
25+ year old club thread, what have you been playing lately Yea Forums?

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Other urls found in this thread:


Pathologic. Pretty great. But I can't bring myself to play it in long chunks.

Disgaea 1 Complete. Clunky as fuck and not really enjoying it. It's less about the time and more I could be wasting it on other things.

Close to the end though.

I have no illusions or nostalgia that other SRPG's like FFT, and Tactics Ogre weren't as clunky.

Most turn-based games, regardless of their quality, nowadays feel like wasted time. Needlessly long animations trigger the shit out of me, especially unskippable ones.

Just Mahjong off my web browser. I have zero direction in my life right now and I enrolled in a Japanese school (in Japan). School is fun, but the rest of the experience has sucked. Zero friends, no job, no girlfriend, prostitution is illegal and expensive as fuck anyways, no prospects. I want to die before this trip is over and I have to return to my third world shithole to continue doing nothing.

Bought the lone dark 75% off, it's the least meme of the survival meme. Good frozen shithole of (Winnipeg? Hoth? Dogshit dildo?) simulator, windchill and weather is pretty well done.

I'm so old, the only new games I play are sequels / remakes to old games I've played. Currently playing DMC5.

WoW Private servers

>tfw can't get into the DMC series no matter how much I try

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All the Blood threads got me in the mood for classic FPS games so I've been playing some Doom wads. Currently playing REKKR which has been fun so far.

Four Elements Trainer
S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Shadow of Chernobyl
World of Warcraft

FF12 on switch and WoW since my friend got me a prepaid card as a thank you for getting her a job in my lab. I barely have time for either unfortunately

The Witcher series and Soulsborne.
Love the immersion in them.

I am intrigued about WoW Classic.

replayin the main suikoden series
been trying to figure out how to transfer a save file from an emulator to a ps2 emulator

it's a strange thing to say I feel I'm wasting my time but that's because it's full of unnecessary, and unexciting, fluff.

I've been spoiled by shit like Xcom, and even Fire Emblem is snappier than Disgaea.

I finished Starcraft 2, Wings of Liberty is multiple leagues above the other 2 campaigns. Nothing about them is any good, Wings of Liberty is unironically up there as one of the best RTS campaigns with RA2, and Tiberian Sun.

PS2 to a PS2 emulator? Need a memory card adapter like you can get for PS3 I believe.

Currently fighting Yiazmat in FFXII and by fighting i mean watching the fight play out in 4x until he's dead


World of Warcraft private server Ascension wow Wildcard Server

Finished Sekiro.
Can't stop myself from playing R6:Siege
Might play through DMC5 but I've always hated how much downtime there is between fights
If not DaS3 replay or maybe the new Shadow Warrior games are they any good?

I'm almost done with Nep Rebirth 1, just a couple more characters to get to max level, going to take a breather and play something else before starting the second game though, I'm thinking I'll play some Hitman 2.

Replaying Dragon's Dogma. Even all these years later, still love the game.

Also I backed Chernobylite and they sent out steam codes for the demo which I've installed but haven't played yet, been busy farming bitterblack rarities for the game's fucking RNG. 7 BBweap lv 1s. There's only four fucking options for blue vocations, fucking give me the dragon's risen.

Oh and Sekiro. I'm right near the end of Sekiro before I put it down, gotta go back to that eventually.

I finally started Nier Automata after having it in my Steam library for 2 years. Just finished Route [A] tonight and hoping to have the rest done by the end of the month.

I seriously hope Itsuno is working on DD2 or some similar variant. I've bought the game 3 times now, PC, PS3, and PS4 and each time loved the shit out of it. I was thinking about proxying to try the DDO but honestly don't think I can be bothered with the hassle.

Borderlands GOTY. Never really finished back on ps3, glad to have sense of closure and something that isn't 2 before 3 comes out

Vietnam rising storm

Sekiro, DS3, and now XCOM 2.

This one obviously.

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Anno 1800, Mortal Kombat 11 and Heroes of the Storm. Its a good time to be old and grey desu

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Runescape 3
Rocket league
Madden, but tempted to play a bit of fifa again.

