>Seamus, there's a fuckin' proddy in the chat. Find out where he lives n' call the Garda! Now, where's me PoitÃn?
What did he mean by this?
>Seamus, there's a fuckin' proddy in the chat. Find out where he lives n' call the Garda! Now, where's me PoitÃn?
What did he mean by this?
Other urls found in this thread:
directly translated it reads
>Seamus, there's a fuckin' protestant in the chat. Find out where he lives n' call the guards! Now, where's me Poitin(an Irish distilled beverage)?
>God I hate niggers
Jesus Christ Mattosis
He was saying that BOTW is better than OOT, and that Dark Souls is better than Dark Souls II.
And he's right
>he thinks the guards would side against the prods
why is matthew still the only good one of these pseud internet game reviewers? how is it possible?
Potato a day keeps the onions away
>Obra Dinn would have been greatly improved by the use of deductive reasoning over inductive reasoning. Allow me to explain. Deductive reasoning goes something like this: All black people are niggers, Darshawn is a black man, therefore Darshawn... is a nigger. Obra Dinn however relies on inductive reasoning like this: Marquise is a nigger, niggers are *likely* to commit crimes, therefore Marquise committed the crime. The latter is a lot less satisfying because, while we the audience know that Marquise committed the crime, there's always the *possibility* that it was gang-related and that more niggers need to be convicted.
I'm not one to judge, but Matthew started making me a little uncomfortable when he went on that tangent about taking the pay cut in Papers, Please in order to detain every black person.
Thread theme
I'll tell you the actual reason
Matthew makes videos when he feels he has something to say. This is where 99% of all other channels fall down. Most channels just want to cash in on the latest releases or most requested games. They slap a video together as fast as possible to get as many clicks as possible.
Lets face it, literally anyone can talk for 40 minutes about any game, if they really want to. But the question is if you have anything to add to the larger discussion. Channels like Hyperbit, GamingBrit, Clemps and Anderson, all shit out endless amounts of fucking nothing. Reading from wikis or going in circles and padding out videos, and only making videos about games that will get clicks. They might make a half interesting observation once per 3 hours of content, and that's enough to feel chumps into thinking they're watching something worthwhile.
People complain about the games Matt covers but I'd much rather have him talk about some game I've never heard of for 15 minutes instead of a 3 hour video on Yakuza just because it looks good for your "brand" to praise Yakuza.
I like that he'll go as far as abandoning scripts if he feels like he doesn't have enough new to say. Honestly, they're not reviews as much as they are video essays, but it's nice to get an actually well-reasoned perspective instead of an impression.
You're right about Hyperbit, but utterly wrong about Brit. Guy's come a long way since his Other M ragefest.
>Channels like Hyperbit, GamingBrit, Clemps and Anderson
You could watch every single thing on everyone single one of these channels and then ask yourself if you learned anything or even see any of the games covered differently and the answer would be no
Especially Clemps. Can anyone honestly say they learned anything from his stuff or got a valuable insight they hadn't considered before? It's mostly a fucking plot synopsis
Who is that next to MatthewMatosis?
where's mandaloregaming and ssethtzeentach?
mechagamezilla. a comedy channel moreso than analysis. matthew had a cameo on it once. extremely good videos.
But that's extremely false. He's the most overrated one here, yes.
Critpoint is the only autist you should pay attention to.
Mandalore should be B or C, Sseth should be F for faggot.
>best videos
Legend of Zelda series, Sonic Dreams collection, Bioshock Infinite critique, Dark Souls 2 critique
>worst videos
the Lost Art of Demon Souls, Dota 2 as a competitive game, Zachtronics seris
Crowbcat shouldn't be on this list, he doesn't critique or cover games, just edits shit together to create his desired message. Good list otherwise.
Also who's the yellow bastard next to LGR?
>worst videos
>the Lost Art of Demon Souls
>Zachtronics seris
Lost Soul Arts was great. Was about time someone called FROM out, with reasoning and evidence.
