>cant climb because idiots pick mid and carry
>enemy mid snowballs out of control
pos5 can only pray
nice game lads, surely solo ranked is fair.
>cant climb because idiots pick mid and carry
>enemy mid snowballs out of control
pos5 can only pray
nice game lads, surely solo ranked is fair.
Other urls found in this thread:
>Solo ranking in a team based game
If you don't have a team you are playing it wrong
except solo ranked is the only thing that matters in this game
Just admit you are playing casual and stop giving a fuck, this is not a solo game.
At least you can play. I get overwhelmed by anxiety whenever I try to play now.
>playing stupid babyshit game dominated by 3rd worlders
Play league you dumb fuck.
>play baby version of dotka started by the stealing jew
no thanks
>cant climb because idiots pick mid and carry
It has been proven thousands of times that you can climb without having to play boring and shit roles like mid or carry.
This is your answer. You aren't gonna go pro, faggot, get some friends and have fun.
go back to r*ddit
>plays a support
>lets mid snowball at all
Guess how i know that you are a retard?
Play turbo mode
Man fuck Mobas.
Imagine playing a game where you have to play support.
>Don't farm creeps
>Move out of range of exp gain
>Spend all your money on support items that people bitch about if missing
>Have to babysit a retarded carry player for literally 30 mins, get blamed if he decides to walk into enemy fire without thinking
>If he eventually gets the gold and levels to use the hyper advanced skill of auto attacking enemies with lots of high powered items, he gets all the credit for winning
I really wish HoTS hadn't been downsized. It was one of the few mobas where playing a support was actually fun.
Supporting in hots was just being a useless healslut, what the fuck are you talking about
because if i go mid with my support iget shouted at and pinged cus DONT LEECH MUH XP
I'll play wif u
I play turbo almost exclusively it's fun I don't know why ppl get so worked up other than mental deficiency. Lovin me some safe lane witch doctor at the moment
>Can't carry with support
Maybe if you're retarded. Just pick an early game roamer like Lich or Ogre, get everyone fed to fuck, use all your kill gold to buy damage.
I want to start playing this game but people always tell me it's a very painful learning experience
What can I do to minimize said pain?
obv numb yourself w/ the pain by playing support.
might as well learn to bear w/ it now
Just play dude. Dont get too wrapped up in reading how to play etc, you just need to play. Start in turbo mode, most matches will be between 20-30 mins long. Try all the heroes so you know what hero's abilities are which will help you understand your enemies which is vital. Talk to normal ppl who give you advice etc just mute ignore flamers and russians. I play with a freind about a year now we picked up others along the way. when I play solo I just listen to comfy history documentaries on youtube.
More like every game consists of at least one smurf or account buyer. Thanks Valve.
It's honestly fucking ridiculous
MMR is a joke -
Hell valve adding this "DOUBLE MMR" for the battlepass is like even they know it's a meme.
Until Valve decides to implement an account age into matchmaking, starts banning obvious account selling/smurfs/boosters, and removes turbo from the system to get into ranked play.
>Caring about ranked
I used to play in competitive tournaments for WC3 DOTA and HON and ladders were always shit reguardless of which game they're implemented in, even league players, the most retarded of the MOBAFAGs these days realize the game shouldn't be balanced around their precious soloqueue, which they only keep around so pubstompers can still pubstomp.
Get a real team and learn to play, solo pubs are still solo pubs even if you're ranked, if you're going to soloqueue then just realize that its still a fucking pub, and if you're not stomping then you're shit regardless of your team.
That being said, nu-DOTA sucks because you can't outplay your enemy team due to how much free gold there is, you could farm their carry for 20 kills and the carry will still rice out their core items before you can finish because of how bad it is right now.
>cant climb because idiots pick mid and carry
Literally doesn't matter. Anyone with half a brain gets above 50% winrate. You have to be absolutely braindead or ruining games on purpose to lose. Climbing in dots or as a matter of fact any fucking game with ranked multiplayer is about consistency. You have to play that shit 10 hours a day every day for months and then you'll get to the top. Nothing else matters.
what kind of loser solo queues in a moba?
How can account age affect smurfing?
Its like any other competitive online game, you will get stomped into the dirt until you grasp the basics then you can start improving.
Just don't be a pussy and whine that you're dying to other people who have 300+ hours invested in the game already
>play support
What a joke. That's the problem with low-level dota, support is honestly one of the hardest roles to play. If you want to afk and contribute nothing while being a complete leech and then complain at the end of the game then go for it.
You should be stacking, understand ward placement and when to place wards where (i.e. don't ward where your team obviously isn't going to be), smoke gank early on to establish lane dominance, be aware of everything happening on the map and be ready to rotate at a moments notice, etc, etc.
I'll agree with the last point. Shit feels gross compared to old Dota. It was super punishing to have an early death. Now? Free TP scroll from the start and a 3-7 second death timer. Exp/Gold given to the enemy is almost inconsequential. Now the enemy needs to back off or risk losing their small gain. It's a goddamn joke.
