It wasn't that bad guys.
It wasn't that bad guys
Yep, it was decidedly average. Not bad, not good, just mediocre.
it was
It was but at least its not going to be as bad as Eternal
It was pretty good actually. Only zoomers RPing as boomers think it was bad.
It was critically acclaimed everywhere, only autistic Yea Forumsirgins hate it because old = good and new = bad
The opposite, its praised by zoomers that are pretending to be boomers, the only FPS they have played in actuality is halo and tf2
Good graphics and artstyle
Fun story
Gameplay was great and captured the feeling of a fast paced shooter on a console with dual analogue sticks.
Maybe you cant bunny hop or whatever and maybe it was slower than doom 2 or whatever, I dunno I didnt play old doom but i liked it, and I struggle to see how it was unfaithful
It's literally just Yea Forums being contrarian as always. If the public had thought this game was shit it would be praised as the new standard for FPS games on here.
It's my 2016 GOTY. Hoping Eternal is better.
Only legitimate complaint of the game was lack of enemies of screen. Other that that, it was a fast paced shooter with semi-linear design, no reloads, and secrets... literally like the old Doom
>Other that that, it was a fast paced shooter with semi-linear design
Levels are literally a straight line 90% of the time
>no reloads and secrets
If that's enough for you to think it's "just like the old doom", sorry to say but you're retarded.
it wasn't that great either
Other than the level design getting more uninteresting and arenalike, I think it was pretty fun overall
Fuck the Achievement busywork weapon skill unlocks though, Thats just fucking bad design.
>I didnt play old doom
>I struggle to see how it was unfaithful
Doom II, now that was a game. Sip.
It was fucking great.
Yea Forums simply went from loving it to hating it as soon as normies started agreeing it was great.
Doom 3 is hated by Mutts for being horror and not brain-ded pew pew, still, it's 10x better than this nu-iD abominations. Rip.
It was easily my favourite game of 2016. Good shit.
You literally don't even know why you hate, you make up dumb points just to hate it because it's new
You're a jaded fuck, admit it
DOOM was great. Only complaint was the lack of demons (by the halfway point you didn't get anything new, just different sets of demons) and the Arenas. DOOM Eternal is adding more demons and the Hell on Earth promises a few different arenas at least. Here's hoping
If the average human likes it, v will start to hate it, this is why v hates sex, romance, women and living.
It was never great. It's a modernized Q4.
The game was really good, but lost some steam at the last half of the game. Still very enjoyable. Almost became my favourite game of 2016
>Levels are literally a straight line 90% of the time
I haven't played the game: the post
is it good or not? not a doom fan (only played doom 2 for a tiny bit).
It's good
Its good. The only bad thing about the game is the upgrade system. You should play it.
Even though it wasn't a great design by any means, I will kinda miss the fat stomach acid shooting cyclops.
DOOM 2016 was fantastic, kinda wish ID didn't just slap it's gameplay into Rage Two though.
Glaringly obvious too; main characters gloves even look like Doomslayers, Maybe I'm just crazy but it feels like asset reuse, especially for the main character.
It's a decent experience, but don't compare it to the GOAT originals. Could have been a lot worse.
WHEN THE FUCK IS ETERNAL COMING OUT? It's been 9 months since we last saw gameplay. Not counting the Google Stadia footage.
I didn't like it, it doesn't feel good to kill some demons and then having to finding keycards or whatever to be able to kill more demons.
TF2 is 12 years old, user. It's millenialcore
Fall 2019
Halo is even older than TF2, so even that can't be classified as a "zoomer" game. I don't think many zoomers would've been old enough to experience Halo 1 first hand anyway.
A reboot doesn't have to be mormon-tier faithful to its original series you dumb globalist spy. The game was done very well, if you want old doom, then literally go play old doom.
Do you really want your series to be repetitive and not evolve?
It's great, The personality they give Doomguy (Doomslayers I guess now) is fantastic, even when mute it gets his emotions across
>In elevator
>Intercom comes on
>Hey I totally got every single person here horrible murdered but it's cool though because it's for the betterment of man
>DG looks at the mutilated human corpse in the elevator with him
>Yep nothing I did was wron-
>DG starts smashing the intercom
There's a demo on steam
If it doesn't bore you to death you might try the full game
Oh boy, a D44M thread! Wonder when Serious Sam autist is going to show up.
