XIV thread post what changes you want made to your job
FFXIV Shadowbringers
Other urls found in this thread:
I want to summon Alexander
>what changes you want made to your job
Remove Dragon Sight
I just got done with the main chunk of the HW MSQ. The Thordan fight was cool, but way too easy. I want to do the more difficult content but I'm trying to get through all the MSQ stuff in preparation for Shadowbringers.
Grabbed the Shire stuff. I accidentally capped my tomestones without realizing it. I went from 9k hp to 19k hp instantly. Was kinda silly.
Still don't know anything about vanity junk or relic stuff. Not sure if I should bother right now. Probably a better idea to wait until I've finished the Stormblood MSQ.
Thordan has an extreme mode that still shits all over the average player. Easily one of the best and most satisfying fights in the game.
>Still don't know anything about vanity junk or relic stuff. Not sure if I should bother right now.
Glamour isn't complicated, but you should hold off on relics. Those are something to do when you're looking to fill time.
Make red mage actually deal damage
>Story version of a fight is too easy years after its designed time of completion
Make MNK not totally useless and robbed of its identity by SAM
Rework all the post-60 SCH skills outside of the fairy-eating, the tether is dumb
Make PLD fun somehow, maybe making blocking more active somehow
Just scrap the black/white mana shit with RDM and try to give them some other gimmick, their rotation is just 1-2-3 with different colors as of right now and it's super boring and uninteresting
Bring WAR back to its former glory
Give AST ways to brute-force certain cards or at least influence their RNG somehow, also buff the forcefield because it looks cool as fuck but its effect is underwhelming for the cost of not being able to move or cast
Give WHM a better gimmick, the stacks and meter are boring and really don't add anything
Fix DRG's awkward relationship with skillspeed
Find a replacement for mudras for NIN, that shits never gonna get fixed otherwise
With TP and MP coming together, BRD should be given a new utility to make up for their TP recovery being deleted
SAM is in an okay place but I'd accept damage nerfs to help MNK hold a candle to it
DRK rotation is fucky and should be almost totally reworked, bring back Scourge but keep Blackest Night
Just delete MCH
>Bring WAR back to its former glory
Dumb Jahy poster
I want to breed Alisaie
This but with feeling
Dumb FGO poster was right for once.
>DRK has the stupid fucking stench aura removed
This is the only change I want. Is there a way to mod this garbage out? Seriously, I hate permanent aura effects.
I just expected it to last longer than three minutes. There were story fights before Thordan that were harder.
They could've made it look good like in the ore-release footage and it would've been tolerable.
But nope, have your red fart, we even toned it down for you so be grateful.
what tank should I level first?
I am literally right where you are. Honestly, I am so addicted I just want to stay up all night and keep playing. Also, what is this Shire stuff?
It should be ocular lens flares with aftertrails, change my mind.
Blood weapon should also actually have a visual effect on your weapon for its duration
if you've never done Dark knight it has a great job story.
Why? I just want more jumps
The good one
Go to Idyllshire and talk to an NPC named Hismena. You can trade tomestone of poetics for Shire gear.
PLD is basically designed to be the training wheels tank, I'd recommend it if it's your first.
Rework or remove Cleric Stance.
Give Holy II.
Merge Impact into Jolt 2
Don't interrupt casts when Verfire/Stone/Impact buffs fall off.
Do the same QOL for other jobs that have a similar thing going on.
have SFM creators gotten their hands on the 3d model for this shit and made stuff?
maybe i haven't looked hard enough or in the right places, but damn i want some sfm of mithra
I'll check it out right now. I am interested.
I've seen one Highlander, a few Yshtolas, and a bunch of very low quality Minfilias.
>new content notification from subscribed official XIV YouTube channel
>open up Youtube
FFXIV models are fucked up somehow so they look like shit when they're ripped out. But there are some XIV shit out there.
Man I wonder how much I'd have to pay to get people to rip my character's model and put her in stuff.
Any website where I can ogle XIV girl butts?
Does Yea Forums play with limited or muted special effects?
Well seeing as you're new to the game let me tell you a story.
It goes like this.
This game is designed around old folk with jobs that can do minimal work with daily roulette, 85% of the player base does not know what a proper damage rotation is or can survive these piss easy fights without getting hit once.
When HW was about to get launched you needed to defend the gates from that Siege Dragon.
The Steps of Faith it is called.
Now originally ffxiv.consolegameswiki.com
Originally it was ilevel 90 and relied on multiple people doing the mechanics of actually shooting the dragon with a dragon killer and killing the adds with canons and using slow.
So this fight was basically one big DPS check there was no real thread to the enemy except the ads that are easily killed and you literally going in his path and getting steeped on. It wasn't even a DPS check it was a simple mechanics check. Nothing more you needed 4 people thats it.
People wiped like crazy. People complained the forums like fucking crazy.
Nobody could progress the MSQ because it was "too hard".
So they made it easier, they made the min ilvl like 105~120 or something and now it's piss easy to do.
Then in HW you had the same fucking thing, but this time people wiped on dungeon bosses. The Vault the lv 57-58 dungeon was infamous for wiping casuals away as they simply couldn't learn the basic mechanics of the last boss.
Then later in HW patches came the Final Steps of Faith same shit all over again. People can't do basic mechanics or DPS checks.
Then later in StormBlood came Shinryu again people coudn't progress the story because SB was full of new player that never played FFXIV had no idea what mechanics, dps, rorations, roles, healer dps, tanking was.
So wipe wipe wipe wipe.
This is why now most Raids, MSQ trials and everything is piss easy and can be done on the first time blind.
AND STILL people wipe to this day in Orbonne monastery just like they did to OZMA.
it's probably just that they use bumpmapping and texture tricks for a lot of detail that don't get carried along when you rip them.
there's really actually not many polys in those models.
Media tour is tomorrow right?
Who's ready for supreme fake leak shitposting?
It's the PTDS they got from 1.0 so they made all the models and shit low poly.
I mean look at the textures on say Hiens robe. Holy fuck. WHY.
And this happens regardless of your resoltuon and settings. It just looks like ass from 720p to 4K lowest to ultra.
Download nude mod
Download screenshot tool
Become any NPC you want and ogle her girl butt
Get bored and just make smugs
when is the delayed benchmark meant to be coming out?
mod your game
My body is ready
24th unless there's another delay.
xivg has a booru of their avatarsluts unless that's dead now
Make monk stances permanent so I don't have to predict 7 seconds out when a tank is going to pull to be maximum effective.
Today I will remind them.
Any content you need maximum efficiency WILL have a timer
>Wasting an ability slot on a garbage self heal instead of more damage or mitigation
I believe it
The problem is Thordan is level 60 content, so everybody but you is probably coming in with end of expansion gear for a barely max level boss.A lot of early Stormblood content is the same way right now, but you personally have to be a little bit more careful for cheap deaths unless you want to just get carried.
I try not to just get carried personally so...
>also buff the forcefield because it looks cool as fuck but its effect is underwhelming for the cost of not being able to move or cast
Have you even played AST before? That move is great. The 10% damage reduction is irrelevant. It's a free, instant 150 potency HoT for 15 seconds. You just use it when people are stacked up and then immediately stop when you see the Wheel of Fortune buff. It's like a cure 3 that people actually run into.
it's still awkward having to start out with stance change. I think monk could use a lot of little fixes (I'd love it if Tornado Kick wasn't awkward and if Riddle of Fire didn't make me a little sad) but stance change is one of the biggest. Just having to use it in general feels clunky compared to BLM or RDM.
People are fucking stupid but still I think a few more of them might have been uplifted to competence if this game had a proper difficulty curve. There's a ridiculous gap between MSQ/overworld quests and even the easiest ex primal. Theres enough content in ARR alone that they could have very gradually ramped up the difficulty as you leveled but no everything's braindead till endgame.
take literally any self/single target buff from any job and make it party-wide, it doesn't even have to be a damage buff
>party wide super sheltron, block calculated on PLD's shield
>mantra that isn't melee range
>thin air for everyone
>blood arsenal
>blackest week
AST's bubble is literally already the most broken skill in the game
it bad
How long until the Garo stuff ends? And do I need all the armour before I can get the title? I'm level 56 right now and I want to at least get the silver mount
Make tanks tank again hes just a glorfied semi DPS
> Paladin
Make tanks tank again hes just a glorified damage reduction cooldown
Twice the work for the same DPS as the samurai just standing there doing jackshit.
Eh it's kind of okay but the change to MP will probably kill DPS by a lot.