Not all smurfs are boosting accounts. Some buy a brand new lvl 20 account to play on
Your carry is the lifeblood of your team's winrate these days.
The only way to win if your carry is retarded is if you are a 3-4 stack gank squad that shuts down the enemy team and pushes.
>start in Turbo
The absolute most toxic mode in the dota community. Yeah alright. Next you'll tell him the best way to learn abilities is to play ability draft.
> waaahhh someone typed at me
Turbo is based stop crying.
>what the fuck
How to win dotes while 2-3 of your team seems to always be actively trying to lose? Aka queue ranked roles and neither supports: a. Pick support heroes and b. Buy any support items at all. I don't know how to win as solo safe lane while my pos 5 is hitting jungle at 5 mins
Only reason why dota 2 sucks right now is because of how much they fucked up the foundational metagame sicne dota 2 launched
They kept reworking assist gold, reducing the price of core items, making it easier and easier to jungle, so much free and cheap regen, added in bounty runes, and unironically never implementing the hard ancient camps from DOTA 1 such as the Drakken and Stalker camps so ancients were on average much easier to clear until 7.X, and even then the Drakken replacement was a nerfed version of normal Drakken.
Then 7.X came along and not only did they just cover the entire map with free gold via bounty runes, they also nearly doubled the amount of jungle creeps on the map added shrines which are free regen and a portal directly into the jungle making it significantly easier to rice, on top of this you now get gold for denying, denying itself was already an advantageous thing to do by denying your enemy gold and exp, now you're getting more free gold even if the enemy isn't there.
And due to all the changes above, the game is an absolute clusterfuck and the core heroes of the game have had complete overhauls just to make them 'competitive' despite the fact that there was nothing wrong with them, but the core of the game itself.
Everything you have mentioned has dramatically improved the game.
Free gold removes counter play and early game
If I wanted to rice for 20 minutes to be 6 slotted i'd play league of legends.
you're just bad. accept it. Stop blaming others is the only way you will ever rank up. Idgaf if you play position 5 every game. A bad carry can still win games. Games with bad supports are near impossible. (Not this only applies maybe 3.5k mmr or above, if you arent at least that you are utter garbage anyway and good player should be able to outplay entire teams with ease until they reach that level).
Warding, stacking, pulling, good harassment without fucking lane equilibrium, good rotations, and only going for kills in lane when it is optimal are all of extreme importance and can make any bad carry seem like a god.
Also your spells are very strong and I can guarantee you are not getting the most out of them or using them at the correct times
TLDR: Same as any competitive team game. GIT GUD. If you cant rank up then you are where you belong until you stop sucking cock at the game you play. Its really that simple.
It doesn't remove counter play at all. It just increases the pace and emphasizes lane matchups even more (counterplay)
you are retarded, supports are worthless at low mmr because u cant end the game with them and games lasts 50mins because ur carries are retarded, please stop spewing bullshit about muh hard role when it isn't.
fuck off retard supprting is retarded below 4k mmr and you wont win games with support, yeah muh 52% winrate you can win le meme fuck off retard
this is the answeralso you're in the trenches and are nowhere near as good as you think you are.
you're at your MMR for a reason.
this. some supports are basically carries, especially in lower MMR.
A good Lich or Winter Wyvern will usually have most kills in a good match.
>kills wins the game
wrong idiot
Post your favorite hero Yea Forums
I love my boy Dirge
Well said user
It matters to retards who think it matters and when you are around top 1k. At best I was rank 1478 in yuurop (read Russia) and literally only people who care are people who are low and below divine. No one cares about high ranked randos unless they get signed up for teams user.
I'll say this, it's really fun with friends in the beginning. However, playing with friends after everyone is at > 3000 hours can be cancer with certain people. With a shit ton of hours, its easy to get big headed, especially the one with the most. I imagine its broken many friendships. While many of mine aren't so shallow to end on a game of dota, it certainly makes me hate playing with them sometimes.
everybody cares about mmr, i have immortal friends who tilt because they lose 400 mmr in a single day. stop being fucking retarded 1k mmr player.
On the contrary being a support let's you play versus other players before the 10 min mark whereas pos 1 and 2 literally plays a shitty PvE mini game. Shitters who "babysit" are most likely just leeching xp.
Will TI9 live up to the new standard last year brought?
playing support doesn't mean you don't do anything lol. If anything, I find it so much more engaging than carry. Carries literally just hit creeps for like 30 minutes before playing the game, and if you lose, all the blame is also on them usually. Supports have the ability to completely gain control of the map with good warding and dewarding. You gank a bunch in the mid game and you buy utility items that require timing and skill to properly utilize. Moreover, living in itself during a team fight can completely fuck over the enemy team with good positioning. Disables are pretty good, tbqh.
What free gold? Bounties? There are two teams who should fight over them. Jungle got more creeps but gassed the gold gain and exp. You have to spend more time to get lesser rewards. Core items have also become more expensive not cheaper. Manta, eul, forcestaff, scythe, BKB are all more expensive.