I get more pleb the older I get.

Vermintide 2 and some Darkest Dungeon.

Are Frostpunk and Battletech worth a buy anons? Found them pretty cheap on a website.

Tropico 6

What degree are you shooting for?

To answer OP I'm playing RoR2 and Kenshi, waiting on wow classic

Yea Forums underrates sports games, especially in couch multiplayer. Playing old PES games with 4 people is up there with a lot of other memorable vidya experiences I've had.

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>27 soon

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Homeworld Remastered, Cyrpt of the Necrodancer, and Portal. I'm mostly killing time until Pathologic 2 releases.

>start reinstalling Siege yesterday
>get to ~60%
>shut computer off for the night
>come back today to continue downloading
>starts at 0% unironically
>the 50 fucking gigs I downloaded yesterday disappeared
I'm pissed

>What degree are you shooting for?
I already graduated med school in my country. I quit three garbage jobs, spent more than a year unemployed without any intention of involving myself with medicine ever again and enrolled in this on a whim. I\m 30 years old.

>all those Sundays Me, my brother and Dad would play a world cup together

Fuck, that was some good shit. Haven't played PES in ages though, I've got gamepass so I could download, but I just can't be arsed.

Speaking of which
>bought Imperator: Rome on release
>STILL haven't even thought about loading it up

Do this every fucking time and it's making me sick, wasting my money on shit like this instead of saving for my house deposit.



Anno 1800

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Been playing a lot of RDR2. Hunting and fishing are great. Completed it a few times now though and need something new.

I've got Bloodborne, Horizon: Zero Dawn, Hollow Knight, Ace Combat 5, WipeOut, MGSV and both Destroy All Humans games on my backlog. Recommendations, anons?

26 in a little under a month

And then it'll be Christmas again, where I'll be thinking it won't be long until I'm 27

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>playing video games

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Good luck brother. Most people aren't even capable of graduating med school.

I bought HZD and got bored of it halfway through, still haven't gone back to it yet and you just reminded me. I might try getting back into it.

Out of those I would do AC5 > Bloodborne > MGSV in order, since MGSV can be good/bad depending on how long you want to farm missions and the mother base etc.

I'm 31 and I cant stop playing anno 1800.

what else you gonna do lol

I'm so fucking tired these days I just can't bring myself to play anything. I brought Anno 1800 and played for like 2 hours and I feel like I'm never going to pick it up again. Dark Souls is one of my favorite games and yet I got about half way through Sekiro and now can't bring myself to play it anymore, I don't know why I was really enjoying it and now I just can't bring myself to boot it up again.

Help me bros.

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Anyone can graduate med school as long as they have the money to continue paying after they fail over and over. I'll try to sign up to one of those coordinated "sign-up" pub crawl things in Roppongi despite hating the whole alcohol/bar/pub setting. I just don't see any other way of meeting new people in this city.

someone like her for example

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What's that from?

Mordhau and DoW2.

These girls are for Chad cock only. Defective men stand no chance.

Just replayed Bully, may try and 100% it. Gonna actually finish Orcs Must Die 2.
Mostly been playing Magic the Gathering Arena, and Paladins mostly. And since my fatigue is low, Im starting to continue to play Maplestory 2.

Turning 28 this year. Old as fuck.


from the russian side of youtube

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Thanks user, just booted up AC5. Never tried it, but I finished AC7 on Ace and really enjoyed it.

For MGSV, I also have Ground Zeroes. Is it worth playing before starting TPP or should I just skip it?

19 year old here
Been playing persona 5

first girl is being pounded by some average looking russki though

Every time I see that thumbnail I think it's a polar bear with its face slashed up, with blood gushing out of it's cheek…

Getting dangerously close to my 30's. Shadow of war.

>tfw I can't into wizardry because in my teenage years i was a normie and managed to fuck a girl who at the time was my neighbour.

On an unrelated note, a doctor had found some 'worrying marks on my back' today which should be checked into asap. Possible skin cancer. We'll see.

