Give real unpopular opinions that make people visibly upset
MvCI is a better game than DBFZ
Unpopular Opinions
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Yea Forums as a whole is an unpopular opinion, if it says something is good its usually shit and other way around
Sonic games are not based
That's a wrong/disagreeable opinion, not unpopular. A lot of people dickride what Yea Forums says and take it to youtube
Games with black protagonists generally are overall better games than ones with white protagonists
Mario Galaxy sucks, I liked Sunshine better.
List games that do that
My nigga.
I loved the pachinko mission and would launch up the game a lot just to replay it.
It was great.
I can't stand music in non-action games. For example, I've never heard a single fucking music track in WoW because I turned that annoying shit off. It's annoying to listen to fucking repetitive, boring music when you're doing a ton of wandering around because it's distracting as fuck.
The bad opinion doesn't count if you're only pretending to bait people, an'andre
Imo multiplayer games sucks big time.
Ugly characters in western games don't bother me much.
That's not an unpopular opinion here. I assume most people here hate MP and mostly play SP (see Persona 5 and Nier praise). FFXIV is pretty much a singleplayer MMO
nuCOM is a shit game and nuCOM 2 is even worse, not because it is "hard" but because the gameplay is trash and dumbed down from UFO Defense and TFTD
>The Witcher is horseshit
>so is Soulsborne
>so is Nier
>so is God of War
Honestly, I'd rather just play indie platformers and Mariokart.
Sounds like you just dislike action/hack and slash games.
At least tell me you can enjoy the music from Nier
Some indie games are better than those excluding ds1 and nier
Fortnite is a well made game
What the fuck?
A lot of good games come from black protags
San Andreas, 50 Cent: Blood on the Sand, Urban Chaos, Papo & Yo, Vice City Stories, and Def Jam Vandetta almost all black.
The ones are the first 50 Cent game, True Crim NY, and maybe Crackdown. Even if you hate the games I listed there are so many bad games with white protags the black protags win by technicality
Kojima hasn't made a good game in over a decade and the fans circlejerking over his "epic ruse cruise" shit and his 3deep5u convoluted trash stories should all be stoned.
He's a complete hack who's also a hollywood-obsessed westaboo that can't stick to any budget or schedule.
No way fag. MvCI is unironically better than DBFZ.
Better netcode
More combo creativity
Larger and more indepth meta
Better neutral
Better training mode
Better story mode
More playstyles
DBFZ has nice visuals and ???
It's NOT okay to play games for fun.
Fun has to be earned by letting go of your excuses, debunking your own false assumptions, practicing and learning, and getting good.
If a game lets you have fun without getting good, then it's training you to have a lazy mindset and poor mental hygiene. That'll harm you in the long term, which is not a good idea.
Instead, you should enjoy being good at games, or pick a game which you can only enjoy if you're getting good.
a million times this
I never felt a connection to the world like i did in sunshine
Crash Team Racing is better than Mario Kart 64
The purpose of graphics is to convey visual information to the player. The best graphics use simple shapes, solid colors, and make interactable objects noticeably different from the background in some way (e.g. the background is more pastel while the interactables are more vivid).
Too many people these days are obsessed with making graphics beautiful, that they make the graphics strain your eyes as you try to pick out which objects are which. Eyestrain is the opposite of beauty. Side-viewed "2.5D" games are the worst for this.
MK11 is the GOTY and the best fighter in the past 5 years
hello teenager
Unpopular opinion: everyone who has a different opinion to me is either under the age of 18 or needs to get laid or both.
Is it ok to rearrange your shithole for fun? Cuz we're gonna find out.
I don’t give a shit about fan service
you're not a teenager?
Success made him boring, he was fine up to MGS 3 but his games became pure self indulging after that, it feels like people enjoy the idea of a game made by him more than the games themselves now.
I could be wrong, but think people who actually played both agree
Undertale is a good game that deserves far better than what it got. Also Toby should've left out the Sans fight cause that's what caused that clusterfuck
>adult virgin
That’s not a thing really. Sex is easy to gain.
The gameplay just feels so much more satisfying in CTR, it honestly feels like the game was a bit ahead of its time in that aspect.
That depends on your willingness to use rohypnol
are you not going to answer my question? you're so strongly opinionated i'm surprised you're skulking off now, mr adult grown up.
Pretty much, I always roll my eyes at 2D games that have everything in the background at max detail and have people thinking that looks good, fangames are more prone to this than other games these days.
It does look good, it's just not very functional for the type of things a player might want to do.
Modern Warfare 1 is a genuinely great game
Half Life 2 is better than 1
Fear 2 is better than 1
DMC1 has agreed really poorly
There's absolutely nothing wrong with not putting chicks in skimpy outfits
Of course I'm not a teenager, I'm middle-aged.
