Mordhau is dying, what went wrong?

Player base is on the decline and the game will probably be completely dead by June. Hope you guys got enough hours in, it was fun while it lasted.

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Other urls found in this thread: pro&cm_re=970_pro-_-20-147-693-_-Product's_law

It's almost like nearly every multiplayer game made in the past 10 years peaks a few days after release then peters out over a few months until it hits a baseline playerbase.


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Rate my byzantine boi

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grug think not viable because longnose

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Fuck horseniggers

4 maps, bad main gamemode.

Everything else about the game is actually fine. People will bitch and moan about shields and spears and even firebombs (lmao there's a 1 point perk that gives you 80% resistance to them) but really those things are all fine and reasonably balanced once you understand the combat system well enough.

It's just retards who try to 1v3 the enemy team in Frontline and end up murdered because they were out of position who whine about it.

Frontline is not a great gamemode though, it basically encourages just a bunch of chaos and most of the time feels like a Team Deathmatch. This game needs actual siege modes and more sensible objective based gamemodes.

>shitpost on forums
>get warned
>somebody replies to my shitpost with (you)
>he gets banned
btfo faggot

no shit
nerf horses
nerf rapiers
nerf any weapon longer than 7 feet
nerf shields

>Mordhau makes me want to play CK2 again.

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Yet NPCs keep buying them and pestering their friends to join, so companies keep making these doomed multiplayer only games. More and more digital trash that can't be played ever again.

People aren't falling for my double feint anymore, I'm getting destroyed every game.

wtf its still on the top 10 on steam retard

What's sad is that 50% of Yea Forums will see the thread title and immediately believe it, without bothering to check the actual amount of people online.
Smart phones and easy access information ruined the world and its people. You can now take anything at face value and expect thosuands of others to share that opinion.

You didn't read his post in full, did you, dumbass? "Baseline playerbase" doesn't imply "doomed"

2 maps are being added, main gamemode is getting rebalanced.
Horses are fine, shields and stabs are getting nerfed.

I already went back to playing For Honor desu.

Wonder if they'll eventually consider a campaign mode or some kind of historic battles mode for PvE when they make the AI not fucking braindead

seriously 4 fucking maps

I wish we'd get japan stuff in mordhau. The japanese garden map in for honor is great.

Frontline is fine as a run in and kill shit for ~10-15 minutes. An actual siege mode/progressive maps like Chiv is what the MAIN mode should be but matches will tend to last 30+ minutes but will be worth it.

Mordhau is good shit now but it seems we are probably fairly far away from actual siege maps or even huge maps like Chiv had in comparison to stuff like Grad/Camp.

weeb shit is too popular right now for it not to be. im sure we'll see samurai armor and knights in full plate wielding katanas before the year is up

>loading times are super long for me
>my friend loads in within 5 seconds of getting into a game
I wish I knew what the fuck I could do to fix this. Reallu kills my motivation to play

All I want is samurai armor, maybe some ninja tier shit for the peasants. A map like the japanese garden in for honor and a big fucking bridge with places to kick people into death pits.

What I find very strange is how the maps are all designed as if one team IS sieging another team's castle or encampment.

Save for Taiga, where the fort is in the center.

literally fotm streamer bait

Realism fags would get too upset if they added anything Japanese. The weapons would also look really weird with the animations.

could just make it a per map thing

t. ubisoft marketing team

This, wo the streamers it'd already be dead

>16 thousand people are playing at 3am on a Wednesday
>its dying

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Not enough content keeping the game alive, the Comrade Tim Sweenster runs a sweatshop to keep Fartnite going, he cracks the whip himself.

>main gamemode is getting rebalanced.

i agree

>It's almost like

There is already gear from multiple distant locations that existed hundreds of years apart.
Weebshit would be just another anachronism for variety's sake.

I dont give a shit about meaningless steam chart numbers, I'm not a brain dead npc who only plays things because they're popular. As long as I can get into consistently full matches with some variety of people I dont give a shit. Chivalry had barely anyone playing it for years and years but I still loved it.

>what went wrong

The fact that thrusts have the highest speed, highest reach and usually highest damage while also being able to morph, feint and chamber, while also using no stamina.

That's exactly what happened. It's new-player kryptonite.

I do enjoy Frontline quite a bit but, I do agree an actual siege mode or some sort of Attack/Defend "Dustbowl" style gamemode would be very much welcome.

Regardless of what they do game type wise, more than four maps are very much needed.

>More and more digital trash that can't be played ever again.
This isn't a problem if you're not a consolecuck and the game in question allows players to run their own dedicated servers. Even then, if people actually give a shit about the game, private servers typically open up eventually.

I want Byzantium gear


>flavors of the week with Yea Forums are bad
I will never understand this, but maybe it's the rise of twitch faggotry which is something I ignore entirely. Flavors of the minute with Yea Forums were the most fun I've had with anons. Either Wurm or King Arthur's Gold or Ace of Spades or whatever bullshit "raid" was going on back in the day, it was always fun and I've had fun on Mordhau and got my money's worth out of it.
>some nigger with TTV in his username joins the server
>hit cruise control
>they leave

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Put it on an SSD. It's day and night, and there is probably something wrong with the loading to be honest. But SSDs just compensate for that and make it in an instant.
t. I tested both

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How old is your pc? also this

stabs can be dodged (far more easily than swings can) by moving into and around their attack. sometimes I even dodge stabs without trying just by randomly mashing wasd

>Game runs just fine since I bought it
>Today it freezes every 30-ish minutes making it so I keep missing out on post game rewards
I need the carrot on the stick. I don't care if I'm at the point where I'm customizing classes I don't even play.

Built the thing 2 years ago. My friend's also has it on his HDD and not his SSD, so I don't get it

He might have a nvme m.2 drive. If you do a lot of multiplayer, you need one of those drives for near instant loading for class selection in "those" sorts of games.

2 new maps are coming
Castello and Feitoria
one of them is a comfy mediterranean waterside castle town kind of like Ubersreik from Warhammer Vermintide, and we don't know what the other one is

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>Buys a game that has its focus on melee combat
>plays only archer builds

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same for me, as said it's probably because I don't have it on an SSD
when I launch it, it takes a while to load into the main menu but when I restart the game, it's almost instant

Those shits are mostly sata thus the same speed as ssds just take up less space

>manually replying and not quick replying
lurk more before writing posts, son.