Make songs do actual buffs
>White Mage
Make healers heal again not just top up and spam AoE heal DPSing 95% of the time
>Black Mage
Kind of okay, rotation should be more complex
Make non DPS pet more useful
Force new players to actually manually use the egis
Force new players to actually manually use the damn fairy
Just fix it.
>Dark Knight
Make him tank more, improve rotation
Make it heal for shit, double all the card bonuses
Make it more fun
If DRG and MNK have positionals give him some too make this faggot MOVE
>Red Mage
How about making me use more then 4 buttons(90% of the time) and a few cooldowns?
>Blue Mage
Why was this even added?
I disagree, please tell me why its bad?
>Lyse twice
lalafells wish they had this body shape.
Fun fact, the males and females use the exact same body model, the ladies just get a chestwrap slapped on.
>Make tanks tank again
>Make healers heal again
I don't think you're playing the same game as us.
Approximately October.
Actually, is Dragoon fun? I have Monk max level but it can feel a little awkward sometimes, and I'd like a melee DPS to play. Sam seems okay bot for whatever reason I don't know if I'll be able to get into it...how's DRG in comparison?
it's hopefully on the cutting board, since there's basically now no reason to turn it off like 95% of the time and i can't see them figuring how to make it work cleanly with the tp/mp unification
also it looks like shit and has looked like shit for 4 years and it's shit
I really hope your game destroys Classic WoW. That garbage needs to die. Good luck.
I'm only level 50 but I want to switch to DRG
>no Leveva
>no Raya
>no Sophia
>no Arya
already garbage no matter what tier list you make
You do what makes you happy, friend.
Well the Poetics system is to blame for this.
You basically have ilvl 50~115 rendered useless by ultra easily obtainable Ironworks Gear
Then that gear last you until lvl 55.
Then again at 60 you get this ultra amazing gear that puts 150 - 255 to the dumpster.
Then that gear last you until lvl 65.
And now again you'll have Scaevan gear ruin everything between 290- 380
Then that gear last you until lvl 75.
I havent touched Monk much, but compared to what I've done. DRG is alot more relaxed and once you get into the rythem it feels good. No clue compared to Sam
>tell myself I'm going to make a male character
>resub and see my beautiful catgirl
>realise that I've developed a crush on her and now can't bare to see her go
If I had a real gf none of this would be an issue ;_;
>Bunch of literally whos and pedobait
Raya is the only good one from that list.
Thank you, friend. I plan on starting tomorrow
The only true list
>make them do actual buffs
crit is beyond fine.
Dress her up in slutty mod clothing.
Fordolo isn't a woman
Raya is a good girl, one day she'll find someone who isn't afraid of being branded a paedophile because of her appearance.
Can I get a source on this? Pretty please?
Well Dragoon is like.
Keep up one buff, use another on cooldown do two rotations with ending skills. Jump inbetwen the rotations. Only 4 positional to care for.
Monk is like more about dancing around the positionals.
I find DRG to be a lot easier to play.
SAM is obviously the easiest by far.
Personal opinion/10
Actual, factual tier list:
Not a real job: BLU
Yeah, she's a real woman. And a real fool.
You're not some kind of degenerate that likes seeing a kitten get knotted are you?
This, it makes you fall in love all over again.
Walking around dressed in slutty heels with massive jugs bouncing around, I've never wanted to be my miqo'te more.
So whats gonna be the "Triad" of Shad? I heard some people guessing it would be the weapons.
1. it's bad
2. it sucks
3. i don't like it
4. the actual non-meme reason is that targeting a teammate in this game is irritating at best even with macro use, and macros are a half measure anyway given their issues. if they made a version you didn't have to target (like you get a buff by standing near the dragoon or something) it'd be fine
5. whenever a dragoon puts it on me i think it's a mechanic and i get scared and run away from them
Angelic primals. Zalera, Anima, and Maduin.
How fucking retarded or underage are you that you don't know where to look to find SFM and Blender animations?
>not who tier
I know something needs to be fixed, but I don't know what.
And heavy thrust. Infact, redo DRG.
wouldn't WAR be an automatic S since it's essentially the best in it's own class?
>put dps at top of your list
>hit f1 and dragon sight
wow so motherfucking hard
No wonder greylets want it to go
>its not what I wanted so just cut it completely!
thats tranny talk
>Suzaku in bad/whatever/who
The only people who don't think Suzaku is perfect are people mad that she's taken
On sb launch I was a drg in a shinryu normal party and had to chase another DRG around to keep the Tether linked. This was before the length buffs too. He didn't even know his own moveset.
You do know you can bind teammates to keys right?
>5. whenever a dragoon puts it on me i think it's a mechanic and i get scared and run away from them
Are you disabled?
A game where it's what do I meld = Crit
What do I meld after crit more crit.
Tanks try their fucking best to keep agro at the most minimum level and switch to DPS stances all the time.
Healers spend most of their time DPSing as most damage in raids is spikes so one regen on the tank with the ocasional heal here and there and then spike damage is healed or AoE healed.
Right now in FFXIV everything and everybody revolves around DPS.
Literally every class has this meld order Crit > DH > Det > SpS
There no need to meld vit or stats or anything.
I want a game where healers spend most of their time healing.
I want a game where tanks have cooldowns and mechanical skills that mitigate tank busters AoE party damage and not spend 50% of the raid in DPS mode because nobody can take away your agro so you're might as well do DPS.
>instant self-benediction
Even if it was on a 5 minute cooldown it's be worth it because it'd take it from healers to negate Living Dead. It would also, thus, be completely broken.
>Dumb Twitch Thot leaks gameplay information from an influencer event held over the weekend
>waifu cancer
>not just rating a bunch of prominent characters
Send pics
Oh whoops, she was meant to be in who tier
FFXV ones have the same issue. Cidney always looks like she has alopecia
>4-skill DPS combo
>on a tank
I don't believe that shit.
>AST higher than SCH
>NIN in A
>BLM in B
>RDM and MCH in D
>MNK in the same tier as SAM
>DRK in C
yes, that's a thing i actually do and not an obvious joke answer to a question, in a list with a bunch of joke answers and one real one
>it just reuses the delirium animation since delirium will be changed
>stances removed
jesus my biggest fear was rdm just going straight into the trash, it was already only good for solo derping and saving the healers MP on raises.
>300 second cooldown on Verraise
They couldn't possibly take away RDM's core utility like that, right?
>Living Dead
I actually forgot about this thing, fair enough. I like it now because on the rare occasion I'd need to use LD, the self heal will ease my heart rate waiting to see if a healer has taken notice.
Can't right now I'm afraid!
Right on cue.
Any modderfags around? I'm trying to edit the colors on some textures. I can export the DDS, open the DDS in photoshop and turn the Alpha into a layer, save it as a DDS again, but when I try to import the edited texture into textools the alpha always breaks. I get an error message saying the alpha has a value of -2million and the modpack breaks.
This retard doesn't know Enochian is already based around Fire/Ice
It's actually opposite, greylets are the ones that don't mind DS.
>Influencer event no one else but this person went to
Don't believe any of this shit.
Imagine taking anything that person says seriously.
Just wait until some of the more prominent people of the company release tooltips and info over the next few days.
Like half the shit this person says is factually incorrect, they seem to have no idea how BLM works right now for example.
Just give your discord
>they took out the mp combo and replaced it
Why would they straight up delete skills instead of changing their purpose? This is the dev team that would do all in their power not to draw any more animations than necessary.
>Stances are completely gone
>WAR didn't really change
Which is it?
>SCH shields feel so bad
Also media tour only starts TODAY, not on Saturday.
Therefore I conclude all of that to be bullshit.
I'm playing SAM right now, going to switch to GUN though
the only change I want is increasing the duration (and decreasing the cooldown) of third eye
That's some shit taste if I've ever seen it.
I'm also expecting angels but I think it will be something closer to the four lords rather than bosses straight from previous FFs. Christian Archangels Michael, Gabriel, Raphael, and Uriel.
i dont want her to be a slut i want her to be cute, lving and supportive. i made a catgirl specifically because they're the cutest race
did I hurt a sthola fags feelings? sadu perhaps?
They wouldn't hurt RDM like that, would they?
it is exclusive to a bunch of lolis
>something closer to the four lords rather than bosses straight from previous FFs
Four Lords were from FFXI
Personally I love my highlander but I'm always tempted by the dark side of the fucking cats, I have 5 fantasia's just sitting around, I could be a cat for a while, for tax reasons.
I think the FFXV stuff is about par.
Post butts, I need to masturbate.
link to image source?