>caring about epeen numbers
Reminder that shota Invoker is going to be a thing.
Rank 1478 not mmr you illiterate goblin. Yeah they care about their own mmr but I'm talking a bit bigger picture. No one outside the match cares about your dumbass mmr alone unless you are at the tippity top like top 100-200
You want to play the game seriously?
Then you need to find 4 other players to play ranked, train together and have a good team communication. Relying on random people for help is like flipping a coin. Also git gud
Pretty good point
Everything in the game pretty much goes through BKB now because BKB was made too easy to get ontop of a core item, which made BKB pretty much useless for its intended function, and thats to prevent you from getting chain stunned by a cancerous comp.
>Everything in the game pretty much goes through BKB
Which huge cc spells goes through bkb now and didn't before?
>Everything in the game pretty much goes through BKB now because BKB was made too easy to get ontop of a core item, which made BKB pretty much useless for its intended function, and thats to prevent you from getting chain stunned by a cancerous comp.
I guess the professionals haven't figured this secret out yet since the dumb bastards keeps buying it even after increasing it's gold cost and making it scale worse into late game. Or maybe you're full of shit.
Didn't the last "big" update make a lot of spells not go through spell immunity?
user, there is barely any gold on the map now.
add me I'll let you play mid
it's not free, bounty runes are another objective, people often fight for them. And the amount of gold everything gives has been significantly reduced to compensate for the 'free' gold.
>Only reason why dota 2 sucks right now is because of how much they fucked up the foundational metagame sicne dota 2 launched
No, people just got good at the game and started to figure out how it works.
>assist gold
not in a meaningful way
>reducing the price of core items
name the items, please
>making it easier and easier to jungle
Talon got removed, last time I checked
>so much free and cheap regen
yes, but you gotta pay for it, if you're a support you're not ferrying 3 salves in the laning phase
>bounty runes
bounty runes are an objective to fight over, if you don't then you are playing the game wrong. They are absolutely not FREE gold.
>the hard ancient camps
creep camps are gold, bags user.
>free gold via bounty runes
get good
Shrines are only a problem if they are inside the base, we saw that 2 years ago.
Outside the base, they make the game less easy to predict, they're very needed. Once you lose your shrines, the game gets much, much harder to play. The regen is nice, but it has 5 minutes of cooldown, so it's not too important.
>gold for denying
You need to understand where the gold for denying came from.
About a year (or more) ago we had xp for the denies, that a deny would give you and the opponent the equal amount of xp for the creep. It got changed to gold for denies, because it turned out that was too much advantage and the gold you get is peanuts. It doesn't REALLY matter unless you deny everything.
Your opinions are awful and you need to learn to play the game, shitter.
Nah, unless all the chinese teams omega choke and bomb out in group stage.
i cant get any satisfaction in playing rank if i go dou or full team. soloq is the only way to have fun. its your problem for not having macro strats and rusty mechanical skills
this desu
winning feels hollow if you don't win 1 vs 9
>kill enemy
>they cant respawn for 40~90 seconds
>have all that time to dunk the rest of their team while their outnumbered
>free time to take some towers
>gold advantage
Kills are the only thing that matters in dota
How the fuck are you leeching? You're not supposed to just be fucking hanging around you buffoon.
You're clearly at the MMR you belong.
This. If you are making a rotation to mid you are either waiting behind on the enemy's side of the map or you TP in and instantly throw out spells to punish the enemy.
Are you high? Jungle got nerfed to shit since when you're talking about.
Ya there's more camps but there's a reason there's no such thing as a dedicated jungle hero anymore, because they dumpstered the value of individual creeps.
>being a cuckold (pos5)
>not being a greedy pos4 and win games with big plays
you'll never gonna make it lad
>yes, but you gotta pay for it, if you're a support you're not ferrying 3 salves in the laning phase
This lad is talking out his ass.
You wanna know why mid is ferrying out 3 salves nowadays? Because he can't crow bottle like he could when this guy is talking about. And he complains about free regen. Bottlecrowing had to be removed completely to make this the efficient way of regenerating, nerfs didn't mean shit.
what the fuck man supporting in dota is the best when compared to other games
I'd also like to add that this nerfed stacking so the early game jungle is even less lucrative now than it used to be, because when stacking was higher value everyone did it. Now they only do it when they have a setup which can clear Ancients early (Drow gonna have her instakill on Ancients removed I'd say).
>Playing for the sake of climbing
Who thought that ability was a good idea? Never mind her just being alive makes ranged heroes nutty and never mind that breaks fucking don't work on the ult.
you can just stand next to her
I don't get the appeal of hard carry myself. I'm not saying it doesn't take skill to utilise space but spending the first 25 minutes of the game hitting creeps and being on the other side of the map than your allies doing mindless PVE while they actually melee and play the game.
Literally seems like a case of bigger numbers = more fun even though you're just grinding for 20 mins to get there. Then again I never play solo queue so I could see why playing support would annoy people who subject themselves to that, but in a stack pos 1 is my least favoured position.