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But she's ugly as sin.

Nioh and testing again Red Dead online now that the update is out, it's actually pretty decent now

Picked up For Honor late April, I had the starter edition for a while now for free but only now I got the urge to finally invest time in it. And I feel great for doing so, before that I played WoW for months and I wanted to drop that shit for anything really.
FH is great, I'm having fun but sometimes the game decides it's time to face an opponent who has hundred times more experience than I have and get my ass handed to me mercilessly.

Pokemon Crystal, replaying it on VC. Working on my Living Dex in Bank too with a mix of transferring from Crystal and breeding in UltraMoon. Found this thing in Crystal.
BlazBlue Cross Tag Battle, played some randoms last night, was fun. Excited for the new chars next week.
I actually don't think I'm playing much else lately. Need to get back to Labyrinth of Refrain though.

Excited for Team Sonic Racing and Mario Maker in the next month.

I need to be in more communities.

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>Is it worth playing before starting TPP or should I just skip it?
Yeah, I would play it, but only do the main scenario.

As someone who just finished replaying MGS5 and isn't too emotionally attached to the series, crash course:

Basically game's starting levels end up spreading out and what feels like a very promising entry segway becomes 99% of the game, its very repetitive. Deploy, ride/sneak to the outpost, tranq guards from afar one by one, extract them, rinse repeat. There is no variety but once you realize this, as upset as you are, you still feel like you are having fun repeating this stupid formula.
Suppressors are stupidly fragile and last 15 bullets before you need to resupply and by the time you get more durable ones you have already played the game for roughly 30 hours. So if you are thinking of going all operator larping and taking bad guys out left and right, it's not going to happen. You can either go loud and COD your way through or play the boring (but far more rewarding in terms of in-game shit) route of tranqing everyone. There are no big facilities or actual sneaking.

Worth playing but lower your expectations. Don't bother with any of the motherbase shit, its all pointless.

Ace Combat 5 is 10/10 and I heavily recommend playing it. 60fps on ps2, what more can you say about that.


>Mordhau, still feel like timing is off for parrying with certain weapons.
>Finished deus ex mankind devided, kinda short, but the gameplay and choices felt on par if not a little better than before
>Witcher 3 almost there after like 173 hours just gotta finish one more dlc map an get to the preparations for what I'm suspecting will be the actual final confrontation.
>Tried Space Station 13 got discouraged at my lack of know how.
That's to name a few. Oh and friendly reminder that everyone born in 1989 is exiting their 20's forever this year.

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How are you going to meet people at a pub crawl. That shit isn't meaningful, people are there for a temporary drink and good time in a loud anonymous place. You're in Japan, do as the locals do. Post up at an anime house or a gurren lagan desu nososouki theatre.

Ah, of course.

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on an NES kick as of late. played Zelda 1, Faxanadu, and Star Tropics recently. working on Journey to Silius, Xexyz, and the first Sly Cooper now.

she got some nice tits so who cares

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Mordhau, Kenshi, and City of Heroes

Despite one or two issues, I've been having tons of fun with Fresh Supply. I havn't played the original enough to be able to point out any minor inconsistencies, so maybe that's helped. Cryptic Passage is fucking broken however. Incorrect textures, transparency where none should be, tons of visual glitches. It's a real shame and I hope they fix it soon

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Just hit 28 yesterday.
Didn't want to have a gf or friends but now I really feel lonely. Don't even like playing alone
>"but user! play online!"
My internet is shit and I feel nervous when speaking in mics.
Played 20 minutes of DMCV last week and that's about it.

Dragon Quest XI. I'm enjoying it so far I've just fought a knight who curses my party over and over . However, grinding is tedious as hell.

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Face > tits

>she got some nice tits
clearly not as evidenced, I'd make that bitch keep a bra on constantly

Hollow Knight. Been trying for hours to get through Path of Pain. Am I just really bad at video games or is it supposed to be this hard? Every time I get stuck on something for long I start feeling bad about wasting time and thinking I should just do something else instead, but then I'll be a filthy casual and I don't want that either.

