There was a time when this guy was the most popular video game character in the world

There was a time when this guy was the most popular video game character in the world.

How does that make you feel like?

Attached: hugo-game-tv-.jpg (1500x1000, 268K)

Other urls found in this thread:

the tv "call and play" games were rigged because of the nearly 1 minute delay. to win you had to memorize every game and predict what's gonna happen next

I was always shocked by how bad the kids were, knew there had to be something more to it

Hugo was a thing outside whiteland?
Where he was created?

>How does that make you feel like?

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Thanks for the nostalgia, faggot

>Boomers unironically liked Hugo

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Actually only half true. The big TV productions invited people to play those games inside their studio and only pretended that it was all a phone call.

My wife won at Hugo once when she was a kid. Got a NES bootleg console from the tv station.

Kuzya adventure time!

I literally won a bicycle on that show, it was on a shitty country in south america, but I called and I fucking won
It was the greatest feeling I've ever had over the phone
thanks for the memories user


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Hugo for smash when? I'd rather get Kito Pizza, but he is fine too

>up to 200 000 callers a day
Jesus Christ that was big

I didn't even know Hugo was that famous.

Wouldn't expect to see a fucking Hugo thread on Yea Forums at this hour. You're just full of surprises, huh?

Post Gaby's boobs

is there a way to play these games now or are they forever lost

As a Dane I'm proud that the little shit conquered half the world.


There were at least 3 pc games

>Kito Pizza
Completely forgot about that one. What was the name of that one that pitted two players against each other while they controlled a green and a blue turd?

Holy shit Burgerfags know about Hugo too?
I thought it's only in Vietnam what the fuck?
Holy shit

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In Latin america was a big thing too.

He's fucking Scandinavian you fuck.

>Obstacle shows up
>Program leader goes ''Oh uh! You better press 6, you little fag!''
>Hear the fucking kid frantically mashing the buttons
>''OOOH NOO! Guess you were too late, huh? Better luck next time!''
>You can hear the disappointment in the kid's voice as he's told he wasn't good enough
Playing Hugo games over the phone was such a fucking scam. How did they get away with tricking kids like this?
You're playing what essentially boils down to QTEs over the goddamn phone. The input delay was just retarded.
I was always so frustrated seeing the kids fail miserably because they didn't have the fucking clairvoyance necessary to make any progress.
Once every blue moon there was someone who had autistically memorized every aspect of the game and charted out the various outcomes and patterns, solely from watching everyone else fail over and over. Yet, even that dedication wasn't enough because the game would ALWAYS screw you over in some luck-based bullshit towards the end.

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>There was a time when this guy was the most popular video game character in the world.
(Not true, by the way.)

I've never seen this retard before and I'm in my 30s.

I can't believe this little shit had less lag than the stadia

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Post Scylla

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Hugo voice was pretty cool in russia

anyone else noticed how in the 90´s you would see beautiful antagonists but in the later years the big bad is always ugly or outright a monster

What the fuck, I've been certain it was strictly an European thing. Pretty cool

Was he really? I actually remember owning three games starring this little dude, why did he just fade into obscurity like this?

what's the best Hugo game?

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I was watching this shit as a kid growing up in Poland, even got some of the video games but they were in German for some fucking reason. I remember it fondly. let's hear them


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>buy game
>finish it like 2 hours later

It's been like 20 years but I'm still pissed off

Forgot the pic just like how I forgot to ask for a refund back then

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>he'll never be in Smash

>Thousands of kids cooperate and spend fortune in an countless frustrating trial and error effort just so that one of them could one day win a bottleleg console from a Swedish troll and they would all be free
Funny when you think about it

Hugo freaked me out when I was younger.

He was famous in Poland too

I want to defeat Scylla.

Attached: scylla.png (874x653, 672K)

I remember this one retard that called with a rotary dial phone and tried to play. He died on the first obstacle and even the hosts made fun of him

I miss the "evil black haired villainess" stereotype.

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it got ported on PSone

I think I just had a fucking flashback of a repressed memory just from seeing this image.
I remember I had a teacher who I thought looked like Scylla and I had these weird fucking dreams of her shrinking me down and stuffing me in her panties while laughing.
Had completely buried this shit until now. I was like 5 years old what the fuck was wrong with me?

