acting and cutscenes in general feel like they belong in an older game, but game play > story for me anyway.

TL;DR it really isnt worth 60 dollarydoos, but it is a fun game. Catch it on sale and have fun fucking shit up

Its crack right? Me and my bro are gonna play it

Are people saying rent instead of pirate now or are they console faggots?

>borderlands 2.5
I think you mean doomstiny. Its very little like borderlands

>Cracked day 1 because bethesda was too incompetent to add Denuvo to their own launcher version
Oh no no no

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Seems like a mistake, if you ask me.

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>Its very little like borderlands

the bright color pallets and the "WACCKY XD" """humor""" in the ads reminds me of Borderlands

the fuck? is this capped from the game?

picked it up for $30 on a key seller site, missing some polish in some areas, and some shit is really annoying. but the moment to moment gameplay is very solid.
solid 7/10


I thought of pirating it since the crack is live, but then looked some of the no commentary gameplay and adn was that it was just watered down version of Cyberpunk 2077 and yikes'd the fuck out

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youre gonna be disappointed. The world is mostly just a mix of tan,gray, and brown again. The "wacky" humor is, admittedly I havent played very much, has been almost nonexistent

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50% on the torrent. Gonna take a while still.

>youre gonna be disappointed.

I had zero interest with this game in the first place.

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thats not really the way I meant it, but I guess it doesnt matter


>check Live from Playstation out of curiosity to see how many people are streaming the game since it just came out
>its #32 on the list with only 72 streamers
>more people are streaming fucking Ark: Survival Evolved than Rage 2
What a fucking blunder.

Yes, it runs like shit and looks funny at times, gameplay is good but you have to endure the most generic story ever, lots of fucking talking, lots of what is not even exposition, just small talk "you better keep your eyes open in the wasteland Walker, blah blah blah" "Yeah right, I better keep them open" "Yeah you better do that" "Sure thing" while you are looking at a door waiting for it to open so you can get out of there.

Thats honestly about what it deserves

How is it on PS4?

The only think I can think of when playing this game is that Doom Eternal is gonna be funcking fantastic, the gunplay in this is great and is only half made by id, I cant wait to see what they pump into Doom.

every time you pause the game

It's alright. The gameplay's pretty good but like a lot of open world titles it feels like they just needed a way to pad out time between where all the gameplay happens.
It also has that issue that a lot of sci-fi FPSs have where they give you a bunch of moves(Shatter which is basically a psychic shotgun with even poorer reach, Barrier which just brings up a small shield to place on the ground which seems kind of nonsensical in such a movement heavy FPS) and none of it is as efficient as just pouring bullets into the enemy you're already aiming at, barring some situation like armored enemies where you need to shatter their armor first.
If they just made this a linearly organized shooter like Doom or Wolfenstein it would probably bump the experience up by a good few points.

There's nothing really bad about it in a glaring way, but there's nothing really outstanding about it. It's a very "This is a game that exists" 7/10 kind of thing but if you're starved for single player FPSs I guess you can't go wrong.

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If they had given this game the same approach to movement speed that doom has it would easily be worth more than one playthrough. The pace of fighting and the slower movement speed out of sprinting, even after upgrades, seems counter intuitive. Also WHY THE FUCK IS ADS SENS SO OUT OF SYNC WITH GENERAL SENS. I guess I'm glad they even offered the option this time but fuck me

Refunded after an hour. Boring Ubisoft shit.

Hey I like tweaking ads sensibility, usually its too low and if you turn it up then hip firing feels like shooting with a firefighter hose.
You know what is totally out of place in this game? the sprinting, why the fuck do I have to press shift for the entire game, what is the point, I already have all sorts of skills and abilities, let me press buttons one at a time.

Downloading Rage 2 as we speak.

I get what youre saying, but at the same time shatter is the shit. Upgraded for extended warp reach, 2 charges, max damage, max knockback, and the aoe ability its a fucking crowd clearer that blends well with the faster paced combat

Is it just me does ultra still looks like shit?

Just look at this.

Attached: Rage2 Screenshot 2019.05.15 - (1920x1080, 2.94M)

There's a toggle sprint option if you check the keybinds.

What happened with this game?

But you cant shoot or ads while sprinting, and the walking speed is slow as fuck.