While that is an option, I still hate playing Viper who has an ability to break passives suddenly not be able to break a passive.
Offlanes are chads
Carries are beta males
Hold up I just tested it and it does break.
Maybe I wasn't hitting her in the poison when I played viper? I don't know.
even idiots will be able to kill someone that's CC'ed for 10+ seconds
That's not even the problem with drow.
The real issue that the ability IGNORES armor and evasion at a 40% chance. It's utterly insane.
Because farming efficiently feels good.
"make number go up" and "make number go up faster" are fast and easy dopamine dispensers. It is why I mostly play flash farming heroes.
Stop being a supportcuck and become a true supportCHAD
play Chaos Knight
>Not playing reverse hookman Tony
Probably a good idea. Retards never seem to comprehend that once I stun him you're supposed to move towards the tower, not come out from it, because he's coming in.
you cant climb because youre not actually better than the other people in your games and your impact is not higher than theirs
Behavior score is hugely important.
>playing a dead clunky 3rd worlderfest league clone
>wasn't even made by one of the original dota devs
lmfaoing @ u
It was tho.
yeah and low behaviour score is absolutely fucking deserved, besides assuming you "wrongfully got put into low behaviour score and are actually a good boy" works for you because enemy team has 5 potential dudes who could chimp out while your team only 4
the only thing LoL is better than DotA are the waifus: fact.
>Act like a special case diva
>Get put in with all the other special case divas
Based Valve. That must be hell for them.
Offlaning hasn't been a chad position ever since they nerfed solo offlaning with the deny experience change. Winning a 1v3 lane was the best feeling.
Behavior score MM doesn't match teams of equal behavior score. The system is completely rigged.
>The call that saved the west
>he plays dota because he can't micro in league
nah, dota has great girls for many different tastes
And dota has superior husbandos
Solo ranked is a meme
>more micro intensive than dota
Nice joke m8
you capitalize the I, buddy
Hi oppee, around 2014 I calibrated at 2500 , when I decided to watch I did wrong instead of playing mindlessly and blaming everybody else I reached 4.9 in the course of a couple years
Just by playing pos5 or 4 and learning how to ward properly.
Eventually I learned to offlane decently, but point is you don't need to play core to win
I used to have 58% wr, my most played heroes were cm, abba, lyon, ss, ww, sb
Special mention to abbadon with 65% wr in 150+ games, is laughlable how easy it is to save retards from doing stupid shit all the time, hero is so versatile you can play it in any role from 2 to 5
There's always one of you in these threads
>2 Abba
I can see 1 Abbadon work, but 2 Abbadon seems impossible.
Only competitve and high rank Hots used the 100% healing characters because they were squishy characters with no escapes that were incredibly easy to gank or assassinate without an actual tankline to protect them. Top pub supports in hots were jack of all trade characters like tyrande and malf that could do everything well as long as you were good enough.
another cant clib bullshiter.
yes, sometimes random faggot ruins your game like that. but you have 4 random players in team and enemy has 5. that means that there is 55% that game ruining player is in enemy team. over time you have to climb.
...unless of course, that game ruining retard is you.
just get the p2w subscription to get role match so you can play the role you want :)
>just get the p2w subscription to get role match so you can play the role you want :)
And queue for 30 minutes a game
Who's going to win TI9 lads?
Also are there any exploits to get chad melee axe without spending too much?
But it's worth it because you'll have 100% chance to win since you'll get matched against F2P pleb that wont get to play their favorite role :)
Who cares about melee axe, the obly thing worth getting is Shotavoker
Why? He can trade with ranged heroes fine with shield.
Never played and will never play. I hate that hero like he fucked my sister.
It's for APM shitters with everpowered spells to counter "muh hard"
Earth spirit is a hundred time more complex to master
>lost 400 mmr since Valve "region locked" russian into the enemie team
>every enemy team is 90% winrate boosters
Does Valve not understand what region lock means? I means subhumans Russian can only play against other subhumans Russian and maybe do something against scripting and map hacking Russians. This game is literally unplayable since 7.00.
>play chinkshit dominated by chinks
They never did?
>He doesn't play the list of heroes that just have to exist in the game to win it everytime.
If you want to grind wins just play Axe, Bristle, Centaur, Mars, Specter, and PA (PA assuming you are sub 4k because it sounds like your mmr is absolute garbage since you are bitching about not being able to win) On a final note pubs is much more fun and ability draft is top tier as far as game modes go. Consider yourself redpilled on dota.
Just don't. There's so many other things you could do with your time
t. 5000+ hours since 2012
Comfirmed. You have to be braindead to have sub 60% winrate on centaur but it gets boring fast without old return
>playing poor man's league of legends
This is 100% factually incorrect. When you play Defence of the Ancients 2, your objective is the same as it was when it was a Warcraft 3 mod. You defend your ancient, and furthermore kill theirs. See when you shitters come into my game whining about kda I can't help but think you don't know how to play.
1,000,000 kills < 1 ancient defeat
Sorry user but if you want a nice kda and brag about killing kids in a video game online, perhaps Fortnite and CoD is your kinda game.