So far off the marker, you're on another plane. Enjoy your shit taste nigger.
Left out the ones that are literally too dark for me to be able to tell who the fuck it's supposed to be
To be fair SCH shields feel bad right now. Only their oGCDs are any good.
Just fucking give DRG Super Jump already i mean come on its been more than 4 years
You first.
That's partly because you never even need any fucking shields. The way damage is set up you either have to put them up, or they don't matter, and you have so many more efficient tools to deal with non-lethal damage. Adlo deploy however is still really good and feels really good so I don't even know. Personally I'd be happy if shield/regen paradigm would go completely away.
Ala Morn melee combo, Ark Rhai projectile, some kind of reference to Estinien's transformation while possessed by Nidhogg
>do Omega and love almost every fight even if some are pretty easy
>see people shit on it for being simple 1 boss encounters that just copypaste shit and say Alexander was so much better
>finally get around to doing Alexander myself to see what the hubbub is all about
>there's only 3 fun fights in the entire series and 2 of them are in the final tier
>literally recycles the same miniboss like 5 times
>same boring aesthetic for the entire series with maybe 3 cool environments
>boring braindead trash mobs before the bosses add literally nothing other than a waste of time
>one of the bosses is literally just another trash mob encounter
Brute Justice, Cruise Chaser, and Alexander Prime are fucking sick as hell and totally worth playing through that shitshow for, and the music is amazing, but people who say Alex is better than Omega are retarded.
>Make MNK not totally useless and robbed of its identity by SAM
MNK not only has a stronger place in the meta than ever, but theres also literally never a scenario where a SAM is a better choice than a MNK.
>fotm fag swaps to next fotm
Wowfugee spotted.
>drk is still one combo only longer
Hey I like the Faust fights.
>forgetting to mention that ARR raids are so hard they aren't part of the raid roulette
increased pay
The game has been like this since 2.0 XIV is a DPS game.
>Literally every class has this meld order Crit > DH > Det > SpS
Except BLM and SMN
>There no need to meld vit or stats or anything.
If you could meld main stats you would. Tanks can meld STR if they wanna meme it up, and why would you meld something other then damage if you don't need to?
>I want a game where healers spend most of their time healing.
>I want a game where tanks have cooldowns and mechanical skills that mitigate tank busters AoE party damage and not spend 50% of the raid in DPS mode because nobody can take away your agro so you're might as well do DPS.
Then maybe this game isn't for you and you should find another one
Bring back Fracture. For Monk
incorrect, been playing since ARR
though I did try BfA, my god what a fucking pile of shit
>do piss easy HW raids 3 years after release when you outgear all of them
>those fights were boring, you guys have shit taste
earth to retard, turn your fucking brain on. repeat, turn your brain on
Nearly every video game in the world is about doing damage faster. Obtaining maximum efficiency is a natural course of life.
I do too but Christ this playerbase could not handle it
Sorry, your sarcasm and stupidity blended together.
>Merge Impact into Jolt 2
Bad option. Better option is to make them different enough that impact won't *always* be the superior option when it's procced, or any other way to give a reason why you might sometimes want to hold Impact.
[Trait] Enhanced Enochian: Automatically activates Enochian upon entering Astral Fire or Umbral Ice.
[Ability] Elemental Celerity: Grants effects of active Ley Lines, even while outside of the designated area. Recast: 180s
[Trait] Enhanced Transpose: Convert the current amount of stacks of Astral Fire into an equal amount of stacks of Umbral Ice, or vice versa, when using Transpose.
[Ability] Manafont: Reduces the cost of all spells to 0MP for the duration. Duration: 12s. Recast: 180s
[Spell] Comet: Big dick aoe damage.
>not going to AST
Are people really still doing this shit
You're going to get Combust III and you're going to like it.
You don't expect the average XIV player to know who Enoch is, do you?
At this point I outgear Omega too, and Deltascape and Sigmascape are still 100x more fun than Gordias and Midas.
>level rdm
>use diversion as often as i can (not in the first pull to let the tanks know to stay awake)
>use lucid dreaming if i see red enmity all around
>just straight don't start casting until the tank's done 2 GCDs
>aoe when there's 3 enemies, not a single target problem, I also switch targets
>still about half the random tanks just let enmity run wild and i will have 1-2 enemies eating at me even if i bring them to the tank
>There no need to meld vit or stats or anything
But people do meld vit for raids.
No, of course not. Neither do I expect the average XIV to know how to spell. People fuck up my character's name all the time, despite it being, you know, right there on the fucking screen at all times.
The best Omega encounter, Halicarnassus, is still only slightly better than the absolutely worst fight from Alexander, A2S.
Really makes you think.
>Do O11N
arr raids are the savage version, the normal ones don't exist. they also got nerfed from their original difficulty anyway
I have a perfectly normal, common real life name for my character because I play a Midlander and somehow nobody can fucking read it. I don't understand.
Not that user, but I do it too. I've got a hard-coded twitch reaction to run from a player I'm tethered to even when I know better. I think they should remove that component of the ability entirely.
>[Trait] Make BLM the new drooling retard impossible to fuck up class
yikes. Are you a huehue with shit ping or something? Transpose shouldn't even be on your hotbar
Yeah, I dunno man. The FFXIV community has enlightened me to all sorts of stupidity. It's incredible the depths some people have sunk to.
>space sea shanty that barely makes sense
Why can't I love both you fuckhead
>bosses jump 4-5 times per fight because the devs can't figure out how to design boss fights anymore
Keep playing low IQ jobs with zero ramp time.
In the FFXI Days doing story quest for the game was raid tier difficult, and that was fine, because it felt like the content on top of more content.
I never forget Rise of the Zilart and the introduction of Sky, how cool it was to fight those cool edgelords back them unlike the shitty return they got on XIV.
Chains of Promathia will always be one of my favorite pieces of content any FF game will ever introduce to me, god how I miss Prishe, I will admit the fight with the 3 stupid dragons were overly difficult.
ToH and WotG were more solo friendly but still they always felt rewarded and had some party required sets up points.
Man, MMO's really have gone down the shitter nowdays.
What, The tether looks nothing like any harmful tethers. Do you do this with Eos tether too?
15th Media in London
22nd Media in San Francisco
23rd public live letter stream
between then and June Media in Japan
first days of June (unclear, media not allowed to name exact date) embargo concludes, media is allowed to say what they've seen
Rise is borderline impossible to parse without lyrics at hand.
Maybe. I've never been Eos tethered.
There will be leaks everywhere because Discord trannies will do anything for attention.
Discord trannies aren't generally invited to these, it's actual media and big streamers/bloggers (aka "influencers"). While it's not impossible, it's very unlikely that any of them will sabotage their workign relationship with SE.
>he already forgot about these
Gamerescape employees were so bootyblasted that day.
Mine is a pun in Latin based on an 18 year old meme, but everyone thinks it's a legit Hispanic name. I've also got a DRG alt named Dawn Miqote with a chocobo named Chocinante, but good luck hoping anyone will get it.
My brother.
>~1 week to the big liveletter
everyone will be mad and it's going to rule
>Dawn Miqote
Holy shit that's fucking brilliant. I love it.
I named my chocobo Corwen, and nobody even gets that.
You can say that about any song with voices in this game.
Not the guy you replied to, but Darkside really should just be a trait by this point, especially if they continue to intend for DRK to have no punishment for overspending their MP. There is literally no reason to turn it off, ever, outside of incredibly niche situations where you'll get a enough ticks of MP regen to offset how much it'll cost to reactivate.
It's not like it was in HW, where you actually did have a risk of losing it, because bottoming out your MP forcefully turned it off and fucked you over.
>Dawn Miqote
Took me a moment.
FFIX is too good for normalfags anyway
>not in the first pull
Then you're a shitter who's doing his opener wrong.
>MSQ is supposed to be hard, let alone as hard as raids
Fuck off
I'm glad that nobody listens to you people
>video game expects you to get better to proceed
>Except BLM and SMN
Since when?
>no FFIX crossover event
>Viera over Burmecians
>no Freya outfit
>FFXV gets a fucking car mount
Thanks, I hate it.
Since tick speed got changed to be based on spell speed
It's not hard to get invited to these. I only have around 500 twitter followers, no real connections to SE, and was still invited to the one in SF since I've interact with Matt on Twitter occassionally.
Raids exist for a reason
It's contaiment for no life incels like you
Like i said, i'm glad you people get ignored
A Freya themed DRG AF would be good enough for me.
I'll agree with the premise that it should be challenging, but expecting people to do UCoB to progress the story is a dumb fucking idea.