On that list, comparatively, Mandalore should make A easily if you're gonna have fucking Clemps in B
the best clearly was his over 6 hour video on Dark Souls
>worst videos
>the Lost Art of Demon Souls
I'll give ya to th' caunt a' tree to take that back
It's a mish mash of good and bad points.
>Muh honoboru. People used to cast Chameleon in Sen's Fortress!
Easily the worst fucking part of the video, and I don't think I have to go into why.
Spotted the DaS3 pvp fag
It's pretty much the only video game vid like this that can actually justify its length.
But that could be said about Matthew in general, he is the only one of those critics that can justify the length of his videos.
Dear OP,
If you're making a thread about Matt at least try to make it look like it's about videogames and not about him. Fucking put his opinion on some game and ask about or something. Threads such as yours usually get deleted. You retard.
Let's talk about videogames
>I don't think I have to go into why.
please do
Matthewphimosis literally just browses this shithole and parrots opinions here except in a more condensed watchable form.
Fucking imagine actually spending your time watching some e-celeb's opinion.
Is that you, user? Why are you shilling your channel here?
Back when he streamed Killer is Dead he called me a "Prod hun, 26+6=1" and starting singing Up The Ra when I asked him if he was having a good day.
>The town is making him stupid.
Yeah, fuck that guy for sucking a hack dev's cock who has to implement a worse version of space harrier in every fucking game.
Can't believe that autistlord already has three children.
Something bugs me about that photo.
>he destroys Yea Forums's beloved Hamsterson review in a single sentence in a video without even mentioning him
Nope, he destroys Yea Forums whenever he can.
never seen a worthwhile insight on a game posted on Yea Forums ever, so I doubt this very much
It really shows you that anyone can make it, as long as the chick is ugly enough.
Catholicism is similar to Judaism in that they want to take peoples money. Only difference is that the jews want to take money from everyone but the jews, while the catholic church wants to take money from the catholics. That is why protestantism was created.
You do. PvP in the series became increasingly arena and fightclub focused, and the mechanics started to work against random invasions as early as DaS2.
You don't think OHNONONO and wojaks are valuable insights?
>More condensed
He literally spent a whole video talking about Mario's jump and how it relates to Miyamoto's design philosophy. The idiot could take maybe five minutes if that to describe it but because he had no other points talking about fucking BING BING WAHOO of all things he had to stretch it out. He's anything but succinct.
Really? He asserts that instead of clever invading, people would rather go into the arena. The arena is deader than EVER; it was already dying at the time he released that video. It's really only for level 100-150 players. Invading at any level between base and 90 at the peak hours will net you an instant invasion EVERY time.
Just like matthew never said anything in a video that you didn't already know.
which one?
Because at best he spend five minutes in an entire review with that.
Source your claims.
based S tier, dont know the rest
Do any of you actually play video games and form your own opinions or are you all underage mouthbreathers who need to be told to breathe by their surrogate internet friends?
is that a painting?
Yes we play videogames and then discuss them with others and listen to what others say about them to help drive the discussion
Do you just sit on Yea Forums complaining all day?
I do. I just like hearing observations and opinions on games. Hearing other viewpoints is good for you in general.
>Yea Forums
>playing games
Pick one.
Based. Fuck Pr*testants.
name one insightful thing he's said
Playing's a waste of time, watching lp's and video essays I get two birds with one stone
To experience the game and valuable insights, much more efficient
Now I'm equipped to discuss the game and impress people with my opinions that I didn't have to waste time formulating myself
If you play and form your own opinions, you're really just getting cucked out of time
juked and puked
Lost Art of Demon Souls was great. Dark Souls 2 critique isn't that good. Otherwise spot on.
Lost Soul Arts is literally his masterpiece
>Yes we listen to what others say about them to help drive the discussion
Is what the majority of the board comprises of, with a healthy side dish of gossip about their girlfriends
He is one of the only commentators on anything that has used the term "postpostmodernist" in its correct context. Also calling out Bioshock Infinite for not saying nigger was a needed critique
What do you think is a better way to spend your time - watching a 25 minute video about a subject you're interested in, or browsing Yea Forums for 25 minutes? Be honest with yourself.