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I'll be 27 this month.
Stay strong user, gotta shoot for those triple digits, I wanna see what gaming looks like in 2100+

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Shit was ass, wildcard isn't mandatory, only like 5% of the population does it and the rest run stealth and 3 bubbles

>tfw bought DMC1 and 2 from a pawn shop
>tfw finally got around to playing them
>tfw neither fucking game works

Just finished SotN for the first time. 186%, had to ask a friend how to initiate inverted castle, otherwise no guides. I can't decide on which of the 40 JRPGs in my backlog to start, might just playthrough MGS2 again.

I watch civi review this, I understand it's a bit more than one or two issues.

>what have you been playing lately
good games

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>from the russian side of youtube
But she is clearly older than 12???

Forza Horizon 4. I’m not sure if I’m just extra sick of their shit after 3 or what but god damn does this game seem designed to piss you off.

>25 hour long tutorial that kindof stops and starts again, so you can think it’s finally time to play with friends only for it to kick them out of your lobby again
>unskippable flavor dialogue every 15 fucking seconds
>no way to quickly replay point-to-point style races without forgoing your rewards
>rating system makes the best cars just some random pool of bullshit
>that FUCKING menu
>seriously if you’re in UI and you think 7 brief loading screens between you and your tune button are ok you deserve to be shot
I could go on all day. Metacritic is a joke.

cute tummy > everything else

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Solitaire on mobile

wildcard server gives you randomized abilities. you cant choose for yourself

If Anno 1800 doesnt help, youre shit out of luck Im afraid.

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Is Dark Souls a good game anons?

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What the leveling rate multiplier?


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Nah. I've seen plenty of good tummies with horrible heads upon them.


Is this porn

Tell me this is porn

Based and patricianpilled.

cities skyline and the blood remaster


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A lot of Dark Souls 3, some of The Messenger, a lot of RS6 Siege and a tiny bit of Tekken 7. I need a game which will keep me busy for a good amount of time without infuriating me though. At the moment, Siege is like dirty heroin in how addictive but bad it is for my health.

Remake 2 and dead space. Really enjoying remake, fucked up dead space 1 run because i skilled flamethrower. Will be restarting after getting bored with remake

Depends on your personal definition of good. I didn't like it.

tits thread

Silly mistake yeah. You can probably still manage through, just dump all weapons and stick to plasma cutter, if you only use that then the game will mostly give you plasma cutter ammo drops. Especially doable if its not the hardest difficulty.

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You have to see more

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x4 in No risk mode and x7 in high risk (drop chest with some of your gear if killed by players)


At what age are you supposed to stop falling in love with vidya girls exactly? I'm 28.

I just want a good game like Dragons Dogma, Witcher, Dragon Age or something similar allowing me to just get immersed for a long period of time. Feels like I've played every recent RPG..

I've seen all combinations of faces, bellies, tits and asses. Such is life in Russia.

For anyone who grew up with it, or is really familiar with it, that's probably the case. What I've noticed is blood splatters occupationally hovering in mid air, some voxel items being slightly misplaced visually (clipping into a wall for instance), the auto-aim targeting bats and rats over cultists every once in a while, and that you can't unbind keys in the menu. Those are all minor things that don't bother me too much, at least not after finding the config file. The pros (proper 3D mouselook, FoV, etc.) outweigh the cons for. However, pic related is Cryptic Passage.

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Play NWN2 user.

I'm cutting at the moment and all I can focus on is the tasty looking food in this .webm.

Nothing says whore and possibly dumb as fuck like not having your clothing on properly.

Played NWN too much user. Love it.

Just finished another playthrough of Mass Effect and Borderlands.
Not sure what to play next.

yum but also
yeah, i could force me through with skips/doping only mandatory clears but fuck that, I want to shoot alien scum and compared to how long it took to do ANYTHING with the flamethrower I will be where I am now in no time. before I fuck up again, that chainsawgun, you know which one i mean, is it any good?