Looks like the high res textures didn't load in

Maybe Ill get it when its in the bargain bin

Nah. Game is probably fine, but the original wasn't anything special and the aesthetic this one if going for in marketing is obnoxious. It's clear they've got a really dull aesthetic going for the game world, so they're pulling an almost Suicide Squad approach by pushing this colorful, neon aesthetic with punchy, attitude-filled dialogue that isn't really reflective of the underlying product.

Regardless, it's another open world first person shooter. It's among an oversaturated market to say the least.

>I like tweaking ads sens
more power to you. Im Just a fan of universal sens so that I only have to tweak once. Right there with you on the sprinting. I find myself just double dashing killing a couple of targets, and then double dashing again to fuck with target acquisition. The movement speed upgrade while ads seems negligible and Im hip firing 90% of the time anyway. While were on it though. Why the fuck is the dash not omni-directional?

i would be but i'm trying to figure out why it's locked at like 30-40 frames no matter what fucking setting it's on

go woke

The 73/100 seems to be carried solely by combat, QoL improvements over the first, and a significantly better open world than the first. Its got more depth, but cut scenes feel dated, the story seems like a hokey 90's action film cliche, and theres a few kinks to iron out with bugs and such. It wouldve been an easy 9/10 if they put more effort into writing and developing the story

It's fun I love playing it with my controller it makes for precise aiming

apply yourself

Why are western devs so obsessed with keeping everyone online at all times? Is it just because of piracy, or is there some reason I'm overlooking? I mean this isn't that common in Japanese games. Even Japanese games with heavy online elements like Dark Souls, still give you alternate ways to earn covenant rewards if you're offline (it does takes longer though). Seeing them being so blatant about it with this game, makes me not want to play it at all.

yeah, it's alright, better than expected
still it's the bad avalanche open world design, it's like they can't learn at all
mad max was a fluke, JC1234 style in rage 2
but damn that shooting over weighs a lot of this game flaws.

It's a message to piratefags and that's the point. They don't want you to play the game.

probably datamining game experience stuff or something

Keeps players engaged and at least the promise of rudimentary content and support keeps people from just selling their shit to Amazon/Gamestop soon as they're done.

what shit shows lol thant god i didnt get memed by them

misreading the single player games audience
also huge mismatch on age factor, people remotely interested in rage 2 are over 25, they don't care about coop or "gamer cred" bullshit

I heard that it's stuck at 30fps on standard PS4s, while being close to 60 on the pro.

I'm probably retarded but can't get the cracked verson to work. It just hangs on launch for a few seconds and nothing ever happens.

yes, but mostly from EA and activision
Betehsda launched it at a wrong time

block it with a firewall

block it form online if you didn't

I'm not a pirate though. I just don't think I should need to be online at all times to play a fucking single player game.

hilariously enough it runs flawlessly on PC, Vulkan does it's wonders.

Can I play this with a 2gb video card?

I did that. It ain't my first rodeo. It just brings up the ""do you want this app to make changes" dialogue box every time and then...that's it. Restarted and everything.

Still torrenting.

>do you want this app to make changes
what is that? UAC? maybe click yes

click yes and wait 1-3 minutes it's filling shader cache first time launching

Yeah it's UAC. Yes and no give the same thing. I'm probably just gonna pack it in for now and say fuck it until later.

SSE 4.2 required, enjoy your old CPU.

Turn off Depth of Field and only use the FXAA.

plz respond, will the game just not start?

I'm going to say No.
If anything pirate it and try it out.

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something is off with your settings, it looks sharp for me. I can't make a screenshot through prtscr, it goes black screen.
rule of thumb - disable dof,CA, motion blur and FXAA.

that would be older than nehalem or bulldozer. that''s not something you'd want to launch modern game on.

Not yet, I'm currently playing the original RAGE, not very good imo, once I finish it I will play RAGE 2

it may start, but it will be a stuttering mess
does your gpu support vulkan?

Bethesda's launcher version doesn't have denuvo? Glad I bought that version then

I wonder if steam version runs worse.

implying all those user reviews aren't just people complaining about denuvo

weird, metacritic is usually sane on low key games and it's a sure 7.5 game

Waiting for my gf to fuck off to bed

Thanks, ElAmigos!

