How long until we can create our perfect cats?
FFXIV Shadowbringers
my fucking dick
how long until benchamrk?
we re getting fire 5. right?
enjoy blizzard 5
please no
>Blood Circle
>lvl 80 BLM trait
>All damage taken while inside Ley Lines is added to the next Foul cast
>was going to race-change from highlander to viera
>decided against it because >no head options
>SE puts in head options
>still unsure if i should change because I've been highlander since 2.3, every job looks good on her, and I would rather Have a big dicked Viera step on me then be a big dicked Viera who steps on people.
Benchmark when? I wanna dick around and check out the bunnies.
>at some point msqs stop giving enough exp for the next level and you have to do side shit before you can keep doing them
>giving blm more reasons to never dodge
why would you do this?
im thinking about changing but my name wouldn't make sense under a different race/gender, do you get a free rename ticket like the fantasia bottle or do you have to pay for it?
>do you get a free rename ticket like the fantasia bottle
you can change name with the fantasia
Why are you lying to him?
im getting conflicting information
i guess if i really like the races that much i'd cop out for the dumb name change but if i could at least not have to pay for it then it'd sting a bit less, im not sure if i just want to dump the character i've been using but at the same time i don't feel like playing over from the start to catchup or buy the skip tokens
>finish leveling Paladin to 50
>buy Ironworks gear and weapons
>absent-mindedly queue for MSQ roulette for exp
>mfw I realize I've never been here as a tank
Aw fuck aw shit
So healers can get off their ass and spend a GCD on an actual heal once in a while, my Foul will be worth five of your shitty Stone spells
You don't get a name change.
can I be a male dancer baracat?
or be a good BLM and learn how to position and maneuver so you can cast your Foul without costing your healer Stones
It's not like it's an actual thing anyway
>want to play Ronso
>have to be tossed in with the fags and furries
I hate this shit.
1st for non gay bara aesthetic
MRoe and Lion men GOAT
Also muscle women are patricians choice
Just give manawall the TBN's recast time and cost, and magical bloodbath
Is it worth getting into the game now? I heard all the wow players are switching over and I have not played a mmo in a while.
Yeah. good time for joining, see if you're interested before the next big expac is out. the base game and first expac are free completely if you got a twitch/amazon prime