getting corpse camped? no worries just go to another layer. Banding together with allies to defeat enemies is sooooo last decade. quest npc dead? just go to another layer! want to escalate a skirmish or save a zone getting pillaged? Don't even try to bring a couple of raids in to help they'll just get stuffed on another layer >Brokentooth/Lupos up in my layer 50g for invite! >wts empty ungoro layer 90g >every man and his dog has tidal charm
>b-but it's only for a few weeks at the start >implying they won't just turn it back on after the servers shit the bed when they turn it off >implying it's not going to fuck the economy up >implying it's not going to fuck with peoples' will to team up and fight the opposite faction
what a fucking mistake you can bet your bottom dollar they'll force it during world boss releases and aq gates as well. It's pretty fucking obvious that they're leaving the door open on purpose for further layering down the line despite what they may say absolute mess.
>tfw even sharding the starting zone was a better idea
Also if server population increase through phases 1, they are massively fucked when they'll merge layers.
John Moore
this is why i dont care i knew they were fucking it up with their bullshit despite people telling them for years that sharing/cross server shit ruined server communities
Charles Scott
>Enemy Faction tagged the world boss? Don't worry just phase into a new "layer" and get your own kill, without any competition!
Mason James
Blizzard literally says they won't use layers for more than a month and definitely not after world bosses appear so I fail to see the problem. >b-but they'll do it anyway!! So complain when they do.
unless they specifically dish out bans for people abusing layer mechanics then it's a giant perversion of the server life cycle and will also hugely stifle wpvp escalations/fuck the economy up
the potential gameplay options lost here is massive
Lucas Evans
>enemy faction bothering you? >just go to a new layer
I fucking expected they would kill it with wow tokens and xmog shop but holy shit they raped it with layers and sharding was second one.
Ethan Lewis
layer free servers with traditional queue when?
Kevin Nelson
>Guys the phase 1 is over, as planned we remove layering entirely >Now let us introduce a new feature, DIMENSIONS, this made to avoid server lag on world boss, because lag is not fun right?
Aiden Carter
I'd rather you fucking kys
Adrian Adams
nice choices faggot
Levi Cook
Every mechanic will be abused to the max. On private servers people die, release, and leave group to not get locked to Onyxia runs leaving only around 5 people. Then everyone else does another run, and adds any alts to do half a dozen Onyxia runs in a lockout.
The top autismos will abuse layering to get 12x the black lotus and Devilsaur leather than should be possible to get on a server, and ruin the economy for the rest of the game.
Gavin Roberts
I have $150 a month budgeted for bots to spawn camp bosses. They'll be there 24 hours a day ready to make sure that my guild is the only one who ever gets any of them.
No stun trinkets for you :)
You asked for this and I'm exploiting it. Go ahead and report me in game my bots have never been banned in 13 years of playing the game. You will all realize that nobody liked classic for a reason.
>clear mc/ony/bwl >change layer >repeat >whole raid geared out in under a week
Xavier Parker
Day 1
Jordan Hernandez
>change layers so rapidly you clip through naxxramas day 1 to get a might of menethil jesus blizzard what are you thinking
Julian White
i doubt raid timers will be tied to layers but its definitely going to fuck the economy up and stifle wpvp and emergent gameplay
Adam Stewart
I'm so happy anyone who thinks this layering shit is anything to be mad about won't be playing with the people who can read Oh wait, you'll all be playing too and you won't give a flying fuck
Benjamin Brown
I just want to know is AV going to last days still?
Andrew Cox
>friend tells me where a specific target is >stand behind him and get invited to friend's layer nothing personal kid..
Justin Flores
Tell me more about what a cool guy you are, user.
Jeremiah Ross
>he actually thinks people are giving Activision/Blizzard money in 2019
This ain't reddiitt faggot. Take that shit elsewhere.
not likely because we're getting the poz'd version of AV
Aiden Anderson
It literally is though. Raid lockouts, world bosses, resources, auction houses and respec fees are all tied to their own layer.
Aiden Mitchell
What? Are you going to camp on 10 different servers with level ~40 hunters looking for the mob that drops tidal charm? Theres gonna be way more than 10 servers, and multiple layers on each server
Youre gonna have to spend more than $150 to camp tidal charm dude
Jack Hughes
>spend all your gold on the AH >go to another layer where you still have all your gold whoa
Eli Murphy
Mason Phillips
Blizzard hasn't said otherwise so it's basically confirmed. Classic is fucking DoA.
Evan Hill
>get rank 14 >jump to another layer >get rank 14 again
The charm about MMO's especially older ones like EQ/DAoC/AC and others were the fact that things were limited. Boss spawns every few hours or say once a day. Everyone can't farm that boss only the dedicated no lifers or someone who gets lucky. It becomes an accomplishment when you have to camp or kill a boss for that rare drop multiple times.
Tyler Harris
This layering and sharding will literally rape vanilla.
Knowing the players gives an amazing sense of community, seeing the same guys in Wpvp or just out in the world that have been farming bgs 24/7 tells you that you are actually in an active and alive world, you know who to watchout for and their skills, I personally don't mind Xrealms BGs but I wanted them to honor the actual (or close to) vanilla timeline where it starts out with BGs only within your own server, also there's another issue, they didn't talk about battlegroups which would still be small enough to be able to recognize players from your server, instead we're getting a brawl of millions of people through all the servers that will be avaiable.
Liam Sanders
they unironically dont the best part of the game is gone
Angel Miller
>beta is supposedly randomly picked >every single e-celeb streamer will get a key while regular folk resub for a chance at the lottery
Connor Edwards
>start on a med pop server >dies down months later and can't get any queues at all >someone calls you a casual because you want to do BG's muh slippery slope
Nolan Ward
>2019 >Blizzard still cant make 15k cap servers Back to Classic Vanilla Private Servers.
Xavier Gonzalez
The absolute state of larping vanilla hardcore purists
Michael Lee
natural life cycle of a server>unnatural life cycle of a server no matter the pop
Matthew Jones
established grudges of cross faction rivalry that started in stv or hillsbrad that actually feel organic for one
Lucas Nelson
tell that to the chinese farmers who are just as happy about layers as the no life neckbeards who will make mad cash by exploiting this shit all the while youre gonna be layer hopping every time you log back into the game and never see the people you recently quested with again. its retail just with slower leveling speed. ENJOY
Cooper Long
Ryan Williams
you can use wow tokens for your classic sub since retail and classic are the same sub. guess what that means
Gavin Hughes
>going blacksmithing as a shammy to get hand of rag and recreate unbreakable's video
>wasting your gold leveling bsing as a shaman when you could pay someone to make it for you for cheaper
Ryder Lopez
Are you implying all servers won't be dead in 3 months anyway?
Connor Watson
you're going to be playing nu-classic with sharding, layers and dimensions so eat what your sold and shut the fuck up paypig
Adam Moore
it's for roleplaying reasons
Gavin Flores
good luck affording the ingots
Logan Young
I'm with ya there t.alchemist thank god it's affordable while leveling though
Michael White
Where did they actually say there would be no CRBGs? I don't even think they've mentioned it up till now. Or are you just talking out of your ass?
I don't want blizzard shitting up classic people making up bullshit certainly doesn't help.
Caleb Ward
they wont because of layersTM
Kayden Harris
Crossrealm bg's were in vanilla user and they are doing patch 1.12. They were always going to be in and they are better than the alternative which can be 2 hour WSG queues
Jayden Thomas
This just solidified my decision to level a Hunter first since then rogue only once layers are removed
Robert King
I'm in no rush to level and will just mine every vein I see. Yeah it's slow but I've wanted to do blacksmithing ever since it was such a huge time and money sink in runescape
Hunter Ross
I mean technically they could still give us full on sharding. They are giving us layers but if we have layers inside layers we are left with shards. This is what you guys are signing up for
Ayden Cruz
>flying mounts killed wpvp!!!!! >omg we need crbgs because que time Filth. Go back to retail where you belong.