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*it ain't me starts playing*

Aired in Ukraine

>Hola mi amor estas viendo poops solo?

>the incel dark queen
>the chad fertile married faun

What did they smell like? Hahaha

>why did he just fade into obscurity like this?
The core of the franchise was always the TV game and this gradually died as home consoles and eventually online games became more widely and easily available. It just stopped being as cool and attractive to the children as it used to be. It aired for much longer in poorer countries for the same reason

Never heard of him

If that new Battletoads is still coming, we'll get more Dark Queen.

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Shut up MAX, your name is now HUGO.

Don't expect people to understand

The train levels were tense as fuck

>Ha'ru klister på fingrana?

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Always wanted that big gummy rat they won, but now when I can buy a bunch I don't want the any more

Magic Kids was such a based tv channel.
Anime, vidya programs and of course chad Hugo.
God fucking damn I miss those days.

I thought it was a Poland only thing
holy shit Hugo is worldwide what the fuck

>ppl actually believe the kids who made it into tv were legit and not paid actors

>Nivel X
>The little retard calling and asking for the 49th time how to do Sub-Zero's Fatality in MK2

älä kaiva nenää samalla sormella ku kaivat persettäs :D



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heck there was even a vietnamese version of this show

Nivel X was really good.

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We had him in Sweden to

I can't even explain how fucking creepy everything about this looks now
How did I not have nightmares back in the day from this

NOW I know where all the giantess fags comes from

It's normal. It's just not something people talk about. I also had sexual fantasies around that age which was long before I had any idea of what sex was.

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Best game coming through!

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I always thought Hugo was only a thing in Austria and Germany

I remember this shit being extremely popular when I was a teen, cousins would ask my phone to play this on the TV show. Simply bought them the pc game.

>cousins would ask my phone to play this on the TV show

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My youngest aunt was in her early 20s when I was 9 years old. One day, she left me home alone to go somewhere and I felt like trying her clothes, her panties were pretty cute

Which of you germanfags baked the shitcake?

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Were the TV games ever released or somehow ripped to play at home? Are there available anywhere? After getting btfo'd at them as a kid due to input lag I would like to actually play them properly

Even back the Kito Pizza looked like dogshit.

I never got to play it because the call was expensive as fuck but I would press buttons on my own phone at home and pretend I was playing
>t. poorfag

Henrik you're based.

You got no idea.

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I used to be scared shitless as a little kid by Hugo

The idea of a character breaking the 4th wall in order to berate me everytime I made him fall into a pit was scarier than any zombie or ghost

>Kuzya adventure time!

Attached: hell yeah.jpg (783x377, 98K)

This isn't what I posted at all. Even the dimensions are wrong. MOOOOOT

>but I would press buttons on my own phone at home and pretend I was playing
The truly sad shit is that you'd have just about the same experience with that lag.

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Basado y rojo empastillado.

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Yes, there were pc releases you could get on stores. In my country they were released by Caiman I think? I would save up pocket money a while to get them on newspaper stands. Im sure someone must’ve kept a archive. Sadly they are likely not localized if you are not a spanish speaker.

Will Hugo be the thing that unites the nations?

In Finland we had this.
It's time to go back, user.

Imagine playing this on a rotary phone.

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some games with Hugo were released in my country(Poland), but I don't think I've ever seen the actual ones from TV. Pretty understandable I guess, considering they were all in all very short. I do speak a bit Spanish though, so I might look for them

Hugo for smash

But we had Hugo too.

To anyone looking for the games, here is a site as mentioned. ITE distibuted the game on Argentina. I dunno if there is a english one, apologies

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It was big in israel in the mid 90s

Unironically would be fucking legendary

There was a time when i had a TV. That time is long gone and isn't missed.

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The Frogger-esque one for the PSOne was kino.

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I had the Christmas one for PC with comfy Hugo inside a house. It's missing from that picture.