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Just finished up the main game for Rabi-Ribi. It's pretty fun desu. I'm a little disappointed in how I can never just stick around with a game exploring and learning stuff about it, everything feels a lot more consumable if that makes sense

I've been struggling to start any games lately. I want to finish Drakengard/Nier series but can't bring myself to start it (Only played Drakengard 1). I also just finished Yakuza 5 a month and half ago but I don't feel like playing more Yakuza games (Yakuza 6 and five spin-offs left).
The only game I wanna play right now is CTR Nitro-Fueled and that's a month away so I'm just sitting here doing jackshit for nearly 2 months now.

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I don't know.

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I'm too fucking bitter and tired to play anything anymore. At most I'll load up a new game, play for an hour and never touch it again.

All I can bear doing is browse random videos on youtube and this god forsaken website.

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The thing with Dead Space is that you won't have enough points to fully upgrade a single weapon through a single playthrough if you just focus on one gun anyway so it doesn't matter all too much. Personally, assault rifle is garbage, flamethrower as well. I liked the shotgun somewhat and yeah the chainsaw thing is also useful, especially the alternate attack where it fires up a levitating chainsaw, its good for cutting those three-pronged shitters that stick to walls. For the most part like I said you can stick to the default gun as it does very well.

Sequels are all a lot more forgiving in terms of weapon selection because there are usually conveniently placed objects/spikes/rods to pick up and launch/impale enemies in case you ran out of ammo. Since we are talking about it, if you go end up eventually playing Dead Space 3, make sure to get/pirate the DLC, its actually legit good.

well is literally a 6/10 nothing special probably single at age 40 with 10 cats tier here.
maybe you just live in an area with ugly women, user.


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Tales of Vesperia definitive edition. It's looking pretty comfy but combat sucks dick. Can't really get into it because of that. I'm playing it after finishing a game I really enjoyed, too, and as a NEET it's nearly impossible finding enjoyment. kind of wish I was still interested in comics just to add more flavor to my life and balance hobbies but I just can't be fucked to get out of bed.

I also have God Eater 3, maybe I should play that.

Started a Spyro 2 file on mednafen after I realized it wasn't working before because I didn't have psx bios.

Anno 1800

Building big cities with little or no AI players is maximum comfy

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Over the past few weeks I've beaten Xenosaga 1 and 2 and am currently playing through the third one. I'll probably emulate XCX after this if I can figure out why it looks so weirdly grainy and has weird pop in with plants

Honestly. game drowns you in excess ammo and money. I maxe dthe most important stuff on my rig and then some before fighting that giant blob asshole near the air systems so getting all the damage node on at least one weapon seem doable to me but damn does the flamethrower suck even when placing yourself correctly and shooting only alternative fire, it does absolutely nothing to keep the blacks from your ass so I kinda give up at this point. Dead space 3 is piss easy with a mediocre weapon because of how much ammo you can acquire throu backtracking since ammo respawns and dead space 2 makes ammo too common too. Anyway, Ill check out the shotgun first, kinda in the mood for some pump action thanks to resi

ass thread

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>new patch today gave me 400 more influence

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Anno 1800 and Days Gone.

Both quite fun.

I still can't wrap my head around why people follow youtube streamers and stuff, "gamer" culture seems so cancerous I don't understand why they want to be a part of it.

Welcome to life after your late 20's. You're not alone user, I used to drink a lot which helped but I stopped recently because I can now just keep drinking and it barely hits me unless I have like over 1.5L of spirits etc, throwing money away.

People want to belong to something and most of them are too dumb or unwilling to put effort into something actually creative or rewarding. Streamers and video games are passive, you dont need to do anything, just click and watch. It's literally reality TV tier of retarded self-indulgence.

>after your late 20's

I-I'm 26...

That taken half an hour to do an item world in Disgaea. So fucking done.

Holy shit these threads never fail to make me feel better about my life situation, how do you anons even live like that?

