have sex
>keep it vidya
Have sex
im ugly but thank fuck im not this ugly
What happened to his chin?
What dark souls game should I play first?
severe underbite
fucker needs a dentist asap
Just had sex 15 minutes ago, over 7 times this past 2 days, on holydays with the gf.
Anything you guys might want to know?
it fell off from not having sex
>no one said anything about his nose
Hello fellow rabbis
Does your hand have bruises?
genetics but mosr of the times that happens when you are used to breath thru your mouth, or eating too much soft food
Breath to your fucking nose and chew some bubblegum from time to time
also underbite
No my dude, but arms feel a bit sore from holding my weight on top of my gf.
It's always about the jews, huh
Are Asian men doomed?
What are some games where you have surgery to become a Chad
MGR Revengeance.
Just hope he doesn't have kids because they're gonna need a shit ton of surgery like him.
Kids aren't your clones, you retard.
That poor man. Orthodontic surgery at an early age could have saved him.
Fucked up noses and chins are genetic, retard. That recessive gene is always going to be there for those mongoloids. Look in the mirror and look at your parents, if you want an example.
It's even worse in Asia.
>But what left me flabbergasted was that I also know a lot of laowai who are fooling around in China and they tell me China has a lot of “free girls” who don’t want any money and only want to go to bed with them, who want to marry laowai even if it means paying instead of getting money [to the foreigner], and who will take even the poor, the old, the fat, the disabled, as long as they’re laowai.
>For laowai in China, the success rate for getting girls is around 50-100 times higher than those of local men, and the women that our compatriots can spend thousands or tens of thousands on but can’t get laowai can get with just a cup of coffee. Many of male compatriots are extremely angry over this, so let me share the ways laowai pick up girls and the reasons they succeed easily. You guys should also find your own shortcomings, and not just blindly complain.
How big is her cock?
all of that is /fit/-tier broscience. about on par with height increasing exercises.
ughh...what could've been...
he didnt have sex
>still has an incel jawline
oh no no no no. . . . no noo noo
Jeez user, if you're still a virgin you can just become a girl and you'll instantly find people who will have sex with you, all you need to say is "i am a woman", trans women and lesbians are easy.
Plastic Surgery does wonders, you can get the full suite for less than $30k usd
Never gonna make it
he looks like he plays souls shit
This. It looks grotesque.
That thing isn't even passable.
i have a better chin than on the right and im an average dude.
not hating on the lad though, in fact i remember the back story. he worked jobs after highschool and went to turkey or some country where the surgeries are cheap. he wasnt a virgin on the left pic either. i wish incels stopped complaining and just improved their situation like a man
>not having these filters applied
>based to win
>cringe to fail
>based and redpilled to epic win
>cringe and bluepilled to epic fail
>incel to gaijin
>yikes to EHHHH?
>have sex to hold hands
was user right? What would happen to Yea Forums after?
Amateur, you lay in top of her supporting your upper on your elbows you won't crush her unless you are a total lard ass. That or she's the fat duck and laying on top of her feels bad or makes it harder to reach her fat pussy buried beneath more fat. But all this could be solved by fucking her from behind of your dick isn't tiny. Sounds like you haven't gone past missionary or your a total liar.
What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I’m the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You’re fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You’re fucking dead, kiddo.
wtf I hate white culture now!
Stop this crab bucket mentality projecting retard. Russia has models coming out of toothless coal miner families. genes are extremely complex
>just use real life photoshop bro xd
top kek faggot got his lies exposed and got totally destroyed
Is it okay to take hormones and get breast implants and surgery to look more like a girl even if you accept never actually being one?
Who /underbite/ here? It is physically imposible for me to smile without looking like a retard.
Its faces like this that make me grateful to be somewhat attractive albeit a manlet
>That recessive gene is always going to be there for those mongoloids.