Yeah that's got to be it. Can't believe I have to upgrade from my damn 7700k already. Jesus christ get it together developers.

If it has denuvo probably it will have longer load times

they apparently patched it in few hours later, but pirates already got their hands on it.

>No cute girls
>Generic FPS game we all already seen
>SJW Themes
>Ultraviolent to appeal to brainlets
lol, is this all the west has to offer? fucking cringe

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>mentions gf for no real reason

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Seems like a lot of the characters and voice acting a tonally divorced from the setting, audio cuts out randomly, and I'm seeing a lot of crashing.
Doesn't seem that variety of weaponry is encouraged that much or that using other weapons is viable because of ammo shortage or what have you, because every time I look at gameplay I only ever see the assault rifle being used. I hope I'm wrong about that, tho.
All through development I was also lead to believe that the campaign could be played co-op and finding out that wasnt the case killed any anticipation I had for it.

i really like this game
the combat is insanely good. the audio is insanely good.
i could do without the driving, but i can't think of an open-worldy shooty game where i just drive around looking for any gunfight because it's so satisfying and fun

It's a shame what they did to Loosum. She went from top cutie to generic office mom, and not in a good way.

>the audio is insanely good.
this was a surprise for me, audio is very satisfying.

she is 47, user.

I'll pirate it some other time

i would if it wasn't an open world meme game.
gunplay looks satisfying otherwise


I'm waiting for the fatgirl repack

And? Her design is still generic

I don't know but it is an amd 380 2gb.

shotgun > AR. Primary fire is buckshot, ads is a slug sniper with knockback. 12 round tube upgraded to shred armor makes it ideal for close quarters playstyle. Double dash for buffed melee that closes distance and fucks target acquisition with double charge shatter in your back pocket for groups, and not to mention you can have almost 100% up time on overdrive. Theres not much, but there is some depth to ability and weapon synergy that can be straight up abused. I will say though the AR is way better for targets with large health pools like turrets and vehicles. Also with project upgrades for capacity and how readily available ammo drops are in the world there really isnt a shortage unless you hunker behind cover and spray from range which is literally the worst way to play

30fps on low 1080p

minimum reqs is 3gb it may not run at all

It's a pretty game, why are niggers calling it ugly

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>because every time I look at gameplay I only ever see the assault rifle being used.
what else would you expect from youtube shitters? I personally use pistol and shotgun even long distance. It's same as watching DOOM and complaining everyone uses machine gun. Game is encouraging to switch weapons a lot.

What page is that?

not to mention project upgrades that actually give buffs based around weapon swaps

that's TAA and that automatic resolution scaling my boy.

Even if you really have a gf, 100% sure its a hambeast

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Am I dumb if the only reason I'm not buying this is because of the mobile game face on the cover?

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they don't like deserts, which are for high IQ people anyways.

Because there's a female punk on the cover and their zoomer "brain" automatically think about politic.

The writing is pure cringe incarnate

It's artistically ugly. It's sad that a 8 year old game shits all over it when it comes to animation and artistic flair. This game is shit. Gunplay may be a little better and the world may be bigger than the first, but everything else is just as bad or worse compared to the first one. At least that one had great art going for it.

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trying to hard Pete

I wouldn't look to bad if the lighting wasn't so shit in the second picture

>What's the haps, Daddio?
>Take this jive and hit online, ya dig
I fucking hate these nerds

yeah, because marketing is wrong 88% of the time for modern games, you have to rely on personal experience

>pretty young girl
>worn out hag
I mean cmon dog

>wouldn't look so bad

Until the characters start moving and you can tell the animation is like a generational step backwards from Rage 1.

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She dies.

>It's artistically ugly
only character design

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Man, what? The first Rage was not interesting artistically at all. It was typical dull brown faire. There were some impressive graphics on display at times but nothing more than in Rage 2.

everyone dies

The first one was not actually that bad. I'd give it a B-

ok now this is based

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How do you decrease pop-ins? I have everything on high.

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i have everything maxed out

What happens? Does the Rageguy go berserk and kill everyone in a rage?

cant apex engine meme. sorry B

______________________________________________________I just meant in general. I sincerely hope I didnt catch a spoiler tho_________________________________________________________________________


that's what happens when you hit 47.

thats why Im saying its a bad comparison. Also the lighting is atrocious for the old loosum pic


surprisingly well

I might get it when it goes on sale. don't like the art direction or how they tried go for the extra whacky mood in the trailer.
also I hate that fucking cover.