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Not good

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>kid plays Hugo
>gets to final score where he has to make the right decision to save Hugo's family
>he fails
>curses Hugo and the presenter on live TV
Even after almost 20 years still amuses me

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extremely old, but happy of knowing that I lived the best videogame era (1980-2000=

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I remember one kid started tearing up after losing and shit got insanely awkward before they ended the call.

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>inb4 a guy

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I heard that kid grew up to fuck a million bitches and has a TV show of his own.

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Where? What did the kid say exactly? How did the presenter react?

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Estuvo en lo de Kazcka y solo le dieron 16 segundos

Dijo "hola onions la que presentabaa A jugar con H-" y nada mas

I could swear I never saw a single kid win, and they all failed at the last second. In the pc game, you could literally finish this shit in a couple of minutes. I am sure that there even is a hint somewhere of what choice to take. I could remember vividly winning the game in my PC

Oh fuck..

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i honestly never cared for this faggot
it's an ugly design, nothing appealing to be found


It was always either 2 guys or Hugo himself in Poland

Is that who I think it is?

My older sister won a SNES from one of those "call and play" shows on TV.

We had him in Sweden in the 90's. Never called in myself though

Qué negrada.


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The minigames were super easy on PC since you didn't have to deal with all the latency and shit being rigged to make it more interesting for the viewers on TV.
I don't really remember there being any trick to the finale, but maybe I just missed it back then

if you think about ronaldo then yes.

In Turkey. I can't find the video now but the kid upon losing said something in lines of fuck you to Hugo, then the presenter got upset and said you'll make him upset then the kid said fuck you too to the presenter.

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Is that Hugo's brother?

That hurts user

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Sweden was so damn early to adopt the "the must always be a nigger present" mentality, even though the couldn't have been more than a couple of thousand of them back then.

Carro was kinda hot, though.

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How was the delay ? Do people actually passed this or it was all set up ?

That's too bad. I'm not surprised, fuck that show.

Throut & Neck

I never liked it but I had to sit through it because it aired right before Bt'X.

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At some point in Germany they turned the show into a full-on shilling hour for new vidya

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>mfw this was one of my first games i ever played
the first one was tertis on some 1 bit portable device my grandma had

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Amazing how everyone thinks Hugo only existed in their country. I totally thought Hugo was a swedish thing.
Shit we even had the Hugo soda.

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why are you doing this to me

Apparently it's a Danish thing but they've stopped its production few years back to focus on mobile games.

>he fails

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Why was Magic kids so based?
Magic kids, fox kid and Locomotion was the only reason I watched tv

I fucking miss my country gaming shows. Those were still a thing when PS2 was still the current gen.

It always gives me a small smile to see so many anons remembering the good old days and sharing nostalgia. I hope all of you can carry on still. There is a good life ahead for you folks. I wish the best.

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Wait Kito Pizza is not from Argentina and Argentina only???

based kabel 1

What is it with Danes and little hairy dudes named Hugo?

And the name Hugo is actually Swedish.

The Danish developer actually named him, like said; Max.

So glad we stopped them from using such a generic name for a troll.

I am pretty sure these shows were fully localized.

Vietfag here me too

(((channel 4)))

they were at the forefront with that shit, i wonder why (((bonniers))) were fast with that...

Was this supposed to be a motherfucking Dobson reference?

Anyone remember this game?
It was my jam back in the day.

Attached: hugo-bozic.jpg (664x650, 156K)

Made my mom buy one once. Ate half of it and the rest rotted in the fridge. Never again.

Same, what the fuck? Hugo is such a German ass name, I never thought he was popular in other countries.

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>Hugo is a tranny now

What the fuck. I thought it was only a thing in South America.

>Vintergatan 5A

Oh, fuck me. This is bringing back so many memories of childhood summer. I want to go back.

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>we shit on zoomers watching streamings of fornite
>we used to watch kids playing on tv

Hugo had some sexual fetishes when he came to Spain...

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Get that modern shit out of here. Real connoisseurs prefer OsWALD.

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The best of the best, lad.

I had this one as a kid. It was kinda eerie with the lack of music and howling snow sound effects.
I always felt so alone when I played it. Also, some of the puzzles were fucking annoying as fuck as a kid.

Kito Pizzas was 100% Argentinian. The two you quoted are two Argentinians, most likely.

got link?