Pay attention, you cum guzzling faggot. Genes can easily, EASILY skip a generation your fictional russian models """example""" only bolsters that. She may be hot as fuck, but her kids still could easily look like her toothless parents because those fucking genes are still there.
Did you not pass 6th grade? Jesus Christ. Genes don't just fucking disappear after one generation.
>why yes, I main Cloud
thats not even a jew nose you retard
Bailey Jay did that. She doesn't "identify" as a woman because even she has admitted that's biologically impossible.
what is wrong with that dude's skull?
never seen somebody this oddly shaped before
typical amerijew
/pol/niggers are usually mutts that don't know the difference
You'd be surprised
So that's why demi Moore's kids are ugly, because she is so ugly, right, you retard?
It all sums up to that the foreigners are willing to shell out more. Well of course. Most countries currency is worth a lot more than Chinese currency and simply taking a girl to Starbucks is considered a luxury over there. With shit like that, anyone would rather do shit with a foreigner.
Yes. Tbh it'd be better if trannies just said "I want to look like a girl because I want to" rather than trying to go for the whole Born This Way angle.
lmao read the thread
You realize that new noses appear, you fucking mongoloid ? You telling me you can Mr-Potato-head your face out of pieces of facial features from your family, what? Kys
Started growing out of his nose.
>no argument at all
You have no idea about genes. Kys
demi moore is ugly, though
The thing is most people with good chiná are recessed meqning that if their faces were forward grown they Would have a normal or even recessed chin, get it? There are more ones in the face than the chin/jaw
You're samefagging. At least don't make it so obvious next time.
What the fuck do you mean "no argument?" I layed it all out, but I guess reading is just too hard for you, right? Genes cross and create "new" ones. Hence why you can have a "new" nose. Because it's a combination of, say your mom's and your grandfather's. Like I said, maybe you should've payed attention in middle school.
But I don't really give a fuck. Just keep samefagging and pretend like you won when you have no idea what you're talking about.
I meant Bones not "ones"
he wasnt being himself and he didnt have sex
Imagine having your entire face be shaped like your nose.
Even if you use your elbows you cannot pump as hard as when your arms are stiff, also you still get tired eventually anyway.
I like it from behind too but being grappled by her legs feels too good, also you can kiss.
>that thing isn't even passable
You're supposed to look at the right side
I love coming here to shitpost and then going to Reddit to have serious discussions.
How big is your dick?
You're the only lardass if you have to support on your elbows.
Women absolutely go crazy when you're on top of them and they can grab your arm and feel it all tense and hard, touching a triceps is not as good.
Did the cameraman have surgery to take pics with a more flattering angle and better lighting?
Good. Because I really want to look entirely like a girl but I don't feel alien in my male body.
>In Japan visiting a friend
>In Tokyo Bay at a tourist trap spot
>Three Vietnamese women come up and ask to take photos with us
>Take turns posing, link arms and hold hands with us
>One starts squeezing my arm, says we're very big and strong
>I'm like 5'9 and can barely bench 130lbs, my mate is not much better
>Sets the other girl off doing the same to my friend
>Current photographer girl comes over and joins in
Was the most fucking obscure experience of my life. I'm like a 6/10 tops, the standards must be reeeeeal low
While I certainly don't advocate for "taking the pink pill," do whatever makes you happy and be my gf (bf)
I improved him if he got a rinoplasty and his mandible pushed forward he would look normal
this is true, he just wasnt beautiful enough on the inside.
>That thing isn't even passable.
Whatever fag. If you saw the person on the right in real life (or even on the internet a couple years ago) you would never have guessed.
He got punked by genetics.
Should have just died at birth
That's a severe overbite retard
Yeah he took it with a polarizing lens to make his nose and chin disappear
I got an underbite.
I learned to not make it as visible.
If you're 6/10 by white guy standards, that means 9/10 for other races. White guys are attractive unless they ruin themselves by becoming fat neckbeards/soiboys/trannies. It's such a waste.