I just deleted the 4 at the end on accident. Stop trying so hard to fit in

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We know what both are though
Castello = Waterfront Castle + Village
Feitoria = Huge City map, going to be largest in game when it comes out. The imgur pictures were of Feitoria

just wait for bannerlord lol

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Not all HDDs are created equal.
>built PC two years ago
>doesn't even have SSD
You goofed.
You don't know what a m2 is, you just saw nvme and read a post on /g/ trolling you that it's totally sata and don't know shit about shit or you are running older hardware. If you build a rig in the past 8 months, you're running an m2 drive for OS and high-draw programs or gayman.


I was being cheap and didn't want to spend the extra however much for an SSD. Guess I'm paying for it now

Unless both are going to be waterfront castles, that doesn't make any sense, because we were told that feitoria was the one in the imgur album, but that's a waterfront castle+village as well.

"Castello" does also refer to a location in Switzerland. And it doesn't have to mean waterfront

I built mine 2 years ago and then the only m.2 I could find had the same bandwidth as regular ssds thus pointless, maybe different today

>He keeps repeating this thread and gets proven wrong every single time

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I refunded because it felt clunky. Stuff like blocking a huge axe with a dagger was just

>what even are physics

for me.

OP is right. Only the #1 twitch and steamcharts game is alive and well.

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Do you also get a shitfit about players spawning out of thin air?
it's done for gameplay purposes m8. and it's not physically impossible to block an axe with a dagger anyway, just really unlikely

>make game that's trying to have medieval combat
>make characters work like they're 40k space marines who can block axes with a pocket knife

It's fucking retarded.

>it's in the top 10 on steam
>it's dying

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>In one fell swoop user has made everything but the heaviest weapons completely worthless
Don't even touch game balance.

Again it's for gameplay, and you can accept plenty of other completely unrealistic concessions to gameplay in other games and even this one (like horses spawning out of nowhere,) so why get so specifically mad about it? It's not like people even use daggers often, let alone running into situations like that with a dagger vs. something big


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>nerf horses
horses are fine. buff engineer so the team can collectively deal with them easier.
>nerf rapiers
give them more damage ramp up so stabbing from the very edge of range or point blank is less effective.
>nerf any weapon longer than 7 feet
see above.
>nerf shields
make the hitboxes reflect the model and make heavier weapons wear down their stamina quicker.

I have a 970 Pro pro&cm_re=970_pro-_-20-147-693-_-Product

So, yes, it is vastly different now. 2 years ago they were just laptop SSDs in a different form factor.

Gimmie one good reason you shouldn't at least chip damage when you swing a fucking eveningstar at someone and get blocked by a fucking LUTE

I believe really heavy weapons like the maul or the morning star should have some kind of advantage over light weapons like the dagger. Draining more stamina when their attacks are blocked seems fair.

Almost like different weapons have different strengths in hand to hand combat. Shocking.

A weapon that can't be used to defend the user is worthless. See hand to hand and why it's considered a meme build that only works against shitters.

How do I stop this texture shit

>However we cannot give an exact timeframe on when you can expect these updates to be rolled out yet.
will it be too late to matter
not sure why they can't make smaller weekly patches to fix some of the easier issues considering it's only on pc

That's so cheap for the capacity/speed damn, god bless Samsung cheapening flash storage

Defending itself is fine. Being able to parry a maul with a dagger as easily as with a Zwei is however stupid. It takes more stamina to swing heavy weapons so it should take more stamina to block them and even more if you are blocking them with a smaller and weaker weapon.

Chambering also still exists.

I'm pretty sure this game is fun but I've given up on buying these. People always say get it, then it's dead and they quit when other players get more skilled and they can't keep up.

You can get tons of enjoyment out of the game, you can make your own fun like being a trapper and just fucking around like in here:


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Friend keeps pestering me to get it, but it looks like Chivalry and I already played that for fucking years.

Numbers only go down user, they werent THAT high to begin with. Also I am fully convinced that the issue these games fail is the directional combat, there has got to be another way to do melee combat in a multiplayer game, the issue with this kind of combat is that as soon as enough people are using meta weapons and strats the game becomes complete shite, even if you are good at it, like it becomes anti fun to play. In this you have one hit kill weapons and dragging, if you get even 2 people that know what they are doing come at you at once you are just dead pretty much instantly even if you are a good player, as time progresses more and more people will be doing this, and its really not fun getting killed by one hit kills over and over, the best players are barely even looking at their opponent because the screen is wobbling all over the place doing drags, go look it up if you cant do it or havent experienced it, its really fucking stupid looking, its on par with spin to win in Chiv where if you arent doing it you are at a disadvantage to anyone who does, but it looks and feels fucking retarded. Learn to drag in this with maul or executioners sword, thats all you have to do, its not even difficult, a tip is to keep the enemy at the corner of your screen after you swing, so they fuck up their parry timing becuase the attack comes at them faster than they can parry it or too slow that they parry too early.

There has seriously got to be another way to do multiplayer melee combat games aside from directional combat, these games will keep failing so long as they stick to it. The combat is always fun till people start to figure out that they can exploit it or there is something broken, and there is always something.

It's gone down in price a bit. Storage often does, though, which is why I don't understand why people skimp on it when building. /g/ will tell you the 970 is trash, but they say everything is trash.

Will chambering EVER be superior to parrying, is it even supposed to be? The fact that successful chambers can be easily blocked just makes the whole thing feel useless. About the only upside is I get feinted out less when going for chambers since I end up throwing an attack when they feint or I actually wait until they commit.


I'm kinda torn on the game. I have fun playing it, and while I'm no expert on game balance, I have to say that combat itself feels more balanced than Chivalry. Maps are trash though, they should have just stuck to the attack/defend format rather than this tug of war shit.