It was good. I have some issues with game balance and some of the prop hunting tho due to pretty heavy reliance of gun-performance to the upgrade system / runes. The game is unironically harder in the first third that it is by the late game. Some of the map design was annoying too (Foundry is pretty overwhelming for a 3rd map and would suit much better as a more late-game level), but those things are few and far between. Otherwise very solid.
unpopular opinion: it was actually amazing, don't @ me, fuck Yea Forums
I think the grapple hook in Eternal looks baller as fuck. Honestly looking forward to it, looks like a fun game.
If it didn't have the name Doom attached to it
it would be the type of game you play once and then forget exists afterwards.
I like how he walks around in that Eternal gameplay trailer with everyone reacting.
@462234036 lol this guy is a retard
Glory Kills are the best thing to happen to the FPS genre.
There are retards that would unironically:
>Backtrack through the map hoping for pickups
>Hide for 8-12 seconds waiting for their HP to regen
Glory Kills keep you in the melee and reward you for playing agressive.
If you disagree, you are objectively fucking retarded.
I love both DOOM 3 and Nu-DOOM
>this game combat music remix system inspired DMC5s skill based music system
More games should go with the "music gets better/remixed with how well you do", That shit is fantastic
and Q4 was already boring af. They just upped the twitch factor to overdrive with killmove jank and dudebro graphics
pewpew shit
The soldier that just gives over the plasma rifle was the best part.
I wouldn't say glory kills in their current form is a horrible thing, but I wish there was someway to perform them without stopping the flow of combat. As is, doing a glory kill in the middle of combat locks you into place while you do it. While that isn't the problem, exiting the animation leaves you open to attack which can make the glory kill pointless at higher levels because a single imp fire ball does more damage than the health you gain. If there were "moving" glory kills per se, I think that would be the better way of making people open up to it.
"i love both my wife and my wife's son"
you have to go back
Calm down you double nigger.
I like to think he's just ignoring everyone looking for the one guy keycard because he realised that BIG EVIL CORP is autistic about keycards in D16M
>Nice tie
>Ah, Keycard. Better get it now before you're eaten
>Wow this is a pretty durable keychain
Post of truth, fuck running around to get cover in DOOM.
I simply hope they allow :
- an option to turn it off GK in Eternal. Not that I would ever do it, but all those whiny faggots complaining about it would have to shut their cockholes forever after that
- Allow your character to pre-save Runes set and make it to switch to one set up to another.
I don't like pausing my game whenever I grab a "berzerk" globe just to put my "melee" rune set, it breaks the rhythm.
It was great as far as modern games go.
But it'll never be like 1&2. That shit is more than 2 decades old and still has a huge modding scene.
Bought it twice but never finished it. Time for a reinstall and starting over from scratch.
New PC now so it's all Ultra and 144fps.
It made me want more Painkiller.
That's not fair user, if D16M was mod friendly we'd probably see something interesting
>HD remake of the Seinfeld mod
that's not the point moron. you either have taste or not, can't have both or you are NPC tier.
You're a retarded shitstain, the point is the fucking animation and staggering enemies
Make it a fast melee attack
>you either have taste or not
What you mean is I either have your taste or not, because it's only you getting butthurt here champ.
>can't have both or you are NPC tier.
Ironic since you're trying to tell me what to like based on your taste. I like both. DEAL. WITH. IT.
I almost feel like the shitty multiplayer came out first to drop everyone's expectations for the game and then when the game turned out to be at least decent everyone went nuts saying it's amazing and a 10/10 when it's not.
liking both is a taste
apprently pretty different from yours
Lucky for you, there's an upgrade that allows for super quick glory kills
>I wish there was someway to perform them without stopping the flow of combat.
How do they stop the flow of combat when they are a part of it?????????
>While that isn't the problem, exiting the animation leaves you open to attack
In what fucking reality is this a problem? It means there's risk/reward for using glory kills. Mindlessly executing glory kills for iframes is fucking retarded design.
You're objectively a fucking faggot. The animations are fucking amazing, there are interesting hidden ones for doing them in certain ways. Retards like you would rather have a Doom 1 style punch, which has absolutely zero interactivity.
Glory kills are used to avoid damage and getting around as a movement mechanic.
I guarantee people like you played on easy because you don't even understand the value or fundamentals of what glory kills are.
>giving a shit about the multiplayer in the first place
People did that?
It was ok, the multiplayer was ass though, honestly liked doom 3/bfg edition & 64 the best though
No one is claiming it's a 10/10, but it's sure a breath of fresh air since is takes is main influence off older shooters
>weapon is on cooldown
Another thing, fuck the upgrade unlock bullshit for faggots
>I didnt play old doom
wtf, you literally shouldn't be on Yea Forums if you haven't even played classic doom
Doom 2016 is really good. People are just being weird about it. There's not any big infractions in it so people compare it to games that are 20 years older than it.