>remove mudras
>remove all positionals
>fix gap closer to work like the sam one
turn it ultra comfy
yeah i looked for a few minutes and dont see it on r34 atleast
When the fuck did that happen? They changed spell speed to also affect the damage of DoTs, but I have heard nothing of dot ticks not still being universal.
I'm not talking about some end game content here, I'm talking about first pull in a dungeon, since otherwise tanks go full DPS stance or don't Flash/Overpower/Unleash nearly enough to keep up.
I know you wanted to post that, but doesn't even make sense when I do use it
Ages ago when VIT got factored into Tank damage
Yes yes, we know that XIV is made to cater to paper-skinned faggots that can't handle the '''anxiety''' of facing a challenge in a video game. It doesn't mean we can't wish that wasn't the case.
Not UCoB, but Coil was originally planned to be required MSQ and that would have been perfectly doable by most players if they had actually been expected to rise to the challenge.
The lyrics:
>Kep the lightning bottled, throttled, throttle to the finish
How it actually is in-game:
>[incomprehensible gibberish] to the finish
Every other line is vaguely understandable if you know the lyrics beforehand.
Kill yourself shitter.
Not that guy but I honestly have no idea where to go for SFM shit either.
I've just never really masturbated to animations, panda is all I ever needed.
>going to paheal for blender/sfm animations
Not quite; tick speed is static since its based on the server, they just made Spell Speed increase the damage dots do per tick. Still an awful stat for SMN though, BiS has like 360 spell speed lmao.
Remove IR and watch as all the unga bunga warriors rage. Or make IB mandatory can't stop laughing at them never using it and dying.
>ywn get a coil roulette to complete it at the level it was meant to be completed at because of trash players being catered to
Yes please. Kain gets jerked off in XIV way too fucking much. We get it, everyone thinks he's the shit. Now give me my dragon wing hat and Freya Jump animation.
take your hrt and go dilate
Rise has a shitload of syllables that Koji just doesn't sing because he has to cut them out to fit it into the melody of the song, but that isn't reflected in the written lyrics.
make monk not fucking suck
Never touch my job again.
No thanks, it's good right now. I don't want it being degraded back to a 1-2-3 snoozefest because of you shitters.
Then they should write the melody to match the lyrics, or the lyrics to match the melody. Having lyrics that you just straight up don't sing because they don't fit the song is the dumbest thing I've ever heard.
>WHM Rework
Just please for the love of god don't get rid of assize
It's probably my favorite spell in this game
Sounds more like it's brain dead
More than it already is, I mean.
>remove everything that makes it nin
wow, amazing changes user
enlighten us
Every job in the game is braindead, and they won't ever not be because the general skill level of an XIV player is worse than shit.
yoshi will remove ta in the expansion anyway so you will have to drop your job either way dumb tranny
The lyrics were written to match the melody with the cutting of the syllables in mind.
1 braincell is still infinitely more effective than 0.
why is yshtola making such a funny face?
moving the goal posts this hard
Why is everyone who disagrees with someone else a tranny now
What did I miss
>Cool plate armor is only used by tanks and lancers
I want to look good AND be a damage class. This is bullshit that needs fixing, either by removing restrictions on vanity or by expanding on armor visuals. Slutmog is always an option, but a good set of badass plate armor on a useful dps class would be greatly welcome.
>remove positionals
No, fuck you and every other nigger who just wants to afk auto a boss. Kill yourself.
It's been like this for months my dude.
I can put together plate armor sets on literally any job. You need to expand your glamour horizons.
Try years.
Then the average player seems to have less than 0, as impossible as it seems. The most obvious example I can give being that shitters consistently failed to keep up Enochian during HW, despite the timer being incredibly lenient, so they instead rolled it into your AF/UI timer.
At least we got Foul. That's pretty fun.
Got some examples? I just never see any cool items drop or get posted on the market.
Okay so you say that, but to my knowledge nobody else has ever said that. I call bullshit, because changing how dot ticks work sounds like far too much effort for SE to ever put in.
Upgrade Freeze, Blizzard 2, and Sleep to actually useful spells.
Depends what job, but look at PvP sets, dungeon sets, raid sets, the Garo sets. Use this too.
DoTs still happen every 3 seconds. Spell Speed does not affect how fast your DoTs apply, only how much damage they do.
Whoa whoa BLM main since ARR here. Having it rolled into AF/UI is infinitely more fun and requires doesn't require any less thought. You would use B4 to keep it up any time you switched to it UI in Heavensward anyway. Umbral Hearts are leagues more interesting.
It's not like it's anything new, but I just want to know where it comes from. It's something I've seen, but I've never seen the cause.
Soken you madman give me more Shad samples!
Give me more renditions of Eternal Wind!
DoT tick speed is not affected by spell speed, only the damage. And SMNs absolutely do stack crit. We don't want spell speed.
He's being an idiot. Skill-/Spellspeed has no bearing on your tick rate. There are skills that get their an initial tick on application now so you can occassionally get two ticks almost at the same time if it overlaps well with the server tick, but aside from that they tick every 3s just like they always have.
It's just the site's general "left wing thing bad" point of view so calling everyone an insane person who wants to chop their dick off is the preferred way to shut down someone you disagree with now.
>chakra cap increased to 10 from 5, the 5 extra chakra is thematically dark aspected on the UI
>new 5 chakra costing aoe ogcd (think forbidden chakra but aoe and less potency)
>elixir field removed and its damage rolled into howling fist
>steel peak removed and its damage rolled into shoulder tackle for the same reason as above
>remove arm of the destroyer or just make it a standard interrupt
>fists of fire changed to 5% less magic damage received, party gets this effect as well
>riddle of fire changed to make all debuffs you inflict within the buff window to spread to nearby enemies, such as OIP stunning all targets, dragon kick and demolish applying to everything in range
>fire tackle changed to an aoe stun around the target
>wind tackle and riddle of wind now reduce the cooldown on sprint in addition to refreshing greased lightning (no longer grants a stack)
New abilities:
>fists of water: positional bonuses always apply regardless of where you strike the target, replacement for true north
>water tackle/riddle of water: shoulder tackle is replaced with a forward untargeted dash that damages all enemies in its path, usable 2 times similar to wind tackle
>fists of ice: old fists of fire effect
>riddle of ice: old riddle of fire effect
>ice tackle: old fire tackle effect
>fists of lightning: increases the benefit of greased lightning's attack speed bonus
>riddle of lightning: 10 chakra costing CD that temporarily makes tornado kick free to cast and not remove greased lightning during the buff window, also adds a 4th stack of greased lightning
>lightning tackle: paralysis on target
>job gauge shows fist stance and a new UI element is added for easy fist swapping so it doesn't take up 6 ability slots (think monado arts changing in smash)
Fuck it, give me every element. Don't leave me hanging with fire/earth/wind and the other ones being missing - at least add water.
That also just references changing spell speed to increase dot damage, but not it affecting tick speed in any way. As far as I'm concerned, spell speed is still trash for SMN.
At this point I'll read and consider any kind of leak, even if it's blatantly bullshit. I need something to keep me invested until Square decides it's time to start the drip-feed up again.
You might as well just remove Blizzard 2, that's never going to get any use. Or rename Blizzard III to II, and Blizzard IV to III. Sleep is mildly useful in Eureka, but since Eureka is shit content it has no use, so you might as well remove it as well, along with WHM's Repose.
The best rework idea I've seen for Freeze, though, is to make it a targeted AoE like Flare. Remove the CC, make it do like 80 or so potency to all targets in range with no dropoff, and give an Umbral Heart, so you can maintain a consistent AoE rotation on large trash packs.
how about just getting rid of fists and bake them into the unarmed stances
>It doesn't mean we can't wish that wasn't the case
Yes it does, loserboy
But Elixir field is the only move Monks have that looks cool.
I would assume a certain dark skinned miqo'te's futa cock
All I'm saying is that it never required any real thought to begin with, but people still failed at maintaining it.
For other examples of shittery, people failed at BotD upkeep as DRGs, despite it also being incredibly simple. Or just look how they "redesigned" DRK for Stormblood, it's a fucking joke of its former self.
I'm not worried about the jobs. What I want is for them to make all the hundred and one mcguffins we need to collect for relics tradeable, so I can recirculate this mountain of gil I've accumulated over the years and skip all the suffering involved in making the stupid things.
Elixir field or howling fist with the damage rolled into either one. The point is the game has too much fluff with OGCDs that aren't interesting or do the same shit. You don't need two things that work the exact same when all they deal is flat potency.