That said, I can't help feeling like this game is going to end up just like Chivalry. I don't think it's gonna suddenly die overnight or anything like that, but I think at some point the casual crowd is going to get driven off by the tryhards. I don't want to be playing against the same elitist autists match after match after match like with Chivalry.

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This happens to almost all games. I've been laughed off by making these points when it was with Half-Life2 mod scene. Look how well that ended for them.
Enjoy the game while it lasts, but I'm with you. As soon as there is more autists than casuals left, the game will die.

Its already starting. FUCK STAB DRAGS

The proliferation of things like smartphones and access to information has made humanity less credulous than ever. We still have a long ways to go but pretending tech is at fault is either disingenuous or fucking stupid

This. There are tons of people playing anyway. The people saying it will die just suck and want it to die.

Why did you make this thread?

The problem is always the gamy cunt who does not want a intense fight or a fun game or something cool looking, they just want the "I win" button, they will always exist until VR games are actually good and people have to rely upon actual muscle memory and physical capability in video games.
So you will have to wait 20 years.

>maps are unbalanced
>rapier + shieldfags are everywhere and basically unstoppable to 90% of playerbase
>gameplay centered around drags/accels chivalry autism
>frontlines get boring after a couple of games
>horde is a joke
>BR is bland
>no real progression, nobody really gives a fuck about cosmetic items unless it's some revealing skin for waifu slut

It's just not fun anymore. Once you get around the ~100 hour mark or so, you quickly realize that's it's repetitive as fuck thanks to the small same maps that it has right now, some parts of them are NEVER even used since players always fight in completely different zones (take for example the catacombs in that Grad map, the Warden NPC boss pretty much always days the first and is the easiest to kill since the enemy never bothers to actually go down there)

The meta is likely just abusing the shit unbalanced gear you have on you, matrixing, turtling like a cunt and spazzing your mouse around to either move your character's torso around in hopes you don't get hit or in hopes you'll somehow bypass the enemy's guard/parry by having your weapon swing behind their 'safe' zone. I find myself using meme weapons or complete cunt loadouts like 3 firebombs, max speed since it's the easiest way to fuck up other players, most of the cool weapons that you might find interesting such as the long swords, pole axes etc are complete shit and pale in comparison to most other weapons, they're near close to useless.

The community is complete cancer as well, just as expected and there are still bugs and balance issues present. As I said it's fun maybe for the first few days or first week of play but it gets old, boring and obnoxious really fast.

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>its someone with the executioners sword and is wearing default armours at level 30 who spams emotes when they get a kill, saying "GG EZ" after every match even when its a single digit difference between victory and defeat
Like, calm down, I am certain these are the kind of people who wont even touch other weapons after knowing the meta is ES.

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I stopped playing, when i realized that to be #1 on the leaderboard in 99% of frontline/tdm games i only need
>2/3/1 armour
>run around like a retard
>riposte for hyperarmor
>spam m1

lmao it's only good for shitting on braindead noobs in frontline

thanks, gonna try that one too and see what results i get

Pokaż Ortalonowego Rycerza.

I also forgot 3rd person view, it's basically cheat code.

I wonder how you kids would have been able to play games like CS beta when it had only a few maps and a few weapons. And guess what, we were still having fun, even if the game was far from perfect. Mordhau is a sub 30$ game ffs. Fucking zoomers I swear.

first person shooters are way more fun and engaging than this piece of shit pummel them in the face until they drop dead non fighting game.

Don't nerf shields, just buff the kick. I'm fucking tired of my kick clipping through their shield or their leg and not registering. I've played so many games with kicks in them and this one doesn't do what you expect at all.

>Counter Stroke
Sorry, man. I don't play shit games for NPCs.

Is a stab the only thing guaranteed off a kick? If I have an axe that means it is literally impossible for me to kill a shieldnigger

I have never called a game community toxic or even thought of such a thing in my life but my fucking god this game is a salt mine and full of try hards
>bard is blasting tunes
>teammate comes up and starts to kill him
>"play the fucking game"
>everyone starts killing him for this
>"oh my fucking god youre all retarded and cant play"
>fight someone one v one
>they beat me
>proceed to now watch as they take time to start spamming chat with "EZ"
>pretty salty, just watch them to see how they beat me so easily
>they are literally just wobbling the screen side to side for drags and barely even looking at what they are doing, they are killing teammates constantly in doing this but its also killing enemies
>top scorer, something like 50-10
and then theirs rapier/shield spam. I like the game but this shit is catching on and its real stupid.
>try to use anything other than meta
>feel like Ive just hamstringed myself and am just trying to keep up rather than excel
In that fight I lost I was using a mace, he just needed to walk backwards and every attack would whiff because its range makes it trash for how slow it is, so I find I have no real choice but to stick to the meta myself or get fucked, things like executioners sword should be useless against armour but incredible against unarmoured, so they have to target weak points if they want to use it well, but its just so fucking good, sure you cant poke but who cares when you can get 2 shots on fully armoured enemies anyway, its so fast how much damage it does and how much range it has.
The thing is, I actually like the game, but I can feel the bullshit becoming common place and its rather anti fun.

>wait for bannerlord
Mordhau should just make a overworld like warband and take it's userbase. Base fighting is good enough


>what are timezones

Yes, the main game mode. The moment the game devolves into duel servers only is when the game is dead user.

kys zoomer

don't you have some medication to take, pops?

Yeah, i also played CS 1.6 for years in mid-late 00's, you should have developed more intricate taste since then, instead of being stuck with teenager's brain.

Yea this shit will die for the exact same reason quake died. Too many greasy acne virgin nerds with 5k min hours gatekeeping new players.
Shits already becoming like chivarly, people are abusing the living fuck out of some really weird unreadable drags. Enjoy next month or so until most people quit and your left with nothing but autists.

>I believe really heavy weapons like the maul or the morning star should have some kind of advantage over light weapons like the dagger.
They do? Range, damage, stamina drain?
That's what stamina drain/stamina drain negation as a mechanic already is. That whole interaction is already simulated.
If it was chip damage then you'd be unable to win against a guy wielding a maul. Because no matter how well you timed your blocks, he could play conservatively the whole fight and get a free win.
>It takes more stamina to swing heavy weapons so it should take more stamina to block them
See above

Not him. The game has been balanced around duels from the beginning. That's what he means by "meta". There is no meta for frontline. it's an irrelevant term there. because you can shit on freshies and topscore with anything.