I can't wait to for Warcraft 3: Remastered (DOTA) to come out and kill your already dying game dota 2 tards.
Even Kuro has said thatsolo ranking means nothing
They did google it dotatard
And it suck because russain are the one who cheat boost and smurf
And who's going to do it? Icefrog? Pendragon(kek)?
Anyone that isnt icefrog will ruin the game thanks to the influence of league and other shitmobas
You will never be as good as me.
Dota going to die with classic wow.
Are you aware that we can go the ladders and find who you are by your ranking right?
Googled it. The only "evidence" is a reddit post. So i guess they arent locked based on my experience
Yea and you will never do anything in your life with your skill in dota. Just like me and everyone else
>rank 700
>no battlepass
How much did you pay for that boost?
No friends to brag to so you come here?
The autism in this post is real.
Using GOSU AI is for faggots btw.
The website ranking is updated once every 24 hours and in game ranking a lot faster then that.So you would really need to be lucky to find me.Even if you do, who cares.
You, you're the one that blocked your name.
>enemy team has axe and earth shaker
>he locks in phantom lancer
>enemy team has slardar and bounty hunter
>he locks in riki
This happens way to fucking often. Listen here you third world mongoloids, if your gonna last pick make sure it's not a hero that will be instantly countered. NOT HARD CONSIDERING THE ENEMY TEAM HAS ALREADY DECIDED AND DISPLAYED ALL OF THERE PICKS
climbed from 2.4k to 5.5k in the span of 2 years. haven’t played a ranked game in over a year now. too many fucktards think they can core and we end up getting fucked for 45 minutes. switched to fighting games and never looked back.
Dota is never going to die as long as the prize pool is 10 times that of other games.
>Dota going to die with classic wow.
>mobas killed mmos
>classic will kill all mobas
Best timeline
Embrace the fun. Embrace the luck, it is part of the game and it is part of live.
Ability draft is literally the best gamemode.
more like
>he plays dota because it is a better game than lol
Now post some small, blue girls
I played league of legends for 4 years and only ever got to silver 1, played dota for 9 months got to archon 1.
Love this game so much.
If you play dota in anything other than party you're retarded
I love seeing people bait them selfs with bad picks.
Juxtapose is REALLY bad on most heroes that don't have a build made around it.
Memenite is going for the 1 Billion tourment seassons
>play with soloers who are god tier skills
>play with fucking feeding squad
geez idk wtf to choose
>Play the mode where draft order decides who wins anyways
If you want fun play Overthrow 2.0.
Play Quas Invoker, shitter
>Hey, I'm gonna play this TEAM game without a TEAM, I'm so retarded btw hurhrushdsbf
If you want to climb, solely play high impact offlane heroes.
Techies, Pheonix, Mars, Pango etc.
Rek the safelane carry, TP to other lanes when travel, collect 25+ mmr.
>not becoming pos1 as pos5
git gud
RNG is part of it.
Don't get pissy about losing, have fun with a strange build.
>It's a "I got weaver but wasn't able to get shukuchi" episode
>playing this shit wothoug established 5-men premade
What the fuck is wrong with you? It's like you actually want daddy gaben to ravish your ass with his communist matchmaking that starts to give you worse and worse retards the moment you start carrying games on your own again and again.
I think the problem with Dota is that it has a fucked ranked system
If you're constantly even ie. 1w / 1l
You'll never be able to actually rank up until you hit a very specific lucky streak
I think Ranking up should be decided based on stats that you get in games, how much gold you get, how much you ward, general team play avg
I really don't think your points should go down if you lose a very close game because the opponents manage to beat you out in a final teamfight at 60 minutes and than push for ancient
You shouldn't get a lot of + but you honestly shouldn't get any -
Already tried,got abused as a nigger whore
In Dota?
Getting brood without webs is worse.
When I get in a situation like that I try to pick a different mobility or invis.
Stat based statistics is a bad idea because of heroes that fit into multiple categories. Like, there are many traditionally played supports that can actually be played as utility or semi-carry and vice versa. That's the beauty of DOTA I feel, even though that there are general archetypes for most heroes, there are some unique enough to transcend traditional roles.
Okay what does this mean dotards? Autochess?
Back in the days, damage done was the main parameter during calibration matches. The result was booster using zeus and getting max calibration rank all the time
lmao just play battlecup you fucking retards.
Probably not because they got bought by T*ncent.
It's a Diablo-like and will be f2p and go the Path of Exile route.
Cap this post.
Considering we literally have a hero called Underlord, it might have to do with his domain. Honestly, as much as people say DOTA lore is garbage there are some places mentioned in hero lores that sound interesting to explore.
dota lore is garbage because it's just a retarded mishmash that has no overlying structure, but if you ignore 99% of the lore and just focus on one individual setting then it could probably be cool
Dota lore is brilliant, because it basically IS dota.
I honestly believe the best way to start as a complete noob is to play Overthrow.
dota 3 when?