You obviously wouldn't believe this because you have your head up your ass and can't stand the thought of you being wrong, so I felt no need to inform you, because conversation on the matter is impossible.
well then that's just depressing. i wish you had carried on ignoring me instead.
>Half Life 2 is better than 1
Yeah the environments were more exciting than "facility corridor #1201930"
Too bad valve's not gonna make a hl3, it would be so great with all the new graphics tech thats come out since then
Blow it out your ass, you easy-moding trashmob.
>Half Life 2 is better than 1
They're both so different. I don't think that's unpopular at all. I mean, both had features that made them great in their own ways
>90s vibes
>Black Mesa was a dope setting for sci fi horror
>Vehicle sections
>Art was great
>Actual characters who were memorable
>Dystopian vibe
>Literally ushered in a new age of physics in games, raised the bar to a new level
Each to their own honestly. Why pick?
alright, have fun.
I don't care if games have political propaganda, lefty righty tighty or whatever. The writters are entitled to their own opinions and views and it would be ludicrous to think they would not leak into a thing they devote their time and money to.
I also expect them to use such stands for commercial value for the most part, because media as a whole has done that since day 1, and very few games are devoid of it.
It's pretty much the most basic thing to shove into your games to fish for roasties and social victims, equal to titty monster girls to appeal to inbred basement dwellers.
I sincerely think anyone that believes otherwise is a straight out hypocrite.
Playing on easy is ok
You gain no transferable skills from games being hard so why bother getting mad at people
>>Actual characters who were memorable
You don't remember STAHP guy?
I fuckin love STAHP guy. More memorable than having Token 1 and Token 2 discuss how to pass the bechdel test.
The transferrable skill you gain is the mindset of trying to find out what you could be doing better and then trying to do better.
If you already have this mindset then you're right, nothing wrong with playing on easy. But a lot of people who play on easy seem to use it as an excuse for having fun.
DMC5 has noticeably cut content all over the place just like 4, but DMC fans were so desperate to have their series back that they’re ignoring all of it and calling the game a flawless masterpiece in fear that, if they criticize it, they’ll never get another
One is a game, the other is trying too hard to be one.
>But a lot of people who play on easy seem to use it as an excuse for having fun.
lmao wtf does that mean
I’ve never even played CTR and I believe you and agree with this based solely on the fact that Mario Kart sucks.
It means you're a retard, and you're going to be a retard for the rest of your life.
I think he means people will switch to easy if they cant beat a challenge and say they only want to have fun as an excuse to not face the challenge
characters, music, assists, 3 character teams, post launch support, a tour, an actual playerbase...
Fire Emblem is awful series and always was awful
Most Nintendo games in general are solid 6-8/10 and not worth obsessing about. The only exception is Metroid series which is 9-10/10 (minus Other M)
Fighting games should be casualized just so more people get interested in them, well, not all of them, but one well made easy as fuck game with simplistic controls and shit could be enough
Yea Forums heavy overreacts on censorship in vidya and it only hurts shitty games which sell based on sex appeal only
Combat in Dark Souls is awful and Dark Souls 1 is the worst game in the series
Team based multiplayer games are fucking horrible
what if I have fun while playing on easy? isn't it the point of gaming?
Voice acting killed final fantasy, every single FF game after 9 is unplayable garbage because the dialogue is kingdom hearts tier trash. Yes, that includes FFX.
>Sekiro needs an easy mode.
>Indie games need to be removed they're making people ignore more important titles.
>Single player should just stop being produced, it's lowering numbers in multiplayer games.
>Quake series is objectively bad.
>Doom 2016 is objectively better than the original.
>Japanese games need less nudity.
>Western games need less gore.
>Porn games aren't actually games and thus should not be discussed on v
>Traps aren't gay.
>Dark souls is a bad series filled with bugs.
>Games being made exclusive to specific platforms is a good thing.
>If you don't like the game and you don't have anything nice to say, you should just shut up and buy something else.
>Steam users are just a bunch of gabe fan boys who are mad about epic being better at business and giving their clients what they want.
NG3 is worse than NG2 by a significant margin
>Fighting games should be casualized just so more people get interested in them, well, not all of them, but one well made easy as fuck game with simplistic controls and shit could be enough
Lethal league blaze
>Fighting games should be casualized just so more people get interested in them, well, not all of them, but one well made easy as fuck game with simplistic controls and shit could be enough
I want more unique figting games like Battle Construction Vehicles or Lethal League
serious sam is the best singleplayer FPS ever made and everyone making 'retro fps' could learn a few things from that series.
That duck isn't cute.
Wait, I'll try to explain it.
You shouldn't want to have fun, if having fun to you means drinking beer, smoking weed, being lazy, rushing in without a plan, and continuing to make the same stupid mistakes.
It's a lot of effort to check your thoughts. To make sure your assumptions, opinions, mindset, attitude, and behaviour are correct, or whether there's any mistakes in them that could be holding you back.
