Will this scene be in the remake?

Will this scene be in the remake?

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I wonder what the writers and producers at Kotaku felt when they read this.

some say they're still triggered to this very day.

How did Raimi get away with this?

97 was so long ago

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It was a different time bros

Wow this thread again huh?

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Isn't this term a bit problematic in current year?

that's like asking whether "this guy are sick" is going to be in the remake or whether Aerith is still going to be called Aeris

No, but not because of political correctness. It won't make it in because between the episodic nature of the remake and "streamlining". At most there'll be a cutscene for the infiltration, then you play through the lab, and another cutscene leading to the motorcycle sequence.

they didn't, they took the elevator

Who even took the stairs instead of busting through the front entrance?

I took the stairs, then went back down the first floor, then took the elevator

will this scene be in the remake?

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still feels like it could be yesterday

That does get me thinking, though. I wonder if Yufi/Vincent will now be mandatory, and have new direct spots where they join up. It came to mind because if you avoid triggering the meeting with Yufi until Tifa is the party lead while Cloud is vegging out in a wheelchair, Yufi won't join and calls her Boobs.

They may only give you the option to go through the front. The stairs were pretty much a cutscene and gave you no treasures for choosing that route. Going through the front is always the way to go, at least when I play it.

>They may only give you the option to go through the front.
no they won't. why are people freaking out and making up weird shit like this? why would they take out the stairs scene?

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because its a soulless remake

I personally find it funny people evan talk of "taking out" things.

It'll be an entirely different game, they might even simplify the whole building just for the sake of being easier to do.

If you encounter Yuffie with Cid as leader, she calls him a bow-legged ol' man.

It seems pretty soulful so far

It's not all doom and gloom, though. If we're lucky they'll take out god-awful shit like Cosmo Canyon and Corel Prison.

t. Barry

Soul -> "We cannot make our game on your primitive system Nintendo, so we are leaving you to find a system that uses discs so we can make our passion project"

Soulless -> "This ancient big building is too much work to remake for our game, so we decided to just remove a lot of it and still call this a remake"

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I doubt it, those kind of areas are generally the easier type to do in a game, makes for easy padding

literally most of the work is tied to midgar and everything that happens there

I understand Corel Prison since its just a couple of desert maps, but fuck you what could you possibly have against Cosmo Canyon? The music. The art. The stores. The telescope. Bugenhagen. Red's father and his story. The haunted caves. What do you have against Cosmo Canyon?

>What do you have against Cosmo Canyon?
Everything you just mentioned. It's a slogging fuckfest of "Why the hell am I here?" While we're at it, I hope they leave Red on the cutting room floor this time. He was so irrelevant he managed to practically be the third wheel's spare tire.

>implying anyone at Kotaku actually plays the games they write about

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Wait, was "retard" left in for the recentish Steam/PS4/Switch ports?

They are obviously going to change the dialogue because it's 2019 and a big name company like Square-Enix isn't going to do something incredibly stupid like alienating their mentally handicapped fans. "Retard" has become a very strong and offensive word and I think Square is wise enough to avoid this.

Just look at how good Square-Enix has been doing in recent years. FFXIII and FFXV are hands down the best RPGs we have ever seen in a generation in a straight up one-two punch released not even 10 years apart.

They're not a bunch of amateur idiots. Tifa won't be saying this in the remake, I can assure you.

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will this scene be in the remake?

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I vaguely remind the original Japanese line having no word corresponding to "retard". So even if they "change" it, it could just be a result of better translation.

>people here defending the notoriously bad translation of FF7

This, feminist and game "journalist" just want attention.
The worst is when they get called out for being completely wrong about something then spin it into the "toxic gaming community" harassing them.

It's so bad it's charming.

>an incel mad about localization changing his precious weeb games
color me shocked!

No because nobody is willingly going to choose to climb all those stairs and be bored out of their mind. It has nothing to do with the retard line.