Can't wait to visit fucking prefectura in the next event sounds very exciting
Then go gank mid lmao
this sort of post gets posted in every dota thread. but its not entirely true.
desu Mars has some pretty hilarious lore.
Ares was such an angsty rebellious kid that he defected to the Roman pantheon and willingly named himself Mars instead.
It's statistically incredibly likely unless you don't have a high game count.
The reason Dota 2 is dying is because they keep pandering 100% to the e-sport scene, they don't care about the actual players anymore they just want to make this into a spectator game.
There's a reason why Dota Chess, a random custom game made by some Chink currently have like 25% of the in-game Dota players playing it right now.
The reason Dota 2 is dying is because there's more competition leeching off the playerbase.
If you think Fortnite and Dota 2 audiences are mutually exclusive you're a fucking retard.
>You need to have your phone number connected to play the ranked modes
>You need to pay if you want to play modes like ranked queues
>the ranking system and MMR is even after 5 years still dogshit
>tfw still haven't found another game in this god forsaken earth that makes me hate myself and humanity as much as dota 2
How do I experience that vitriolic feel again bros? And nobody say just play dota 2 again.
> I used to play in competitive tournaments for WC3 DOTA and HON
your opinion hardly matters, you'd probably have like 4k mmr tops by now
why do people keep saying dota is dying?
Valve's flagship VR title releasing this year is set in the Dota universe. Half-Life fans blueballed again.
Has there been a more interesting modern day dev than that hyperautist Icefraud?
They are losing more and more players every day, queue times can take up to hours if you are a high ranked player.
The only reason why the player numbers are high on Steam charts right now is because of auto dota chess.
I quit dota.
I know I'm low mmr. I know it. I play ranked but not ranking up doesnt bother me.
I just want good games but I never get them. It's always a stomp in my favor or against. No close games and no challenge.
MOBAs all have this issue. They're all shit.
HoN devs did a much better job at developing Dota than icefrog.
how come each year more and more people buy the battle pass?
can you show me a webm of you kiting at 2.0 as while keeping up 2 axes in a 5v5?
because they add more things to the battle pass each year
to who? You want to go pro or something?
Daily reminder that no white people play Dota 2.
Don't forget about the 1989 Tiananmen Square event Chink shills!
TI is in China this year so of course the chinks don't want to lose face.
Expect next year to be completely fucked.
MMR is ok. The ranks is literally for LuLbabbies because numbers confuse them
not really, the heroes turned into a homogenous pubstar mid nerd mess quickly after around nomad was released while dota kept making unique characters
the design was only good early on
>he actually thinks there are no feeders and retards in every bracket
>dota kept making unique characters
You are talking about dota 1 now right and not dota 2?
probably some sort of battle royale
>shotavoker announced
Lads. How do we convince those lazy fucks at valve to put in loli Pugna already?
yeah, I stopped really playing around monkey king but the new heroes seem pretty clone-ish, just like HoN did
Why not play a game that actually has cute characters and designs like that instead of memeing about it?
Dota 2 is tribal, beast and furry shit.
I only play IMBA
I actually tried the other ASSFAGGOTS but the main problem LoL has and all the other games which doesn't make me hate myself as much as Dota 2 is that they're not punishing enough. When you're losing in Dota it feels fucking miserable. It feels like absolute shit and your enemies will revel in your suffering every fucking second of your pitiful life until the game ends.
If you play support. But wards fucking idiot.
Because there's something incredibly sexy about genderbending the retarded edgelords in the dota roster.
I love some of the characters, they're cool and they all have very strong personalities.
CM, for instance is a psychopatic womanchild who doesn't have any qualms about freezing people to death. Her "hot-blooded" sister is far more tempered and less crazy.
I want my glowing GG made of smaller GGs back. And I want to drop dumpsters on people again.
I miss HoN
>next year
you fags never learn
So pick carry first retard. If you want to climb then you have to pick the most impactful role/character
n-n-next year, you'll see, dota will be dead if i say it for 30 years every year I will eventually be right
>why do people keep saying dota is dying?
Because 7.00 killed this shit game
there it is! Yea Forums's favourite dota meme
>muh 7.00
>muh NEXT year the prizepool will be lower
>muh autochess
never gets old
Ability draft made me realise how well a kit for certain heroes work together and without it it's a complete shitshow.
>unironically playing dotashit after 7.00
>thinking because Valve bloats the prizepool the game is good
Honestly mmr is less important than behavior score when queueing up. Low behavior score will always put you with rangers, throwers, third worlders and other assorted shit stains.
Work on your behavior score instead of trying to climb mmr. It's basically impossible to climb in the cancer low behavior score matches.
the next shartifact.
excuse me?
you mean the next shartdickfucked
God I wish Dota 2 had lolis and shortstacks.
You have some great doujins lolbros.
the fact that dota has no porn bait is great
it keeps weeb trash away
I wonder if I can fuck shota invoker
Fuck you loli Pugna is the greatest meme dotards have ever created.