>playing on servers with dogshit faction ratio u played yourself
Josiah Hall
Layering is literally sharding, but they avoid calling it that, because too many people know by now what it is and dislike it.
Jayden Bailey
they were 4-5 hours on my server in vanilla because the server was full of carebears. Nobody gives a shit how fast they were on your chinese insectoid server
Owen Butler
is that why they're doing progressive content releases is it
Luke Mitchell
You understand most big servers always end up like this. It's never close to even unless you're on a shitty low pop server or something
Ryan Rogers
>be 15 year old high school student with a potato computer >be excited to play wow >some zoomer with 15 years hindsight can't understand why you didn't just investigate the faction ratio in anticipation of BG queues you'd never been exposed to before
Landon Butler
queue times ironically became worse after china invasion because chinas heavily favor alliance
James Sanchez
They are but everything including class balance is based on 1.12
Benjamin Harris
Oh man are you in for a rude awakening with how faction balance normally plays out
Nolan Phillips
WTF? I love sharding now! That sounds like an improvement over a waiting line
Aaron White
>its not sharding because the shard is bigger and you change only if you group or relog please user, this is important differences
Alexander Peterson
>2h queue at 6am means its a bad game
Jason Garcia
WoW... is like an onion It stinks
James Jenkins
Yes, because having instant respawn quest mobs camped by 100 players at the same time is so like real vanilla guyz!
holy shit you guys are retarded xD
Oliver Hernandez
i chuckled
Adam Long
is that why they are doing progressive loot tables as well
Alexander Kelly
He's just shit posting to make people mad about layering look silly if they take his bait. Ignore him
Liam Hernandez
>who needs to have memorable moments when playing a video game xD lel let's just let the game do everything for us
You are everything that went wrong with WoW. You enormous cancerous faggot.
Um, honey...thats why we are waiting for the time machine to activate this summer and take us back when Wow was PERFECT and my life won't be empty anymore. I can't wait for my turn to come at the waiting line for a change to get the 3 percent weapon
Evan Clark
t. doesnt know the good grinding spots to get ahead of the curve
Lincoln Murphy
Yup for loot. They aren't doing any normal patch by patch changes like changing from 8 debuff slots to 16 later on and instead starting on 16. They are also starting on the 1.12 version of AV which is nerfed compared to the original release
William Russell
Why not make less servers if they are afraid they won't fill out the servers with enough people? Why all this bullshit?
Noah Morris
I for one look forward to the true vanilla with 2 hour logon queues every night during peak time
Nathan White
Remember that they consider layering to be separate from sharding. Their old statements about sharding still apply. The first zones will probably be sharded, AND the world layered. They've also refused to promise a limited timeframe for sharding, so even if they remove layering like they promised, they may still shard for stuff like AQ and such.
Andrew Sanchez
So what?How does any of this affect gameplay
Joshua Russell
nostbabs detected
Sebastian Turner
I'm well aware that they're doing a frankenpatch With this in mind, why are you so adamant that cross realm bgs is the play to make here? Maybe cross realm bgs for servers that are really fucking dead would make sense who knows
Not for high pop balanced ratio healthy servers though, that's just bringing it down to low pop's dogshit level.
Julian Brown
ewww that new UI is ugly as a sin
Jaxson Baker
Because most high pop servers always end up with massive faction imbalances.
Isaiah Wilson
But we cant call it LFR
Lets call it raidbrowsing instead.
Eli Ross
>Because most high pop servers always end up with massive faction imbalances. big assumption to make you aren't a prophet
Benjamin Evans
I like getting sharted on by cute girls desu
Benjamin Hughes
Yes, Nost bad. Vanila is shit. Retail is where it is.
Lucas Wilson
Well true i'm not a prophet the data is easily available online for how it has ended up in the past. Based on this I can make assumptions about how classic will end up
Dominic Price
>1 month lol classic will be dead after a month, so basically shards are in for the full lifespan of the game?
dishonorable kills in phase 2 will be the finishing blow to classic, killing off city raids completely
Anthony Harris
So how much damage does a dishonourable kill do to the end of week honor in vanilla anyway. Is it so bad that it discourages world pvp
James Campbell
because pre current tech servers were better, they could handle a lot more people, but as time flew so did the playerbase drop and there was no need for it so they switched to this legion type where everything is crossrealm and sharded. This creates the illusion of having an alive and big pop, while actually nearly every one is from a different realm. This eliminates the community since nobody knows each other, so you can't have those "I remember this guy's name he was pretty good I want to play with him" and "This guy was a faggot don't play with him, or invite him" situations, which was the bread and butter of WoW, because gossips always happened and there were players who were marked, be it bad or a good thing.
Nicholas Robinson
smart thinking user Want to come work for us in Irvine? You have to be a minority tho
Connor Nelson
>People enjoy Dazar'alor >You can get heroic raid gear from trivial mythic keys >Rep grind, AP grind, mat farm or bust >WPvP still dead >Arena's are the only rewarding PvP experience Games dead and people just eat this shit up still. >Classic is going to have sharding 2.0 >WPvP will still be lackluster >Everyone already knows the ins and outs of Vanilla MMO's are absolutely fucking dead. There is no sense of accomplishment or adventure to be had anymore. I can't wait until Yea Forums gets over this WoW nonsense. You'll never be 10 again, you will never make friends like you did when Vanilla was in its prime, you will just continue to throw money at Activision for the next CoD game.
Tyler Stewart
>in the past in the past wow had wall jumping and the internet was wild west classic isn't going to have either of these things
it's hard to say if we'll see the majority of servers have slanting factions there will of course be a few but that doesn't mean cross realm bgs should be the standard
Easton Martinez
>Is it so bad that it discourages world pvp
World PvP is discouraged by the existence of battle grounds.
Charles Jones
So far on all the big pop private servers the faction imbalance was at WORST 60 to 40%, but generally it was closer to 55-45.
It's the small servers that usually suffer much more from it and it was the same in retail, from what I remember the only grave case of faction imbalance was Al'akir EU during wotlk that had like 90% horde to 10% ally and it was a full server.
Christian Phillips
Reminder bruders, transfreaks are in FULL FORCE.
They are panicking beyond belief, do NOT give up.
Home for us, rope for them. Never, EVER forget this.
theres no pvp in classic at all unless you dig cross realm cuck bgs in which case you should consider playing other, better pvp match games
Joshua Bailey
>almost guaranteed I wont get a key despite playing for over a decade straight >anyone with a twitch channel that can attract a few hundred fewers will get a key sigh
Parker Foster
Are they doing to so the server wouldnt crash day 1 and start off on a bad note like always?
Provoke 10v10 wpvp by corpse camping/quest npc killing >Instead of escalating the fight by banding together to try to turn the tables and be the ones corpse camping you, they just move to another layer OR >They try to escalate the fight, and get forced onto another layer because you can't have more than 2 raids in the same place oh well oopsie!
Kayden Perez
Noah Hughes
You are up for a good time in blackrock or even nam
Adam Myers
Pvp is at it's worst in vanilla anyway so why do you guts even care. The vanilla honor system is fucking horrible
Charles Campbell
So you can donate and fawn over me? no thanks faggot
Samuel Perry
Are you having a stroke?