I could have sworn it was a German only thing. He looks so unfunny and bland.

>Hugo is such a German ass name
I had to search it's origins and actually you are 100% right. There are so many people I know called Hugo in Argentina that I thought it was a spanish name.

No, you're just not informed.
If you look slightly harder you'll know.

>Vajert! En kaviartaxi!

I blame Disney, they popularized the whole "antagonist is fat/old/ugly/deformed/scarred" thing in the 90s.

>And the name Hugo is actually Swedish.
I mean, it's also Danish, and I assume Norwegian too.
But yes, Max would have been such a bad name for a troll.

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>And the name Hugo is actually Swedish.
As in It was a Swede that named him what he is today. Not the origin of the name itself.

Pinto una de muzza boludo



Lmao user. You never realized the name was German and it's only widespread in Argentina because of all the Nazis who fled there? That's actually hilarious

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Delete this right now fucker. Zoomers ain't got shit compared to hugo, Zoomers have shit childhoods.

>It's a Yea Forums and Yea Forums crossover episode

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My dad is called Hugo

My child brain was too pure and dumb to detect how awful and horrible the Spanish dub of Bt'X was back then.

Nope, Denmark

Guido Casca es terrible tarado. Mucho no se puede esperar

Shit, for real?

Yes and we are of italian heritage not german, hugo was my great grand father name aswell

Literally Who

Real OG presenter right here.

it's not a super uncommon name in Europe

To be fair, it's a fairly common name in Italy and Spain too.

Most of the dubs back then were really bad, but I didn't really care because, hey ,at least we have some anime tiddies to stare


>german name is popular in argentina wtf?!

user.. I

>schoot IT class had Hugo games
God I miss school

me in the back



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Tbh I thought it was popular in Italy because it was an axis power. Dunno how true that is
The name definitely has 100% Germanic roots, though. It's even related to the raven Hugin from Nordic mythology. It means something like "thinking mind".

She is the reason I'm into /ss/

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>There are so many people I know called Hugo in Argentina

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bardzo się starałes lecz z gry wyleciałes hehehe

For zoomers here, this is how this shit worked. People made a phone call to the TV program, and most of the time they would just hear some Hugo stories, but there was a chance that they would be invited to participate in the program. If they got this lucky, the program would call them when their turn came up, and then they would play a Hugo game of their choice, using their own phone's numpad as a controller. No idea how this could have possibly worked, but the random callers participating part was definitely real, I called them a few times, and once I did got invited (sadly, I had to go to church that day so I missed it).

we had a shooter game not unlike the original Star Wars arcade game where spaceships would fly around and when they were under the reticle the kid on the line was suppose to say fire

a lot cooler than your gay ass Pan faggot hugo

>Yo no me cago cuando pido pizza
How did he got away with it

Made me kek, nice one user

I'm going to need some more information here motherfucker

You can't make this shit up

What I never understood is how the fuck it was supposed to work at all.
I mean, my phone was in the hallway, which wasn't anywhere NEAR the TV. How the hell would I be able to see shit?

>kid puts insane effort in to win the game
>final decision is completely RNG and can invalidate your win completely
that show was pure evil

you didn't have one of those log ass corded phones that would get all tangled up and strangle you like a python?


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What was the name of those creepy ass bananas? Jesus man, the 90s was a wild era

Well, yeah. But it wouldn't reach all the way to the livingroom.

>No idea how this could have possibly worked
You know those automated "press 1 for english; press 2 for..." messages? It's the same idea, except instead by pressing 1 you might make Hugo jump to the left, and pressing two might make him jump into a pit.

it was something like this

I feel old.

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the numpad keys each make a distinct noise, they actually still do try it on your phone.
they rigged it so the noise gets translated into a digital input to the game. the lag between the broadcast and your press getting back into the game was incredibly long. kinda crazy some people won anything at all

Huh, the presenters told you which keys to press. The real mystery is how could any random phone be used as a controller for a game, let alone one being played at long distance.




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holy fuck I must’ve been like 4 or 5 when I played this shit. i used the play the one where you ski down a path and dodge shit. good times
. life was simple back then. now I have an amazing gaming rig but my enthusiasm has died down severely.

