Gamers will make excuses for this

Gamers will make excuses for this.

Attached: genre-gender-percentages.png (1870x1604, 142K)

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WRPG confirmed for virgin nerd shit

You're on a virgin nerd board.

What am I supposed to be assblasted about?

t. jrpg-loving tranny

Sports confirmed as the most chad genre

This is a JRPG Chad board so I doubt it.
Finished Xenoblade Chronicles 2 with my gf the other night,
Then I pumped her full of semen thinking about Pneuma.

>only 10% moba

What genre is match 3?

>grand strategy
yeah, right. is there some facebook game that qualifies as that or some shit?

Attached: naaaa.jpg (400x404, 29K)

Even if you're a chad, just by coming here you become a virgin nerd.

All the mobile Bejeweled clones, like Candy Crush.

I'm assuming it's talking about candy crush

Bejeweled and Candy Crush

Casual gaming and hardcore gaming are both still gaming.

There's nothing about this that bothers me except the complete lack of source or authentication.

That 49 of the 50 people still playing sports games are men, I guess.

Women love to scheme.

>1/3 player in wow is a girl
sure thing lmao
competitive game. every """"""egirl"""""" support you see is a tranny or faggot

>tfw you'll never get a grand strat gf
Maybe I should just be gay.

>atmospheric exploration
what does this mean, like walking sims or something.

>rts not featured

Huniepop, a famous game among women

Attached: 339800_screenshots_2015-04-06_00004.jpg (800x600, 151K)

Wheres fighting games?

Civ counts as that.
I know plenty of girls that likes civilization

>1/3 player in wow is a girl
>sure thing lmao

>he doesn't believe it
I don't know where you have been but wow is casual shit filled with women, especially single mommies.

Played exclusively by trannies and minorities.

>I don't know where you have been
i've dropped it after cata

I'm surprised by how low fps is, is it just because girls don't have good enough reactions to do well at them.

But whats the gender breakdown of people playing soodookoo on their phones!?

I seem to vaugly recall this having a source
If I remember right the mmo numbers on this are misleading because ffxiv has far more females playing than wow.

It's because the playerbase is much like MOBA.
bunch of thirsty 15yo

Civ is turn-based strategy.

>fps that low when overwatch exists
Is this old?

I wish getting real girls was like that game. Life would be better.

It would be hard to gauge anything from a dead game

>implying overwatch is not first person moba

let me guess, they assumed that behind every female avatar there is a female 'gamer', right?

dear esther, gone home, etc

Overwatch is one game that is already past its initial boom of popularity in one of the most popular genres in video games.