Samuel Hughes
I don't understand how is LFG even an issue, especially for PvE? This waiting for hours is a big fat lie. There is a huge ass overpopulation of warriors waiting for clearing content and healers aren't an issue either because 90% of them always have someone who plays with them as a healer. You can legit form a group within 2 minutes in popular zones and like in 10 in non popular ones. You don't even create a group since there is always one searching for DPS, especially ranged.
Lucas Miller
what's the most fun battle size in wpvp? 6v6? I know it never happens
Zachary Young
>layer Go back to your private server, Chinaman.
Jordan Fisher
That's 6 times what retail usualyl lasts lol.
Ian Powell
Once a week, during server maintenance, your gathered Honor Contribution Points are used to recalculate your "rating" or Ranking Points (RP). Your new rating is calculated as an average of your previous rating and your standing relative to the other players on your server during the previous week. Exact details of this calculation can be found in honor system. The Top 2000 players from each faction on each server can see their ratings at official site.
You're fucking shit, Getting those top 3 spots to finish off your ranking was hardcore and it was fun.
Caleb Thomas
cope cant wait for inevitable threads where you homecucks bawl your eyes out about how blizzard betrayed you
>Getting those top 3 spots to finish off your ranking was hardcore and it was fun. >in reality it just promoted account sharing
Joshua Bell
t. falseflagging tranny
Jacob Sanders
I know how it worked, I'm calling it a shit system precisely because it was a shit system. It was hardcore based on the massive amount of time invested. It didn't show skill and you basically had to be a neet or it was impossible. Hence it's a fucking shit system. You had Grand Marshall players unable to break 1800 rating in the following expansion.
Chase Thomas
Sharding is one of the main reasons I hated WoW when I came back near the end of legion.
If you played retail you should know just how awful it is. You can't even put together city raids easily with sharting and have to dick around with groups to force everyone in the same shard after 30 minutes. And then the servers are so shit, probably because of all of the shards, that they can't even withstand having 2 or 3 full raid groups in the same area without the game nearly lagging out.
Easton Morales
it's not so much about griefing as it is a natural server life cycle being perverted
Leo Cox
there won't be any blackrock raiding right? I mean, your guild gets word about enemy going to mc you go there and stand around for 30 min and see no one
Lincoln Rodriguez
At this point even trannies are not as pathetic as you are for believing blizzard.
Aaron Parker
Sharding is why wow right now has just slightly more world content than xiv.
Honestly if you don't push m+ and mythic raiding don't even play wow retail. You can't even grief in wpvp and wow's world content has always been casual crap once you got gear.
t. M+ fanatic.
Nicholas Jones
Only absolute bottom dwellers IRL enjoy PvP in persistent games. You take enjoyment from wasting a fellow players time? Then there's legit something wrong with you.
Anthony White
yeah i have no idea you could theoretically just send scouts ahead and then hop layers if there's a threat
absolute joke
Zachary Torres
And you also had GM players get rank 1, your point?
It's a different kind of skillset by the way, it's not pure grinding either because you can't do it alone, premades will have to compete with each other or get down to deals, whoever has the most efficent way of farming honor gets to decide the people that get the R14, it's not too hard but it's not as simple as it looks either.
Bentley Hughes
>all those UD rogues will cry on forums for being banned due to griefing low levels in redridge. TOP KEK
guess you never had fun in your whole life mr "videogames are serious business" huh
Mason Allen
people will unsub like crazy if they do anything of the sort.
Players are supposed to BAND TOGETHER AND HELP EACH OTHER deal with threats from the opposite faction, not cry on the forums for mummy blizzard to ban the fun
Jordan Gutierrez
It heavily promotes account sharing and as you said the people at the top basically just win trade to decide who gets it. I don't see how this promotes skill at all.
Nathaniel Brown
I agree griefing is for autists, but I think it's fun when people come to the defense of their lowbies and get some real PvP started, where both sides keep bringing in reinforcements.
Nolan Wright
layers are bigger shards (basically continents) but work the same otherwise, they also yhould change less often according to wow devs, but thats just talk for now and probably all subject to change
>city raids The only people who care about shit lile this are the few turbonerds who have every raid on cooldown and don't have anything else to do in this contentless skeleton of a game. It's entirely meaningless.
Juan Hughes
I was pushing m+ hard until I quit. It was literally the only redeeming part of the game since it gave the feeling of real teamwork when the tank pulled 3 fucking rooms and the healer/dps had to do everything to make it easier on the tank whilst dealing good damage.
The only time I remember sharding helping me was when I farmed herbs for pots/flasks since it let multiple people hit the same node over shards over the course of a small time frame. That also meant I ran to nodes and hit them just to get nothing and for them to disappear.
Eli Garcia
thats how the playerbase changed >Oh wow look at that orc warrior I'm going to attack him on site, before he will charge into me >yeah dude fuck off leave me alone and let me do my quest
Christian Wright
Nicholas Phillips
>It heavily promotes account sharing
Just like gladiator heavily promotes boosting and win trading?
Colton Diaz
Wasting somebodies time is serious, how do you have such severe mental disconnect? If a player has spent x time getting to a location or trying to complete an objective and your actions delay that person then you're wasting their time IRL, they achieved less that day because you have the mental acuity of a chimp and laugh when you see somebody else in pain.
Josiah Cruz
I also like tanking but warrior is not a good idea if you're casual about this. Leveling will be slow and painful, though I'm sure you already know this. What people tend to forget is that warriors can't farm as efficiently as other classes, leading to less money and ability to explore other aspects of the game. You need a lot of gear to not be useless in pvp and even then, the gear you want has a lot of competition. Warriors will be a dime a dozen so gone is any notion of uniqueness of people remembering you.
Hunter is a good choice. You, your pet, your traps, your gun/bow, just chilling and exploring the world at your own pace. Excellent farming capability too. If you reach endgame and start reading hunters are one of the fastest classes at getting gear due to low competition.
Aiden Roberts
then play on a pve server you fucking retarded chimpanzee
Christopher King
If you are paying someone to boost you that is another issue entirely. From a skill perspective arena is much harder to rank up in than the honor system. I'm sorry user but pvp in vanilla is not a skilled based activity. It's why the honor system become a secondary grind past vanilla and treated as a way to gear up like dungeons are for raids
Luke Myers
you only change layer when grouping up with others or when you relog, according to wow devs, so it will be less annoying than sharding, also a layer is basically all of the continent you are on, not just one zone. its like slightly less annoying sharding while still keeping the basic principle behind it, reducing server load. its blizzards way to save money on servers because jews gonna jew. dont expect a bug free classic anyway so who knows what fuckery this newish layer tech will lead to, classic is basically beta testing layers for retail, as blizzard is trying to replace sharding from retail because of its unpopularity. enjoy beta testing layers for 15 dollars a month i guess. its all fucked up really.
Benjamin Collins
>only absolute bottom dwellers enjoy competition in sports, you take away someone's first place by winning the contest and wasting their time since they won't get it if you win
Jaxson Clark
okay now youre just trolling, nice bait, b+ for the effort user, keep up the good work
Nathan Bell
100% tranny faggot
Caleb Bell
>how many layers of Lupus hunting are you on
Christopher Campbell
A sport is two or more people who've all consented to compete with one another. Do I need to explain the concept of consent to you?
William Thompson
Why not just let more players in one world?
Isaiah Johnson
Kevin Parker
His point you seem to have missed is just because you can invest all the time in the world into something it doesn't mean you are good at it. Unless you want to argue that pvp shouldn't be a skill based activity and just be a side game to raids, however that is another argument completely
Jackson Baker
>somehow servers 15 years ago were able to handle people all being in "one" instance >modern blizzservers can't and they need to use sharding to handle more than a handful of dozen people in an instance
As said, nu-wow is an instance based game with an irrelevant overworld minigame. If I got to it and pushed to 2k and sold carries I wouldn't even farm.