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based third world

There wasn't just couple of inputs on each game, though, there was dozens of them.

Why were they constantly chasing the little bears?

Terrible, terrible game, and one of the earliest instances of me realising the chasm between what normalfags think is amazing and what's actually good fucking videogames.

Nina was cute, though.

>There was a time when this guy was the most popular video game character in the world
>Video game
There was a real-time kids show on television running with Hugo, back it mid-90s Russia. They called him "Kuzya". Basically, kids had to PHONE in the studio in real-time and THEN use telephone's keys/numbers as a controller (4 and 6 left and right, 2 and 8 down and up, and etc). It was...bizarre. The show ran for several years.

The one from Portugal. I never wished him any harm, he was alright. Unlike the game.

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What were they thinking

Hugo run until 2006 or 8

>NES bootleg console

Was it this one, by any chance?

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I forgot about this guy
just like I forgot half of my life

They just wanted to hug them, bro. Just hugs.

Besides the TV show, Hugo games had the reputation as Christmas spirit's banes when it came to their home videogame releases. Imagine being a gaming loving kid, starving for new games, and some uncle or older relative was like "hey, here's a new game for you", and then the kid excitedly opens up the gift wrapper, only to find a fucking HUGO game. It was legit depressing, they would be better being given a T-shirt or something.

Reminds me of fucking Nanalan

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I use to watch this show every morning because I couldn't fall asleep when I would come home after hanging out and drinking with friends after work. I'd watch this and Sailor Moon.


I'd still fuck her, even today

my only exposure to this guy was a gba game on my bootleg 6 games + infinite amount of nes in one gba cartrdige
only impression that stayed was that it had unexpectedly nice music

Yes but not at the same time. Each time you gave an input, the game would go to a new state where Hugo was on another platform or came to a new fork in the road or whatever for the corresponding game. Each time this happens, the commands are reset and new commands are set for each number. That way you could have in theory 12 different inputs per state with 0-9 and # and *, and then 12 new inputs in the next sate and so on.

I actually liked the Hugo games as a kid, didn't have any standards anyway

Has anyone here ever got their call through on the show?

holy shit is that splatoon?

Marry Fuck Kill?

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Can confirm for France too.

"För de vill så gärna kramas, vilket fasligt sjå!"

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Poland here, used to think Hugo was Polish until I got some pc Hugo game that didn't have my native language in it

WHAT THE FUCK, I forgot that that's her. Holy shit. I completely forgot she has been on television for so long.
What happened to Linda De Mol anyway? She's still on Dutch TV, but completely stopped appearing in German shows. I always liked her silly accent. Dutchies are based af.

We had him here in Denmark, but that's not too surprising.

Not in Russia.

German here. Thought the same thing. Kinda funny to know that that shit is basically famous all over the world, yet nobody fucking knew it

>she will never look at you like that after you embarrass yourself on national tv

why even live?

I actually pirated a couple PSOne-released Hugo games back in the days...fuck my life.


What the fuck, it sure looks like it
Someone find out what game that is

BR here, Hugo was the shit for some time.

Untrue. I played and the only reason I got second was because I though I was smarter than them thinking like you. I pressed a button when they said nothing and got hit by the debris I was trying to avoid

I'm more impressed the one in the back is a recolor of...Votoms.

It was in Malaysia too!

damn, i forgot all about her, dunno what happened.

Britt is still top milf of german TV. does she still work?

I lived in a very rape-y orphanage and my childhood wasn't that amazing, but I still remember that we had one PC for the group and every once in a while, I was allowed to use it. The only games it had were those Hugo games, so that's what I always played.
That little fucker helped me through some dark times.

>2nd place
>Phillips CD-i

She never really got a new show after Traumhochzeit and Domino Day.
I miss the dutch hosts. RIP Rudi Carrell.

>splatton is actually a remake of some obscure forgotten nes era game
That's some creepypasta shit right here

Either Adi or Adibou, both exist.