There will be a shota soon.
uh no it's kinda dumb
>character is short... what if... GIRL???
that's pathetic lol
>play support
>go to gank mid to help out the mid because he's losing mid hard
>our mid is a kunkka with about 50% mana
>i say in chat that im coming mid and ping the map like 5 times
>as i run in with my stun he fucking uses his torrent on the creepwave and we both die
Shotapugna is not much better.
can anyone redpill me on the current ez breezy meta pubstomper?
I feel like playing some pubs but I haven't played in like half a year.
>I have literally no idea what I'm talking about
Holy shit guys, at least play the game
Pick drow, lose lane, farm jungle
stomp with stupid damage and attackspeed
technically, he already is a shota, just not a very attractive race
i always laugh whenever I come into a dota thread on Yea Forums because posts like those reek of 2013-2014 babies
Before all the 7.00 garbage I would have written you off but fuck Dota just playing LoL at this point is the right move.
t. rotten brain Boomer too lobotomized to adapt
>Only reason why dota 2 sucks
The game sucks because there's too much gold, too much power creep some heroes have insane stats scaling some don't for no reason whatsoever. Way too many regen items and the regen is way too high compared to older patches, wards were scarce now they are always up. Talent Trees are still the worst addition to the game with Shrines. The map got bigger for no reason this killed roaming and roamers. Dual lane meta is the most boring shit ever and pretty much all the early game is always the same this also leads to people only picking strong laners because if you win the laning phase you win the game and this leads into a dumb 5 man game all the time. Honestly I don't even watch the first 10 min of pro games because it's 100% always the same boring shit. The peak of Dota 2 was 6.70 it was the most balanced patch roamers could win the game, a good mid could win the game, a good carry could win the game, offlane was a profession and you had to know how to play it unlike now.
You forgot, jungle was an important resource to be utilized and contested at all stages of the game and is now relegated to shit you do only mid late game if nothing is happening because it gives no money anymore without exorbitant stacking.
7.00 made dota much better
Talent trees are so much better than +2 to all stats.
The bigger map has 0 impact. There are 2 more building to go to and most heroes have fast ways of moving anyway.
This is proven by the fact that post 7.00 (ti7) the roam meta was the best it has ever been. Deny mechanics killed roaming and im sad about it too
>if nothing is happening because it gives no money anymore without exorbitant stacking.
I would not say no money. I mean look at Drow and how over buffed she is. People just go jungle after 10 min and hit creeps with her.
You could just post your archon 1 medal by now.
Tell the pro players to stop playing jungle drow and tb after 4 minutes of laning. I guess they didnt get the memo that jungle died
Diablo clone probably.
For what it's worth, Siltbreaker was pretty fun.
from what?
>7.00 made dota much better
zoomer detected
>Talent trees are so much better than +2 to all stats.
Talent trees are horrible because Talent Trees everybody hates going late game because heroes scaling goes complete crazy
>The bigger map has 0 impact.
based braindead dotard
>There are 2 more building to go to and most heroes have fast ways of moving anyway.
explain why nobody roams.
>This is proven by the fact that post 7.00 (ti7) the roam meta was the best it has ever been.
Ti7 was literally all about team fighting and kotl winning every game with his heals there was no roaming.
>Deny mechanics killed roaming and im sad about it too
How did deny mechanics kill roaming explain that.
>strong laners are the only thing that matters
>when pango and drow are some of the strongest heroes in the game
are you implying pango is a bad laner and drow helps every other lane with her aura you brain dead dotard.
Articuck was a complete wash but I'm still waiting for the creep patch where they add Kanna and Prellex.
Nobody roams because players got better and realized that having a single guy run around and try to get a kill leaves your other lanes defenseless. The fuck is the point of having a dedicated roamer when you can just have your pos 4/5 smoke mid every once in a while
Drow’s new aura literally only benefits other right clickers and pushing. She is a creep in lane which is why people don’t even bother laning with her after getting ult
support is the most fun role in dota.
It's why there are thankfully no healsluts in this game
dota needs a good healslut
>league faggots crying over dota
like clockwork
don't forget a fluke team like OG won TI by just abusing the broken buyback mechanic show's how low skilled the current meta is.
> players got better and realized
thats a good one dotard roaming died because winning the lane is more important than anything else if your offlaner has no items he's a creep and there no way for him to come back that's why nobody roamers.
>Drow’s new aura literally only benefits other right clickers and pushing.
You mean range heroes right? That's why you pick other range heroes with her.
also to add before that offlaner could just go jungle with Iron Talon if they lost their lane now offlaner are fucked if they are solo.
Wow you are completely retarded.
Try again im not insecure about my age im 20 y/o and have been playing dota for 13 years now.
>talent trees
I have no idea what you tried to say but you're wrong. Stats were boring as fuck and the power creep that comes with talents is amazing and a lot of fun.
You never watched a single game of ti7
The only one who could use kotl like that was gh(when he wasnt ROAMING with Both ES) everyone's pos 4 was roaming non stop (money king roam rings a bell?)
>how did deny?