If you've ever seen a popular private server launch then you'd know it makes the game unplayable, furthermore they know those people will all leave after a month so there's no reason to implement a permanent solution to house them.
Server queues to get in would be 4+ hours, each quest objective would always be killed when you need it, competition for every node or item would be untenable and basic lag issues of having so many people loaded at once keep them from doing that.
Alexander Wright
Lmao get owned nostalgia shitters stay on your f2p private server hugboxes
Jayden Roberts
As said, nu-wow is an instance based game with an irrelevant overworld minigame. If I got to it and pushed to 2k and sold carries I wouldn't even farm.
Classic was the same but had the decency of remembering it's overworld exists.
Landon Taylor
They've literally said the servers could handle the population with ease. It's so it doesn't take people 15 hours to reach level 10
Kayden Roberts
15 years ago MMOs were a niche minority of gamer, now everyone wants to follow streamers around, female camwhores will be idling in town trying to score points with nerds, every gaming news site will be blasting the release.
Those people won't stick around long-term but the numbers will be much higher than original WoW.
Ryder Moore
because servers which can handle more load cost more money user.
Easton Bennett
I played a nelf rogue on my rp server (fuck off I was 14) pre-xrealm bg's when you had to que at the entrances, so thats where all the pvp'ers would hang out at waiting on que's. I remember horde rogues would come into silverspring or w/e the fuck it was and hang out with us. I developed a fetish for troll woman rogues this way T.T
Eli Gonzalez
wait since when were raid lockouts tied to shards
Brandon Campbell
Never played any iteration of WoW before. All the single-role classes seem a little boring to me but all the hybrid jobs are flagged as shit unless they're performing single roles like healer Paladin.
Are there any truly hybrid specs that I could play that wouldn't entirely exclude me from end-game? I mainly just want to support the group with buffs\debuffing the enemy but there doesn't seem to be a role for that.
Jose Richardson
Yeah user I am certain 0 Yea Forumstards will be playing classic
Cooper Rodriguez
>mail gold to own alt >hop to another layer where you still have your gold >mail it >repeat for infinite money
Luis Taylor
>I mainly just want to support the group with buffs\debuffing paladin
Tyler Rogers
So why not just have shards for the starter zones?
>when you just saw endgame and have no idea how sharding/layering works
Michael Miller
Is there much exploration and lore stuff in classic? I've only played GW2 before and I love the exploration, if possible I just want to spend all my time traveling the world and noticing little lore things about different areas. Is there enough stuff like that? and if so what class\race is best purely from an exploration point of view.
Undead seem cool because they can go underwater for longer but for all I know there are 2 bodies of water in the game with fuck-all in them.
Oh, also can you add your own map markers? My favorite feature in games is when you can add a map marker, even give it a body of text and it'll save it forever until you decide to remove it.
Chase Collins
>troll woman rogues i hope you dont have a foot fetish as well user. that would be... very bad.
Thomas Sanchez
>kill boss >roll on item >lose >go on other layer where you haven't rolled yet >win the item
Benjamin Rodriguez
drood, paladin is a top healer nonstop caster class
Josiah Hughes
dont laugh but i actually abused a gold duping exploit in vanilla that nearly got me banned. theres no telling what this new layer tech might fuck up, exploits are basically guaranteed to happen
Cameron Powell
original WoW had higher numbers than current xpack RELEASE, idiot
Ayden Diaz
If you've never played wow you have literal years until you've explored it all You're in for a fucking treat.
Aiden Campbell
they want to save face and avoid having to do server transfers or server merges, layers are basically server merges that are pre-programmed
Hunter Jackson
Wow has less players now than in retail classic days you absolute mongoloid.
This post right here is exact reason why I corpsecamp STV on my level 60. Eat shit and die fag.
Jose Sullivan
Yeah, these massive changes can have so many unintended effects that it's absolutely disgusting that they'd do them.
Dylan Martin
Yes user, you're the picture of balanced mental health.
Connor Jones
youre doing gods work user, bless
Connor Ortiz
I got mythic raid gear from a 6 lmao
Asher Howard
its not about mental stability its about creating conflict and emergent gameplay
sandbox is a verb
Anthony Edwards
kill yourself neurotypical scum, get the fuck off my autism web forum
Brody Peterson
>Honestly if you don't push m+ and mythic raiding don't even play wow retail. You're right. Shame they make mythic raiding more tedious every expansion, and I'm not even talking about raid difficulty. I fucking hate titanforging, personal loot and grinding world quests so you can access new powers.
William Thomas
>getting corpse camped? You can't >quest npc dead? just go to another layer! Can't do that either
The only way to switch layers is for a friend to invite you to his and considering anyone who plays with his friends is going to be on his layer anyway.
>Brokentooth/Lupos up in my layer 50g for invite! See I wonder if general chat and the like is layerbound aswell.
They still should have gone with sharding though.
Kayden Clark
The sheer level of delusion wowbabs induce upon themselves is staggering. Especially after they've been raked up with ass with "You think you want it, but you don't ;)" they still happily eat any shit that hypocritical actiblizz asshole will push out. While shilling this shit here. For absolutely fucking free. Just because they are locked so tight inside their own head that they refuse to acknowledge the reality. That's some tulpa-level schizo shit right here my dudes.
>The only way to switch layers is simply ask in general chat for a player at your location and if you can't see anyone around then you know they're on another layer and join their group
Even Biodrones realized that the developers who made the games they liked no longer worked for Bioware and stopped supporting the company. You Blizzdrones are a fucking embarrassment.
as if there will be no addons to make hopping easy as fuck
Ryan Jackson
y-you dont understand user, even after all he did to me i still l-love him and i can feel t-that dep inside h-he might s-still have feelings for m-me t-too
Adrian Howard
>[1. general] Hey is anybody standing exactly at the mailbox in crossroads? >[1. general] Shut the fuck up retard >[1. general] Where is Mankrik's wife????
Seems like a foolproof idea that will always work exactly as the way you want it to.
Liam Robinson
will 40 man premades BGs be allowed in Classic?
Brayden Hughes
Nathaniel Edwards
maybe if you have nothing to offer
Mason Stewart
pretty sure every layer will have their own chat channels, youd have to do something like this in guild chat or use something like discord for that, i heard there might be an addon or app too
Jacob Hill
>not going to the layer where layering wasnt implemented into classic never gonna make it
Jeremiah Price
Isaac King
>[1. general] 5s for anyone who wants to invite me to his layer, standing at crossroads >[1. general] guys 5s for anyone who wants to invite me to his layer >[1. general] Shut the fuck up retard.
Joshua Howard
Tfw i knew it they would fuck it up so bad.
Jason Ward
>get kicked from guild for ninjalooting majordomo's chest >hop layers to before I got kicked >still in the guild and raid, roll on the different set of drops with everyone else No one will ever know :)
Jonathan Garcia
>not hopping layers until you finally roll 100
William Anderson
Ion said that layering will only exists for "a few weeks" or "a couple of weeks" and will definitely be turned off before anything "server wide" will happen, like world bosses. Why the complaints? Yes the start will be rigged, but only a tiny portion of players were on day 1 of the original vanilla anyway. And I'm pretty sure that they wholeheartedly agree that layering is way better than sitting in queues for 15 hours, or calling your family at home from work and asking them to log in for you and drag the mouse every 20 minutes.
If you want absolutely 0 layering shit, you can just join "a few weeks in" (Ion) and that's it.
Isaiah Harris
Can I layer activision our of blizzard?
Alexander Thompson
>Believing Blizzards lies.