Nie jestem jakoś specjalnie zadowolony

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>>riposte for hyperarmor
Ripostes don't have hyperarmor. Hyperarmor was removed before release. Before you make broad statements about balance try knowing what you're talking about.

friendly tip: posting not in english is against site rules

Oh, sorry. It was just for the inside joke.
Here, have a translation:
Show the Knight of the Tracksuit.
I'm not especially content with it.

Also, I like the hood and arms, but the rest could indeed use some work.

It only means that it's even easier, nigger.

Wrong, faggot. It does however mean you don't know what you're talking about.

Just kidding, slavbros are alright.

>There has seriously got to be another way to do multiplayer melee combat games aside from directional combat
>The combat is always fun till people start to figure out that they can exploit it or there is something broken, and there is always something.
I agree, but I don't know what else you could do. My biggest gripe with it all is the feinting, dragging, and all that. I wholly understand their necessity, the game would turn into nothing but parries between two skilled players, but it seems like there's people that HAVE to abuse these things to do anything in a fight. I've encountered so many people that have to spam feint or drag the hell out of their swings with a 1hko weapon like the exec sword or maul to kill anyone. I don't know what else they could do, but I wish the mechanics weren't so easy to abuse and exploit.

Friendly reminder winning or losing means next to nothing for gold and exp gain. Play the game and have fun, don't try hard and get salty when there isn't even a win/loss counter.

But they do
Source: playing the fucking game

Workshop needs to be implemented asap so we can get chiv maps, and this

Why is Yea Forums pretending this game was trying to compete with Fortnite or some shit? It was always a niche thing that became a surprise hit. The devs probably would’ve been happy to see 10K players, let alone 50-60K, their servers literally went to shit because they weren’t expecting so many players

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Considering Mordhau's playerbase is primarily Euros with a sprinkle of America that is quite literally the worst time to pick.
At the time he made that post: normal Euros are at work/school. NEET Euros are at sleep. Normal Americans are at sleep. Only some NEET Californians were still awake/playing

This really, i'm bored of the maps/gamemodes. Your choice is either to just go to a duel server and 1v1 which gets boring quickly, or go into the other gamemodes which are just clusterfucks. Skirmish is probably the best but it's usually just a onesided stomp (not unique to skirmish as this happens in most gamemodes, but the issue with frontline is balancing around objectives maps ect as well)

The game isn't dying. Rate my merc.

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>NEET Californians
It’s almost 4AM in California, who is going to play Mordhau at 4 in the morning?


FL/TDM is literally full of warerbrains and anyone that actually thinks getting #1 on leadervoard is even remotely impressive needs to be sterilized. Play skirmish or duel if you want an actual challenge.

Looks good but the plate arms and gauntlets don't mesh well with the T1 chest

>game is only out for a week
>already dying

The timestamp of the org post was 2.5 hours earlier (talking about 16k players), 1 AM isn't too far fetched for NEETs.

im bored of it already. Add mod support.

that was me you fucking faggot

Just played a match for the first time..
It's a better Chivarly and still full of smartasses.
Yes, I should git gud, but it makes me furious sometimes.

>45k players peak today

>one autistic Chiv fag who is upset his shit game died because it was poorly made
>i-its dying guys!

>Rapier + shield
>Shortspear + shield
>Any kind of ranged weapon
Neck yourself, you nuisances. You do nothing but drain maybe 20 of my health before I set my sights on you and destroy you like the worthless peasant that you are.

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or just spam medic kits everywhere

>48k peak in last 24 hours
>36k playing right now at fucking 6am in America

>using feints and drags is abusive because I'm a shitter

>b-b-but your just bad

>*lo-fi hiphop

so what makes it "abusive" then other than people not being able to deal with it? what's your actual grounds for complaint?
not him btw

>Show the Knight of the Tracksuit.
Oh lawdy.

>It's almost like
you niggers really need to go back

I’m convinced there’s some kind of discord raid, I’ve been seeing these same shit threads over and over, probably made by the same people

>remember playing Neotokyo
>remember the community wishing that there were more players
>remember how the same community always got mad as fuck when some new player stumbled into a server and didn’t instantly know what to do, driving new players away
Gee, I wonder why their game ended up dead.

It's funny getting on a ballista and killing your own team. Get so much butthurt over it.

While getting new maps and improving the game modes is the number 1 priority here, I really, really wish that they would add some eastern inspired content like curved swords etc. if they ever consider adding new weapons and character items. Would be fun to make a bashi-bazouk soldier to fight with.

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This game costs about the same price as a movie ticket and I've played much more than 2-3 hours. Well worth it.

Where the fuck do you live where a movie ticket costs 26 dollars?

Until i come to you and rape you

I want to see some Byzantine /fa/ in the game.

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South Africa. It was around R150 on release which is around ~10 dollars when converted. A movie ticket for 3d imax is R140, norm 3d is R100 and standard is R80

It's not abusive to use it. My complaint that it's too easy to overuse the mechanic itself. It's too easy to do nothing but feint/drag spam and rack up tons of kills. It's not hard to mash Q until the guy in front of you panics and tries to parry. Hell, I read in one of these threads at launch that they had supposedly fixed the ridiculous dragging that Chivalry had, but in numerous matches today I saw people doing the exact same shit. It's not as extreme as Chivalry, but it's very much still doable. Yeah, sure, I guess that you can boil it down to people not knowing how to play against it, and it's not exactly brain surgery to counter these people usually. But the shit isn't fun to deal with. A lot of new players aren't going to want to know how to react, and rather than learning they'll probably just quit. Those that do stick around are likely to just imitate it. When I quit Chivalry, it was all the same shit. I just wish the shit was better/more different because I just see this game ending up the same way Chivalry did.