>rape-y orphanage


>Domino Day
Holy mother of nostalgia

>Dead Space is actually a 90% arrogant ripoff off of the Blue Stinger and is absolutely not an original IP at all, but industry at large preferred to completely "ignore" or downright deny this mere fact

The only I ever saw winning were the ones that followed the instructions from the presenters to a T. The ones that thought they were smarter and attempted to play in their own always got fucked.

It's a penis-joke.

Shit least hugo was there for you.

What a fucking qt!

Story time user

>I lived in a very rape-y orphanag
Based rape-y user taking advantage of the other orphans.

>I lived in a very rape-y orphanage
You can't just drop that bomb without also giving a story.

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>rape-y orphanage
So a normal orphanage then.

Hmm, what's this?

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Help me out here anons. There's this one PC game I had (which was probably just a PS1/PS2 port), which I used to play a lot together with Hugo the evil mirror.
I remember it very badly, but the one thing I do remember is how you could choose to play either as a boy or as a girl. You started off in some village that for some reason got covered in an ice dome, and you had to make your way to the tope of that ice dome, that was the first level I think. Either way, I know this description sucks ass, but this shit keeps popping up in my head way too often and I really want to know what fucking game that was

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Take a guess.

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There's really not that much to it. It was the 90s and over here in Germany no one really cared what the people there did to the children. It was mostly older kids banging younger kids, though, but the adults punched you when you tried to talk to them about it. I used to live with my parents but my father was violent and abusive and my mother was sent to the nuthouse several times, but they were technically alive, so I wasn't a real orphan.
I came to the orphanage when I was 11 and left when I was 15.
I used to watch a lot of TV at my grandparents house when I was young, so I remembered Hugo quite well and it was one of my favorite shows. I think that's why having that game on the group PC was so important to me, because it was a constant between both "worlds".


Bomber man

>It was mostly older kids banging younger kids
>the adults punched you when you tried to talk to them about it
Holy shit user

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Sounds tough. Thanks for sharing, user.

>but the adults punched you when you tried to talk to them about it
Fucking hell, man. Did you get raped?

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>Super (cala)Mari Bros

>ramio brother

East or west?

It`s hard to define rape but I`d say I wasn`t. My younger brother was raped by his roommate though. I beat him to a bloody pulp but I never got in trouble because the adults knew why I did it.


Damn, user. Damn.

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Eu li isso na voz da abertura, sdds

Ice Climber?

>Hugo thread goes from int to nostalgia to kids raping kids stories

>yet another slow, boring day on 4 chins.

It's the circle of life mate

Good lord user, where are those adults now?

wild guess would be lower saxony

Yea Forums - Video games.

I had Hugo for Amiga 500.
Shame the floppy disk for the 2nd game witch where the airplane game where defect and worked only about every 20 times.

I don't know, I guess they`re too old to work there by now. I only know that one of the worst women there actually got cancer.

I'm from Baden-Württemberg, btw.

>How does that make you feel like?
Is this grammatic fallacy a foreign thing, or just another once of those instances of society getting dumber? I see it way too much, lately.

I was dead wrong then, but then again a lot of orphanages must be like that

>one of the worst women there actually got cancer
Wtf, I love karma now

post it again

Ausfag here, never heard of her

Wtf I could've sworn she moderated the 100.000 Mark Show as well, but apparently her husband invented the show.
Man that was a kino gameshow. I love watching it, hype as fuck.

That was Ulla Kock am Brink.

Yeah I looked it up, you're right. Guess my dumb child brain confused the two.
Haha kock

he's kinda famous in jewland as well
אוי ויי

Haha fuck I had one of those too, it's crazy to think that back then bootlegs were sold in stores like it was nothing.

Unironically decent pack but who the fuck thought of putting that horrible NES Macross game in there?

Holy shit. Sorry you landed in such a shithole.



It's a common mistake among German speakers at least.

Hugo's actually Danish, surprisingly enough.

ESL here

Some languages are just really different from English.
So we use our own language "logic" on English sometime, so.. Yeah.

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I'm Finnish and own the first Hugo game. The forest in arcade mode is fucking insane

Based, I loved this one.

