>singleplayer games are too long and boring
>multiplayer games are competitive
What the fuck am I supposed to play then.
Singleplayer games are too long and boring
Point and click adventure games
games where you build shit
Dark Souls
Find shorter singleplayer games that are more fun?
Look for less competitive and more cooperative multiplayers?
>singleplayer games are too long and boring
stop playing AAA copy-paste trash
Couch co-op with friends.
I can't deal with competition.
No friends, obviously.
Find a different hobby
Just practice FPS. It should only take about 6 months to reach the top 5%
What other hobbies can you have on the computer.
>bought gaming pc
>absolutely great value with great specs
>suddenly lose interest to finish playing what I started playing
>single player games feel too long
>don't want to pay for WoW subscription
What do you guys play when you feel burned out of playing? I'm looking for recommendations.
Embrace the competition using the Joker archetype. You will shit on kids who actually take the game seriously. I do it all the time.
New Animal Crossing this year
Go play Undertale. It's short and made for basedboys like yourself
Get off the computer how about
Not an option
quit video games
In what games can you do this
>Play Casualwatch """competitive""" mode
>On smurf since GM is boring faggot bunker shit or annoying Sombra shit at least half the time
>Constantly run into level 1000+ retards stuck in diamond raging and blaming teammates for their losses
>Mfw subhumans only see others' mistakes and not their own and never improve
L4D2. Co-op with short and replayable campaigns.
Me neither. It always follows the same path
>Find a multiplayer (competitive) game
>"Oh this is fun hahaa wahoo"
>There more you play the more loses pile up
>Hit the ceiling and break a keyboard or something
How is it solo?