>overbite surgery
>le fort osteotomy
threads like these always make me feel good about how I look, I'm glad I got the chad bone structure even if I'm not a chad myself
The nose is photoshopped.
I'm so glad I've had sex. Phew
Why always on the Internet people say they have over bite or underbite? Im the only one with an open bite???
If this is true, explain Serge Gainsbourg
video game sex?
Gonna get buccal fat removal surgery and I'm gonna look cute, senpai.
is your average american
i swapped some head with a cute bear last night thank you very much
that poor jewish boy
I thought we were all le 56% mutts xDD
Why don't you third world eurocucks make up your mind?
>i don't take care of my body, I can't control what I eat, I don't groom myself
yeah he was adorable
56% chin development.
Because eurocucks are Fucking insane
did you eat ass?
nah but he played with mine a bit
>american calling anyone third world
get to
One of us can't walk outside without the heightened possibility of being stabbed and/or raped to death by a group of Muslims.
That one is the third worlder, third worlder.
w-what are the other blackpills?
>I thought we were all le 56% mutts xDD
But you are?
Not according to Apparently we're genetically weak white men.
You're a minority in your own country and your culture is dead.
>Kids aren't your clones
They essentially are, read a book.
and you can't walk outside or even go to school without being shot
Don't have sex
casual sex is against God's law
american education everyone
No, no. You see, unlike your nightmare police states, we can arm and defend ourselves. Whereas in whatever laughing stock of a country you come from (they'll all the same), you can't even have a butter knife.
That's why you're a third worlder. But it is cute seeing just how hard you'll try to defend yourself. Think Ahmed would give you that much love?
This. Everyone I know that engages in casual sex are diseased drug addicts.
Just watch the actual state of asian men. Most of them can barely compite against even black men
No, there are species that actually clone themselves as a method of reproduction. We have offspring, not clones. There is a fundamental difference that makes a huge impact.
lmao kys
yeah just replace muslims with niggers and you have america
see We can at least defend ourselves from invaders. Have fun with Mohammed's cock in your wife.
it's not good enough to have had it, you have to continue having it. have sex
You have niggers too, genius. Except yours pray to Allah rather than rap.
>living in a shithole where you have to defend yourself
have vidya
keep it sex
Same here brother. God had to balance us
Boomer image
Imagine letting your average to below average looks stopping you from making the most of your life and instead just whining on the internet about it. Bravo incels
Asians and whites unite to create a new breed of super humans
What if you're absolutely ugly and not just "below average"?
Imagine feeling damaged by words on an anonymous forum where most people here are wizards. You should've learned to not give a fuck about anything and live your life after turning 11
reminder that transsexuality is demonic possession
pray for these people
Shouldn't you be sleeping, mr blanchard
I was talking about lewd blackpills. I already know that one
Asians are 5'0 monkeys. You're relegating your bloodline to fuck slave daughters or right out ending with sons.
Asian men/white women combos breed absolute Chads.
i.e. Dean Cain
Why would Chinks unite with the baizuo when they can just laugh at them and buy out their property once they go extinct
russian people have almost half asiatic dna and they're retarded violent drunks
Same thing applies. Having a romantic partner doesn't need to be the focus of your life. There are literally so many things in life you can work for. If staying home and playing video games most of the day makes you happy, do it. If you want to travel around, save up the money for it asshat and learn to budget. Dont rely on others to make you feel fulfilled
Even if I ignore the bro-science part, what kind of cucked mentality is this?
>Dude don't have kids because their nose is gonna be ugly
Is this a way to cope for being an incel or what?
reminder that the kalergi plan consisted of mixing europeans and asians into a dums mutt slave race for jews to rule over
it's no surprise that jewish communism was born in russia
>wanting your race to have nothing, but the purest genes means you're cucked
>look like shit
>start socializing more and washing myself properly, become less introverted and more confident
>start working and have some money all the time
>get laid
It's not that hard honestly.