You've got a point, but the game's GCD is so slow that having oGCDs that just deal damage to fill up the downtime is the only thing that keeps the game from being 100% suicide fuel.
Would be nice to have some emergency spell that throws mobs off of you. Like Blizzard 2 that explodes instead of freezing targets in place.
The dumbest part about all these cc effects is that almost all dungeon enemies after 50 resist all of them.
i personally like some work people do putting together sfm and blender gifs into videos on pornhub
one channel i like, and they add sounds to some compilations
The game isn't really designed around CC. There are a couple instances where a silence or stun comes in useful to interrupt a skill, but that's about the extent of it. Bind, Slow, Heavy, and more are all equally worthless.
>late night orbonne
>everything goes pretty swell
The fists aren’t named after elements in the Japanese version.
They’re named something like Stance of the Lotus, Stance of the Gust and Stance of the Diamond if I remember correctly.
Those skills were useful at some point though. The one that comes to mind is T5 where you wanted Heavy on the owl add. And Slow is extremely useful even today. That's a shitload of mitigation in dungeons. Shadowflare on dungeon packs is more mitigation than a Sacred Soil.
I never got the entitled argument for people demanding Exclusives being made available to all. Would you not be entitled if you wanted it instead of letting them stay exclusive as advertised?
They still have that undertone though in the spell effects/icons don't they?
Yeah sure
They're still elementally-themed though
This is correct.
>Shadowflare on dungeon packs is more mitigation than a Sacred Soil.
That's only if the Slow affects them, which it usually doesn't, because as you said monsters in 50+ dungeons usually are resistant to CC effects.
Lotus can't really be tied to an element but fire comes off the animation anyway afaik
Red lotus is associated with fire on a more symbolic level, but yes the animation is also firey and in 1.X it even added fire damage to your attacks.
They're useful out in the field. Sleep and bind can save your life if you happen to pull some shit you can't handle. But that's about it.
>pull some shit you can't handl
Imagine if that was possible in this game's overworld.
It's a thing in Eureka and CC skills will save you more times than you can count there.
this desu, sleep on whm/blm and quick stuns as tanks or dps saved my ass a lot of times in eureka when i wasn't playing metal gear xiv with the enemies
I don't know, post 58 mobs of your level hit so hard pulling more than one at the same time will kill an undergeared BLM pretty quick.
How do I find Pineapple Mango hentai
Asian imagery too hard for Americans
Rename cherry blossom to chaos trust
Rename crimson lotus stance to fire
There it's fixed now
t. Koji
Yeah man, imagine doing the 2.X quests, except you have to spent 20 extra minutes per quest sneaking around groups of mobs. It would really improve the game.
Translate 1/3 of Samurai's kit but don't translate the rest
t. koji
Commission it, be the change you want to see
You don't. M'naago is pure, and not for your lewd thoughts.
SAM skill names are kino
I'd kill for a UI mod that got the skills named back to normal.
Lunatic Cherry Blossom is too damn good.
But she fucks her dad
didn't-play-XIlet detected
>Scholar is a tactician-themed job
>skill called Field Medic Stratagem becomes Sacred Soil
>meanwhile WHM gets a skill called Asylum
what skills are translated? Open Eyes? Meditate? Little short of a third.
I'd enjoy it if even just fucking macros worked, I tried naming all my mage spells to Blizzard/Blizzara/Blizzaga/Blizzaja and Cure/Cura/Curaga and all that and the input-delay introduced through putting custom-named skills as macros on my hotbar was so insane I couldn't play my jobs anymore.
>M'Naago is pure
Third Eye, Merciful Eyes, Meditate. Pretty much it.
Someone in the textools discord should start asking for it.
sickness must be purged.
Isn’t Perfect Balance named completely differently too? I can’t remember what it is.
The inconsistency irks me. You have the entire kit in kino japanese, but then Third Eye, Meditate, and Merciful Eyes are in english because...?
Scholar is the biggest offender
god, so good
>Armor Crush doesn't lower slashing resistance
>Aeolian Edge doesn't refresh Huton
>And it's like this in Japanese too
Every single video game in existence will always boil down to doing as much damage as possible. If the tanks have done enough mitigation and the healers have everyone topped off, they're gonna DPS, no matter how hard you try to tailor encounters so they're forced to mitigate/heal as much as possible.
I bet you're a fucking corner horner in Monster Hunter as well, or one of those fucks who plays SnS and does nothing but run around spamming lifepowders.
Because those were English in FFXI, while their weaponskills were all Japanese.
Because they were named that in XI as well
I do wonder why they chose armor crush as the name of the skill.
Perfect Balance is a tough one, it's Fuminari which is in martial arts is the act of standing firm on your ground with your feet, so Perfect Balance is actually a very good transposition of meaning.
When the fuck do we get leaks that aren't obviously fake like the one above?
They just gotta swap all the finishers. Shadow fang for damage, armor crush for debuff/dot and aeolian for huton.
Also please for the love of fuck let me cancel hide in another way other than clicking off the status bar.
it's like Firm Step or something
Yeah true. I remember it was related to stomping but I didn’t know it was an actual martial art technique.
Jesus christ dude, don't just jump straight into making every zone eureka-bullshit where the entire map is littered with monster camps so dense that the enemies are clipping through each other at all times. Just have certain areas be uncommonly dangerous, to make those feel more special and interesting.
honestly playing MMO's made me lose all faith in humanity.
The fact that players put like 500-1000 hours into a game, get to the endgame of the x expansion and still cannot do their role is just honestly pathetic
I want BLM to be less centralized around Fire4 spam.
No, I'm not saying they should ditch Fire4 or even drop it down from the main damage spell of the class.
Certainly I would never dream of insulting our lord of explosions.
I just want the focus on Fire4 to be less than 99% of the jobs rotation.
XI ruining things as usual
Nearly all skill names are FFXI references user, it's not new at all.
ARR in its entirety is a bigass XI reference
>see another femElezen in my party
Yep, they're getting my commend
Any time between today and June.
Glad I'm not the only one who does this. I base my commendation based off race>skill. Fuck out of here cat and lizard sluts.
why does Yea Forums like BLM and MCH so much?
BLM is the GOAT, MCH is just clunky.
>tfw just commend people arbitrarily if I think "Yeah they did alright"
I don't even really pay attention but you know as long as someone didn't die I guess they did something right.
Because you're effectively playing a different game from everyone else, you ideally know the fight and how it works ahead of time and so you can plop your fat ass down, completely safe, and blast the highest DPS of any job in the game
You've successfully baited me
I'm hoping they let BLM use some of the white magic elements, but as powerful black magic variants. Stuff like tornado, flood and quake to go with flare and freeze. Maybe one day they'll add a smaller ultima to the list of blm nukes.
BLM is the easiest to parse high on a dummy. Yea Forums doesn't like MCH because it has a high skill floor and is genuinely terrible if you can't reach it.
I like this picture
BLM is the reason I started playing the game. The fact that it's fun as fuck and satisfying as hell to play while also getting great wizard fashion just makes it all so much better.
This is your party for your endless Skallic runs.
Say something nice about them.
It was the slowest run I ever had because the BLM used Blizzard 2 and Fire 2 only for Aoes and the DRG never used any aoe beside Gerko
I want an Elezen gf
>healer has nearly double the HP of the BLM
Did all of his shit break midway through or something
They were crazy undergeared.
Casters are the only class for which these longass cooldowns and casting times actually make sense. I tried to play melee classes first, but hated how unnatural and clumsy they were. BLM turns this MMO with shitty combat into a fun, strategic resource management game with explosions.
This, they have no idea what they're talking about with monk. MNK competes with NIN in rDPS now.
I like when BLMs pretend that nobody else knows the fights.
That's not what he's implying at all.
He's fucking right though. Alexander fights were for the most part garbage. Only other decent fight I'd add to the list is 6s robot bros just for being a bit unique.
Omega fights are fun as fuck, the only ones that left a bad taste in my mouth are Guardian, Midgard, and Final.
Explosions and guns
Can better MNKs than me explain why the TK opener/rotation does the second TK after PB is ending while using RoW to recover, but NOT TKing every time tackle comes off CD when a snap punch comes up after that point?
The only strategy involved is getting 5 flares and a 7 F4 window.
>Yea Forums doesn't like MCH because it has a high skill floor
That's all you really had to say. Yea Forums hates monk for the same reason
>MNK competes with NIN in rDPS now.
Let's not get ahead of ourselves and spout lies user.
Brotherhood is at best 300 RDPS gain while Trick Attack is still 1k something gain.