But doing that is necessary. Otherwise you'll continue to blame the game for your mistakes, or you'll throw a tantrum and ragequit, or you'll just keep making the same bad plays and holding yourself down without even realising what you're doing is wrong.
Doing the right thing is hard if all the rewards are uncertain and far off in the future. I know that. But if you're rewarded with fun, then you're much more likely to change yourself for the better.
People who play on easy say "It's okay to play on easy, because I'm still having fun, even if I'm not getting good"
That is a terrible mindset.
If you have fun without getting good, then you're not going to try and get good.
>what if I have fun while playing on easy? isn't it the point of gaming?
No, it's not.
generic jrock unless you buy DLC
100 Gokus that all play similar
most of which have little utility. Stones are better and add more variety
>3 character teams
which add nothing besides having 3 characters
>post launch support
MvCI had this
>a tour
Gay furry and Japs the tour. It just showed how garbage the anime community is that a NRS player and the usual Japanese can beat them even at a game with a ton of western support.
>an actual playerbase
which is dying now due to how boring the game is. Not even the huge DB brand with raging weeaboos who eat shit as long as it's anime can save this shitfest
There are a ton of casualized fighters than no one plays. There are also fighting game designs that bomb if they're casualized. Go play Fantasy Strike if you want an easy fighter.
punched my monitor you fucking faggot
jesus christ get a grip. you've got too much time to think, that's your problem.
Get in a car crash and die. You've had too much time to live.
Mass Effect 3 was the best game in the series.
Hehe, gotam.
ahahahah go back to reading Peterson, fag
The shooting in call of duty is not bad. Bottom line, the guns feel good to shoot despite the lack of nuance in the system. It’s comfortably above average, and its simple nature outclasses games that attempt a more complex shooting systems because its not weighed down by jankiness.
Who the fuck is Peterson? And who the fuck are you, anyway?
pc gaming is a meme
League of Legends isn't a bad game right now, the fact that the people who play it behave like monkeys is not the game's problem, e-sports are fun to watch especially in the Spanish stream
I hate how everyone says every character in dbfz plays the same, they’re mostly simplified because it’s a tag fighter, it’s team synergy that makes the game complex, even then most characters don’t play the same at all
oh fuck off.
>Console gaming is for the people who can't aford an actual decent gaming rig to run their vidya, it's slowing down gaming tech with the cheapness and cutting corner and controlers are less versatile than keyboard and mouse, and the lack of compatibility for them with all consoles makes gaming on said consoles even worse.
This is the best music in any Nintendo game
>>Games being made exclusive to specific platforms is a good thing.
Only in handhelds
>stones are better and add more variety
>When soul and reality stone exist
haha what the fuck
Also did you forget that a dying playerbase is better than a playerbase that's buried mourned and already forgotten
3 character teams add having two assists instead of just one.
I will concede the characters point though, idk what the guy you are replying to was thinking with that. There's like 5 gokus, 3 vegetas and 2 gohans in the game now (sure they play different but still)
While Mario Kart fans discuss what they want to see in the next entry, CTR spend most the time telling others how their game is better than Mario Kart. Why does this happen exactly? Why must gamers waste time on comparing every kart racer to Mario Kart?
But user, I have fun messing around as well as playing on hard. I liked playing dead island and kicking zombies down stairs, it just felt good, I also like playing FEAR on hard and giving the enemy soldiers more of a chance just to see the AI in action, but I also like playing the witcher on death march dying to the same pack of 20 or so level 1 dogs 30+ times untill I kill them all and then feel like I just became king of the game and then reach a point where a similar force is no problem for me to handle because I actually know how to play.
I think the game is fine. However I disagree with you in that I believe one must consider the community when evaluating a multiplayer game.
Beats having shilled MCU characters no one wanted.
I just wish I could completely mute everything automatically to pretend I'm playing a single player game
I'm tired of muting every single game
>they’re mostly simplified because it’s a tag fighter
MvC2 had extremely complex characters like Dhalsim, Sent, Magneto, Strider, Anakaris, and Thanos. Then there were intermediate hard to master characters like Chun, Ironman, War Machine, Spiral, and Omega Red.
The only truly unga bunga was CapCom assist and Cable.
DBFZ is a puddle in comparison. They would never make someone like Dhalsim.
I get what you mean because a good game that doesn't treat players like idiots give you a rush when you are getting close to go through that puzzle or boss fight that being easy for the sake of it can't replicate, it's why we all make fun of game journalist because a lot of times they just look like people that don't want to experience the best the game can offer and instead focus on superfluous stuff missing the point completely. Now this only goes for games with a well designed difficulty level, easy to implement things like giving you less time to do something because it's harder should come from the player wanting to go through the game faster and not the game being desperate to have the players taking it seriously, don't even get me started on just increasing numbers like Bethesda shit does.
Nexon does nothing wrong.
Jagex does nothing wrong.