>The only DLC was multiplayer only
What a goddamn waste
You're such a boring person
The glory kills takes away controls for not even a second, are you that autistic that the amount of time just to watch a decently animated kill ruins your experience?
And weapon/armor upgrades literally give a variety of ways to play, not everything has to be bare bones you boring shithead
Ok this is bait
ITT: Old game good, new game bad
Can I bait you into giving me a sloppy rimjob and dick polishing with those lips?
No but you can try with your mom she often falls for it
Why do Yea Forumstard contrarians think it was bad again ? Give me a quick rundown.
not an argument, low IQ post, have sex and get your T tested, you seem low
It was pretty good. All the complaints about it are valid but it is still a great game in spite of those flaws.
Personally I am more concerned that the dash will ruin eternal than any of the other stuff.
Halo 1 is older than the average poster here yet gets called zoomershit by underages
Arent zoomers in the 18-22 age range by now?
What is the newest Yea Forums cancerword?
Great job wojakposter! Keep it up!
>Being rude to the local thread wojakposter
He just wants to post with us too, don't be a jerk to him.
Glory kills would be great if the animation was faster. They should've added an option to make all glory kills a very quick punch/kick but since they are retarded they didn't. Here, I just fixed Doom 2016
>Zoomer cuck still mad Serious Sam is superior to his casualshit Bethesda garbage made purely to get money out of retards thinking it's anything like old Doom
because those who played it at the time were the same as what you call zoomers today
it's the fortnite of yesterday
"Hey guys I like this glory system but it seems like all the players are just killing the demons with their guns instead of watching or epic animations for the 300th time"
"oh I know how about we make all the guns shit so they don't accidentally kill a demon with them"
Why is Serious Sam better ?
It's legitimately one of the best shooters of the 2010's
I'm glad you concede. Sit down kid.
>it's the fortnite of yesterday
Because video games were the same 20 years ago, i suppose doom was also the fortnite of yesterday 30 years ago?
Again, you're some dumbass fucking easymode child who doesn't understand the value of glory kills. When you say shit like this, you demonstrate you have no idea what you're talking about.
that's not saying much when the only completion is a bunch of Oldchool throwbacks nobody is keeping track of and desync I guess
>one of
Isnt saying much, even Borderlands and Serious sam 3 were above it
>even Borderlands
Okay now this is bait
it was pretty fucking great actually
t. 30 year old boomer that grew up playing Doom 1 and 2 on the families Windows 95 machine
Only literal braindead boomers and contrarians pretend to dislike this game.
nice trained monkey opinion
the industry is proud of you
it was good.
>Serious Shit 3
It was still better than nudoom.
I'm 18, this game is still shit. Kill yourself.
I'm proud of you son
Fuck off, boomer the original Doom was shit too, Quake was and will always be the better game.
But that's a fact
>glory kills bad
>b-b-because they're bad!
It was fucking amazing
>Do you really want your series to be repetitive and not evolve?
Like the souls games?
Probably before Christmas.
>Glory Kills keep you in the melee and reward you for playing agressive.
So, Diablo health drops you “unlock” through Mortal Kombat fatalities. Far from innovative, slightly better than regenerating health.
Regardless its pointless because Nightmare has everything one to two-shot you anyways. Half the time you’re better off just shooting stunned guys for the health drop.
the only reasonable 2 critics that i understand when people shit on the game is that the game has too much arena-like environments and amount of enemies that appear simultaneously on screen are low
It's as perfect a blend of faithful and innovative as any reboot I've seen. There will always be cretins that hate reboots for being reboots.
>admit gameplay limitations for maintaining 60 frames on consoles
>”but at least we have tons of kill animations!”
So if the game didn’t look so good we’d have different/better gameplay?
They haven't really confirmed a Fall 2019 release date yet.
>How do they stop the flow of combat when they are a part of it?????????
awkward pauses with no player input are part of combat these days?
you're a snoygoy, aren't you
>baron spawns
>you kill it in 2 seconds with the gauss cannon
>another baron spawns 5 feet away from where the first one spawned
>you kill it in 1.8 seconds with the gauss cannon
Man these encounters are super fun, totally like the classic Doom
Duke Nukem 3D shits on the original Doom games.
I shit on your post
Blow it out of your ass.