It's a sad day when the FC leader and higher position members leave their FC. Shame really since they have always helped me out since touching XI. Stormblood has really been good at killing people's interest in this game.
It's dps neutral for a lot more work because of the FoF buff and tackle potency loss. You can if you want, but it's riskier.
After leveling ninja, I take back all the mean things I said about them. Let's be friends from now on.
t.monk main
NIN has fuck all personal DPS while MNK's is fairly solid.
It depends entirely on the fight, but on many encounters MNK contributes much more than a NIN. NIN is mainly good on shit like UCoB that has fucktons of downtime and very short Burst windows.
>very popular expansion in it's death throes 2 months from new expac release
>"man people just aren't interested in this game anymore"
Shut the fuck up Epperson
When does early access start?
Here is your lalafell for tonight.
I started with BLM which was probably a mistake because I honestly can't stand playing most other classes.
I've tried monk, samurai and dragoon if there's thing I've learned it's that I fucking hate doing the positional dance routine.
I have hopes for dancer.
>7 F4 window
Look at this baby blm.
try 9.
Ask Google, retard
June 28
It does though. You TK every time tackle comes up before the snap punch following a demolish (and ideally, after a bootshine and true strike) unless you'd have to delay tackle significantly to do so.
TK is a significant potency gain if you have any party buffs up or if it crits. It's only potency neutral on a DH or regular hit and even then it still delays your GCD to prevent misaligning RoF, IR, and Demolish, so not TKing is a pretty significant potency loss over time even in a shitty group, assuming you're doing your rotation properly.
Sorry I don't have the gil to use ethers in expert roulette
Oh yes and it's totally the expansion, no one did this same thing in ARR or HW ever those were too perfect to ever stop playing.
Good dude
MNK is still pretty close to ninja in rDPS, ninja is only taken over it due to it also affecting SMN/BLM. However triple melee is the ideal comp if a fight supports it
>triple melee
Why not DRG/NIN/BRD?
>Yea Forums
>like mch
Good joke.
Make it a passive for BLM to automatically generated a foul outside of combat, I feel stupid building one up before a raid just to start off big.
t. autistic snowflakes no one wants to hang out with
We're literally in the 15% echo buff zone, this shit doesn't matter anymore. The jobs will change, and we'll get a new savage tier. The meta straight doesn't exist except to speedkill groups, and who gives a fuck about them?
>sub runs out in 3 days
I know I have nothing left on my checklist before Shad, but it'd still be nice to be able to log in and just do a dungeon or two in the morning
>tfw based blizzard giving us a stay of execution of 2 months before a real MMORPG (classic) so we can finish all content
Huh. I guess Blizz really redeemed itself...
That's what triple melee is. DRG/NIN/MNK/BRD.
It doesn't work in certain fights though, mainly fights with shitloads of downtime or mechanics that mark party members with a "fuck you run away" or something of that nature, it's better to have a SMN due to them losing virtually nothing frrom movement outside of Bahamut phases. So you won't see triple melee on final omega or something. But it's good in a lot of fights.
Remove RoF
Remove TK
Add GL4
But here even though they say to continue using tackle to recover, they dont do so after the demolish but before the snap, unless I'm missing something
I like machinist
Good joke.
Me too
I too wish for monk to be a braindead job where you just push 123 again
I'm going to need a timestamp for which part you're specifically talking about, but generally if you hold it or don't TK and use fire tackle it's because it would create nonoptimal demolish or RoF/IR timings in the near future. For example you wouldn't want to end up delaying your GCD enough that you end up with RoF coming off GCD right before a dragon kick, or IR coming up after coeurl instead of after opo-opo.
I do too and I made the post. Most don't for good reasons.
>They add GL4
>MNK go back to the HW days and run out of TP as fast as a cock addict and needs to have Invigorate on CD all the time and even be Goad'd with enough Sks.
Maybe they'll actually have to use purification.
Or beg for goad/spire.
I actually had to do that in O9S, I'd just charge chakras and use purification after Faust died but before he melted or I'd run out of TP.
Did anyone leak new stuff from the media tour?
*A9S, my bad
Doing o12s with melee gives me cancer.
Yeah, about that.
>people who have stuck around since 1.0 can't be burned out by a lackluster Expansion riding off HW's praise
You're just fooling yourself if you think people who have been around since 1.0/2.0 aren't tired of the same thing over and over again.
I like the idea of if, especially wildfire. I loved how it played in HW. But heat is cancer on top of having to deal with wildfire.
Go play drg if you want to be a slowass mobility scooter dps, actively choosing to slow yourself down is not fucking mnk
>high skill floor
Go play NIN if you literally only care about going fast and want to just push 1-2-3 all day. Oh wait, NIN doesn't do that either because it still has other shit you have to do. Sorry, I guess there's still red mage for people like you who have no brains.
I feel stupid spamming doom spike in aoe situations. Am I really doing this right? It feels like I'm only gently tickling enemies.
At 1:49, but I think it goes with what you are dying about holding for better alignment. They also use fire tackle inside RoF at some point which I was not aware of being part of the rotation
Up to like 50 I like it better than BRD, except the Peloton animation where it looks like they shit their pants.
>run out of TP
No sweetie, we can finally yell at healers and casters to give us their mana now.
Yea, DRG aoe is garbage even when you get sonic thrust at 62lvl.
please no bully. I'm a BLM and am used to my aoes actually having an impact.
If tackle comes up right around the same time RoF does, it's a DPS gain to use it at the beginning of ROF since it will be back up right as PB ends, or to use it during RoF if you know you won't be able to fit the post-RoF TK into your rotation for whatever reason. However at 1:49 they're holding tackle because IR is about to come up, and you want to TK as IR ends to maximise DPS inside the IR window, although it also was to help them line up Demolish with RoF there.
Give us HW DRK back with the Blood Gauge.
DRG AoEs have less impact because they're spread across every GCD and some oGCDs, rather than BLM where they spend 5-8s casting their flares then spend another 5-8s recovering from that
HW DRK was shit so no. SB DRK is even worse but that's no excuse to just revert to a slightly less shit version.
You can generally pick up most jobs and have a decent idea of what to do, but mch is a mess until you figure out how everything works. It has one of the lowest skill ceilings though, doesn't go very far beyond that.
The only time you need to think about heat beyond using flame to trigger overheat is one single cooldown between wildfire windows.
WF -> gauss/stabilise -> reload at 30s on WF -> cooldown/hot -> WF -> repeat
HW DRK was the best tank throughout the game's entire lifespan though
You only get to feel powerful every 60 seconds regarding aoe.
Mobs are already dead? Tough luck.
You never played HW DRK. Your reply will try to fool me and others into thinking it but not a single enthusiastic DRK player considers SB DRK and improvement.
140p consistent + heavy thrust + b4b is decent aoe, just try to line them up as best you can. It gets a lot better once you get geirskogul/sonic thrust/nastrond. DRG aoe with everything popped is scary, because they have no dropoff on anything.
>Low Blow procs
>The fucking animations and sound effects
It was fucking perfect and it had such fucking potential to be expanded on, and they completely botched it because of Role Actions. They have a chance to restore it now that they're getting axed too, don't fuck it up.
The fuck you on about? They pull their lunch box kinda like you'd pull an old land mower.
The nerf to heat gain just made it hilariously static at 70 despite how shitty and awkward it is while you're leveling because the skill distribution is complete ass.
>get heat mechanic at 52 and have to deal with manually switching it on and off for 10 levels before you can do anything with it
>have to wait a couple more levels before staying in 50-95 range even means anything
>finally get the skill that lets you jump to heated shots without having to wait after that
It made me feel a little better finding out they recycled old delirium's animation into drk's interject.
dude its like 11 am in eu right now, for all we know the media tour doesnt even start until in the afternoot today or it just barely started
This may have been the case for HW MCH but that is not the case of SB MCH. Look up your opener based on either your fight or your ping and then you're done. Your rotation from fight start and fight finish outside of jumps (some of which last long enough for you to start over) is the same buttons over and over again.
It's the easiest it's ever been and it has absolutely 0 variance. Procs up? Don't matter, reload anyways to keep your CDs sync'd. Add phase? FT? Nope WF. You bulldoze over everything up to and including jumps (with the proper) opener with the same button presses.
It requires bar none the absolute least amount of thoughts as the only thinking you need to do gets thrown out the window 10 seconds before your WF is off CD.
In comparison HW MCH had waits and holds on WF.
Mildfire between wildfires
Variations on WFs based on your procs
Openers and jump continuations for every single fight in the game. And conditional AoE rotations that don't directly conflict with your ability to WF.