Offlaners werent able to contest a lane 2v1 anymore the carry had a high presence in lane and if they didnt they would be paired with a support that does..this combined with poor man shield diyng made it so the 1st 10 minutes the offlaners would hardly see a creep. Even if they were in range the denied experience was so poor and in favor to the one denying that it didnt matter. Before the deny change even with 0 creeps you could be grossly the same lvls as your opponents if not 1-2 lvls more due to being alone. You had no money but offlane heroes didnt care about it and you used your superior levels to win the lane or at least go even.
You are retarded and not even archon 1 i think
What offlaners are there that aren't also decent camp clearers?
That 7 atttack speed really helps laning with a drow on a creep.
Wont even comment og being fluke ti.
They played better than everyone else during playoffs. Even sumail said so and he was there.
Go back to going 3rd every event
>20 year old
God I need to leave this place.
Like i said im not insecure. Judging by one's age is retarded we're all here to play games and shittalk also i have been raised by my brother who is 36 and i got my childhood games from him
>don't forget a fluke team like OG won TI by just abusing the broken buyback mechanic show's how low skilled the current meta is.
Why exactly did that favour OG?
Because other team were not smart enough to use it to their advantage and treated the meta as established
Why are you playing Valve's Heroes of the Storm?
Because my friends play it and we have fun togheter
>put 5000-7000
>developer decides the game needs to be more accessible
>never play it again
My old wc3 custom map boomer bros still play it. Always fun just shooting the shit together.
So what you are saying is that OG understood the game brtter than the competition and thus won.
Yes im not the other braindead OG hater.
They did more than win. They played outside the meta and won. This is why icefrog congratulated them in twitter IMO
icefraud congratulates every team on twitter retard
And thus why they won, elementary my dear Watson.
No he didnt he congratulated og 2 times (1 boston major 1 ti) and liquid once and that's it. It took 15 second to search mongoloid
yeah, now look at the creation date of the account you fucking dipshit.
he congratulates every TI winner. There have been 2 TIs since he created the account. Do the maths.
Then why did he congratulate og only once for the major? For me he congratulates only teams that won in particular ways. It's an opinion retard
I didnt said it was true i just think it is. Your opinion that "he congratulates everyone" is false
because initially he was going to congratulate major winners but obviously gave up on that idea? are you retarded? if your theory is correct then why the fuck would icefraud congratulate OG on their major win? they didn't win in a spectacular or odd way.
Hi guys I just got the greatest luck ever
>enter solo ranked game
>have great draft
>enemy carry has unstable internet, keeps disconnecting
>double down my rank for the game
>bet 500 tokens
>enemy team don't pause for carry because they want the game to not count
>having a great lane
>carry reconnects in the last 10 seconds
>enemy team gets a kill in another lane, meaning the game now counts
>carry disconnects again
>he abandons
>enemy team starts to leave one by one
Imagine earning +50 mmr for playing for 5 minutes
solo ranked is all about luck lmao
Ask him
Wow 50 internet points what are you gonna buy with those?
I could only hope to be so lucky...
Well, I just killed an invokernigger 3 times in lane as TA and then he abandoned.
ranks matter to some people user
also 1000 battle pass points and another hero done in the jungle thing
Very successful
If you want to argue about the merit of earning points in a video game then that's a different topic
Invoker players never disappoint
This is correct, i only get fun when playing supports
I hope you won't be a cruel to a shota invoker :3 That will be me soon
Even I, when I play Invoker never fail to whip my team into a frenzy because people simply refuse to accept you can play the hero without ever buying Aghanim.
I have stopped buying it entirely and instead rely on good items like Vanguard.
>Embrace the fun.
I have, that's why I stopped playing DOTA.
Thile i completly disagree with you, i had to admit that i enjoyed tinker games back then, 8 mins in ancients to get core items and it was a free win
As long as you play QW TA has a very hard time against you.
Bait her under tower while you have a creepwave, tornado cold snap EMP while on max Quas essences.
QW invoker is basically invincible.
Any hero is going to be able to get a kill if the condition is the enemy running under your tower like a retard lmao what a fucking dork lmao
>tfw such a casual I call invoker balls by their colors
>asked my friend in steam chat if "quas" was blue before I levelled it
You can't really catch Invoker as TA without diving him. Exort Invoker just doesn't have the control to actually punish the dive, since Refraction shits on the hero.
If you, as TA, force a TP to save Invoker you already did a lot.
just hover over the ability to see it's name you dope. not to mention, they're named after the letter on the keyboard they're bound to. Q W E for Quas, Wex, Exort respectively.
I wanted to level the blue ball. Knowing the correct name didn't help me in that instance (they're not coloured before you level them). Also, I have a WASD set-up, so my balls are keyed as Q E and R
How would it work? Do you do something for mana issues?
Hit your EMP
>Also, I have a WASD set-up
You go Quas Wex
You buy Spirit Vessel and Phase and then buy whatever you want.
You do not have mana issues because you steal all the mana from enemy heroes with EMP
>vanguard on a ranged hero
>buying vanguard for damage block
just get the vitaltiy booster then retard
1,5k cheaper