Jason Wilson
>muh home threads Lol kill yourselves vanillafags
David Jenkins
Mb coz he said that they want to recreate authenthic expirience before that? Or that classic would never have sharding? Or that it would oly be starting zones?
Wake up
Cooper White
I want a launch where I see hundreds of people around me. I want queues. I want lines. I want blizzard to make netcode that actually works. Launch day will be more fun than any other day in the whole time playing it bar aq opening. Fuck blizzard, I hope a lunatic shoots up their offices.
Kayden Hughes
Has anyone determined exactly how to switch shards?
William Perry
I remember when they were hour long queues at the release of MoP, so we went into the Stormwind Vault, took our eq off and let the mobs hit us to avoid getting logged out.
Lucas Morgan
>hop layers into the future where naxx is out and everyone has it on farm >get full endgame bis gear and tier 3 >hop back into the past on august 27th exactly and afk on my epic mount outside of the starting zone then camp the shit out of redridge faggots while the second highest leveled player is maybe 20 at best get shit on
Lincoln Long
Yeah, uninstall wizard
Mason Taylor
this fucking retarded logic is what fucking got us to the point of retail in the first place. christ, the dream is truly dead. there is no hope, the mmorpg genre doesn't exist anymore
Aaron Cruz
this is pretty BASED
Ayden Gonzalez
Then why are you faggots whining?
Christopher Sullivan
This but rfc
Brandon Collins
We will experience STV with layering, not Vanilla experience at all.
Wtf bros how did blizz invent time travel before NASA
Caleb Foster
>lose the roll for sulfuras to a retlol >run to the kitchen and commit harikiri with a bread knife in a fit of rage >with my last ounce of strength drag myself to my pc and hop onto a fresh layer >still alive >eye of sulfuras is in my bags >dick is 2 inches longer >qt gf brings me a sandwich
shits gonna be cash guys
Aiden Lee
>cross server battlegrounds And just like that, the hype is gone.
>company repeatedly lies for years and years >hurr durr don't accuse them of anything wait for them to lie again before you do
based absolute retard
Brandon Walker
Depends what mmos you've enjoyed before and why. WoW isn't for everyone.
Ryder Nelson
Good argument >Or that classic would never have sharding? They said that it will have some form sharding in the start to prevent queues and whatnot, and it's a fucking reasonable thing to do You legionbabies don't even know what queues are. You want to play the "authentic vanilla"? Well maybe you can log in tomorrow, but now you get to watch the queue screen. Repeat every time you want to log in. >I want a launch where I see hundreds of people around me You will >I want queues You will have >I want lines You will have >I want blizzard to make netcode that actually works They already have it, watch interviews before speaking >Launch day will be more fun than any other day 99.999% of the players who so dearly wait for classic didn't play vanilla at the launch, what's the fuss about the launch day specifically?
They said that each layer will have about 3k players, that's like 600+ players per starter zone of each race (or even more than that in shared starting zones) Go log in to Northdale and you'll have queues for "elites" in the starting zones even though there's just under 50 people there or so. Even with layering it might _barely_ be playable at all. You're fucking delusional. >we >implying more than 10% of the players will get to level 30 in 2 weeks Don't worry one layer will literally be enough for the amount of player that will reach those locations in 2 weeks. Don't overestimate how long it takes to level up your very first vanilla character. Which it is for 90% of the players.
Oliver Ramirez
you wish i was offering currency favors>currency in vanilla, noob
Owen Price
will quivers still give ranged atk speed boost
Thomas Jones
I really doubt a lot of people are going to abuse layering in this way, it will probably mostly be the ones complaining about it abusing it to make it seem like a bigger issue.
Josiah Morgan
I need help. I want a Paladin but I also want my old main(UD Warlock) Should I either: A)Speed level my Warlock and have a nice comfy level experience with Paladin or B)Try and Speed level my Paladin first and on downtime level my warlock
>sulfuras to a retlol HoR is a Ret weapon, warriors and shaman who think otherwise are fucking retards who don't know how to play their class or know any class mechanics.
Jack Walker
Proof that the only real way to experience Classic is private servers. Don't give Blizzard your money for a subpar "classic" experience.
Carter Bailey
>we will merge dead layers (shards) but not dead servers! idiot
Jonathan Flores
Foot fetish fags can burn, but I love me some tall cutie troll rogues :)
Lincoln Miller
>not hopping to the world war 2 layer and telling hitler how fucking stupid it is to invade Russia in the winter
Christian Ross
Xavier Jones
but they will already be established servers by then? I mean untainted organic servers without layer fuckery destroying the roots of the server
Matthew Stewart
Blizzard is actively sabotaging classic. This is because they don’t want to admit classic is better. By doing this they can say “see guys we told you our game was so much better” when it fails. Despite it failing because of the changes they implemented that nobody asked for.
William Green
>what's the fuss about the launch day specifically? Is this nigga serious
Brayden Brooks
Did you just say speed level a Paladin ? What fucking crack are you smoking.
This. Look at the changes they're making to Warcraft reforged
Brayden Hall
>tfw your alternate layer self phases in to save yourself fron being corpse camped
David Hernandez
>favors>currency in vanilla literally what
Jordan Gomez
level as fast as I can. you know what I mean.
Nathan Lopez
you get what you give, zoomer
Brandon Thompson
>layering >no server queue >people all join the same populated server >when layering ends server explode and your stuck on a 10k queue every night
>no layering >people join medium / low sized server to avoir queues >server population is way more balanced across the board
Charles Murphy
>kill a mob >switch layers at hyper speed >gain 100x exp off of one wolf at the same second and gain like 5 levels who else /speedleveler/ here
Hudson Richardson
The server has a functioning economy and everything revolves around the currency of that economy, you've been watching too many TV shows if you think otherwise
You can speed level any class, it's just a pre-set route that maximizes the XP per hour, a paladin will probably take 10 more hours than an hunter but you'll get there in 2 days and half if you know what you are doing, also I guess their prot spec is somewhat decent for AoE farming.
Jackson Ortiz
>for 15 years straight saying >oh my dear vanilla back then it was all about the experience and not the destination ohhhh good years >2019 classic launches >complaining that their 1-60 speedrun will not be "authentic" because of temporary sharding The true face of nostalgiababies reveals itself
Jaxon Cooper
>They already have it, watch interviews before speaking So howcome they don't use it?
Nolan Clark
>layering and sharding will ruin the game! They said they're taking it away before phase 2. It's also not even that big of an issue if you actually look into what classic's layering is compared to retail's sharding. >b-but blizzard are liars! Then why are you here?
Every thread now till august. Every post that isn't a frogposter shitposting will be called a shill. Classic threads were just getting good as well since retail shitters had near-enough given up.
>Believing Blizzard lies >Defending sharding and layering Retailfag/10.
Samuel Clark
>Retail cuck still doesn't understand what MMO stands for
Nolan Morales
> - are you actually want to spanwcamp every mob in starting locations with gorillion other players? > - YES THIS IS GOOD THING TRUE AUTHENTIC VANILLA EXPERIENCE BEGONE RETALSHILL BLIZZKEK ACTIVISIONDRONE ZOOMER NEWFAG LITERAL REDDIT
Grayson Perry
>muh layering everything is runied >meanwhile pserver have dynamic respawn
kill yourself and wait how it turns out you perma cuck.
They're only using sharding because their netcode can't handle the amount of people you get on private servers in one area. They're too lazy to fix it, typical of blizzard
Nolan Cook
>everything revolves around the currency of that economy I pity you.
