"Allow me to clarify..."

>"Allow me to clarify..."

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Other urls found in this thread:


why was this made?


Glad to Jim hanging in there, even if it's only by a thread. Expected to see him follow Robin Williams

*btzzz* *btzzz*


Attached: thedoctorthinksyou'rebasic.png (992x728, 693K)

What did you mean by this?

The user thinks you're a nigger

Doc thinks you're a nigger

Going to see this purely because of this scene alone. Zany Jim Carey is a thing we all need to see again.

AAAAAAAALTrighty then!

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>They were trying to nab your prize
>They work for the blue hedgehog...

will he say it?



Are you in charge here?




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>being this basic
Nobody cares!


Hey smarty pants if it can't be quantified how do know its sequential

Basically, it looks I'm gonna have to save your planet.



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The hierarchy is sequential. The difference between the two in respect to their placement in said sequential hierarchy is too vast to quantify. This means there is an infinite number of ranks between him and the man he was talking to.

Jim Carey is gonna Carry the movie

Carry to explain?

Now THAT'S wordplay.


What do you ca rre y?

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Is this the plane scene of our generation?

What a basic comparison.

that is literally a scene from the Gig Bang Theory, just replace Carrey with Sheldon
you fucking rdditors need to leave

i hate niggers

Based on what we've seen, I'm sure they get to touch bases.

Like, at least third base.

As mush as I like Jim, he's not fat enough to be Robotnik, now if Chris Farley was still alive that would be an interesting casting choice



>I lived to see a zoomer say Carrey can be replaced by fucking Sheldon

Attached: brbgettingmypersona.jpg (300x195, 10K)

Or if Drew Carey has stayed fat.

This was me in 2007 when millennials were dumping on the things I loved.


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>watching the Bing Bong Terry
Sheldar, why?

And everything in Blazbingu is literally a scene from B^U, just replace both main characters with both main character.

the entire "joke" here is that Robotnik speaks scientific gibberish extremely fast. not even that, he just uses words that noramalfags don't understand, therefore thinking he's extremely smart.
that's every Sheldon "joke" ever written.

user isn't wrong



Not only is that joke far older than Sheldon and done better a hundred times before, it also is not the entire joke.

The main joke is that Eggman is a megalomaniac and revels in it. Which is pretty on point.

The only thing that would change is that Sheldon says the lines while autistically looking away from the general, while Carrey looks away from the general with a silly grin.

He also isn't right.

What do you guys thing of this parody of the trailer?


And he delivers it in a funny way, which is something what'shisface playing Sheldon never managed.

So while it might be a shitty script, Carrey just cannot be replaced by the double-tshirt bugman.

the thumbnail has the aussie shitpost face in it, so i assume it's cringy meme garbage made by an underage 4channer, made for underage 4channers.
not gonna watch it.

Rouge is probably best described as a japanese version of Sailor Moon with less hair and a better voice. Compare that to Monet's Burst!. Both of them are core parts of their charm and make them better characters overall

literally this

Le epic racism

Originally Sony was trying to grab up any rights they could to make a video game movie, and when Nintendo told them to fuck off, they got the next best thing from Sega. At some point during development, they sold the project off to the highest bidder, either because of the restructuring Sony was going through at the time, or because they just didn't like what they were seeing, but in the end Paramount bought the movie and here we are.

tl;dr It's ez money from an IP that is guaranteed to sell regardless of actual quality

He better.
And he better not reserve it for anything more important than for pointing out the proximity and availability of cake.

>a japanese version of Sailor Moon

nice one

Le epic statistics

>a japanese version of Sailor Moon

I wanted to lube up that giant titty of hers

>a japanese version of Sailor Moon

I want to milk that pretty torso of hers

>a japanese version of Sailor Moon

It'd be best served as a seperate seiyuu audition, but I guess I could see it that way

okay bot, please, we get it

Isn't that basicly what this thread is.

Artificial Intelligence has a long way to go.

Quit being a drama queen and get some reading comprehension. Nobody is insulting Jim, in fact they're doing exactly the opposite by implying he's too good for this script.

>The main joke is that Eggman is a megalomaniac and revels in it

That isn't even a joke though. That's just a thing which is true about his character.

I think you'll find that you are being the drama queen right now, if you actually read all the exchanges and still felt like posting what you did.

This Jim Carrey is not the Jim Carrey you saw 20, or even 10 years ago. He's a shell of his former self.

You've got 10(Ten) seconds to tell me your favourite Jim Carrey movie.

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truman show

yes man, but the ace ventura movies give me mad nostalgia

>Jim Carrey is base...

The one that makes trannies angry.

The Mask, as it is the only one I know I've seen.

Ace 2


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Jim Carrey is a giant retard, but the bigger retard is one who can't separate the art from the artist.

Eternal Sunshine
Good answer

But it's our job to get the ball rolling on something that will help fix the real problem: We're not doing enough of anything.
There's a disconnect in the culture between tech geeks and everyone else, and a lot of people I know either don't know what to do with other cultures or think that 'just working with people from different walks of life' will get you anywhere. I'd like to work with people who don't think you can achieve anything through gentrifying San Francisco.'

It's mostly because the way I'm training it is pants on head retarded, all it gets is random thread's JSON data, I'll probably train it by giving it posts and replies next instead

>another liberal retard who is completely obsessed with drumpf


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"Allow me to clarify..." he told me again, turning to me and smiling. "You will have to come and find him. Even if you are already aware he is with you, the more men you catch the more important he will be to you, and to him, but it is also a little bit more dangerous, because when it does happen it will all be exposed in front of him. Your husband, by the way."