The one with the real audio playing through pc speakers and no volume controls?


good thread lads but not as comfy as half life threads usually

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It was the PS1 version
jesus christ the english dub is fucking awful, the finnish dub is actually funny

Man, Addy was such a faggot, but his room was fun and the unlocked games were pretty good.
Gave me Goblins 1-3 and some other stuff.
There was one where you could place stuff and characters and they would interact with each other, and in the Addy version there was even Spirou and Fantasio or the Marsupilami, but I can't remember the name.

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What the fuck. I know this faggot but I don't think I've played the games. I think I just saw him in an ad from some kind of sponsored notebook I had.

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>ramio brother

It was more of a learning software, but you could unlock games and drawing programs by doing enough of his tasks.
I think he was pretty big in the 90's, so you probably saw him a few times.

Holy shit, I forgot it looked this bad. I wanted this game to be real so fucking bad.

I remember seeing this guy in a motorcycle once and being amazed that he was a normal human being.

i still have mine

Yeah I'm pretty sure I've never used that software.
Crazy what kind of obscure fucking knowledge is stored in your brain that is practically inaccessible until somethnig triggers that memory. Nostalgia trips are an interesting experience.


oh god

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I want to go back.

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We can't go back, user. We will never be able to go back.

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How the fuck do you have internet access in the rice field that pretends to be a nation of yours?


>shrinking me down and stuffing me in her panties while laughing
>the fuck was wrong with me
That's called having patrician taste user.


In Russia he was renamed to Kuzya, also pretty famous in late 90s

i'm pretty sure hugo was big everywhere but in burgerland and eastern asia

Same way how Moomin is known mostly in nordic countries and Japan, even though it has total zealots in Nepal.

thats some fetish fuel

I was always bothered by this because I was autistic as fuck about grammar as a child and "bananas" makes no sense in German cause it should be Bananen. I was a weird kid.

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whew lad

>tfw I was never a spic
Thank god.

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As always, France is better.

More like PS4, remeber Game One?

We had this shit too in Croatia

Is there a way to play Hugo? Like, did those shitty games get a console or PC or arcade release?

>Bananas in Pajamas was just an allegory for dicks and condoms all this time

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Man, I was so scared of her as a kid. I just ran away from living room when she scratched the screen.

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im going to start speedrunning this masterpiece

I still have the cd for that

damn it's like a bootleg DKC

me and my friend used to know every line of dialogue from the beginning of this game

i still remember most of it

Hello boys and girls, can I join the nostalgia train?

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Also here in Romania. I remember winning a sticker book and a PC game of him. It was pretty cool.

>hola esto fue (x juego) y espero que les hacha gustado chao

Joe Razz was here, Hugo is a loser.

This's from some Italian-ass show but we had a UK version on a show called What's Up Doc. Shit was cash and a e s t h e t i c.

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I liked the programs but it always gave me the feeling of being a "dead" channel in the sense of there not being any kind of new bumpers or interactivity with the audience like the other channels had, the Hugo and Pizza shows were obviously reruns too

I guess Tony hates scalies even more than he hates furries.

I can clearly see myself pissing my shorts laughing had I seen this live

i still remember the good bye song

Did you have a crappy game that tricked kids into calling you with $5 / minute service fees?


hugo is based 2bh

>that fucking nightmare sequence
>that mission in the ant hive maze where you had to hide from the evil bugs
>that mermaid shit

Fuck you, I had forgotten that shit.

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That Hugo frogger game on PS1 was actually pretty fun.

I remember watching it on some Nazishtein channel.

Some hugo games were really neat, the black diamond rush and broken mirror (sorry for not original names, not native), were really good i was scared shitless playing them aswell i was born 1997

As a child i was fucking scared of those rocks appearing down the line


I also still know it by heart. It's just a pleasant melody on its own.

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He was in the US but never caught on in the same way as he did elsewhere. I definitely remember seeing him around as a kid for a few months, then he just kind of faded away. Kind of a mini boom.

>constant camera move without a "free space"

I have 3 Hugo games on physical.

c-cute :3

Sai da minha cabeça.

reminds me how much public media suuuucks

Considering the huge boom in nostalgia driven projects in the last decade, I am surprised nobody has attempted to bring back Hugo.

Who owns the property?

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Hugo ever got to fuck her?