>Mordhau is dying
>frontline servers get full before i can log in and have to retry
What are you talking about? It is alive here in Europe for sure.

ur kill counts, post them

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I saw a YouTube video where a guy was killing the shit out of people with his fists from horseback. I think the horseback hitboxes were pretty goofy when their charge cancels you're long sword swing mid swing and they take your head off with a fist.

lack of maps and objectives are kind of why im tired of it, all front line maps slog into a slog fest in the middle point, their is nearly 0 reason to flank.

The maps are too linear as well and arent very interactive, needs to feel more immersive imo.

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If they add Byzantines they might as well add Bulgarians LMAO. The two have been fighting for 700 years.

>walk out of spawn
>more often than not I would see teammates fighting over the ballista
>one will kill the other and they will start talking shit in chat to no end
This game is doing something to people, or bringing them out of the woodwork. I have never seen a game with so much fucking assholes in one concentrated area.
>everyone listening to bard
>teammate decked in all black with all alternate attachments for executioners sword looking all fancy comes in and kills the bard and demands everyone start playing because we are losing
>who fucking cares
>everyone kills him
>"lol such fucking noobs, holy shit, cant even play the game right. Go back to Fortnite"
Is this what SJWs see when they talk about "toxic gaming culture"? I have never played another game on this level.

Ripostes have hyper armor.

I'm really glad their planning more content, I like this game and that will help it stay alive, it would be nice if they eventually made more cosmetics and weapon skins too.

>battle royale game

nothing of value etc

>battle royale game
are you retarded

Im down for that, put hungarians in there with their funky leopard skin hats and gaudy patterned uniforms too.

>getting killed by the map's spam in camp

There is nothing more infuriating in this game

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Why do fags spend so much effort trying to convince us it's dying?

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yea games doing great bud

i can't believe it's already dead

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Crap servers that can't handle 64 players without packet loss and latency out the ass
Bad maps taiga is bad
Shit game modes that devolve into bumrush scrums
Fient spam

That means nothing brah

tldr: You're complaining that it's easy to kill bad players?

i havent died to it since release lol
big fucking horn
slow projectile
how can you miss it

>game has less players mid week day than on a saturday night

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they could just make sweetspots and armor deflections. if you hit someone at the start of a swing that wouldn't do shit unless you were hitting bare flesh because you haven't built any velocity. if you catch someone at the end of your swing it also wouldn't do shit because theres no weight of the follow through.

same with range. how do you lop someone's head off by swinging a bardiche at point blank and hitting them with the grip?

but the devs already said they hate sweetspots, so, enjoy your game as is guys.

it is, most people aren't gonna keep replaying the same maps over and over every single day. 60k was already too much, settling at 10k for a while makes more sense.

Wonder if should spend my gold now at 23 or save it till 30.

They should add all the heraldics too.
>that triple lion for the Bulgarian Emperor's guard or the bull head with a cross sitting on top of it for the old guard

Attached: lmao.jpg (260x312, 12K)

>"They could just add 450 billion new mechanics to a combat system that works just fine to sate my personal autism. Blah blah blah blah bla--"
That's the impression I'm getting from your post

i haven't played Mordhau yet.

I'm complaining that the game is going to turn into the same pile of the the last one turned into.
>devs already said they hate sweetspots
It sounds like a neat idea, but it would probably be too easy to invalidate polearms by just rushing in and face hugging. It would make watching the distance between you and the enemy mandatory but it would probably be a nightmare in frontline.

>I don't understand what peak time is
it's 45k now, not that great of a loss

Is there a way to turn off the direction your facing deciding what direction you swing? I fucking hate that shit, I want to use keybinds, where when I press a button it will always do a right swing, when I press another it will always do a left swing etc. This is the one thing that fucks me up, I know what attack I want to do bu the fucking camera ever so slightly twitched right so Im doing a right swing when I needed a left and I get rekt for it.

Even with keybinds the mouse direction still dictates what direction you attack for some reason, even if you have seperate keys for everything.

People say this shit about any game that experiences a drop in players. Which is every game. Guess what, for honor still has thousands of players on at any given time. You'll find a game in less than a minute in any region on the world 24/7 on duel or dominion and people were calling that game "for goner" the same week it came out.

Not going to play a game that is exclusive to steam. It's anti consumer and i need to be mad about it

My suggestion for this is to give kick forward momentum, if someone gets close and you are using a polearm you should be able to kick them back if you can aim it, the problem is that the kick has such short range and stops you in your tracks that simply walking backwards from kissing distance is enough to avoid it. Its why shield users are a nuisance, they just walk backwards and they are out of range of their counter.

Yeah it's in the controls. I have every button on my mouse mapped to a specific attack. It's a way better way to play. Just go to keybinds and scroll down a bit. If you use a stabbing weapon a lot make sure you map both stab sides as it becomes very important to stab around friendlies and shields

Yeah, the kick definitely needs a buff. It's borderline useless.

Why am I getting disconnected from servers?

Because it updated.

I have all the keys assigned though, the direction that my mouse faces still dictates where I swing, like I press for a left swing and if I have moved my mouse right I will get a right swing, its the right TYPE of swing, but not the right direction, thats whats annoying me.

kick IS getting buffed (specifically against shields), and it's not "borderline useless", people just have no idea how to use it but mouth off anyway

also NEW PATCH IS OUT !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Finally some spears halberds nerf (it won't matter).

I use a short spear but never with a shield (don't use them or bows at all, only throwing weapons), i-is that okay?

should i get this? i had a bit of fun with Chiv, was never that great at it, but the maps made it good. like rushing the throne room and fighting the king, or pushing across crumbling bridges and fighting on cliffside ruins, it was so majestic. the maps seems a bit shit in Mordhau, but maybe the game is more fun overall.

whats in te patch

Basically nerfed shields and buffed kick lmao

I've barely ever been able to land a kick against anyone that wasn't stuck in a corner or completely not paying attention. Unless someone's repeatedly kicking me, it's always just gotten me killed.

Maps are terrible, there's nothing like Chiv's maps and just about all of them favor one team somewhere. Gameplay is more varied with some team support options and horses and is for the most part fairly well balanced. Might as well have the same community though. I could probably quit tomorrow and be happy with the money I spent on it.

Ayyy its exactly what I wanted, how about that.

