So what was the Yea Forumserdict on this?

So what was the Yea Forumserdict on this?

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I enjoyed it but you could tell it was rushed as fuck to be a launch console, especially with the final mission for concrete.

Glorified Tech Demo that fails to hold a candle to the first two

Who gi/v/es a fuck

Just like killzone on ps4, it's a tech demo, same with uncharted , resistance and killzone on vita (except that killzone was good).
Never liked infamous that much, it's fun to fuck around and fly but otherwise it's a lame concept of a game that belongs in 00s

Pretty good
Lacked a decent amount of what made the original 2 so great though

Seattle is a shitty city too.
At least Neon and Dust were great powers and the game was fucking gorgeous.
The main character was an asshole, the supporting characters were shit I guess the police brother was okay...
It just lacked, God help me, SOUL

Amazing game that got me so excited about Seattle that I moved across the country just so I could be a homeless person there. True story. The DLC added entirely new playable character and easier to control powers, sort of like streamlined the whole game and turned it a little more pink. Amazing third person perspective game I guess like Spider-man but I haven't played any games in 3 or 4 years since moving across the country to be homeless in Seattle. I'm not even kidding.

Are you still homeless? And if so, how are you posting this?

Prototype was better

Attached: mercer.jpg (640x800, 76K)

I can't believe this shit

My animation professor was a cutscene animator for the game so yes it's probably rad.

A good game that could have been great if you were allowed to swap powers on the fly rather than stop everything you are doing to find a power source to change things up.

>The game is incredibly short compared to any of the games, it's not Festival of Blood level but it's relatively close.
>First island is good and shows a good usage of Smoke although Neon kind of breaks it.
>Second island is rushed and takes away all the fun of everything.
>Enemies on island 2 aren't fun at all, especially the concrete wizards with the shields that book it as soon as they lose the shield.
>Neon is the best ability by an incredible margin and you get it right near the start. Video and Smoke don't even compare while Concrete comes way too late to even care about it.
>All the abilities feel mostly the same in terms of upgrades.
>You can't hold all abilities on you and switch on the fly at the cost of some energy, you can only carry one ability instead making battles a lot less interesting than they could be which also nerfs Concrete into the ground even more.
>Concrete is gained from the final boss, and since the game is so short you'll probably have done all the side content before it meaning you have no use for it at all.
>You don't get Paper.
>You have to do an ARG that takes hours just to find out you don't get Paper which is essentially an elaborate setup for the next game pitting her as the villain or at least a villain.
>You don't get Glass.
>Delsin is pretty poorly developed and just isn't really relatable. His friends even more so with Fetch probably being the best out of the lot.
>Brother is the best character in the game yet barely around.
>Brother's motives near the end of the game make absolutely no sense if you go the evil route, particularly when you consider the evil ending.
>Cole DLC is part of the limited edition so you need to track a copy of that down if you want to play it.

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It's actually super fun to play and one of the few games I've ever conpleted multiple times. It's too short tho and that makes it's writing also feel rushed. Might play it again now. If they make a sequel and make it's themes more light hearted, it'd do well.

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Went from Infamous to Infameh

Its feels like a prototype for infamous 1. seriously lacking honestly.
The clouds were fucking amazing though, like when there were grey clouds it just looked so nice

mediocre at best

I broke L.A. by dropping off my regrets. I made it back to the East Coast civilization.

Shittiest protagonist ever

Changed my mind, second shittiest protagonist ever after Prototype guy.

When are they bringing him back bros?

Attached: Cole.jpg (896x1076, 647K)

>he dosnt like mercer
you probably love Heller you shit taste fag

Its time to let go user

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he did a good job user

Yea he was fucking rad

>inFAMOUS took two games to be shit
>Prototype only took one

I remember getting unreasonably mad at that paper thing. All that dumb work put in for a mask.

You know, I sometimes hear people talking about humans and conduits like they're different. And that's bullshit. Because there ain't no one with more humanity than Cole MacGrath. I love you, brother, and I'm sure gonna miss you.

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>Half as long...
>Twice as bright...

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>I gotta try.

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Should I play this or First Light? I don't want to play both.

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First Light has much tighter gameplay for Neon but it's locked just to the first island and there's these long arena battles at portions of the story where they put the majority of their time into. It's also pretty short. Second Son has way more variety and fun to be had.

Attached: inFAMOUS First Light™_20180313025614.jpg (1920x1080, 798K)

I was so excited for a game in Seattle just for it to be nothing like Seattle. Idk how you Cali and NYC bros tolerate it.

>powers are done basically like x-men
>your essentially playing rogue
>you only get 3 super similar powers
>concrete doesnt count since its given too late to enjoy
and it was fucking bullshit you didnt get paper.
unlike everyone else who wants to salt the earth i wouldnt mind a sequel if done right

Concrete sucked total ass, too. What the shit were they thinking?

Its only worth is the triple jump and the infinite jump glitch. I just don't understand why you would make a rapid-fire attack that uses up nearly all your energy to kill a single mook and a very slow method of traversal. At least it would look cool from time to time.

Attached: inFAMOUS Second Son™_20180312094935.jpg (1920x1080, 1.09M)

It's pretty shit compared to the original 2

Unironically better than 2. I will never understand why people suck 2 off so much. 1 is still the best.


i liked shooting up drainpipes but hated the edgy main character. never finished the game.

Infamous 1 is peak comfy.