"My wife," I responded. I smiled and walked to the door, but a few seconds later came back again with two bags, and a pair of scissors. "Take, or leave for sure."

"I'll do anything for his happiness," he told me. He took out the papers he had prepared in advance for me, placed them on the table, and started to cut the documents. The men in the room started laughing and applauded and I felt my body shudder.

"It would hurt much more, I knew that," I said to him. His smile grew. "Don't be scared of me."

"I know, love," he smiled.

The Mask

Well, you've already achieved people greentexting it, so that's something I guess.

Hope they'll do 'I HATE THAT HEDGEHOG'

Why do I like this shot of Robotnik even more than the stinger at the end

Attached: RedSuit.png (1920x1080, 1.41M)

And hopefully they'll do Scratch and Grounder.

It's a great face for any occasion.

I actually like Robotnik in the trailers and I think if Sonic looked better and didn't have electrical powers, people would have responded less badly to the trailer and more neutrally

>Agent Stone asks for a promotion

Batman forever

>I want to milk that pretty torso of hers
what the fuck
kind of hot though

Being John Malkovich - director's cut

Nice projection, nigger

>Being the last human around with Robotnik running shit

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this was a rejected concept.
by all rights is a really good one for a movie.

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Man on the Moon

>JiM cArReY iS gOnNa CaRrY tHiS mOvIe

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this is when before he goes nuts


>le NPC meme
>can't express his own opinion without resorting to memes and falseflagging

He's the sole reason I will watch it, at least.

Liar Liar of course

Who wants hairy brazilians?

youve said that phrase before havent you

I don't think so, no

Are you telling me I'm basic?

Unironically The Grinch


fucking why, its 2019 jim carrey doing a really bad impression of 1995 jim carrey


what the fuck his art is pretty good

i try not to check the twitters of famous people i like, most of the time it ruins them

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Last I heard he's also anti-vaccines. Fuck the political ideas he may have, that's a stance that deals actual physical harm to people, both his kids and others they come in contact to.

Liar Liar or The Mask

That reminds me of that actor who let his son die because he didn't believe in medicine or some shit.

Is he actually against all vaccines, or is he against ridiculous vaccine schedules used on newborn babies in first world countries where those diseases don't exist to begin with?

Ace Ventura 2, the funniest movie ever made.


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But there was no racism there
Saying nigger isn't racist
Its just a word


What about The Mask and Dumb and Dumber? I mean it's tough for me. I watch Ace Ventura 2 just for maybe a couple scenes (the one where he's driving the safari car near the beginning of the film and the other where he knocks out the guy with the monocle).

never really cared for them, ace ventura 2 for me is just laugh out loud funny from start to finish, and it never stops to preach.



>All right first one to talk gets to stay on my Robo-Hovercraft

>go watch the trailer so I can understand the memes
>gangsters paradise

>UpLoAdInG FiLeS hAs BeEn BlOcKeD fRoM yOuR iP rAnGe DuE tO aBuSe

Why not?

No that's his face while he's nutting in Rouge.

No. You aren't allowed to use that flawless argument for this shitty movie. Stop it.

i actually really hate this line because it's not really at all complicated


here i found something better

It is if you're in the target demographic.

Showing millennials children's cartoons and video games was a mistake. More of them should've been out hunting and playing sports.

>so we understand this film is based on a property from the 90s, our data shows gangstas paradise tracks well with that audience

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Because is a nice "realistic" interpretation of Eggman while looking cool. I would watch a movie based on this Robotnick

Ace Ventura 2 is a great example of a sequel better than the original desu

> when millennials were dumping on the things I loved.
So are you a legit boomer then? What are you still doing on a Vietnamese Image Board when you fought the gooks in Vietnam?



>when i call my gf a nigger it means she is a black slave

fuck off

we is not accepshon raycisms in dat immage boards mah homebois

Boomers were born in the 50s, kid.

Time for a bit of the rough and tumble

Urrrgh dad you are so lame

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And they would be around 18/19 when they could be dragged off to Vietnam retard.

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_ ____ __ ____ ____ ________

>i want to kill that nigger

He will if Trump wins in 2020. I just hope he takes a chunk of Hollywood with him.

Since when can Sonic create Portals?

Attached: CandidBrownInganue-max-1mb.gif (500x374, 510K)

people like that will never kill themselves
so many of them said they would kill themselves or move out of the Us if trump won the first time
none of them did anything but cry on twitter

That movie was absolutely trash and wouldn't be remembered if it wasn't for Jim Carrey.
Truman show

Bruce Almighty because I'm a hipster.

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it was more confusing when the guy said it meant the army guy was "basic"

Shut the fuck up niggershit lover
Kill all trannies
Exterminate the jews

>You're a God came on the radio yesterday
Such a fucking good movie man

I like this one.

Yeah. What eggman said was perfectly understandable but what the fuck is basic supposed to mean.

>Eternal Sunshine¨

My Nigga.

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Anyone who doesn't say Cable Guy is a huge faggot, that being said Cable Guy

...I should never have kids



>All my stuff and friends are here
is the regular excuse from people like that

>It's a "smart character says something easily understandable that needs translating to the dumb characters" jokes

When will jimmy finally kill himself?


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>Into Free
best trailer, could tell from the very first note