Whatever you say burger
>broooo sex amirite, gurls my dude
>have sex have sex have sex
Mods only let these threads live because they're containment threads for you normalfags
reminder that Traditional Roman Catholicism is the answer
Why not?
>we can defend ourselves from Invaders
Kalergi was a racist and wanted to colonize and have whites rule over the entirety of Africa. He's not this uberkike overlord that /pol/ wants him to be. youtube.com
What like constantly?
I sleep with my wife in a big bed each night and have sex every few days or so
defending yourself is m'lady
Boy how far we have fallen
>Dont rely on others to make you feel fulfilled
This is some of the best advice anyone can get.
I used to be completely reliant on my best friend to live my life, always following him and only making plans together with him.
And then he got himself an attention starved roastie and started spending less and less time with me to the point of almost completely cutting contact.
So instead of letting him control my life anymore, I cut HIM off (along with all the other dead weight in my life) and started travelling the world by myself and have since lost my virginity (and then some) and gained new friends in the most unexpected places. You just gotta put yourself out there and only care about your own happiness and well being.
>posting a left wing male
idk what you're trying to prove user
He was a mixed race mutt that wanted to destroy whites and have jews rule everything. He married kikes. Kys
I'm sure your offsprings will get the purest form of autism user don't worry
>wanted to destroy whites and have jews rule everything
Why the fuck would you want to
Stop watching porn, making yourself look like a girl is fleeting
You'll have aged and lost any 'beauty' you've gained and have nothing to show for it
mixed race people are 9x more likely to be mentally ill
Janny, clean up this shit thread and make it snappy.
>posting straight up lies and disinfo like this
>autist talking about mental illness
every time
We have to defend ourselves bros... Mohammed down the street is literally replacing us bros it's genocide we're all gonna die unless I shoot his 8 year old son through the skull with my dad's m1911
Have sex
But you are the ones lying and misinforming people. youtube.com
>paul joseph watson
>kenny look at this guy braggin about sex on the internet what a damn fool I tell ya
18cm, but quite thick.
With every female of the species you see
The end is near
So don't you worry about the HIV
Get drunk
Till you puke all over the floor
We're gonna die
So let's get hammered like never before
>get rid of forward head posture and start mewing
>now I look like an absolute jawlet
holleeee fucckkkkk
t. elliot rodger ultra mutt
Because what if I like looking like a girl, and have fantasized and desired it since I was 8 years old? Is it still just porn?
Hahaha lmao, incel virgin trying this hard to fit in, I paid for a fuck because I'm that rich and took 2 and half hours to finish, should mention around the 2 hour mark I Pre cummed a bit and couldn't finish fats enough so she gave me another 30 mins free and sucked on me till I was dry, I then had a shower and went home, also I didn't even have to move I laid down and she did everything, sorry your a virgin incel dude
He was absolutely correct. Genes don't work in the absolutes that you think they do. I have 5 siblings. We're all generally good looking except one of my sisters has horrible fucked up teeth. Same parents and everything.
Also consider that good looking people can still have retarded deformed kids.
>getting your political views from a fucking incel containment board on a chinese basket weaving forum
Just kill yourself
Where the hell is his chin?
This has to be shopped lol
What did I say
fleeting feelings. Reduce your exposure to xenoestrogens. Find God. You are being attacked.
Why are you girls so obssessed with chins?
Based, this is almost me till I threatened to sue NHS and now am getting free square jaw surgery for under bite and free braces
It's a commercial
Both of these pictures are true. Whites in Europe are being outbred by muslims and the exact same happening in the US with niggers and their culture being popularized.
The only truly white countries left are economic shitholes like Russia or a very few small countries like Switzerland.
pick your poison either way
I dont see any 9:1 ratio in there as you implied
It is.
Those are literally Ashkenazi Jew faces. Why do they project onto whites?
Everyone i don't politically agree with is ugly.
It was never fleeting, though. I'm 25 now. How long is the window to qualify as "fleeting"?
>you don't actually want what you want wake up sheeple