Attached: rage24.webm (720x540, 2.69M)

fortunately its not very indicative of the actual game. They couldve done a much better job for marketing and cover art. Shame really

>misclick to melee

is it better than Days Gone

>Post yfw didint fell for rage 2 meme
>Post yfw they accidently relased non denuvo version

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If you use barrier and pull enemies towards it with black hole, it shreds the shit out of them

>typical dull brown flaire
>artistic means colorful

Yes because that Blood Dragon 80s aesthetic is so original and not "typical" at all.

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Hard pass for me. Art direction isn't my thing. If I wanted to play some whacky ass shooter I'd go load up Sunset Overdrive. Best of luck to people who like it or want to play it but the aesthetic and gameplay aren't what I want personally.

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but it doesnt look like blood dragon

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Usually i buy shooters on console since i had a potato rig but now i got a dank pc i would have considered playing this but man, fuck open world shit.

might buy doom now since its cheap

looks too boring to even pirate

I have great news for you, this game is almost entirely brown.

nigga i live in a desert i want the opposite.

>which are for high IQ people anyways
pick one

i get some bulletstorm vibes. minus the skillshots and shit of course.
i liked that game, would i like this? or at least hte first one?

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I think they released it DRM free on purpose to drive up buzz

Those powers and ragdolls remind me of Bulletstorm.

As a matter of fact I do, I like it

they made the girls all ugly so I am going to buy it used

>There's nothing really bad about it in a glaring way, but there's nothing really outstanding about it. It's a very "This is a game that exists" 7/10 kind of thing
So basically the first game then? Except the first game suffered from a lot of repetition because it was rushed.

The first one is more of a classic early 2000's FPS with some minor gimmicky gear. The second is much faster paced and definitely took some notes from doom 2016 plus a bunch of abilities to further speed the rip and tear factor up. Up front though, I will say that fun combat and the systems surrounding it are what carry this game and aspects outside of that are lacking

There's a few cuties, m8, look for them

Yeah the talking is the worst part, every character talks way too fucking much and way too slow. I just skip everyone that's not a main mission, you don't really miss anything.

post said cuties
and you better not that post that one girl form the start of the game with the punk haircut

this looks terrible

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Check Wellspring

actually I changed my mind, I am going to try it for free

turn off distance of field I think. Whatever the setting is that adds a blur for no reason. Turn down the shadows too

characters piss me off with their fucking quips while an ally gets killed beside them, they are all caricatures from some parody movie.

i fucking hate that ginger cunt wheaton because everyone is trying to emulate him with their smarmy fucking writing, if the writers arent taking the story seriously after trying to build up the enemy as a threat, why the fuck would i care.

gameplay is just a shooter, nothing new.

i liked the part where they subert my expectations about and kill the one you didnt pick while MC and some bitch makes jokes. I love subversion of expectations so much i subverted Bethestas expectations of not refunding the game lmao.

Pirated it. The world fucking sucks. Driving is garbage. Gunplay and skillset is fantastic, though.
This should've been a more linear shooter or something.

downloading it right now, will see if its worth waiting for it to go on sale

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yea the intro mission is nothing but hamfisted quirky exposition

Welcome to modern writing where no one takes anything seriously and everyone is a badly written Joss Whedon character.

>they are all caricatures from some parody movie.
>implying thats a bad thing

I got bored just watching trailers. No thanks.

it is when all of the AAA wasteland scenario games do the same thing. Borderlands, Fallout and Rage. Its like asking me why i dont like the super serious modern/slightly futuristis shooter that come out every year.

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Have apocalyptic reddit humor games become their own genre? What could we call them?


>le ebin looter shooter
hard pass

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It's pretty fun_.

its not a looter shooter tho. Dying light is more of a looter shooter than rage

dumb weeb pig. i spit on your ancestors.


At least bother spending 10 researching something before commenting on it, pathetic weebshit

Wheaton or Whedon?

picked an epic post to typo on you mouthbreathing peabrain


So is there anything in the game to support the theory that this was once a new Mad Max game that got cancelled after the new George Miller movie got killed by WB? Are their assets and ideas similar to what was found in the first Mad Max game?

