Game gives you a best friend

>game gives you a best friend

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>games gives you nothing but cringe headcanons
fuck smashfags and faggots

Wheres Ninten?

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ess and lucas don't even live in the same milenium you smash fag

>admin gives you your own board

i wish i was a cute innocent shota

>not Stupid retard. I'm going to bump this dying thread just because you're a stupid retard.

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I used to be.
Got molested for my troubles.

sorry user i hope you are doing okay now

don't forget this good boy

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>never cute
>never innocent

Smashfags are secondaries

Do people that play Smash even bother to read the wiki articles of the characters they play as..?

This guy gets it. I would include the one asking about Ninten as well, but I dunno, something’s a little off about that user.

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but was it at least /ss/?

I have probably read Lucario's bulbapedia page at some point.

Make way for the cooler best friend, Lucas.

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This isn't deviantart, fuck off

f-fine... Lucas can make other friends too!

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That’s honestly all it takes to just not come off as completely ignorant of the character(s) you play as in Smash. It still baffles me how many people continue to ship Ness and Lucas just becuase they’re both in Smash despite it making zero sense in the actual context of Mother.

Good tastes here.

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Why does it baffle you? It's cute... That's all there is to it

>not posting the complete gang

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Better tastes here, that Villager is my favourite because he reminds me of mine. :)

You know, I don’t really know how to explain it. I’m not usually against non-canon pairings, especially since I enjoy a lot of non-canon oriented material myself. But something about Smash shipping really sets me off. Maybe it’s autism. ._.

I love this gang. Also
>smug Villager wearing a bikini
>Kirby sun

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you seem to like villager x Lucas shipping but Lucas x Ness shipping sets you off? Maybe it's because you value the story of Earthbound, but this kind of stuff basically pretends the story doesn't exist. There is no story in animal crossing so it's easier to imagine shipping. I like to ship Lucas and Claus together and I don't like to remember what the canon story involves. I just want to think about cute boys doing wholesome things together.

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Villager is too alpha to be called a faggot.

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Oh, no I don’t ship Ness x Villager Boy nor Lucas x Villager Boy. I was just happy someone started posting VB in general. But anyhow I guess I can see where you’re coming from. Like I love seeing Smash boys being cute and doing cute stuff. But the moment it gets romantic I’m like: “ehhh”.

He’s a very powerful individual. Everything he does is simply another display of his dominance and confidence

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I see, well I think shota romance is very cute

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stop it tumblr

I too enjoy it. Regardless of anything else, it’s one of the purest formes of love!

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