Like I said, you have no idea how to use it.
Not that it matters anyway, because they've buffed it so now you don't have to.

lmao just a buff to kicks

was hoping they added more stamina to block for shields or something


Use them on approaching enemies, using kick effectively is great.

>still no girls and new maps
Into the trash

They made the block box for shields smaller, so you can attack around them instead of it making a bubble infront of the user, they have to actually aim their block now.
>his shield is up high
>hit his legs
>it now works

buffed kicks specifically against shields
a few more skins
bucklers slightly buffed, shields slightly nerfed
smokes can be used to run away and temporarily disable the speed buff while chasing
NPCs can now use explosive turds in horde mode against people camping in towers

>Doesn't like AAA game companies
>But applies the same standards to indie 10-man dev teams as he does AAA game companies, and if they can't meet those standards he drops them
The maps are being worked on. By like 1 guy. Who is the studio's whole map dev team.
>but why don't they just hire more people now they have money?'s_law

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THe toolbox changes are pretty nice, maybe people will actually use it now. The ballista was fucking shite but it seems like something that should be getting used by blues for defenses.

What changed with the toolbox?

you spawn with 5 out of 6 ammo now, you get 6 ammo from ammo boxes
some general buffs to engineers, like the mallet repairs more quickly, ballista turns more quickly, spikes are a bit wider

Want to talk about the update in a thread that doesn't have 4000 posts arguing about the game being dead?
the changelog is in the linked thread

Im mid match

waifscum are such dogshit subhumans. genuinely kill yourself.

I made a blacksmith character yesterday and was doing well with the hammer and building. Now they buffed the fuck out of it. In my 1st game of the day there are spikes everywhere. They are gonna nerf it GUARANTEED later on.


Mallet repair ability buffed
Deployable ballista can now turn more, has faster ammo replenish and has slightly more health
Deployable spikes now have slightly more width, covering more area
Toolbox now spawns with 5 out of 6 ammo and now resupplies 6 ammo at ammo boxes instead of 3

Basically you spend less downtime setting shit up and getting ammo to build, the ballista might actually be useful now with its faster ammo recharge. It was weak as shit for how it use to work.

feel free to migrate to if you don't want to be bumping "le ded gaem" thread, just saying

Neat, thanks for spoonfeeding me.

im gonna bump it to spite you

I played 50 hours and had fun but had my fill. Had my moneys worth for 23 euros though. Maybe i'll get back when theres more content and mod tools

The counter to engineer stuff is simply a firebomb, at least its quicker to get ammo back and start building again, I like that its more like Battlefield in that you can have classes to do certain jobs.
>make an arsonist whos purpose is to run out and destroy structures and enemy weapons and then get the fuck out
Change to what the game requires, have a billhook build for if there are horseniggers cleaning house. One billhook is all it takes to stop the one person doing a route of the map causing shit, much like a tank would in Battlefield and yet noone takes it upon themselves to swap to something that can take it out.

>Patch adds weapon skins

Weapon skins? For FREE?

Is this real life?

Yes surprisingly there are no microtransactions in this game

Why are so many PC games dead a couple months after release? Titanfall 2 for example is totally playable on PS4 but almost completely dead on PC.

smaller playerbase duh, plus the games that usually thrive for years after release are ones with either a lot of moddability or a lot of support from the devs after launch

>tfw because of shitty ping parry timings are different in every server I play

How is the BRhuehueh mode anyways? Thought about popping in as an alternative to duel servers to git gud

Oh so consolefags are making these threads, I understand better.
Sorry you don't have what it takes on consoles to play Mordhau, it's a really fun game and far from being dead. There's a lot of servers in the server browser, but if I want to pretend I'm a consolefag I can use matchmaking and find a game in less than 10s.

Don't talk to Big Knife or his son ever again.

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>opponent uses a thrust
>the tip is at least a foot, maybe 1.5' in front of you
>die anyway

>enjoys 100 hours of gameplay
>gives it a negative steam review because it isn't fun for a literally infinite amount of time

answered in this thread

Yeah, they really either need to make Frontline actually focus on the objectives, or just make an entirely new gamemode that focuses on objectives.

Right now the only reason to do objectives is to get a fast win when you're already winning. I've never seen a losing team able to even touch the objectives, usually because they're getting pushed so hard that even if no one playing the objective, they're spawning too far away to make any difference.


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game's missing saber t bh

Does blacksmith hammer build faster than mallet or is it the same?

what did he mean by this?

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answered in

Is your control scheme on 240 degree mode? My control scheme says custom and then I have that shit in the keybinds

nah, firebombs dont take down the thick flag walls that you build, you can repair through the fire easy. And if they destroy your spikes it takes 10 seconds to rebuild 6 of them. Firebombs are barely a counter, maybe if the engineer ran far away.

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No it isnt you stupid attention whore. Fuck off, this thread has 250 posts, yours has 4.

This thread is a shitpost thread and should be left to die. If you make a separate Mordhau thread that isn't mine I'll post in that instead, if it makes you happier.

Fuck off and answer my question you nigger, does blacksmith hammer build faster than mallet, and show proof cause u'r a lying shit

I hit "send" on the redirect before the answer, chill out. It is in the other thread, last (you) as I'm not bumping this shitpost thread.

The game just isn't fun after a few hours. For all the things that were wrong with Chivalry, it was more fun than this boring shit.

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its been 45k-50k every day aside from the 60k peak after release, stop lying about numbers like some dumb kike

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>It is in the other thread
no it isnt you fat fuck

>the knight of the tracksuit

it's fucking huge holy shit

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>those toolbox buffs

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>what went wrong

Nobody wants to play with the turbo tryhards who jump, crouch, spin, etc. They look absolutely retarded but for whatever reason it works so they do it. Makes all the casuals not want to play.

I didn't realize criticizing and simply not liking the game was shitposting. My apologies.

Nice, I also made a byzantine set like an hour ago.

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>it's only playable if you have this specific hardware

People are such PUSSIES HOLY FUCK

feitoria means factory in portuguese

holy fucking shit all the servers are full, what the fuck is going on

Hard hats on.

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>criticizing and simply not liking the game was shitposting
Yeah, what great criticizm and a good reason not to like a game.