A sequel to RAGE made by Avalanche seems like such a fucking weird thing to make.

I'll wait on it, I did like the first game

that a relief.

It's really fun, but I really should at least try to finish Rage 1. Damn, the original game is such a boring garbage.

Bulletstrom plays way better.

Noe cute girls, no sale. Fuck you, SJW Swedes.

Its significantly better than the first. Just finished my first run of rage 1 over the weekend and I breathed a sigh of relief at all the QoL improvements. Writing still sucks tho desu

The shotgun is very good in this game, gunplay in general is done very well. Gibs are great.

Story is a joke, and the worst thing about it is it's taking too much screen time, especially at the very beginning. Driving is decent, but it could be better, the car is way too easy to handle.

I don't know if I would recommend it for full price, but I'm having fun with it so far.

Imagine spending 60 dollars on this trash

You need to make sure you prioritize getting the new abilities above everything else in this game. Otherwise you will end up halfway through the game still unlocking core combat skills.

Whats with all the colors. They trying to do the opposite of rage one where everything was yellow and brow n and bloom?

Attached: 1543132359025.jpg (810x506, 203K)

>single player game
>lol you're making a mistake not being online duuude!

Are you 9? brown and bloom was a trend, people got tired of it and it went in the opposite direction so now its COLORS again.

I've watched 4 different streamer sand no lie each one had one or two crashes during the time I was viewing them. Is the game optimized like shit?

It's fun man.

Those are all different games? Whats with the (s)oy?

Oh man there are literally hundreds of other games with that exact same face on mobile. It's crazy.

i know right? green bushes in muh desert, disgusting zoomer fortnite game

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Okay Rian Johnson

wow, borderlands 3 looks like that?

>Hold E to use
Fuck off. Fucking kys yourself. Fucking Lord, I'm so damn sick of this shit.

>Are you 9?
Are you? I'm just asking a question

That's fucking whack but also kind of funny

It was almost entirely opposite for me, the world and driving felt nice but the combat ans "skills" felt fucking boring and generic. Couldn't handle more than like a half of hour and had to put the game down to do literally anything else.
I may pick it up again and just drive around looking at the world and just avoid any and all combat. Glad I didn't play money for this game, combat felt so fucking generic that I kept having flashbacks to other games and daydream about playing those while some dudes were trying their hardest to miss me while I just stood there staring at colorful things.

No, because I'm saving up to upgrade my PC first

R8 my build plan

This game is so sterile compared to Rage 1

Attached: rage.jpg (3840x2160, 1.96M)

Congratulations on being the third person dumb enough to get a Radeon VII

To be honest RAGE 1 was looking a little too drab so I tossed in some reshade for at least a little more vibrancy.

Attached: 9200_20190515132650_1.png (1920x1080, 2.73M)

Thanks. I feel real special

looks like shit

Buggy on PC, I just stopped playing because of a save bug, Seems that your previous saves are useless when it comes to correcting mistakes, I feel like that's a bug but knowing game devs these days it's probably intentional, I mistakenly bought something I didn't need and wanted to correct that, loaded up my previous save about 20 minutes prior and the cash I spent was still gone and my current marker was still placed in the same spot from my most current save, as if it only fast traveled me to the area of the previous save but reverting nothing.

torrented it, installed, havent played yet.

>paying for performance sapping Denuvo


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No Todd
I’m not playing your stupid game

>paying for performance sapping Denuvo
it's funny because Bethesda accidentally released it on their launcher without denuvo, and i'm not sure if they've patched it yet

Yes something is up with the Save and death system because when I died all the enemies were dead but not the crates I already unlocked

I'm really liking it, even tho I get easily bored with Far Cry-like games. It might not be a $60 game, but it sure is worth $40 or so.

It also made me want to play Rage 1, but last I checked the game ran terribly for me, even though I have a GTX 1060 and an i7. Anyone else had this problem? I could barely hit 40 fps.

>31 giga
I'll need time to pirate this shit.

well the intent to use Denuvo was there, not paying.