>this thread
just do it anons

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>how do you anons even live like that?
Day by day, just wake up, go to work. have that feeling in your head all day, go home, eat, play some vidya, go to bed try to sleep

Phantasy Star online on GameCube
Offline mode

Most people don't give up once they hit 20. If anything, I'm glad I grew out of that whole growing up phase

I've had similar problems with games and anime, it's because I have too much bought/downloaded that it feel overwhelming and then I never watch or play any of it. I've just given up on ever getting around to most of it and do what I feel like at the moment, there's no point in treating a hobby like an obligation.

Apathy and anhedonia, you can keep doing things and they won't make you happy anymore so then you stop doing them. Then get into a rut.

I gave twitch a try but I'm such a nice guy pussy I'd wake up hung over regretting my donations. Nothing too crazy, I could afford it but I'd never do it sobre so I stopped twitch and drinking (mostly).
Also, no I didn't donate to or even follow titty streamers. I was being drunk nice to people, not thirsty.
Anyway, I have to admit if you get a streamer who is actually respectful, creative and entertaining I can see the appeal. The feeling of community for the short time I was there felt nice. But ultimately I clearly don't need it like some.

i've been playing this little game where i pretend i'm okay but i actually want to fucking die

Stayed up till 4am this morning (even though I had to work at 8) playing through latest GW2 ep. Now I get to enjoy forcing myself through yet another mount collection that I don't want to do but I'm going to anyway.

I do like the new map though. Bit of something of everything with some really nice scenery and what appears to be a HoT style meta.

>Anyway, I have to admit if you get a streamer who is actually respectful, creative and entertaining I can see the appeal.
I have like two streamers I watch, both quite small streamers (around 10-30 viewers on average usually) but the community is great. I've donated a few times, but like you said when drunk.

I'm 34. Relapsed victim of Nintendo Stockholm syndrome (my switch and 3ds are first ninty hardware since 64 and gameboy colour).
I'm really enjoying Bayonetta for the first time on switch (nearly finished).
Xenoblade chronicles 2 is a joy. I'm enjoying a slow leisurely grind, arriving 40 hrs and still on chapter 4 looking for that artificial blade girl.
Also looking to play every Pokemon rpg I missed since Red before Sword/Shield comes out lol. Just got my second badge in Gold and already hyped as fuck! Gold/Silver/Crystal fags weren't kidding, it really did improve my beloved gen 1 in multiple ways.
Also occasionally checking in for some Squad or Shogun Total War 2 on my PC.

Kero Blaster

we don't, you can hardly call this living

nice tits

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Nobody is forcing you to waste your life on this board

Join a gym, sports club of some sort, any kind of group activity. Do something, try tinder if that's your thing, take up music lessons. Do something.

Indolent pieces of shit deserve no self-pity let alone actual sympathy.

>25+ year old club
what is your favorite fetish anons?

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Genuine affection missionary with tight hand holding and eye contact

It’s sad that the day has come that I can post itt.

human male on non-human female, also

calm down, I come here like twice a week, I'm too busy with work to have time for fun

porn games, thats pretty much it

MHW, Sekiro and FFXIV.

SS13 and modded Minecraft.

Lost my job a while ago and those games are a great way to waste a lot of time.
I kinda don't want to find another job or I would have to abandon them.

>futa on female

Could you be any more vanilla?

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Morrowind, Kangdom Come, Rising Storm 2. Waiting for Pathologic 2.

that's a little too gay for me

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Mordhau, Beat Saber and Rimworld.
Mordhau rekindled my hatred for metafags, Beat Saber made me sweat like a pig, and Rimworld keeps throwing bullshit at me at every turn. It's all quite fun though.


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Futa on male

Naked girls


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Some Frostpunk but I keep having shitty expeditions.
Playing some nostalgia with pic related right now.

Will jump in for some Factorio this afternoon, perhaps some couch Guilty Gear if my neighbour's up for it.

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Why can't this be me, bros?

downloading kingdom come, will probably play few hours and drop it just like every game

Because futas aren't real.

Just get a girl who's into pegging.

That's almost impossible to do though.


29 soon wizard here
playing warframe for chill grinding
and lobotomy corp mostly
best fetish is gusset+upskirt

Not a lot of girls are into it and even less can orgasm while doing it.