>horseman runs into wall
>go to attack with my short range weapon
>get staggered just from being near the horse

>t. faggot zwei user

Mallet repairs 25
Hammer repairs 30
Both have identical swing speed.
Hammer does significantly more damage to people.

Read the thread shill. There's plenty of posts not falseflagging about the player count.

I mean user you could be bumping right now so this thread dies, rather than arguing with that other faggot (and thus bumping the thread you dislike).

Get the fuck out of her faggot, the reason why you suck iant because there are no weaboo swords in the game. Back to the single player JRPGs with you

because baiting people to get ganked and waiting until your opponent attacks so you can ripostre or parry then feint them is the name of the game

No you NIGGERS, none of you pussy fucking faggot fucks ever push the objectives after losing it.

That is because you shouldn't be able to supplement your lack of skill with the realisim of the weapon.
>WTF lute players are killing me if only my zweihander was realistic.

>nerfing stabs
>not bullshit accels

seriously pisses me off. What's even the point of weapon swing speed if someone can just yeet their mouse into me and attack faster with a zweihander than I can with a shortsword.

>t. Retard who panic blocks three times in a row to a feint

>playing from South America
>only 4 official servers
>they are always full since yesterday
>barely can join
>new patch, a lot of new players will want to test it today
>all servers < 100 ms will be full
>the only way to play the game is in some unofficial russian server with 340+ms
>tfw the local community is too poor to rent more servers
>tfw i'm poorfag too

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>finally get the timing down with the horse and my zweihander
>getting on a horse basically means at least 6 kills for me now
This game feels fucking amazing

Engineer power wins again

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if you like it, stop bumping the thread that's calling it shit and dead, and come post in instead bro


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>Just bought the game
>Can't join matchmaking, the play button doesn't even let me click it
>Go to server browser
>Tons of servers showing but whenever I try to join any it just says "Connection failed" and closes out

Use the server browser. The matchmaking option doesn't work

stop shilling your thread it's pathetic to watch

Man, I wish the billhook had more reach. How am I supposed to yank you fags off your horses if you can take my head off before I'm even in range?

i don't get em
maps don't have enough corner for them to be actually useful, firepots do the job better on a wider area for the same cost and are not reduced by leg armor, only via a perk
people walk into them once in a blue moon, 70% of the time it's your own team and unless they are 0 armor on legs they don't even deal that much damage

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I did, it won't let me connect to anything.

>pathetic to watch
then turn away from your mirror senpai

you don't pick them because they're good, you pick them for fun

Why do people complain about rapiers?

Theyre actually the worst weapon in the game, you can have an Arming Sword or Short Sword and get a similar result for far cheaper.


matchmaking works fine now, he's got some other problem

but fire is more fun because you can do shit like purposely push yourself in a corner, wait for someone to come close and set yourself on fire with fireproof and either walk out of there or die with him

Beats me. I would think that an archer would want to use one so nobody could sneak up on him, but I dont even know if you have enough points for a trap and bow/crossbow.

>weapon swing clips into horse model
>no damage
what the fuck is going on, my ping is

why so personally attacked, user?
no skin off my nose, other thread is already up and running, though if you want to waste hours of your life seethe-shitposting this game to keep this one alive now be my guest
here's your last (you)

crossbow is 7 and bow is 11, yeah you are pretty tight on it, especially if you want the huntsman perk and a side arm, although the axe does a wonderful job

then pick fire

Per the suggestion of Yea Forums I swapped shield for Dodge on my shortspear build. It's a lot more fun and actually let's me fuck up shield and rapier users. Then I take their shield and become unstoppable

Its a game thats fun to play but not to watch so todays zoomer culture isnt investing time into it

dead game

It's pretty fun to watch in my experience

yeah, i have my senor caliente guy for it, i was trying to understand if there was something i didn't get

difference between now and then is that back then we weren't spoiled and only had a few good multiplayer games

regardless the game will live in for years and the modding will allow it to have an even longer lifespan

>tfw salty poorfag that shills against it because I can't afford it

No individual tactic is meant to be an auto-hit. You’d think by some of the people here that bitch about everything that even feints are ‘dumb chivalry ballerina shit’, but in truth the system is supposed to be one where you combine all of the different maneuvers and strategies together until the other man misreads what you go with.
Chamber a strike two times without a morph, but on the third time, morph it. It’s fighting games stuff.

good thing the retarded devs disabled the option for the team markers

I don’t get how this kind of mentality is seen as so negative. While I agree that Chiv’s insta360 noscope overhead clip shit was way too far, people didn’t bitch when they saw a soldier in tf2 rocket jump over them from a long distance and dominate with superior air control, they said ‘damn, I’m gonna learn how to do that too’
What is it about games with a semblance of one on one combat that make people refuse to try and learn new tech or improve? Maybe people just have different thresholds of what they’re willing to put up with. Maybe I’m the casual for not trying to learn the weird chivalry stuff. But I will say it only took me like two days in Mordhau to start topping scoreboards in both duels and frontline, and I’m no alpha player, just someone who played a lot of mount and blade.

lmao this shit is gonna get nerfed so fast

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I use ES in frontline because it’s so bad and it’s decent training for spacing and timing since it’s swing time is so abysmally terrible compared to anything actually competitive
Like just play the game more and have a mindset of wanting to improve, it’s not that hard

True ripostes do have flinch protection. Regular ripostes/counters do not.

You’re drastically missing out if you think duel is just for tryhards
I once thought the same way, but just get over your shyness and jump in a server, it’s immensely fun. I enjoy both modes

>mfw I could see the writing on the wall instantly and refunded my purchase

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Wish there was a way to try it out before I buy, like a free weekend

You learn how to read drags and feints and your opponent’s patterns
I swear you people would complain about spacing next like it’s some cheap tactic to stay out of range of your opponent to punish their wild flailing
Just how little are you willing to work to improve?

I barely see anyone feint though, why bother feinting when you can accel so fast you can hit people who don't even have a chance to parry.

Hard for me to say. I've only put 27 hours into TF2, but I would guess that the game outright presents itself with all kinds of wacky bullshit. I had a good idea what I was getting into. I don't think Mordhau really does that, so when people see some weird bullshit they probably get a little upset.