>R8 my build plan
16BG is starting to be a bit little even now
Don't cheap out on coolers, more so if you plan to overclock.
Consider fluid cooling.
good luck with that
Are you planning to put ALL into that one Terrabyte SSD? Don't get me wrong a terra is hella lot of space, but keeping your operating system, especially win10, on a seperate drive on it's own is usually a smart idea. Consider getting a small ssd just for the OS to bloat up.

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I'm running a GTX 1070 and i7, and honestly i've got no issues. IdTweaker might help configuring things, especially for FOV, but even with only 8GB of RAM and Reshade on top the game's giving me no issues besides occasionally loading into things briefly having no textures for a split second.

Attached: 9200_20190515133914_1.png (1920x1080, 2.77M)

4.5 hours straight yesterday and no crashes. I did have an instance where 2 gulos spawned in the dud primer and I couldnt talk to the info broker though

Rage was one of the least remarkable games ever made. I can’t fathom how it even got a sequel.

can't run this for shit on my 1060 3gb and i7
doesn't matter what setting it's on it caps at around 40 and constantly dips to 35

I'm using Linux, so the os will take a bit less space. That's also why I'm getting AMD over Nvidia. I was debating getting 32 over 16, but decided I can just get more afterwards if I find that 16 isnt enough. I'm not planning to overclock honestly I don't even know how overclockin works..

lol don't bother getting a video card, you won't be playing video games lmao

if anyone can help a nigger out on making it run at all i'd appreciate it i don't wanna refund it the shit was fun as fuck

did you alt-tab? that made my game run choppy but when I restarted it was fine.

nah it just runs like hot garbage on every setting for some reason


oh you have the gimped 1060. thats why

sure but it shouldn't be this bad i understand it not being perfect on ultra but fuck bro even on low it's the same fps

Please do not bully me.

There is something that may or may not help, in application properties you can choose to disable the windows play "optimizations".
Disabling that has helped a lot of people to get their game to work better.
Click the game .exe open properties and go to Compatability and under settings theres option to disable windows play fullscreen optimization.
See if it helps.

>people remotely interested in rage 2 are over 25,
How do you know? Is it because of Rage 1? Because I think even the people who still remember and care about the first game won't pick the sequel just because how different it is.

Is this even worth a pirate? I could use a AAA romp while I take a break from mordhau.

Thanks for the advice but it didn't do jackshit for me sadly

>dystopian world devoid of society, law, and order
>still not allowed to kill children or degenerates
they keep promising, but never deliver
then they wonder why the industry is dying

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Do you like first person shooters? Do you like driving? Do you like Just Cause or the Mad Max game? And can you tolerate rather dull starting hours before you really get the powers and weapons that make combat fun, and a somewhat-unpolished release currently? From everything assessed so far, if you don't mind the "go kill and blow shit up" breadcrumbs open world kind of game, then it's right up your alley - if you're burnt out on that sort of thing, fun combat won't save it for you.

>starter pistol
>3 rnd burst from the hip
>dogshit slow semi while ads
>needs feltrite and weapon cores to get the "hair trigger" perk
>still 3 rnd burst from the hip
just fuck my shit up honestly

>the industry is dying

I wish they'd release the first one on GOG. No interest in dyke rage 2.

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Not him but the current state of the industry is unsustainable.

Massive AAA industry*

dont be fooled by their shitty marketing. The games still a slur of brown and its way the fuck better than the first

did you want it to be full auto or what?



Just a true semi auto that didnt have some cucked trigger reset AND a gimmick for hipfire

nearly 400 mb of drm. how does denuvo even work?

>425mb exe


What’s woke about the game. Give an example.

a whole bunch of bullshit designed to obfuscate EXE code as much as possible to make it difficult to crack. Sonic Mania removed denuvo a couple months ago, and it similarly lost a couple hundred MB to become just 3MB.

What you want to go back to brown shooters again? Rage looks like shit

this is normal with denuvo

Attached: big.png (599x48, 8K)

So how much of the first game is even left once you reach Subway Town?

Attached: 9200_20190515135559_1.png (1920x1080, 2.43M)

The gameplay looks relatively fun, but I haven't played a singleplayer shooter i've liked in years.

Not much, like 25%.

jesus this game's cripplingly short then


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final boss is a button lol

I pirated the game like any sane person. It's still a waste of time.

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I wanna marry this rebel.

But where's her sister?

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