On a sidenote.
>Anything futa being gay.
I'll fight and debate you till the end of time with no clear statement till we both agree to disagree due to the very nature of the subject!
>Traps being gay.

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I want them to have a real (big) dick, though.

Super Mario 64
Super Mario 3D Land

Futa stuff is pretty good. But that might partially be because I have a "guy servicing girl" thing as well as me being able to more easily relate to the pleasure no matter what seeing as I know what a benis feels like. In reality I'm not into backdoor stuff, and want a basic girl.

>a year from finishing med school

When Sekiro came out I decided to finally buckle down and give Dark Souls PTDE a proper go. I had previously tried it but ended up dropping it at different points, eventually ending up at Vamos in Undead burg and deciding to not bother. This time I grit my teeth and just went at it, taking a brief moment to look at a guide and asking Yea Forums to figure out some shit I wanted to know beforehand like what humanity does etc.

This was around two months ago and I've now finished DS3 and I'm still itching for more. Once DS clicks, its a fucking tremendous experience. The combat, the catharsis of beating bosses, realizing how to best allocate your souls, and just scouring the environment are all incredibly satisfying and well-realized. Its hard and will dick you around, yes, but thats the whole point; The game would never feel so gratifying to understand unless you first have the inital struggle that you overcome.

In retrospect, I played DS1 like a proper retard. I didn't understand weapon scaling, I allocated my stats in non-optimal ways, but it was some of the most fun I've had in vidya. Only real shame is that PTDE is basically dead so I never got to try out multiplayer in it, but thankfully DS3 is still plenty active so I've gotten a taste at that finally. All in all, I would hugely recommended the series to anyone, but especially those who've passed it up before.

Hows Bloodborne, Demons Souls and Sekiro in comparsion?

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bloodborne is faster and more intense in its combat. you have no shield but your dodge is twice as good as the one in DS. personally i think it's the best of them all

demons' is great but aged somewhat poorly. it still plays great but expect an easier time than you had with any others, and a lot of the mechanics are really obtuse and not explained well

sekiro is great but doesn't replay well cus there's not a ton of customization available. it's closest to bloodborne in terms of style but still has its differences. i think bloodborne is better but not by an enormous margin

tl;dr play bloodborne

Femdom, ideally with orgasm control as a part of it. Minor painplay (hitting yes, blood drawing no), heels and worship play all good.

>tfw 27 and virgin
>tfw if I hit 30 and haven't experienced this shit I'm legitimately just going to fucking hire a dom for a night
It's not even the sex specifically, I just want to know how being dominated by a woman physically feels.

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You may as well just hire one anyway then, there's barely a chance you'll find an average girl that's into it.

Demon Soul’s pretty dated. If you liked DKS2 you might like it though. their structure is similar in certain ways. The bosses are more miss than hit for me but the level design shines thru as always.

Bloodborne and Sekiro are very different games from Dark Souls. Still Bloodborne still feels like a souls game with its level and combat design, feeling most like DKS3 but more frantic. It also feels like a survival horror and you should go into it with that kind of mindset because combat is very frantic, resources are limited and you die easy, not to mention the really spoopy stuff you come across.

Sekiro is the one that us most unlinke any other from game. It pushes for a way more action-oriented game, culling the stat and equipment systems you had before, revamping how movement works and how levels are designed. Combat feels like they liked what they did with Bloodborne and decided they would take it even further while also taking a page from Furi’s book.

What kinda debt does med school bring on?

Hardest game is Sekiro.
Best game is Bloodborne (imo).

Alot of league of legends it's very fun thanks for asking

I know. I'm still in my 20s though, let me have this false hope. I lost a shitton of weight (from 42 to 24 BMI) and gained some confidence over the past two years so maybe that will help with meeting people in general but probably not.

I'm trying improvement hacks for NES games on my Wii U. Pretty comfy.

Rate my taste in games


Just hire an escort and get it out of your system. Having to deal with the rest of a woman just for a few minutes of pussy isn't worth the trouble or effort.