Colton Hughes
dead on arrival
Luke Perry
Dynamic respawn is a clever solution, too clever for blizzard to think of
Jaxon Morales
And there you are, right on cue
Jason Williams
You still have to wait 3-5 min for a rare mob there is no dynamic respawn.
Xavier Wright
pservers has dynamic spawning because they over capped in to 15k while blizzard servers are 5k
You do remember that dynamic respawn was implemented on retail ages before chinktalrius, chinklysium or chink's dale?
Eli Nguyen
>You still have to wait 3-5 min for a rare mob there is no dynamic respawn.
Rare mobs have hours of respawn time, the guy that drops the tidal charm trinket has like a 48h respawn time, this was so that rare mobs are actually RARE, layers fuck it up completely.
Noah Butler
>implying 15k on one server is a good thing
Jace Murphy
And who said it is? Vanilla was designed for 1k players.
Joseph Robinson
its a great thing when you want to pug raids or premades, which is tough when you need 40 people
Sebastian Martinez
Elder Scrolls Online is bigger than World of Warcraft at the height of its popularity (across three platforms) deal with it faggot
So is there anyone who was going to play, but is no longer going to because of layering? I get the feeling that the vast majority of people bitching about it, and blizzard in general, are still going to give them money come the end of summer. Props to you if you do stick to your guns though.
Levi Roberts
Like it matters when 70% of the server doesn't speak english
>selling lionheart helm pst! >I dont have money but I can offer you favors if you like? >fuck off faggot
Mason Howard
I'm hoping there's still time to delay release and rewrite or rethink their approach to server architecture. If they rush out a layered shitheap I'm not playing though.
Benjamin Wright
goal posts etc etc we weren't talking about endgame noob (although favors can still get you A LOT of clout here)
Levi Sanders
It absolutely is and if you disagree you probably enjoy retail
Brandon Ramirez
i had some one do this bullshit i was selling bloodvines and cheap already but some faggot night elf tried to erp with me to get it for free like ''i can give u blowjob or sex i can be ur gf'' etc.... I ignored him and he literally came with alt and started spamming /2 that how i tried rape and shit him.
Happened in Lighthope after some time ZG opened.
Camden Johnson
You consent to being ganked if you play on a PvP server and Honorable ranks are a direct result of that competition you fucking mongoloid.
Blake Sullivan
>t. chinkbot
Adrian Smith
Lucas Parker
>night elf figures
Mason Thompson
did they say anything about open betas? I know i wont get a stream for this first part cause im not a faggot influencer streamer but I would like to try the beta sometime soon, I refuse to play chink servers
Camden Turner
popularity fell pretty fucking fast. wonder why? it's a shit game m8
As a City of Heroes fag, I just wanted to say that there's still hope. Don't let go. I got to come home, and soon you will get to go home too. We're all going home, bros. Have faith. Look forward to tomorrow and enjoy today. I'm happy for you guys. Wholly.
This is really disappointing news. At least they've said it's not permanent. Hopefully I can enjoy the game still. I'd like to know any long term effects that this may have, however
Nathan Taylor
>Blizzard hasn't said otherwise so it's basically confirmed
>streamers were invited to Blizzard HQ >they will now defend layering because they know if they don't they won't get invited anymore to fancy meetings and won't get a beta key
>Dude what if he just call sharding a different thing
Jack Peterson
This Its not fair, shartlayering will ruin the game Fuck blizzard for lying again and again they wont see my money
Liam Carter
This. TipsOut is no more our guy. He was literally bought off by blizz. Good thing we have new our guy
Dylan Martin
Unironically neck yourself
Jason Russell
You are completely wrong user. It goes like this :
>Dude what if we removed all the good thing of sharding, made the downsides worst, apply it everywhere for 6 month, and call it layering
Camden Butler
I`m gonna laugh my ass off when everyone's leaving after the first few weeks once the nostalgia wears off and reality kicks in. Vanilla was absolutely shit slow grindfest. Its also funny how naive people can be trying to relive a time thats already passed (and giving a greedy shareholder company even more money)
Nathaniel Ortiz
>4 million monthly active users and 20 million accounts in a buy2play game Can you source me some of your numbers, user?
Server 1 Server 2 Server 3 all on top of each other
You switch between them
If everyone is switching between the same layers, why would it do anything at all. It's the same as having 3 different connected servers
Elijah King
timeline of events to come >classic released >does well for a month or two >dies because it isn't the same (sharding abuse) >spergs flood Yea Forums with "i told you so!" and "gamers don't know what they want!" >a different and good game developer makes a good mmo, everyone plays that instead
there's so much to do and explore from a lore perspective. I've always been into the lore but not rp and wow is perfect for that. shaman in particular have two fun, flavorful abilities for exploration: water walking and water breathing
Matthew Butler
the layers will be same size as vanilla realms were meaning there will be 3 at most depending on caps and there's also more competition for everything so it evens out
Brody Torres
>Euro hours >Yea Forums is retarded different sites you mongoloids, has been the same forever
Xavier Reed
>can ninja loot like a total faggot and then escape to another timeline without any repercussion layering stays
Yeah that worked so well for retail didn't it >Just mingle bro, constantly and never anything more
Hunter Davis
so how is it different from cross realm server if multiple realms are connected?
Wyatt Perry
>except you keep switching between them so you're one of the faggots who is going to be hopping around trying to abuse it? or you just assume everyone else but you will?
Nathan Nguyen
>>a different and good game developer makes a good mmo, everyone plays that instead Shadowbringers actually releases about a month and a half before Classic.
Despite what nostalgia fags want you to believe, having 1k players in each starting zone is not fun. Not that those numbers were realistic since servers was capped to like 2-3k back in vanilla but on Nostalrius it's like 10k max and impossible to do anything.
John Johnson
1. layering is consistent 2. retail is a solo game 3. no cross-servers 4. it will go away after month one or two
Andrew Russell
>does well for a month or two >sharding is gone after a month >dies because it isn't the same (sharding abuse)
Eli Rogers
but he said "good game developed makes a good mmo" user
Noah Campbell
>you can bet your bottom dollar they'll force it during world boss releases and aq gates as well. It's pretty fucking obvious that they're leaving the door open on purpose for further layering down the line despite what they may say
Ion stated that they will remove all layers after the first couple of weeks. Stop falseflagging you retailtard.
Hudson Butler
Nice goalpost moving you disgusting shill
Julian Murphy
>1. layering is consistent source
Leo Lee
FFtrannies finally have an argument other than "b-but nostalgia" so they're beating the fuck out of it
Julian Brooks
>retail is a solo game And now classic will be too
Nathan Edwards
I missed this, what's happening? KMMO style channels?
Jaxson Carter
imagine creating a character with your friend that you want to duo with and getting put in different layers you cant even see them unless you are grouped
Anthony Nguyen
don't forget to join the official Yea Forums and /vg/ classic guild if you want to easily clear Naxx
layering will fuck with the game the absolute most in the first month stop saying this like its a good thing
Henry Bell
haha what the fuck no, i'd rather drink diarrhea
Jonathan Cruz
Isn't this the same as channels in almost any korean mmorpg?
Gavin Reyes
>the servers are going to be ruined! >c-can anyone invite me to another layer please this rogue won't fuck off >layering totally ruined the community!
Elijah Murphy
yes and as someone who played maplestory 2 on launch i can comfortably tell you that shit is fucking garbage
Kevin Bell
Carson Cook
>farm black lotus and devilsaur leather for freein your personal layer >stock pile it and sell it for twice as much when layering is turned off and completely fuck the economy
wont even change the game bro
Jaxon Reyes
the amount of blizzard bootlicking in this thread is rediculous Yea Forums has truly become reddit now where we love corporations and they can do no wrong and we should be grateful for the opportunity, huh?