It's the easiest job to do "okay" with tying with redmage right now. And if we're going to be really honest, RDM has more variance in a fight than MCH by design despite being equally as easy.
It's easily tied for the lowest skill floor in the game. ESPECIALLY after the nerf to heat in 4.05 and the buff of hotshots duration in 4.06. Which is part of the reason it's such a pain in the fucking ass to play. Because despite having such an easy as piss gameplan you are still server ticks bitch because of FT OH server ticks.
Doom Spike was a fuckton stronger before they nerfed it, along with Blood for Blood "nerf".
What kind of healer changes do you expect and/or want for ShB?
AST and SCH removed.
Restrict WHM from entering Savage and Ultimate content.
looks like the press event/media tour thing started about an hour ago
>spend 18 whole ass levels with a 20% heat buff that you basically couldn't control before finally getting a way to trigger it manually at level fucking 70
By far the worst ability pacing decision since level 30 sword oath.
honestly SHB is just me crossing my fingers hoping they don't fuck up everything while they "fix" things.
Make SCH the shield Healer, Make Whm the Regen Healer, Make AST the Buffer and just remove it's stances.
media tour literally only starts today. this dumbass should've waited for a bit longer to put out these fake leaks if they wanted them to be believable.
whm will be overtuned
ast will stay lowkey broken
sch will be nerfed to the ground but buffed before savage raid comes out
fucking this, there were no events last week, although to believe any of those changes you'd have to be retarded anyways
Looking up a guide doesn't just make you good at something, you need to play a job enough to fully understand it. MCH and SMN are two of the hardest ones to come to terms with initially, in comparison to, say, BLM. You could easily explain BLM as: "Start in blizzard stance, use blizzard 4, switch into fire stance, spam fire 4 with a fire 1 in between, swap back to blizzard stance and start over", and you'd get a half-decent dps.
>ley lines whenever lol
I don't believe that even for a moment.
I thought the content patch storyline of the base game were really engaging. And most of Heavensward felt like pure Kino. But i'm currently at the part where I just did a dungeon to become a warrior of the steppe's and aside from Susano being a cool fight and Hien so far being pretty cool this expension feels like a huge step down.
I know everyone experiences the story differently, but would you say it gets better later on or will it stay the same? I quite like the prince but he only appeared 20 minutes in total of 30 hours of expansion play so far.
TLDR : Stormsblood seems weak compared to the ending of the base game and heavensward and i'm halfway through. Does it get more engaging?
Yshtola mommy....
He's not wrong though. It's one of the most "by the book" jobs in the game, but the skill comes from how much you can lube up before server ticks fuck you.
I miss when SCH had 4 dots to manage
>no dropoff
140p spike +230p geir + 330p nastrond + 180p sonic + 320p dragonfire with b4b, litany and tether
>pull aggro
I stopped playing shortly after stormblood came out. Is Dark knight still shit or did they put them up to WAR and PLD tier yet?
change it to its actual title, SHADOWNIGGERS
Yeah, it's a super simple job when you understand what's going on, but it's one of the less intuitively designed jobs. Samurai can have a very high skill ceiling with third eye timing and different builds, but it was created in such a way that pretty much anyone can jump in and get a respectable dps. My point is, there's a significantly larger gap between mediocre mchs and good mchs than with other jobs.
I wish they were Bravely Default-shaped.
Yeah the models look poor outside of their native engine's lighting and more over SFM doesn't have good compatibility with the models own movement rigging so it looks stiff and unnatural unless you put in 100x the work to fix it, while you can just load up an ancient and low-polygon model from something like WoW and slap an animation together in the same amount of time.
I did play it. It was clunky as fuck and had way too many oGCDs.
>muh epic low blow spam
>But dark arts spam is cancer
They clearly had no idea what the class was meant to play like so they just shoved a bunch of miscellaneous thematic abilities together and let the players figure it out. Parry procs and Blood Price meant that the job was non-functional as anything but MT and Reprisal+Delirium gave it blatantly OP levels of party mitigation. Scourge was loved only for its animation (no other job complained so much about losing their random dots). Sole Survivor was still shit, Dark Mind was still binary in its usefulness, Dark Dance gave you evasion when DRK wanted to take hits. SB DRK is obviously a travesty but people who just say "go back to HW DRK" are reactionaries with no imagination.
A guide doesn't make you good at anything you're correct. But a job needs things beyond execution to be difficult. BLM rotation dynamically changes based completely around mechanics and your positioning. These cause on the fly decisions for course correction depending on how shit goes.
On the otherside of this is what MCH is. Course correction? None. 20 seconds before WF and your reload came up just now? You'll hold it because you need to WF. Procs? no. You'll wildfire and ignore them. And if something goes wrong and you fuck up your OH to engage in your WF you can't fix that shit. No variance. Only robotic execution.
Like you'll have to explain these things to me since naturally I might be a bit biased as I've played my MCH for far longer than I've played BRD, DRK, MNK, or RDM. After all. I came back to FFXIV and have stuck with it ever since they announced MCH towards the end of ARR. But please tell me what makes MCH anywhere close to SMN in regards to skill floor.
What do players have to learn besides muscle memory for SB MCH?
How long do i gotta wait to get the official track of the song used in the trailer?
They're 'fixing' it for the next expansion, maybe wait a few months for the word to come out.
That being said, meta doesn't count for much at the moment. The world first for bahamut ultimate used a drk.
5 actually
The Stepps is easily the peak of SB's main story.
That story arc and just all the lore behind the different Xaela tribes are really cool in my opinion.
Shit gets real again in the later post-SB patches, but as far as the expansion's main story goes it won't get much better.
Pretty much every other game with a lalafell-like race or chibi race has them look 1000x better than lalafells. Even games that had races directly based on lalas fromg games like Granblue and EO5 looked infinitely better than the uncanny potatoes in XIV
DRK is really good right now. It could use some more party utility, but as the designated magic tank it excells beautifully at its role.
are leaks happening?
They always are. Just keep an eye out on twitter and reddit.
Bio, Bio2, Miasma, Aero.
What's the fifth one?
Oh right, Shadow flare was always up too
Literally all of the negatives you listed are positives or negligible. Dark Dance gave you evasion only in Dark Arts btw, dumbfuck.
Not really, PLD still tanks magic just as well as them. Dark Mind doesn't really mean shit when PLD gets free 30% off every buster
I would honestly just settle for a miasma upgrade and Shadow Flare being a spell again. Right now Miasma feels pretty shit since it's barely more damage than a broil II
Not really unless you sit in Shield Oath while tanking, and even then DRK with Grit would be significantly ahead.
I remember when people put some effort into fake leaks.
Nowadays you can just go on discord, type up some random bullshit, and people will believe them.
The only good choice
Dance always gave you evasion, DA just improved it.
we've had like three different assholes pretending to be blufever ever since blufever's actual leaks, its really pathetic
Dark Dance gave you +20% parry rate, was exclusive to Darkside and DA added 20% evasion. Way to out yourself.
Just give Bio3 and Miasma3 to SCH too.
they were called that in 1.0 too
Not true.
But Dark Dance's DA effect was the only thing that made it different from current Anticipation, so its stupid to say its a loss for DRK when you never wanted to use that effect anyway.
When are they officially allowed to talk about shit?
>Parry procs and Blood Price meant that the job was non-functional as anything but MT
so just like PLD?
>Reprisal+Delirium gave it blatantly OP levels of party mitigation
So they remove reprisal and take the extra effect off Delirium so that you still have just as many combos. Hell it would make the job feel better to play since you wouldn't have to worry about reapplying Delirium and could use it strictly as a DPS combo. Also those were hardly OP compared to WAR which had a permanent debuff to all damage on command that stacked with the other stat-reducing effects in the game
>Scourge was loved only for its animation
And because it actually fucking hit hard
>(no other job complained so much about losing their random dots)
Because they were all either tiny potency gains (EG Touch of Death) or had their role replaced by something else (EG Phlebotomize). Also you bet your fucking ass SCH and SMN complained about their DoTs getting pruned
>. SB DRK is obviously a travesty but people who just say "go back to HW DRK" are reactionaries with no imagination.
HW DRK was a strict upgrade and minus minor tweaks (which literally every job in HW needed) there was nothing wrong with it.