>Sonic Dreams collection
I fail to understand why people love this video so much, it's less of a constructive look into the game and more like Matthew pointing out the obvious.
You went full retard and beyond.
Both of those things are about all you do
>Matthewmatosis/Mechagamezilla podcast soon
Get hyped
>he doesn't listen to meme e-celebs while shitposting on Yea Forums
Why are people still debating this? The paper is old
Clemps belongs in E rank
ABDL fetish
What do
Clemps is a sweet guy but his content needs a lot of work.
As it stands it looks like he has a lot of fun with what he does, and that's why I still watch it.
t. mechagamezilla
>Yea Forums
>Discussing games
I can go through this catalog only so many times looking for ANY of that
The guy knows how to conjure magic out of nothing. No boardgame review should look this good. And no review of a cereal should be as compelling as his Start Cereal video. But it was unironically kino.
It would be literally impossible puzzle if the game made you guess if a clue was valid or there just to fool you into a false deduction
Hello user, yes it's me, mechagamezilla. Check out my videos and subscribe if you like them, and look forward to my podcast with mathewmatosis.
tfw no mecha gf
Summarizing what happens in a game is peak content.
ha ha
le quirky ironic weeb
Clemps so funny
put him in E rank
would you?
can't believe Larian Studios killed start, and Steve Cram
I think a lot of it is just the viewer enjoying that these people gush about their favorite games. Like any action game fan is going to think Gamingbrit is fucking great because he gushes over action games and describes the gameplay which makes him seem intelligent and cool. Same with Clemps for Taro and weird games and Anderson is more for the pseud critic who thinks they have something smart to say but they have to spend 4 hours making their points in order to jack off their brain.
*sips banana bread beer*
Aahh... Now Wonderful 101.. THAT was an action game.
turbo button doesn't even make videos anymore and he never made long vids
Exactly this. I'll be the first person to say that Clemps' content isn't 100% for me, but his passion for JRPGs is comforting to a degree.
Same with TGBS with his action game stuff, its nice to hear someone with the same tastes as you gush just as much as you do in private
Why are mechagamezilla's channel views so low? I seriously don't get it. Found him years ago and assumed he was destined to be one of the bigshots but it never happened. What gives? Serious question because I don't understand how the gulf between him and someone like Dunkey can be so huge
He doesn't shill. That sounds like a good thing, but if you want your channel to succeed in an ocean of other creators, you need to reach out and get your content shared.
Mecha has never done this, so his views remain stagnant.
I agree. All clemps does is read the wiki plot synopsis with "I would fuck this male character" jokes sprinkled through.
Is the fucking podcast with Mecha a meme, or is that actually happening?
He doesn't meme, and that's what people want.
Even Yea Forums where people pretend to be above memes shit all over every channel but then claim Sseth is based /ourguy/ and the best and only channel worth watching just because he puts memes on top of other people's footage.
It's real, but I think it's Patreon exclusive. Maybe someone can share it tho.
Matthew retweeted it so I assume it's real unless Matt is in on some joke
I think it's real though since Matt is a big fan of Mecha
His format isn't really the in thing. Long drawn out jokes, little crossover with other creators and on the most random irrelevant topics. He also really doesn't push it that much
All the things that make him good are counter-intuitive to making it big on youtube. He doesn't do drama of the week shit, reaction vids, current "hot topics" meme videos or reactions to meme videos or whatever other shit gets clicks on that garbage website
Where's Raycevick?
In the garbage bin.
It's not out yet
Guys! I heard he broke out of prison and is coming for Mecha.
Is he safe?
Why? His videos are pretty good. I really enjoyed the Metro one, with Mandalore, it was fun.
>Is he safe?
No, he's fucked. RIP
>Matthewphimosis literally just browses this shithole and parrots opinions here
if that was the case he wouldn't have praised botw so much as this board has been shitposting about the game nonstop for 2 years
which is probably why he became unpopular here, you spergs are so predictable
If he parroted Yea Forums he'd be making hour long videos complaining about muh liberals every single day
I can't believe Richie is going to outlive Mecha
no Richie already died that is cheating. You can't just say he is outliving anyone when he's already on one death
In a heartbeat