When the fuck is virology going to get a rework? It’s boring to play and even more boring as antag
>want to play on /vg/
>but prefer /tg/'s codebase
Also, how do I get robust?
>/vg/ has the best codebase and least lag
>prefer's /tg/'s codebase
>can't make the UI black or press T to talk
A poor soul had a disfigured face and I couldn't do plastic surgery on them last time I played on /vg/
Also metastation>boxstation
A ton of shit needs reworks cause rounds end too fast unless it's extended, making half the jobs basically useless.
>looks like shit
>plays like shit
>has catbeasts
>full with trannies and furries
Yeah /vg/station sure is good
why are mimes always griefing edgelords
shout out to that redheaded stepchild itsac mcfluff who couldn't stop cutting off people's genitals i bet you died of a heroin overdose back in 2012
>/vg/ has the best codebase
Yea Forums is such an awful board
people have been pointing this out for at least five years now probably longer, it's never going to happen
Is this game still filled with circlejerking avatarfags who think that the only way to roleplay correctly is to give them attention?
Is it still filled with biased butthurt admins that have really oddly specific views on what constitutes valid gameplay, where these oddly specific views get a lot more relaxed around people who nuthug them?
i haven't played in a while and that sound still fucks me up
Reminder that the Fulpstation server is just a proving grounds for griefing
>only bwoinks are admins giving me helpful advice
Who was in the wrong here?
___ ___ ______ _____ ____.
which server has competent players?
is it because of Oney or it's always been like that?
>prefers hipster keybinds
you know you can change them, right?
>rounds are too short
that's why I've always liked /vg/ lowpop/deadpop for nice long rounds.
just dont play in the primetime US shitter hours where every server turns into a 30min deathmatch and you're good.
>has catbeasts
you're getting servers mixed up bro. /vg/ has no furries and furries/catbeasts are kill on sight.
not even shilling, every other server i've tried lags like anus compared to /vg/
Why shill on Yea Forums when we have the Ssethtide anyway
Also shilling on Yea Forums is pointless anyway
>/vg/station comes back to life from the Sseth video
>Now its ded again so the game is mostly unplayable
Complain all you want but the game needs a lot of players to be good. /vg/ was mostly unplayable before his video and now it's unplayable again.