XIV thread post what changes you want made to your job
FFXIV Shadowbringers
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I want to summon Alexander
>what changes you want made to your job
Remove Dragon Sight
I just got done with the main chunk of the HW MSQ. The Thordan fight was cool, but way too easy. I want to do the more difficult content but I'm trying to get through all the MSQ stuff in preparation for Shadowbringers.
Grabbed the Shire stuff. I accidentally capped my tomestones without realizing it. I went from 9k hp to 19k hp instantly. Was kinda silly.
Still don't know anything about vanity junk or relic stuff. Not sure if I should bother right now. Probably a better idea to wait until I've finished the Stormblood MSQ.
Thordan has an extreme mode that still shits all over the average player. Easily one of the best and most satisfying fights in the game.
>Still don't know anything about vanity junk or relic stuff. Not sure if I should bother right now.
Glamour isn't complicated, but you should hold off on relics. Those are something to do when you're looking to fill time.
Make red mage actually deal damage
>Story version of a fight is too easy years after its designed time of completion
Make MNK not totally useless and robbed of its identity by SAM
Rework all the post-60 SCH skills outside of the fairy-eating, the tether is dumb
Make PLD fun somehow, maybe making blocking more active somehow
Just scrap the black/white mana shit with RDM and try to give them some other gimmick, their rotation is just 1-2-3 with different colors as of right now and it's super boring and uninteresting
Bring WAR back to its former glory
Give AST ways to brute-force certain cards or at least influence their RNG somehow, also buff the forcefield because it looks cool as fuck but its effect is underwhelming for the cost of not being able to move or cast
Give WHM a better gimmick, the stacks and meter are boring and really don't add anything
Fix DRG's awkward relationship with skillspeed
Find a replacement for mudras for NIN, that shits never gonna get fixed otherwise
With TP and MP coming together, BRD should be given a new utility to make up for their TP recovery being deleted
SAM is in an okay place but I'd accept damage nerfs to help MNK hold a candle to it
DRK rotation is fucky and should be almost totally reworked, bring back Scourge but keep Blackest Night
Just delete MCH
>Bring WAR back to its former glory
Dumb Jahy poster