Redpill me on Etika. Is he based or cringe?

Redpill me on Etika. Is he based or cringe?

Attached: etika.jpg (1280x720, 54K)

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bruh look at dis dood

Reddit-tier shit that only zoomers watch.

>zoom chair


Didn't you see the sticky the other day about e-celebs and their drama? It belongs on

He’s /ournig/

People only watch him for his forced reactions

fucker clapped himself

He said fuck niggers spics etc

he was cringe for a long time but recently he's been based

Why did he go crazy also why were threads allowed about him going crazy but jared cheating on his wife was off limits and needed a sticky reminder

Someone give me the rundown?

He got sick of e-psychologists being overly ""concerned"" for his ""safety"" just because they have no life of their own and kept insisting he get his shit taken down so he flipped out like a child

he only told the truth

jews hate the truth

Because ProJared was either friendly or was a mod for this place. I don't understand why this has been brushed under the rug either.

Because jannies suck at there job and wanted to look like they were a relevant authority for once.

Because Jared got spammed way more in less time. The Etika shit is just as retarded but it wasn't nearly as spammed at the time, so less severe action was taken.

report this eceleb shit, take it to Yea Forums


Nigga looks like a real life Gerald with that retarded haircut.

Mental shutdown because the Phantom Thieves failed to steal his treasure properly

is not vidya

The Jared stuff hit too close to home with some of the mods here.

ah yes... the truth of eating dry romaine lettus and raw eggs...


ProJared doesn't pay to advertise here.

He was cringe but redpilled

>caring about celebrities ever
>caring about e-celebrities ever

take your life back

just another nigger that failed to contain his nature

the sticky is gone that means it belongs here again

E-celeb board when?

Attached: e-celeb board when.png (756x417, 20K)

Look at him and that chair for God’s sake he’s a fucking streamer holy shit it’s all cringe as fuck and you should kys if you have to ask

Get em bro!!!

redpill me on hitting a cop for advertisement

>Why did he go crazy

Making a monthly doctors & Lawyer income and all he do is screaming @ Nintendo Videos.

He was a streamer with possible stress issues/mental problems, which is not a good combination for any work dealing with several thousand people daily. He also kinda did this before, deleting his multi-million subscriber youtube channel after posting porn on it.

Give me the tl;dr of his newest video.
Did he finally acknowledge he has a problem or is he still pretending nothing ever happened and everything is fine?

What new video? didn't his channel get taken down?

He’s back? The things America lets people get away with.

I aint watching 40 minutes, but if anyone wants to:

A nigger

niggers cant be based

you're using a word popularized by a "nigger"

Average Nintendo fan.

Mentally deranged and delusions of grandeur.

Attached: 1553002122060.jpg (627x885, 302K)

>implying the mods here are getting laid

It's on his T1Iceman (?) channel.
He seems normal enough - at least he's not screaming out the windows or acting like a monkey - but he still thinks he did nothing wrong. And he seemed fine after the first incident last year too, then went batshit insane again, so I wouldn't trust his current "sanity".

Absolutely based.

cringe cuz he's a braindead monkey who screams all the time, fuck this nigga

Remember anons,
>Skinny e-celeb bad, they look like us.
>Loud fit man good.
>Puppet good.


at least he's not a NEET like you.

>gaming chair
He's a nigger, I can tell that much and it's not the skin.

It’s not my fault programming jobs are hard to get in California.

>Why did he go crazy
The dude was always crazy. You can clearly see it in his earlier videos. People only started caring because the content came to a halt.

>Yea Forums
>video games

E-celeb shit is NOT video games. Fuck off, cuntfag.

just cringe and people are getting sick of his random outbursts and reluctance to discuss them

>gaming chair

Why the fuck did you even make this thread

Typical nigger who became delusional.

>be me
>be nigger
>make 10k screaming at Nintendo porn
>become NIGGER JEW
>tell fans they need to donate more besides 100 every donation
>fans get mad
>pretend to be retard
>ruin career by posting loli and foot fetish porn on YouTube to have it deleted
>get famous for a few months from this
>rinse and repeat for every year to make money
>ignore anyone calling me out
>life of a internet nigger
Cringe and niggerpilled e-celeb

Attached: etika.jpg (640x435, 14K)

100% Cringe.

>is he based

Attached: 1555949874432.jpg (414x372, 33K)

Etika for Tekken 7 plz

Never watched his shit. Seems like a basednigger.


Is he dead or did I just dream that last night

still better than you lol

So is he an actual schizo?

Is he the reason there are people on Yea Forums who unirconically type like they're on black twitter?

>Nintendo direct shows 1x1 pixel of character asshole
>gets up from chair to break something
He's the embodiment of onions in a nigger.

>dreaming about e celebs
jesus christ user, that is sad as fuck


Is this nigger gonna pretend that he never punched a cop on camera? Does he really think people are just gonna forget about that?


Attached: unknown-9.png (353x462, 277K)

He said the cop hit him first
And his fanbase already hates him and is constantly asking for him to "apologize"

Look it up on Twitter or other normie social media.

He's pretty much the black equivalent of that faggot who recorded himself crying over a star wars trailer

I mean at least he never cried over a nintendo trailer.
And he doesnt give off nearly as much Cuck aura as the star wars guy

Despite me hating niggers as much as I do, punching em makes you okay in my book of kewl people. Not that it matters, still.

He gave the police officer the middle finger and the officer punched him for it. That's how he got into that fight.

Honestly, a black guy that elects his hair like that or like pic related are cringe, bluepilled, and the worst type. It's not racism, it's a judgment of a decision, and you're saying "I am not a productive member of society."

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He was acting weird as fuck, but honestly, he seems like a based dude.

>He was
He still is

I liked him until I noticed that he would get overly excited for characters in Smash when he didn't even know who they were. He didn't even recognize that Cloud was coming until he actually saw him and then he started screaming about Cloud being his boy.

Reaction channels are only cringe. And you are too if you watch them.

How? Because he was talking about that god shit? If that's what he believes, that's one thing, but other than that, he seemed fine.

>chimping out in public and threatening to kill himself for attention
>based dude

Choose one.

It's one thing to believe in God, it's another to act like Terry Davis.

thats pretty based

>named the Jew
absolutely based

Hes trying to spread his audience to the black lives matter movement and other similar people

Looks like DMT or he read too much Nietzsche