I'm still having fun with it since I just picked the game up with some friends the other day but day by day the game gets more greasy and just unfun in all game mods.

Nearly all shields, executioner swords, and zweihanders on both teams to the point it's getting tedious. Shield and poke fag runs forward spamming his mouse wheel until his teammates catch up and make the fight a 6v1, zwei and executioner fags just run forward spamming huge m1 drags and collecting kills until they die. Some maps are heavily biased also.
Day by day more and more people are starting to jump, crouch spam and flick spin their mouse in fights while claiming that they are good because they broke their characters spin while twisting and arcing a zwei drag around their opponents back so that it clips an ankle and kills.

This is why mp games are shit, they're fun at first until every one starts metawhoring

as bait to get (you)s

I'm so glad I refunded that dogshit game.

>buy a """realistic""" medieval combat game
>piss and moan to no end when people use shields, bows, projectiles, etc. instead of just swinging big ass fantasy swords like it's Game of Thrones

shit playerbase

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>muh realisam
kill yourself

or people will just throw a single firebomb and kill half of that fortification?

Looks fine DESU for now

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as an alpha player, your "meta" weapons like exec sword are actual dogshit that even in 1vX with pros are not as versatile as 2h weapons that actually can combo, even easier to deal with in duels.
shields can be consistently beaten in duels regardless of skill level of the user by stamina and footwork, but in 1vX when you get surrounded by shields theres no winning, so i think some nerf is in order
rapiers have always been gamble stab cheese and stab animations and timing need tweaking but its not straight up op

haven't played mordhau but that sounds like in CRPG where you'd make a kit around kiting the enemy and working with teammates but then your teammates would just back off and expect you to duel

sure, dueling is cool if that's the gamemode but otherwise you should be kiting/ganking and playing to win

Then it gets rebuilt in 10 seconds. As i have done dozens of times this morning

>look mom I posted it again
Rent free faggot

realism is a great natural balancer

a bunch of guys with shields and swords/spears is more combat effective than BIG SWORD DO BIG DAMAGE

NVME ssds are much faster than nand ssds but for most use cases the speed difference is hardly noticable. The real advantage is workstation use and the m.2 form factor.

realism is how you get one boring as shit meta

>someone swings a zweihander at me
>parry it with a dagger

Weapon weight should matter more. The lack of stun, knockback etc. is annoying.

Because every game of the last 10 years has been total shit and this is no exception

there is knockback

Then it's poorly implemented because shields are OP and I can parry 20 pounds slabs of metal with my tiny iron toothpicks and it doesn't make any sense.

There is some knockback and parrying with one handed weapons costs a lot of stamina

twitch celebs stopped playing it

then no one would ever pick small weapons or shields if they couldnt do anything against big weapons

Feinting and dragging aren't hard to deal with just watch the weapon instead of the opponent alot of the time if you block that first feint/drag your opponent will panic parry. New players won't leave due to feint/drag since most of the time they will stick to frontlines where these don't matter unless it's a 1v1 situation and how often does that really happen in frontlines?.
Shields were nerfed

>shields nerfed
>engineers buffed
>stabs nerfed
breddi gud

set the controls to classic

and the casualization begins

nothing went wrong, it's a good game. Idgaf about the player base, I play plenty of multiplayer games with pathetic playerbases. All I want out of the game now is a pirate update. I want to be chadbeard the pirate and stab people with my daggers.

t. shieldfag
If anything it's less casual because you retards can't just hold a button to live

Game is dying because zoomers have no idea what makes a good community. They just think it's "epic" to kill based lute players even though when players kill friendlies it's a sure sign the game is on the fast track to dead. You respect friendlies - period. That's why TF2 still exists and Mordhau will be a memory in a few months.

pretttttty much

I fail to see how it has declined. It seems like it's pretty stable on Steamcharts.

I wish we could kill you in real life

your not gonna meet a thousand unique players anyway, i don't know why zoomers freak out when half the shitters leave.

Tell me more about how you want to commit murder, user.

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Oh man theres so much murder I want to commit against you and your families as the Pres says. If the US bombs Iran unprovoked for instance as it is wishing to do I will start murdering gov officials.

I go 2 bear trap, smoke and brawler and having time of my life laughing at idiots who die from smoked traps.
I want to thank that Brawler user

Thinking kinda like you. As long I spend 1h/€ per hour on the game it's worth it.
Already at 40h on mordhau so it's worth it

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axechads ww@

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messer is my weaponfu

Yeah it's fucking dead and gone. Lads, I think it's time to get back to For Honor.


Playing as an medieval engi is the most fun I've had in this game

The game is fucking dead lads, rigor mortis has already started. Let's all go back to For Honor.

>Post 2012 nigger spam
Yeah I'm sure you totally aren't from reddit.

Core gameplay is quite fun but the same 4 shit maps on rotation get old fast.

You are absolutely right but it's not just zoomers. Millenials have been doing this by and large since the 00s starting with he destruction of counter-strike and star craft. There hasn't been an actual good online community for anything in nearly 2 decades. Broodwar and Blizzard's obsession with bringing in toaster players pretty much destroyed the possibility. Less invested players simply can't make good communities no matter how big/strong/skilled the playerbase is. Just look at any moba. assfaggots has since its inception, been known for attracting the cancer of gaming because of its extremely low bar for entry and petty rewards.

To be fair they're making new ones already. Located in the city.

Who the fuck doesn't use an SSD nowadays?

Me because I don't want to spend my own money to overcome unoptimization caused by incompetency on the developer's part.
If a game is unbearable without an SSD it's trash.

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No blacks or women.


The game seems like a big mess where everyone is dicking around by themselves. It's been fun playing with my bros because I feel that the coordinated attack a three people usually wins outside of big chokepoint areas. I don't really like playing it by myself as much, and I imagine a lot of people will grow tired of it quickly.

>team modes are a big mess
Well no shit, that's the point. If you want 1v1 just join duel servers. I'm pretty sure the game is going to have ranked 1v1 too.

Get fucked lmao