Lucas Kelly
wow guess you don't want to clear Naxx and get carried lol
Carson Phillips
reminder that /vg/ faggots are not Yea Forums
Connor Davis
more like the amount of people making shit up so they have excuses to get mad
Connor Barnes
Layering is a mistake. A smart player knows how to level even if literally every mob in the starting area is camped.
Instead of trying to kill Sarkoth, waking up peons etc, you just start running and get xp from exploring. When you are level 5 or so, you return to the area just outside the starting zone and start grinding level 5 mobs there. Most plebs are still in Valley of Trials trying to tag quest mobs. Then you can start playing normally because you are ahead everyone else. If you fall behind, instead of trying to complete quest, just find a low traffic area and grind mobs there. It's tedious, but still faster than fighting for limited spawns.
Hudson Butler
>Also if server population increase through phases 1 it won't. At least not compared to launch. It will look something like this:
Lmao yeah just trust blizzard, they've never let us down before
Carson Perez
>Classic will burry other MMOs! >guaranteed success! >we're going home bros! >Blizzard moving the release as far from Shadowbringers as they can out of fear
Top kek, classicfags. Even Blizzard doesn't believe in this enterprise
Classic is a good idea because it has its own identity. Anyone with half a brain cell will play ShB instead of BfA
Bentley Perry
>playing with Yea Forums or /vg/ ever yeah nah
Leo Wilson
It's telling, they normally release content against their competitors and not so long afterwards.
Xavier Rogers
>>Blizzard moving the release as far from Shadowbringers as they can out of fear True on that nu-blizz just rapes everything it touches.
Jaxon Ward
we are aiming to finish in the server's top3 for Naxx again like we did on Lightbringer
join NOW!
Andrew Jenkins
fuck off tranny
William Edwards
No shit blizzard doesn't believe in it, that's why we want it so bad. Your shitposting is weak, learn your audience
Evan Edwards
>didn't get top 1 on a literal who private server Amazing!
Ryder Harris
keep seething tranny
Owen Long
sometimes i wish i could kill shits like you very painfully and slowly.
Luis Hill
Have sex
Chase Powell
>farm devilsaur >jump layers to world where Hitler won World War 2 >get off game to live life in Jew-free utopia LEWL BLIZZKEKS EPIC FAILLLL
Cooper Bell
There is actual sharding bias user. There was no large initiative within the alliance to world pvp, they were suddenly handed the world.
Evan Mitchell
WoW! Rude!
Sebastian Foster
Reminder that these people dont give loot to people they deem "literal whos" aka people who dont e-whore in their gay thread. Avoid them and play with a real guild. >"b-but we cleared some chink private server, we're pros!" even though most of them are literally zoomers on HRT
Josiah Robinson
Still waiting on those sub numbers, retard. I know you're still posting.
William Wood
I remember that stream where the guy raided with ironfoe and fell into the acid.
Henry Perry
blizz stopped posting sub numbers after they went to 5mil
Brody Bailey
Can you not see enemy cast bars, or debuffs on enemies in classic? Can you do it with addons?
Adam Davis
>Blizzard is Bethesda
Daniel Perry
>/vg/ If I want to play with redditors I could just go to reddit.
Luis Thompson
PSA: do not play with these people
Lucas Russell
Reminder that you can't say this on "classic" or you will get banned by nu-blizz.
Jace Watson
Reminder that Activision even shills WoW on /pol/ now.
imagine being such a sperg that you go to post your sperg thread without researching the topic you are sperging about for 2 seconds so you can sperg out with your fellow spergs
I'm really glad to hear that, thanks. Hopefully when the time comes I can do dungeons without people rushing for completion. I might make an exploration based guild on launch if I can, assuming enough other people are new and are interested.
Isaac Reed
based UD rogue
Dominic Ward
what the fuck is this even trying to show? How would you "just" meet someone in a separate layer from you? Why would you want to introduce people you're not in a party with to people you "just" met?
Jace Bennett
holy fuck so many mentally ill avoid at all cost names on this list
There isn't a single server that completely eliminated PvP. There will always be some area that you can't walk into safely because ??? reasons.
Lucas Wood
>Wipe out a layer out of rare mats >Switch to layer2 >Sweep tge floor >Go back to layer1 now that shit had respawned or move to layer3 Back in the day you could had 1 bot farming 24/7 a map, now you can have 1 bot per layer on a single server
Juan Brown
>posts anime
Aaron Diaz
>meet someone in shard 1 >go afk for 5 minutes and log out due to inactivity >log back in >now in shard 2
Samuel Turner
Aren't you all afraid of burning yourself out? I would think if you posted about WoW in daily threads for 3 months that when release finally hits you'd be sick of it.
Owen Anderson
Why is nearly every single Blizzdrone the biggest normalfag possible imagined?
cow is on shard A bonehead and waaagh boys are on layer B cow invites humorous to group calcium addict accepts and gets abducted into shard A
Julian Myers
>thinking people will actually act like this in vanilla it fucking baffles me that the average person looking forward to classic thinks interactions are going to be like this >kings honor friend! >good luck on your quests this evening!
Ryder Morales
>edge case that'll never happen and can easily be remedied by using your friends list
>literally the opposite of it actually shows
why are people who are mad about layering so fucking stupid?
Nathaniel Cruz
>Summer 2019 bros!!!!! >105 DAYS UNTIL WOW CLASSIC!!!
Asher Miller
>going afk is an edge case maybe for a no-life incel like you
That in in 105 days I can rip the data values from nublizz wow and finally finish the perfetct private server.
Brayden Brooks
What the fuck are you on about m8? Who gives a bloody fuck about Bethesda you dumb fucking cunt? Fuck you and fuck your mother you stupid fucking arse wipe cockslobber
Jaxson Ross
>going afk long enough to get inactivity kicked >playing with someone for long enough that you want to introduce them to random people you just met, but not adding them to your friends list yes, edge case
Owen Martin
Being realistic, the only other alternatives are cross server sharding (no), 10+hour queues or having dozens of dead servers after a few weeks. Megaservers with 10k+ pop were never going to happen and we all knew this well in advance.
Christopher Johnson
>/inv zugzug >/inv name
Adam Perez
I forgot you're an incel loser who pees in jars, eats hotpockets that can be microwaved in 3 minutes, and is so anti-social you never want to create networks with people you play with (hurr what's a guild?)
you're an edge case in life, I suggest ending it
Luis Thompson
10+hour queues plz
Jacob Jenkins
Because they experienced it numerous time in numerous games like TERA, Archeage, (maybe Black Desert? didn't play that one) and many others and they know the implications. >lol that is shitty asian mmo, WoW is nothing like that Go kill yourself, the effect on gameplay is exactly the same regrdless.
Austin Clark
>Why yes, I am playing Alliance. How could you tell?
>be discussing Blizzard game >Bethesda randomly brought up by some idiot retard I'm glad someone else said what I was thinking. Fuck idiots that post unrelated nonsense.
Stop posting about Bethesda
Eli Hernandez
Adam Robinson
They said that layering would be gone after a few weeks
Isaac Perry
Just merge the servers as they lose activity.
Wyatt Lee
they also said they wouldn't have it at all. Then they said it would only be in 1-10 zones for a couple weeks. Now it is going until phase 1, but if server populations stay consistently high then its probably going to be indefinite, but retards will trust what they say regardless
Connor Powell
>the effect on gameplay is exactly the same regrdless. the "effect on gameplay" is easily circumvented by not getting AFK kicked and using your friends list
>no response except spamming memes thanks for conceding
Dominic Wood
>Blizzdrones are excited to play a game they played years ago all over again modern gamers huh
Cameron Murphy
at the very least it is a few weeks of hell ruining the launch completely and forever tainting the servers' natural life cycle at the most likely blizzard is full of shit and will bring it back when their servers shit the bed
Jose Miller
>Just merge the servers That's effectively what is happening, but without the loss of names and server identity which is one of the top things people are autistically screeching for.
