how did we go from this
How did we go from this
to this
shes got tits at least now
who is this?
17 years old
47 years old
That's how.
because no megatextures
Would still smash like no tomorrow
so THIS is the power of the wall
Time ruins everything. That's why dating is worthless.
Literally the only good part of that game, the women.
What, if I remember correctly she gets killed and you find her strung up by those mutant bandits??
i was hoping for kermit the frog
from shit to shit?
>first game uses amazing "hand-made" animations
>second uses bad mo-cap
Why can't new developers animate?
>there a people who think this is attractive
You remember wrong.
Older women work hard to prove they're still attractive. They'll do anything. If you don't get in on that you're missing out.
Why did they even bother bringing her back
they had artists back then
everything is automated now and textures are photographed
throw in some post processing filters and here's your $59.99 + tax AAA game
Because she was one of the most popular aspects of Rage 1 and the game is set 30 years in the future, where younger characters of the past game's more prominent characters can get their chance to be important.
>disliking this iteration of her
I forgot Yea Forums only likes women who could pass as underage
so are there hot women?
I really liked the first game, didn't buy the 2nd one.
It's not the same.
Gamergate actually frightened the left, so they changed strategy and infested all game development houses to force propaganda at the source.
Now we have
How did we go from judging games based on gameplay, to judging games based on muh waifu uguuu kawaiiiii ~~~~~ ?
She became a middle aged women for fucks sake.
if we're judging it on gameplay then it's just a doom 2016 clone with dashing and contentless open world screenshot simulator
that'll be $59.99 plus tax, retard
only faggots with buttplugs in their assholes, perfect for the majority that browses this board
you will see a lot of positive feedback here even though the game has mixed on steam
I don't give a fuck what this game is, I want waifufags off my board.
God I want to lick Loosum's navel while she's tied up untill she passes out
And you accept it as that ,buy it, and continue talking about kawaii uguu waifu trash.
Some fan made a girls of Rage calendar so they decided to make every woman ugly in 2
>second game looks worse
Because since sjws won GG, whatever men like is sexist, and whatever men don't like is empowering.
obsessed, rent free, seething, etc.
>gaming before liberal infection
>gaming after liberal infection
honestly if all liberals were kicked out of gaming games would not only have sexy women again but also be overall better since game developers would be hired based on merit again and focus on making fun games instead of pushing identity policies and other far left propaganda
>steal peoples money
>get awards for it
hmm makes the melon think
Because this is what l30 years of living in a fucking wasteland will do to you, you dumbfuck. The game is set considerably later than the first one, what did you expect? Did you expect Loosum to be as young as before? Only the old ass scientist did not age, and for a very good reason since he pretty much discovered the immortality technology
She looks great. Especially compared to the disgusting wasteland skanks.
Based and Loosumpilled
The character in question managed to age but OP's still 12 years old
White women don't age well, that is fact.
NO ONE has ab insertions like that. What kind of fucking retard designed that shit? Seriously, it's not even close to gorilla anatomy.
That can't be the same girl...
She took the bog pill.
She lives in the goddamn desert with little to no cover from the sun. It does a number on your skin, okay?
but user,you never leave your basement.
Why is she so hot?
And why does she love to show her midriff, fucking tease
More like the JUST pill.
Is it just me or does Rage 2 run like arse while not looking ~that~ great?
I was even watching streams and it seemed to slow down for people who had 3k$ pcs
I don't know how she survived that long in the first place
Being that fucking sexy in a wasteland is dangerous, she should have died while being a cum dumpster like a good sex toy for the mutants
still bangable, but it's known that white women hit the wall really hard
>Gamergate actually frightened the left
They got afraid of people telling them to fuck off with the puritanism and calling everything under the sun racist and sexist? Their response with "gamers are dead" worked out so well for them too. 2 years later Trump is in the white house thanks to them shitting the bed hard at the thought of not bitching about pixel tits in video games and not calling everything they don't like racist. Bunch of idiots.
she's 65
Isn't the second game set over 30 years later? Because that would make her at least in her 50s, and most women don't look that great at that age. The lighting isn't doing her any favors either. Now if all the females in the game are ugly then I'll agree.
How could you forget that, retard?
White people age in dog years.
>then it's just a doom 2016 clone
So absolutely fucking awful? Thanks for giving me even more reason not to buy.
Not even mad about Loosum, but the fact that there are zero good looking women in the game makes it a hard pass. Fucking prude SJW Swedes.
There's a 30 year gap between Rage 1 and 2 idiot