I'd love to try bondage and domination, but I've yet to find an escort service that isn't Femdom but rather gives you a sub to dominate.

I have a FWB but I don't want to freak her out, so not really sure what to do. Probably gonna bring it up at some point to gauge her interest.

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I’m not going to look at ~500 games just to ascertain that your taste is shit.

This. Honestly, relationships really aren't worth the effort unless you strike it extremely lucky.

Play games mainly from my phone and laptop.
Building my first PC from a Business Model, so I'll have more gaming muscle for the few 3d games I play. It's mainly an art box though.

Currently playing pic related, and listening to Niflas game songs in the background. The game decided to go with an orchestral soundtrack, and I find those boring at this point.

I miss pre-gamergate indie games, especially Freeware stuff. I may have to dig around itch.oi for some stuff.

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The whole buzz around the FF7 remake made me remember I never got around to finishing it back then due to a scratched disc, so I'm finally getting around to playing the whole thing now.

fetlife you moron

Agreed. Don’t stop looking, though. You’ve got to keep yourself in the running to get extremely lucky.

Forza Horizon 4

Racing games are comfy as fuck and it's actually a game with landmarks that I recognised (Derwent is like 30m from me)

Is online dating worth it?

its the most challenging game, go for it

Answer this man

Work nights, gotta be up for work in 6 hours but I really don't want to go to sleep.

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Where exactly does one "keep looking" after a certain age? I feel like student environments such as university is the best for this, but after you get a job you're pretty much fucked and restrained to the same group of people every single day until you die. And before you say "just hit a bar and b urself bro" I've already done this several times. Always ends up with me purchasing expensive pisswater which tastes like death, not talking to anyone / no one talking to me and then going home upset and feeling slightly like shit due to prolonged exposure to tobacco smoke.

Do it.
You might have a good dream.

I remember doing that at my help desk job. Though the schedule would actually switch between days and nights after each shift.
What kind of work do you do?

To be fair being a sub to a complete stranger is a massive risk, it's no wonder escort services only provide doms.

Non virgin here who had good amount of sex but still hires escorts

Anybody else love making an escort do crazy shit? I'm gonna make one deepthroat and drink my piss

i just turned 27 on Monday. I have been playing a lot of starcraft brood war, some wc2 since it's on GOG, and some catherine. I have been toying with the idea of doing another 1-60 play through of vanilla WoW too.

these days I have been getting most of my enjoyment out of baking class, exercise, and my korean tutoring though. Gaming, while still fun, can be really difficult because I don't really connect with people that play games anymore. Particularly for starcraft, the people that still play a ton are generally socially inept and play it just as a social crutch instead of playing for fun like they used to.

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Division 2
Dark Souls 1

Dating isn't worth it full stop. Maintaining a relationship is hard work with continually diminishing returns.

As for vidya, I finished Days Gone yesterday. It was great apart from the absolute shitshow performance, seriously the framerate is garbage. Maybe it's better on a Pro but from reading posts online, it's not by much. Bend have been AWOL with no news of the promised patch, it's kind of frustrating. I want to finish up the remaining side quests and clear all the hordes but I won't until it's fixed. Need a good PC game recommendation to wash the sub 30fps taste out my mouth.

It's some shitty Russian youtuber/streamer

team manager in a factory.

never ever try to meet people at bars or clubs, or online. the best way to meet people is through mutual interests: start a dnd group or a book club, or take a cooking class, or join a running club. the kind of people without social skills or interesting personalities that frequent online dating sites are not worth your time in the slightest

It's definitely harder to meet new people as you get older, you have to put yourself in an environment where you can meet new people though. If the bar isn't your scene you could try joining a recreational soccer/volleyball/softball team, take cooking lessons, go to a rock-climbing gym, painting classes etc.

Basically if you're developing some interest/skill in a group or social environment it'll be easier for you to meet and interact with new people and you'll have the opportunity to see them regularly to develop friendship or romance.

Really long tongues. Imagine her raping your throat with it

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