Grayson Hughes
>effectively what is happening not at all considering you can switch between them
Kayden Brooks
>if server populations stay consistently high That's a pretty fucking big if. I HIGHLY doubt there will be any servers actually needing more than 1 layer after the tourist phase is over.
Kayden Johnson
not easily enough to abuse to the degree people are shrieking about
Mason Parker
b-b-ut surely i can farm ALL the resources in one chard then just hop over to another and take ALL of them in there too, right? I mean, there's only me on the server right?
Isaiah Butler
You better hope it doesn't happen, because if servers stay concurrent 6k+ ((blizzard)) will give you permanent sharding in classic instead of adding more servers. Which is what im expecting, considering how we have been blatantly lied to twice
Evan Murphy
>realise it takes hundreds of fights to get that amount of good ones where RNJesus favors you >realise that you literally cant fight certain classes >realise that you won't get legendary items over classes that actually benefit from them
Austin Wilson
lol no it'll be extremely easy to abuse if chats are shared even if chats aren't shared you'll be able to multibox or collaborate regardless
UNLESS blizzard dishes out bans liberally to people who abuse it which wont happen
Charles Russell
will die within 2 months on twitch
Nicholas Bell
>yfw with layering there are technically infinite instances of every player playing the game all at once >yfw with so much as even one person logging onto classic wow, it will become the most populated game in history forever >yfw blizz makes infinite money off of that one dude's sub within the first payment and become multiquintuplegoogolplexiwquadrillionares in an attosecond, but no computer can ever exist that can handle that amount of money thus causing blizz to actually make 0 dollars as all the world's bank systems fry and the economy gets permanently fucked beyond comprehension as everyone scrambles to recover physical money Did blizz shoot themselves in the foot with this one bros?
Joshua Bailey
>join my guild the first few days of vanilla release >played with them all the way until the end of wrath >best group of online buds I ever met >mfw could've prevented me from meeting those cool guys and having the ultimate vanilla experience layering is bad, don't drink the kool-aid saying it's okay.
abuse in what way? avoiding petty pvp fights? who actually cares?
Luke Price
You guys seem really deperate to make a big deal out of layering when its really not
Gabriel Campbell
stop smoking weed
Logan Nelson
only zoomers care about twitch, private servers prove that it doesnt matter
Owen Lewis
you're retarded. If you're the only person out of 1000 trying to farm resources, you're going to get them all anyway
James Harris
Avoiding emergent pvp is actually pretty huge and detrimental to the overall experience, but if you didn't understand this in the first place chances are your a retail tranny who isnt even going to be playing vanilla
Jordan Brown
The irony of this all is that no matter how many idiotic decisions Actiblizz makes they were literally given a 150% tax refund so they can fail at literally everything and never die because they are singlehandedly being kept alive. We've gotten to the point in society where companies die only if the rich actually want them to die. Otherwise there is literally nothing that can stop them.
Josiah Jackson
abusing chests, teleporting behind people, npc spawns, resource nodes, deescalating fights, not having the same chance as randomly seeing someone you saw from another layer later on
it's too dynamic and artificial
Jaxon Gonzalez
Elijah Russell
>everyone is going to be playing by themselves at all times lonely retard
Oliver Cruz
Jack Gutierrez
Played vanilla since beta on a pve server because wow pvp is and has always been a garbage afterthought. Keep seething though, i'm sure when the level 10s keep phasing out to avoid you ganking them for the 100th time you'll ragequit anyway.
Kayden Parker
>tfw it's only 5 AM in irvine so beta is still many many hours away
Lucas Young
You get placed in a different server each time you log on. It ruins the community.
Joseph Flores
You didn't play vanilla, you are a nigger, and you need to neck yourself
>neutered sanitized version of a game they played years ago on inferior hardware that can't even support original population
Nolan Bennett
> being realistic wrong website for that buddy
literally layering
Dominic Williams
>literally layering if that was true you wouldn't be able to switch layers at all until the merge
Thomas Kelly
>You get placed in a different server each time you log on Says who? What if the server you're playing on only has one? Only the most popular streamer infested servers will even need layers to begin with and why the fuck would you play on those?
Joshua Myers
how do i avoid the economy getting fucked? retard
Ethan Myers
why dont they just put a traditional queue on it what the fuck?
Ryan Morris
>sharding >less people on the shard than on mangos private server pottery
Shills in full meltdown mode. This fucking game will fail before it comes out ahahah
Carson Turner
i want a crowded fucked up launch where you need to fight for quest mobs and items. thats the best because when you get to max level and see all those assholes that stole your tag/you stole from in westfall it creates a sense of solidarity
Thomas Harris
I love watching nostbabbies and private shitters seethe over how real classic isn't going to be like their dogshit funservers.
Isaiah Hall
are you guys retarded?
Isaiah Walker
This. Vanilla is actually a fairly small world - only 40 zones. 3k people evenly distributed across those zones would be 75 per. That's a fair amount. Of course, and particularly a few months in, you'll start to have greater concentrations in the level 50 zones. STV in itself could have up to 500 at certain points.
Grayson Sullivan
you can't even articulate your thoughts, dummy.
Jace Cooper
>3k people evenly distributed across those zones would be 75 per thats not how the game works
Leo Miller
are you retarded? why the fuck are you posting about Bethesda in a Blizzard thread?
Nice try WotLK+ baby. Anyone who played before the whatever-gate event know that feeling when they realist one zone is sharded into fucking 2 - pre-gate and post-gate. Its not vanilla, anyone who defends sharding started to play after this instancing bullshit, else they would realize how different it is.
Logan Thompson
Warlock is dps only but does sound like what you want. Curses on enemies that increase damage taken and your imp buffs the tank with extra hp. Summoning people and giving them healthstones that work as extra potions. You can also make soulstones that revive people.
Nolan Rodriguez
this is an accurate portrayal of bethesda posters
Parker White
>still not actually saying anything dum dum
Aaron Bailey
no shit you knuckledragging nigger ape, I was just making an example
Bentley Fisher
>500 at certain points new engine cannot support 500 players at the same time, it have to shard them
Matthew Wood
>bump cap >not a single classic hat shills btfo
Aaron Gray
t. bethesdashitters
Joshua Hall
>thread full of people that didn't play vanilla WoW
Elijah Parker
your example would never happen because you're never going to see evenly distributed population between zones at all times no matter the server architecture because the resource density is not evenly distributed
Owen Nelson
yes we all know this well done. I was obviously just illustrating what 3000 players would conceptually feel like
William Martin
its the beginning of the end for those shills
Oliver Cooper
What the FUCK are you blabbering on about you literal drooling retard? Vanilla had significantly lower pop than your shit funservers. NOBODY ever complained that the population cap wasn't high enough.
Carson Baker
i hope u werent envisioning deadwind pass having 75 players in it
Luis Bell
Dominic Sanders
when can we expect beta invites to roll out and what's your chances of getting in if you're not a faggot streamer? 0.00002%?
Jonathan Gomez
Jaxson Cooper
are you autistic?
Andrew Jackson
Today and zero, less than zero if you don't have an active sub.
Liam Brown
Jayden Richardson
no just having a little fun before the thread dies
Alexander Richardson
Leo Torres
>not following the reply chain
Landon Cook
>posting about Bethesda in a Blizzard thread Fuck off and die retard