>what do players have to learn
Assuming they're coming to mch fresh, they have to:
>deal with the heat mechanic being out of their control from 52-62
>not forget to place a turret (sounds dumb but it's the only non-mobile pet)
>reconfigure their wildfire window every time they learn a new component for it and re-wire their muscle memory
>not feel like they're doing something wrong in the extreme downtime between wildfires
>learn to get the most out of ammo, figure out how to not be stuck spamming split for the first proc
It can be very confusing, even with a guide, to convert all this into moment-to moment decision making, which I'm sure you're beyond at this point having played it for so long.
PLD still has more CDs for every fight that isn't 100% pure magical damage and better passive mitigation. DRK gets a free thrill on busters sure, but having a free Shadow Wall for every buster is still superior 90% of the time
TBN alone makes DRK a better main tank than PLD.
There's a reason PLD is the designated offtank nowadays.
The true loss for DRK was getting Reprisal gutted, which in turn necessitated Dark Dance getting gutted too since parry no longer made sense on DRK.
You're right had to look it back up.
I'm not in this pissing match, I just thought I remember it as always giving evasion.
Reduce the global CD
PLD is a designated offtank because they have the shittiest aggro generation and Intervention makes them far more valuable when they're not tanking. If you deleted intervention and put a fat aggro modifier on Spirits Within they'd be just as good as a MT as DRK would be.
Rampart + sheltron + reprisal is the best and most consistent tank buster defense in the game.
While we're on the subject, does intervention lower the damage dealt to covered targets, or is it only factored in if the target itself takes damage?
Just get yourself some sks/sps if you want to go faster.
Play a different game.
Did anyone like the stormblood story better than heavensward?
I get how fire and fire 3 etc work. When would you use the other thunder and blizzards though?
Do you think Physx will be gone from SMN in 5.0?
>Not really, PLD still tanks magic just as well as them
Dark mind every 60 seconds. You know how comfy drk is for o12s compared to the other two tanks.
Single target melee skills that currently cost TP should cost nothing at all in Shadowbringers, just like in classic FF games.
Aoe melee skills that currently cost TP should either now use MP, or be adjusted to use the job gauge.
MP use for casting classes should stay about the same, but RDM, SMN, and AST should all get an additional boost to MP restoration.
PLD is designated OT because they generate a fuckton more oath in sword, and they can't cover themselves for a free rampart.
Not until they fix the servers to handle it, too much clipping
Sheltron is every 22.4ish seconds and you can stock two of them.
just play mnk sam or ninja
>saving reprisal on tank busters.
Fuck your party must hate you
>If DRG and MNK have positionals give him some too make this faggot MOVE
They do have two positionals, and missing them is equal to around 120 potency loss at minimum.
Thunder 2/4 is aoe for less dmg and proc rate, fire/bliz 2 are aoes, fire 4 is strongest consistent spell, bliz 4 lets you use more fire 4.
Flare is aoe too, freeze doesn't exist.
We are talking about fights with predominantely magic damage like O12S.
Where did you get this from
I need leaks
That shit's my crack cocaine
>so just like PLD?
Is that supposed to make it okay?
Wanting HW DRK "plus tweaks" isn't the same as just wanting HW DRK. You still need to fix the flaws of the job and improve on its gameplay.
>Dont get gutted
>Make the GCD the same as the cast time as the main hard cast spells, and decrease together
>Please be fun
>Have the tank passive be a dmg reduction instead of hp increase
Meant for this user
half the fun of these games is playing them with friends, maybe stop the forced SP sections. Level cap people if they join
Is that the warrior of darkness on the left? That'd be cool, he was the best character so far. Best VA, at least.
Nigga, we are the darkness now.
If you mean Arbert then no, he isn't.
It's (you)r stand-in.
it's just the warrior of light from all the cinematics who is now the warrior of darkness
arbert's appearance was definitely based on the cinematic WoL though, but it's supposed to represent the player
Fire III and Blizzard III are for switching stances only
Fire I is for damage pre-60, and for refreshing Astral Fire from 60 onwards
Flare is AOE
Fire IV is your main damage skill
Thunder 1/3 are your single target DoT which you only cast during blizzard or for emergency movement in AF if you fucked up
Thunder 2/4 are AOE dot
Blizzard is low level filler and you never cast it after you get B3 and F3 unless you fucked up colossally
Blizzard 4 lets you cast more Fire IVs so you always use it during Umbral Ice
Foul is basically a Fire IV you use during umbral ice to make sure you enter AF with max MP
That's the WoL as a DRK, as shown in the Shadowbringers trailer.
The Warriors of Darkness are pretty much gone for good.
Oh I havnt really seen much about ffxiv outside of whats in game. That's a shame, the WoD was cool.
>1 reprisal every 30s
Sounds like somebody hasn't tanked 10s
That's us
unfortunately the WoD was just used for one small story arc
Thunder is very simple. Thunder, which upgrades to thunder III when you unlock the trait, is for single target. Thunder II, which upgrades to thunder IV, is for AoE. You use them in your umbral ice phase to apply the DoT while your mp regenerates, and then again whenever your thundercloud procs. Blizzard III is for instantly switching to umbral ice III at the end of your astral fire phase. At low levels you might use blizzard while waiting for your mp to recover, but once you unlock umbral ice III you won't need it anymore because your mp ticks recover a lot of mp, so eventually you just don't use it anymore. You virtually never use blizzard II or freeze.
Your entire rotation changes at 60, when you spam fire IV instead of fire, and use fire to refresh astral fire to keep spamming fire IV. Blizzard IV is used to get umbral hearts during ice phase, which reduce mp cost of fire spells and allow you to use flare twice before running out of mp once you hit 68.
Point being that every tank in HW lost something while offtanking, WAR was just the bullshit special boy that only lost completely negligible shit (Vengeance procs)
>Wanting HW DRK "plus tweaks" isn't the same as just wanting HW DRK.
Every single job needed tweaks in HW. That wasn't exclusive to DRK. DRK just needed astronomically less tweaks in HW than it does now.
WoD going full Obari
You reprisal/feint/palisade the 1st and 4th tank busters after 2nd air phase starts...
That and final made me quit, God what a shitty tier this was to tank. Nothing like playing DRK and praying that your group saves you from the 4th tail end in a row because of course you got aggro both times and your pld cotank can't even cover you
Anyone know what gunbreaker and dancers gimmicks are going to be? If not, any idea when they'll tell us?
You'll forgive me but MCH pre 70 isn't bad because it's hard to understand. It's bad because:
>Pre 32
your aoe fucking suck. You run out of TP
>post 38
As for wildfire. Nobody cares or should care about "optimizing" wildfire when they're inside aurum vale. It's like a BRD worrying about song rotation when they have a single one.
>post 52
As you've mentioned. You now have to deal with a mandatory item you need to attach
This don't require skill. It requires no thought. It's fucking annoying. Actually let me go on a tangent for a moment about this as the thread is going to die soon:
Let me talk about our skill progression. I can't believe they let this shit through. I can't believe they developed it, I can't believe they balanced it, I don't believe Yoshi saw it, I don't think they play tested it, and I can't for the life of me fathom how they didn't emergency patch it.
I can't fathom who the fuck let heat as it is through.
So they remove our fucking damage weaves in our headshot etc (BRD weaves are more interactive now by the by) they take our dot, they neuter our turret, they shove all of our new mechanic into 10 levels from 60-70. Are you fucking kidding me?
You want to talk about new player approach? New players will fucking drop MCH and indeed they do before 70;
Your damage sucks. Your aoe is shit. Your heat is the single most unfun part of the game for almost 20 fucking levels. This is your core god damn ability. And if you tough it out. You get to engage in a 70 that has
1) No variance
2) Buttfucks you because of server ticks
3) No barriers aside execution
Learning BRD was fucking fun. You get a bunch of abilities, they all continue to add up, and at 70 it's a culmination of everything you learn. Meanwhile MCH is a broken unfinished mess now until 62 and really until 70.
The job isn't "hard". It just sucks to play. If you can play any job, you can play 70 MCH. The only hard is journey to 70. I don't do low level roulette because of this shit
Wish they'd give a date for the fucking benchmark.
Loved getting second set of kb big fists as a warrior in o11s. Really activated my almonds and ir timings
we don't know until the 23rd unless tooltips/new jobs mechanics get leaked early..
9 days
o10s is literally my least favourite raid. In a way, it made o11s that much sweeter every week.
Ammo and mudra.
>make machinists heavy damage punishers
>make gun dancer fayjets hybrid ranged/melee dps
>make bard cc. support
I don't know anyone who liked that fight.
New to FFXIV. Is there really a tangable difference to each role? Like, does it really matter if you bring a ninja instead of a dragoon or do all dps just do the same shit but in different ways?