Media Tour for Shadowbringers in London starts today.
Final Fantasy XIV
That's my wife.
Wish me luck.
In the last game I had melee who was not using targets and then he blamed us. Apparently we were supposed to know on which target he's using LB on.
This is such a better look for her, holy fuck.
Good luck user.
it's already over for today
>22 minutes in queue
how is your morning, thread
haven't had time to play yet
gonna do my roulettes and get PLD to 60 when I get on
Fuck this shit, 3rd time I tried to qualify.
>next week is the combat live letter
guess who's getting their job ruined
Im sorry user. Promo games are always so cursed...
Samurai's kit is so finely tuned gameplay-wise, lack of utility aside, that it can really only go downhill from here.
Any tips for a machinist in pvp? I really dont want to be dead weight
All healer jobs got merged with tank jobs. Now we have either utility or DPS.
The same is with RDM.
Read this and you will better than 95% people playing in feast at the moment.
I think there's some wiggle room with RDM. For example, I really can't think of a reason why Jolt II doesn't just automatically become impact when proc'd. On top of that, another use for your mana bar outside of a single melee combo would be nice.
samurai is yoshi's favorite melee job, he will only buff it. now you have to button mash shinten like sword rain alpha because you're drowning in kenki
>I really can't think of a reason why Jolt II doesn't just automatically become impact when proc'd.
Because if proc falls of, your impact cast will be interrupted. This is more of a problem with how the game works instead of it being RDM only problem.
>tfw just made it to Platinum
I'm sorry, user.
Any info on where abouts in London this tour is taking place? Do you need tickets or is it a walk in event?
Why are there so little ShB art of the twins?
invite only to the media and ecelebs
Invite only, for media.
Alisae's going to end up being an unwilling host for Titania and is going to be the obligatory emotional death of 5.x
>Thinking Alisae will die
there's a theory that alisaie might be related to titania like this guy keeps saying i personally think it could just be something else, like for all we know maybe time passes differently in the first and maybe alisae has been helping the pixies for a long time (from their perspective) so titania ends up looking like her or something. obviously this is just a completely bullshit guess but i can't see them just killing her off so casually
Were the two new orchestrion tracks ever datamined and posted?
Every DPS job should be as simple as RDM.
we don't need more braindead homogenized jobs like RDM
Yeah we do. Bloat isn't fun.
Boy are you in for a shock with DNC
No... Bros... It's over.. WoW won..
just want to play as a chuuni shota for FUCK'S SAKE
There's the matter too of what the hell reason would Alisaie have to fight us, Thordan fought us because he wanted to be a godking and Tsukuyomi fought us because Yotsuyu wanted to kill everyone that wronged her and we were standing right in front of her at the time.
Play as a really short midlander
as much as i would love for the fags,pedos, fujo's and trannys to shut up about "smoll bunny boi's" this is only going to make them complain more